`New Transport Protocol for TCP/IP
`Randall Stewart • Cisco Systems
`Chris Metz • Cisco Systems
`Any application
`running over TCP
`can be ported to
`run over SCTP.
`T he transport layer’s primary role is to pro-
`vide end-to-end communications service
`between two or more applications running
`on different hosts. It isolates the applications from
`the specifics of the underlying network connecting
`the hosts and provides a simple interface for appli-
`cations developers. The transport layer can also
`perform sophisticated actions such as flow control,
`error recovery, and reliable delivery, which might
`be necessary for the communicating applications
`to run properly with reasonable performance.1
`For the past 20 years, applications and end users
`of the TCP/IP suite have
`employed one of two pro-
`tocols: the transmission
`control protocol or the user
`datagram protocol. Yet
`some applications already
`require greater functionali-
`ty than what either TCP or
`UDP has to offer, and
`future applications might
`require even more. To extend transport layer func-
`tionality, the Internet Engineering Task Force
`approved the stream control transmission protocol
`(SCTP) as a proposed standard in October 2000.2
`SCTP was spawned from an effort started in the
`IETF Signaling Transport (Sigtrans) working group
`to develop a specialized transport protocol for call
`control signaling in voice-over-IP (VoIP) net-
`works.3 Recognizing that other applications could
`use some of the new protocol’s capabilities, the
`IETF now embraces SCTP as a general-purpose
`transport layer protocol, joining TCP and UDP
`above the IP layer.
`Like TCP, SCTP offers a point-to-point, connec-
`tion-oriented, reliable delivery transport service
`for applications communicating over an IP net-
`work. It inherits many of the functions developed
`for TCP over the past two decades, including pow-
`erful congestion control and packet loss recovery
`functions. Indeed, any application running over
`TCP can be ported to run over SCTP without loss
`of function, but the many similarities between the
`two soon give way to several differences. The most
`interesting of these differences revolve around
`SCTP’s support for multihoming and partial order-
`ing. Multihoming enables an SCTP host to estab-
`lish a “session” with another SCTP host over mul-
`tiple interfaces identified by separate IP addresses.
`Partial ordering lets SCTP provide in-order delivery
`of one or more related sequences of messages
`flowing between two hosts. Thus, SCTP can bene-
`fit applications that require reliable delivery and
`fast processing of multiple, unrelated data streams.
`TCP Issues
`TCP supports the most popular suite of applica-
`tions on the Internet today, and it has been
`enhanced in recent years to improve robustness
`and performance over networks of varying capac-
`ities and quality. Nevertheless, it largely retains the
`behavior outlined in 1981 by Internet pioneer Jon
`Postel in RFC 793,4 including properties that make
`it a less-than-ideal transport protocol for applica-
`tions such as VoIP signaling or asynchronous
`transaction-based processing.
`TCP requires a strict order-of-transmission
`delivery service for all data passed between two
`hosts. This is too confining for applications that
`can accept per-stream sequential delivery (partial
`ordering) or no sequential delivery (order-of-
`arrival delivery).
`TCP also treats each data transmission as an
`unstructured sequence of bytes. It forces applications
`that process individual messages to insert and track
`message boundaries within the TCP byte stream.
`Applications may also need to invoke the TCP push
`mechanism to ensure timely data transport.
`The TCP sockets-based application-program-
`ming interface does not support multihoming. An
`application can only bind a single IP address to a
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`Genius Sports Ex. 1031
`p. 1
`particular TCP connection with another host. If the
`interface associated with that IP address goes
`down, the TCP connection is lost and must be
`Finally, TCP hosts are susceptible to denial-of-
`service attacks characterized by TCP SYN “storms”
`in which a burst of TCP SYN packets arrives to sig-
`nal an unsuspecting host that the sender wishes to
`establish a TCP connection with it. The receiving
`host allocates memory and responds with SYN
`ACK messages. When the attacker never returns
`ACK messages to complete the three-way TCP con-
`nection setup handshake, the victimized host is left
`with depleted resources and an inability to service
`legitimate TCP connection setup requests.5
`SCTP Features
`Figure 1 illustrates SCTP’s position within the
`TCP/IP architecture along with a breakout of its
`basic functional sublayers. To eliminate the tradi-
`tional connotation that a “connection” is between
`a single source and destination address, SCTP uses
`the term association to define the protocol state
`installed on two peer SCTP hosts exchanging mes-
`sages. An SCTP association can employ multiple
`addresses at each end.
