`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`10 May 2012 (10.05.2012)
`1] )PPO
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2012/058770 Al
`17 February 2011 (17.02.2011)
`Drive, Edmonton, Alberta T6H 4K5 (CA). MOORE,
`International Patent Classification:
`Brian [CA/CA]; 234 Ockenden Place, Edmonton, Alberta
`GO1D 21/00 (2006.01)
`GOLL 19/00 (2006.01)
`T5K 218 (CA).
`G01B 21/32 (2006.01)
`GO1L 5/00 (2006.01)
`(74) Agent: WOODRUFF,Nathan, V.; 200, 10328 - 81 Av-
`GOLE 17/00 (2006.01)
`GOP 1/00 (2006.01)
`enue NW, Edmonton, Alberta T6E 1X2 (CA)
`GOIL 1/00 (2006.01)
`H04W 84/18 (2009.01)
`27) Tnbecnanoushinapieaunn Numberot/CA2011/050100 (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`InternationalFiling Date:
`CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO,
`KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD,
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`SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR,
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`(g4) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG,
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`5 November2010 (05.11.2010)
`Inventors; and
`(71) Applicants : SLUPSKY, Steven [CA/CA]; 21 Marlboro
`Road, Edmonton, Alberta T6J
`(CA). SELL-
`ATHAMBY,Christopher [CA/CA]; 12511 Grandview
`[Continued on next page]
`(57) Abstract: A wireless sensor device in-
`cludes a processor connected to a wireless
`transmitter and at least one sensor, and a
`power source connected to power the pro-
`cessor and the wireless transmitter. The
`processor has two or more states. An inter-
`nal control element senses at least one pre-
`determined condition. The internal control
`element switches the processor between
`states based on the occurrence ofat least
`one predetermined condition. A molded
`body encloses at least the processor,
`wireless transmitter, and the internal con-
`trol sensor. The internal control sensor is
`physically isolated within the molded
`FIG. 4
`APPLE 1049
`APPLE 1049
`ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, Published:
`aeTeanae "GhiheGayhae a ue un —__with international search report (Art. 21(3))
`LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK,
`GW, ML, MR,NE, SN, TD, TG).
`WO 2012/058770
`[0001] Wireless sensor device
`A wireless sensor device, which may be referred to as a wireless mote herein, for
`attachment to a component of equipmentor a structure for determining status and sensing one or
`more changes occurring at that component, such as strain, vibration, development of cracking,
`progression of cracking and temperature. The sensor is sealed so that it may be operated in
`either hazardous or non-hazardous environments.
`Sensors are used to determine and monitor status and conditions of equipment and the
`environment at that equipment. For example, a sensor may be used to monitor temperature,
`humidity, atmosphere at an environment or other ambient conditions. Other sensors are used to
`monitor physical parameters of equipment, and the status of the equipmentitself, including
`determining strain, vibration, and development of cracking.
`Sensors also may be used to log data. Powerset al. in United States Patent 5,381,136
`(1995) describe a remote logger unit for monitoring a variety of operating parameters along a
`fluids distribution or transmission system. An RF link is activated by which a logger unit alerts a
`central controller when predetermined operating limits are exceeded. Farther logger units
`transmit data via closer logger units in daisy chain fashion.
`in United States patent 6,588,282 (2003) describes peak strain linear
`displacement sensor for monitoring strain in structures. The device records data and can report
`strain history for the structure to which it is attached. A displacement sensor is constrained so
`that it shows maximum movementin one direction resulting in deformation of the structure to
`whichit is attached.
`Hamelet al. in United States Patents 7,081,693 (2006) and 7,170,201 (2007) describe
`devices for powering a load by harvesting energy as electrical energy from an ambient source,
`storing said electrical energy, and switching the storage device to provide electrical energy when
`required to a load such as a sensor. The example is provided of powering a sensor for monitoring
`tire pressure and transmitting that data.
`WO 2012/058770
`Arms et al. in United States Patent 7,696,621 (2010) and in a conference presentation,
`"Wireless Strain Sensing Networks," 2nd European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring,
`Munich, Germany, Jul. 7-9, 2004, describe a RFID tag packaging system for an electronic device
`located within a cavity in an adjacent flexible material. The dimensions of the flexible material
`are chosen so as to provide protection of the electronic device from loading applied to the device.
`A preferred approach to maintenance is “Condition-Based Maintenance” (CBM).
