`Peter J. Liu∗, Mohammad Saleh∗,
`Etienne Pot†, Ben Goodrich, Ryan Sepassi, Łukasz Kaiser, Noam Shazeer
`Google Brain
`Mountain View, CA
`We show that generating English Wikipedia articles can be approached as a multi-
`document summarization of source documents. We use extractive summarization
`to coarsely identify salient information and a neural abstractive model to generate
`the article. For the abstractive model, we introduce a decoder-only architecture
`that can scalably attend to very long sequences, much longer than typical encoder-
`decoder architectures used in sequence transduction. We show that this model can
`generate fluent, coherent multi-sentence paragraphs and even whole Wikipedia
`articles. When given reference documents, we show it can extract relevant factual
`information as reflected in perplexity, ROUGE scores and human evaluations.
`The sequence-to-sequence framework has demonstrated success in natural-language sequence trans-
`duction tasks such as machine translation. More recently, neural techniques have been applied to do
`single-document, abstractive (paraphrasing) text summarization of news articles (Rush et al. (2015),
`Nallapati et al. (2016)). In this prior work, the input to supervised models ranged from the first sen-
`tence to the entire text of an article, and they are trained end-to-end to predict reference summaries.
`Doing this end-to-end requires a significant number of parallel article-summary pairs since language
`understanding is a pre-requisite to generate fluent summaries.
`In contrast, we consider the task of multi-document summarization, where the input is a collection
`of related documents from which a summary is distilled. Prior work has focused on extractive
`summarization, which select sentences or phrases from the input to form the summaries, rather
`than generating new text. There has been limited application of abstractive neural methods and one
`possible reason is the paucity of large, labeled datasets.
`In this work, we consider English Wikipedia as a supervised machine learning task for multi-
`document summarization where the input is comprised of a Wikipedia topic (title of article) and
`a collection of non-Wikipedia reference documents, and the target is the Wikipedia article text. We
`describe the first attempt to abstractively generate the first section, or lead, of Wikipedia articles con-
`ditioned on reference text. In addition to running strong baseline models on the task, we modify the
`Transformer architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017) to only consist of a decoder, which performs better
`in the case of longer input sequences compared to recurrent neural network (RNN) and Transformer
`encoder-decoder models. Finally we show our modeling improvements allow us to generate entire
`Wikipedia articles.
`∗Joint first-authors. Ordered randomly.
`†Work done as a member of the Google Brain Residency (g.co/brainresidency)
`arXiv:1801.10198v1 [cs.CL] 30 Jan 2018
`Petitioner, EX1017
`Hugging Face, Inc., v. FriendliAI Inc.
`Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2018
`Neural abstractive summarization was pioneered in Rush et al. (2015), where they train headline
`generation models using the English Gigaword corpus (Graff & Cieri, 2003), consisting of news
`articles from number of publishers. However, the task is more akin to sentence paraphrasing than
`summarization as only the first sentence of an article is used to predict the headline, another sen-
`tence. RNN-based encoder-decoder models with attention (seq2seq) perform very well on this task
`in both ROUGE (Lin, 2004), an automatic metric often used in summarization, and human evalua-
`tion (Chopra et al., 2016).
`In Nallapati et al. (2016), an abstractive summarization dataset is proposed by modifying a question-
`answering dataset of news articles paired with story highlights from Daily Mail and CNN. This task
`is more difficult than headline-generation because the information used in the highlights may come
`from many parts of the article and not only the first sentence. One downside of the dataset is that it
`has an order-of-magnitude fewer parallel examples (310k vs. 3.8M) to learn from. Standard seq2seq
`models with attention do less well, and a number of techniques are used to augment performance.
`Another downside is that it is unclear what the guidelines are for creating story highlights and it is
`obvious that there are significant stylistic differences between the two news publishers.
`In our work we also train neural abstractive models, but in the multi-document regime with
`Wikipedia. As can be seen in Table 1, the input and output text are generally much larger, with
`significant variance depending on the article. The summaries (Wikipedia lead) are multiple sen-
`tences and sometimes multiple paragraphs, written in a fairly uniform style as encouraged by the
`Wikipedia Manual of Style1. However, the input documents may consist of documents of arbitrary
`style originating from arbitrary sources.
