`Twitch.TV-Based Measurement Study
`Cong Zhang, Jiangchuan Liu
`School of Computing Science
`Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada
`Email: {congz, jcliu}@cs.sfu.ca
`Abstract—Empowered by today’s rich tools for media gen-
`eration and collaborative production, the multimedia service
`paradigm is shifting from the conventional single source, to multi-
`source, to many sources, and now toward crowdsource. Such
`crowdsourced live streaming platforms as Twitch.tv allow general
`users to broadcast their content to massive viewers, thereby
`greatly expanding the content and user bases. The resources
`available for these non-professional broadcasters however are
`limited and unstable, which potentially impair the streaming
`quality and viewers’ experience. The diverse live interactions
`among the broadcasters and viewers can further aggravate the
`investigation on the
`In this paper, we present an initial
`modern crowdsourced live streaming systems. Taking Twitch as
`a representative, we outline their inside architecture using both
`crawled data and captured traffic of local broadcasters/viewers.
`Closely examining the access data collected in a two-month
`period, we reveal that the view patterns are determined by both
`events and broadcasters’ sources. Our measurements explore
`the unique source- and event-driven views, showing that the
`current delay strategy on the viewer’s side substantially impacts
`the viewers’
`interactive experience, and there is significant
`disparity between the long broadcast latency and the short
`live messaging latency. On the broadcaster’s side, the dynamic
`uploading capacity is a critical challenge, which noticeably affects
`the smoothness of live streaming for viewers.
`Empowered by today’s rich tools for media generation
`and collaborative production, the multimedia service paradigm
`is shifting from the conventional single source,
`to multi-
`source, to many sources, and now toward crowdsource [1],
`where the available media sources for the content of interest
`become highly diverse and scalable. In the 2014 Sochi Winter
`Olympics, NBC (National Broadcasting Company) had a total
`of 41 live feeds distributed both in Sochi and in USA, and
`in the 2014 FIFA World Cup, when a goal is scored, CBC
`(Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) synchronized the live
`scenes of the cheering fans in public squares from cities
`worldwide in its live streaming channel. The evolution is
`driven further by the advances in personal and mobile devices
`that can readily capture high quality audio/video anywhere and
`anytime (e.g., iPhone 6 supports 60 fps 1080p High Definition
`(HD) video recording, and 240 fps slow-motion recording for
`720p HD videos).
`Crowdsourced content creation is expected to usher in
`a new wave of innovations in how multimedia content is
`created and consumed, allowing content creators from different
`backgrounds, talents, and skills to collaborate on producing
`future multimedia content. For instance, the industrial pioneer,
`Twitch.tv (www.twitch.tv), allows anyone to broadcast their
`content to massive viewers, and the primary sources come
`from game players from PCs or other gaming consoles, e.g.,
`PS4 and XBox. According to Twitch’s Retrospective Report
`20131, in just three years, the number of viewers grew from 20
`million to 45 million, while the number of unique broadcasters
`tripled to 900 thousand. Other similar platforms such as
`Poptent (www.poptent.com) and VeedMe (www.veed.me) have
`emerged in the market with great success, too.
`Existing works have identified the characteristics of popular
`streaming systems [2], [3], [4], [5]. In contrast
`to these
`conventional streaming systems, e.g., YouTube-like streaming,
`mobile live streaming, and P2P live streaming, Twitch-
`like crowdsourced interactive live streaming has a number
`of distinguished features. First, Twitch-like services do not
`provide the sources of live streaming by themselves. Rather,
`they serve as a platform that bridges sources and viewers,
`thereby greatly expanding the content and user bases. On the
`other hand, the sources are no longer professional content
`producers and providers, and often have limited computation
`and network resources. They can even join or leave at will, or
`crash at anytime. All these make high-quality live streaming
`more challenging. Second, Twitch-like services also promote
`viewers’ involvement with live content broadcasters. The
`viewers can choose their preferred perspective for a live event
`(e.g., one particular game player, or a game commentator) and
`enjoy virtual face-to-face interactions with real-time chatting.
`is necessary to ensure timely interaction and minimize
`the switching latencies, which again is aggravated with the
`multiple non-professional sources and the massive viewers.
