`US 9,314,412 B2
`(10) Patent No.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Apr. 19, 2016
`(71) Applicants:Robin Phinney, Okotoka (CA);
`Jonathon Phinney, Martensville (CA)
`(*) Notice:
`Inventors: Robin Phinney, Okotoka (CA);
`Jonathon Phinney, Martensville (CA)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`US.C. 154(b) by 277 days.
`Appl. No.: 13/803,387
`Mar. 14, 2013
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2014/0271517 Al
`Sep. 18, 2014
`Int. Cl.
`A6IK 8/27
`AGIK 8/23
`A61Q 15/00
`AGIK 8/19
`AGOIK 8/34
`A6IK 8/36
`AGIK 8/20
`(52) U.S.CL
`CPC ... A6IK 8/27 (2013.01); A61K 8/19 (2013.01):
`AG6IK 8/20 (2013.01); AGIK 8/23 (2013.01);
`AGIK 8/345 (2013.01); AGIK 8/361 (2013.01):
`A61Q 15/00 (2013.01)
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`CPC wees A61K 8/27; A61K 8/23; A61K 8/19;
`A61Q 15/00
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`3,943,242 A *
`3/1976 Fogel etal. vccceccsenn 424/65
`.......0.0.... 424/66
`2007/0202062 Al*
`8/2007 Workman etal.
`9/2011 Klugetal. wo. 424/66
`2011/0229427 A1*
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner — Ali Soroush
`Assistant Examiner — Genevieve S Alley
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Craig J. Lervick; Larkin
`Hoffman Daly & Lindgren, Ltd.
`Deodorant formulations are provided. The formulationsall
`commonly include magnesium oxide, zinc oxide and as a
`disinfecting agent, potassium chloride and/or potassium sul-
`phate. The combination provides long lasting odor protection
`since the disinfectant destroys odor causing microorganisms.
`The formulations all contain natural
`ingredients and the
`absence of petroleum basedor related synthetic compounds
`contributes to the efficacy of the formulations.
`7 Claims, No Drawings
`Petitioner Dr. Squatch
`Ex. 1004
`Petitioner Dr. Squatch
` Ex. 1004
`US 9,314,412 B2
`The present invention relates to a deodorant formulation
`and moreparticularly, the present invention relates to such a
`formulation and preparation thereof with natural ingredients
`in the absence of heavy metal complexes and/or petroleum
`basedor related compounds.
`In a previous adaptation, Robin Phinney, in U.S. Pat. No.
`5,512,274, issued Apr. 30, 1996, taught a metal hydroxide
`deodorant formulation. In this document, milk ofmagnesia or
`magnesium hydroxide was found to be an effective deodor-
`ant. It was also found that a mixture ofthe hydroxidesof zinc
`and magnesium could provide long lasting protection against
`odour due to perspiration. The previous teachings provided
`that these materials are active ingredients, and are dispersible
`in aerosols, moisturizing creams, sticks, sprays and roll-on
`type applicators.
`The active hydroxide neutralizes 3-methyl-2-hexanoic
`acid and similar materials are largely responsible for body
`odourassociated with perspiration. These weak organic acids
`are produced bya bacterial action and require a moderately
`strong hydroxide type base to neutralize them and eliminate
`odour associated with, but not confined to perspiration.
`A vast array of compounds have been purported to combat
`perspiration and perspiration odour. In U.S. Pat. No. 3,996,
`346 issued Dec. 7, 1976, to Staffier et al., a rangeofacidic to
`neutral to basic salts are proposed as active ingredients to
`reduce body odour and/or stem perspiration. Manyofthe salts
`cited in the patent can be injuriousto the skin. Acid salts such
`as aluminum chloride, for example, hydrolyze to form hydro-
`chloric acid, which can be injuriousto both skin and clothing.
`Potassium alum has become widely available, and while
`effective as a deodorant, it hydrolyzes to form even more
`injurious sulphuric acid as well as aluminum ina soluble ionic
`form, which can lead to higher rates of absorption into the
`body than is the case with aluminum metal or alumina.
`These salts have hydrolysis points or protolysis reactions
`because they hydrolyze at different points on the pH scale
`(Chemistry of the Elements, Greenwood and Earnshaw,
`1984) and precipitate out of solution, primarily as hydrox-
`ides, at various pHs. For example, ferric hydroxide precipi-
`tates or hydrolyzes out of solution a pH of about 2.6 to 4.0
`while aluminum hydroxide precipitates or hydrolyzes out of
`solution in the range of 3.6 to 4.2.
