
`29 September- 03 October 1997

`HANWHA 1073


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`Copyright © 1997 by theInstitute of Electrical and Electronics
`IEEE Catalog Number:
`Microfiche Edition
`Library of Congress:


`Crystalline Thin Silicon Cells
`A. Goetzberger
`MC- Silicon Solar Cells with > 17% Efficiency
`H. Lautenschlager, F, Lutz, C. Schetter, U. Schubert and
`R. Schindler
`Investigation of Carrier Lifetime Instabilities In
`Jan Schmidt, Armin G. Aberle and Rudolf Hezel
`Simultaneous P and B Diffusion, In-Situ Surface
`Passivation, Impurity Filtering and Gettering for
`High-Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells
`Thomas Krygowski, Ajeet Rohatgi and Douglas Ruby
`Mechanism(s) of Hydrogen Diffusion in Silicon Solar
`Cells During Forming Gas Anneal
`Bhushan Sopori, M.I. Symko, Robert Reedy,
`Kim Jones and Rick Matson
`18.5% Efficient First-Generation MIS
`Inversion-LayerSilicon Solar Cells
`Axel Metz, Riidiger Meyer, Burkhard Kuhlmann,
`Manfred Grauvogl and Rudolf Hezel
`16.6% Efficient Silicon-Film™ Polycrystalline
`Silicon Solar Cells
`Yibin Bai, David H. Ford, James A. Rand,
`Robert B. Hall and Allen M. Barnett
`Recent Progress on the Self-Aligned,
`Selective-Emitter Silicon Solar Cell
`D.S. Ruby, P. Yang, M. Roy and S. Narayanan
`Mechanically V-Textured Low Cost Multicrystalline
`Silicon Solar Cells with a Novel Printing Metallization
`C. Gerhards, C. Marckmann, R. Tolle M.Spiegel,
`P. Fath, G. Willeke and E. Bucher
`Surface Texturing Using Reactive Ion Etching For
`Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cells
`K. Fukui, Y. Inomata and K. Shirasawa
`Many-Body Theory Applied to Solar Cells:
`Excitonic and Related Carrier Correlation Effects
`Martin A. Green
`Numerical Simulations of Transient
`Photoconductance Decay
`T.H. Wang, T.F. Ciszek
`Minority-Carrier Lifetime Degradation in Silicon
`Co-doped with Iron and Gallium
`T.F. Ciszek, T.H. Wang, W.A. Doolittle and A. Rohatgi
`Optimized Aluminum Back Surface Field
`Techniquesfor Silicon Solar Cells
`S. Narasimha, A. Rohatgi
`Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cells with Low Rear
`Surface Recombination
`Matthew Stocks, Andrew Blakers and Andres Cuevas
`Characterization of Silicon Solar Cells with
`Interdigitated Contacts
`J.O. Schumacher,J. Dicker, S. Glunz, C. Hebling,
`J. Knobloch, W. Warta and W. Wettling
`Improvement of MC Si Solar Cells by AL-Gettering and
`Hydrogen Passivation
`G. Hahn, W.Jooss, M. Spiegel, P. Fath, G. Willeke and
`E. Bucher
`Characterization and Optimization of the
`Al/SiO/p-Si MIS Contact in MIS-IL Silicon Solar Cells
`Burkhard Kuhlmann, Armin G. Aberle and
`Rudolf Hezel
`Comparison of Bulk and Surface Passivation Properties
`of Plasma Nitrides on Si and SiGe Solar Cells
`K.Said, G. Beaucarne, M. Libezny, W. Laureys,
`K. Vinckler, J. Nijs and J. Poortmans
`Characterization and Application of Rapid
`Thermal Oxide Surface Passivation for the
`Highest Efficiency RTP Silicon Solar Ceils
`P. Doshi, J. Moschner, J. Jeong, A. Rohatgi, R. Singh
`and S. Narayanan
`Microstructural Analysis of the Crystallization of Silicon
`Ribbons Produced by the RGS Process
`I. Steinbach and H.-U. Héfs
`Commercialization of Silicon Sheet via the String Ribbon
`Crystal Growth Technique
`R. Janoch, R. Wallace and J. 1. Hanoka
`Thin Silicon String Ribbon for High Efficiency
`Polycrystalline Solar Cells
`R.L. Wallace, J.I. Hanoka, S, Narasimha, S. Kamra
`and A. Rohatgi
`Growth and Properties of Silicon Filaments for
`Photovoltaic Applications
`T.F. Ciszek and T.H. Wang
`Lift-Off of Silicon Epitaxial Layers for Solar Cell
`KJ. Weber, K. Catchpole, M. Stocks and
`A.W. Blakers
`Growth and Characterization of 200 kg Multicrystalline
`Silicon Ingots by HEM
`Chandra P. Khattak and Frederick Schmid
`Relationships Between Room Temperature
`Photoluminescence and Electronic Quality in
`Multicrystalline Silicon
`Y. Koshka, S. Ostapenko, J. Cao and J. P. Kalejs
`Contactless Measurement of Recombination
`Lifetime in Photovoltaic Materials
`R.K. Ahrenkiel and Steven Johnston
`Process Monitoring of Multicrystalline Silicon
`Solar Cells with Quasi-Steady State
`Photoconductance Measurements
`Matthew Stocks, Andres Cuevas and AndrewBlakers
`LBIC Characterization of Twin Boundaries in
`Tricrystalline Silicon Solar Cells
`P. Wawer,S. Irmscher and H.-G. Wagemann
`Diffusion Length of Tri-Crystalline Silicon
`During Solar Cell Processing
`W. Kusian, H.-C. Ostendorf, J. Palm and
`A.L. Endrés


`Large Area, Screen Printed Silicon Solar Cells
`with Selective Emitter Made by Laser Overdoping
`and RTA Spin-On Glasses.