`SCTP supports some features inherited from TCP
`and others that provide additional functionality:
`I Message boundary preservation. SCTP preserves
`applications’ message-framing boundaries by
`placing messages inside one or more SCTP data
`structures, called chunks. Multiple messages can
`be bundled into a single chunk, or a large mes-
`sage can be spread across multiple chunks.
`I No “head-of-line” blocking. SCTP eliminates
`the head-of-line blocking delay that can occur
`when a TCP receiver is forced to resequence
`packets that arrive out of order because of net-
`work reordering or packet loss.
`I Multiple delivery modes. SCTP supports sever-
`al modes of delivery including strict order-of-
`transmission (like TCP), partially ordered (per-
`stream), and unordered delivery (like UDP).
`I Multihoming support. SCTP sends packets to
`one destination IP address, but can reroute
`messages to an alternate if the current IP
`address becomes unreachable.
`I TCP-friendly congestion control. SCTP employs
`the standard techniques pioneered in TCP for
`congestion control,6 including slow-start, con-
`gestion avoidance, and fast retransmit. SCTP
`applications can thus receive their share of net-
`work resources when coexisting with TCP
`Sequence delivery
`User data
`Congestion control
`Message bundling
`Packet validation
`Path management
`SCTP association
`Figure 1. SCTP architecture. SCTP provides enhanced transport layer
`functionality. Two SCTP hosts form an association employing multi-
`ple interfaces to an IP network.
`I Selective acknowledgments. SCTP employs a
`selective acknowledgment scheme, derived from
`TCP, for packet loss recovery.7 The SCTP receiv-
`er provides feedback to the sender about which
`messages to retransmit when any are lost.
`I User data fragmentation. SCTP will fragment
`messages to conform to the maximum transmit
`unit (MTU) size along a particular routed path
`between communicating hosts. This function is
`described in RFC 1191 and is optionally
`employed by TCP/IP to avoid the performance
`degradation that results when IP routers have
`to perform fragmentation.8
`I Heartbeat keep-alive mechanism. SCTP sends
`heartbeat control packets to idle destination
`addresses that are part of the association. The
`protocol declares the IP address to be down
`once it reaches the threshold of unreturned
`heartbeat acknowledgments.
`I DOS protection. To mitigate the impact of TCP
`SYN flooding attacks on a target host, SCTP
`employs a security “cookie” mechanism during
`association initialization.
`Multihoming probably receives the most attention
`in discussions of SCTP. It was designed into the pro-
`tocol to offer network resilience to failed interfaces
`on the host and faster recovery during network fail-
`ures. However, the feature’s effectiveness is reduced
`when an end-to-end association path intersects with
`a single point of failure in the network — a single
`link or router that all association traffic must pass
`through, for example, or a host that communicates
`with only a single interface.
`IP networks today are typically resilient to net-
`work failure but are often subject to a reconvergence
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`Genius Sports Ex. 1031
`p. 2
`On the Wire
`SCTP Resources
`Further information on the stream control transmis-
`sion protocol is available from the following
`I University of Delaware Protocol Engineering Lab •
`I International Engineering Consortium
`I Temple University Netlab • http://netlab.cis.
`I Stream control transmission protocol home •
`I SCTP for Beginners • http://tdrwww.exp-math.
`I Telecommunications Magazine picked SCTP as one
`of the 10 hottest technologies • http://www.