`Othersalts, such as zinc, precipitate as hydroxides in the
`range of 6.5 to 8.0, but salts of these materials can behave in
`an erratic manner with many individuals in that they work
`effectively for very irregular periods oftime. In addition, zinc
`sulphate still releases sulphuric acid upon hydrolysis. The
`sporadicefficacy maybe dueto lack ofhydrolysis, conversion
`to relatively inactive carbonate or oxide, or some combination
`of these factors.
`Basic materials have been proposed, such as in U.S. Pat.
`Nos. 74,871; 1,558,406; 2,114,559; and 2,187,163, however,
`there are problems with most of these materials.
`The carbonates of U.S. Pat. No. 74,871, issued Feb. 25,
`1868, to Wilson, are very soluble and quickly leach from the
`skin during perspiration.
`The active agent of U.S. Pat. No. 1,558,406, a hexameta-
`phosphate, is soluble and liable to be washed away during
`perspiration. Being a phosphate,this agent could well serve as
`a majornutrient sourceofthe bacteria believed to be respon-
`sible for body odour and this agent could thereby promote
`body odourrather than diminish it.
`USS. Pat. No. 1,558,405, issued May 3, 1983, to Marschner,
`contains mention of some of the same basic materials men-
`tioned in U.S. Pat. No. 74,781 and includes “‘sodium bicar-
`bonate, potassium bicarbonate, sodium or potassium carbon-
`ate, calctum hydroxide and the like ...”. The term “and the
`like” is vague, nebulous, undefined and unspecified given the
`previous explicit identification of agents. Materials men-
`tioned, such as potassium carbonate andlime, are very basic
`and could injure skin and clothing. This patent claims that
`basic agents need to be combined with “an absorptive
`insoluble filler material of emollient character, such as the
`stearate of zinc, aluminum or magnesium,or a mixture oftalc
`and small portions of zinc oxide”. The basic materials were
`said to lead to a drying action, which is offset by the healing
`action ofthe emollient. The patent does not prescribe deodor-
`ant formulations consistent with current understanding of
`mitigation of body odour dueto perspiration.
`While bases in high concentration may have “drying
`action”, they primarily neutralize acids as is evident to those
`skilled in the art. The only “anti-acid” body listed in the
`claims, which if compatible with the body, is sodium bicar-
`bonate. It is not capable ofneutralizing the agents responsible
`for body odour.
`The patent does notteachthat if the formulations had any
`significantefficacy, it did notarise from the action ofthe basic
`agent, sodium bicarbonate, cited in the claim but from some
`other material or combination of materials. Metal stearates,
`the so-called “absorptive insoluble filler material of an emol-
`lient character” of the formulation, might, under somecir-
`cumstances, be responsible for some, if any, activity associ-
`ated with the formulation cited in this patent. Another
`possibility is zinc oxide, but it along with many other “basic”
`metal oxides like alumina are very unreactive against perspi-
`ration odour due to insolubility and low hydrolysis rate to a
`hydroxide form that could show someactivity.
`‘he filler materials are first and foremost sparingly soluble
`neutral metallic salts of a weak organic acid which would
`only be weakly hydrolyzedto a potentially active agent with
`the aluminum salt having the best potential for any efficacy
`due to its low hydrolysis pH.
`Thezinc salts would show someerratic behaviour as noted
`before but would be strongly inhibited by being coupled toa
`weakly dissociated organic acid. The magnesium salt would
`be no moreeffective than Epsom salts since it has no capacity
`of generate basic deodorizing agent through dissolution in
`The zinc stearate cited as the emollient could have some
`antiperspirantactivity but is likely subjectto the erratic activ-
`ity noted earlier for zinc salts. The stearate portion could
`supply organic material to foster undesirable bacterial growth
`and therefore be undesirable.
`USS. Pat. No. 2,187,163, issued Jan. 16, 1940, to Langer,
`identifies the use of “base”carrier materials such as kaolin or
`calamine with the latter being preferred when combined with
`active deodorant materials such as aluminum andzinc chlo-
`ride. Calamine, zinc oxide and sulphates of aluminum and
`zinc are claimed as active agents. It is said that these formu-
`lations supplanted with other agents such as tannic acid and/
`or salicylic acid “havethe property of preventing or reducing
`perspiration and of acting as deodorants in this manner’’.