`In this paper, we present an initial investigation on the
`modern crowdsourced live streaming systems. Taking Twitch
`as a representative, we outline their inside architecture using
`both crawled data and captured traffic of local broadcast-
`ers/viewers. Closely examining the access data collected in
`a two-month period, we reveal that the view patterns are
`determined by both events and broadcasters’ sources. Our
`measurements explore the unique source-driven and event-
`driven views, showing that the current delay strategy on the
`viewer’s side substantially impacts the viewers’ interactive
`arXiv:1502.04666v2 [cs.MM] 23 Feb 2015
`SportsCastr Inc. EX-2034
`Page 1
`sources can be involved in one broadcast event. For instance,
`recent DotA2 (Defense of the Ancients 2) game champi-
`onships “The Summit 2” embraces at least three sources to
`stream this event, including two game competitive players and
`a commentator’s perspective. Figure 1 plots the distribution
`of the broadcasters’ devices in Twitch. Given that the build-
`in Apps of PS4/Xbox were available just after March 2014,
`we can clearly see that the PC/Laptop are the most popular
`devices, at about 76.7%; the second is PS4, at about 15.1%;
`and the third is XBox One, at about 9.2%. This figure also
`indicates that the most widely used streaming software on
`PC/laptop platform is Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) 3,
`at about 59%.
`Our analysis results show that Twitch deploys RTMP
`(Real Time Messaging Protocol over HTTP Tunnel) streaming
`servers, covering 14 regions, to compensate the weaknesses
`of the sources, e.g., networking fluctuation and inferior per-
`formance. The original streaming will be transferred through
`HTTP Live Streaming from streaming servers to viewers with
`the assistance of a CDN, whereas all
`the servers are of
`names: video#.sfo##.hls.twitch.tv 4. It is known that Twitch
`further deploys load balancing servers (usher.twitch.tv) to
`optimize the live streaming distribution [6] and deliver HTTP
`Live Streaming playlist file channelID.m3u8 to each viewer’s
`device. To accommodate heterogeneous viewers, Twitch also
`provides adaptive online transcoding service to premium
`content broadcasters. All the live performances can be watched
`by web browsers or Twitch Apps for mobile devices (e.g., iOS
`or Android-based). If a premium broadcaster enables online
`transcoding service, the browser-based viewers can manually
`select a proper quality from Source, High, Medium, Low,
`and Mobile, and the option Auto (i.e., adaptive streaming)
`is the default setting for a mobile user. However, as we will
`show, the duration of 50% sessions are over 150 minutes,
`which imposes too much overhead to transcoding, and hence
`non-premium broadcasters can only make a tradeoff by
`selecting a streaming quality for most of the viewers.
`Interactive communication is a unique feature in such
`a Twitch-like crowdsourced system. A set of
`messaging servers receive the viewer’s live messages, and then
`dispatch the messages to the corresponding live broadcaster
`and other viewers, enhancing the participants’ experience for
`the live events towards realistic competition environment.
`That said, the viewers are no longer passive, but can affect
`the progress of the broadcast as well. In particular, for
`broadcasting live game playing, the interactive service allows
`viewers to interact with the game players and commentators
`in realtime. Our data reveal that these servers for interaction
`are only deployed in North America using the IRC (Internet
`Relay Chat) protocol; yet they deliver all the live messages
`worldwide with reasonably low latency, as we will show in
`Section IV-A.
`4The name also indicates the location of the corresponding CDN server;
`e.g., “sfo” for San Francisco.
`Fig. 1: Device distribution of Twitch’s live sources
`experience, and there is significant disparity among the long
`broadcast latency and the short live messaging latency. On the
`broadcaster’s side, the dynamic uploading capacity is a critical
`challenge, which noticeably affects the smoothness of live
`streaming for viewers. Inspired by the measurement results, we
`discuss potential enhancements toward better crowdsourced
`interactive live streaming.
`is organized as follows.
`The remainder of
`this paper
`Section II introduces our measurement methodology, which
`sheds insight into the architecture of Twitch. Section III details
`the views pattern in Twitch. We present the latency results on
`the viewer’s side and analyze the impacts of sources on the
`broadcaster’s side in Section IV. Finally, Section V concludes
`the paper with further discussions.
