8/8/24, 6:44 PM
`Real-time Web Application with Websockets and Vert.x |
`Marcin Warczygłowa
`Nov 10 2015
`Real-time Web Application with
`Websockets and Vert.x
`At Allegro, you can sell items at a fixed price (buy now) or at auction. Auctions are still a
`popular sales format, especially in categories such as antiques and art or clothing. So far,
`buyers fighting for an item had to refresh the web page in the last seconds of the auction to
`verify that the offer had not been overbid. This made bidding difficult and less fun. Last year
`real time bidding process for all mobile users was introduced. In this article I want to show how
`to create a simple application that provides real-time bidding, based on Allegro auctions. We
`will use WebSockets, SockJS and the latest, third version of Vert.x. We will create a frontend for
`fast bidding that communicates with a microservice written in Java 8 and based on Vert.x.
`What are Websockets? #
`WebSocket is asynchronous, bidirectional, full-duplex protocol that provides a communication
`channel over a single TCP connection. With the WebSocket API it provides bidirectional
`communication between the website and a remote server. Originally, WebSocket was supposed
`to be a part of the HTML 5 specification, but a later revision of the protocol is described in a
`separate document RFC 6455.
`WebSockets solve many problems which prevented the HTTP protocol from being suitable for
`use in modern, real-time applications. Workarounds like polling are no longer needed, which
`simplifies application architecture. WebSockets do not need to open multiple HTTP
`connections, they provide a reduction of unnecessary network traffic and reduce latency.
`Each WebSockets connection begins as an HTTP request. In addition, an updated HTTP header
`indicates that the client wants to change the connection to WebSocket protocol. The initial
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`Real-time Web Application with Websockets and Vert.x |
`HTTP connection is replaced by a WebSocket connection using the same underlying TCP/IP
`connection. At this point, each side can start sending data.
`WebSockets are supported by most web browsers (source):
`Some examples of good use cases for WebSockets include:
`chat applications
`multiplayer games
`social feeds
`collaborative editing or coding
`sports updates
`Websocket API vs SockJS #
`Unfortunately, WebSockets are not supported by all web browsers. However, there are libraries
`that provide a fallback when WebSockets are not available. One such library is SockJS. SockJS
`starts from trying to use the WebSocket protocol. However, if this is not possible, it uses a
`variety of browser-specific transport protocols. SockJS is a library designed to work in all
`modern browsers and in environments that do not support WebSocket protocol, for instance
`behind restrictive corporate proxy. SockJS provides an API similar to the standard WebSocket
`API. A simple example of using the SockJS library might look like the one below. First, load
`SockJS library:
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`Real-time Web Application with Websockets and Vert.x |
`<script src="//"></script>
`Then we establish the connection to the SockJS server:
`var sock = new SockJS('');
`sock.onopen = function() {
` console.log('open');
`sock.onmessage = function(e) {
` console.log('message',;
`sock.onclose = function() {
` console.log('close');
`Vert.x #
`SockJS client requires the server-side part. For the Java language we can use, among other
`things, Spring Framework Java client & server, Atmosphere Framework or Vert.x. We are
`going to use the latter.
`Vert.x is a polyglot, non-blocking, event-driven tool-kit for building applications on the JVM.
`Vert.x is pretty fast, which you can see on TechEmpower Benchmarks. The packages of code
`that Vert.x executes are called verticles. Verticles can be written in Java, Groovy, Ruby,
`JavaScript as well as in several programming languages mixed and matched in a single
`application. Many verticles can be executed concurrently in the same Vert.x instance. A single
`Vert.x instance runs inside its own JVM instance. Vert.x guarantees that a particular verticle
`instance is never executed by multiple threads concurrently. Verticles communicate by passing
`messages using an event bus.
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`Real-time Web Application with Websockets and Vert.x |
`Vert.x applications are mostly written by defining event handlers. Vert.x calls handlers using a
`thread called an event loop. The event loop delivers events to different handlers in succession
`as they arrive. None of the Vert.x APIs block threads, so you also need to remember not to
`block the event loop in handlers. Because nothing blocks, an event loop can potentially deliver
`a lot of events in a short time. We make guarantees that any specific handler will always be
`invoked by the same event loop. This means you can write your code as single threaded. Vert.x
`instance maintains several event loops. The default number of event loops is determined by
`the number of available cores on the machine.