`Oxides and carbonates of “acceptable” antiperspirant
`agents, such as alumina and calamine, are generally ineffec-
`tive in reducing body odour because they are inactive with
`respect to the weak organic acid responsible for perspiration
`odourfor reasons of equilibrium, kinetics and solubility. Sul-
`US 9,314,412 B2
`phates of zinc, unlike those of aluminum,have been observed
`to be erratic performers likely because they do not hydrolyze
`effectively. The author claimsthat the sulphates of aluminum
`and zinc have the property of reducing or preventing perspi-
`ration and act as deodorants in this manner.
`Thereis no evidence in thetext to support this assertion and
`it is evident to those skilled in the art that neither compound
`would act to any significant extent as a desiccant. These
`agents most likely act in a different manner and understand-
`ing of the mechanism ofthis action could result in a signifi-
`cantly different approach in formulating materials with
`greater efficacy.
`Body odour is knownto those skilled in the art to be due
`primarily to the products of bacterial action and not moisture
`as such.
`US. Pat. No. 3,996,346, issued Dec. 7, 1976, to Staffier et
`al., cites zine oxide and calcium hydroxide along with phenol
`as an effective deodorant. As is evident by thecitation of U.S.
`Pat. No. 1,558,405, the use of lime as deodorant agent has
`been noted some time ago. Given the low activity of zinc
`oxide as a deodorant agent, it is likely that any observed
`deodorant activity is due to the lime. Limeis quite basic with
`reported pHs of 12.5 and higher. While lime hasthe capability
`to function as an effective agent against odour, it is less
`desirable than other agents dueto its alkalinity. The zinc oxide
`combined with stearic acid as a cream base mostlikely is an
`attempt to minimize the undesirable effects due to high alka-
`linity and the general undesirable nature of phenyls in skin
`care products.
`Sincethe initial formulation wasdisclosed in U.S. Pat. No.
`5,512,794, there have been several hundred additional patents
`issued with a like number of applications filed. As an
`example, United States Patent Application Publication
`US2008/0131387, filed Dec. 6, 2007 and published Jun. 5,
`2008, provides for a liquid stick antiperspirant. The disclo-
`sure indicates that the formulation contains materials for pre-
`serving thestability of the formulation. To this end, a number
`of petroleum based compoundsare used.
`In USS. Pat. No. 7,703,767, issued Dec. 4, 2007, to Withiam
`et al., a personal care formulation is disclosed. The formula-
`tion coats metal silicates for improved odourneutralization.
`Although useful, the formulation incorporates several syn-
`thetic compounds whichinherently limits the efficacy.
`In summary, there is a wide range of active ingredients
`cited in the open andpatentliterature for prevention of body
`odour and perspiration but most have some undesirable char-
`acteristics. Many formulations use aluminum chloride or
`other aluminum compounds based on sulphates for example
`that form irritating acids. As well, human exposure to alumi-
`num is raising health concerns. Other formulations recom-
`mend materials, such as potassium carbonate, that can be
`harmfulto the skin, or salts of zinc that have minimalefficacy
`due to poor hydrolysis to active hydroxide.
`There is, therefore, a need to provide alternative deodorant
`formulations that balance the need for performance, efficacy,
`simplicity, and compatibility of the formulation with good
`health care in conjunction with a technically sound under-
`standing of the reason for body odour and therefore the cor-
`rect abatement measuresto take.
`This invention aids in fulfilling these needs intheart.
`Oneobject ofone embodimentofthe present inventionis to
`provide a deodorant formulation, comprising a polyol, glyc-
`erine; a disinfectant agent comprising at least one of potas-
`sium chloride and potassium sulphate for destroying micro-
`organisms associated with odour; zinc oxide; magnesium
`oxide; sodium stearate; water; and a cosmetically acceptable
`The content of the zinc oxide and magnesium oxide can
`vary in the case of zinc oxide between 0.5% to 10% by weight
`of the formulation. In a specific example, the range will be
`between 0.5% and 1.5% by weight of the formulation; in
`respect of the magnesium oxide, the amount can vary from
`between 1% and 10% by weight of the formulation with a
`specific example being between 1.5 and 2.5% by weight.