`We also show in Table 1 the ROUGE-1 recall scores of the output given the input, which is the
`proportion of unigrams/words in the output co-occuring in the input. A higher score corresponds
`to a dataset more amenable to extractive summarization. In particular, if the output is completely
`embedded somewhere in the input (e.g. a wiki-clone), the score would be 100. Given a score of
`only 59.2 compared to 76.1 and 78.7 for other summarization datasets shows that ours is the least
`amenable to purely extractive methods.
`There is a rich body of work incorporating Wikipedia for machine learning tasks, including question-
`answering (Hewlett et al. (2016), Rajpurkar et al. (2016)) and information extraction (Lehmann
`et al., 2015), and text generation from structured data (Lebret et al., 2016).
`The closest work to ours involving generating Wikipedia is Sauper & Barzilay (2009), where articles
`are generated extractively (instead of abstractively in our case) from reference documents using
`learned templates. The Wikipedia articles are restricted to two categories, whereas we use all article
`types. The reference documents are obtained from a search engine, with the Wikipedia topic used as
`query similar to our search engine references. However we also show results with documents only
`found in the References section of the Wikipedia articles.
`Previous work on neural abstractive summarization relies on RNNs as fundamental modules, mir-
`roring techniques successful in machine translation (MT). Recently, state-of-the-art MT results were
`obtained using a non-recurrent architecture, called the Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017). The lack
`of recurrence enables greater within-training-example parallelization, at the cost of quadratic com-
`plexity in the input sequence length. We find the Transformer transfers well to medium length, input
`sequence summarization and describe modifications to better handle longer sequences.
`Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2018
`Table 1: Order of magnitude input/output sizes and unigram recall for summarization datasets.
`# examples ROUGE-1 R
`Gigaword (Graff & Cieri, 2003)
`CNN/DailyMail (Nallapati et al., 2016)
`WikiSum (ours)
`Table 2: Percentiles for different aspects of WikiSum dataset. Size is in number of words.
`Lead Size
`Num Citations
`Citations Size
`Num Search Results
`Search Results Size
`Wikipedia, being an encyclopedia, can be viewed as a collection of summaries on various topics
`given by their title, e.g. ”Canada” or ”Machine Learning”. The source material to be summarized
`can be viewed as all reputable documents on the Web or books; however, to make the problem more
`tractable we consider the following subsets of all documents, D:
`1. Cited sources: A Wikipedia article that conforms to the style guidelines should be well-
`supported by citations found in the References section of Wikipedia articles. For each
`article, ai, we extract all text without markup from crawlable citation documents, Ci ⊂ D,
`to use as input to our method.
`2. Web Search results: To expand the collection of reference documents, we crawl the search
`results from the Google search engine, using the article section titles as queries. For each
`query, we collect 10 result pages. From this collection we remove the Wikipedia article
`itself, which is often among the top results. We also remove ”clones”, which are detected
`when there is a high-level of unigram overlap with the article (details provided in A.2.1).
`We denote these refined search results for an article, ai, as Si ⊂ D. Similar to Ci, we
`extract only the text to use as input.
`Table 2 describes overall properties of our WikiSum dataset. Many articles have few citations,
`motivating our supplementation of the source documents with web search results. On the other
`hand, citations when available, tend to be of higher-quality. When counting the total words in the
`entire dataset, it is orders-of-magnitude larger than previous summarization datasets.
`To have consistent train/development/test data across corpus-comparison experiments, we restrict
`the articles to those with at least one crawlable citation. We divide the articles roughly into 80/10/10
`for train/development/test subsets, resulting in 1865750, 233252, and 232998 examples respec-
`Because the amount of text in input reference documents (Ci, Si) can be very large (see Table 2) it is
`infeasible to train an end-to-end abstractive model given the memory constraints of current hardware.
`Hence, we first coarsely select a subset of the input using extractive summarization. The second
`stage involves training an abstractive model that generates the Wikipedia text while conditioning on
`this extraction. This two-stage process is inspired by by how humans might summarize multiple long
`documents: First highlight pertinent information, then conditionally generate the summary based on
`the highlights.
`Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2018
`We investigate three extractive methods from the summarization literature, along with a trivial and
`cheating method, to assess the importance of this stage. For each article, ai we create a ranked list
`of paragraphs, {pi
`Ri(j)}, occurring in (Ci, Si) where Ri(j) is the rank of the jth paragraph pi
`j of
`(Ci, Si). From this we select the first L tokens as input to the second abstractive stage.
