`Romain Paulus, Caiming Xiong & Richard Socher
`Salesforce Research
`172 University Avenue
`Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA
`Attentional, RNN-based encoder-decoder models for abstractive summarization
`have achieved good performance on short input and output sequences. For longer
`documents and summaries however these models often include repetitive and
`incoherent phrases. We introduce a neural network model with a novel intra-
`attention that attends over the input and continuously generated output separately,
`and a new training method that combines standard supervised word prediction and
`reinforcement learning (RL). Models trained only with supervised learning often
`exhibit “exposure bias” – they assume ground truth is provided at each step during
`training. However, when standard word prediction is combined with the global se-
`quence prediction training of RL the resulting summaries become more readable.
`We evaluate this model on the CNN/Daily Mail and New York Times datasets.
`Our model obtains a 41.16 ROUGE-1 score on the CNN/Daily Mail dataset, an
`improvement over previous state-of-the-art models. Human evaluation also shows
`that our model produces higher quality summaries.
`Text summarization is the process of automatically generating natural language summaries from an
`input document while retaining the important points. By condensing large quantities of information
`into short, informative summaries, summarization can aid many downstream applications such as
`creating news digests, search, and report generation.
`There are two prominent types of summarization algorithms. First, extractive summarization sys-
`tems form summaries by copying parts of the input (Dorr et al., 2003; Nallapati et al., 2017). Second,
`abstractive summarization systems generate new phrases, possibly rephrasing or using words that
`were not in the original text (Chopra et al., 2016; Nallapati et al., 2016).
`Neural network models (Nallapati et al., 2016) based on the attentional encoder-decoder model for
`machine translation (Bahdanau et al., 2014) were able to generate abstractive summaries with high
`ROUGE scores. However, these systems have typically been used for summarizing short input
`sequences (one or two sentences) to generate even shorter summaries. For example, the summaries
`on the DUC-2004 dataset generated by the state-of-the-art system by Zeng et al. (2016) are limited
`to 75 characters.
`Nallapati et al. (2016) also applied their abstractive summarization model on the CNN/Daily Mail
`dataset (Hermann et al., 2015), which contains input sequences of up to 800 tokens and multi-
`sentence summaries of up to 100 tokens. But their analysis illustrates a key problem with attentional
`encoder-decoder models: they often generate unnatural summaries consisting of repeated phrases.
`We present a new abstractive summarization model that achieves state-of-the-art results on the
`CNN/Daily Mail and similarly good results on the New York Times dataset (NYT) (Sandhaus,
`2008). To our knowledge, this is the first end-to-end model for abstractive summarization on the
`NYT dataset. We introduce a key attention mechanism and a new learning objective to address the
`repeating phrase problem: (i) we use an intra-temporal attention in the encoder that records previous
`attention weights for each of the input tokens while a sequential intra-attention model in the decoder
`arXiv:1705.04304v3 [cs.CL] 13 Nov 2017
`Petitioner, EX1016
`Hugging Face, Inc., v. FriendliAI Inc.


`Figure 1: Illustration of the encoder and decoder attention functions combined. The two context
`vectors (marked “C”) are computed from attending over the encoder hidden states and decoder
`hidden states. Using these two contexts and the current decoder hidden state (“H”), a new word is
`generated and added to the output sequence.
`takes into account which words have already been generated by the decoder. (ii) we propose a new
`objective function by combining the maximum-likelihood cross-entropy loss used in prior work with
`rewards from policy gradient reinforcement learning to reduce exposure bias.
`Our model achieves 41.16 ROUGE-1 on the CNN/Daily Mail dataset. Moreover, we show, through
`human evaluation of generated outputs, that our model generates more readable summaries com-
`pared to other abstractive approaches.
