`Charles Marion(cid:3)
`Julien Jomiery
`Kitware SAS
`Kitware SAS
`Figure 1: Collaborative visualization integrated to the Visible Patient website. The panels represent two remote instances of the application.
`In scientific visualization, data are becoming more and more im-
`portant and usually implies a cooperative effort. Moreover experts
`are usually geographically distributed, therefore they need collabo-
`rative tools to work efficiently. To solve this limitation, a prospec-
`tive action has been recently initiated, with the development of a
`web based application for collaborative interaction based on two
`innovating technologies: WebGL and WebSocket. To demonstrate
`this approach, a prototype has been developed based on the Visi-
`ble Patient project. In this paper we present the architecture of the
`proposed system, the initial implementation experiment and a com-
`parison with current technologies. Finally we discuss the future
`work and potential improvements.
`CR Categories: H.3.5 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: On-
`line Information Services—Data sharing H.3.7 [Information Stor-
`age and Retrieval]: Digital Libraries—Dissemination;
`Keywords: Web 3D, remote rendering, collaborative, WebSocket,
`1 Introduction
`In the past decade, data visualization has become more and more
`common thanks to research endeavors and innovative infrastruc-
`ture. In this context, several tools have been developed for scientific
`visualization of large datasets such as ParaView [Moreland et al.
`2008] or Ensight [CEI International 2012]. However, as the datasets
`get larger, it becomes challenging to visualize and interact with the
`data locally. In the past five years, several efforts have been pushed
`Copyright © 2012 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
`Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
`classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
`for commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the
`first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be
`honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on
`servers, or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.
`Request permissions from Permissions Dept, ACM Inc., fax +1 (212) 869-0481 or e-mail
`Web3D 2012, Los Angeles, CA, August 4 – 5, 2012.
`© 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-1432-9/12/0008 $15.00
`to solve this problem such as ParaViewWeb [Jourdain et al. 2010],
`ShareX3D [Jourdain et al. 2008] and Collaviz Framework [Dupont
`et al. 2010]. Furthermore, other research projects have been focus-
`ing on interactions [Chu et al. 2006] and [Nam and Wright 2001]
`to develop products in a collaborative environment. However, these
`projects often require a complex infrastructure or the use of external
`plugins or program to be installed on the client side.
`The system described in this paper tries to solve the limitation of the
`current collaborative projects by focusing on the following aspects:
`(cid:15) make use of client hardware to render the 3D scene and obtain
`optimal performances with a low latency, as opposed as the
`remote rendering
`(cid:15) create applications designed for different types of scientific
`visualizations: medical, architecture, biochemical, etc.
`(cid:15) enable interactive and participative collaboration
`(cid:15) allow for the optimal accessibility without the use of plugins
`(cid:15) rely on mainstream technologies to enable service access
`Nowadays, the additional challenge is to provide also searchable,
`redundant and on-demand access to the data. In fact, researchers
`want to easily and quickly visualize the data without the need of
`installing complex tools and as possible from the convenience of a
`web browser. In order to provide a collaborative and efficient sys-
`tem, we propose to combine the WebGL and WebSocket technolo-
`gies which do not require any complex architecture on the server
`side or external plugins on the client side. These technologies are
`now available in most of the current web browsers.
`Next we present in more details the technologies used as well as
`the integration we have achieved for real-time online collaboration
`with a 3D scene.
`2 Technologies
`In this section, we describe the two technologies to be integrated:
`WebGL and WebSocket.
`Genius Sports Ex. 1043
`p. 1
`2.1 WebGL
`3 Concepts
`WebGL (Web Graphics Library) is a JavaScript API for rendering
`interactive 3D graphics within any compatible web browser with-
`out the use of plugins. Based on OpenGL ES 2.0 and using HTML5
`canvas, WebGL provides a way to execute shader code on a com-
`puter’s Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) via a web browser. We-
`bGL is a web standard developed by the Khronos group [Khronos
`Group 2011].
