`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`1111111111111111 IIIIII IIIII 11111111111111111111 IIIII 1111111111 lllll lllll 11111111111111111111111
`( 43) International Publication Date
`3 November 2005 (03.11.2005)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2005/104584 Al
`(51) International Patent Classification 7:
`H04B 1/38, G06K 19/077
`H04Q 7/32,
`(21) International Application Number:
`PCT /EP2004/004191
`(22) International Filing Date:
`21 April 2004 (21.04.2004)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(71) Applicants (for all designated States except US): TELE(cid:173)
`COM ITALIA S.P.A. [IT/IT]; Piazza Degli Affari, 2,
`1-20123 Milano (IT). PIRELLI & C. S.P.A. [IT/IT]; Via
`G. Negri, 10, 1-20123 Milano (IT).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): BELLA, Valter
`[IT/IT]; Telecom Italia S.p.A., Via G. Reiss Romoli, 274,
`1-10148 Torino (IT). BOREAN, Claudio [IT/IT]; Telecom
`Italia S.p.A., Via G. Reiss Romoli, 274, 1-10148 Torino
`(IT). CROZZOLI, Maurizio [IT/IT]; Telecom Italia
`S.p.A., Via G. Reiss Romoli, 274, 1-10148 Torino (IT).
`DISCO, Daniele [IT/IT]; Telecom Italia S.p.A., Via G.
`Reiss Romoli, 274, 1-10148 Torino (IT). TAMBOSSO,
`Tiziana [IT/IT]; Telecom Italia S.p.A., Via G. Reiss
`Romoli, 274, 1-10148 Torino (IT).
`(74) Agents: BATTIPEDE, Francesco et al.; Pirelli & C.
`S.p.A., Viale Sarca, 222, 1-20126 Milano (IT).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN,
`CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, Fl,
`GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE,
`KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG,
`PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SY, TJ, TM,
`TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM,
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW),
`Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), Euro(cid:173)
`pean (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR,
`[Continued on next page}
`r : : : J~
`Crypto Block
`iiiiiiiiiiii -
`: , dimensional constraints imposed by the plug-in size and attaining a long-range operation. At least the base-band module (5) might
`;;, be integrated within the same chip (2) executing standard security related functions for the terminal.
`"" Q0
`"" Q
`(57) Abstract: A subscriber identification card performing radio transceiver functionality for long-range applications (1) incorpo(cid:173)
`M rates a radio transceiver (3, 4, 5) including an antenna (3) formed on a card surface, an RF module (4) and a base-band module
`0 (5). The antenna (3) and the transceiver (4) operate in the microwave/millimetre waves frequency range: this allows meeting the
`Page 1 of 26
`WO 2005/104584 Al
`1111111111111111 IIIIII IIIII 11111111111111111111 IIIII 1111111111 lllll lllll 11111111111111111111111
`GB, GR, HU, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK,
`ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Declarations under Rule 4.17:
`as to applicant's entitlement to apply for and be granted
`a patent (Rule 4.17(ii)) for the following designations AE,
`AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
`CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE,
`EG, ES, Fl, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, JD, IL, IN, JS,
`JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA,
`MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NJ, NO, NZ, OM,
`PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SY, Tl,
`TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM,
`ZW, ARI PO patent ( BW, GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD,
`SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY,
`KG, KZ, MD, RU, Tl, TM), European patent (AT, BE, BG,
`CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, Fl, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IT,
`LU, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SJ, SK, TR), OAPlpatent(BF,
`BJ, CF, CG, CJ, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN,
`TD, TG)
`ofinventorship (Rule 4.17(iv))for US only
`with international search report
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid(cid:173)
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin(cid:173)
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
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`WO 2005/104584
`PCT /EP2004/004191
`Field of the invention
`The present invention refers to subscriber identification card performing radio
`transceiver functionality for long-range applications, and to a mobile terminal
`including said card.
`Background of the Invention
`Subscriber identification cards such as SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) or
`10 USIM (UNIVERSAL SIM) cards are a kind of integrated circuit card used, among
`others, in mobile terminals. Similar subscriber identification cards can be used, for
`example, in user terminals connected to a wired network, such as a widi acea
`network (WAN), a local area network (LAN) or a telephone line. The integrated
`circuit of a subscriber identification card is substantially a micro-controfier, with
`15 memory areas for programs and data (in particular information characterising a
`user), and a processing unit entrusted with the execution of a number of securiti
`related functions (such as user authentication and communication encryption).
