`Page 1
`Plaintiff, )
` vs. ) Civil Action No.
`) 6:23-cv-320
`Defendants. )
`Key West, Florida
`Monday, December 18, 2023
`Volume I
`Reported by:
`CSR No. 6426
`Job No. SF 6357374
`PAGES 1 - 66
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`Page 2
` )
` )
` Plaintiff, )
` )
` vs. ) Civil Action No.
` ) 6:23-cv-320
` )
` Defendants. )
` Zoom Videotaped deposition of Aviel Rubin,
`Volume I, taken on behalf of DEFENDANTS, at Key West,
`Florida, beginning at 8:03 a.m. and ending at 9:44
`a.m. on Monday, December 18, 2023, before LORI M.
`BARKLEY, Certified Shorthand Reporter No. 6426.
`3 4
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`Page 3
`BY: Bryce Barcelo
`Attorney at Law
`1000 Louisiana Street, Suite 5100
`Houston, TX 77002
`BY: John T. McKee
`Attorney at Law
`51 Madison Avenue, 22nd Floor
`New York, NY 10010
` JoAnn Yager
`2 3
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`Page 4
` I N D E X
` Examination by Mr. McKee 6
`Exhibit 1 Rubin Declaration 8
`Exhibit 2 US Patent Number 8352730 8
`Exhibit 3 US Patent Number 8886954 8
`Exhibit 4 US Patent Number 9298905 8
`Exhibit 5 Exhibit 1 to Rubin Declaration 9
`Exhibit 6 Exhibit 2 to Rubin Declaration 9
`Exhibit 7 Exhibit 3 to Rubin Declaration 9
`Exhibit 8 File History for '730 Patent 54
`6 7
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` Key West, Florida, Monday, December 18, 2023
` 8:03 a.m.
`Page 5
` VIDEO OPERATOR: Good morning. We are on
`the record at 8:03 a.m. on December 18th, 2023.
` Please note that this deposition is being
`conducted virtually. Quality of the recording
`depends on the quality of camera and Internet
`connection of participants.
` What is seen from the witness and heard on
`screen is what will be recorded. Audio and video
`recording will continue to take place unless all
`parties agree to go off the record.
` This is media number one of the recorded
`deposition of Aviel Rubin in the matter of Proxense
`LLC versus Google LLC and Google Payment Corporation,
`filed in the United States District Court for the
`Western District of Texas.
` This deposition is being conducted remotely
`using virtual technology.
` My name is JoAnn Yager representing Veritext
`Legal Solutions, and I am the videographer. The
`court reporter is Lori Barkley from the firm Veritext
`Legal Solutions.
` May we please have introductions beginning
`3 4
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`Page 6
`with the --
` MR. MCKEE: Yep, this is John McKee with
`Quinn Emanuel, on behalf of Google.
` MR. BARCELO: And Bryce Barcelo on behalf of
`plaintiff Proxense.
`having been administered an oath, was examined and
`testified as follows:
` Q. Dr. Rubin, just to get a few of the
`formalities out of the way. You've been deposed
`before, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. A number of times?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So you know the rules?
` A. Yes.
` Q. The only thing I'll reiterate is if you
`could please make sure to provide verbal answers to
`questions as opposed to umm-hmms, all right?
` A. Yes.
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`Page 7
` Q. Okay, so I'm going to try to be efficient
`because I understand you have a hard stop in a few
` So let's just jump right in. So this is not
`your first case representing or working on behalf of
`Proxense involving these patents; is that right?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And in fact you were Proxense's expert in
`the Samsung case; is that right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you authored a report that involved
`among other things the same '730 patent that you're
`offering claim construction opinions about today?
` A. Yes. I didn't know if you were asking a
`question so...
` Q. All good.
` A. Yes.
` Q. In that case, you opined on both
`infringement and validity, correct?
` A. I think so. I'd have to look back to
`refresh my recollection on that.
` Q. Do you recall -- did you provide a claim
`construction declaration in that case?
` A. I don't remember.
` Q. All right. You just don't remember one way
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`Page 8
`or the other?
` A. Right.
` Q. Okay, so before the deposition started, in
`the interest of expediency, I premarked a number of
`exhibits and I'm just going to read those for the
`record now.
` You should see them on the Egnyte Exhibit
`Share platform exhibits 1 through 7.
` Exhibit 1 is the declaration of Aviel B.