`Equipment downtime, both scheduled and unscheduled, is an important factor of productionloss.
`In addition, according to a study by Optimal Maintenance Decisions Inc. (OMDEC), a leader in
`condition-based maintenance (CBM) managementsolutions, failures in the field are three times
`more costly to repair (considering overtime, rescue, and expedited shipping of parts) than
`scheduled (or preventive) maintenance operations.
`Hence, CBM is replacing preventive maintenance in many industrial operations as a
`result of gains in productivity. Condition-based maintenance (CBM)is a maintenance system
`prevalent in industrial mining and energy operations. CBM monitors equipment to establish an
`optimal maintenance cycle (based on the predictions of when a machine will fail using strain and
`vibration measurements, for example).
`[0010]|While preventive maintenance repairs machinery every given time period, even if the
`machineis still operational, CBM can extend that time period. The optimal maintenance cycle
`determines the best time to shut down a machine for preventive repair. Finding the balance
`between repairing often and continuing to produce ts the tricky part.
`As an example, strain and fatigue measurements reveal risks of yield failures and
`cracking, changes in material properties, and remaining equipmentlife, making them incredibly
`useful for CBM if monitored.
`In the mining industry, strain and vibration are not generally monitored by built-in
`systems, mainly due to the complexity of sensor installation and computational intensity of the
`data processing. CBM relies heavily on regular or continuous measurements of parameters that
`allow operators to determine when the machine will fail (1.e. strain and vibration).
`sensors measure physical quantities
`(such as
`acceleration, crack propagation, pressure, etc.) and convert
`them into signals read by an
`instrument(the reader varies depending on the type of sensor).
`For example, strain gauges consist of a foil pattern (often in a tight zigzag) insulated in
`WO 2012/058770
`a flexible material and attached to an object under strain. As the object deforms, the resistance of
`the foil wires changes, allowing a Wheatstone bridge circuit (a measuring instrument used to
`measure an unknownelectrical resistance) to record the variations.
`[0015] existing CBM_solutions have been historically inaccurate,Unfortunately, are
`expensive or non-viable, and/or produce poor signal transmission and short battery life.
`CBM’s reliance on high data volume dictates a need to monitor continuously (or at
`least often) strain and loading. To understand fully a machine’s state requires monitoring of
`cracks and crack growth. However, monitoring the hundreds of machines used every day in a
`mining operation requires many sensors and many more wires, which are difficult and expensive
`to install and maintain.
`[0017]|Manysolutions have not reliably predicted when a machine will fail. This parameteris
`probably the most important when it comes to CBM,since CBMrelies on accurate predictions of
`failure. The inability to predict correctly when a machine will fail can have grave consequences
`on unplanned downtimeas well as operatorsafety.
`Some solutions offer accurate predictions, but at high costs, whether in the stages of
`installation and setup, longevity and data collection, or analysis and data post-processing.
`Yet other solutions offer poor signal transmission due to low range or lack of direct
`line of sight. Power supplies dictate operating conditions and longevity of the solution. Most
`solutions require too much power to operate for long periods of time, or are too delicate to
`operate in the harsh conditions of mining operations. Conditions can include extreme
`temperatures, constant vibration, and quick acceleration.
`According to an aspect,
`there is provided a wireless sensor device, comprising a
`processor connected to a wireless transmitter and at least one sensor, and a power source
`connected to power the processor and the wireless transmitter. The processor has two or more
`states. There is at least one internal control element for sensing one or more predetermined
`conditions, the internal control element switching the processor between states based on the
`occurrence of at least one predetermined condition. A molded body encloses at
`least the
`processor, the wireless transmitter, and the internal control sensor such that the internal control
`sensoris physically isolated within the molded body.
`WO 2012/058770
`According to another aspect, the molded body may also enclose at least one of the
`powersource and one or more sensors connected to the processor.
`According to another aspect, the processor may be connected wirelessly to a sensor
`that is external to the molded body or to an external sensor by conductors where a portion of the
`conductors is enclosed in the molded body, or both.
`According to another aspect, at
`least one internal control element may be an
`accelerometer, and at least one predetermined condition may be the detection of one or more
`predetermined accelerations. At least one internal control element may be an RF transponder,
`and at
`least one predetermined condition may be the introduction or removal of an RF
`interrogator fromits detection radius. At least one internal control element is a magnetic sensor,
`and at least one predetermined condition may be the introduction or removal of a magnetic
`element on an outer surface of the molded body.