`In this section, we present our intra-attention model based on the encoder-decoder network
`(Sutskever et al., 2014). In all our equations, x = {x1, x2, . . . , xn} represents the sequence of input
`(article) tokens, y = {y1, y2, . . . , yn(cid:48)} the sequence of output (summary) tokens, and (cid:107) denotes the
`vector concatenation operator.
`Our model reads the input sequence with a bi-directional LSTM encoder {RNNe fwd, RNNe bwd}
`(cid:107)he bwd
`i = [he fwd
`] from the embedding vectors of xi. We use a single
`computing hidden states he
`LSTM decoder RNNd, computing hidden states hd
`t from the embedding vectors of yt. Both input
`and output embeddings are taken from the same matrix Wemb. We initialize the decoder hidden state
`with hd
`0 = he
`At each decoding step t, we use an intra-temporal attention function to attend over specific parts
`of the encoded input sequence in addition to the decoder’s own hidden state and the previously-
`generated word (Sankaran et al., 2016). This kind of attention prevents the model from attending
`over the sames parts of the input on different decoding steps. Nallapati et al. (2016) have shown
`that such an intra-temporal attention can reduce the amount of repetitions when attending over long
`eti = f (hdt , hei ),
`where f can be any function returning a scalar eti from the hd
`t and hei vectors. While some attention
`models use functions as simple as the dot-product between the two vectors, we choose to use a
`bilinear function:
`We define eti as the attention score of the hidden input state hei at decoding time step t:
`W eattnhe
`i .
`f (hdt , hei ) = hdt


`We normalize the attention weights with the following temporal attention function, penalizing input
`tokens that have obtained high attention scores in past decoding steps. We define new temporal
`scores e(cid:48)
`j=1 exp(eji)
`ti =
`if t = 1
`Finally, we compute the normalized attention scores αeti across the inputs and use these weights to
`ti =
`t =
`obtain the input context vector cet :
`j=1 e(cid:48)
`αetihei .
`While this intra-temporal attention function ensures that different parts of the encoded input se-
`quence are used, our decoder can still generate repeated phrases based on its own hidden states,
`especially when generating long sequences. To prevent that, we can incorporate more information
`about the previously decoded sequence into the decoder. Looking back at previous decoding steps
`will allow our model to make more structured predictions and avoid repeating the same information,
`even if that information was generated many steps away. To achieve this, we introduce an intra-
`decoder attention mechanism. This mechanism is not present in existing encoder-decoder models
`for abstractive summarization.
`t . We set cd1 to a vector
`For each decoding step t, our model computes a new decoder context vector cd
`of zeros since the generated sequence is empty on the first decoding step. For t > 1, we use the
`following equations:
`edtt(cid:48) = hdt
`W dattnhd
`tt(cid:48) =
`tt(cid:48) )
`j=1 exp(ed
`t =
`Figure 1 illustrates the intra-attention context vector computation cdt , in addition to the encoder
`temporal attention, and their use in the decoder.
`A closely-related intra-RNN attention function has been introduced by Cheng et al. (2016) but their
`implementation works by modifying the underlying LSTM function, and they do not apply it to
`long sequence generation problems. This is a major difference with our method, which makes no
`assumptions about the type of decoder RNN, thus is more simple and widely applicable to other
`types of recurrent networks.
`On the other hand, the pointer mechanism uses the temporal attention weights αeti as the probability
`To generate a token, our decoder uses either a token-generation softmax layer or a pointer mecha-
`nism to copy rare or unseen from the input sequence. We use a switch function that decides at each
`decoding step whether to use the token generation or the pointer (Gulcehre et al., 2016; Nallapati
`et al., 2016). We define ut as a binary value, equal to 1 if the pointer mechanism is used to output
`yt, and 0 otherwise. In the following equations, all probabilities are conditioned on y1, . . . , yt−1, x,
`even when not explicitly stated.
`Our token-generation layer generates the following probability distribution:
`p(yt|ut = 0) = softmax(Wout[hdt(cid:107)cet(cid:107)cdt ] + bout)
`distribution to copy the input token xi.
