`International Bureau
`(51) International Patent Classification 7 :
`(11) International Publication Number:
`WO 00/48373
`HO4L 29/06
`(43) International Publication Date:
`17 August 2000 (17.08.00)
`(22) International Filing Date:
`9 February 2000 (09.02.00)
`(30) Priority Data:
`10 February 1999 (10.02.99)
`(21) International Application Number:
`PCT/FI00/00090|(81) Designated States: AE, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG,
`SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG,
`US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW, ARIPO patent (GH, GM,KE,
`LS, MW,SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian patent (AM,
`AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European patent (AT,
`BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU,
`MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, Cl, CM,
`GA, GN, GW, ML, MR,NE, SN, TD, TG).
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): NOKIA MO-
`BILE PHONESLTD.[FI/FI]; Keilalahdentie 4, FIN-02150
`Espoo (FI).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): RINNE, Mika [FI/FI];
`Kourakuja 3 B 10, FIN-02320 Espoo (FI). KALLIOKULIJU,
`Juha [FI/FI]; Jokioistentie 5, FIN-37470 Vesilahti (FI).
`(74) Agent; BERGGREN OY AB; P.O. Box 16, FIN-00101
`Helsinki (FI).
`With international search report.
`Before the expiration of the time limit for amending the
`claims and to be republished in the event of the receipt of
`the first protocol layers of said protocol stack and which is delivered to the second protocol layers of said protocol stack.
`(57) Abstract
`A method for transferring information over a data connection in accordance with a protocol stack (206, 210) comprising first and
`second protocol layers. The method is characterized in that a protocol identifier is created the value of which is determined by meansof
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`Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the PCT.
`Bosnia and Herzegovina
`Burkina Faso
`Central African Republic
`Céte d'Ivoire
`Czech Republic
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`Viet Nam
`United Kingdom
`Democratic People’s
`Republic of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Saint Lucia
`Sri Lanka
`Republic of Moldova
`The former Yugoslav
`Republic of Macedonia
`New Zealand
`Russian Federation
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`WO 00/48373
`Methodfor informing layers of a protocol stack about the protocol in use
`The invention relates in general to communications protocol stacks. In particular the
`invention relates to information about the protocols used, which information is
`communicated between protocol layers.
`Data communication connections and the protocols used in them are usually de-
`picted using the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model which com-
`prises seven protocol layers. The idea of having protocol layers is that the functions
`of the layers and the interfaces between them are specified in detail, and a protocol
`in use in a given layer of the protocol stack may be changed into another one when
`desired. To ensure the interchangeability, the protocol layers only operate on the
`basis of information contained in the fields of their own particular protocol frames.
`Future communications networks, especially wireless networks, will employ termi-
`nals which will have different characteristics and some of which will be more ver-
`satile than current terminals. As there will be terminals of different qualities, the
`application software must to a certain extent be able to adapt to the characteristics
`of the terminals. Some applications may only be used on certain terminals and with
`certain protocols, but some of the programs will know how to adapt to the charac-
`teristics of the terminal and the data connection in use.If a terminal supports multi-
`ple protocolstacks, the protocols used can be negotiated when establishing the data
`connection. So, an application program does not necessarily have knowledge of the
`protocol stack on whichit is running.
`Resources management for data networks will be more complicated because of a
`wider selection of terminals, increased numberof applications, simultaneous use of
`different protocol stacks and increased use of the wireless network for packet
`switched data connections, among other things. Problems will be caused especially
`by the fact that for a reason or another data networks comprise heterogeneousparts.
`A packet switched data network, for example, may comprise a fixed and wireless
`part, or a private subnetwork in addition to the public fixed packet data network.
`Specifications of connections must be communicatedacross the interfaces, between
`the different parts of the network: for instance, if one part has less resources than
`another, it may be necessary to limit the amountofinformation transferred between
`them, or if different parts of the network use different meters for the quality of the
`conection, these quality parameters will have to be replaced by others. If a con-
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`WO 00/48373
`nection passes through a different part of the network and returns to a network of
`the original kind, the connection after that second interface should be as much as
`possible like the original connection. So, resources management at the interfaces
`and connection mappings acrosstheinterfaces should be coordinated.
