`(929) 240-9525
`I am a researcher, an entrepreneur, and a passionate learner. I am dedicated to expanding my knowledge
`of everything around me and to bridge the various social and scientific worlds I belong to. My field of
`expertise is information security, machine learning and cryptography. I am interested in new tools and
`algorithms that are practical enough for real applications. I have a thorough experience in research
`startups, enterprise software, software development as well as embedded systems. Over the past four
`years, I have split my time between researching deep links connecting learning theory and cryptography
`in my private capacity, and developing and deploying new generative-AI applications and algorithms
`in a consulting capacity.
`My general area of interest is Information Theory. My long term area of research is using low-degree
`Fourier expansions to learn from cryptographic distributions.
`I am currently working on exploring adversarial vulnerabilities in Large Language Models (LLM), and
`on utilizing Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) for Security Applications.
`Projects I have worked on in the past include,
`• Generative-AI for Security-Vision Applications,
`• Automating the Analysis of Legal Contracts using Machine Learning and NLP,
`• Machine Learning for Hardware Fingerprinting (CDs, Cameras,...),
`• Efficient Search in Encrypted Data (written English),
`• Application Specific Homomorphic Encryption,
`• Cryptographic Primitives using Physical Variables,
`• Theoretically Secure Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs),
`• Secure and Efficient DNA Pattern Matching.
`Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
`Degree: Ph.D in Computer Engineering
`Advisor: Professor Berk Sunar
`Thesis Title: “Cryptographic Primitives from Physical Variables”
`June 2004- June 2009
`University of Hartford
`Degree: Masters of Science in Electrical Engineering
`Thesis Title: “A Reconfigurable Implementation of the AES and RSA Algorithms, with Application to
`Serial Networks”
`September 2003- May 2004
`University of Hartford
`Degree: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
`Second Major: Physics, Minor: Math. (Overall GPA: 3.93/4.00)
`September 1999- May 2003
`Petitioner, EX1003
`Hugging Face, Inc., v. FriendliAI Inc.
`• NSF Small Business Innovation Research Grant (#1721622), 7/2017-6/2018. “Using Machine
`Learning and NLP Tools to Expedite the Review and Analysis of Legal Contracts.” Amount:
`• NSF Small Business Innovation Research Grant (#1013651), 7/2010-1/2011. “Fingerprinting
`Smart-Phones for Strong Authentication.” Amount: $150,000
`• NSF Cybertrust (#CNS-0831416), 08/2008-08/2010. “Exploring Physical Functions for Lightweight
`and Robust Cryptography.” I came up with the idea and co-wrote the application for this grant.
`The application was submitted under the name of my Ph.D advisor as I was still a graduate
`student. Amount: $149,900.
`Worcester Polytechnic Institute
`October 2023 - Present
`Affiliate Research Scientist
`Worcester, MA
`· I collaborate with the CHIPS group at WPI on various research projects. Currently, we are working
`on exploring adversarial vulnerabilities in LLMs.
`September 2020 - Present
`Partner and Consultant-CEO
`Amman, Jordan
`· I lead the development of an in-house ANPR engine that utilizes Transformer technology to translate
`images into verbal information. Currently, Simtix ANPR engine achieves state-of-the-art identification
`with the ability to expand functionality far beyond other engines. Simtix is currently in negotiations
`to train and deploy our ANPR engine in collaboration with one of our major customers.
`· We entered into a joint-venture agreement to expand Simtix technology to be developed, sold and
`deployed in the country of Qatar.
`Xr.AI, Inc.
`January 2017 - 2020
`Chief Scientific Officer
`Brooklyn, NY
`· I co-founded this company and focused on creating a Machine-Learning legal-engine to automate the
`processing and review of legal documents especially legal contracts.
`· I was the PI on a grant awarded by the National Science Foundation to support our research and
`development efforts.
`· We created Amikai, a software product targeting lawyers and offering legal contract analysis features
`built on our legal-engine technology.
`September 2012 - 2016
`Amman, Jordan
`· I was hired as a last attempt to save a security company that had been loosing money for eight years.
`· I entered into an agreement with the owners of the company in which myself and partner took over the
`full ownership of Simtix.
`· Within the first year we stabilized the company, delivered pending projects, and re-structured the
`company to cut costs.
`· We identified the company’s strength in RFID security and vehicle identification software and immedi-
`ately focused our efforts on these areas hoping to become a leader in the Middle East market. Within
`two years, we managed to have the company’s RFID solution become the standard for the Ministry of
`Foreign Affairs (MOFA) in Saudi Arabia.
`· In 2014, we signed an exclusivity contract with one of the world’s largest license plate vendors for the
`latest technology in license plate RFID security.
`· In 2015, Simtix become one of 5 companies authorized to sell ANPR solutions to the Dubai-Police and
`today Simtix has about 100 deployments in the city of Dubai.