`As a new generation and proprietary system, despite certain
`information leakages [6], the inside details of Twitch and
`particularly the access data remain unclear to the public, so
`do many other crowdsourced live streaming systems in the
`market. With the assistance of Twitch’s Representational State
`Transfer (REST) APIs2, we continually crawled the access
`data of live contents from Twitch in a two-month period
`(from October 1st to November 30th, 2014). The crawled
`data include the number of Twitch streams, the number of
`Twitch views, and the meta-data of live streams every ten
`minutes. The meta-data include that the game name, stream
`ID, broadcaster’s channel ID, current views, created time
`and other information. Our crawler analyzed these meta files
`to create the sets of broadcasters’ channels and scrape the
`number of the total views and durations of past broadcasts
`of each broadcaster every day. Because every past broadcast
`only counts the number of viewers during its broadcast, the
`number of total views indeed reflects the characteristics of live
`streams. Table I shows the details of the REST APIs used in
`our crawler. Our dataset includes 2, 923 active broadcasters
`(i.e., sources), who have broadcast a total of 105, 117 live
`performances, attracting over 17.8 million viewers. That is,
`each source has conducted around 36 live broadcasts in the
`two-month period. These broadcasts are of different durations
`and viewer populations, as we will analyze in the next section.
`The broadcast sources can be quite heterogeneous, involving
`PCs, laptops, and even PS4/XBox game consoles, and multiple
`Page 2
`TABLE I: The details about Twitch REST APIs in our crawler
`Get the global statistics of streams and views at present
`GET /streams/summary
`Get the meta file of live streams at present
`GET /streams
`Get the number of total views, followers and delay setting of broadcaster’s channel
`GET /channels/:channel
`GET /channels/:channel/videos Get the number of total views, duration of each stream in broadcaster’s channel
`TABLE III: The configuration of viewers’ device
`Network Operating Sys. Downloading
`P1 Wired
`Windows 7
`160-250 Mb/s
`P2 Wireless Windows 8.2
`7-25 Mb/s
`M1 Wireless
`iOS 8.0
`2-25 Mb/s
`M2 Wireless
`Android 4.2.2
`4-36 Mb/s
`Android 4.2.2
`0.6-1.2 Mb/s
`Zipf (a=0.711) R2 = 0.7483
`Weibull (k=0.513, λ=4325) R2 = 0.9396
`Gamma (k=0.399, θ=14260) R2 = 0.9562
`Measured Views
`Number of Views
`Fig. 3: Live streams rank ordered by views
`Duration (minutes)
`Fig. 4: Distribution of live streaming duration
`Interactive Server
`Live Streaming
`Interactive data
`Source A
`Source C
`Broadcaster 1
`Broadcaster 2
`Source D
`(Game Session)
`Game Competitions
`Source B
`(Game Session)
`RTMP Server
`Load Balancer
`Fig. 2: Two broadcaster/game player measurement configura-
`To closely investigate the behavior and experience of
`individual sources and viewers, we also set up three source-
`end PCs (one commentator and two game players) and
`five viewers over the Twitch platform, and use network
`including Wireshark,
`tcpdump, and ISP lookup,
`monitor their detailed incoming and outgoing traffic. Figure 2
`describes the basic two-player competition broadcast setup
`for game DotA2. Each player has installed a web camera
`that captures the video in realtime and encodes in H.264
`locally with OBS v0.63b, which is then transmitted to the
`Twitch platform through RTMP. All devices in our platform
`are of household PC/tablet configurations, which ensure that
`our measurement results are representative for general users.
`The configuration of each device is shown in Table II and
`III. The iOS and Android devices were jail-broken/rooted
`to capture the incoming/outcoming traffic precisely. We also
`deployed a NETGEAR GS108PEv2 switch to simulate the
`dynamic uploading bandwidth on the hardware level, which
`is much more accurate than a software limiter. Finally, to
`quantify the latencies on the viewer’s side and the impact of
`network dynamics on Quality-of-Experience (QoE), we use the
`commentator’s laptop (B1) as NTP (Network Time Protocol)
`server and synchronize other devices to improve the accuracy
`of measurement results.