`At present, such subscriber identification cards are generally provided in two
`standard sizes: full-sized (or ISO-sized) cards have the size of a convention~,!
`20 credit card, whereas plug-in sized cards are much smaller and are about 25 mm
`long, 15 mm wide and 1 mm thick. Plug-in sized cards are generally used in the
`most recent mobile telephones, whose reduced sizes are incompatible with a full(cid:173)
`sized card. Standardisation of an even smaller size (e.g. 3FF-third Form Factor(cid:173)
`card) is in progress.
`Several proposals exist for incorporating contactless functionalities into a
`SIM card.
`US-A 2003/085288 discloses a plug-in module for contactless transactions
`detachably connected to an external antenna. The antenna is formed by a wire, a
`printed line of conductive ink or a conductive strip and is applied onto a full-sized
`30 card holding the plug-in module and carried by the mobile terminal. The antenna is
`a low frequency antenna, suitable only for short-range communication (typically 80
`cm - 1 m), and it is not integrated onto the plug-in module.
`EP-A 820178 discloses a cellular telephone incorporating the electronics for
`implementing both a cellular telephone function and a contactless card function.
`35 The antenna for the contactless card function is an inductive antenna, which only
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`permits short-range communication. The antenna and the contactless card are not
`integrated with the SIM card of the cellular telephone, even if some of the
`contactless card control functions can be performed by the SIM processor.
`JP-A 2002-236901 discloses a plug-in sized SIM card having also the
`5 possibility of contactless interaction with the telephone, in case the usual contact
`interaction is not operative. To this end the card integrates an antenna, which
`however is suitable only for connection inside the telephone, that is over a range of
`a few centimetres at most. The telephone body includes a second antenna for
`contactless transactions managed by the SIM card, yet such an antenna is a coil-
`type antenna allowing only short-range operation.
`AU-B 736350 discloses a SIM card, preferably of the full-size type, integrated
`with a coil-type antenna for RF communication with an external device.
`Communication with the external device requires a dedicated integrated circuit,
`connected with the antenna, separate from the integrated circuit devoted to the
`15 SIM functions. The coil antenna is suitable only for short-range operation,.
`WO-01/80193 discloses a cellular telephone with a SIM card having also the
`functions of a contactless transaction card for RF communication with an external
`device. Even if the details of the antenna are not disclosed, the document
`repeatedly states that the card is intended only for short-range communication.
`In summary, all prior art proposals for providing the SIM card of a mobile
`terminal with contactless functions, only disclose the possibility of operating at
`short distance from the mobile terminal. This represents an undesirable limitation
`in the possibility of future applications of portable devices.
`It is an object of the present invention to provide a subscriber identification
`25 card with an antenna and the circuitry necessary to establish a long-range radio
`connection ..
`Summary of the Invention
`According to the invention, such an object is achieved by means of a
`subscriber identification card equipped with radio transceiver circuitry and for long
`range applications. The invention is characterised in that, in order to achieve long(cid:173)
`range operation, said radio transceiver operates in the microwave/millimetre wave
`frequency range (0.3 GHz - 300 GHz).
`Use of a radio chain operating in the microwave/millimetre wave frequency
`range allows operating with far lower powers and over longer distances than
`35 attainable by conventional techniques {e.g. RFID and e-tag systems) while
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`meeting the dimensional constraints imposed by a plug-in card size.
`Brief description of the drawings
`Further objects, characteristics and advantages of the invention will become
`apparent from the following description of a preferred embodiment, given by way of
`5 non-limiting example and illustrated in the accompanying drawings, in which:
`- Figs. 1A and 1 B show a SIM card equipped with a radio transceiver, seen from
`the contact side and from the antenna side, respectively;
`- Figs. 2A and 2B show a mobile telephone equipped with the SIM card
`according to the invention;
`- Fig. 3 is a general block diagram of the circuitry of the SIM card according to the
`- Fig. 4 is a schematic cross-sectional view of the SIM card of Fig. 3;
`- Figs. 5 and 6 are enlarged views of a detail of the SIM card, showing examples
`of the connection between the antenna and the RF module;
`- Figs. 7 and 8 are functional block diagrams of two possible embodiments of the
`SIM card chip;
`- Fig. 9 is a possible layout of the antenna;
`- Fig. 10 is a diagram of the reflection coefficient of the antenna shown in Fig. 9;
`- Figs. 11 and 12 are schematic illustrations of two exemplary situations of use of
`a mobile terminal equipped with the SIM card of the invention; and
`- Fig. 13 shows a variant embodiment of the SIM card of the invention and its
`arrangement within a cellular phone.