`· In 2016, Simtix became the exclusive developer and vendor for the iGate system; a Saudi Aramco gate
`automation system which merged ANPR and RFID technology. Today Simtix software and system
`runs on 40-gates within Saudi Aramco and processes more than 100,000 vehicles every day.
`· By the end of 2016, Simtix was stable enough for me to leave and focus my attention on Machine
`Learning work and research. I retained my partnership in Simtix and left my partner in charge of all
`CRAGS, Inc. for Cryptographic Consulting
`June 2011 - 2017
`Worcester, MA
`· Worked with the Turkish National Research Institution to produce various novel techniques for secure
`pattern matching and for searching within encrypted data.
`· Worked with a company (name confidential) and developed a high performance key-search engine for
`secure embedded systems.
`January 2010 - September 2012
`Founder and VP of Technology
`Worcester, MA
`· I co-founded this company, lead its research and development teams, and secured government funding
`through a $150,000 Small Business Innovation Research grant from the National Science Foundation.
`· I invented a new method which uses Machine Learning methods to generate unique hardware fingerprints
`for smart phones. I also designed several products for file locking and transaction authorization. We
`filed four utility patents as a result of this work.
`· I served in various roles at the start-up ranging from carrying out basic research and software develop-
`ment to writing business plans, proposals and patents to raising funds, managing customer relationships
`and carrying out sales presentations.
`Worcester Polytechnic Institute
`August 2008 - January 2010
`Post Doctoral Researcher and Research Assistant
`Worcester, MA
`· I invented a technique for fingerprinting CDs and other forms of optical media. Much of my research
`focused on using mathematical rigor to show the security of purely experimental constructions.
`· I mentored junior graduate students who joined the (CRIS) lab. I acted as their intern adviser and
`coordinated with the head of the lab. I successfully collaborated and co-authored with most of my
`senior and junior colleagues in the lab.
`Worcester Polytechnic Institute
`Teaching Assistant
`· I worked as a lab instructor for the embedded systems and microprocessor courses.
`· I was named as the ECE department TA of the year.
`· I was chosen to re-design the curriculum for the Microprocessor System Design lab.
`August 2004 - August 2008
`Worcester, MA
`University of Hartford
`January 2001 - May 2004
`Instructor and Teaching Assistant
`Hartford, CT
`· Starting in my sophomore year as an undergraduate and all throughout my years at the University of
`Hartford I taught more than 10 physics labs.
`· I worked as a TA for the Optics lab and the Digital Signal Processing lab.
`· I instructed 2 Algebra and one Pre-Calculus course.
`· I was also assigned to solely re-design the curriculum and experiments for the physics I and II labs, and
`to write a detailed instructor manual.
`Course Instructor - University of Hartford
`Lab Instructor - University of Hartford
`Lab Instructor - University of Hartford
`• Microprocessor System Design (Spring 2005 to Fall 2007)
`Lab Instructor - WPI
`• Foundations of Embedded Computer Systems (Spring 2005 to Fall 2007) Lab Instructor - WPI
`• Pre-Calculus (Spring 2004)
`Course Instructor - University of Hartford
`• Algebra (Fall 2003, Spring 2004)
`• Digital Signal Processing (Fall 2003)
`• Optics (Spring 2002)
`• Calculus Based Physics I and II (2001 to 2004)
`Lab Instructor - University of Hartford
`• Microprocessor System Design - (WPI - 2008): I designed a new set of lab experiments for this
`course. This included, choosing a new processor platform, transforming the course goals into
`detailed lab experiments, and writing a detailed new instructor manual.
`• Calculus Based Physics I and II - (University of Hartford - 2002): I designed a new lab curriculum
`with new experiments for both the Physics I and II courses. I used a new set of tools and sensors
`that helped interface directly with a computer in order to better reflect the lab concepts. I also
`authored a detailed instructor manual.
`I refereed papers for the following journals and conferences:
`• Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques
`• Journal of Cryptology,
`• IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security,
`• Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES),
`• RSA (Cryptographic Track),
`• Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE).
`• Featured in the Worcester Telegram and Gazette for using smart phones to simplify security (2010).
`• Awarded “ECE Teaching Assistant of the Year” at WPI (2005).
`• President of the engineering honors society (TBP) chapter at the University of Hartford (2002-
`• Awarded the Regents award for the senior graduating with the highest GPA in the college of
`Engineering (2003).
`• Chosen as one of Mass-High-Tech’s Whiz kids of the year (2003).
`• Awarded the Belle Ribicoff Scholarship given to one graduating senior based on academic excellence
`and leadership roles (2002).
`• Awarded the physics memorial award and the physical book award for a physics student displaying
`academic excellence (2002).
