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`Motorola v. Stellar
`Motorola Exhibit 1026
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`Motorola v. Stellar
`Motorola Exhibit 1026
`Page 002
`. temporary fortification thrown
`lone in the field (as by students)
`edge throughfirsthand observa-
`ical or sociological data through
`subjects in the field — tield-
`to OHG fiani enemy, Skt piyati
`VIL | b: DEMON G:a person
`2 ta person extremcly devoted
`~> 3: appicr 1 <a dope ~>
`erversely diabolical (took a ~
`nely cruel or wicked 3: exces-
`- weather) — tiend-ish-ly adv
`3fiers, fr. AFfer, fers. fiers, fr. L
`4d animal] (14c)
`1 a: violently
`fs : given to fighting or killing
`trained zeal or vehemence {a ~~
`disappointing, or intense <~
`ed <make a ~ effort) 4: wild
`tess 17
`» SAVAGE, CRUEL mean showing
`FIERCEapplies to humans and
`their wild and menacing aspect
`xociouUs implies extremefierce-
`rutality <a ferocious dog>. BAR-
`ssness regarded as unworthy of
`t of prisoners>, SAVAGE implies
`civilized people filled with rage,
`criminal>. CRUEL implies indif-
`pleasurein inflicting it <the eru-
`‘ehement manner (~ competi-
`« cause (it) ta be done] (15c) ia
`isfaction of a judgmentin debt
`s of the defendant
`'E, fr. fire. fier fire] (3c) 1a
`<a~ crash)
`¢ ! using or car-
`ire or explode : FLAMMABLE <a
`: being in aninflamed state or
`nd flushed <a ~ forehead> 3
`> 4a: full of ar exuding emo-
`ly provoked ; IRRITABLE (a ~~
`-erieness \'fi-ré-nas\ n — Hery
`ore at FEAST] (1844) : FESTIVAL:
`n and Latin America with pro-
`fig « filet
`cultivated tree (F. carice) that produces edible figs 2: a worthless tri-
`figure elght 2 (1748) : something resembling the Arabic numeral eight
`in form or shape: as @+asmaill knot — see KNOTillustration b: an
`2 fie : the least bit (doesn't care a ~)>
`embroidery stitch ¢;adance pattern d : a skater's figure — called
`n Lig, vb., to adorn} (1835) : DRESS, ARRAY <a young womanin daz-
`ziing royal full ~ —Mollie Panter-Downes>
`fig-ure-head \'fi-e(ylor-shed\ 2 (1765) 1: the figure on a ship’s bow
`2: a head or chief in name only
`‘tig abbr figurative; figuratively; figure
`fight \"fat\ vb fought \ffot\; fight-ing [ME,fr. OEfeohtan; akin to OG
`sehcan to fight and perh. to Lpectere to comb — moreat PECTINATE] wi
`figure in vt (ca, 1934) : to include esp. ina reckoning
`(bef. 12c) 1a: to contendin battle or physical combat; esp : to strive
`figure of merit (ca. 1865) : a numerical quantity based on one or more
`characteristics of a system or device that represents a measure of effi-
`to overcome a person by blows or weapons 6: toengage in boxing 2
`ciency or effectiveness
`= to put forth a determined effort ~ vw
`1 a (1): to contend against in
`figure of speech (1751) : a form of expression (as a simile or meta-
`or asif in battle or physical combat
`(2)! to box againstin the ring
`phor) used to convey meaning or heighten effect often by comparing
`(1) : to attemptto prevent the success or effectiveness of <the company
`or identifying one thing with another that has a meaning ar connota-
`Sought the takeover attempt> (2)! to oppose the passage or develop-
`tion familiar to the readerorlistener
`ment of <~ a bill in Congress> 2 @: WAGE, CARRY ON (~~ a battle>
`b : to take part in (asa boxing match) 3: to struggle to endure or sur-
`figure out vt (1600) 1; DISCOVER, DETERMINE<try tofigure out a way
`todo it) 2: SOLVE, FATHOM<figure out a problem>
`mount <~ acold> 4a: to gain by struggle (~~s his way through> b
`figure skating n (1852) : skating characterized by the performance of
`: to resolve by struggle (fought out their differences in court) Sa: to
`manage (a ship) in a battle or storm 6 : to cause to struggle or con-
`various jumps, spins, and dance movements and formerly by the trac-
`tend oc: to manage in an unnecessarily rough or awkward manner —