`According to another aspect, the molded body may enrobe at least the processor, the
`wireless transmitter, and the internal control sensor in a single piece construction.
`According to another aspect, the at least one sensor may measureat least one ofstrain,
`cracks, crack propagation, motion, shock, acceleration,tilt, inclination, pressure, light, radiation,
`sound and chemical compounds.
`According to another aspect, the processor may be programmed to process sensor data
`from the sensing element according to an algorithm and transmit the processed data by the
`wireless transmitter. The algorithm may be a Rainflow algorithm that generates a histogram of
`discrete stress ranges.
`[0027]|According to another aspect, the wireless transmitter may be a wireless transceiver.
`[0028]|According to another aspect, the wireless sensor device may comprise an attachment
`for attaching the wireless sensor to an object. The attachment may be at least one of a magnet,at
`least one welding flange, strapping, or an adhesive compound.
`According to another aspect, the sensor may be a bolt tightness sensor.
`[0030]|According to another aspect, the processor may be configured to operate as a node in a
`mesh network.
`[0031]|According to another aspect, there is provided a method of operating a wireless sensor
`device, comprising the steps of:
`providing a wireless sensor device as described above;
`configuring the internal control element
`to switch the processor between states upon the
`WO 2012/058770
`occurrence of at least one predetermined condition; and applying at least one predetermined
`condition to the internal control element.
`[0032]|These and other features will become more apparent from the following description in
`which reference is made to the appended drawings, the drawingsare for the purpose of
`illustration only and are not intended to be in any waylimiting, wherein:
`FIG. 1 shows schematically a basic wireless mote set-up.
`FIG. 2 showsschematically a wireless mote.
`FIG. 3 showsa wireless mote situated adjacent to and surrounding a sensor.
`FIG.4 showsa series of wireless motes in communication with a coordinator.
`FIG.5 illustrates one method for management of data received from wireless motes
`shown in FIGS.1 through 4.
`FIG. 6 showsa schematic of the synchronization of motes.
`FIG.7 illustrates an algorithm for quasi-asynchronous to isochronous to synchronous
`conversion of data from wireless motes.
`FIG.8 is a side elevation view in section of a tension bolt sensor.
`FIG.9 is a perspective view of a load washercell.
`FIG. 10 is a graph depicting a random load history of a piece of heavy machinery
`driving on a haul road.
`FIG. 11 is a graph depicting the results of a cycle counting algorithm.
`FIG.12 is a graph depicting a histogram ofdiscrete stress ranges.
`FIG.13 is a bock diagram of a wireless mote with internal control elements.
`FIG. 14 1s a state diagram of the microprocessor that changes states based on a
`FIG. 15 is a state diagram of the microprocessor that changes states based on
`different gestures.
`FIG. 16 is a state diagram of the microprocessor that changes states based on a
`gesture and an event.
`FIG. 17 is a block diagram of a computer connected to a data coordinator using a
`wired connection.
`WO 2012/058770
`FIG. 18 is a block diagram of a computer connected to a gateway using a wireless
`FIG. 19 is a block diagram of functions performed by the software installed
`FIG. 20 is a block diagram showing the wireless mote wirelessly receiving power
`from an external powersource.
`There are many devices knownto those skilled in the art for sensing various properties
`of matter, physical environment, and status of equipment. Typically, the data acquired by the
`sensor are stored and compared to predetermined values.
`In some cases, each reading is
`transmitted electronically to a central processor for evaluation. Alternatively, data may be
`transmitted electronically to a controller at intervals or when the data acquired fall outside
`predetermined limits.
`Data may be transmitted using RF as described by Powerset al. in US 5,381,136.
`[0035]|Sensors may be isolated from harmful environments, such as corrosive atmospheres,
`or hazardous conditions, such as combustible gases, by containment of the sensor within a
`In other sensing devices, there are requirements including available power, reliability,
`and protection of and from the ambient environment that limit their applicability and which
`reduce their utility.
`In particular,
`sensors attached to moving components of equipment,
`components, components may be subjected to severe stresses or vibrations.
`It is desirable that
`sensors be small and have minimal mass to minimize imbalance that could lead to wear to
`failure. Additionally, components at interior points of equipment can have limited visibility or
`“line of sight” to the other sensors and data collection points and can be “blind”.