`In WebGL, like in most real-time 3D graphics, the triangle is the
`basic element with which models are drawn. Therefore, the pro-
`cess of drawing in WebGL involves using JavaScript to generate
`the information that specifies where and how these triangles will be
`created, and how they will look (color, shades, textures, etc). This
`information is then fed to the GPU, which processes it, and returns
`a view of the scene.
`The main limitations of the WebGL technology are the perfor-
`mance of the JavaScript engines, the dependency on the OpenGL
`2.0 drivers and the early stage of the development of the developer
`libraries such as XTK [Harvard Medical Group ] and SceneJs [Xe-
`olabs ]. However as the standard gets more and more used, we are
`seeing the development of very promising libraries for developers
`as well as powerful contributions.
`2.2 WebSocket Protocol
`The WebSocket specification [W3C 2012] introduced the Web-
`Socket JavaScript interface, which defines a full-duplex single
`socket connection over which messages can be sent between client
`and server. The WebSocket standard simplifies much of the com-
`plexity around bi-directional web communication and connection
`management. This technology allows to develop real time syn-
`chronization between multiple users over the Internet via the web
`The technologies runs via port 80/443 allowing to bypass firewalls
`or proxies. It uses TCP handshakes which are HTTP compatible
`allowing the use of a cookie-based authentication. To obtain a high
`performance system, the message headers have been kept small and
`the latency has been reduced by using a single persistent connec-
`The persistent connection allows the server and the client to push
`messages to each other at any given time. WebSocket is not limited
`in its nature the way that AJAX (or XHR) is; AJAX technologies re-
`quire a request to be made by the client, whereas WebSocket servers
`and clients can push each other messages. There are many practical
`applications for WebSocket. WebSocket is ideal for most client-
`to-server asynchronous purposes, chat within the browser being the
`most prominent.
`The WebSocket protocol is implemented in many browsers, run-
`time environments and libraries acting as clients or servers. Here
`are listed some implementations:
`(cid:15) The cWebsocket implementation is lightweight Websocket
`server library written in C.
`(cid:15) The pywebsocket project aims to provide a WebSocket stan-
`dalone server and a WebSocket extension for Apache HTTP
`Server written in Python.
`(cid:15) The Node.js platform is built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime
`for easily building fast, scalable network applications.
`(cid:15) jWebSocket Server a pure Java based WebSocket server.
`The idea behind collaborative data visualization is to allow several
`users to share the exact same view and to efficiently communicate
`additional information during the visualization process. The loca-
`tion of the users should not be relevant. Collaborative visualization
`can be used as educational tools in a large variety of domains such
`as the surgery where a trained surgeon can demonstrate how to pro-
`ceed during a chirurgical operation. A colaborative tool can also
`be used to cooperatively design a new product online or attend a
`online conference where each user interact with a virtual character,
`ala Second Life.
`However, three main challenges arise with the integration of such
`a collaboration solution. The first challenge is to make the data
`available to anyone’s visualization engine, the second challenge is
`to create a 3D scene information protocol to share the visualization
`information between the distributed users, and the last challenge is
`to share this information with a high frequency and a low latency.
`Figure 2: Sharing of the visualization state using a Web Socket
`In a typical scenario, the user browses the data using a web inter-
`face and selects the dataset he wants to visualize. Then the user
`joins a collaborative session which triggers the visualization server
`to create different collaborative visualization views depending on
`the type of dataset. The master user is then the only one able to
`modify the state of the visualization. The rendering state of the
`3D scene is shared in real-time to the spectators over the network.
`When a spectator enters the collaborative view, he receives in real
`time the current visualization state and upcoming updates which
`are used to synchronize the rendering views. The number of partic-
`ipants should not affect the other participants, which means that a
`broadcast mechanism would be suitable.
`In the proposed system, to obtain a real time synchronization, only a
`small set of information is sent to the spectators. The 3D models are
`first downloaded using an HTTP request which is initiated by the
`collaborative visualization server. The collaboration process starts
`only after the data has been downloaded. The 3D engine allows us
`to process the scene information and reproduce the 3D scene on the
`client browser using the rendering pipeline described in the figure
`The rendering process is asynchronous of the sharing of the states
`allowing the rendering frame rate to be unrelated to the computer’s
`performances of the other users. As described in the figure 3, the
`system is based on client-server architecture. The master sends
`scene information to the WebSocket server which broadcasts the
`same message to all the connected users. A solution using a cen-
`tral system simplifies the connection between the users and allows
`connection/disconnection management. Figure 4 shows a use case
`demonstrating the initial connection of a user during the collabora-
`tive visualization.
