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`Loop Recording With Book Marking
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`Loop Recording With Book Marking
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`PTO/SB/14 (02-07)
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`Approved for use through 02/28/2007. 0MB 0651-0032
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`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Attorney Docket Number
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`Title of Invention
`Loop Recording With Book Marking
`/Mei Tsang/
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`Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 2007-06-29
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`Attny DktNo. 101488.0003US1
`This application claims the benefit of U.S. provisional patent application serial
`number 60/824097, filed August 31, 2006 which is incorporated by reference herein.
`Field of The Invention
`The field of the invention is in digital recording.
`Conventional camcorders use a variety of disk formats such as digital video cassettes,
`mini-DY cassettes and DVD-R discs that offer a limited amount of memory to store data.
`One of the major shortcomings of the existing camcorder technology is that the memory runs
`out too soon. How many times does one hear, "I have no tape left" while recording? Once a
`portion of the memory has been recorded, there is less memory available for further
`recording. Then when the memory is full, users have to return to their home/work computer
`or media station to transfer the recorded data from the camera to free up the memory. This
`creates inconvenience and inflexibility for recording on the go.
`One solution is the technology of loop recording in which the camera is constantly
`recording. When it reaches the end of the memory it records from the beginning, erasing the
`earliest recorded data. Such technology is often employed with surveillance cameras for long
`and continuous recording without much or any supervision. However, the problem with such
`loop recording is that it will not distinguish or differentiate any data that is of importance.
`The user then will have to transfer the interested data to another storage media by stopping
`the recording and storing the interested data onto another medium, or risk having the
`interested data be recorded over during loop recording.
`Many surveillance recordings employ larger memory units to solve this problem.
`This then creates unnecessary long recordings that are not relevant or present any interest to
`the user. The portions of the interested data not only take up available memory for further
`recording but the entire loop has to be reviewed in order to select the most relevant portion.
`Again, this creates inconvenience and inflexibility for recording on the go.
`Attny DktNo. 101488.0003US1
`Furthermore, users of the surveillance camera are not able to edit a given potion on
`the fly without stopping and replaying the image. The user must focus his or her attention on
`the viewfinder or display screen to keep the subject properly framed. This seriously hinders
`the operator's live enjoyment of the event being recorded since their attention is on the
`recording device and is not immersed in the sights and sounds of the event.
`Thus, there is still a need for a camera that provides better recording and editing
`This and all other referenced extrinsic materials are incorporated herein by reference
`in their entirety. Where a definition or use of a term in an incorporated reference is
`inconsistent or contrary to the definition of that term provided herein, the definition of that
`term provided herein applies and the definition of that term in the reference does not apply.
`Summarv of The Invention
`The present invention provides apparatus systems and methods in which a camera
`storing discrete segments of imaged data comprising, using a sensor in the camera to capture
`image data; using multiple portions of a memory as a loop in which to record the segments in
`approximately real time; and protecting the multiple portions from being overwritten by
`subsequent recording in the loop.
`In preferred embodiments, the loop is sufficiently large enough to store at least five
`minutes of the image data and be stored as a single file. When the recorder stores the first
`and second multiple data portions, they can be stored as separate files or a common file
`separate from the loop single file.
`In yet another preferred embodiment, the recorder continues to record the image data
`immediately after ending at least one of the segments or immediately after protecting at least
`one of the segments. It is preferred that the recorder designate a beginning of the first one of
`25 multiple portions in response to a start signal from a user of the camera and an end of the first
`one of the multiple portions in response to a stop signal from the user.
`The recorder can be operated preferably using a switch in a clothing accessory. The
`switch can be manually operated. The start signal can be an audio signal. Preferably for the
`Attny DktNo. 101488.0003US1
`first portion of multiple portions, a time span of the image data occurs prior to the start signal
`for at least 5 seconds, more preferably for at least 15 seconds.
`In yet another preferred embodiment, the recorder can wirelessly transmit the first of
`the segments to a memory and release a corresponding one of the multiple portions of
`5 memory from protection.
`It is preferred that a system comprises of electronics that allow storing discrete
`segments of imaged data by using a sensor in the camera to capture image data; using
`multiple portions of a memory as a loop in which to record the segments in approximately
`real time; protecting the multiple portions from being overwritten by subsequent recording in
`the loop; and a clothing accessory that supports the sensor. It is contemplated that the
`clothing accessory can be a pair of glasses in which a viewfinder is provided in the lens of the
`Various objects, features, aspects and advantages of the present invention will become
`more apparent from the following detailed description of preferred embodiments of the
`invention, along with the accompanying drawings in which like numerals represent like
`Brief Description of The Drawing
`Fig. 1 is a block diagram illustrating the present inventive subject matter.
`Fig. 2 is a camera embodying the present inventive subject matter.
`Fig. 3 is a diagram illustrating the memory of the present inventive subject matter.
`Fig. 4A is a front view of the camera recorder.
`Fig. 4B is a back view of the camera recorder
`Fig. 5 is another embodiment of the camera recorder.
`Fig. 6 is yet another embodiment of the camera.