`A further object of one embodimentis to provide a deodor-
`ant formulation comprising: propylene glycol in an amount of
`between 52% and 57% by weight of said formulation; glyc-
`erine in an amountof between 6% and 10% by weightofsaid
`formulation; a disinfectant agent comprising at least one
`potassium chloride and potassium sulphate in an amount of
`between 0.5% and 1% by weight of said formulation for
`destroying microorganismsassociated with odour; zinc oxide
`in an amount between 0.5% and 1.5% by weight of said
`formulation; magnesium oxide in an amount between 1.0%
`and 2.5% by weight ofsaid formulation; sodium stearate in an
`amount between 4% and 8% by weight of said formulation;
`water in an amount between 18% and 22% by weight; and a
`balance of a cosmetically acceptablefiller.
`A further object of another embodiment is to provide a
`formulation, comprising a solid stick based
`deodorant formulation, comprising a propylene glycol in an
`amount of between 52% and 57% by weight of said formu-
`lation; glycerine in an amount of between 6% and 10% by
`weight of said formulation;a disinfectant agent comprising at
`least one potassium chloride and potassium sulphate in an
`amount of between 0.5% and 1% by weightof said formula-
`tion for destroying microorganisms associated with odour;
`zinc oxide in an amount between 0.5% and 1.5% by weight of
`said formulation; magnesium oxide in an amount between
`1.0% and 2.5% by weight of said formulation; sodium stear-
`ate in an amount between 4% and 8% by weight of said
`formulation; water in an amount between 18% and 22% by
`weight; a cosmetically acceptable thickener in an amount
`sufficient to provide a consistency for said formulation; and
`the balance comprising water.
`In both ofthese embodiments, the disinfecting and deodor-
`izing formulations can be used as precursory mixture for
`other formulations and uses.
`As a further object of one embodiment of the invention,
`there is provided is a method of formulating a deodorant
`formulation, comprising providing magnesium oxide, zinc
`oxide and potassium sulfate or potasstum chloride; mixing
`said magnesium oxide and said zinc oxide components of
`step a) with water to convert said componentsto their respec-
`tive hydroxides; mixing a polyol into the mixture; heating
`said mixture to 80° C.; emulsifying said mixture with the
`addition of sodium stearate; maintaining the emulsified mix-
`ture at a temperature between 60° C. and 80° C. to remove any
`trapped gas; and cooling said mixture to slightly above the
`solidification point.
`Yet another object of one embodiment is to provide a
`method of formulating a deodorant composition, comprising:
`providing MgO, ZnO andpotassium sulfate or potassium
`chloride; mixing said magnesium oxide andsaid zinc oxide
`componentsof step a) with water to convert said components
`to their respective hydroxides; mixing a polyol into the mix-
`ture; heating said mixture to 80° C.; emulsifying said mixture
`with the addition of sodium stearate; maintaining the emul-
`sified mixture at a temperature between 60° C. and 80° C. to
`remove any trapped gas; and cooling said mixtureto slightly
`abovethe solidification point.
`US 9,314,412 B2
`A still further object of one embodimentis to provide a
`deodorant formulation, comprising by weight of the formu-
`lation: 55% propylene glycol; 20% water; 12% glycerine; 8%
`Sodium Stearate; 2.5% MgO; 1.5% ZnO; and 1% KCl.
`It has been discussed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,512,274, that there
`are problems associated with the active agents used in many
`deodorant formulations as notedin thepriorart. In searching
`for a suitable formulation, the objective was to find an agent
`or agents that acted as deodorants rather than antiperspirants.
`However, it will be evident to those skilled in the art that an
`agent effective as a deodorant could well be part ofthe basis
`for an antiperspirant formulation using materials obvious to
`those skilled in theart for the purpose of combating wetness.
`As reported, certain organic acids, such as 3-methyl-2-
`hexanoic and others (George Preti of the Monell Chemical
`Senses Center in Philadelphia), are primarily responsible for
`disagreeable odours generally associated with perspiration
`and produced by microorganisms.
`A previously presented solution wasto neutralize the acid
`produced and thereby eliminate the odour of the acid by
`forming a salt of the hexanoic acid with a suitable base.
`Strong basescited in theprior art, such as potassium carbon-
`ate, are not good becausethey are so basic that they cause skin
`damage and they are also so soluble that they rapidly wash
`away under heavy perspiration providing a very low duration
`of protection.
`Conventional basic agents need to yield a pH of 9 to 10 as
`a minimum to be effective but not extend much abovethis
`level to avoid skin irritation. The base must behave in such a
`mannerthat it does not wash awaylike soluble carbonates or
`more simply, the base should be sparingly soluble and with
`the requisite pH requirements, function on a stand alone
`basis, and not be harmful to the skin.