`U. Besi-Vetrella, L. Pirozzi, E. Salza,
`G. Ginocchietti, F. Ferrazza, L. Ventura, A. Slaout
`and J.C. Muller
`A Simple Processing Sequence For Selective
`J. Horzel, J. Szlufcik, J. Nijs and R. Mertens
`Modeling the Growth of PECVDSilicon Nitride
`Films for Crystalline Silicone Solar Cells Using Factorial
`Design and Response Surface Methodology
`Kjell Nybergh, Teemu Marjamaki and Eija Skarp
`Screen Printed Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cells with
`PorousSilicon Antireflection Coating
`R.R. Bilyalov, B. Groh, H. Lautenschlager,
`R. Schindler and F. Schomann
`Implementation of Hydrogen Passivation in an
`Industrial Low-Cost Multicrystalline Silicon Solar
`Celi Process
`M. Spiegel, R. Tolle, C. Gerhards, C. Marckmann,
`N. Nussbaumer,P. Fath, G. Willeke and E. Bucher
`The Effect of Gettering on Areal Inhomogeneities
`in Large-Area Multicrystalline-Silicon Solar Cells
`James M. Gee and Bhushan L. Sopori
`Dry Processing of me-Silicon Thin-Film Solar
`Cells on Foreign Substrates leading to 11% Efficiency
`Ralf Liidemann, Sebastian Schaefer, Corina Schiile
`and Christopher Hebling
`Silicon Solar Cells with Chromium-Copper
`J. Harkonen, M. Yli-Koski, E. Tuominen, Y. Ezer,
`J. Sinkkonen, T. Marjamaki and J. Kaitila
`Isotropic Texturing of Multicrystalline Silicon
`Wafers with Acidic Texturing Solutions
`R. Einhaus, E. Vazsonyi, J. Szlufcik, J. Nijs and
`R. Mertens
`Si Texturing With Sub-Wavelength Structures
`Saleem H. Zaidi and S.R.J. Brueck
`Twodimensional Solar Cell Simulations by Means
`of Circuit Modelling
`E. Van Kerschaver, J. Nijs, R. Mertens and
`M. Ghannam
`Establishing an Accurate Numerical Modelfor
`the 2D-Simulation of Buried Contact Cells
`Pietro P. Altermatt, Gernot Heiser,
`Tobias Kiesewetter, Keith R. McIntosh,
`Christiana B. Honsberg, Stuart R. Wenham and
`Martin A. Green
`Accurate Modeling of Light Trapping in Thin
`Film Silicon Solar Cells
`A.A. Abouelsaood, M.Y. Ghannam, J. Poortmans
`and R.P. Mertens
`Ray Tracing vs. Electromagnetic Methodsin the
`Analysis of Antireflective Textured Surfaces
`J.C. Pla, J.C. Duran, D.C. Skigin and R.A. Depine
`A New Methodfor the Determination of the
`Minority Carrier Lifetime Based on a Biased
`C.J. Bruno, M.G. Martinez Bogado, J.C. Pla and
`J.C. Duran
`Determination of the Diffusion Length and Surface
`Recombination Velocity: Two Simple Methods
`J.C. Duran, G.L. Venier, M.I.L. Tamasi, C.G. Bolzi,
`J.C. Pld and E.M. Godfrin
`Simple Flashlamp 1-V Testing of Solar Cells
`William Keogh and Andrés Cuevas
`New Method of Parameters Extraction from
`Dark I-V Curve
`A. Kaminski, J.J. Marchand, A. Fave and A. Laugier
`PC1D Version 5: 32-Bit Solar Cell Modeling on
`Personal Computers
`Donald A..Clugston and Paul A. Basore
`Collection Probability Equals Dark Minority
`Carrier Concentration and Other Surprising
`Solar Cell Relations
`Martin A. Green
`Impurity Photovoltaic Effect in Crystalline Silicon
`Solar Cells
`Hiroto Kasai, Toshiyuki Sato and Hideki Matsumura
`Optimizing Metalization Patterns for Yearly Yield
`A.R. Burgers and J.A. Eikelboom
`Temperature Behavior of Monofacial and Bifacial
`Silicon Solar Cells
`Andreas Hiibner, Armin G, Aberle and Rudolf Hezel
`18.2% Efficient Multicrystalline Silicon Cell
`Jianhua Zhao, Aihua Wang, Pietro P. Altermatt and
`Martin A. Green
`The Range of High-Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells
`Fabricated at Fraunhofer ISE
`S.W. Glunz, J. Knobloch, C. Hebling and
`W. Wettling
`Back Surface Field and Emitter Passivation
`Effects in the Record High Efficiency N-Type
`Dendritic Web Silicon Solar Cell
`S. Narasimha, G. Crotty, T. Krygowski, A. Rohatgi
`and D.L. Meier
`Progress on the Lope (Local Point Contact and Shallow
`Angle Evaporation) Silicon Solar Cell
`B. Terheiden, R. Kiihn, C. Zechner,P. Fath,
`G. Willeke and E. Bucher
`Systematic Study Towards High Efficiency
`Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cells with Mechanical
`Surface Texturization
`C. Zechner, G. Hahn, W. Jooss, M. Wibral, B. Bitnar,