`TABLE II: The configuration of broadcasters’ device (B1:
`Commentator; B2, B3: Players)
`Operating Sys. Uploading
`ID Type
`Laptop Windows 8.2
`2-12 Mb/s
`B2 Desktop Windows 8.2
`5-18 Mb/s
`B3 Desktop Windows 7
`3-15 Mb/s
`We analyze Twitch views data and find that it represents
`several novel and unique characteristics. As of October, 2014,
`the peak of concurrent streams is above 12000, most of which
`are for online gaming broadcast. These game streams attract
`more than one million views every day. We first investigate
`the characteristic of views in different live contents, and then
`discuss the source-driven and event-driven views.
`Page 3
`in next subsection.
`When considering the computation and traffic impacts of
`a broadcast, popularity is not the only factor, which must be
`weighted together with the duration of a broadcast. As shown
`in Figure 4, the streaming durations are highly diverse, too.
`About 30% live contents have a duration around 60 − 120
`minutes, but there are also 30% being more than 4 hours,
`which is dramatically longer than those in typical user-
`generated video sharing platforms, e.g., YouTube, where the
`longest steam is around 2-3 hours (i.e., movies) [2]. The exact
`duration of a Twitch broadcast, which depends on the interest
`of and the interaction with the viewers, can hardly be predicted
`in advance, either. This again is different from professional
`content services, e.g., TV broadcast. Such long-lived and
`yet unpredictable broadcast apparently pose challenges on
`computation and bandwidth resource allocation for real-time
`online transcoding and reliable broadcasting.
`B. Event- and Source-Driven Views
`Due to the globalized demands with time/region diversities,
`it is well-known video services always experience dynamics
`and fluctuations requests [8]. To understand the view dynamics
`of Twitch, Figure 5a depicts the online views over time in a
`one-week period (from OCT01 to OCT07, 2014). The number
`of concurrent online views exhibits daily patterns: like in the
`conventional video services [7], the Twitch viewers tend to
`watch game streaming during the day and evening, whereas
`less likely in midnight. Interestingly, the number of views was
`the highest around the midnight on OCT04 and then hastily
`decreased to the lowest level, implying that if an prominent
`source can indeed attract massive viewers, despite of time.
`Similar (though less striking) patterns can be seen in OCT05,
`06, and 07.
`There are also two transient drops from time to time, e.g.,
`on OCT03. After investigating the broadcasters’ data, we find
`that a popular live streaming was disconnected for an unknown
`reason but re-connected quickly. Accordingly, the number of
`viewers decreased instantly but managed to recover in a few
`minutes after re-connection. Such situations rarely happen
`for professional broadcasters, which have highly reliable
`equipment setup and network connections. Crowdsourced
`broadcast system, e.g., Twitch, on the other hand, relies on the
`non-professionals to provide the broadcast content in realtime;
`as such, even if the Twitch platform itself is highly reliable
`with over-provisioned resources, it can hardly guarantee the
`source video quality.
`To further understand the roles of the sources, Figure 5b
`and 5c detail the number of views among top broadcasters in
`two game categories (League of Legends, and Defense of the
`Ancients 2) during one week. As can be seen, the broadcast
`can be suspended suddenly; e.g., there are four obvious rises in
`Figure 5b which dropped immediately, due to terminating the
`game competitions. Since the live progress depends on what
`is actually happening in the game competitions, the duration
`and the exact time of termination can hardly be predicted (see
`for example the variations in 5c). The exact reason and time
`(a) Total views
`x 105
`x 104
`(b) League of Legends
`(c) Defense of the Ancients 2
`Fig. 5: Views patterns in Twitch (From 2014OCT01 to
`A. Popularity and Duration
`The number of viewers is one of the most important char-
`acteristics, which reveals the popularity and access patterns
`of the content. For our global view dataset containing more
`than 105 thousand streams, we plot the number of views
`as a function of the rank of the video streams’ popularity
`in Figure 3. Clearly, the plot has a long tail on the linear
`scale; it does not fit a classical Zipf distribution, which is
`a straight line in a log-log scale, as shown in Figure 3. We
`also plot two other typical distributions, Weibull and Gamma.