`Description of the preferred embodiment
`Referring to Figs. 1A and 18, there is provided a subscriber card, e.g. a plug-
`in sized SIM card 1, incorporating a microwave/millimetre wave (0.3 GHz - 300
`GHz) RF transceiver chain comprising an antenna 3 and the whole circuitry
`necessary to implement a radio transceiver for long range operation. Figs. 1 A and
`1 B show a single-chip card, in which the same microchip performs both radio
`functions and conventional
`in a mobile
`30 communication system. The Figure shows contacts 11 of the microchip, which is
`not visible being embodied in card 1. The antenna is formed on the plane opposite
`to the plane of contacts 11, as shown in Fig. 1 B and as it will be discussed in
`further detail below.
`Card 1 has to maintain its standard size and shape notwithstanding the
`35 additional functions: thus it can be introduced in a mobile terminal, e. g. a cellular
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`telephone 100, in place of any conventional plug-in sized SIM card, as shown in
`Figs. 2A and 2B. The addition of radio transceiver functions also has to leave
`unchanged all conventional SIM card functions related to mobile communications
`(identification, security, encryption, services provided by the operator ... ).
`A general block diagram of the SIM card 1 according to the· invention is
`shown in Fig. 3, where reference 1 O denotes the whole of the electronic circuitry of
`the card. The conventional SIM card functions related to mobile communications
`are incorporated in microchip 2. As far as the wireless functions are concerned,
`circuitry 10 comprises an RF module or transceiver 4 coupled with antenna 3 and
`10 a module 5 for processing the base-band signals. Module 5 also contains a
`• microprocessor with the related management and control software for the
`transceiver functions. Base-band module 5 is connected through a proper interface
`6 to chip 2 of the SIM card. For sake of clarity, the components added for
`performing the transceiver functions have been shown separated from chip 2 in
`15 block 10.
`The radio circuitry of the SIM card can operate either in time-division
`duplexing (TDD), i.e. transmission and reception use a same frequency but occur
`at different instants, or in frequency-division duplexing (FOO) operation, i. e.
`different frequencies are used for the two directions of communications. In the
`former case, a switch is needed, whereas in the latter case it will be sufficient to
`connect a duplexer to antenna 3.
`Fig. 4 is a longitudinal sectional view through card 1. The elements already
`disclosed in Fig. 3 are denoted by the same reference numerals. Like in Fig. 3, the
`additional circµit components performing the radio transceiver functions are shown
`25 as elements distinct from chip 2. As shown, such components are located in card
`portions not occupied by chip 2. Contacts 11 of chip 2 are formed on lower surface
`12 of card 1 (contact plane), with reference to the drawing. Antenna 3 is a printed
`antenna, for example a patch antenna. It comprises a dielectric substrate 30, of
`which one surface (the bottom surface, which in the finished card is embedded in
`the card itself) is completely metallised and forms a ground plane 31, whereas the
`upper surface, which in the finished card forms the outer card surface opposite to
`the contact area of chip 2, bears one or more radiators 32.
`Forming antenna 3 on the card surface opposite to contact plane 12 results
`in an optimum exploitation of the available surface in the card and takes advantage
`35 of the presence of ground plane 31 to shield the circuits in block 10 from the
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`electromagnetic signals emitted by the same antenna 3.
`With the construction shown, electrical coupling of antenna radiator 32 with
`transceiver 4 requires crossing ground plane 31. The techniques used for
`manufacturing printed circuit boards can be advantageously exploited to make said
`5 coupling. For example, as shown in Fig. 5, connection is established through a
`metallised hole 33 (a so-called via-hole), around which a small metallisation
`annulus 31A is eliminated in ground plane 31 to avoid short-circuits between hole
`33 and the ground plane itself. Once the level of component plane 13 is attained, a
`suitable conductive line 14 connects via-hole 33 to the transceiver.
`An electromagnetic coupling through an aperture 34 i~ ground plane 31
`could be used as well, as shown in Fig. 6, for connecting antenna plane to signal
`processing • circuitry plane (see "Microstrip Antennas" ed. D.M. Pozar and D.H.
`Schaubert, IEEE press NJ 1995, pp. 331,421).
`Radiofrequency module 4, base-band module 5 and interface 6 may be part
`15 of one or more additional chips, which is or are embedded within the card in the
`same manner as chip 2. However, as shown in Figs. 1A and 1 B, they may be
`integrated into chip 2 to form a single-chip card. The latter solution avoids
`unnecessary duplications of memories and processors and could be optimised in
`terms of electromagnetic compatibility.