`Attny DktNo. 101488.0003US1
`Fig. 7 A is a close up view of a remote control device according to the present
`inventive subject matter.
`Fig. 7B is another close up of the remote control device.
`Fig. 8 is a side view of the camera recorder.
`5 Detailed Description
`The present inventive subject matter comprises methods and systems of storing
`discrete segments of imaged data in a camera by using a sensor in the camera to capture
`image data; using multiple portions of a memory as a loop in which to record the segments in
`approximately real time; and protecting the multiple portions from being overwritten by
`subsequent recording the loop.
`Figure 1 is a block diagram generally includes the steps of a recorder 120 comprising
`a memory 140, storing image data onto the memory 150, recording and protecting image data
`onto memory 160, continuing to store new image data into available memory 170,
`overwriting new image data onto available memory 180, and transmitting protected data 190
`to an external storage media 200.
`Recorder 120 comprises imager lens 220, memory 140, control buttons 230,
`microprocessor 240, power source 250, microphone 260, hard drive 270, transmitter 280 and
`optional display screen (not shown) as shown in Figure 2.
`Recorder 120 can be any recording device that records video and/or audio data.
`Typically the recorder is a high performance digital video camera or camcorder but other
`formats, such as an analog recorder are contemplated. The recorder's electronics preferably
`are all on a unitary printed circuit board. The recorder preferably has at least one hard disk
`drive and audio and video input analog signal (from a source such as video camera or
`broadcast media) as well as a suitable monitor for receiving output audio and video analog
`Imager lens 220 is used to focus images for recorder 100. Conventional lenses allow
`one or more of the following adjustments: aperture (to control the amount oflight), zoom (to
`control the field-of-view), and shutter speed (to capture continuous motion.). In preferred
`Attny DktNo. 101488.0003US1
`embodiments, these adjustments are automatically controlled by the camcorder electronics,
`generally to maintain constant exposure onto the imager without the manual adjustment from
`a user. It is contemplated that the preferred embodiments offer direct user control of all
`major optical functions. As with most modem digital recorders and camcorders, an analog-
`to-digital (ADC) converter is used to digitize the analog imager waveform output into a
`discrete digital-video signal. Thus, the recorder can be in both analog and digital format.
`Contemplated memory 140 will vary depending on the particular configuration of the
`recorder. Particularly suitable memory include commercially available micro hard drives
`with a I-inch disc (which may preferably have a capacity of more than 1 GB), flash memory
`cards with a capacity ofup to 128 MB and more, and other transient and/or permanent
`memory units. Likewise, suitable memory may include SD RAM, SIMM, DIMM, etc. with a
`capacity of at least 32 MB, more preferably at least 64 MB, and most preferably above 128
`In preferred embodiments, memory 140 is a SD RAM capable of storing at least 1000
`frames of data. Once received by memory 140, frames are compressed by employing
`conventional compression rates and methods to achieve at least a 50: 1 ratio.
`In preferred embodiments, image data received by the recorder is stored in memory.
`Once the recorder is turned on, image data is continuously stored in a loop memory for
`access. If no record or protect button is pushed, the recorder will loop back and store the
`image data for a said length of time. Recording, book-marking and protecting are used
`synonymsly herein. Recording, book-marking and protecting means that a portion of the
`imaged data is recorded/book-marked/protected for protection upon an activation of a signal
`by a user and becomes what is called the protected data. Consequently, protected data cannot
`be overwritten by newly stored imaged data in the loop.
`The loop preferably is large enough to store at least 3 minutes of data, more
`preferably 5 minutes and most preferred 10 minutes of data. However, it is contemplated that
`depending on the size and capacity of the device, any length longer or shorter is possible. It
`is preferred when the recorder is turned on the entire loop is treated and stored as a single file.
`Thus, if no recording is protected or bookmarked, then the entire file will be erased and the
`recording will start at the beginning of the loop.
`Attny DktNo. 101488.0003US1
`In preferred embodiments, users can decide when to record or protect a portion of
`data being recorded by sending a signal. As shown in a diagram in Figure 3, image data 130
`marked for protection becomes protected data 350 in loop 330. Protected data 350 is
`characterized as a predefined portion of the recording data. It is contemplated that the portion
`of the loop that is marked as protected data cannot be overwritten once the recorder loops
`back to the beginning of the media. However, once protected data is transferred to an
`external storage media, the protected data then will go back to become image data that is
`available for loop recording.
`User can activate a signal which will book-mark or protect the data on the loop. The
`signal can be generated from pushing a switch. Conceivably, the switch can be of a manually
`operated switch in which the user will push a button located on the recorder or a remote
`device. The switch can be something that is integrated as an accessory and is wearable on an
`individual. It is contemplated that the switch can be something that is portable and can be
`hidden or attached to other devices such as a vehicle, furniture, etc.
`Furthermore, the signal can be generated based on different types of input such as an
`audio input. The user can also program the signal to activate based on a particular sound that
`is audible to the switch.
`Once signal is activated, protected data is marked or protected for a fixed period of
`time. When the user wants to stop protecting image data the signal can then be deactivated.