`Because they have heavy tail, especially in the top part, and
`have been demonstrated to be better fits in YouTube [2], they
`are also good in the Twitch’s case, either. We also calculate
`the coefficient of determination R2 to indicate the fitness
`in this figure. Weibull and Gamma distributions can fit the
`rise part, in which the popular streams hosted by famous
`players or commentators attract a large number of game fans
`through broadcasting game competitions. We also analyze the
`influences of live events in Section III-B.
`To understand Twitch’s uniqueness, we closely examine the
`relationship among the total number of views and broadcasters,
`and the number of views in top broadcasters every ten minutes
`in our dataset. We find that top-0.5% broadcasters contribute
`to more than 70% of the total views in general. In several
`extreme cases, the top-0.4% broadcasters account for more
`than 90% of total views. As such, the distribution of the views
`in Twitch exhibits extreme skewness, being much stronger
`than conventional streaming systems, e.g., YouTube [7] and
`PPLive [3]. We will illustrate the reasons of this huge skewness
`Page 4
`low (≤ 400ms), enabling responsive interaction among the
`participants (viewers and broadcasters). It is worth noting
`that, along with the live message, certain control information
`including a participant’s type and streaming quality is also
`sent to a Twitch statistic server (mp.twitch.tv), as found in
`our captured network data.
`B. Broadcast Latency
`We next measure the broadcast latency, which is defined
`as the time lag of a live event when viewers watch the live
`streaming from the source. It reflects a viewer’s time difference
`with the commentator and other viewers when they watch and
`discuss the current live event. A long broadcast latency will
`obviously affect the interactivity.
`Figure 6b shows the average, maximum, and minimum
`broadcast latencies of the four viewer devices (P1, wired
`PC; P2, wireless PC; M1, M2, mobile tablet). We first vary
`the streaming bitrates from 800 Kb/s to 2400 Kb/s, and
`ensure that
`the downloading bandwidth of each device is
`significantly higher than the streaming bitrate, so as to mitigate
`the bottleneck within the network. As shown in the figure, the
`browser-based P1 and P2 have a latency about 12 seconds
`for different streaming rates, whereas the client-based M1 and
`M2 have about 21 seconds. We closely investigate the traffic
`of each device and find that Twitch adopts a device-dependent
`broadcast latency strategy to gather the crowdsourced content
`for processing and to ensure smoothed live streaming. For
`desktop devices,
`the inevitable latency derives from that
`Twitch receives and converts RTMP streaming to HTTP Live
`Streaming chunks, each of which is a four-second streaming
`segment; on the other hand, for mobile devices, Twitch will
`strategically send three more chunks than desktop devices, if
`all devices start to play live streaming simultaneously. That
`is, even if we consider an ideal network, mobile devices
`will still suffer an extra 12 seconds broadcast latency in the
`current Twitch platform. To evaluate the impact of network
`bottlenecks, we also compare the latencies of mobile devices
`with WiFi (M2) and 3G (M3) networks, as shown in Figure 6c.
`As can be seen, the latencies for M2 remain almost constant
`across all streaming rates, and M3 incurs extra network delays
`increase with the growing streaming rate. The extra
`network latency is significant only with very high streaming
`rates, which implies that the processing time (about 10s for all
`devices) and strategic delivery (extra three chunks for mobile
`devices) within the Twitch platform are the key factors in
`broadcast latency.
`C. Source Switching Latency
`Given the massive sources available, a viewer has rich
`choices and can frequently switch among different sources, for
`the same broadcast event, or even to a totally different event,
`both of which are now done manually in Twitch (per viewer’s
`action). To investigate the latency of source switching, we
`record the time duration for 100 switches performed by the
`different types of devices in different network environments, as
`shown in Figure 6d. Not surprisingly, a higher downloading
`Broadcaster−side Encoding Bitrate
`(b) Broadcast delay
`Broadcast Latency (secs)
`Source Switching Delay
`Different Devices
`(d) Source switching latency
`Source Switching Delay (secs)
`Receive Delay
`Send Delay
`Different Devices
`(a) Live messaging latency
`Live Messaging Latency (ms)
`1200kb/s 1600kb/s 2000kb/s 2400kb/s
`Broadcaster−side Encoding Bitrate
`(c) The impacts of networks
`Broadcast Latency (secs)
`Fig. 6: The characteristics at the viewer-side (error bars are
`95% confidence intervals)
`that trigger a views burst can hardly be predicted, either. Note
`that these still hold with content other than gaming, as long
`as they are provided by distributed crowdsources. In short, the
`views of a crowdsource live streaming system can be more
`dynamic and unpredictable than conventional video services,
`and the views are both event- and source-driven. Even though
`the Twitch platform is aware of the online status of the massive
`sources and viewers, significant efforts are still needed to
`provide persistently good user experience.