`Figs. 7 and 8 show two possible organisations of the chip of the SIM card
`according to an embodiment of the invention, corresponding to two different
`degrees of integration of the transceiver functions into chip 2 performing the
`conventional SIM card functions.
`Microprocessor unit (MPU) 20, memory area 21 including a FLASH/ROM
`(program memory) 21A, an EEPROM (user memory) 21 B and a RAM 21 C, on(cid:173)
`chip security module 22, block 23 performing cryptographic functions, interrupt
`controller 24 and 1/0 management module 25 are the conventional functional
`modules of any SIM card chip. All the above mentioned units are interconnected
`through a memory management unit (MMU) 26. Also indicated are the usual pins
`for 1/0 signals, the power supply (VCC), the ground voltage (GND) and the reset
`and the clock signals RST, CLK.
`Fig. 7 assumes that transceiver module 4 is external to the SIM and is
`connected with base-band processing module 5 which is internal to chip 2. Base(cid:173)
`band processing module 5 has access to microprocessor 20 and memory block 21
`through memory management unit 26. In Fig. 8, also transceiver 4 is internal to
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`chip 2 and it is connected to the antenna contacts through the via-hole 33 or the
`electromagnetic coupling 34 shown in Figs. 5 and 6.
`As said, partial or complete integration of the transceiver functions into chip 2
`allows using microprocessor 20 and memories 21 also for such functions.
`5 Moreover, the wireless communication can take advantage of the security and
`information encryption functions conventionally provided by the SIM card.
`However, even when base-band module 5 is external to chip ;2,
`microprocessor-based control and management tasks of the transceiver might be
`shared between such module and SIM microprocessor 20, or yet be completely
`implemented by the latter, instead of being wholly implemented in the same chip
`as module 5.
`In order to attain a long-range operation while meeting the size constraints
`imposed by a plug-in sized SIM card, the transceiver operates in the microwave
`/millimetre wave frequency range (0.3 GHz - 300 GHz).
`In fact, let us consider the following equation linking gain G of an antenna to
`its equivalent area Aeq (substantially related to the geometrical area of the
`Aeq =-G
`where .ti.= elf is the wavelength corresponding to the frequency used and c is the
`20 speed of light. Equation (1) shows that, by increasing the frequency, the same gain
`can be obtained with smaller geometrical size of the antenna. This is important for
`the aims of the invention, where severe size constraints exist and a reduced
`transmitted power is important.
`Hereinafter, reference will be made by way of non-limiting example to a
`frequency of 5.8 GHz, which is the highest frequency range presently reserved to
`industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) applications. Moreover, we will assume a
`desired operating range of 20 m.
`In order to determine the antenna gains and transceiver powers involved in a
`typical radio link between two wireless systems, the following well known
`transmission equation is considered:
`PR = Pr + Gr + GR + AFs
`where PR and Pr are the received and transmitted powers (dB) respectively, GR
`and Gr (dB) are the antenna gains at both ends of a connection with length g, and
`AFs (dB) is the free space attenuation, given by:
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`WO 2005/104584
`PCT /EP2004/004191
`A" = 20 log,. (
`For sake of simplicity we will assume that the transceivers at both ends of
`the connection are identical, i.e. are capable of emitting the same maximum power
`in transmission and have the same receiver sensitivity, and that the antenna gains
`5 GT and GR , on both sides of the link, are the same.
`Let us consider a receiver sensitivity PR == -65 dBm and a couple of antennas
`with equal gain G == 3 dBi, which value is compatible with the present technologies
`for manufacturing patch antennas sufficiently small to be applied onto a plug-in
`sized SIM card. For the above mentioned frequency and operating range, AFs is
`10 73,73 dB. Under such conditions, the necessary power to be delivered by the
`transmitter is PT == +2, 73 dBm, which is achievable with state of the art integrate_d
`transceiver devices.