`I R. Stewart and Q. Xie, Stream Control Transmission
`Protocol (SCTP): A Reference Guide, Addison Wesley
`Longman, Boston, Mass., 2001.
`time during which the routing network “heals” itself.
`During this period, traffic can be “black holed” or
`dropped within the network. Multihomed SCTP end
`points might be less affected by network reconver-
`gence because lost packets are retransmitted to an
`alternate address. The SCTP association should thus
`recover faster and provide better throughput as long
`as the path to the alternate destination is not affect-
`ed by the reconvergence.
`Stress Reduction
`In the quest for network redundancy, enterprises
`often connect to a second ISP. To ensure that pack-
`ets can be received over this second link, the cus-
`tomer must advertise a set of addresses (usually
`obtained from the primary ISP) that fall outside the
`aggregated address range supported by the second
`ISP. The second ISP must then advertise its own
`aggregated address space and customer-specific
`addresses, resulting in exponential growth in rout-
`ing table entries.
`This practice is unnecessary with SCTP because
`an association would span the IP addresses con-
`tained in the aggregated address ranges supported
`by both ISPs. SCTP multihoming could therefore
`be employed to reduce stress on the Internet rout-
`ing system.
`Topology Diversity
`SCTP multihoming generally works as designed as
`long as there is some separation in the routing
`path of the IP addresses in the association. The
`diversity in the routing paths dictates the level of
`fault tolerance an SCTP association experiences.
`This topology diversity can be physically engi-
`neered in small networks, but it is more difficult to
`achieve in the greater Internet. Some enterprises
`subscribe to separate tier I and tier II ISPs to opti-
`mize their chances of communicating through a
`separate and diverse network-routing topology.
`(Most Tier I ISPs forward traffic over their own
`backbone networks.)
`Some argue that the transport layer should remain
`oblivious to network-layer issues. While other tech-
`niques can provide host-interface fault tolerance,
`however, they might not provide sufficiently fast
`routing reconvergence for some applications.9
`Delivery Options
`Another area of possible confusion surrounding
`SCTP is the difference between reliable and ordered
`delivery. With TCP, the two are linked in that all
`data is reliably delivered (lost packets are retrans-
`mitted, for example) to the destination host and
`presented to the application in their transmission
`sequence. TCP uses a sequence number in each
`packet’s TCP header to perform this task.
`SCTP separates the two into independent func-
`tions. A transmission sequence number in the SCTP
`header ensures that all messages are reliably deliv-
`ered to the destination host, but SCTP has several
`options in determining which order to present the
`messages to the destination application. It can use
`a stream sequence number within the SCTP packet
`to order messages on a per-stream basis, or it can
`just kick them up to the application as soon as they
`arrive. Again, this approach eliminates the head-
`of-line blocking delay. Note also that TCP behav-
`ior can be emulated by placing all messages in a
`single stream.
`SCTP Initiation
`As SCTP and TCP are both connection oriented,
`they require communications state on each host.
`A TCP connection is defined by two IP addresses
`and two port numbers. Given two hosts, A and Z, a
`TCP connection is defined by [IP-A]+[Port-A]+[IP-
`Z]+[Port-Z] where IP-A and Port-A are one end of
`the connection and IP-Z and Port-Z are the other.
`An SCTP association is defined as [a set of IP
`addresses at A]+[Port-A]+[a set of IP addresses at
`Z]+[Port-Z]. Any of the IP addresses on either host
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`Genius Sports Ex. 1031
`p. 3
`can be used as a source or destination in the IP
`packet and still properly identify the association.
`Before data can be exchanged, the two SCTP
`hosts must exchange the communications state
`(including the IP addresses involved) using a four-
`way handshake, shown in Figure 2. In contrast to
`TCP’s three-way handshake, a four-way hand-
`shake eliminates exposure to the aforementioned
`TCP SYN flooding attacks. The receiver of the ini-
`tial (INIT) contact message in a four-way hand-
`shake does not need to save any state information
`or allocate any resources. Instead, it responds with
`an INIT-ACK message, which includes a state
`cookie that holds all the information needed by the
`sender of the INIT-ACK to construct its state. The
`state cookie is digitally signed via a mechanism
`such as the one outlined in RFC 2104.10 Both the
`INIT and INIT-ACK messages include several para-
`meters used in setting up the initial state:
`I A list of all IP addresses that will be a part of
`the association.