`S. Keller, M. Spiegel, P. Fath, G. Willeke and
`E. Bucher
`Characterisation and Measurementof Silicon
`Solar Cells with Floating Junction Passivation
`Christiana B. Honsberg, Keith R. McIntosh,
`Ganokwan Boonprakaikaew, Seyed Ghozati and
`Stuart R. Wenham
`Rear Surface Passivation in Buried Contact Solar Cells
`Y H Tang, X M Dai, J H Zhao, A H Wang,
`S R Wenham and C B Honsberg
`23.5% Efficient Silicon Solar Cell with Rear Micro
`Contacts of c-Si/c-Si:H Heterostructure
`S. Okamoto, M. Nishida, T. Shindo, Y. Komatsu,
`S. Yasue, M. Kaneiwa and T. Nanmori
`Increasein Efficiency and Material Yield by Use
`of PECVDSilicon Nitride in a Simple Screen
`Printing Process on Solarex Material
`F. Duerinckx, R. Einhaus, E. Van Kerschaver,
`J. Szlufcik, J. Nijs, R. Mertens, M. Roy and
`S. Narayanan


`Novel Light Trapping Schemefor Thin Crystalline
`Cells Utilizing Deep Structures on
`Both Wafer Sides
`Anders M. Jorgensen, Thomas Clausen and
`Otto Leistiko
`Cost-Effective Thin Film Solar Cell Processing on
`Multicrystalline Silicon
`T. Vermeulen, F. Duerinckx, K. De Clercq,
`J. Szlufcik, J. Poortmans, P. Laermans, M. Caymax,
`J. Nijs and R. Mertens
`Solar Cell Preparation in Thin Silicon
`M.Libezny, J. Poortmans, M. Caymax,
`G. Beaucarne, W. Laureys and J. Nijs
`Boron-Doped Back-Surface Fields Using an
`Aluminum-Alloy Process
`James M. Gee, Michel D. Bode and Beverly L. Silva
`Silicon Solar Cell Emitters: Optimization and
`Comparison of Two Different Technologies
`M.Cid and N. Stem
`Record Efficiencies Above 21% for
`MIS-Contacted Diffused Junction Silicon Solar
`Axel Metz and Rudolf Hezel
`21.9% Efficient Silicon Bifacial Solar Cells
`C.Z. Zhou, P.J. Verlinden, R.A. Crane,
`R.M. Swanson and R.A. Sinton
`Multiinterface Si Solar Cells with Active
`Substructures and Active Interfaces
`Z.T. Kuznicki
`Recent Progress and Critical Issues in Thin Film
`Polycrystalline Solar Cells and Modules
`Robert W. Birkmire
`Current Status of Polycrystalline Thin-Film PV
`Harin S. Ullal, Kenneth Zweibel and
`Bolko von Roedern
`CdTe,_S, Absorber Layers for Thin-Film
`CdTe/CdS Solar Cells
`Brian E. McCandless and Robert W. Birkmire
`Revisiting the Defect Physics in CulnSe, and
`Alex Zunger, S.B. Zhang and Su-Huai Wei
`Advancesin the CIS Research at NREL
`K. Ramanathan, R.N. Bhattacharya, J. Granata,
`J. Webb, D. Niles, M A. Contreras, H. Wiesner,
`FS. Hasoon and R. Noufi
`NewAspects of Phase Segregation and. Junction
`Formation in CulnSe,
`R. Herberholz, H.W. Schock, U. Rau, J.H. Werner,
`T. Haalboom, T. Gédecke, F. Ernst, C. Beilharz,
`K.W. Benz and D. Cahen
`Improved FF of CIGS Thin-Film Mini-Modules
`with Zn(O,S,OH), Buffer by Post-Deposition
`Light Soaking
`Katsumi Kushiya, Muneyori Tachiyuki,
`Takahisa Kase, Yoshinori Nagoya, Tadayuki Miura,
`Daisuke Okumura, Masao Satoh, Ichirou Sugiyama
`and Osamu Yamase
`Effect of Reduced Deposition Temperature, Time,
`and Thickness on Cu(InGa)Se, Films and
`W.N. Shafarman, R.W.Birkmire, S. Marsillac,
`M. Marudachalam, N. Orbey and TWF Russell
`Pilot Production of CIGS Photovoltaic Modules
`JS. Britt, A.E. Delahoy and Z.J. Kiss
`CdS: Characterization and Recent Advancesin
`CdTe Solar Cell Performance
`C. Ferekides, D. Marinskiy and D.L. Morel
`16.0% Efficient Thin-Film CdS/CdTe Solar Cells
`Hideaki Ohyama, Tetsuya Aramoto,
`Seiji Kumazawa, Hiroshi Higuchi, Takashi Arita,
`Satoshi Shibutani, Tuyoshi Nishio, Junji Nakajima,
`Miwa Tsuji, Akira Hanafusa, Takeshi Hibino,
`Kuniyoshi Omura and Mikio Murozono
`Application of Cd,SnO, Transparent Conducting
`Oxides in CdS/CdTe Thin-Film Devices
`X. Wu, P. Sheldon, T.J. Coutts, D.H. Rose and
`H.R. Moutinho
`Back Contact Effects on Junction
`Photoluminescence in CdTe/CdS Solar Cells
`D.H. Levi, L.M. Woods, D.S. Albin, T.A. Gessert,
`D.W. Niles, A. Swartzlander, D.H. Rose,
`R.K. Ahrenkiel and P. Sheldon
`Economic Recycling of CdTe Photovoltaic
`John Bohland, Igor Anisimov and Todd Dapkus
`On TheRole of Na and Modifications to
`Cu(In,Ga)Se,, Absorber Materials Using
`Thin-MF (M=Na,K, Cs) Precursor Layers