`1. Identity: As a trivial baseline extractor, we simply use the first L tokens of the input.
`2. tf-idf : A non-trivial ranking is to consider ranking paragraphs as documents in a query-
`retrieval problem, where the query is the title of the article, T (ai). We compute tf-idf
`(Ramos et al., 2003) for the query, with respect to the documents, {pij}. That is, we sum-
`mate for each word in the query
`Nw · log(
`where Nw, Nd, and Ndw are the count of the word in the document, total number of docu-
`ments, and total number of documents containing the word, respectively.
`3. TextRank (Mihalcea & Tarau, 2004): A weighted graph is defined where text units are
`nodes and edges are defined by a similarity measure based on word overlap. An algorithm
`similar to PageRank (Page et al., 1999) is then used to compute the ranking of text units.
`We used paragraphs for the text units.
`4. SumBasic (Nenkova & Vanderwende, 2005): Word frequencies in the input text are used to
`assign scores to words, which are in turn used to score sentences. After selecting the best
`scoring sentence, words in it have their scores reduced, and the process is repeated until the
`desired summary length is reached.
`5. Cheating To further demonstrate the quality of extraction on the final performance, we
`implement a cheating extractor that ranks {pij} using recall of bigrams in the ground truth
`j, ai) =
`j) ∩ bigrams(ai)
`Given the ordered paragraphs {piRi(j)}, we derive the raw text input simply as the concatenation of
`the paragraphs in order, the most relevant at the beginning, and prefixed with the title.
`We then encode the text using sub-word tokenization similar to Wu et al. (2016) with a vocabulary
`size of 32,000 yielding tokenized input, xi:
`texti = T (ai)(cid:107){piRi(j)}
`tokenize(texti) = xi = (x1i , x2i , ..., xni
`i )
`For various values of L in experiments, we truncate the tokens to form the input sequence:
`mLi = (x1i , ...xmin(L,ni)
`For the output, we use the same vocabulary and tokenization for the Wikipedia lead text but do not
`do any truncation across experiments.
`Next we describe the abstractive models, W , that learn to write articles, ai = W (mLi ), which we
`treat as a sequence transduction problem from very long input sequences (up to L = 11000) to
`medium output sequences (typically less than 500).
`Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2018
`As a baseline we apply the standard LSTM encoder-decoder with attention (seq2seq-att) as in Bah-
`danau et al. (2014) to this task. As is typical we train to optimize the maximum-likelihood objective:
`yi = tokenize(ai)
`i )
`A stronger, more recent baseline that we use is the non-recurrent Transformer model described in
`2.3, which also has symmetric encoder and decoder modules (T-ED).
`We introduce a simple but effective modification to T-ED for long sequences that drops the encoder
`module (almost reducing model parameters by half for a given hyper-parameter set), combines the
`input and output sequences into a single ”sentence” and is trained as a standard language model.
`That is, we convert a sequence-transduction example (m1, ..., mn) (cid:55)→ (y1, ..., yη) into the sentence
`(w1, ..., wn+η+1) = (m1, ..., mn, δ, y1, ..., yη), where δ is a special separator token and train a
`model to predict the next word given the previous ones:
`p(wi|w1, ..., wj−1)
`p(w1, ..., wn+η) =
`Since the model is forced to predict the next token in the input, m, as well as y, error signals are prop-
`agated from both input and output time-steps during training. We also suspect that for monolingual
`text-to-text tasks redundant information is re-learned about language in the encoder and decoder.
`We believe this allows for easier optimization and empirically observe this with longer sequences
`(see Section 5.3). Note that because of the self-attention of the Transformer, when generating the
`next token, attention from both m and y are considered. At inference we provide the input sequence,
`mi, initially, and auto-regressively generate the output, yi, as normal.
`To re-use the terminology used to describe the Transformer, the attention is a function of a query
`(Q) and set of key (K) and value (V ) pairs. To handle longer sequences, we modify the multi-head
`self-attention of the Transformer to reduce memory usage by limiting the dot products between Q
`and K in:
`Attention(Q, K, V ) = sof tmax(
`QK T√
`Local attention: Sequence tokens are divided into blocks of similar length and attention is per-
`formed in each block independently. As the attention memory cost per block becomes constant, this
`modification allow us to keep the number of activations linear with respect to the sequence length.
