`How Facebook Live Streams to 800,000 Simultaneous Viewers - High Scalability -
`Genius Sports Ex. 1035
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`How Facebook Live Streams to
`800,000 Simultaneous Viewers
`High Scalability
`Jun 27, 2016 — 7 min read
`Fewer companies know how to build world spanning distributed services than there are
`countries with nuclear weapons. Facebook is one of those companies and Facebook Live,
`Facebook’s new live video streaming product, is one one of those services.
`Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg:
`High Scalability
`The big decision we made was to shift a lot of our video efforts to focus on Live,
`because it is this emerging new format; not the kind of videos that have been online for
`the past five or ten years...We’re entering this new golden age of video. I wouldn’t be
`8/7/24, 12:23 AM
`How Facebook Live Streams to 800,000 Simultaneous Viewers - High Scalability -
`Genius Sports Ex. 1035
`p. 2
`If you are in the advertising business what could better than a supply of advertising ready
`content that is never ending, always expanding, and freely generated? It ’s the same
`economics Google exploited when it started slapping ads on an exponentially growing web.
`An example of Facebook’s streaming prowess is a 45 minute video of two people exploding
`a watermelon with rubber bands. It reached a peak of over 800,000 simultaneous viewers
`who also racked up over 300,000 comments. That ’s the kind of viral scale you can generate
`with a social network of 1.5 billion users.
`As a comparison The 2015 Super Bowl was watched by 114 million viewers with an average
`2.36 million on the live stream. On Twitch there was a peak of 840,000 viewers at E3 2015.
`The September 16th Republican debate peaked at 921,000 simultaneous live streams.
`So Facebook is right up there with the state of the art. Keep in mind Facebook would have
`a large number of other streams going on at the same time as well.
`A Wired article quotes Chris Cox, Facebook’s chief product officer, who said Facebook:
`Has more than a hundred people working on Live. (it started with ~12 and now there are
`more than 150 engineers on the project)
`Needs to be able to serve up millions of simultaneous streams without crashing.
`Need to be able to support millions of simultaneous viewers on a stream, as well as
`seamless streams across different devices and service providers around the world.
`Cox said that “It turns out it ’s a really hard infrastructure problem.”
`Wouldn't it be interesting if we had some details about how that infrastructure problem was
`solved? Woe is we. But wait, we do!
`surprised if you fast-forward five years and most of the content that people see on
`Facebook and are sharing on a day-to-day basis is video.
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`How Facebook Live Streams to 800,000 Simultaneous Viewers - High Scalability -
`Genius Sports Ex. 1035
`p. 3
`Federico Larumbe from Facebook’s Traffic Team, which works on the caching software
`powering Facebook’s CDN and the Global Load Balancing system, gave an excellent talk:
`Scaling Facebook Live, where he shares some details about how Live works.
`Here’s my gloss on the talk. It ’s impressive.
`Origin Story
`Facebook is a new feature that allows people to share video in real-time. (Note how this
`for Facebook is just another feature).
`Launched in April 2015 Live could only be used by celebrities through the Mentions app
`as a medium for interacting with fans.
`This began a year of product improvement and protocol iteration.
`They started with HLS, HTTP Live Streaming. It ’s supported by the iPhone and
`allowed them to use their existing CDN architecture.
`Simultaneously began investigating RTMP (Real-Time Messaging Protocol), a TCP
`based protocol. There’s a stream of video and a stream of audio that is sent from
`the phone to the Live Stream servers.
`Advantage: RTMP has lower end-end latency between the broadcaster and
`viewers. This really makes a difference an interactive broadcast where people
`are interacting with each other. Then lowering latency and having a few seconds
`less delay makes all the difference in the experience.
`Disadvantage: requires a whole now architecture because it ’s not HTTP based. A
`new RTMP proxy need to be developed to make it scale.
`Also investigating MPEG-DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP).
`Advantage: compared to HLS it is 15% more space efficient.
`Advantage: it allows adaptive bit rates. The encoding quality can be varied
`based on the network throughput.
`Pied Piper Middle-Out Compression Solution: (just kidding)
`Launched in dozens of countries in December 2015.
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`How Facebook Live Streams to 800,000 Simultaneous Viewers - High Scalability -
`Genius Sports Ex. 1035
`p. 4
`Live Video is Different and that Causes Problems
`The traffic pattern of the Watermelon video mentioned earlier:
`A very steep initial rise, in a few minutes it reached more than 100 requests per
`second and continued increasing until the end of the video.
`Then traffic dropped like a rock.
`In other words: traffic is spiky.
`Live video is different than normal videos: it causes spiky traffic patterns.
`Live videos are more engaging so tend to get watched 3x more than normal videos.
`Live videos appear at the top of the news feed so have a higher probability of being
`Notifications are sent to all the fans of each page so that ’s another group of people
`who might watch the video.
`Spiky traffic cause problems in the caching system and the load balancing system.
`Caching Problems
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`How Facebook Live Streams to 800,000 Simultaneous Viewers - High Scalability -
`Genius Sports Ex. 1035
`p. 5
`A lot of people may want to watch a live video at the same time. This is your classic
`Thundering Herd problem.
`The spiky traffic pattern puts pressure on the caching system.
`Video is segmented into one second files. Servers that cache these segments may
`overload when traffic spikes.
`Global Load Balancing Problem
`Facebook has points of presence (PoPs) distributed around the world. Facebook
`traffic is globally distributed.
`The challenge is preventing a spike from overloading a PoP.
`Big Picture Architecture
`This is how a live stream goes from one broadcaster to millions of viewers.