`Miguel A. Contreras, B. Egaas, P. Dippo, J. Webb,
`J. Granata, K. Ramanathan, S. Asher,
`A. Swartzlander and R. Noufi
`High Efficiency CIGS and CIS Cells with
`CVD ZnO Buffer Layers
`Larry C. Olsen, WenhuaLei, F. William Addis,
`William N. Shafarman, Miguel A. Contreras and
`Kannan Ramanathan
`Comparison Study of Close-Spaced Sublimated
`and Chemical Bath Deposited CdS Films: Effects
`on CdTe Solar Cells
`D. Albin, D. Rose, R. Dhere, D. Levi, L. Woods,
`A. Swartzlander and P. Sheldon
`Metastable Changesof the Electrical Transport
`Properties of Cu(In,Ga)Se,
`Th. Meyer, M. Schmidt, R. Harney, F. Engelhardt,
`O. Seifert, J. Parisi, M. Schmitt and U. Rau
`Effect of Light Intensity on Current Collection in
`Thin-Film Solar Cells
`TJ. McMahon and B. von Roedern
`The Use of Ga in Two-Step Processing to
`Optimize the Electronic Properties of
`Culn,Ga,Se, Solar Cells
`S. Zafar, H. Sankaranarayanan, A. Jayapalan,
`R. Narayanaswamy, C.S. Ferekides and D.L. Morel
`The Dependence of Reactively Sputtered ZNO
`Electronic Properties on Growth Parameters for
`Use as Buffer Layers in Cuin,Ga,_.Se, Solar Cells
`R. Bhatt, H. Sankaranarayanan, C.S. Ferekides and
`D.L. Morel
`Quantitative Incorporation of Sodium in
`CulnSe, and Cu(In,Ga)Se, Photovoltaic Devices
`J.E. Granata, J.R. Sites, S. Asher and R.J. Matson


`MOVPEof CuGaSe,for Photovoltaic
`T. Kampschulte, A. Bauknecht, U. Blieske, M. Saad,
`S. Chichibu and M. Ch. Lux-Steiner
`Growth of Culn,Se, Layer on the CulmSe, Film
`andIts Effect on the Photovoltaic Properties of
`In,Se,/CulnSe, Solar Cells
`Se Han Kwon, Sung Chan Park, Byung Tae Ahn,
`Kyung Hoon Yoon and Jinsoo Song
`FTIR, EPMA, AUGER,and XPSAnalysis of
`Impurity Precipitates in CDS Films
`John D. Webb, Doug H. Rose, David W.Niles,
`Amy Swartzlander and Mowafak M.Al-Jassim
`Large-Area Copper Indium Diselenide (CIS)
`Process, Control and Manufacturing
`T.J. Gillespie, B.R. Lanning, C.H. Marshall and
`M. Contreras
`Investigation of Buffer Layer Process on CIGS
`Solar Cells by Dual Beam Optical Modulation
`C.H. Huang, ShengS. Li, B.J. Stanbery,
`C.H. Chang and TJ. Anderson
`Modification of Dead Layer on Surfaces of
`CulnSe, and Its Alloys
`S. Menezes, J-F. Guillemoles, B. Canava, J. Vedel
`and D. Lincot
`CulnSe, Cell with CdO Window Layer
`A.A. Al-Quraini and C,H. Champness
`Studies of ZnTe Back Contacts to CdS/CdTe
`Solar Cells
`T.A. Gessert, P. Sheldon, X. Li, D. Dunlavy,
`D. Niles, R. Sasala, S. Albright and B. Zadler
`RF Sputtered Back Contacts for CdTe/CdS Thin
`Film Solar Cells
`CS. Ferekides, V. Viswanathan and D.L. Morel
`The Effect of SnO, Roughness on the Properties
`of CdTe/CdS SolarCeils
`C. Ferekides, U. Poorsala and D.L. Morel
`Studies of Recrystallization of CdTe Thin Films
`after CdCl, Treatment
`H.R. Moutinho, M.M. Al-Jassim, F.A. Abulfotuh,
`D.H. Levi, P.C. Dippo, R.G. Dhere and
`L.L. Kazmerski
`Influence of CdS/CdTeInterface Properties on
`the Device Properties
`R. Dhere, D. Rose, D. Albin, S. Asher, M. Al-Jassim,
`H. Cheong, A. Swartzlander, H. Moutinho, T. Coutts,
`R. Ribelin and P. Sheldon
`Properties of ZnTe:Cu Thin Films and CdS/CdTe/ZnTe
`Solar Cells
`J. Tang, D. Mao, T.R. Ohno, VY. Kaydanov and
`JU. Trefny
`Electrodeposited CdS Thin Films and their Application
`in CdS/CdTeSolar Cells
`Figen Kadirgan, D. Mao, A. Balcioglu,
`B.E. McCandless, W. Song, T.R. Ohno and
`J.U. Trefny
`Properties of CdS,Te,, Alloy Films
`A. Fischer, X. Deng, D. Grecu, K. Makhratchev,
`X. Ma, R. Wendt, D. Zuo, A.D. Compaan and
`R.G. Bohn
`Studyof the Defect Levels, Electrooptics, and Interface
`Properties of Polycrystalline CdTe and
`CdS Thin Filmsand their Junction
`FA. Abulfotuh, A. Balcioglu, T. Wangesteen,
`H.R. Moutinho, F. Hassoon, A. Al-Douri, A. Alnajjar
`and L.L. Kazmerski
`Isothermal Grain Growth of CdTe in CdCl, and
`Te Fluxes
`J. Hiie, M. Altosaar, E. Mellikov, J. Madasson,
`J. Sapogova and V. Mikli
`Thin Film CdS/CdTe Solar Cells Prepared by
`Electrodeposition Using Low Cost Materials
`FJ. Alvarez, N. Di Lalla and A. Lamagna