`ing of prescribed figures — figure skater x
`fig-urrine\,fi-g(y)o-‘rén\ 7 [F, fr. It figuring, dim.offigura figure, fr. L
`2 fight shy of : to avoid facing or meeting
`— more at FIGURE] (1854) : a small carved or melded figure : sraTu-
`fight n (bef. 12c) 1a: a hostile encounter : BATTLE, COMBAT bia
`boxing match ca verbal disagreement : ARGUMENT 2: a struggle
`for a goal or an objective <a ~~ for justice> 3: strength or disposition
`fig wasp n (1883) : a minute wasp (Blastophaga psenes of the family
`for fighting : PUGNaCcTTyY <still full of ~>
`Agaontidae} that breedsin the caprifig and is the agentof caprification:
`broadly : any wasp of the same family
`fight-er \'fi-tar\ 7 (13c) : one that fights: as a (1): WARRIOR, SOLDIER
`@) : a pugnacious or gameindividual
`(3): ‘BOXER 1 6: an airplane
`fig-wort \'fig-,wart. -wort\ 7 (1548) : any of a genus (Scrophularia) of
`of high speed and maneuverability with armament designed to destroy
`chiefly herbaceous often fetid plants of the snapdragon family with ter-
`minal cymes of small purple, yellow, or greenish flowers
`Fi-jian \'fé-(,)jé-an, fi-\ (1809) 1:2 memberof a Melanesian people
`fight-er—-bomb-er\-'ba-mar\2 (1936) : a fighter alrcraft fitted to carry
`bombsand rockets in addition to its normal armament
`of Fiji 2: the Austronesian language of the Fijians — Fijian adj
`fil-aement \'fi-ls-mant\ 7 IMF,fr. MLfilamentum, fr. LLfilare to spin
`fighting chair 1 (1950) ; a chair from whicha salt-water angler plays a
`hooked fish
`—- more at FILE] (1594) : a single thread or a thin flexible threadlike
`object, process, or appendage: as_@: a tenuous conductor(as of car-
`fighting chance 7 (1889) : a chance that may be realized bya struggle
`bon or metal) made incandescent by the passage of an electric current:
`the patient had asighting chance to live>
`fighting word » (1917) : a wordlikely to provoke a fight
`specif 1 a cathode in the form of a metal wire in an electron tube 6 (1)
`: a thin and fine elongated constituentpart of a gill
`(2): an elongated
`fight—or—fight adj (1973) : relating to, being, or causing phystological
`changes in the body (as an increase in heart rate or dilation of bronchi)
`thin series of cells attached one to anotheror a very long thin cylindri-
`in responseto stress <epinephrine is a ~~ hormone) <a ~ reaction>
`cal single cell (as of some algae, fungi, or bacteria) ¢ : the anther-
`fight song 7 (1954) : a song used to inspire enthusiasm usu. during an
`bearing stalk of a stamen — see FLOWERillustration — filkaemen-
`athletic competition
`taery \,fil-a-fmen-t(a-)ré\ adj -— fil-aemen-tous \-'men-tas\ adj
`fblar \fi-lar\ adj (Lfilwemthread] (ca. 1859) : of or relating to a thread
`fig jeafn(14c) 1: the leaf of a fig tree 2 [fr. the use by Adam and
`ve of fig leaves to cover their nakedness after eating the forbidden
`or Hine: esp ; having threads across the field of view <a ~ eyepiece>
`fruit (Gen. 3:7)] : something that conceals or camouflages usu. inade-
`fi-larda \fa—ler-2-a\ », pl -leae \-é-,8, -€-1\
`INL, genus name.fr, L.file]
`quately or dishonestly
`(1833) : any of numerousslender filamentous nematodes (Filaria and
`figment \‘fig-mant\ 7 (ME, fr. L figrrentum. fr. fingere to shape —
`related genera) that as adults are parasites in the blood or tissues of
`More at DOUGH] (15c) : something made up or contrived
`mammals and as larvae usu. develop in biting insects — fi-lar-leal \-2-
`fig-ur-al \'fi-g(y)a-ral\ adj (1Sc) 1: FIGURATIVE 2a 2: of, relating to,
`al\ adj — fi-elarcieidd \--ad\ adj orn
`or consisting of humanor animalfigures <a ~ composition>
`fil-acri-a-sis \,fi-la-"r1-3-sas\ 2, pl -a-ses \-,séz\ [NL] (1879) ; infestation
`figeu-raction \,fi-g(y)a"ra-shan\ 7 (4c) 1: FORM. OUTLINE 2: the
`with or disease caused by filariae