`At the same time, a metal hydroxide base is preferred due
`to its high activity compared to metal carbonates, such as
`limestone or other such benign carbonates, when trying to
`neutralize a weak organic acid. As well, a metal hydroxideis
`preferred over metal oxides since many show very low solu-
`bilities and negligible reactivities like alumina. Lime has
`been previously identified as a deodorant ingredient, butits
`high pH rules outdirect application.
`A suitable and simple agent previously presented in U.S.
`Pat. No. 5,512,274, before is magnesium hydroxide, (milk of
`magnesia). It has low solubility and therefore does not “wash
`away” under heavy perspiration. The pH is in the range of
`10.0 and magnesium hydroxide provides 16-20 hour protec-
`tion and more for a broad cross section of people.
`The magnesium hydroxide incorporated in a formulation
`of the invention for controlling perspiration odour such that
`the formulation has a pH of about 9 to about 10.5. Preferably,
`the pH of the formulation is about 10. The formulations
`discussed herein include zinc hydroxide This combination
`provides for a pH of about7.5 to about 10.5, preferably about
`9 to about 10. The zinc hydroxide typically lowers the pH of
`the magnesium hydroxide-perspiration odour-controlling
`formulation of the invention.
`Tt has now surprisingly been found that incorporation of a
`disinfectant with the platform of magnesium oxide and zinc
`oxide base hasparticularefficacy in destroying the microor-
`ganismscausing the odour.It is believed that the previously
`recognized synergy between the zinc and magnesium com-
`pounds has been further augmented with the disinfection
`capacity of a potassium and/or sulfate potassium chloride.
`As an appealing benefit, the formulations do not contain
`aluminum compounds which, as discussed supra are con-
`tributory to acid synthesis coupled with potential health con-
`cerns. Further, the formulations do not contain any synthetic
`petroleum based products inherent in the vast majority of the
`existing formulations presently available. The formulations
`presented herein are natural minerals with organic thickeners
`all of which are water soluble and environmentally friendly.
`Given the simplicity of the active ingredients in the formu-
`lation, the same lendsitselfto a variety of deodoranttypes. As
`an example, the formulation can be prepared as a stick, spray,
`gel, cream as well as precursor formulations of the active
`ingredients only to allowfor subsequentfinal formulation by
`an end user as another deodorant product.
`In keeping with the all natural ingredients, natural organic
`thickeners can be employed such as polysaccharides, a suit-
`able example of which is Amigel, a trademark of the Alban
`Muller company. Other suitable examples include guar guar,
`carrageenan, xanthan, gum tragacanth, gum Arabic, gum
`karaya, locust bean gum inter alia. These are exemplary and
`not meant to be limiting. A broad range of possibilities is
`readily within the purview of one skilled.
`Other agents may be incorporated into the formulation
`such as fragrance, spreadability enhancing agents, glide
`agents, moisturisers, cooling agents, etc. As an example, pro-
`panediol, a trademark ofDuPont Tate & Lyle Bio Products, is
`a corn derived glycol which is knownto provide a silky
`feeling with high stability and spreadability. These attributes
`are very beneficial for underarm deodorant formulations.
`Turning to the specific formulations, in a first embodiment,
`the deodorant formulation includes magnesium oxide in an
`amount of between 1% and 2.5% by weight and zinc oxide in
`an amount of between 0.5% and 1.5% by weight. In order to
`further augmenttheefficacy ofthe formulation,a disinfectant
`agent is included. As an example, potassium sulfate in an
`amountofbetween 0.5% and 1% by weight. Propylene glycol
`in an amount between 45% and 57% by weight is included.
`Other polyols may be substituted such as glycenol, etc.
`Sodium stearate is also present in am amount between 4% and
`8% by weight. Glycerin is also present in an amount from
`between 6% and 10% by weight. The balance of the formu-
`lation is obviously water. The sulphate compound has been
`foundparticularly effective in destroying the microorganisms
`responsible for the odour in perspiration. The provision for
`the suspension is very convenient, since the active ingredients
`are all present and this suspension can used as a precursorin
`the formulation of other deodorizing products.
`It is envisioned that the formulation could be easily com-
`bined with soaps, detergents, fabrics etc. to form a panoply of
`deodorizing products.