`Determining the Voltage Dependence of the Light
`Generated Current in CulnSe, - Based Solar Cells
`Using I-V Measurements Madeat Different Light
`J.E. Phillips, J. Titus and D. Hofmann
`ZnO(CdS)/CIS/MoSolar Cells Characterized by
`Modulation Capacitance Voltage Measurements
`Ngo Duong Sinh, R. Scheer, K. Kliefoth, W. Fiissel
`and W. Fuhs
`Solar Cell Spectral Response Measurement
`Errors Related to Spectral Band Width and
`Chopped Light Waveform
`Halden Field
`Interpretation of Dual Beam Optical Modulation
`(DBOM)Measurementsin Thin-Film Materials
`ThomasK. Simacek and Jeffery L. Gray
`Influence of Na on the Electro-Optical Properties
`of Cudin,Ga)Se,
`Brian M. Keyes, Falah Hasoon, Pat Dippo,
`Ahmet Balcioglu and Fuad Abulfotuh.
`CIGSFilms via Nanoparticle Spray Deposition:
`Attempts at Densifying a Porous Precursor
`Douglas L. Schulz, Calvin J. Curtis, Alan Cram,
`Jeffrey L. Alleman, Alice Mason, Richard J. Matson,
`John D. Perkins and David S. Ginley
`Reactive Magnetron Sputtering of Transparent
`and Conductive Zinc Oxide Films Deposited at
`High Rates onto CIS/CIGS Photovoltaic Devices
`TJ. Gillespie, W.A. Miles and J.A. del Cueto
`Wavelength and Pulse Duration Effects in Laser
`Scribing of Thin Films
`1. Matulionis, S. Nakade and A.D. Compaan
`The Oxidation of Copper-Indium Diselenide
`AS.AC. Diniz
`XPS Studies of Sodium Compound Formation
`and Surface Segregation in CIGS Thin Films
`B.J. Stanbery, E.S. Lambers and T.J. Anderson
`New Concepts of NANO-Crystalline Organic
`Photovoltaic Devices
`M. Spath, J.M. Kroon, P.M. Sommeling,
`J.A. Wienke, J.A.M. van Roosmalen, T.B. Meyer,
`A.F. Meyerand O. Kohle
`Photochemical Solar Cells Based on
`Dye-Sensitization of Nanocrystalline TiO,
`S.K. Deb, S. Ferrere, A.J. Frank, B.A. Gregg,
`S.Y. Huang, A.J. Nozik, G. Schlichthorl and
`A. Zaban


`Polycrystalline GaAs Solar Cells on Low-Cost
`Silicon-Film™ Substrates
`Michael G. Mauk, Bryan W. Feyock, Robert B. Hall,
`Kathleen Dugan Cavanaugh and Jeffrey E. Cotter
`Tin Sulphide Films for Solar Cell Application
`N. Koteswara Reddy and K.T. Ramakrishna Reddy
`Characterization of SnO, Thin Films Through
`Thermoelectric Power Measurements
`G. Gordillo, B.A. Paez, C.E. Jécome,
`L.C. Hernandez, J.M. Fidrez and H. Méndez
`Polycrystalline CdS Thin Film Prepared by
`Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
`Hiroshi Uda, Takayuki Fujii, Seiji Ikegami and
`Hajimu Sonomura
`Electronic and Mechanical Properties of Ge Films
`Grown on Glass Substrates
`R.K. Ahrenkiel, S.P. Ahrenkiel and
`M.M. Al-Jassim
`Effect of CdS Annealing in (CdCl, + CdS)
`Atmosphere on CdTeCells
`Sung Chan Park, Byung Wook Han,Jin Hyung Ahn,
`Byung Tae Ahn and Donghwan Kim
`Photoconductive Lifetime of CdS used in
`Thin-Film Solar Cells
`R.K. Ahrenkiel, D.H. Levi, S. Johnston, W. Song,
`D. Maoand A. Fischer
`Influence of the Ultrasonic Agitation on Chemical Bath
`Deposition of Cadmium Sulfide Thin Films
`Jun Young Choi, Kang-Jin Kim and Donghwan Kim
`The Morphology of CdS Thin Films Deposited on
`SnO,-Coated Glass Substrates
`FS. Hasoon, M.M. Al-Jassim, A. Swartzlander,
`P. Sheldon, A.A.J. Al-Douri and A.A. Alnajjar
`Photoluminescence Study of Highly Efficient
`CdTe Thin Film Solar Cells
`T. Okamoto, N. Amin, A. Yamada, M. Konagai,
`T. Aramoto, H. Ohyama, A. Hanafusa,
`M. Murozono, R. Asomoza and A. Merkulov
`Thermosensoric Localization of Defects in CIS
`Solar Modules
`W. Gross, J. Zettner, H. Scheuerpfiug, Th. Hierl,
`M.Schulz and F. Karg
`Properties of ZnO Thin Filmsfor Solar Cells
`Grown by Chemical Bath Deposition
`Mauricio Ortega-Lépez and
`Arturo Morales-Acevedo
`Electrodeposited CulnSe, Thin Film Devices
`Ryne P. Raffaelle, James G. Mantovani,
`Robert B. Friedfeld, Sheila G. Bailey and
`Seth M. Hubbard
`Recent Progress in Amorphous Silicon Alloy
`Leading to 13% Stable Cell Efficiency
`Jeffrey Yang, Arindam Banerjee, Troy Glatfelter,
`Shuichiro Sugiyama and Subhendu Guha
`Recent Progress on Micorcrystalline Solar Cells
`A. Shah, J. Meier, P. Torres, U. Kroll, D. Fischer, N.