`act or process of creating or providing a figure 3: an act or instance
`fil-acture \"fil-a-,char, -char, -t(Qy)ar\ » EF, fr. LL filatus, pp. of filare]
`nfifa, fr. VL “pipa pipe — more
`of representation in figures and shapes <cubism was explainedas a syn-
`(1759) : a factory where silk is reeled
`te with six to eight finger holes
`thesis of colored ~s of objects —Janet Flanner> 4 : ornamentation
`filsbert \'fil-bart\ » [ME, fr. AF philber, fr. St. Philibert 684 Frankish
`of a musical passage by using decorative andusu. repetitive figures
`abbot whose feast day falls in the nutting season] (14c) 1: either of
`tast near the deck to which rig-
`fig-u-ra-tive \'fi-g(y)o-ra-tiv\ adj (4c),
`1 a: representing by a figure
`two Eurasian hazels (Corylus avellana and C. maxima) 2: the sweet
`ot resemblance ! BMBLEMATIC 6!of or relating to representation of
`thick-shelled nut of the filbert; broadly : HAZELNUT
`form or figure in art <~ sculpture> 2 @ : expressing one thing in
`filch \"filch\ vt [ME] (1561) : to appropriate furtively or casually <~ a
`dj., fr. OE fifiene, fr. fif five +
`terms normally denoting another with which it may be regarded as
`FIVE, TEN] (bef. 12c)
`1 — see
`analogous : METAPHORICAL <~~ language) ; characterized by fig-
`1 cookic> syfmsee STEAL
`file \'li(-a)\_# EME,fr. OE fol; akin to OHG fila file] (bef. 12c) 1:4
`od bya side in a gameof tennis
`ures of speech <a ~ description> — figou-ractive-ly adv — figeu-ra-
`tool usu. of hardened steel with cutting ridges for forming or smooth-
`fteen pron, pi in constr — fif-
`a,tiveness 4
`fig-ure \'fi-gyor, Brit & often US 'fi-gar\ x (ME, fr. AF, fr. L figura, Ir,
`2 ing surfaces esp. of metal 2: a shrewd orcrafty person
`ths. fif(t)ths. 'fif(ds\ (ME fife.
`fagerel (3c)
`1 @:anumber symbol : NUMERAL, DIGIT 6 pi: arith-
`filevw filed; filstmg (13c) > to rub, smooth, or cut away with or as if with
`a file
`~~ see NUMBER table 24
`metical calculations <good al ~s> ¢ : a written or printed character
`jiatonic degrees
`bb : a tone at
`ad: value esp. as expressed in numbers : SUM, PRICE <sold at a low ~>
`“tile vt filed: flt-ing (ME. fr. OE flan. fr. fal foul} (bef. 12c) chieflydial
`: the harmonic combination of
`@ pi : digits representing an amount (as of money earned or points
`measure for liquor equal to one
`file vb filed: fileing IME, fr, MLflare to string documents onastring or
`scored) <made six ~~s last year) <a score in double ~~s> 2a: a geo-
`2: the Fifth Amendment ofthe
`wire, fr. fikan file of documents, lit., thread, fr. L: akin to Arm Jif sin-
`metric form (as a line, triangle, or sphere) esp. when consideredas a set
`ded by the Fifth Amendment to
`ew] vi (15c) 1: to arrangein order for preservation and reference (~~
`of geometric elements (as points) in space of a given number of dimen-
`letiers> 2a: to place among official records as prescribed by law <~
`used in the phrase take the Fifth
`sions <a square is a plane ~~> : bodily shape or form esp. of a per-
`amortgage> & : to send (copy) to a newspaper <filed a story> ¢: to
`son <a slender ~> ¢ : an object noticeable only as a shape or form
`return to the office of the clerk of a court without action on the merits
`iympathizers in Madrid in 1936
`¢~s moving in the dusk> 3a: the graphic representation of a form
`ng on the city] (1936) : a group
`3 :
`to initiate (as a legal action) through proper formal procedure
`esp. of a person or geometric entity ®:a diagram orpictorial illustra-
`an enemy that engage in espio-
`<threatened to ~~ charges> ~~ vi 1: to register as a candidateesp. in a
`tion of textual matter 4 +aperson, thing, or action representative of
`another 5 @: FIGURE OF SPEECH : an intentional deviation from
`primary election 2: to place items inafile 3: to submit documents
`r national borders — fifth col-
`1 col-umenist \-(n)ist\ 7
`necessary to initiate a legal proceeding ¢<-~ for bankruptcy> — fil-er