`p(yt = xi|ut = 1) = αe
`We also compute the probability of using the copy mechanism for the decoding step t:
`t(cid:107)cet(cid:107)cdt ] + bu),
`p(ut = 1) = σ(Wu[hd


`where σ is the sigmoid activation function.
`Putting Equations 9 , 10 and 11 together, we obtain our final probability distribution for the output
`token yt:
`p(yt) = p(ut = 1)p(yt|ut = 1) + p(ut = 0)p(yt|ut = 0).
`The ground-truth value for ut and the corresponding i index of the target input token when ut = 1
`are provided at every decoding step during training. We set ut = 1 either when yt is an out-of-
`vocabulary token or when it is a pre-defined named entity (see Section 5).
`In addition to using the same embedding matrix Wemb for the encoder and the decoder sequences,
`we introduce some weight-sharing between this embedding matrix and the Wout matrix of the token-
`generation layer, similarly to Inan et al. (2017) and Press & Wolf (2016). This allows the token-
`generation function to use syntactic and semantic information contained in the embedding matrix.
`Wout = tanh(WembWproj)
`Another way to avoid repetitions comes from our observation that in both the CNN/Daily Mail and
`NYT datasets, ground-truth summaries almost never contain the same trigram twice. Based on this
`observation, we force our decoder to never output the same trigram more than once during testing.
`We do this by setting p(yt) = 0 during beam search, when outputting yt would create a trigram that
`already exists in the previously decoded sequence of the current beam.
`In this section, we explore different ways of training our encoder-decoder model. In particular, we
`propose reinforcement learning-based algorithms and their application to our summarization task.
`The most widely used method to train a decoder RNN for sequence generation, called the
`teacher forcing” algorithm (Williams & Zipser, 1989), minimizes a maximum-likelihood loss at each
`decoding step. We define y∗ = {y∗
`n(cid:48)} as the ground-truth output sequence for a given
`1 , y∗2 , . . . , y∗
`input sequence x. The maximum-likelihood training objective is the minimization of the following
`Lml = − n(cid:48)(cid:88)
`log p(y∗
`t |y∗1 , . . . , y∗t−1, x)
`However, minimizing Lml does not always produce the best results on discrete evaluation metrics
`such as ROUGE (Lin, 2004). This phenomenon has been observed with similar sequence generation
`tasks like image captioning with CIDEr (Rennie et al., 2016) and machine translation with BLEU
`(Wu et al., 2016; Norouzi et al., 2016). There are two main reasons for this discrepancy. The first
`one, called exposure bias (Ranzato et al., 2015), comes from the fact that the network has knowledge
`of the ground truth sequence up to the next token during training but does not have such supervision
`when testing, hence accumulating errors as it predicts the sequence. The second reason is due to
`the large number of potentially valid summaries, since there are more ways to arrange tokens to
`produce paraphrases or different sentence orders. The ROUGE metrics take some of this flexibility
`into account, but the maximum-likelihood objective does not.
`One way to remedy this is to learn a policy that maximizes a specific discrete metric instead of
`minimizing the maximum-likelihood loss, which is made possible with reinforcement learning. In
`our model, we use the self-critical policy gradient training algorithm (Rennie et al., 2016).


`For this training algorithm, we produce two separate output sequences at each training iteration: ys,
`which is obtained by sampling from the p(ys
`1, . . . , yst−1, x) probability distribution at each decod-
`ing time step, and ˆy, the baseline output, obtained by maximizing the output probability distribution
`at each time step, essentially performing a greedy search. We define r(y) as the reward function for
`an output sequence y, comparing it with the ground truth sequence y∗ with the evaluation metric of
`our choice.
`Lrl = (r(ˆy) − r(ys))
`log p(ys
`t|ys1, . . . , ys
`t−1, x)
`We can see that minimizing Lrl is equivalent to maximizing the conditional likelihood of the sam-
`pled sequence ys if it obtains a higher reward than the baseline ˆy, thus increasing the reward expec-
`tation of our model.