`Beck, N. Wyrsch and H. Keppner
`Thin Film Poly-Si Solar Cell with “Star
`Structure” on Glass Substrate Fabricated at Low
`Kenji Yamamoto, Masashi Yoshimi,
`Takayuki Suzuki, Yoshifumi Okamoto, Yuko Tawada
`and Akihiko Nakajima
`Progress in Growth of High Quality Amorphous Silicon
`W. Futako, K. Fukutani, M. Kannbe, T. Kamiya,
`C.M. Fortmann and I. Shimizu
`An Approachto Selfconsistent Analysis of A-Si:H
`Material and P-I-N Solar Cell Properties
`C.R. Wronski, Zhou Lu, Lihong Jiao and
`Yeeheng Lee
`Improved jic-Si p-Layer anda-Si i-Layer
`Materials Using VHF Plasma Deposition
`X. Deng, S.J. Jones, T. Liu, M. Izu and
`S.R. Ovshinsky
`Irreversible Light-Induced Degradation in
`AmorphousSilicon Solar Cells
`D.E. Carlson, K. Rajan and D. Bradley
`Real Time Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Studies of
`the Top Junctions of a-Si:H-Based Solar Cells
`H. Fujiwara, Joohyun Koh, Yeeheng Lee,
`C.R. Wronski and R.W.Collins
`Improving Performance of Superstrate p-i-n
`a-Si Solar Cells by Optimization of n/TCO/Metal
`Back Contacts
`Steven S. Hegedus, Wayne A. Buchanan and
`Erten Eser
`Triple-Junction AmorphousSilicon Alloy PV
`Manufacturing Plant of 5 MW Annual Capacity
`S. Guha,J. Yang, A. Banerjee, K. Hoffman,
`S. Sugiyama, J. Call, S.J. Jones, X. Deng,
`J. Doehler, M. Izu and H.C. Ovshinsky
`Improvement of Large-Area SCAF Structure
`A-SI Solar Cells with Plastic Film Substrate
`K. Tabuchi, S. Fujikake, H. Sato, S. Saito,
`A. Takano, T. Wada,T. Yoshida,Y. Ichikawa,
`H. Sakai and F. Natsume
`Optical Confinement and Optical Loss in
`High-Efficiency a-Si Solar Cells
`Y. Hishikawa, T. Kinoshita, M. Shima, M. Tanaka,
`S. Kiyama, S. Tsuda and S. Nakano
`Texture Etched ZnO:A! Films as Front Contact
`and Back Reflector in AmorphousSilicon P-I-N
`and N-I-P Solar Cells
`B. Rech, S. Wieder, C. Beneking, A. Loffl, O. Kluth,
`W. Reetz and H. Wagner
`Oriented Recrystallization of Silicon Layers for
`Silicon Thin-Film Solar Celis
`C. Hebling, S. Reber, K. Schmidt, R. Liidemann and
`Polycrystalline Silicon Films Formation on
`Foreign Substrates by A Rapid Thermal-CVD
`A. Slaoui, R. Monna, D. Angermeier, S. Bourdais
`and J.C. Muller
`Development of Light-Trapped, Interconnected,
`Silicon-Film Modules
`D.H. Ford, J.A. Rand, A.M.Barnett,
`EJ. DelleDonne, A.E. Ingram and R.B. Hall


`Transport Analysis for Polycrystalline Silicon
`Solar Cells on Glass Substrates
`R. Brendel, R. B. Bergmann, B. Fischer, J. Krinke,
`R. Plieninger, U. Rau, J. Rei®, H. P. Strunk,
`H. Wanka and J. H. Werner
`Laser Induced Crystallization: A Method for Preparing
`Silicon Thin Film Solar Cells
`G. Andra, J. Bergmann, F. Falk and E. Ose
`The Application of Low-Frequency Glow
`Discharge to High-Rate a-Si:H Deposition
`Boris G. Budaguan, Andrei Yu. Sazonov,
`Arcady A. Aivazov, Arcady E. Berdnikov and
`Alexander A. Popov
`Large Area Deposition Technique for PECVD of
`U. Stephan, J. Kuske, W. Frammelsberger,
`P. Lechner, W. Psyk and H. Schade
`Preparation of High-Quality ic-Si:H Films by a
`Hydrogen-Radical CVD Method
`Liang-Fu Lo, Maki Hatta, Nobuyuki Andoh,
`Hiroshi Nagayoshi and Koichi Kamisako
`New Regime of RF PECVD for the Growth of
`a-Si:H and Its Alloys with Improved Electronic
`AR. Middya, S. Hazra, S. Ray, C. Longeaud,
`J.P. Kleider
`Use of Gas Jet Deposition Technique to Prepare
`a-Si:H Solar Cells
`S.J. Jones, A: Myatt, H. Ovshinsky, J. Doehler,
`M. Izu, A. Banerjee, J. Yang and S. Guha
`QE(A,V,,) and I(V,,) Measurements on Single and
`Triple-Junction a-Si:H Solar Cells
`James R. Woodyard
`Development and Application of Low