`There are two main types of verticles: standard and worker verticles. Standard verticles are
`always executed using an event loop thread. Workers are designed for executing blocking
`code. Workers are like standard verticles but use threads from a special worker thread pool. An
`alternative way to run blocking code is to use executeBlocking method directly from an
`event loop.
`Typical application will consist of multiple verticles running on Vert.x instance:
`There can be many Vert.x instances running on the same host or on different hosts on the
`network. Instances can be configured to cluster with each other forming a distributed event
`bus over which verticles can communicate. We can create a distributed bus encompassing
`many browsers and servers.
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`8/8/24, 6:44 PM
`Frontend to fast bidding #
`Real-time Web Application with Websockets and Vert.x |
`Auction web page contains the bidding form and some simple JavaScript which loads current
`price from the service, opens an event bus connection to the SockJS server and offers bidding.
`HTML source code of sample web page on which we bid might look like this:
`<h3>Auction 1</h3>
`<div id="error_message"></div>
` Current price:
` <span id="current_price"></span>
` <div>
` <label for="my_bid_value">Your offer:</label>
` <input id="my_bid_value" type="text">
` <input type="button" onclick="bid();" value="Bid">
` </div>
` <div>
` Feed:
` <textarea id="feed" rows="4" cols="50" readonly></textarea>
` </div>
`We use the vertxbus.js library to create a connection to the event bus. Vertxbus.js library
`is a part of the Vert.x distribution. Vertxbus.js internally uses SockJS library to send the data
`to the SockJS server. In the code snippet below we create an instance of the event bus. The
`parameter to the constructor is the URI where to connect to the event bus. Then we register
`the handler listening on address auction.<auction_id> . Each client has a possibility of
`registering at multiple addresses e.g. when bidding in the auction 1234, they register on the
`address auction.1234 etc. When data arrives in the handler, we change the current price and
`the bidding feed on the auction’s web page.
`function registerHandlerForUpdateCurrentPriceAndFeed() {
` var eventBus = new vertx.EventBus('http://localhost:8080/eventbus');
` eventBus.onopen = function () {
` eventBus.registerHandler('auction.' + auction_id, function (message) {
` document.getElementById('current_price').innerHTML = JSON.parse(message).price;
` document.getElementById('feed').value += 'New offer: ' + JSON.parse(message).price + '
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` });
` }
`Real-time Web Application with Websockets and Vert.x |
`Any user attempt to bid generates a PATCH Ajax request to the service with information about
`the new offer made at auction (see bid() function). On the server side we publish this
`information on the event bus to all clients registered to an address. If you receive an HTTP
`response status code other than 200 (OK) , an error message is displayed on the web page.
`function bid() {
` var newPrice = document.getElementById('my_bid_value').value;
` var xmlhttp = (window.XMLHttpRequest) ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XM
` xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
` if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {
` if (xmlhttp.status != 200) {
` document.getElementById('error_message').innerHTML = 'Sorry, something went wrong.
` }
` }
` };
`"PATCH", "http://localhost:8080/api/auctions/" + auction_id);
` xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
` xmlhttp.send(JSON.stringify({price: newPrice}));
`Auction Service #
`Now we are going to create a light-weight RESTful auction service. We will send and retrieve
`data in JSON format. Let’s start by creating a verticle, the basic package of code that Vert.x
`executes. First we need to inherit from AbstractVerticle and override the start method.
`Each verticle instance has a member variable called vertx . This provides access to the Vert.x
`core API. The core API is used to do most things in Vert.x, including HTTP, file system access,
`event bus etc. For example, to create an HTTP server you call the createHttpServer method
`on vertx instance. To tell the server to listen on port 8080 for incoming requests you use the
`listen method.
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`8/8/24, 6:44 PM
`Real-time Web Application with Websockets and Vert.x |
`We need a router with routes. A router takes an HTTP request and finds the first matching
`route. The route can have a handler associated with it, which receives the request (e.g. route
`that matches path /eventbus/* is associated with eventBusHandler ). We can do something
`with the request, and then, end it or pass it to the next matching handler. If you have a lot of
`handlers it makes sense to split them up into multiple routers. You can do this by mounting a
`router at a mount point in another router (see auctionApiRouter that corresponds to /api
`mount point in code snippet below).