`One potential issue of this reinforcement training objective is that optimizing for a specific discrete
`metric like ROUGE does not guarantee an increase in quality and readability of the output.
`is possible to game such discrete metrics and increase their score without an actual increase in
`readability or relevance (Liu et al., 2016). While ROUGE measures the n-gram overlap between our
`generated summary and a reference sequence, human-readability is better captured by a language
`model, which is usually measured by perplexity.
`Since our maximum-likelihood training objective (Equation 14) is essentially a conditional lan-
`guage model, calculating the probability of a token yt based on the previously predicted sequence
`{y1, . . . , yt−1} and the input sequence x, we hypothesize that it can assist our policy learning algo-
`rithm to generate more natural summaries. This motivates us to define a mixed learning objective
`function that combines equations 14 and 15:
`Lmixed = γLrl + (1 − γ)Lml,
`where γ is a scaling factor accounting for the difference in magnitude between Lrl and Lml. A
`similar mixed-objective learning function has been used by Wu et al. (2016) for machine translation
`on short sequences, but this is its first use in combination with self-critical policy learning for long
`summarization to explicitly improve readability in addition to evaluation metrics.
`Neural encoder-decoder models are widely used in NLP applications such as machine translation
`(Sutskever et al., 2014), summarization (Chopra et al., 2016; Nallapati et al., 2016), and question
`answering (Hermann et al., 2015). These models use recurrent neural networks (RNN), such as
`long-short term memory network (LSTM) (Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, 1997) to encode an input
`sentence into a fixed vector, and create a new output sequence from that vector using another RNN.
`To apply this sequence-to-sequence approach to natural language, word embeddings (Mikolov et al.,
`2013; Pennington et al., 2014) are used to convert language tokens to vectors that can be used as
`inputs for these networks. Attention mechanisms (Bahdanau et al., 2014) make these models more
`performant and scalable, allowing them to look back at parts of the encoded input sequence while
`the output is generated. These models often use a fixed input and output vocabulary, which prevents
`them from learning representations for new words. One way to fix this is to allow the decoder
`network to point back to some specific words or sub-sequences of the input and copy them onto the
`output sequence (Vinyals et al., 2015). Gulcehre et al. (2016) and Merity et al. (2017) combine this
`pointer mechanism with the original word generation layer in the decoder to allow the model to use
`either method at each decoding step.
`Reinforcement learning (RL) is a way of training an agent to interact with a given environment in
`order to maximize a reward. RL has been used to solve a wide variety of problems, usually when


`an agent has to perform discrete actions before obtaining a reward, or when the metric to optimize
`is not differentiable and traditional supervised learning methods cannot be used. This is applicable
`to sequence generation tasks, because many of the metrics used to evaluate these tasks (like BLEU,
`ROUGE or METEOR) are not differentiable.
`In order to optimize that metric directly, Ranzato et al. (2015) have applied the REINFORCE algo-
`rithm (Williams, 1992) to train various RNN-based models for sequence generation tasks, leading
`to significant improvements compared to previous supervised learning methods. While their method
`requires an additional neural network, called a critic model, to predict the expected reward and sta-
`bilize the objective function gradients, Rennie et al. (2016) designed a self-critical sequence training
`method that does not require this critic model and lead to further improvements on image captioning
`Most summarization models studied in the past are extractive in nature (Dorr et al., 2003; Nallapati
`et al., 2017; Durrett et al., 2016), which usually work by identifying the most important phrases of an
`input document and re-arranging them into a new summary sequence. The more recent abstractive
`summarization models have more degrees of freedom and can create more novel sequences. Many
`abstractive models such as Rush et al. (2015), Chopra et al. (2016) and Nallapati et al. (2016) are all
`based on the neural encoder-decoder architecture (Section 4.1).