`Rubin in response to declaration of John Black
`concerning construction of certain terms in US patent
`number 8352730.
` (Exhibit 1 was marked for identification by
`the court reporter and is attached hereto.)
` MR. MCGEE: Exhibit 2 is US Patent Number
` (Exhibit 2 was marked for identification by
`the court reporter and is attached hereto.)
` MR. MCGEE: Exhibit 3 is US Patent Number
` (Exhibit 3 was marked for identification by
`the court reporter and is attached hereto.)
` MR. MCGEE: Exhibit 4 is US Patent Number
` (Exhibit 4 was marked for identification by
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`Page 9
`the court reporter and is attached hereto.)
` MR. MCGEE: And then Exhibits 5, 6, and 7
`are exhibits 1, 2 and 3 to your declaration,
` (Exhibit 5 was marked for identification by
`the court reporter and is attached hereto.)
` (Exhibit 6 was marked for identification by
`the court reporter and is attached hereto.)
` (Exhibit 7 was marked for identification by
`the court reporter and is attached hereto.)
` Q. Do you see those exhibits?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay, so let's start by pulling up Exhibit
`2, the '730 patent. The '730 patent is the first
`patent in this patent family, correct?
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: You're asking if it's the
`parent patent?
` Q. Yeah, the '730 patent issued from the first
`non-provisional application filed in its family,
` A. I don't recall that detail. I could see if
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`Page 10
`it's my declaration.
` Q. Well, if you look at the Exhibit 2, the '730
`patent, it doesn't say it's a continuation or a
`continuation in part of a divisional from some other
`application, right?
` A. I don't see it say that anywhere on the
`cover page.
` Q. And if you were to turn to Exhibit 3 or
`Exhibit 4, you would see under -- on the cover page,
`under related US application data that they are a
`continuation of the application that became the '730
`patent, right?
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: So I'm looking at the covers
`of those two, and it does say that they're
` Q. Great. So keep one of those open -- let's
`keep the '905 opened. And if you could turn to
`column 4 for me.
` Let me know when you're there.
` A. And just to be clear, you're talking about
`the '905, not the '730.
` Q. Right, the '905 patent, Exhibit 4.
` A. Okay.
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`Page 11
` Q. You see the paragraph that in column 4 that
`begins at line 1 and ends at line 16?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You're familiar with that paragraph?
` A. I've seen it before but I -- yes, I'm
`familiar with it.
` Q. And in particular, I'd like to focus on the
`language beginning about halfway through line 8 that
`begins at the end of the line.
` It says, "in one embodiment the biometric
`100 is integrated into another object or device."
` Do you see that?
` A. I do.
` Q. And continues, "a device having an
`integrated biometric key 100 is occasionally referred
`to herein as an integrated device."
` Do you see that as well?
` A. I do not.
` Q. That language -- is that consistent with
`your opinion as to the plain meaning of integrated
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, form, vague.
` THE WITNESS: So it's the sentence, "a
`device having an integrated biometric key 100 is
`occasionally referred to herein as an integrated
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` And your question is if that's consistent
`with my understanding of the plain and ordinary
`Page 12
` Q. Yes.
` A. Yes.
` Q. And it continues, for example, "in one
`embodiment the biometric key 100 is integrated into a
`mobile phone."
` And then it gives a laundry list of other
`devices it could be integrated into.
` Do you see that?
` A. I see that.
` Q. That's also consistent with your
`understanding or opinions regarding the plain meaning
`of integrated device, correct?
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, form, vague.
` THE WITNESS: Are you asking -- 'cause the
`word integrated device does not appear in the
`sentence that you just read.
` So when you say that is consistent with the
`plain and ordinary meaning, what are you referring
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`Page 13
` Q. Well, it's your opinion, isn't it, that if
`the biometric key is integrated into a mobile phone,
`a tablet, a laptop, an MP3 player or mobile gaming
`device, that device then becomes an integrated
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Well, it may have already been
`an integrated device. But it is still an integrated
`device -- I don't know that that transforms it from a
`nonintegrated device to an integrated device.
` Q. And just to be clear, the integrated device
`is the -- let me ask this differently.
` Is the integrated device in your opinion
`that the larger device that multiple components are
`integrated into? Or is it the individual components
`that are integrated?
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, form, vague,
` THE WITNESS: So can we talk about one of
`these items specifically?
` Q. Sure. So if we can just take that last
`sentence and it says, "the biometric key 100 is
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`Page 14
`integrated into a mobile phone."
