`Patent Owner
`U.S. Patent No. 11,048,751
`Filing Date: August 25, 2017
`Issue Date: June 29, 2021
`Inter Partes Review No. IPR2024-01263
`UNDER 35 U.S.C. § 315(c) and
`37 C.F.R. §§ 42.22 and 42.122(b)
`TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... I
`STATEMENT OF RELIEF REQUESTED ..................................................... 2
`Legal Standards ..................................................................................... 3
`B. Altice’s Motion Is Timely ..................................................................... 4
`Joinder Is Appropriate ........................................................................... 4
`No New Grounds of Unpatentability in the Petition ................... 5
`No Impact on the Schedule for the Existing IPR Proceeding ..... 5
`Briefing and Discovery Will Be Simplified ................................ 6
`Prejudice to Patent Owner ........................................................... 7
`III. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................ 7
`Petitioner Altice USA, Inc. (“Altice” or “Petitioner”) respectfully requests
`joinder of the concurrently filed petition for inter partes review of U.S. Patent No.
`’751 Patent”)
`(IPR2024-01263) with Comcast Cable
`Communications, LLC v. Touchstream Technologies, Inc. IPR2024-00324, instituted
`July 24, 2024 (“the Comcast IPR”). (See IPR2024-00324, Paper 13.) The instant
`Petition is substantially the same as the Comcast IPR: it involves the same patent,
`the same claims, the same grounds of unpatentability, and the same evidence
`(including the same prior art combinations) as the Comcast IPR. If joined, as
`discussed further below, Altice will assume a “silent understudy” role and will not
`take an active role in the inter partes review proceeding unless the Comcast
`Petitioner ceases to participate in the instituted IPR.
`The instant Petition also relies on the same declaration put forth by David B.
`Lett (“Comcast Declarant”) in the Comcast IPR. Thus, the proposed joinder will
`neither unduly complicate the Comcast IPR nor delay its schedule. As such, the
`joinder will promote judicial efficiency in determining patentability in the Comcast
`IPR without prejudice to Patent Owner.
`Finally, this Motion for Joinder, and accompanying Petition, are timely
`because they are filed less than one month after a decision instituting trial in the
`Comcast IPR. 37 C.F.R. § 42.122(b) (“no later than one month after the institution
`date of any inter partes review for which joinder is requested.”). Accordingly, Altice
`respectfully requests that the Board grant this Motion for Joinder.
`A. Legal Standards
`The Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA) permits joinder of inter partes
`review (IPR) proceedings. Joinder is governed by 35 U.S.C. § 315(c), which states:
`(c) JOINDER. – If the Director institutes an inter partes review, the
`Director, in his or her discretion, may join as a party to that inter partes
`review any person who properly files a petition under section 311 that
`the Director, after receiving a preliminary response under section 313
`or the expiration of the time for filing such a response, determines
`warrants the institution of an inter partes review under section 314.
`A motion for joinder should “(1) set forth the reasons why joinder is
`appropriate; (2) identify any new grounds of unpatentability asserted in the petition;
`(3) explain what impact (if any) joinder would have on the trial schedule for the
`existing review; and (4) address specifically how briefing and discovery may be
`simplified.” Dell Inc. v. Network-1 Sec. Sols., Inc., IPR2013-00385, Paper 17 (PTAB
`July 29, 2013); Hyundai Motor Co. v. Am. Vehicular Scis. LLC, IPR2014-01543,
`Paper 11, at 3 (PTAB Oct. 24, 2014); Macronix Int’l Co. v. Spansion, IPR2014-
`00898, Paper 15, at 4 (PTAB Aug. 13, 2014) (quoting Kyocera Corp. v. Softview
`LLC, IPR2013-00004, Paper 15, at 4 (PTAB April 24, 2013)).
`B. Altice’s Motion Is Timely
`A motion for joinder is timely if the moving party files within one month of
`institution of the inter partes review for which joinder is requested. 37 C.F.R.
`§ 42.122(b). Because Altice files this motion within one month after a decision on
`the institution of the Comcast IPR, this motion is timely.
`Joinder Is Appropriate
`Joinder is appropriate because Altice’s Petition does not raise any new
`grounds of unpatentability and does “not present issues that might complicate or
`delay” the Comcast IPR. See Enzymotec Ltd. v. Neptune Techs & Bioresources, Inc.,
`IPR2014-00556, Paper 19 (PTAB July 9, 2014). Altice’s Petition is substantially
`identical to the petition in the Comcast IPR, challenging the same claims of the
`’751 Patent on the same grounds and relying on the same expert testimony. The
`primary difference between Altice’s Petition and the petition filed in the Comcast
`IPR are the sections on Real Party-In-Interest, Related Matters, Counsel, and 35
`U.S.C. § 314(a), which have been appropriately updated.
`Further, to simplify this proceeding, and minimize the impact on the original
`proceeding, Altice relies on the same Comcast Declarant. Joinder would, therefore,
`have little, if any, impact on the Comcast IPR, the schedule would not be affected,
`no additional briefing or discovery would be required, and no additional burdens
`would be placed on any party or the PTAB, as detailed below.