`Notwithstanding the long operation range, the power levels concerned are
`quite low (e.g. 10 - 100 mW). Taking into account that great attention is to be paid
`to the aspects concerning the safety and the health of the operators working in
`close vicinity of frequently interrogated terminals, it is clear that the present
`invention is quite satisfactory also as far as safety and health aspects are
`An important aspect for the system construction is the design of the antenna,
`20 which has to take into account both the geometrical constraints imposed by the
`plug-in sized SIM card and the operating frequency of the system, the choice of
`which is strictly related to the physical size of the antenna, as shown by equation
`(1 ). In case a patch antenna is used, for operation at above frequency of 5.8 MHz,
`an antenna element 32 with the layout shown in Fig. 9 is suitable. Element 32
`25 comprises a square or rectangular microstrip patch 32A and a microstrip line 328
`which partly extends into the area delimited by patch 32A, from which it is
`separated by slits 32C. Via-hole 33, if provided, opens near the free end of line
`328. The skilled in the art has no problem in determining the antenna parameters
`for the desired operating frequency. For instance, for operation at the above
`30 mentioned frequency of 5,8 GHz, microstrip patch 32A has an antenna-feed side
`of 14 mm and the other side of 14.46 mm .. Microstrip line 328 has a width of 1.8
`mm and extends inside patch 32A by 5,23 mm. The dielectric substrate is 0.762
`mm thick and its dielectric constant is 3.26.
`Fig. 10 shows a diagram of the absolute value of the input reflection
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`coefficient of an antenna like that shown in Fig. 9, having the sizes mentioned
`above. The amplitude (in dB) is plotted in the ordinates and the frequency (in GHz)
`in the abscissas. The resonance centred at 5.8 GHz is clearly apparent.
`An operating frequency equal to or higher then 1 GHz can be anyway
`5 preferable, mostly due to design constraints in dimensioning the antenna, as well
`as an upper limit of 100GHz is preferably set in order to maintain the complexity
`and the cost of the transceiver under satisfactory limits.
`A similar design can be carried out at relatively high frequencies, e.g. 60
`GHz, resulting in a smaller size antenna. A plurality of smaller size antennas can
`10 be arranged to form a single array antenna.
`If an array antenna is employed, an operating frequency equal to or higher
`than 10 GHz can be preferable, due to design constraints in dimensioning the
`single antennas forming the array. Again, an upper limit of 100 GHz in the
`operating frequency of the transceiver is useful for maintaining complexity and cost
`15 under preferred levels.
`A wide range of applications can be envisaged for the disclosed system.
`Such applications can be based on a point-to-multipoint or a poinHo-point
`configuration. The two possibilities are shown in Figs. 11 and 12, respectively,
`In Fig. 11, a mobile terminal 100, including a subscriber card according to the
`invention, communicates with a number of simpler components 101 a, 101b ... 101 n
`such as active RFID tags (see standard for Real Time Locating Systems of INCITS
`T20 371.1-371.2-371.3) located at relatively long distance from terminal 100, e.g. 5
`to 20 m. A configuration of that kind can be used for instance for a service in which
`mobile terminal 100, equipped with the SIM card according to the invention,
`identifies one or more of active RFID tags 101a ... 101 n through the respective code
`(for instance, the well known Electronic Product Code, see EPC Global standard).
`By accessing through the mobile communication network (e.g. GSM, GPRS,
`UMTS ... ), schematised by 102, a server 103 located anywhere, the terminal uses
`the code to recover or supply information related to the "object" to which the RFID
`tag is affixed. The service may be automatically managed by the terminal or
`provided upon user's request.
`A typical service of this kind could be the provision of tourist information and
`the like.
`In a first example, the active RFID tags could be affixed to monuments,
`35 pictures in a gallery and so on. Terminal 100, when the monument, picture or the
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`like is in the reach of antenna 3, reads the code of tag 101. Through the mobile
`communication network, terminal 100 can access remote databases storing
`detailed information about the monument, picture ... and provide the user with the
`requested information, e.g. through the loudspeaker or the display. In this way a
`5 sort of "virtual guide" is obtained.
`In another example, the active RFID tags are affixed outside restaurants,
`cinemas, shops ... This service is similar to that described above: reading the code
`on a tag 101 allows access to a set of specific information (the menu, the movie
`showings ... ), which in part is carried by the active RFID tag and in part is
`10 accessible through the communications network 102. Updating of information on
`the active RFID tags could take place from a remote centre, for instance via the
`It is to be appreciated that such applications are attractive just because the
`user has no need to very closely approach the monument, restaurant, shop ...
`15 He/she can get the information when he/she is in the most comfortable or
`convenient position for him/her.
`Another example of application of the point-to-multipoint configuration is
`surveillance. The active RFID tags are affixed to the sites to be monitored, and the
`surveillance people are equipped with a device 100 according to the invention.
`20 Through the communication of the subscriber card realised according to the
`present invention with the active RFID tags, surveillance people can directly
`communicate checked locations to the control centre 103. The operators at the
`control centre can thus verify that the required schedule is observed and that no
`unexpected delay occurs etc. The communication can occur through the mobile
`25 network, as before. Conversely, at each check, the surveillance people could write
`information into active RFID tags 101 for log purposes ..