`• Awarded a full scholarship covering tuition and board for my BSc and MSc degrees from the
`University of Hartford (1999-2004).
`• Admitted to the Jubilee School which annually chooses 80 students with the highest IQ in Jordan
`1. Ghaith Hammouri, Berk Sunar, Cetin Koc, Kahraman Akdemir, Computing-System Identifier
`Using Software Extraction and Manufacturing Variability. Patent number US/8694687, July 16,
`2010. (Granted)
`2. Ghaith Hammouri, Berk Sunar, Cetin Koc, Mobile Phone Aided Operations System and Method.
`Patent number US/8842827, July 16, 2010. (Granted)
`3. Matt Hubert, Cody Walker, Carl Minden, Ghaith Hammouri, Systems and Methods for Authoriz-
`ing Transactions Via a Digital Device. Patent number US/10013692, July 3, 2018. (Granted)
`4. Berk Sunar, Ghaith Hammouri, Aykutlu Dana, Method and Apparatus for Fingerprinting and
`Copy Protecting Optical Recording Media. Patent application number US 12/831,518, July 07,
`1. Ghaith Hammouri, Berk Sunar, Generating Unique Identifiers for Smartphones Using Software.
`Electronics Letters, vol.50, no.13, pp.938-939, (June 2014).
`2. Yarkin Doroz, Berk Sunar, and Ghaith Hammouri, Bandwidth Efficient PIR from NTRU. Work-
`shop on Applied Homomorphic Cryptography and Encrypted Computing - WAHC 2014. Springer,
`3. Chenguang Yang, Ghaith Hammouri, Berk Sunar, Voice Passwords Revisited, In: International
`Conference on Security and Cryptography (Secrypt 2012).
`4. (Book Chapter) Ghaith Hammouri, Aykutlu Dana, Berk Sunar, License Distribution Protocols
`from Optical Media Fingerprints, In Towards Hardware-Intrinsic Security, David Basin, Ueli Mau-
`rer, Ahmad-Reza and Sadeghi and David Naccache (eds.), Springer, (2010).
`5. Kahraman Akdemir, Ghaith Hammouri, Berk Sunar, Non-linear Error Detection for Finite State
`Machines. In: Youm, H. Y., Yung, M., (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on
`Information Security Applications (WISA 2009), LNCS, vol. 5932, pp. 226-238, Springer-Verlag,
`Heidelberg, Germany, (2009).
`6. Ghaith Hammouri, Aykutlu Dana, Berk Sunar, CDs Have Fingerprints Too. In: Clavier, C., Gaj,
`K., (eds.) Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
`(CHES 2009), LNCS, vol. 5747, pp. 348-362, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, (2009).
`7. Ghaith Hammouri, Kahraman Akdemir, Berk Sunar, Novel PUF-Based Error Detection Methods
`in Finite State Machines. In: Lee, P.J., Cheon, J.H., (eds.) Proceedings of the 11th International
`Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ICISC 2008), LNCS, vol. 5461, pp. 235-252,
`Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2008).
`8. Yin Hu, Ghaith Hammouri, Berk Sunar, A Fast Real-time Memory Authentication Protocol. In:
`Xu, S., Nita-Rotaru, C., Seifert, J.P., (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Workshop on Scalable
`Trusted Computing (STC 2008), pp. 31-40, ACM, New York, NY, USA (2008).
`9. Ghaith Hammouri, Erdinc Ozturk, Berk Birand, Berk Sunar, Unclonable Lightweight Authentica-
`tion Scheme. In: Chen, L., Ryan, M.D., Wang, G., (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th International
`Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS 2008), LNCS, vol. 5308, pp.
`33-48, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2008).
`10. Ghaith Hammouri, Erdinc Ozturk, Berk Sunar, A Tamper-Proof and Lightweight Authentication
`Scheme. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 4(6), pp. 807-818, (2008).
`11. Ghaith Hammouri, Berk Sunar, PUF-HB: A Tamper-Resilient HB Based Authentication Protocol.
`In: Bellovin, S.M., Gennaro, R., Keromytis, A.D., Yung, M., (eds.) Proceedings of the 6th
`International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS 2008), LNCS,
`vol. 5037, pp. 346-365, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2008).
`12. Erdinc Ozturk, Ghaith Hammouri, Berk Sunar, Physical Unclonable Function with Tristate Buffers.
`In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2008), 18-21
`May 2008, Seattle, Washington, USA, pp. 3194-3197, IEEE, Washington, DC, USA (2008).
`13. Erdinc Ozturk, Ghaith Hammouri, Berk Sunar, Towards Robust Low Cost Authentication for
`Pervasive Devices. In: Proceedings of the Sixth Annual IEEE International Conference (PerCom
`2008), 17- 21March 2008, Hong Kong, pp. 170-178, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA,
`USA (2008).