`It is contemplated that even after the signal has been deactivated, image data can still be
`protected for an additional fixed period of time. Optionally, this fixed period of time can be
`configured for any suitable length. For example, the recorder might protect thirty seconds
`before the signal and thirty seconds after the signal; or it might protect fifteen seconds before
`the signal and two minutes after the signal.
`Protected data 350, once marked, are stored separately from the loop. Various
`discrete segments of protected data can be stored as a common file or individual files, as long
`as it is separated from the loop. Following the next step in Figure 1, recorder 120 will
`continue to store new image data into available memory 170. The image data will continue
`to record in the loop after the protected data has been recorded and protected. For portions of
`the memory that are not protected, new image data will overwrite it when it has reached its
`full capacity of memory. With a new cycle of recording, user can record and protect new
`Attny DktNo. 101488.0003US1
`image data. Since the memory is in a loop, there will be a continuous image data streaming
`from the recorder. Instead of catching just a clip by clip portion, all the imaged data stored
`are on one continuous cycle.
`In preferred embodiments, protected data can be stored in the recorder as is or
`transmitted to another storage media as shown in step 190. When protected data is stored and
`not transmitted to another storage device, the recorder will then store new image data on the
`remaining available unprotected memory in the loop. To save space in the loop, protected
`data 350 can be alternatively transmitted into a physically external storage media 200.
`As shown in Figures 2 and 4, a recorder 120 has a transmitter 280 to transmit and
`receive the protected data to external storage media 200. When enabled, transmitter 280
`transmits the protected data into an external storage media 200. Alternatively, recorder 120
`can be connected to the external storage media 200 to dnwnload the protected data. External
`storage media 200 can be a host computer, flash memory card, portable memory car, a digital
`video recorder station, and other contemplated media storage devices. In preferred
`embodiments, external storage media 200 writes the data received onto a DVD 380. It is
`contemplated that other memory storage formats are considered such as a CD-Rom, flash
`memory, etc. As is well known in the art, a transmitter can be built into the recorder exposed.
`The size and shape of transmitter are determined primarily by the frequency of the signal they
`are designed to receive. Recorder 120 can also comprise connector ports (not shown) that
`are employed to communicate with an external storage media 200, wireless or by hardwire.
`Particularly preferred, wireless transmitter interface includes a radio transceiver ( e.g.,
`interface following the 'blue tooth' standard) or an opto-electronic transceiver (e.g., an IR(cid:173)
`transceiver ).
`Microprocessor 240 is any component of recorder 120 which manipulates data. The
`processor receives and stores image data, mark protected data, and processes the protected
`data to match what the user has commanded. Microprocessors are advantageously included
`in at least the housing of the recorder to facilitate the communications of all data. The
`microprocessor may operate a RAM, ROM or other data storage device.
`In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the microprocessor is
`programmed to allow editing function upon receiving image data or protected data.
`Attny DktNo. 101488.0003US1
`Similarly, the microprocessor is programmed to determine which portion of the loop
`protected data has been used and which portion is still available for further use.
`Any data received by the microprocessor can be transmitted over the network. Data is
`preferably transmitted via the Internet but may be transmitted by telephone line, radio, pager,
`two-way pager, cable, and any other suitable communication mechanism.
`It is generally contemplated that the microprocessor and the memory may vary
`considerably and that a particular configuration of such elements will predominantly depend
`on the type of computations employed.
`Control buttons 230 allow a user to manipulate and control image data and to generate
`protected data. Particularly preferred recorders include control buttons, to record, delete,
`store, transmit, display, print and so forth. Control buttons can be located anywhere on the
`recorder preferably somewhere inconspicuous. Control buttons can be built in or used in lieu
`of a display screen (not shown) with touch-pad capabilities. In preferred aspects, control
`buttons further include an on/off switch, a execute button or a clear button. Control buttons
`can be of a different color than the housing and preferably be on the front of the recorder.
`Whether embodied in control buttons or in some other manner, it is contemplated that
`recorder can include some sort of security control requiring a password and some sort of
`automatic turnoff feature that activates after a certain amount of inactivity.
`Furthermore, depending on the particular configuration and size of the recorder, it is
`contemplated that the recorder is configured to have a power source 420. The power source
`may vary considerably. For example, when the recorded is relatively large, a suitable power
`source may include a rechargeable battery. On the other hand, when the recorder is relatively
`small, an appropriate power source may include an external power source (e.g., transformer
`for wall outlet or cigarette lighter adapter).
`It is also preferred that recorder 120 has a microphone 260 that allows for the
`receiving of audio signal and an optional display screen that displays images being recorded.
`However, in preferred embodiments of the recorder no display screen is needed to for secured
`Attny DktNo. 101488.0003US1
`One purpose of the invention is to allow secret recording by a user. The user can
`integrate the recorder as part of his/her wardrobe or even as clothing accessories, such as a
`pin or a hat. Preferably, recorder will record video and audio as seen from the wearer's point
`of view without requiring the wearer to exert any special effort to operate