`Temperature RF Magnetron Sputtered ITO Thin
`Films for a-Si:H Based p/i/n Junction Solar Cells
`E. Terzini, G. Nobile, T. Polichetti and P. Thilakan
`Influence of Hydrogen on Optical Properties of
`LPCVD AmorphousSilicon Films
`B. Mroz, B.Y. Moon, J. Jang and S.M. Pietruszko
`Amorphous and Microcrystalline Silicon by
`ECR-CVDusing Highly Dilute Silane Mixtures
`B. Jagannathan, R.L. Wallace, W.A. Anderson and
`R.N. Ahrenkeil
`Microcrystalline Silicon from Very High Frequency
`Plasma Deposition and Hot-Wire CVD for
`‘Micromorph’ Tandem SolarCells
`H. Brummack, R. Briggemann, H.N. Wanka,
`A. Hierzenberger and M.B. Schubert
`Contributions of Bulk, Interface and Built-In
`Potential to the Open Circuit Voltage of a-Si:H
`Solar Celis
`Yeeheng Lee, Andre S. Ferlauto and C.R. Wronski
`High Efficiency P-I-N Solar Cells with <I> Layer
`Deposited by Hot-Wire Technique
`Y. Ziegler, S. Dubail, C. Hof, U. Kroll and A. Shah
`Improved Micromorph Tandem Cell
`Performance Through Enhanced Top Cell
`Rainer Platz, N. Pellaton Vaucher, D. Fischer,
`J. Meier and A. Shah
`Properties of a-Si:H and a-(Si,Ge):H Solar Cells
`Prepared Using ECR Deposition Techniques
`Vikram L. Dalal, Tim Maxson and Kay Han
`Improved Thermal Controlfor a-Si:H Photovoltaic
`Cells Fabricated on Polymeric Substrates
`J.R. Huang, Y. Lee, C.M.C Toporow, GJ. Vendura,
`Jr., T.N. Jackson and C.R. Wronski
`Analysis and Optimization of High Efficiency
`Multijunction a-Si:H Solar Celis
`Richard E. Rocheleau, Moe Tun and
`Steven S. Hegedus
`Large Area a-Si/a-Si Tandem Module with 9.1%
`Conversion Efficiency
`E. Terzini, C. Privato and §. Avagliano
`Fast Deposited Microcrystalline Silicon Solar
`P. Torres, J. Meier, U. Kroll, N. Beck, H. Keppner
`and A. Shah
`Texture Etched Al-Doped ZnO: A New Material for
`Enhanced Light Trapping in Thin Film Solar Cells.
`O. Kluth, A. Loffl, S. Wieder, C. Beneking,
`W. Appenzeller, L. Houben, B. Rech, H. Wagner,
`S. Hoffmann, R. Waser, J.A. Anna Selvan and
`H. Keppner
`A-Si:H Solar Cells Using the Hot-Wire
`Technique-How to Exceed Efficiencies of 10%
`S. Bauer, W. Herbst, B. Schroder and H. Oechsner
`Optical Optimization of a-Si:H Solar Celis Using Planar
`Junctions and Diffuse Rear Reflectors
`K. Winz, C.M. Fortmann, Th. Eickhoff and
`H. Wagner
`Automated Screening for Severe Shunting Defects in
`Encapsulated Series-Connected Modules
`Ingrid Eisgruber, Rick Matson and T.J. McMahon
`Poly-Silicon Thin Films and Solar Cells Prepared by
`Rapid Thermal CVD
`Yuwen Zhao, Xinian Jiang,
`Wenjing Wang, Zhongming Li, Yuan Yu and
`Xianbo Liao
`Recrystallized and Epitaxially Thickened
`Poly-Silicon Layers on Graphite Substrates
`Thomas Kunze, Stefan Hauttmann, Jorg Seekamp
`and Jorg Miiller
`Improved Performance of Thin-Film Silicon Solar
`Cells on Graphite Substrates
`R. Auer,J. Zettner, J. Krinke, G. Polisski, Th. Heirl,
`R. Hezel, M. Schulz, H.-P. Strunk, F. Koch and
`D. Niki and H. v. Campe
`High Rate Deposition of Silicon Films for Solar Cells
`by Plasma-Enhanced CVD from Trichlorosilane
`Martin Rostalsky, Thomas Kunze, Nicole Linke
`and Jorg Miiller
`Effect of Hydrogen Content on the Crystalline Quality
`of PECVD-Deposited Silicon for Solar Cells
`TadashiIto, Mitsuru Imaizumi, Ichiro Konomi and
`Masafumi Yamaguchi
`Laser Crystallisation of a-Si Using Copper Vapour
`Lasers: A Different Option for Photovoltaic
`Matt Boreland
`SI-Homoepitaxy by Electron Cyclotron Resonance
`E. Conrad, L. Elstner, W. Fuhs, W. Henrion,
`P. Miiller, B. Selle and U. Zeimer


`SiGe Layer Structures for Solar Cell Application
`Grownby Liquid Phase Epitaxy