`In our experiments, we choose to have blocks of 256 tokens.
`Memory-compressed attention: After projecting the tokens into the query, key, and value embed-
`dings, we reduce the number of keys and values by using a strided convolution. The number of
`queries remains unchanged. This modification allows us to divide the number of activations by a
`compression factor. In our experiments we use convolution kernels of size 3 with stride 3. In con-
`trast to local attention layers, which only capture the local information within a block, the memory-
`compressed attention layers are able to exchange information globally on the entire sequence.
`These modifications (see Figure 1) allow us in practice to process sequences 3x in length over
`the T-D model. For both local and memory-compressed attention, masking is added to prevent
`the queries from attending to future keys and values. Our final architecture is a 5-layer network
`(LMLML) alternating between local-attention (L) layers and memory-compressed attention (M)
`layers (in Vaswani et al. (2017) it is 6 identical layers). We also added in some experiments one
`mixture of experts (MoE) layer (Shazeer et al., 2017) to increase the network’s capacity.
`Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2018
`Figure 1: The architecture of the self-attention layers used in the T-DMCA model. Every attention
`layer takes a sequence of tokens as input and produces a sequence of similar length as the output.
`Left: Original self-attention as used in the transformer-decoder. Middle: Memory-compressed
`attention which reduce the number of keys/values. Right: Local attention which splits the sequence
`into individual smaller sub-sequences. The sub-sequences are then merged together to get the final
`output sequence.
`In experiments we evaluate based on perplexity (per-wordpiece), a common language modeling
`metric, and ROUGE-L F1 (version ROUGE-1.5.5), a common metric used in comparing candidate
`and reference summaries. Note the F1 flavor of ROUGE is more appropriate in this setting as we do
`not explicitly constrain the output length in abstractive models; it is the harmonic mean of ROUGE-
`Recall (which favors long summaries) and ROUGE-Precision (which favors short summaries).
`Although optimizing ROUGE directly has been shown to not always yield the best summaries as
`evaluated by human judgment (Paulus et al., 2017), we found that for our task optimizing for per-
`plexity correlates with increased ROUGE and human judgment. We suspect that the relatively uni-
`form style of Wikipedia articles makes ROUGE more appropriate here than in general abstractive
`summarization tasks.
`For all abstractive model training, we use the open-source tensor2tensor2 library.
`The seq2seq baseline had a hidden size of 128 with 2 layers (we use the hyper-parameter set defined
`in the library as lstm attention).
`(T-ED), we
`transfomer base v1 and train for 1 million steps. Models exhibited very little over-
`fitting and did not require early-stopping. The Transformer Decoder (T-D) was identical to the
`decoder part of T-ED. The T-DMCA model is similar to T-D, but with the enhancements described
`in section 4.2.4.
`Unless otherwise stated, during decoding we use a beam search of size 4 and length penalty α = 0.6
`(Wu et al., 2016) and decode until an end-of-sequence token is reached.
`Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2018
`Table 3: Comparison of extractive method and corpus with L = 500, and the Transformer E-D
`Extractor Corpus
`Test log-perplexity ROUGE-L
`There are four main dimensions we vary in experiments in generating Wikipedia lead sections:
`1. Extractive method: SumBasic, TextRank, tf-idf, identity, cheating extractor
`2. Input corpus: citations, search results, combined
`3. Abstractive model input length, L: We try values between 100 and 11000.
`4. Abstractive model architecture: seq2seq-att, T-ED, T-D, T-DMCA
`Figure 2: ROUGE-L F1 for various extractive methods. The abstractive model contribution is shown
`for the best combined tf-idf -T-DMCA model.
`Extractive-only is not enough: We investigate performance of extractive methods without the ab-
`stractive model by looking at the ROUGE-L F1 scores after running tf-idf, SumBasic, and TextRank
`in Figure 2, without any abstractive model. In the case of TextRank and SumBasic we matched the
`output length to the target length and observe the extractive methods perform roughly in-line with
`each other in terms of ROUGE-L F1. Our best abstractive model more than doubled this metric.
`Further, this model yields large improvements in perceived linguistic quality (elaborated below).