` What is the integrated device then? Is it
`the biometric key or the mobile phone?
` A. It would be the mobile phone.
` Q. Because the biometric key is integrated into
`the mobile phone?
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm not sure I understand your
`question. Are you asking me is a mobile phone an
`integrated device because it has a biometric key?
` Q. It's alright, we can move on from this. I
`think you answered my question already.
` So I want you to look -- we started here at
`line 8 where it begins, "in one embodiment," and I'd
`like you to look at the sentence before that that
`says, "biometric key 100 has a small form factor such
`that it can be unobtrusively carried by user."
` Do you see that?
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, form, misstates
` Q. All right, if you could turn to Exhibit 2,
`the '730 patent for me. Just hold that in your mind.
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` And turn to column 3. Let me know you're
`Page 15
` A. Okay.
` Q. And do you see that there is a -- line
`numbers are a little off.
` But do you so that there is a paragraph
`beginning with the language, "figure 1 is a
`schematic" on approximately line 12. And it
`continues down to about line 20, ending with the same
`language we just looked at: "Such that it can be
`unobtrusively carried by a user."
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I see that.
` Q. All right. So the following sentence that
`we just looked at that reads, "in one embodiment, the
`biometric key 100 is integrated into another object
`or device."
` That's not in the '730 patent, right?
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Just to be clear so I know if
`I'm searching the whole '730 patent, are you just
`saying that the sentence that would come after
`"unobtrusively carried by user in '730" is not the
`one that's in the other patent that we looked at?
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`Page 16
` Q. Yeah, the sentence that follows
`"unobtrusively carried by user" in the '905 patent is
`not there in the '730 patent?
` A. Anywhere or right after --
` Q. Anywhere but certainly not right after that
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Let me, I need to download
`these. Because I have no way of looking at both of
`them at the same time.
` MR. MCKEE: That's fine, download them and
`put them on the screen next to each other. I think
`that could be helpful.
` Q. So, that's column 3 of the '730 patent and
`column 4 of the '905 patent.
` Paragraph beginning with, "figure one is a
`schematic diagram."
` A. Okay, I've downloaded them on my computer
`now. Open them.
` All right. So on the '730, we were in
`column 4?
` Q. '730 on column 3 around line 12, '905 you're
`in column 4 at line one.
` A. I'm sorry what column in '905. I was in the
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`Page 17
`other one --
` Q. Column 4, line 1, right at the top.
` A. Okay, and which sentence am I looking to see
`if it's not in the '730?
` Q. The first sentence after "unobtrusively
`carried by a user?"
` And in the '905 patent that sentence reads,
`"in one embodiment, the biometric key 100 is
`integrated into another object or device."
` That's not in the '730 patent, right?
` A. It's not in the paragraph that we're looking
`at, column 3. But I'm going to have to do a search
`to see that it's not anywhere in the patent.
` Q. Please go ahead and confirm that it's not in
`the patent.
` A. Okay, I don't see that it is. I did a
` Q. All right. Following the sentence that
`reads, "a device having an integrated biometric key
`100 is occasionally referred to herein as an
`integrated device" is also not in the '730 patent,
` A. I did a word search in the version you gave
`me. And I don't see that.
` Q. And the following sentence that reads (as
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`Page 18
` For example, in one embodiment
` the biometric key 100 is integrated
` into a mobile phone, e.g., a
` cellular phone or smart phone,
` tablet, laptop, MP3 player, mobile
` gaming device, watch, key fob or
` other mobile device, thereby making
` the biometric key 100 unobtrusive to
` carry."
` Is also not in the '703 patent?
` A. So I did a search on the word "unobtrusive"
`and it wasn't there. So I take it that sentence
`couldn't be in there.
` Q. Can you take a look at figure 1 for me?
` A. Which patent?
` Q. It's the same figure either way.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Does that show an integrated device?
` A. I see that in the text that describes figure
`1, it says "it comprises a frame, a scan pad and an
` So it is made up of other components. And
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`Page 19
`so I would say that's an integrated device.
` Q. Let's talk for a minute about components:
`How do you understand that term? What is a
` A. I'm just going to download my report.
` Q. And I can point you -- just to speed us up,
`I can point you to -- and you're free to take a look
`at your whole report.
` I can point you to paragraph 35 you say (as
` In summary, when the '730 patent
` was filed, the term integrated
` device was on commonly used and
` indicates the integration of
` components into a larger whole.