`A. Gutjahr, I. Siller, N. Rolibiihler, M. Konuma,
`F. Banhart, K. Said and J. Poortmans
`Thin, Substrate-Based Crystalline Silicon Solar
`Cells with No Grid Shading
`Daniel J. Aiken and Allen M. Barnett
`Thin Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell with Back
`Surface Gate Electrode
`David D. Smith and Allen M. Barnett
`Properties of Silicon Thin Films Grown by the
`Temperature Difference Method (TDM)
`B. Thomas, G. Miiller, P-M. Wilde and H. Wawra
`Fused-Salt Electrodeposition of Thin-Layer Silicon
`J.T, Moore, T.H. Wang, MJ. Heben, K. Douglas and
`T.F. Ciszek
`GalInP/GaAsCascade Solar Cells Grown by Molecular
`Beam Epitaxy
`J. Lammasniemi, A.B. Kazantsev, R. Jaakkola,
`M.Toivonen, M. Jalonen, R. Aho and M. Pessa
`Advancesin Production of Cascade Solar Cells for
`Y.C.M. Yeh, FF. Ho, C.L. Chu and PK. Chiang
`Testing of Dual-Junction Scarlet Modules and Cells
`Plus Lessons Learned
`Michael I. Eskenazi, David M. Murphy,
`EugeneL. Ralph and Henry I. Yoo
`Microscopic Analysis of Carrier Removal in Heavily
`Irradiated Silicon Solar Cells
`S.J. Taylor, M. Yamaguchi, M. Imaizumi, M.J. Yang,
`T. Ito, T. Yamaguchi, S. Watanabe, K. Ando,
`S. Matsuda and T. Hisamatsu
`Modeling of Multilayer SiGe Based Thin Film
`Solar Cells
`E. Christoffel, L. Debarge and A. Slaoui
`The Effect of Test Conditions on the Degradation of
`Fabrication of High Stabilized Efficiency a-Si
`Proton Irradiated Solar Cells
`Solar Cells by Using SiH,C1, Addition
`VAWilkinson and C Goodbody
`Koji Dairiki, Akira Yamada, Makoto Konagai,
`A. Merkulov and Rene Asomoza
`Radiation Response of Single and Dual Junction p*n
`InGaP/GaAsSpaceSolar Cells
`R.J. Walters, M.A. Xapsos, G.P. Summers, H.L.
`Cotal and S.R. Messenger
`Front Surface Engineering of High Efficiency Si Solar
`Cells and Ge TPV Cells
`Mircea Faur, Maria Faur, S.G. Bailey, DJ. Flood,
`D.J. Brinker, D.R. Wheeler, S.A. Alterovitz,
`D. Scheiman, G. Mateescu, J. Faulk, C. Goradia and
`Progress Toward Technology Transition of
`GalnP,/GaAs/Ge Multijunction Solar Cells
`Captain David N. Keener, Dr Dean C. Marvin,
`David J. Brinker, Henry B. Curtis and
`P. Michael Price
`Anti-Phase Domain-Free GaAs on Ge Substrates
`Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy for Space Solar
`Cell Applications
`S.A. Ringel, R.M. Sieg, S.M. Ting and
`E.A. Fitzgerald
`InGaAs Monolithic Interconnected Modules (MIMs)
`Navid S. Fatemi, David M. Wilt, Phillip P. Jenkins,
`Victor G. Weizer, Richard W. Hoffman, Jr.,
`Christopher S. Murray, David Scheiman,
`David Brinker and David Riley
`Characterization Testing of Dual Junction
`GalnP,/GaAs/Ge Solar Cell Assemblies
`Michael R. Brown, Leland J. Goldhammer,
`George S. Goodelle, Charlene U. Lortz,
`John N. Perron, Joseph S. Powe, Joel A. Schwartz,
`B. Terence Cavicchi, Mark S. Gillanders and
`Dmitri D. Krut
`20% (AM1.5) Efficiency GaAs Solar Cells on Sub-mm
`Grain-Size Poly-GeandIts Transition to Low-Cost
`R. Venkatasubramanian, B.C. O’ Quinn, E.Siivola,
`B. Keyes and R. Ahrenkiel
`Improved Performanceof p/n InP Solar Cells
`Richard W. Hoffman, Jr., Navid S. Fatemi,
`Phillip P. Jenkins, Victor G. Weizer, Mark A. Stan,
`Steven A. Ringel, David A. Scheiman,
`David M. Wilt, David J. Brinker, Robert J. Walters
`and Scot R. Messenger
`Effect of Front-Surface Doping on Back-Surface
`Passivation in Gay,In,.P Cells
`Sarah R. Kurtz, J.M. Olson, D.J. Friedman and
`R. Reedy
`Inflatable Lenses for Space Photovoltaic Concentrator
`MarkJ. O’Neill and Michael F. Piszezor
`Uncertainty Analysis of High

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