`Extractive method: From Table 3 we observe that smart extraction is critical for final abstractive
`performance. There is a significant gap between doing nothing, identity, and extractive summariza-
`tion, tf-idf. Further, there is a significant gap between tf-idf and the cheating extractor, suggesting
`future work in improving the extraction step could result in significant improvements. One possibil-
`ity is to train a supervised model to predict relevance (Eq. 1), which we leave as future work. For
`subsequent experiments we fix the extractive method to tf-idf.
`Input Corpus: From table 3 we also observe that, unsurprisingly, the combined dataset performs
`best, but the gaps between it and using only one of citations or search results are both significant
`and their contributions are complementary. In subsequent experiments, we report only the combined
`Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2018
`Table 4: Performance of best models of each model architecture using the combined corpus and
`tf-idf extractor.
`Test perplexity ROUGE-L
`seq2seq-attention, L = 500
`Transformer-ED, L = 500
`Transformer-D, L = 4000
`Transformer-DMCA, no MoE-layer, L = 11000
`Transformer-DMCA, MoE-128, L = 11000
`Transformer-DMCA, MoE-256, L = 7500
`Figure 3: Shows perplexity versus L for tf-idf extraction on combined corpus for different model
`architectures. For T-DMCA, E denotes the size of the mixture-of-experts layer.
`Abstractive model architecture and input length: As we see from Table 4, seq2seq-attention as a
`baseline does quite poorly on this task compared to the Transformer architectures. As seen in Figure
`3, we observe that the Transformer encoder-decoder, T-ED, architecture consistently improves in
`performance until a best of around L = 500 − 1000 and is unable to learn at L = 2000. This
`motivated the Transformer-Decoder, which we found could learn and improve up to L = 4000,
`before running out of memory on our machines equipped with 16GB of GPU RAM (NVIDIA P100).
`By using the T-DMCA modifications, we were able to train up to L = 11000 and continued to see
`improvements in performance. We also found the MoE-layer helped performance by adding model
`capacity at high L, for example dropping log-perplexity from 2.05 to 1.93 at L = 11000 with 128
`experts. Our best model attempted uses 256 experts at L = 7500 (we were unable to use 256 experts
`with L = 11000 due to memory constraints) and achieves a perplexity of 1.90,
`Human Evaluation - Linguistic quality We conducted a DUC-style human evaluation of linguistic
`quality3 of samples from a baseline abstractive (seq2seq), the best extractive (tf-idf ), and our best T-
`DMCA models. Five different dimensions are assessed: grammaticality, non-redundancy, referential
`clarity, focus, and structure/coherence. As seen in Table 5, the T-DMCA model does statistically
`significantly better on all dimensions, except on non-redundancy where tf-idf does about as well.
`Overall, we observed high fluency and coherence from our best abstractive model. Occasionally we
`observed some repetition of phrases which hurt the non-redundancy and structure, but it was much
`rarer compared with the other abstractive method, seq2seq. The biggest weakness of the extractive
`Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2018
`Table 5: Linguistic quality human evaluation scores (scale 1-5, higher is better). A score signif-
`icantly different (according to the Welch Two Sample t-test, with p = 0.001) than the T-DMCA
`model is denoted by *.
`Focus Grammar
`Structure and
`T-DMCA (best)
`tf-idf -only
`Table 6: Side-by-side for two models pair with large automatic metric gaps
`Model A
`Model B
`T-ED, L = 100 T-ED, L = 500
`T-ED, L = 500 T-DMCA-MoE-256, L = 7500
`# prefer B
`# prefer A
`method compared with our best abstractive model was the lack of structure and coherence in the
`Human Evaluation - side-by-side preference We validated our chosen metrics correlate with hu-
`man preference by conducting two side-by-side human evaluation experiments, comparing models
`with large gaps in perplexity/ROUGE. We observe in Table 6 that human judgment correlates with
`our automatic metrics, but it becomes more difficult to distinguish at the higher-end of model per-
`formance. Details of the human evaluation experimental designs can be found in Appendix A.3.
`To summarize the quantitative results, we believe the highest impact future work will be from im-
`proving the extractive stage and extending the decoder-only architectures to learn from larger L
`while maintaining sufficient model capacity.