`I An initial transport sequence number that will
`be used to reliably transfer data.
`I An initiation tag that must be included on
`every inbound SCTP packet.
`I The number of outbound streams that each side
`is requesting.
`I The number of inbound streams that each side
`is capable of supporting.
`After exchanging these messages, the sender of the
`INIT echoes back the state cookie in the form of a
`COOKIE-ECHO message that might have user DATA
`messages bundled onto it as well (subject to path-
`MTU constraints). Upon receiving the COOKIE-
`ECHO, the receiver fully reconstructs its state and
`sends back a COOKIE-ACK message to acknowl-
`edge that the setup is complete. This COOKIE-ACK
`can also bundle user DATA messages with it.
`SCTP Data Transfer
`The SCTP message structure facilitates packaging
`bundled control and data messages in a single for-
`mat. Figure 3 shows the format of an SCTP packet: A
`common header is followed by one or more vari-
`able-length chunks, which use a type-length-value
`(TLV) format. Different chunk types are used to carry
`control or data information inside an SCTP packet.
`The SCTP common header contains
`I Source and destination port addresses that are
`used with the source and destination IP address-
`es to identify the recipient of the SCTP packet;
`Figure 2. SCTP four-way handshake.This exchange results in the
`establishment of an SCTP association between two hosts.
`Source port
`Destination port
`Verification tag
`Stream ID
`Protocol ID
`User data
`Figure 3. SCTP packet format.A common header (with source and
`destination port addresses, checksum, and verification tag) is fol-
`lowed by one or more variable-length data chunks.
`I Checksum value to assure data integrity while
`the packet transits an IP network; and
`I Verification tag that holds the value of the ini-
`tiation tag first exchanged during the hand-
`shake. Any SCTP packet in an association that
`does not include this tag will be dropped on
`arrival. The verification tag protects against old,
`stale packets arriving from a previous associa-
`tion, as well as various “man-in-the-middle”
`attacks, and it obviates the need for TCP’s
`timed-wait state, which consumes resources and
`limits the number of total connections a host
`can accommodate.
`Every chunk type includes TLV header information
`that contains the chunk type, delivery processing
`flags, and a length field. In addition, a DATA
`chunk will precede user payload information with
`the transport sequence number (TSN), stream iden-
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`p. 4
`On the Wire
`Figure 4. SCTP message exchange. SCTP data and SACK chunks are
`exchanged between communicating hosts.
`Figure 5. SCTP shutdown. An SCTP association is gracefully terminat-
`ed by the exchange of a sequence of SHUTDOWN control chunks.
`tifier, stream sequence number (SSN), and payload
`protocol identifier.
`The TSN and SSN provide two separate sequence
`numbers on every DATA chunk. The TSN is used for
`per-association reliability and the SSN is for per-
`stream ordering. The stream identifier marks indi-
`vidual messages within the same stream.
`Figure 4 shows an example of a normal data
`exchange between two SCTP hosts. An SCTP host
`sends selective acknowledgments (SACK chunks) in
`response to every other SCTP packet carrying DATA
`chunks. The SACK fully describes the receiver’s
`state, so that the sender can make retransmission
`decisions based on what has been received. SCTP
`supports fast retransmit and time-out retransmis-
`sion algorithms similar to those in TCP.
`With few exceptions, most chunk types can be
`bundled together in one SCTP packet. (SACKs often
`get bundled during two-way exchanges of user
`data.) One bundling restriction is that control
`chunks must be placed ahead of any DATA chunks
`in the packet.