`In respect of the specific formulations, the same may take
`any numberof actual forms; a cosmetically acceptable thick-
`ener in an amountsufficient to provide a gel consistency for
`the formulation is provided and may be chosen from those
`noted above. As an option, the formulation may also contain
`1,3 propanediol for purposes of glide for comfort in applica-
`For the formulations of the invention ethyl alcohol may be
`includedto act as a dispersant for the magnesium oxide and
`zine oxide. In addition, the ethyl alcohol aids drying of the
`formulation on the surface to which the formulation is
`applied, thus avoiding extended wetness.
`It will be understood that other materials that perform the
`functions associated with the ethyl alcohol can be used in
`combination with ethyl alcohol or substituted for the ethyl
`US 9,314,412 B2
`Although it may seem evident after an overview of the
`chemistry of acids, bases, salts, hydrolysis theory and the
`theory of odour due to perspiration, the combined use of
`magnesium oxide, zinc oxide together with a bactericidal
`agent for microorganism control has not been previously
`Tt is known from the earlier Phinney U.S. patent that metal
`hydroxides are active agents against body odour, together
`with zinc hydroxide, which is active even though it is more
`neutral than milk ofmagnesia. As well, zinc has a well known
`salutary effect on the skin. Several deodorant formulations
`use zine oxide; however, as noted before, of the group of
`metal oxides that could be considered safe for human use,
`most hydrate to the active hydroxide form very slowly. For
`example, as in the Bayer aluminum process, strong caustic
`soda is required to transform aluminato the hydroxide form in
`high yield.
`Sulphates and chlorides of zinc hydrolyze to zinc hydrox-
`ide in an erratic manner because the protolysis reaction is
`muchless extensive than with aluminum chloride or potas-
`sium alum, for example.
`Greenwood and Earnshaw refer to metal salt hydration as
`hydrolysis or protolysis reactions having some similarity to
`acidity scales. The literature, such as Chemical Reviews 1957
`and Progress in Physical Organic Chemistry, document a
`variety of acidity and basicity scales based not only on the
`pioneering work of Louis P. Hammett but concepts such as
`carbon acidity and basicity.
`Ralph G.Pearson proposedin 1966 (Journal of the Ameri-
`can Chemical Society) a very broad concept of acids and
`bases called HSAB that went beyond the Bronstead and
`Lewis theory of acids and bases to include a wider range of
`phenomenathat coverthe concept ofcation acidity, which can
`be used, in conjunction with solubility phenomena,to ratio-
`nalise protolysis reactions as observed with salts such as
`aluminum chloride.
`With an absorber such as body oils, HCl from aluminum
`chloride hydrolysis is absorbed. The aluminum cation is so
`“acidic”that it reacts with water as a “base” and formsalu-
`minum hydroxide which can then neutralize hexanoic acid.
`Atthe other end ofthescale, a salt like magnesium sulphate
`has a magnesium cation that cannot “hydrolyze”or has insuf-
`ficient cation acidity to form magnesium hydroxide, and con-
`sequently cannot act as an effective deodorant. The formal
`hydroxide form of magnesium must be used for deodorant
`Salts of the zinc do not have enoughcation acidity to form
`zinc hydroxide to any effective degree except to the extent
`that most soaps impart somealkalinity causing the formation
`of zinc hydroxide. Hencethe sporadic action of zinesalts and
`the need to use zinc oxide as a deodorantrather than zincsalts.
`The above formulations of magnesium, zinc and sulfates
`can require moisturizing agents to ensure that thereis avail-
`able hydroxide in solution on the skin’s surface. Neutral salts
`are preferred with lowersolubilities being favored. Examples
`of suitable moisturizing agents are Epsom salts, Glaserite,
`and kainite.
`The formulation of the invention can also contain a non-
`toxic, non-corrosive, double salt having water of hydration
`and a pH ofabout 5 to about 8 when dissolved in water. The
`double salt is employed in an amount sufficient to increase
`retention of the magnesium hydroxide, and zinc hydroxide,
`on the surface to which the formulation is applied in the
`presence of humanperspiration. The double salt thus aids in
`minimizing the likelihood that the formulation of the inven-
`tion will “wash away”in the presence of heavy perspiration.
`The formulation ofthe invention can be applied to a surface
`in contact with human perspiration. Thus, for example, the
`formulation can be applied to the skin of a human,such asthe
`underarm or foot areas. As another example, the formulation
`can be applied to a garmentin contact with perspiration, such
`as a sock or shoe.