`A well-studied set of summarization tasks is the Document Understanding Conference (DUC) 1.
`These summarization tasks are varied, including short summaries of a single document and long
`summaries of multiple documents categorized by subject. Most abstractive summarization models
`have been evaluated on the DUC-2004 dataset, and outperform extractive models on that task (Dorr
`et al., 2003). However, models trained on the DUC-2004 task can only generate very short sum-
`maries up to 75 characters, and are usually used with one or two input sentences. Chen et al. (2016)
`applied different kinds of attention mechanisms for summarization on the CNN dataset, and Nalla-
`pati et al. (2016) used different attention and pointer functions on the CNN and Daily Mail datasets
`combined. In parallel of our work, See et al. (2017) also developed an abstractive summarization
`model on this dataset with an extra loss term to increase temporal coverage of the encoder attention
`We evaluate our model on a modified version of the CNN/Daily Mail dataset (Hermann et al., 2015),
`following the same pre-processing steps described in Nallapati et al. (2016). We refer the reader to
`that paper for a detailed description. Our final dataset contains 287,113 training examples, 13,368
`validation examples and 11,490 testing examples. After limiting the input length to 800 tokens and
`output length to 100 tokens, the average input and output lengths are respectively 632 and 53 tokens.
`The New York Times (NYT) dataset (Sandhaus, 2008) is a large collection of articles published
`between 1996 and 2007. Even though this dataset has been used to train extractive summarization
`systems (Durrett et al., 2016; Hong & Nenkova, 2014; Li et al., 2016) or closely-related models
`for predicting the importance of a phrase in an article (Yang & Nenkova, 2014; Nye & Nenkova,
`2015; Hong et al., 2015), we are the first group to run an end-to-end abstractive summarization
`model on the article-abstract pairs of this dataset. While CNN/Daily Mail summaries have a similar
`wording to their corresponding articles, NYT abstracts are more varied, are shorter and can use
`a higher level of abstraction and paraphrase. Because of these differences, these two formats are
`a good complement to each other for abstractive summarization models. We describe the dataset
`preprocessing and pointer supervision in Section A of the Appendix.


`Lead-3 (Nallapati et al., 2017)
`SummaRuNNer (Nallapati et al., 2017)
`words-lvt2k-temp-att (Nallapati et al., 2016)
`ML, no intra-attention
`ML, with intra-attention
`RL, with intra-attention
`ML+RL, with intra-attention
`Table 1: Quantitative results for various models on the CNN/Daily Mail test dataset
`ML, no intra-attention
`ML, with intra-attention
`RL, no intra-attention
`ML+RL, no intra-attention
`Table 2: Quantitative results for various models on the New York Times test dataset
`Source document
`Jenson Button was denied his 100th race for McLaren after an ERS prevented him from making it to the start-
`line. It capped a miserable weekend for the Briton; his time in Bahrain plagued by reliability issues. Button
`spent much of the race on Twitter delivering his verdict as the action unfolded. ’Kimi is the man to watch,’ and
`’loving the sparks’, were among his pearls of wisdom, but the tweet which courted the most attention was a
`rather mischievous one: ’Ooh is Lewis backing his team mate into Vettel?’ he quizzed after Rosberg accused
`Hamilton of pulling off such a manoeuvre in China. Jenson Button waves to the crowd ahead of the Bahrain
`Grand Prix which he failed to start Perhaps a career in the media beckons... Lewis Hamilton has out-qualified
`and finished ahead of Nico Rosberg at every race this season. Indeed Rosberg has now beaten his Mercedes
`team-mate only once in the 11 races since the pair infamously collided in Belgium last year. Hamilton secured
`the 36th win of his career in Bahrain and his 21st from pole position. Only Michael Schumacher (40), Ayrton
`Senna (29) and Sebastian Vettel (27) have more. (...)