`SCTP Shutdown
`A connection-oriented transport protocol needs a
`graceful method for shutting down an association.
`SCTP uses a three-way handshake with one differ-
`ence from the one used in TCP: A TCP end point
`can engage the shutdown procedure while keeping
`the connection open and receiving new data from
`the peer. SCTP does not support this “half closed”
`state, which means that both sides are prohibited
`from sending new data by their upper layer once a
`graceful shutdown sequence is initiated.
`Figure 5 depicts a typical graceful shutdown
`sequence in SCTP. In this example, the applica-
`tion in host A wishes to shut down and terminate
`the association with host Z. SCTP enters the
`SHUTDOWN_PENDING state in which it will
`accept no data from the application but will still
`send new data that is queued for transmission to
`host Z. After acknowledging all queued data,
`host A sends a SHUTDOWN chunk and enters the
`Upon receiving the SHUTDOWN chunk, host Z
`notifies its upper layer, stops accepting new data
`from it, and enters the SHUTDOWN_RECEIVED
`state. Z transmits any remaining data to A,
`which follows with subsequent SHUTDOWN
`chunks that inform Z of the data’s arrival and
`reaffirm that the association is shutting down.
`Once it acknowledges all queued data on host Z,
`host A sends a subsequent SHUTDOWN-ACK
`chunk, followed by a SHUTDOWN-COMPLETE
`chunk that completes the association shutdown.
`SCTP Deployments
`There is significant momentum behind developing
`and deploying SCTP. Nineteen companies, including
`Ericsson, Motorola, IBM, Cisco, and Nokia, partici-
`pated in the third SCTP “bakeoff” in April 2001.
`Operating system support for SCTP that was present
`included Linux, AIX, Solaris, Windows, and Free-
`BSD. The success of interoperability tests between
`various implementations suggests that SCTP will
`soon find its way into commercial products.
`In fact, SCTP code is already available from sev-
`eral parties. Intellinet (http://www.intellinet-tech.
`com/), a provider of SS7/IP convergence solutions,
`offers an SCTP protocol stack. Networking protocol
`software vendor, Data Connection (http://www.
`dataconnection.com/sctp/), has developed a
`portable SCTP implementation. Linux kernal
`source code of SCTP is available from OpenSS7
`(http://www.openss7.org/). Several universities are
`working on SCTP protocol stacks, including Tem-
`ple and the University of Delaware, and Randall
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`Genius Sports Ex. 1031
`p. 5
`Stewart, one of the coauthors of this article, has
`developed a reference implementation under
`FreeBSD (http://www.sctp.org/).
`SCTP continues to gain attention across the
`standards front. In addition to the ongoing efforts
`in the Sigtrans and Transport Area working groups,
`for example, the IETF is actively investigating
`using SCTP for transport layer support in solutions
`such as HTTP for enhanced multistreaming Web
`browsing and Diameter for handling large volumes
`of AAA messages. Beyond these potential uses,
`however, SCTP will make its largest initial impact
`in the VoIP signaling arena.
`As IP networks begin to handle more voice traf-
`fic, they will need to interwork with telephony net-
`works that use the Signaling System 7 reliable
`message-based signaling protocol to establish
`voice circuits. The Sigtrans working group’s efforts
`revolve around adapting and encapsulating SS7
`protocol messages in IP packets. Gateways that
`interface with SS7 and IP networks are prime can-
`didates for establishing SCTP associations with
`other SS7/IP gateways or VoIP signaling nodes for
`transporting or backhauling call-setup messages.11
`This also offers a mechanism for off-loading
`the native SS7 network with a high-capacity IP
`packet transport. (The current SS7 network uses
`relatively low-speed links [56 Kbps] to transport
`call control messages.) As the mobile Internet
`begins to take off, this additional capacity will
`likely be necessary for handling the increase in
`signaling message volumes introduced by ubiq-
`uitous applications such as short message service.