`We next examine the latencies in the Twitch system, which
`are critical
`to the user experience, particularly with live
`interactions. To this end, we focus on the latencies experienced
`by a set of representative viewers with typical device and
`network settings, namely, wired PC viewer (P1), wireless PC
`viewer (P2), and mobile tablet viewers (M1, M2, M3). Three
`latencies are of interest here, namely, live messaging latency,
`broadcast latency, and switching latency.
`A. Live Messaging Latency
`A distinct feature of the crowdsourced content production is
`that all viewers and broadcasters can interact and discuss the
`current live events, which collectively affect the ongoing and
`upcoming broadcast content. Twitch enables the collaboration
`via live messages exchanged through a set of interactive
`servers, as shown in Figure 2. We capture the networking
`traffic from five devices and three sources and analyze the
`send/receive timestamps of live messages (see Section 2 for
`the experiment configuration). Figure 6a presents the live
`message latencies for five representative viewer devices in our
`experiments. This type of latency depends on both network
`conditions and device types;
`two desktop devices witness
`the almost same latency between the message sending and
`receiving operations, whereas the receiving latency of mobile
`devices is lower than the sending latency. Yet the measurement
`results suggest that,
`in general, the live message is quite
`Page 5
`x 104
`# of Total Dropped Frames
`live streaming. Another interesting phenomenon occurs after
`recovering the broadcaster’s uploading condition (1500-1800
`In this case,
`the uploading capacity becomes
`sufficient again, and the broadcaster can offer a stable
`streaming to Twitch; yet Twitch just decreases the broadcast
`delay slightly to mitigate the impacts of previous networking
`diversity at the broadcaster-side. These measurement results
`indicate that
`the streaming service provided by Twitch is
`vulnerable and sensitive when the broadcaster’s networking
`capacity is changed frequently, not to mention responsive
`Multi-sourced live streaming from non-professional broad-
`casters have emerged in the market, and is rapidly evolving
`to crowdsourced with massive participants. In just two years,
`the most successfully platform, Twitch.tv, has grown to
`be 4th largest
`traffic generator in the US Internet, and
`is with a steady 8% monthly growth rate now. In this
`paper, we presented an initial investigation on the modern
`crowdsourced live streaming systems, using Twitch as a case
`study. Closely examining the access data collected in a two-
`month period, we outlined the inside architecture of Twitch,
`and revealed that the views patterns are determined by both
`the event and the broadcasters’ sources. Our measurement
`also explored the unique source-driven and event-driven views,
`showing that the current delay strategy on the viewer’s side
`substantially impacts the viewers’ QoE, and there is significant
`inconsistency among the long broadcast latency and the short
`live messaging latency. On the broadcaster’s side, the dynamic
`uploading capacity is a critical challenge, which noticeably
`affects the smoothness of live streaming for viewers.
`As a preliminary study, both the scale and the interactions
`we have considered are limited. The Twitch-like services
`themselves remain in the infancy stage, too. In February 2014,
`a pilot project “Twitch Plays Pokemon” offered live streaming
`and game emulator for the game Pokemon Red, in which
`players (also as the viewers in Twitch) simultaneously send
`the control message of Pokemon through the IRC protocol
`and live messages in Twitch. This truly crowdsourced game
`streaming attracted more than 1.6 million players and 55
`million viewers. Similar scales however have yet to appear
`in other interactive events, though. It is also known that the
`user interaction experience is not very satisfied in the pilot
`project, which is due largely to the latency disparity between
`live messages and the broadcast content, as we have quantified
`through measurement.