`Genius Sports Ex. 1043
`p. 2
`3D virtual anatomies modeled from medical images of anonymous
`patients. The resulting Visible Patient website offers a complete vi-
`sualization solution of 3D patient-specific anatomy. The data are
`freely available from the visible patient website under a creative
`commons license.
`As a proof of concept, the experimental setup supports only a sub-
`set of collaborative features. We decided to focus our experiment
`on the sharing of camera movements and minimal rendering states.
`The test of the experimental setup was done in two steps. The first
`step was to evaluate the users’ experience with the prototype and
`collect feedbacks. The second step was to benchmark the perfor-
`mance of the application during the experimental evaluation. To
`benchmark the application, we logged all the messages sent by the
`master user and all the messages received by the spectator. The
`comparison of these information allows us to derive the latency and
`rate of message transfer which is directly linked to the synchroniza-
`tion rate of the visualized scene.
`In order to test our system in real world condition we installed a
`server in New York (USA) and the users were located in France.
`5 Results
`The overall user’s feedbacks were good. Most of the users were sur-
`prised by the reactivity and the fluidity of the system and how easy
`it was to initiate a collaborative visualization session. As shown on
`the Figure 1, the panel on the left is the view of the master user and
`the panel on the right is the corresponding view for the spectators.
`In the ideal case they should always be synchronized.
`From the different benchmarking sessions, we compiled three mea-
`sures, the average latency, the synchronization rate and the master
`rendering rate. The average latency is the average end-to-end de-
`lay of a message transmission between two clients (via the Node.js
`server). The synchronization rate is the number of queries received
`per second by one client. The master rendering rate is the num-
`ber of time the application renders the 3D scene per second. These
`measures are reported in the table Figure 5.
`Average latency
`Synchronization rate (per second)
`Master rendering rate (per second)
`AJAX WebSocket
`Figure 4: Benchmarking results.
`Next we discuss these results and present a conclusion.
`6 Discussion
`The results presented in this paper demonstrate that the proposed
`system is easy to use and provides good overall performance lead-
`ing to an optimal user experience.
`The benchmark demonstrated the large gain in term of networking
`performance using the WebSocket protocol compared to AJAX. We
`also tested internally the maximum number of messages received
`per second and we managed to easily get more than a thousand
`messages per second. This means that the prototype synchroniza-
`tion rate was only limited by the rendering rate of the master client.
`Furthermore, the system can be used in a large variety of use cases
`but we recognized that it has two main limitations. First, the ren-
`dering of the 3D scene depends directly on the performance of the
`client and the proposed system is not suitable for the visualiza-
`tion of large datasets since it would require downloading the entire
`Figure 3: Collaborative use case.
`4 Experimental setup
`Based on the WebGL technology and on the lightweight open
`source framework, ThreeJS [ThreeJS Community 2012], we de-
`veloped a system which allows users to instantly visualize 3D
`datasets online without the need for external plugins. The data is
`hosted on an open-source cloud based solution called MIDAS Plat-
`form [Jomier et al. 2010] to store the datasets and manage the 3D
`visualization; therefore making the use of WebGL transparent to
`the users.
`The real-time interactive collaboration is based on Node.js [Tilkov
`and Vinoski 2010]. Node.js is a platform built on Chrome’s
`JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network appli-
`cations. The Node.js library also allows to use the WebSocket and
`the AJAX technologies depending on the browser of the clients.
`This provides a fallback solution when the protocol is not available
`on the web browser.
`Using the javascript client capabilities, the application shares the
`scene information by sending a Javascript object to the WebSocket
`server. An example source code is shown below:
`if( isSceneModified() )
`{ s
`ocket = io.connect(collaborativeServerURL);
`var scene = new Object();
`scene.camera = getCameraInformation();
`scene.3DObjects = getObjectsInformation();
`socket.emit(’sendSceneInformation’, scene);
`The server then broadcasts the scene information to all the available
`clients. The following source code shows the implementation.