`Ground truth summary
`Button denied 100th race start for McLaren after ERS failure. Button then spent much of the Bahrain Grand
`Prix on Twitter delivering his verdict on the action as it unfolded. Lewis Hamilton has out-qualified and finished
`ahead of Mercedes team-mate Nico Rosberg at every race this season. Bernie Ecclestone confirms F1 will make
`its bow in Azerbaijan next season.
`ML, with intra-attention (ROUGE-1 41.58)
`Button was denied his 100th race for McLaren. ERS prevented him from making it to the start-line. The Briton.
`He quizzed after Nico Rosberg accused Lewis Hamilton of pulling off such a manoeuvre in China. Button has
`been in Azerbaijan for the first time since 2013.
`RL, with intra-attention (ROUGE-1 50.00)
`Button was denied his 100th race for McLaren after an ERS prevented him from making it to the start-line.
`It capped a miserable weekend for the Briton. Button has out-qualified. Finished ahead of Nico Rosberg at
`Bahrain. Lewis Hamilton has. In 11 races. . The race. To lead 2,000 laps. . In. . . And. .
`ML+RL, with intra-attention (ROUGE-1 44.00)
`Button was denied his 100th race for McLaren. The ERS prevented him from making it to the start-line. Button
`was his team mate in the 11 races in Bahrain. He quizzed after Nico Rosberg accused Lewis Hamilton of
`pulling off such a manoeuvre in China.
`Table 3: Example from the CNN/Daily Mail test dataset showing the outputs of our three best models
`after de-tokenization, re-capitalization, replacing anonymized entities, and replacing numbers. The
`ROUGE score corresponds to the specific example.
`Setup: We evaluate the intra-decoder attention mechanism and the mixed-objective learning by
`running the following experiments on both datasets. We first run maximum-likelihood (ML) training
`with and without intra-decoder attention (removing cdt from Equations 9 and 11 to disable intra-


`First sentences
`First k words
`Full (Durrett et al., 2016)
`ML+RL, with intra-attn
`Table 4: Comparison of ROUGE recall scores for lead baselines, the extractive model of Durrett
`et al. (2016) and our model on their NYT dataset splits.
`attention) and select the best performing architecture. Next, we initialize our model with the best
`ML parameters and we compare reinforcement learning (RL) with our mixed-objective learning
`(ML+RL), following our objective functions in Equation 15 and 16. The hyperparameters and other
`implementation details are described in the Appendix.
`ROUGE metrics and options: We report the full-length F-1 score of the ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2
`and ROUGE-L metrics with the Porter stemmer option. For RL and ML+RL training, we use the
`ROUGE-L score as a reinforcement reward. We also tried ROUGE-2 but we found that it created
`summaries that almost always reached the maximum length, often ending sentences abruptly.
`Figure 2: Cumulated ROUGE-1 relative im-
`provement obtained by adding intra-attention
`to the ML model on the CNN/Daily Mail
`Our results for the CNN/Daily Mail dataset are
`shown in Table 1, and for the NYT dataset in Table
`2. We observe that the intra-decoder attention func-
`tion helps our model achieve better ROUGE scores
`on the CNN/Daily Mail but not on the NYT dataset.
`Further analysis on the CNN/Daily Mail test set
`shows that intra-attention increases the ROUGE-1
`score of examples with a long ground truth sum-
`mary, while decreasing the score of shorter sum-
`maries, as illustrated in Figure 2. This confirms
`our assumption that intra-attention improves per-
`formance on longer output sequences, and explains
`why intra-attention doesnt improve performance on
`the NYT dataset, which has shorter summaries on
`In addition, we can see that on all datasets, both the
`RL and ML+RL models obtain much higher scores than the ML model. In particular, these methods
`clearly surpass the state-of-the-art model from Nallapati et al. (2016) on the CNN/Daily Mail dataset,
`as well as the lead-3 extractive baseline (taking the first 3 sentences of the article as the summary)
`and the SummaRuNNer extractive model (Nallapati et al., 2017).