`Here’s an example verticle:
`public class AuctionServiceVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {
` @Override
` public void start() {
` Router router = Router.router(vertx);
` router.route("/eventbus/*").handler(eventBusHandler());
` router.mountSubRouter("/api", auctionApiRouter());
` router.route().failureHandler(errorHandler());
` router.route().handler(staticHandler());
` vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler(router::accept).listen(8080);
` }
` //…
`Now we’ll look at things in more detail. We’ll discuss Vert.x features used in verticle: error
`handler, SockJS handler, body handler, shared data, static handler and routing based on
`method, path etc.
`Error handler #
`As well as setting handlers to handle requests you can also set a handler for failures in routing.
`Failure in routing occurs if a handler throws an exception, or if a handler calls fail method.
`To render error pages we use error handler provides by Vert.x:
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`Real-time Web Application with Websockets and Vert.x |
`private ErrorHandler errorHandler() {
` return ErrorHandler.create();
`SockJS handler #
`Vert.x provides SockJS handler with the event bus bridge which extends the server-side Vert.x
`event bus into client side JavaScript.
`Configuring the bridge to tell it which messages should pass through is easy. You can specify
`which matches you want to allow for inbound and outbound traffic using the BridgeOptions .
`If a message is outbound, before sending it from the server to the client side JavaScript, Vert.x
`will look through any outbound permitted matches. In code snippet below we allow any
`messages from addresses starting with “auction.” and ending with digits (e.g. auction.1 ,
`auction.100 etc).
`If you want to be notified when an event occurs on the bridge you can provide a handler when
`calling the bridge. For example, SOCKET_CREATED event will occur when a new SockJS socket is
`created. The event is an instance of Future . When you are finished handling the event you
`can complete the future with “true” to enable further processing.
`To start the bridge simply call bridge method on the SockJS handler:
`private SockJSHandler eventBusHandler() {
` BridgeOptions options = new BridgeOptions()
` .addOutboundPermitted(new PermittedOptions().setAddressRegex("auction\\.[0-9]+"));
` return SockJSHandler.create(vertx).bridge(options, event -> {
` if (event.type() == BridgeEvent.Type.SOCKET_CREATED) {
`"A socket was created");
` }
` event.complete(true);
` });
`Body handler #
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`Real-time Web Application with Websockets and Vert.x |
`The BodyHandler allows you to retrieve the request body, limit the body size and to handle the
`file upload. Body handler should be on a matching route for any requests that require this
`functionality. We need BodyHandler during the bidding process (PATCH method request
`/auctions/<auction_id> contains request body with information about a new offer made at
`auction). Creating a new body handler is simple:
`If request body is in JSON format, you can get it with getBodyAsJson method.
`Shared data #
`Shared data contains functionality that allows you to safely share the data between different
`applications in the same Vert.x instance or across a cluster of Vert.x instances. Shared data
`includes local shared maps, distributed, cluster-wide maps, asynchronous cluster-wide locks
`and asynchronous cluster-wide counters.
`To simplify the application we use the local shared map offer by Vert.x to save information
`about auctions. The local shared map allows you to share data between different verticles in
`the same Vert.x instance. To prevent issues due to mutable data, Vert.x only allows simple
`immutable types such as number, string, Boolean or Buffer to be used in local shared map.
`Here’s an example of using a shared local map in an auction service:
`public class AuctionRepository {
` //…
` public Optional<Auction> getById(String auctionId) {
`LocalMap<String, String> auctionSharedData = this.sharedData.getLocalMap(auctionId);
`return Optional.of(auctionSharedData)
`.filter(m -> !m.isEmpty())
` }
` public void save(Auction auction) {
`LocalMap<String, String> auctionSharedData = this.sharedData.getLocalMap(auction.getId());
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`Real-time Web Application with Websockets and Vert.x |
` auctionSharedData.put("id", auction.getId());
` auctionSharedData.put("price", auction.getPrice());
` }
` //…
`If you want to store auction data in a database, Vert.x provides a few different asynchronous
`clients for accessing various data storages (MongoDB, Redis or JDBC client).