`Comparison with Sauper & Barzilay (2009): A direct comparison with Sauper & Barzilay (2009)
`is difficult for three reasons: (a) they report results only for two small subsets of Wikipedia, Diseases
`and American Actors; (b) we report on lead generation instead of full-articles; (c) we were unable
`to obtain the exact articles they used as input and output (in particular they make no claim of Wiki-
`clone detection). However, we make a best-effort comparison by finding the subset of articles of our
`test set that correspond to Diseases and American Actors, the two categories reported on by Sauper
`& Barzilay and reporting our ROUGE-1 scores (Table 7). We observe that we perform better on
`American Actors than Diseases, probably because of the prevalence of the former (and biographies)
`in Wikipedia compared to the latter in our training set for our single, global model, whereas Sauper
`& Barzilay likely benefit from the category-specific templates. On average our ROUGE-1 scores are
`higher but do worse on the less common and somewhat specific disease category.
`In Figure 4, we show the predictions from three different models (using tf-idf extraction, and the
`combined corpus) along with the Wikipedia ground truth. As the perplexity decreases we see im-
`provements in the model outputs, in terms of fluency, factual accuracy, and narrative complexity. In
`particular, the T-DMCA model offers a respectable alternative to the Wikipedia version and is more
`succinct, while mentioning key facts, such as where the law firm was located, when and how it was
`formed, and the rise and fall of the firm.
`In manual inspection of model outputs, we noticed an unexpected side-effect: models learn to trans-
`late names from English into multiple languages, e.g. Rohit Viswanath into Hindi (see Figure 5).
`Although we did not do a systematic evaluation of the translations, we found they are often correct,
`and often they are not found in the Wikipedia article itself. We also verified that in general the
`Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2018
`Table 7: Comparison of results with Sauper & Barzilay (2009). Note our results are reported for
`lead section, whereas Sauper & Barzilay report for articles.
`All Wikipedia
`T-DMCA (Ours)
`T-DMCA (Ours), n = 161
`Sauper & Barzilay
`American Actors
`T-DMCA (Ours), n = 1322
`Sauper & Barzilay
`Figure 4: Shows predictions for the same example from different models. Example model input can
`be found in the Appendix A.4
`translation is not merely copied from the source, such as example cases where the target language is
`the incorrect one (e.g. translation of an English name into Ukrainian).
`Given that we have shown it is possible to learn sequence transduction models on combined input-
`output sequence lengths of approximately 12000 using the T-D architecture, we show that it is
`possible to train a model to generate entire Wikipedia articles. As a preliminary result, we trained
`two T-DMCA models: One is trained to use L = 6000 reference tokens to predict at most 2192 ar-
`ticle tokens (longer examples are ignored) and another is conditioned only on the title and generates
`articles up to 4000 tokens long.
`We show samples from both models in Appendix A.1. Although the generated articles are not as
`good as the real Wikipedia or our lead section samples, the models can be seen to organize the
`Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2018
`Figure 5: Translation examples from the Transformer-ED, L = 500.
`article into plausible sections and exhibit global coherence over multi-paragraph text. The model
`with access to reference documents inserts factual information in the generated article. Although we
`did not focus or tune on the full-article task we see this as an interesting future work for abstractive
`We have shown that generating Wikipedia can be approached as a multi-document summarization
`problem with a large, parallel dataset, and demonstrated a two-stage extractive-abstractive frame-
`work for carrying it out. The coarse extraction method used in the first stage appears to have a sig-
`nificant effect on final performance, suggesting further research on improving it would be fruitful.
`We introduce a new, decoder-only sequence transduction model for the abstractive stage, capable of
`handling very long input-output examples. This model significantly outperforms traditional encoder-
`decoder architectures on long sequences, allowing us to condition on many reference documents and
`to generate coherent and informative Wikipedia articles.
`To encourage further research on large-scale summarization, we will release the URLs used in our
`experiments (the Wikipedia URL as well as the URLs of its references) that are available as part of
`the CommonCrawl dataset4, which is freely available for download.
`We use the open-source tensor2tensor5 library for training abstractive models and will be
`releasing our abstractive modeling code extensions. Further details are available at https://
`Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2018
`We thank Samy Bengio, Jeff Dean, Claire Cui, Fred Bertsch, Chad Whipkey, Anurag Rana, Ashish
`Vaswani, Llion Jones, and the tensorflow/tensor2tensor contributors for help with the
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