`It is desirable
`that sensors have the capability to operate independently of all other devices, and capability to
`transmit data wirelessly. Further, it is desirable that such systems be capable of operating in
`hazardous, harsh as well as laboratory or environmentally controlled environments.
`The present discussion relates to a wireless mote, or sensor, that is intrinsically safe
`and easy to install by direct attachment to a component of equipment, and easy to use asit
`WO 2012/058770
`contains within a protective body all components necessary for its intended purpose, such as
`components for sensing, communications, a tap sensitive user interface, a durable power source
`and ultra-low poweroperation. Advantages accrue from inclusion of a sensor interface and data
`acquisition components, memory, wireless transceiver, long life battery, a magnetic sensor, and
`capability for software over radio updates, data logging, and power management.
`This device may be usedto sense the status of a component of equipment, and may be
`designed to provide someorall of the following advantages:
`e can be securely affixed to a component of equipment located at any position within
`that equipment;
`is isolated from the ambient conditions so as to protect it against hazards and so that it
`is not at risk to cause a hazard;
`e can acquire data, log data, store data and, when required, handle, analyze and compare
`e can transmit all data, accumulated blocks of data, or selected data; and
`e can receive commands for operating the data accumulation, storage and transmission
`The mote contains a source of power that may be batteries or, alternatively, a mote
`may be capable of being recharged so as to extend its operating life. Alternatively, the mote may
`scavenge or harvest power from its environment.
`Further, to minimize power consumption, the mote may be capable of conserving
`power through power management functions such as operating one or more functions only when
`required and selectively controlling power to one or more components.
`The position of a mote that is attached to moving equipment at any time can be
`determined using methods such as those described by El-Sheimyet al. in Report on Kinematic
`and Integrated Positioning Systems, FIX XXII International Congress, Washington, DC, Apr. 19-
`26, 2002.
`To these ends, a wireless mote 10 now will be described with reference to FIG. 1
`through 5. In particular, as a non-limiting example, a wireless mote will be described for
`monitoring strain within a component of equipment. It will be recognized that there are many
`other applications for which there is use of an alternative design of wireless mote 10 based on
`WO 2012/058770
`similar design aspects.
`Referring to FIG. 1, at least one wireless mote 10 is in wireless communication via
`link 42 with a data coordinator 30, which is in turn in communication using USB interface 44
`with a computer 46 for receiving, logging, analyzing and processing data received from wireless
`mote 10.
`In a preferred embodiment, mote 10 has within a communications software stack 26
`is compliant with a Zigbee End Device and data coordinator 30 has within a
`communications software stack 28 that is compliant with a Zigbee Coordinator, it is recognized
`that there are other wireless protocols possible. USB interface 44 could be any other form of
`serial communication interface such as RS-232, Ethernet, modbus or controller area network
`(“CAN”). Moreover, USB interface 44 could be any form of wireless interface such as
`Bluetooth or any one of the 802.11 “WiFi” standards. Computer 45 could be any other form of
`computer suchas a portable computer, smart phone such as an iPhone, Blackberry, Android, etc.,
`or a tablet computer such as an iPad.
`Referring to FIG. 2, wireless mote 10 includes a body 12 within which other
`components 22 are completely sealed. Body 12 isolates these other components from all
`hazardous environments. Body 12 is preferably a molded body having all
`the internal
`components secured within it.
`In a preferred example, the internal components are assembled,
`and an epoxy resin 55 is injected around the components to create a monolithic body
`encapsulating the components without any internal cavities, such that each component
`embedded within the epoxy resin. It will be understood that body 12 may be manufactured from
`any material that isolates interior components of wireless mote 10 from the ambient environment
`while allowing radio coupling between antenna 18 and data coordinator 30. It has been found
`that body 12 manufactured from epoxy resin meets these requirements for use in several
`environments. Preferably, the material will be rigid, heat resistant and impermeable.
`Sealed within body 12 are a microcontroller 14, program memory 50, A/D converter
`56, interface and conditioning electronics 54, wireless transceiver 60, at least one antenna 18,
`and a power source 20. One or more sensors 24 may be interfaced to other components 22 within
`body 12 through direct connection 48 to sensor interface and conditioning component 54.