`socket.on(’sendSceneInformation’, function (scene)
`{ c
`urrentScene = scene;
`In order to provide a real world experience we decided to base
`our proof of concept on the Visible Patient [IRCAD and Kitware
`SAS 2012] project. The French Research Institute against Diges-
`tive Cancer (IRCAD) has decided to offer free access to a set of
`Genius Sports Ex. 1043
`p. 3
`JOMIER, J., BAILLY, A., GALL, M. L., AND AVILA, R. 2010. An
`open-source digital archiving system for medical and scientific
`CHABRIDON, S. 2008. Sharex3d, a scientific collaborative 3d
`viewer over http.
`aviewweb, a web framework for 3d visualization and data pro-
`cessing, 07.
`Large scale visualization on the cray xt3 using paraview. Cray
`User Group 2008 2 (01).
`NAM, T.-J., AND WRIGHT, D. 2001. The development and evalu-
`ation of syco3d: a real-time collaborative 3d cad system. Design
`Studies 22, 6, 557 – 582.
`THREEJS COMMUNITY, 2012. Threejs: Lightweight javascript 3d
`library. http://threejs.org.
`TILKOV, S., AND VINOSKI, S. 2010. Node.js: Using javascript to
`build high-performance network programs.
`http://dev.w3.org/html5/websockets/, March.
`for webgl.
`model’s geometry. The second limitation is related to the imple-
`mentation of the system which currently does not include any ad-
`vanced post processing visualization such as clipping, decimation,
`The solution presented in the paper implements an easy to use col-
`laborative system which uses browsers’ embedded technologies but
`would require a hybrid solution to support all the types of visualiza-
`tions, mainly large datasets requiring intensive pre/post processing
`computation for visualization. This hybrid system would be based
`on the combined use of remote and local rendering.
`In the context of this project, we confirmed that providing high per-
`formance visualization is essential but an easy to use tool is almost
`as important. The system must also provide an easy way to select
`the datasets of interest and to start the collaborative visualization.
`7 Conclusion
`In this paper we have presented a novel approach to collabora-
`tive visualization by combining two new technologies: WebGL and
`WebSocket, therefore allowing for a faster and easier way to re-
`motely collaborate with 3D datasets.
`In the future, the protocol used in the experimental setup to describe
`the scene could be improved to share more information regarding
`the scene, such as material, texture, lighting and other interactive
`features. We also plan to use this technology to integrate a col-
`laborative visualization on mobile devices, not necessarily using
`WebGL. For instance we could synchronize a WebGL visualization
`with a native visualization on an iPad using embedded technologies
`such as the VES library (VTK OpenGL ES Rendering Toolkit) [Kit-
`ware 2012].
`The authors would like to thank the Research Institute against Di-
`gestive Cancer (IRCAD) for providing the data used for this exper-
`Ensight gold software.
`2006. Ap-
`CHU, C.-H., CHENG, C.-Y., AND WU, C.-W.
`plications of
`the web-based collaborative visualization in
`Computers in Industry
`distributed product development.
`57, 3, 272 – 282.
`¡ce:title¿Advanced Computer Sup-
`port of Engineering and Service Processes of Virtual Enter-
`prises¡/ce:title¿ ¡ce:subtitle¿Advanced Computer Support Spe-
`cial Issue¡/ce:subtitle¿.
`SCHMUTZ, A. 2010. Collaborative Scientific Visualization: The
`COLLAVIZ Framework. In JVRC 2010 (2010 Joint Virtual Re-
`ality Conference of EuroVR - EGVE - VEC).
`HARVARD MEDICAL GROUP. The x toolkit: Webgl for scientific
`visualization. https://github.com/xtk/X.
`Visible patient:
`Freeware for 3d visualization of 3d models of patients.
`http://www.visiblepatient.eu/, March.
`Genius Sports Ex. 1043
`p. 4