`No New Grounds of Unpatentability in the Petition
`Altice’s Petition does not assert any new grounds of unpatentability. It
`challenges the same claims (1–20) of the ’751 Patent based on the same arguments
`and analysis, prior art, evidence, and three grounds of unpatentability as the
`Comcast IPR. See, e.g., Hyundai, IPR2014-01543, Paper 11, at 2–4; Dell, IPR2013-
`00385, Paper 17, at 6–10. In addition, Altice filed the identical expert declaration of
`Comcast’s expert.
`No Impact on the Schedule for the Existing IPR Proceeding
`Because Altice’s Petition raises no new grounds of unpatentability, and
`because a Scheduling Order was established for the Comcast IPR less than one
`month ago, joinder should have no impact on the schedule of the Comcast IPR. See
`LG v. Memory Integrity, LLC, IPR2015-01353, Paper 11, at 6 (PTAB Oct. 5, 2015)
`(granting IPR and motion for joinder where “joinder should not necessitate any
`additional briefing or discovery from Patent Owner beyond that already required in
`[the original IPR]”). Altice will adhere to all applicable deadlines set in the
`Scheduling Order for the Comcast IPR.
`As discussed further below, Altice is willing to limit its participation in this
`proceedings to a “silent understudy.” In the event that the Comcast IPR is terminated
`with respect to the Comcast Petitioner, only then does Altice intend to “step into the
`shoes” of the dismissed petitioner and materially participate in the joined
`proceedings. Accordingly, for the reasons stated above, joinder of Altice to the
`Comcast IPR will not affect the Board’s ability to complete its review and final
`decision within the statutory time limits under 35 U.S.C. § 316(a)(11) and 37
`C.F.R. § 42.100(c).
`Briefing and Discovery Will Be Simplified
`As a “silent understudy,” Altice agrees that, if joined, the following conditions
`will apply so long as Comcast remains an active party, as previously approved by
`the Board in other joinder circumstances:
`all filings by Altice in the joined proceeding will be consolidated
`with the filings of Comcast, unless a filing solely concerns issues that do not involve
`(b) Altice shall not be permitted to raise any new grounds not
`instituted by the Board in the Comcast IPR, or introduce any argument not already
`introduced by Comcast;
`With regard to taking of testimony, Altice will abide by 37 C.F.R.
`§ 42.53 or any agreement between Patent Owner and Comcast. See Mylan Pharms.
`Inc. v. Novartis AG, IPR2015-00268, Paper 17, at 5–6 (PTAB Apr. 10, 2015)
`(finding the same proposed limitations “are consistent with the ‘understudy’ role that
`Petitioner agrees to assume, as well as Petitioner’s assertion that its presence would
`not require introducing any additional arguments, briefing, or discovery.”). Altice
`also is willing to abide by any additional conditions the Board deems appropriate.
`Prejudice to Patent Owner
`Joinder of Petitioner to the Comcast IPR will not create any additional burden
`on Patent Owner. Patent Owner need not expend any additional resources above and
`beyond those required in the current Comcast IPR. Moreover, joinder eliminates the
`need for Patent Owner to participate in multiple, staggered inter partes review
`proceedings instituted upon identical grounds of unpatentability.1
`For the foregoing reasons, Altice respectfully requests that its Petition for
`Inter Partes Review of the ’751 Patent be granted and that the proceedings be joined
`with IPR2024-00324.
`Dated: August 16, 2024
`Respectfully Submitted,
`/Scott Border/
`Scott M Border (lead counsel)
`Reg. No. 77,744
`1901 L Street, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20036
`T: 202-282-5100
`1 The argument that joinder may theoretically frustrate settlement between Comcast
`and Patent Owner is not a basis to deny joinder because that same possibility exists
`in every joinder situation. Glob. Foundries U.S. Inc. v . Godo Kaisha IP Bridge 1,
`IPR2017-00925 and IPR2017-00926, Paper 13, at 10 (PTAB June 9, 2017).
`Krishnan Padmanabhan (backup
`(pro hac vice to be submitted)
`Christopher Gresalfi (backup counsel)
`Reg. No. 78,949
`200 Park Ave,
`New York, NY, 10166
`T: (212) 294-6700
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.6(e), I hereby certify that on this 16th day of
`August, 2024, I caused to be served a true and correct copy of PETITIONER’S
`MOTION FOR JOINDER UNDER 37 C.F.R. §§ 42.22 AND 42.122(b) by FedEx
`on the following:
`Touchstream Technologies (149550)
`2555 Grand Blvd.
`Kansas City, MO 64108
` A
` courtesy copy of this Petition was also served upon litigation counsel for
`Patent Owner via email, as follows:
`Ryan Dykal ( rdykal@bsfllp.com )
`Jordan T. Bergsten ( jbergsten@bsfllp.com )
`1401 New York Avenue, NW
`Washington, DC 20005
`Sabina Mariella ( smariella@bsfllp.com )
`55 Hudson Yards
`New York, NY 10001
`Dated: August 16, 2024
`Respectfully Submitted,
`/Scott Border/
`Scott M Border (lead counsel)
`Reg. No. 77,744
`1901 L Street, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20036
`T: 202-282-5100