` So I see that opinion. I'm trying to
`understand what components means here.
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: So I am not using the word
`"component" in any way other than its plain English
` Q. Can it be software?
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` MR. BARCELO: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: In the discussion that I have
`in my declaration and in the patent, it's referring
`Page 20
`to a piece of hardware.
` Q. In the context of the patent, your opinion
`is that an integrated device is a collection of
`hardware components?
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: It's an integration of
`hardware components.
` Q. And how small can a component be in order
`for it to still qualify as a component of an
`integrated device?
` Does the single capacitor qualify?
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, vague, compound,
`calls for speculation.
` THE WITNESS: I haven't analyzed or
`previously given thought to that question. It's not
`something in my declaration.
` Q. What about a collection of circuit elements
`like a low-pass or high-pass filter?
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, form, compound,
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`vague. Calls for speculation.
` THE WITNESS: I haven't looked at that
`Page 21
` Q. If I were to stick a low-pass or high-pass
`filter into a radio, is that radio now an integrated
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, form. Calls for
`speculation. Vague.
` THE WITNESS: I haven't studied that
` Q. Well, you studied the question of what an
`integrated device is, and you say it has a plain
`meaning, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So to a person of skill at the time of this
`patent, understanding the plain meaning of integrated
`device, if I stuck a low-pass filter into a radio,
`would that person of skill consider that to be an
`integrated device?
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, form. Vague.
`Calls for speculation.
` THE WITNESS: I would want to take a look at
`the radio, take a look at the high-pass filter and
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`Page 22
`perform an analysis.
` You're asking me to comment on something
`that I haven't analyzed.
` Q. What would you need to see in the high-pass
`filter we're talking about here in order to determine
`whether it is or is not a component that can be part
`of an integrated device?
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, vague. Calls for
` THE WITNESS: I haven't thought about that
` Q. Have you thought about any question
`vis-a-vis integrated device other than biometric
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, form, vague.
` THE WITNESS: So I previously mentioned that
`a frame, a scan pad, an LED, can be components.
` Q. You understand that in order to ascertain
`whether a claim term is definite, that a person of
`skill in the art has to be able to ascertain its
`scope with reasonable certainty, right?
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, calls for a legal
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`Page 23
` MR. MCKEE: Not a legal conclusion?
` THE WITNESS: I'm not a lawyer --
` MR. BARCELO: Sorry, what was that, counsel?
` MR. MCKEE: I'm asking for his legal
`understanding, not a legal conclusion.
` MR. BARCELO: Okay, well, that wasn't clear
`in your question. So my objection stands. If you'd
`like to re-ask, the question go ahead.
` MR. MCKEE: If you had the Real Time up I
`said: "Dr. Rubin, do you understand that a person of
`skill in the art, that definiteness is evaluated from
`the perspective of a person of skill in the art
`seeking to ascertain the scope of a claim term."
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, calls for a legal
` THE WITNESS: So I'm not a lawyer. But my
`understanding is that -- I would add to that that
`it's at the time of the invention and that is
` Q. If a person of ordinary skill in the art
`cannot ascertain the scope of a claim term,
`"reasonable certainty," the claim term is not
`definite, correct?
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`Page 24
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, calls for a legal
` THE WITNESS: Again, I'm not a lawyer. But
`that sounds like the legal standard.
` Q. So we've said that a biometric key in your
`opinion integrated into a phone is an integrated
`device, right?
` A. Are you asking me if the biometric key or
`the phone is an integrated device?
` Q. The phone.
` A. Yes.
` Q. And a device that comprises a frame, scan
`pad, and LED is an integrated device, right?
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, form, compound.
` THE WITNESS: I would say that a device that
`is composed of those components is an integrated
` Q. What else is an integrated device?
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, vague, calls for
` THE WITNESS: There are many things that are
`integrated devices. I don't know --
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`Page 25
` Q. -- list --
` A. Phone, biometric key, a smart TV, a tablet.
` Q. What about on the other side of the coin:
`What are some things that in your opinion are not
`integrated devices?
` A. A book.
` Q. In the electronics context, are there any
`examples you can provide me of devices that are not
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, vague.
` THE WITNESS: I would say like a -- a memory
`chip that is not connected to anything.