`See et al. (2017) also reported their results on a closely-related abstractive model the CNN/DailyMail
`but used a different dataset preprocessing pipeline, which makes direct comparison with our numbers
`difficult. However, their best model has lower ROUGE scores than their lead-3 baseline, while our
`ML+RL model beats the lead-3 baseline as shown in Table 1. Thus, we conclude that our mixed-
`objective model obtains a higher ROUGE performance than theirs.
`We also compare our model against extractive baselines (either lead sentences or lead words) and
`the extractive summarization model built by Durrett et al. (2016), which was trained using a smaller
`version of the NYT dataset that is 6 times smaller than ours but contains longer summaries. We
`trained our ML+RL model on their dataset and show the results on Table 4. Similarly to Durrett
`et al. (2016), we report the limited-length ROUGE recall scores instead of full-length F-scores. For
`each example, we limit the generated summary length or the baseline length to the ground truth
`summary length. Our results show that our mixed-objective model has higher ROUGE scores than
`their extractive model and the extractive baselines.
`10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 100-109
`Ground truth length
`Cumulated ROUGE-1 gain on CNN/Daily Mail with intra-attn


`Readability Relevance
`ML+RL 7.04
`Table 5: Comparison of human readability scores on a random subset of the CNN/Daily Mail test
`dataset. All models are with intra-decoder attention.
`We perform human evaluation to ensure that our increase in ROUGE scores is also followed by
`an increase in human readability and quality. In particular, we want to know whether the ML+RL
`training objective did improve readability compared to RL.
`Evaluation setup: To perform this evaluation, we randomly select 100 test examples from the
`CNN/Daily Mail dataset. For each example, we show the original article, the ground truth summary
`as well as summaries generated by different models side by side to a human evaluator. The human
`evaluator does not know which summaries come from which model or which one is the ground truth.
`Two scores from 1 to 10 are then assigned to each summary, one for relevance (how well does the
`summary capture the important parts of the article) and one for readability (how well-written the
`summary is). Each summary is rated by 5 different human evaluators on Amazon Mechanical Turk
`and the results are averaged across all examples and evaluators.
`Results: Our human evaluation results are shown in Table 5. We can see that even though RL
`has the highest ROUGE-1 and ROUGE-L scores, it produces the least readable summaries among
`our experiments. The most common readability issue observed in our RL results, as shown in the
`example of Table 3, is the presence of short and truncated sentences towards the end of sequences.
`This confirms that optimizing for single discrete evaluation metric such as ROUGE with RL can be
`detrimental to the model quality.
`On the other hand, our RL+ML summaries obtain the highest readability and relevance scores among
`our models, hence solving the readability issues of the RL model while also having a higher ROUGE
`score than ML. This demonstrates the usefulness and value of our RL+ML training method for
`abstractive summarization.
`We presented a new model and training procedure that obtains state-of-the-art results in text summa-
`rization for the CNN/Daily Mail, improves the readability of the generated summaries and is better
`suited to long output sequences. We also run our abstractive model on the NYT dataset for the first
`time. We saw that despite their common use for evaluation, ROUGE scores have their shortcom-
`ings and should not be the only metric to optimize on summarization model for long sequences.
`Our intra-attention decoder and combined training objective could be applied to other sequence-to-
`sequence tasks with long inputs and outputs, which is an interesting direction for further research.
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`Greg Durrett, Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick, and Dan Klein. Learning-based single-document summa-
`rization with compression and anaphoricity constraints. arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.08887, 2016.
`Caglar Gulcehre, Sungjin Ahn, Ramesh Nallapati, Bowen Zhou, and Yoshua Bengio. Pointing the
`unknown words. arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.08148, 2016.
`Karl Moritz Hermann, Tomas Kocisky, Edward Grefenstette, Lasse Espeholt, Will Kay

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