`the ordinary form or syntactical relation of words 6 : the form of a
`Mff-lar\ a
`the fifth of five exanthematous
`syllogism with respect to the relative position of the middle term 7
`f its description] (ca, 1941) ; an
`tan often repetitive pattern or design in a manufactured article (as
`Stile 2 (1525) 1: a device (as a folder, case, or cabinet) by means of
`A parvovirus species (8/9 virus
`cloth) or natural product (as wood) <a polka-dot ~> 8 : appearance
`which papers are kept in order 2 a archaic : ROLL, LIST D: a collec-
`stized by fever, malaise, and a
`tion of papers or publications usu. arranged orclassified c (1): a col-
`made : impression produced <the couple cut quitea~~> 9a: a series
`dreadsto the extremities
`of movements in a dance
`& : an outline representation of a form
`lection of related data records (as for a computer)
`(2) : a complete
`tal wheel or segment of a wheel
`collection of data (as text or a program)treated by a computeras a unit
`traced byaseries of evolutions (as with skates on an ice surface or by
`ch other above the fore axle of
`an airplane in the air) 10: a prominent personality ; PERSONAGE
`esp. for purposes of input and output — on file: in or asif in a file for
`‘vent tipping 6: a similar cou-
`<ereat ~s of history> 11: a shorl coherent group of notes or chords
`ready reference
`mitrailer 2: one that is super-
`that may constitute part of a phrase, theme. or composition
`5tite vn [ME,fr. filer to spin, draw out.fr. LLflare, fr. Lfilumi] (1598)
`2 SINGLE FILE 2: any of the rows of squares that extend across a
`*tiqure vi fig-ured;
`fig-ur-ing \'fi-gya-rin. ‘fi-g(a-Jrin\ ve (14c) 1: to
`adj.. fr. OE fsiftig, fr. fiftig, n.
`represent by oras if by a figure or outline 2 : to decorate with a pat-
`chessboard from one player's side to the other player's side
`1; akin to flew ten} (bef. 12c)
`tern; also : to write figures over or under (the bass) in order to indicate
`file vi fited:
`(1614) : to march or proceedin single file
`ts 50 to 59; specif: the years 50
`fielé gisa ticle
`\fa-*la, (,)fé-"1a, fé-(1a\ vn [LaF, fr. F, pp. offiler to twist.
`the accompanying chords
`3: to indicate or represent by numerals 4
`+ CONCLUDE, DECIDE <figured there was no use in
`spin] (1806) ; powdered youngleavesof sassafras used to thicken soups
`or stews
`further effort>; also : ASSUME <-~ it willrain> ©: REGARD, CONSIDER
`d: to appearlikely <~s to win) ~~ vi
`1 a: to be or appear important
`file clerk n (1919) : a clerk who worksonfiles
`b: to be involved or implicated </igured in a robbery>
`file-fish \"fi(-o)l-,fish\ 2 (1681) : any of various small-mouthed bony
`2: to perform a figure in dancing 3: COMPUTE, CALCULATE 4: to
`fishes (family Monacantidae, esp. genera Aluterus, Cantherhines, and
`seem rational, normal, or expected <that ~~s) § © to make sense of
`Monacanthus) with rough granular leathery skin
`something — used interjectionally in the phrase go figure to suggest
`filet \fi-"13\ n LF, lit., net] (1838) : a lace with a square mesh and geo-
`that something is surprising or perplexing <why do they think women
`metric designs
`will buy this lie? Go ~ —Ellen Bravo> ~~ figeureer \-2(ydar-ar\ #2 —
`figure on 1
`: to take into consideration (/iguring on the extra in-
`\o\ abut \"\ kitten, F table \ar\ further \a\ ash \a\ ace \&\ mop, mar
`come> 2: torelyon 3: PLAN <I figure on going into town>
`\ch\ chin \e\bet
`\é\easy \g\go \\hit
`figured adj (15c) 1 : adorned with, formedinto, or marked withafig-
`ure <~ muslin) <~ wood> 2 : being represented : PORTRAYED
`\o\ simg \6\go \O\ law \di\ boy \th\ thin \th\ the \i\ loot \i\ foot
`: indicated by figures
`\w\ yet
`\zh\ vision. beige \k. 9. ae, we, "\ see Guide to Pronunciation
`figured bass x (1801) : CONTINUO
`Motorola v. Stellar
`Motorola Exhibit 1026
`Page 003