`A broadcaster starts a live video on their phone.
`The phone sends a RTMP stream to a Live Stream server.
`The Live Stream server decodes the video and transcodes to multiple bit rates.
`For each bit rate a set of one-second MPEG-DASH segments is continuously produced.
`Segments are stored in a datacenter cache.
`From the datacenter cache segments are sent to caches located in the points of presence
`(a PoP cache).
`On the view side the viewer receives a Live Story.
`The player on their device starts fetching segments from a PoP cache at a rate of one per
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`How Facebook Live Streams to 800,000 Simultaneous Viewers - High Scalability -
`Genius Sports Ex. 1035
`p. 6
`How does it scale?
`There is one point of multiplication between the datacenter cache and the many PoP
`caches. Users access PoP caches, not the datacenter, and there are many PoP caches
`distributed around the world.
`Another multiplication factor is within each PoP.
`Within the PoP there are two layers: a layer of HTTP proxies and a layer of cache.
`Viewers request the segment from a HTTP proxy. The proxy checks if the segment
`is in cache. If it ’s in cache the segment is returned. If it ’s not in cache a request for
`the segment is sent to the datacenter.
`Different segments are stored in different caches so that helps with load balancing
`across different caching hosts.
`Protecting the Datacenter from the Thundering Herd
`What happens when all the viewers are requesting the same segment at the same
`If the segment is not in cache one request will be sent to the datacenter for each
`Request Coalescing. The number of requests is reduced by adding request coalescing
`to the PoP cache. Only the first request is sent to the datacenter. The other requests
`are held until the first response arrives and the data is sent to all the viewers.
`New caching layer is added to the proxy to avoid the Hot Server problem.
`All the viewers are sent to one cache host to wait for the segment, which could
`overload the host.
`The proxy adds a caching layer. Only the first request to the proxy actually makes a
`request to the cache. All the following requests are served directly from the proxy.
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`How Facebook Live Streams to 800,000 Simultaneous Viewers - High Scalability -
`Genius Sports Ex. 1035
`p. 7
`PoPs are Still at Risk - Global Load Balancing to the
`So the datacenter is protected from the Thundering Herd problem, but the PoPs are still
`at risk. The problem with Live is the spikes are so huge that a PoP could be overloaded
`before the load measure for a PoP reaches the load balancer.
`Each PoP has a limited number of servers and connectivity. How can a spike be
`prevented from overloading a PoP?
`A system called Cartographer maps Internet subnetworks to PoPs. It measure the delay
`between each subnet and each PoP. This is the latency measurement.
`The load for each PoP is measured and each user is sent to the closest PoP that has
`enough capacity. There are counters in the proxies that measure how much load they
`are receiving. Those counters are aggregated so we know the load for each PoP.
`Now there’s an optimization problem that respects capacity constraints and minimizes
`With control systems there’s a delay to measure and a delay to react.
`They changed the load measurement window from 1.5 minutes to 3 seconds, but
`there’s still that 3 second window.
`The solution is to predict the load before it actually happens.
`A capacity estimator was implemented that extrapolates the previous load and the
`current load of each PoP to the future load.
`How can a predictor predict the load will decrease if the load is currently increasing?
`Cubic splines are used for the interpolation function.
`The first and second derivative are taken. If the speed is positive the load is
`increasing. If the acceleration is negative that means the speed is decreasing and it
`will eventually be zero and start decreasing.
`Cubic splines predict more complex traffic patterns than linear interpolation.
`Avoiding oscillations. This interpolation function also solves the oscillation problem.
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`How Facebook Live Streams to 800,000 Simultaneous Viewers - High Scalability -
`Genius Sports Ex. 1035
`p. 8
`The delay to measure and react means decisions are made on stale data. The
`interpolation reduces error, predicting more accurately, and reduces oscillations. So
`the load can be closer to the capacity target
`Currently prediction is based on the last three intervals where each interval is 30
`seconds. Almost instantaneous load.
`You need to be able to overload a PoP.
`A load testing service was built that is globally distributed across the PoPs that simulates
`live traffic.
`Able to simulate 10x production load.
`Can simulate a viewer that is requesting one segment at a time.
`This system helped reveal and fix problems in the capacity estimator, to tune parameters,
`and to verify the caching layer solves the Thundering Herd problem.
`Upload Reliability
`Uploading a video in real-time is challenging.
`Take, for an example, an upload that has between 100 and 300 Kbps of available
`Audio requires 64 Kbps of throughput.
`Standard definition video require 500 Kbps of throughput.
`Adaptive encoding on the phone is used to adjust for the throughput deficit of video +
`audio. The encoding bit-rate of the video is adjusted based on the available network
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`How Facebook Live Streams to 800,000 Simultaneous Viewers - High Scalability -
`Genius Sports Ex. 1035
`p. 9
`The decision for the upload bitrate is done in the phone by measuring uploaded bytes on
`the RTMP connection and it does a weighted average of the last intervals.
`Future Direction
`Investigating a push mechanism rather than the request-pull mechanism, leveraging
`HTTP/2 to push to the PoPs before segments have been requested.
`Related Articles
`On HackerNews
`Scaling Facebook Live
`Why Facebook And Mark Zuckerberg Went All In On Live Video
`Connecting the World: A look inside Facebook’s Networking Infrastructure
`Gamoloco tracks live video stats for 1476093 channels.
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`How Facebook Live Streams to 800,000 Simultaneous Viewers - High Scalability -
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`How Facebook Live Streams to 800,000 Simultaneous Viewers - High Scalability -
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