`Sensors 24 may be any suitable sensor, such as one or more temperature sensor/transducer,
`pressure transducer, accelerometer, strain gauge, crack sensor, etc. and may be powered by mote
`10 or have an independent power source. Other components may be included within the body
`WO 2012/058770
`such as program memory 52 which ts preferably flash memory, data memory (not shown) which
`is preferably flash memory, temperature sensor 62, and a power management and monitoring
`block 58. Referring to FIG. 3, alternatively, sensor 24 external to body 12 and may be in
`wireless communication via a wireless link 34 with an adjacent wireless mote 10. Wireless link
`34 may comprise a radio link comprising a transponder (not shown) embeddedin sensor 24 and
`an interrogator (not shown) embeddedin wireless mote 10. Alternatively, wireless link 34 may
`be an inductively coupled link.
`In FIG. 3, wireless mote 10 is shown attached to a surface 64 of
`a component 66 of equipment and situated surrounding sensor 24. Wireless mote 10 is attached
`at surface 64 by welding metal tabs 32 of wireless mote 10 to component 66. Alternatively, body
`12 may be attached to surface 64 using epoxy compounds. Alternatively, a permanent magnet
`within body 12 may couple with a magnetic material in component 66 and maintain a force of
`attraction to keep the body 12 in contact with surface 64.
`Components 22 within the body 12 provide capability to sense at
`least one of
`tilt/vibration/acceleration integrally with wireless mote 10. A signal provided from component 22
`may be used to activate and control actions such as logging and temperature sensing. Such
`activations can be used to interface the operation or functions of the wireless mote with the user.
`Further, wireless mote 10 may be attached to a rotating component of equipment, for example a
`rotating shaft, so as to measure the environment, behaviour and phenomenaexperienced by said
`including vibration, acceleration, etc. and so provide data on the status of said
`component during operation and to provide an alarm when predetermined valuesfor criteria are
`exceeded or to acquire data or perform a task according to the orientation or rotational position
`of the wireless mote 10. Component 22 could also integrate into the power management
`functions to wake the sensor from a low power mode to becomeactive upon the occurrence of a
`predetermined condition, such as sensing motion of the attached equipment. Preferably, the
`wake/sleep, or active/inactive state of wireless mote 10 is controlled by an elementthat is distinct
`from the wireless transmitter used to transmit the sensor data. For instance, wake/sleep when the
`sensor1s in a certain orientation or motion, or wake/sleep upon a certain magnitude of shock, or
`wake/sleep on a certain amount of vibration. Alternatively, the power management functions
`such as wake/sleep could be activated on a “gesture” which is a combination or pattern thereof of
`orientation, motion, shock and vibration.
`In yet another embodiment,
`the gestures, or tap
`sensitive interface, could be used to control other functions of the sensor. Other examples
`WO 2012/058770
`include an RF transponder (such as a radio frequency identification tag), where an RF
`interrogator that comesinto range, or leaves the range, of the RF transponder in wireless mote 10
`would cause it to change states, and a magnetic sensor that may be either an element that senses
`a magnetic field or a switch that is activated by a magnetic field, could be activated by a
`magnetic element being placed on or near an external surface of the wireless mote 10. Moreover,
`the magnetic element could be moved in a three dimensional pattern to form a gesture.
`Generally speaking, the wireless transmitter uses a significant portion of the available power. By
`providing these other elements, which use little or no power, to switch the wireless mote between
`wake/sleep states,
`it allows more power to be conserved. For example,
`the accelerometers
`required for the gestures require little power, or may be powered by the gestureitself, and the RF
`transponder may be designed to be powered by the RF signal
`it receives from the RF
`interrogator. Similarly, the magnetic sensor requireslittle or no power between switchingstates.
`Other power management options include harvesting energy from the environment,
`such as thermal energy, solar energy, kinetic energy, or energy from radio waves.
`Referring again to FIG. 1, other components 22 of wireless mote 10 may include
`program memory 50 for microprocessor 14, Flash memory 52, a conditioner 54 for conditioning
`signals from sensor 24, a temperature sensor 62, an analog-digital converter 56 for converting
`signals from sensor 24 and temperature sensor 62, a monitor 58 for monitoring the status of
`power source 20, an ISM radio 60 for communication between microprocessor 14 and antenna
`18, and a magnetic on-off switch or sensor 124 capable of being activated remotely.
`[0050]|Power source 20 may be at least one battery, or may be a rechargeable electrical power
`storage unit for storing electrical power harvested from solar energy, vibration, heat, or an
`inductively coupled electrical source, coupled inductively to wireless mote 10 so as maintain the
`seal provided by body 12. Alternatively, referring to FIG. 20, wireless mote 10 may be powered
`by an inductively coupled 104 power source 102. Power source 102 could be any form of power
`source such as a battery. Alternatively, wireless mote 10 may recharge its internal battery
`through inductively coupled 104 power source 102.