`A further application of the point-to-multipoint configuration is in the logistics
`field: a device 100 according to the invention can be used to identify and track
`objects in a store, through the long-distance reading of active RFID tags 101
`30 affixed to the objects. The system also allows writing the active RFID tags with the
`product codes when a good is entered into the store. Thus, a direct management
`of the store is possible. The system is attractive over the present systems based
`on bar codes, in that remote and contactless reading and writing of the active RFID
`tags is possible. Also, simultaneous reading of a plurality of active RFID tags is
`35 possible: to this end, the processing circuitry in the SIM will implement anti-
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`collision algorithms.
`In the case of point-to-point configuration, shown in Fig. 12, communication
`is established for instance between two mobile terminals 1 00a, 1 00b each
`equipped with the SIM card of the invention. Such a configuration can be used
`5 when a controlled access or a toll access exists requiring a data exchange,
`possibly bi-directional, between an access gate and the terminal that has to pass
`through the gate. Communication between the two terminals 1 00a, 1 00b can also
`exploit the mobile communication network (not shown).
`A typical example of such application is
`the execution of monetary
`transactions, for instance for payment of a purchased object, of the parking etc.
`Especially in the latter case, the long-range operation is particularly attractive, in
`that the user does not have to search for or to very closely approach the parking
`meter, but he/she can perform the transaction from his/her car.
`Moreover, in case of the point-to-point configuration, the invention can also
`represent a communication interface between two mobile terminals for long-range
`data exchange: such interface could represent an alternative to the infrared
`communication port with which many mobile terminals are equipped.
`A problem that could arise when employing SIM card 1 of the invention in a
`cellular phone is represented by location of SIM card 1 within the phone. Indeed, a
`20 very common location for the SIM card housing, hereinafter referred to as "shuttle",
`is just below the battery. Therefore the battery is almost in contact with SIM card 1
`and certainly affects the radiation of SIM antenna 3. Taking into account that no
`constraints exist for the shapes, sizes and positions of the batteries of the cellular
`phones, designing antenna 3 so that its operation is scarcely affected by the
`25 battery is a difficult task.
`This problem can be solved as shown in Fig. 13. Here, the elements already
`shown in the previous Figures are denoted by the same reference numerals with
`the addition of a prime. Reference numerals 40, 41 denote the battery and the SIM
`card shuttle of a cellular phone in which SIM card shuttle 41 is located below
`30 battery 40. According to the invention, SIM card 1' is located above battery 40 or,
`more generally, in a position where the antenna operation is not affected by the
`battery itself. To allow the proper co-operation between the SIM chip and contacts
`42 conventionally provided on the shuttle wall, the SIM chip, instead of being
`provided with the usual contacts 11 (Figs. 1A, 18), has its inputs connected to a
`35 connector 43, e.g. a set of conductors, ending at contacts 44 provided in a dummy
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`WO 2005/104584
`PCT /EP2004/004191
`SIM card 45 housed in shuttle 41, which contacts 44 co-operate with telephone
`contacts 42.
`The above solution could entail some modification of certain types of
`commercially available cellular phones. For instance, if shuttle 41 does not allow
`the passage of connector 43, it should be replaced by a new one having a hole for
`the passage of such connector. Similarly, if the distance between the cover of the
`battery housing (not shown) and battery 40 is not sufficient for the insertion of SIM
`card 1 ', the cover should be replaced by a modified one suitably shaped so as to
`provide room for SIM card 1 '.
`Moreover, SIM card 1' with the radio transceiver functionalities can be
`the most suitable size
`the plug-in size)
`independently of the possible evolutions of the standards, which, as known, tend
`towards a greater and greater miniaturisation, and the size standards will have to
`be met by dummy SIM card 45.
`The above-described invention affords important and attractive features. We
`may mention:
`- compactness and miniaturisation of the transceiver;
`- greater independence of the card manufactures from the mobile terminal
`- communication security;
`- extension of SIM functionalities (including that of e.g. RFID tag reader/writer) ;
`- possibility of application in all situations in which a long-range operation is an
`essential and distinctive factor.
`- possibility of application in all situations in which a low transmitted power, in the
`microwave frequency range, is a key factor in order not to generate noises and
`interferences to existing systems both inside the mobile telephone (e.g.
`Bluetooth®) and outside it (e.g. wi-fi, see IEEE