`Auction API #
`Vert.x lets you route HTTP requests to different handlers based on pattern matching on the
`request path. It also enables you to extract values from the path and use them as parameters in
`the request. Corresponding methods exist for each HTTP method. You can provide as many
`matchers as you like and they are evaluated in the order you added them. The first matching
`one will receive the request. If no routes match the request, a 404 status will be returned. This
`functionality is particularly useful when developing REST-style web applications. If you would
`like to read something more about designing RESTful APIs see the article Designing RESTful
`To extract parameters from the path, you can use the colon character to denote the name of a
`parameter. Regular expressions can also be used to extract more complex matches. Any
`parameters extracted by pattern matching are added to the map of request parameters.
`Consumes describes which MIME types the handler can consume. By using produces you
`define which MIME types the route produces. In the code below the routes will match any
`request with content-type header and accept header that matches application/json .
`Let’s look at an example of a subrouter mounted on the main router which was created in
`start method in verticle:
`private Router auctionApiRouter() {
` AuctionRepository repository = new AuctionRepository(vertx.sharedData());
` AuctionValidator validator = new AuctionValidator(repository);
` AuctionHandler handler = new AuctionHandler(repository, validator);
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`Real-time Web Application with Websockets and Vert.x |
` Router router = Router.router(vertx);
` router.route().handler(BodyHandler.create());
` router.route().consumes("application/json");
` router.route().produces("application/json");
` router.get("/auctions/:id").handler(handler::handleGetAuction);
` router.patch("/auctions/:id").handler(handler::handleChangeAuctionPrice);
` return router;
`The GET request returns auction data, while the PATCH method request allows you to bid up in
`the auction. Let’s focus on the more interesting method, namely handleChangeAuctionPrice .
`In the simplest terms, the method might look like this:
`public void handleChangeAuctionPrice(RoutingContext context) {
` String auctionId = context.request().getParam("id");
` Auction auction = new Auction(
` auctionId,
` new BigDecimal(context.getBodyAsJson().getString("price"))
` );
` context.vertx().eventBus().publish("auction." + auctionId, context.getBodyAsString());
` context.response()
` .setStatusCode(200)
` .end();
`PATCH request to /auctions/1 would result in variable auctionId getting the value 1. We
`save a new offer in the auction and then publish this information on the event bus to all clients
`registered on the address on the client side JavaScript. After you have finished with the HTTP
`response you must call the end function on it. If you don’t end the response in handler, you
`should call next so that another matching route can handle the request.
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`Real-time Web Application with Websockets and Vert.x |
`Static handler #
`Vert.x provides the handler for serving static web resources. The default directory from which
`static files are served is webroot , but this can be configured. By default the static handler will
`set cache headers to enable browsers to cache files. Setting cache headers can be disabled with
`setCachingEnabled method. To serve the auction HTML page, JS files (and other static files)
`from auction service, you can create a static handler like this:
`private StaticHandler staticHandler() {
` return StaticHandler.create()
` .setCachingEnabled(false);
`Let’s run! #
`Full application code is available on github.
`Clone the repository and run ./gradlew run .
`Open one or more browsers and point them to http://localhost:8080 . Now you can bid in
`Summary #
`The expectations of users for interactivity with web applications have changed over the past
`few years. Users during bidding in auction no longer want to press the refresh button to check
`if the price has changed or the auction is over. Instead, they expect to see the updates in
`application in real-time.
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`8/8/24, 6:44 PM
`Real-time Web Application with Websockets and Vert.x |
`This article presents the outline of a simple application that allows real-time bidding. Due to
`the fact that WebSockets are not supported by all browsers we used the SockJS library. We
`created a lightweight, high-performance and scalable microservice written in Java and based
`on Vert.x. We discussed what Vert.x offers: an actor-like concurrency model, a distributed event
`bus and an elegant API that allows you to create applications in no time.
`The version 3.0 of Vert.x brought a lot of interesting features. I hope this article encouraged
`you to familiarize yourself with the capabilities offered by this tool-kit.
`websocket api
`real-time application
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`8/8/24, 6:44 PM
`Real-time Web Application with Websockets and Vert.x |
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`S Suresh Kesavan
`4 years ago edited
`Thanks, it is very helpful. Please share, if you have the example for sending image and
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`7 years ago
`Thanks, nice explanation.
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