` Q. Okay. Just before I move on -- I'm going to
`talk about the exhibit to your declaration in just a
` First, I'd just like to confirm it's your
`opinion that integrated device has the same meaning
`across the '730, '905, and '954 patents that are
`marked as Exhibits 2 through 4 to this deposition,
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, compound.
` THE WITNESS: So I do address that in
`paragraph 32. I say that, "furthermore I expect a
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`Page 26
`POSITA to interpret the term integrated device
`consistently across patents that are derived from the
`same parent application, which these are."
` Q. And then at the end of that paragraph, you
`say, "I believe a person of skill in the art would
`have understood the term integrated device the same
`way across all three patents," right?
` A. Right.
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, misstates the
` Q. Just trying to establish here, we are saying
`that -- or you're saying that integrated device,
`means the same thing across all three patents?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right, can you pull up Exhibit 5 to your
`deposition for me, please, which is exhibit 1 to your
` And let me know when you have that opened.
` A. Okay.
` Q. All right, do you recognize this paper?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. What is it?
` A. It's a publication in the 1999 IEEE called,
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`Page 27
`A New Circuit Breaker Integrated Device for
`Protection Applications.
` Q. What is the integrated device here?
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, vague.
` THE WITNESS: At a high level, it's a
`circuit breaker device.
` Q. So can you turn to figure 2 on page -- well,
`its IEEE page number is page 316.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is that the integrated device shown there in
`figure 2, A and B?
` MR. BARCELO: Objection, compound.
` THE WITNESS: So that is an illustration
`from a particular perspective, a cross-section of the
`integrated device.
` Q. And what's shown on the left in figure 2(a),
`is that the equivalent electrical circuit for the
`integrated device, right?
` A. That's what it says.
` Q. And shown on the right in figure 2B, that's
`a schematic cross-section of the integrated device,
` A. Yes.
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`Page 28
` Q. And what figure 2B is showing -- correct me
`if I'm wrong -- is four different transistors.
` I'm sorry, three different transistors and a
`logic gate DZ?
` A. So I'm looking at the text on page 315, it
`says "figure 2B shows a four-layered technology
` And then it gives information about some of
`the components there, like the IGBT1 section, and
`then and you look for the figure you see an MP
`section, a DZ section, and an IGBT2 section.
` Q. If you look at the equivalent electrical
`circuit figure 2A for IGBT1 -- and it's outlined in
`dashed box.
` What is shown there?
` A. I believe -- and I'm not an electrical
`engineer so this isn't really in my field.
` But the way I understood this when I read
`it, is that it's showing the logic that this device
`performs, what is like another circuit that could
`perform the same logic.
` Q. And the thing that's shown on the left of
`IGBT1, has the arrow pointing into it, that's a
`schematic representation of a transistor, isn't it?
` A. I'm sorry -- oh, in A?
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`Page 29
` Q. In A.
` A. It's been I think 35 years since I had a
`hardware course. But I think that's right.
` Q. So the integrated device in this paper,
`Exhibit 5, is a collection of circuit elements,
` A. What I see in figure 2B is a -- several
`components. I don't know enough of electrical
`engineering to say whether they're transistors or
`what the particular hardware pieces look like.
` But it is four pieces of hardware that are
`put together into a whole system.
` Q. I suppose that's fine, that's helpful to
` Figure 2B in your opinion shows a collection
`of components that are integrated together; is that
` A. Yes.
` Q. We might come back to this but let's move to
`Exhibit 6 to the deposition, which is exhibit 2 to
`your declaration.
` And please let me know when you have that
` A. Okay.
` Q. All right. What is this paper?
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`Page 30
` A. This is a publication of the IEEE from 1988.
`And it's titled, "Seminet Further Advances an
`Integrated Device/Circuit Simulation For Power
` Q. In the title there, it says, "integrated
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And it's your understanding that when
`someone were to -- in common parlance when you're
`writing if you say something like device/circuit,
`you're saying those two things are interchangeable,
` A. I don't know that is a hard-and-fast rule.
` Q. Okay, in this paper what is the integrated
` A. So this paper is not focused on a particular
`integrated device. It's talking about a simulator
`that can simulate integrated devices.
` Q. All right, so you look on the very first
`page the section called Seminet overview, Seminet.
` A. Yes.
` Q. And it says that it's a (as read):
` Circuit simulation package which
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`Page 31
` incorporates an integral device
` simulator (IVCALC1) to provide DC
` operating point and time domain
` transient analysis of circuits
` containing up to 50 components.
` Do you see

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