`Referring to FIG. 4, multiple RF channel selection capability at wireless mote 10 and
`data coordinator 30 allows multiple networks 400 and 402 to operate within communication
`distance of each other. Alternatively, data coordinators 30 for networks 400 and 402 maybe
`connected to a single computer 46 to facilitate download of data from multiple data coordinators
`WO 2012/058770
`30 via communications software 28 to a single computer 46. A plurality of wireless motes 10
`communicates data via communications software 28 to data coordinators 30. When a wireless
`mote 10 1s located at a blind spot with respect to data coordinator 30, signals are transmitted via
`one or more intermediate routers 92 as illustrated in FIG. 4 and FIG. 17. In FIG. 4, wireless
`“mote 3” communicates in this fashion via wireless “mote 2” to coordinator 30. Wireless motes
`10 may also be configured to operate in a mesh network to communicate data.
`Referring to FIG. 17, data coordinator 30 may be connected to computer or mobile
`device 46 using a wired connection 88 such as the 30 pin data connector on an Apple iPod,
`iPhone or iPad or a USB connector on a portable computer. Data coordinator 30 is in wireless
`communication with Mote 10, end devices 90,
`router 92 and gateway 94. Alternatively,
`computer or mobile device 46 may be in wireless communication 100 with gateway 94 using any
`form of wireless communication available within computer 46 such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or
`cellular modemas illustrated in FIG. 18.
`Data coordinator 30 is optionally provided for high speed data downloads. Softwareis
`installed providing an algorithm for data re-sampling to correct for time base errors. In this way,
`time baseerrors arising from data gathering using a multiplicity of wireless motes are corrected
`to enable alignment of time data from all wireless motes. Data coordinator 30 analyzes principal
`components of multi-channel input. In one example, different strain gauges may measurestrain
`in different directions at a site on a component of equipment, and data coordinator 30 is capable
`of analyzing the data from the different strain gauges to determine the vector of the strain at that
`site on the component. Data coordinator may be programmed to perform either Rainflow or
`histogram analysis of data, thus determining extent and frequency of occurrence of the parameter
`being monitored. Miner’s rule (discussed below) may be further applied to estimate or predict
`timeto failure.
`Power management is implemented to reduce power consumption to improve lifetime
`of power source 20. Multiple level power saving techniques may be used by programming
`wireless mote 10 to perform one or more of the following means:
`e operating during sampling only, so that the sensor is in an onstate only just before a
`reading, and then 1s switched off;
`e deep sleep mode, in which an external signal is required to reactivate wireless mote
`WO 2012/058770
`e operating only the Rx transmitter;
`e operating only the Rx receiver for supervisory channel
`received signal strength
`indicator detection of a “wake up” code;
`e powering only clocking modes when other modesare switched off; and
`e operating Tx radio/Rx on a periodic basis, that is, duty cycled.
`[0055] Magnetic sensor 124 may be used to interrupt the power to the mote circuits and to
`reconnect. In general, motes are programmedto periodically “wake up” and go to “sleep” with
`the objective of saving poweror to extend the life of one or more components. Typically, this is
`done in one of two manners. The first manner is to program “on” times for reading and data
`logging, e.g. the mote goes to “sleep” at a specific time and wakes up at a prescribed time or
`after a prescribed interval to take readings, and the cycle is repeated. The second manner to
`conserve poweris to be in low power mode for the majority of time and to be fully powered up
`only at prescribed times at which it is to determine if there are messages received from controller
`30 or an external device such as a computer; or to communicate with or download data to a data
`management system 30 or external device. In either case the mote is not necessarily “on” and
`capable of communicationsat all times. However, by keeping the previous state of the mote,
`including its view of wake/sleep state, projecting forward in an external database, then a user can
`talk to one or more motes in a virtual sense, 1.e. it becomes possible to communicate with a
`database remote from both motes and user and thereby the database will provide the information
`as if the mote were active and in communication with the user. Thus, for example, a user at one
`site utilizes a coordinator (e.g. a master mote) to communicate to one or more motes, even when
`those motesare asleep.
`A user normally would perceive that sleeping motes do not appear to exist beca