`Joint optimization of servers and clients has been commonly
`employed in state-of-the-art streaming services to provide
`smooth streaming experience for heterogeneous viewers[9].
`For Twitch-like services, it is necessary to include the massive
`sources in the optimization loop, which however can be quite
`challenging given their strong dynamics. Yet the crowdsourced
`nature provides opportunities, too. We suggest that, through
`analyzing the enormous amount of historical activities of the
`broadcasters and viewers, the service provider may predict
`Broadcast Latency (secs)
`Total Dropped Frames
`Broadcast Latency
`Duration (seconds)
`Fig. 7: The impacts of broadcaster’s network
`bandwidth enables a lower switching latency in both wired
`and wireless networks (e.g., 4 seconds for a high speed wired
`network and 5.5 seconds for a low speed wireless network).
`The latency however is not proportional to the bandwidth; in
`particularly, the devices in the mobile networks generally have
`lower switching latencies than those in the wired network,
`although the mobile bandwidths are indeed much lower, which
`again indicates different device-dependent strategies have been
`applied within Twitch.
`D. Impacts of Broadcaster’s sources
`So far, we have examined the latencies on the viewer’s
`side, which includes not only the processing time within the
`Twitch server and the time from the server to the viewer, as in
`conventional streaming systems, but also the latency from the
`source to the server, a new component in the crowdsourced
`system. Through household Internet accesses and multimedia-
`ready PCs or mobile devices, anyone can become a Twitch
`broadcaster, anywhere and anytime. These non-professional
`broadcasters however have diverse networking connections,
`both in terms of capacity and stability, especially with wireless
`mobile accesses. To evaluate the network impact, we deploy
`a modified OBS module on every broadcaster to record the
`bandwidth consumption, and first
`initialize live streaming
`service in the networks with sufficient uploading bandwidth.
`To understand the impact, we next control the maximum
`uploading bandwidth following five settings: No Limit, 4000
`Kb/s, 2000 Kb/s, 1000 Kb/s, and 512 Kb/s; each one lasts
`five minutes (300 seconds), and the setting finally returns
`to No Limit at
`the 1500 second. The original streaming
`encoding setting is still 4000 Kb/s, and the measurement
`results are shown in Figure 7. From this figure5, we observe
`that the number of total dropped frames consistently grows
`with decreasing the uploading bandwidth on the broadcaster’s
`side. In the meantime, the broadcast latency on the viewer’s
`side also suffers the stepwise rise;
`in particular,
`the live
`streaming experiences two notable delay increases at 900
`and 1200 seconds. That said, Twitch attempts to maintain
`a stable broadcast latency, but cannot guarantee the smooth
`5For simplicity, we only show the broadcast latency between P1 and B1. To
`avoid measurement bias, we repeat the same test on another two broadcasters’
`devices B2/B3 and other viewer’s devices. The results remain consistent with
`Figure 7.
`Page 6
`their behaviors in advance and accordingly improve the
`streaming quality.
`the adaptation strategy
`indicates that
`Our measurement
`in Twitch is mainly based on CBR video. As such, good
`smoothness and low latency can hardly be both offered with
`limited bandwidth. Even though viewers can potential switch
`from a high-latency source to a low-latency one, a certain
`period of live streaming would be missed given the high
`switching latency. For the viewer side, existing work [10]
`proposed a trade-off solution to distribute adaptive streaming
`in Twitch, which allows the heterogeneous viewer’s devices
`to adaptively select
`the best-fit streaming quality. For the
`source side, we are working on a crowd uploading strategy
`that attempts to leverage the aggregated bandwidth of the
`many sources for speedy uploading. The live messaging and
`the associated social connections can play useful roles in the
`uploading, too.
`[1] P. Simoens, Y. Xiao, P. Pillai, Z. Chen, K. Ha, and M. Satyanarayanan,
`“Scalable crowd-sourcing of video from mobile devices,” in ACM
`MobiSys, 2013.
`[2] X. Cheng, J. Liu, and C. Dale, “Understanding the characteristics of
`internet short video sharing: A youtube-based measurement study,”