`Future Issues
`The IETF is currently working on the next revision
`of the SCTP protocol, which will include several
`enhancements. For example, Jonathan Stone has
`shown that a corrupted packet could exit SCTP with
`a valid Adler-32 checksum (originally used in SCTP)
`and cause problems at the application layer. Thus,
`the Transport Area WG will replace the checksum
`value in the common header with CRC-32, which is
`superior for handling small packet sizes.
`To obtain parity with current operational prac-
`tices in native SS7 networks, the working group is
`also studying how to dynamically add or delete IP
`addresses in an existing association. This enhance-
`ment would allow administrators to dynamically
`add a network interface card (thus a new IP
`address) to a device (such as an SS7/IP gateway)
`without having to restart the SCTP association.
`With IPv6 back on the horizon, SCTP also needs
`to work with IPv6 addresses. Knowing how to scope
`the IPv6 addresses — which ones to list to a peer —
`becomes a critical issue because SCTP exchanges
`address lists during association setup. Certain
`address types supported by IPv6 are not routable
`(that is, link-local) or reachable outside of specific
`domains (that is, site-local). If a peer lists an IPv6
`site-local or link-local address to a peer that has no
`connectivity to that address, an association could
`self-destruct and create a black hole effect.
`Work remains to ensure that SCTP is flexible
`enough to support all the requirements of the next
`generation of applications, but it is already set to
`expand transport-layer possibilities beyond what
`TCP or UDP can offer now.
`1. P. Amer, S. Iren, and P. Conrad, “The Transport Layer: Tuto-
`rial and Survey,” ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 31, no. 4,
`Dec. 1999.
`2. J. Postel, “Transmission Control Protocol,” IETF RFC 793,
`Sept. 1981; available at http://ietf.org/rfc/rfc793.txt.
`IETF Signaling Transport working group charter, http://
`4. R. Stewart et al., “Stream Control Transmission Protocol,”
`IETF RFC 2960, Oct. 2000; http://ietf.org/rfc/rfc2960.txt.
`5. “Defining Strategies to Protect against TCP SYN Denial of
`Service Attacks,” Cisco Systems, tech. memo, Aug. 2001;
`6. M. Allman, V. Paxson, and W. Stevens, “TCP Congestion
`Control,” IETF RFC 2581, Apr. 1999; http://ietf.org/rfc/
`7. M. Mathis et al., “TCP Selective Acknowledgment Options,”
`IETF RFC 2018, Oct. 1996; http://ietf.org/rfc/rfc2018.txt.
`8. J. Mogul and S. Deering, “Path MTU Discovery,” IETF RFC
`1191, Nov. 1999; http://ietf.org/rfc/rfc1191.txt.
`9. J. Touch, “Dynamic Internet Overlay Deployment and Man-
`agement Using the X-Bone,” Computer Networks, July
`2001, pp. 117-135.
`10. H. Krawczyk, M. Bellare, and R. Canetti, “HMAC: Keyed-
`Hashing for Message Authentication,” IETF RFC 2104, Feb.
`1997; http://ietf.org/rfc/rfc2104.txt.
`11. A. Jungmaier et al., “SCTP: A Multi-link End-to-End Pro-
`tocol for IP-based Networks,” Int’l J. Electronics and
`Comm., vol. 55, no. 1, Jan. 2001.
`Randall Stewart is a technical leader with Cisco Systems where
`he is focusing on wireless Internet technologies and call-
`control signaling. He is the primary inventor and author
`of RFC 2960, which defines SCTP. Stewart is coauthor of
`Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP): A Reference
`Guide (Addison Wesley Longman, 2001).
`Chris Metz is a technical leader in the Service Provider Engi-
`neering group for Cisco Systems. He is coauthor of ATM and
`Multiprotocol Networking (McGraw-Hill, 1997) and author
`of IP Switching: Protocols and Architectures (McGraw-Hill,
`1999). Metz is a member of ACM/Sigcomm and the IEEE.
`Readers can contact the authors at {rrs,chmetz}@cisco.com.
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