`The admixture of zinc and magnesium oxides together
`with the sulfates has yielded deodorantprotection for signifi-
`cant extended periods of time. In effect, the formulations
`offer a “double” degree of protection. One from the zinc and
`magnesium compoundspreviously discovered by Applicant
`and the secondbeingthe disinfectantaction of the potassium
`chloride or potassium sulphate. Accordingly, even in the
`worst cases of perspiration, odour is checked, since the for-
`mulation incorporates the bactericidal agent.
`Although embodiments of the invention have been
`described above,it is not limited thereto and it will be appar-
`ent to those skilled in the art that numerous modifications
`form part ofthe present invention insofar as they do not depart
`from thespirit, nature and scope ofthe claimed and described
`In respect of greater detail regarding the formulation, mag-
`nesium oxide and zinc oxide must have high reactivity and are
`added to water along with potassium sulfate and mixed until
`the magnesium oxide and zinc oxide are converted to their
`hydroxides. This generally occurs within an hour. The polyols
`are added and the mixture heated andstirred until the tem-
`perature reaches 80° C. At this point, sodium stearate is added
`slowly and the mixture is shear mixed to completely emulsify
`the mixture. The shear mixing is conducted for between 5 and
`10 minutes.
`The mixture is mixed normally and held at a temperature
`between 60° C. and 80° C. for approximately an hour to
`removeair bubbles. Color or fragrance may be addedatthis
`time. The mixture is then cooled to between 50° C. to 60° C.,
`slightly above the solidification point and stirred vigorously
`and quickly poured into deodorant containers (not shown).
`‘The containers must be cooled quickly to between 20° C. and
`40° C.
`The magnesium oxide and zinc oxide must be completely
`converted to their hydroxides or skinirritation will occur.
`The magnesium oxide and zinc oxide ratio has been found
`effective at 3:1 molar.
`1. A deodorant formulation in a solid stick form, compris-
`a polyol;
`at least one of potassium chloride and potassium sulphate;
`zinc hydroxide;
`magnesium hydroxide;
`sodium stearate;
`water; and
`a cosmetically acceptablefiller;
`wherein said magnesium hydroxide and said zine hydrox-
`ide are present in a molarratio up to about 3:1.
`2. The formulation as set forth in claim 1, wherein said
`polyolis propylene glycol.
`3. A deodorant formulationin solid stick form, comprising:
`propylene glycol in an amount of from 52% to 57% by
`weight of said formulation;
`glycerine in an amount of from 6% to 10% by weight of
`said formulation;
`at least one of potassium chloride and potassium sulphate
`in an amount from 0.5% to 1% by weightof said formu-
`US 9,314,412 B2
`zinc hydroxide in an amount from 0.5% to 1.5% by weight
`of said formulation;
`magnesium hydroxide in an amount from 1.0% to 2.5% by
`weight of said formulation;
`sodium stearate in an amount from 4% to 8% by weight of 5
`said formulation;
`water in an amount from 15% to 20% by weight; and
`a balance of a cosmetically acceptablefiller,
`wherein said magnesium hydroxide and said zine hydroxide
`are present in a molar ratio UP to about 3:1.
`4. The formulation as set forth in claim 3, wherein said
`formulation further includes a member selected from the
`group consisting of a humectant, a glide agent, emollient,
`PABA, panthenol, lanolin, jojoba, ceramides, candela wax,
`beeswax,aloe vera, allantoin, anti-oxidants, butylene glycol,
`cyclomethicone dimethicone, disodium emulsifying wax eth-
`ylparaben,glycerin, glyceryl stearate, hydrolyzedoatprotein,
`methylparaben omental polysorbate 80, propylparaben,
`stearic acid, triethanolamine, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin 20
`E or tocopherol acetate, and shea butter.
`5. The formulation as set forth in claim 4, wherein said
`formulation further comprises a cosmetically acceptable
`thickener selected from the group consisting of guar guar,
`carrageenan, xanthan, gum tragacanth, gum Arabic, gum 25
`karaya, and locust bean gum.
`6. The formulation as set forth in claim 3, further including
`a cosmetically acceptable fragrance.
`7. A deodorant formulation in a solid stick form, compris-
`ing by weight of said formulation: 55% propylene glycol; 30
`20% water; 12% glycerine; 8% Sodium Stearate; 2.5%
`MgOH; 1.5% ZnOH; and 1% KCl.