`1 shows a packet switched data connection according to the prior art over a
`radio link. The protocol stacks used in the equipment are shown at the bottom, and
`the top of the protocol stack may be dynamically negotiated. The lowest two proto-
`col layers 103 and 104 are always the same both in the transmitter (TX) 101 and in
`the receiver (RX) 102. These protocol layers are associated with the physical link
`and its control, in this example with radio wave frequencies, transmission power
`and possible error correction and retransmission methods.In the transmitter of Fig.
`1, the top of the protocol stack may be selected from among threealternatives (105,
`106, 107), so the transmitter may connect with receivers that support any of these
`alternatives. In the receiver of Fig. 1, the top of the protocol stack may be selected
`from among twoalternatives (105, 106). The protocols used are negotiated during
`the connection setup stage so that both apparatus in Fig. 1 will use the same top of
`the protocol stack, either 105 or 106.
`Fig. 2 showsa prior-art packet switched data connectionat the interface between a
`fixed network and a wireless mobile radio access network. The radio access network
`comprises base stations and radio network controllers. A wireless terminal 201 is
`connected via a base station 202 to a radio network controller 203. The radio
`network controller is connected to a network node 204 at the border of the radio
`access network and the fixed network. By way of example, a second terminal 205 is
`shown connected directly to the network node. Morelikely it will be connected to
`the network node via routers and other network elements.
`Fig. 2 shows, at the bottom, the protocol stacks 206-210 of the apparatus. Each
`protocol layer’s protocol is denoted by the letter L plus the numberofthe protocol
`layer. In the lowest two protocol layers, which are different for the fixed network
`and wireless network, the protocols are marked by symbols in which the letter C
`refers to a fixed network and the letter R stands for radio access network.
`The radio access network employs two differentfirst-layer protocols, which are in
`Fig. 2 denoted by symbols L1/R1 and L1/R2. Protocol L1/R1is associated with the
`radio interface between a wireless terminal and base station, so it is used in the
`protocol stack 206 of the wireless terminal andin the protocol stack 207 of the base
`station at the radio interface side. Protocol L1/R2 is associated with radio access
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`WO 00/48373
`network connections over a fixedline, so it is used in the basestation protocol stack
`at the radio network controller side, in the radio network controller’s protocol stack,
`and in the protocol stack 209 of the network node 204 at the radio access network
`side. All radio access network elements as well as the wireless terminal use the
`same protocol L2/R in the second protocol layer or, if there are sublayers in the
`second protocollayer, at least its highest sublayer uses the same protocol. In the
`radio access network elements, protocol stacks 207 and 208 often cover only the
`lowest twolayers.
`At the fixed network side, between apparatus 204 and 205, the packet switched data
`connection is carried on top of a so-called core network bearer service. The term
`bearer service refers in this context mainly to the second layer of the protocolstack.
`The characteristics, say, data transfer capacity or quality, of this core network
`bearer service are influenced by the physical connections used and the methods
`associated therewith. The quality of the packet switched data connection properis
`usually specified at a higher level, e.g. as quality of service in the IPv6 protocol in
`the third protocol layer, and the bearer service is chosen such that it can meet the
`connection quality requirements.
`In the network node 203 or alternatively in node 204 the packet switched data
`connection carried upon a core network bearer service has to be taken on top of a
`radio access bearer service. In a wireless mobile radio access network there are a
`certain number of different radio access bearer services, and the qualities that
`describe them includee.g. the transferrate, bit error rate (BER) and whetheror not
`the reception of a transferred packet is verified as well as the size of the transfer
`window used for the verification. The network node must map the core network
`bearer service to a radio access bearer service that has enough capacity to guarantee
`a desired connection quality but without wasting radio resources, however. The
`network node’s protocol stack 209 uses in the lowest two layers of the protocol
`stack fixed network protocols at the fixed network side, and radio access network
`protocols at the radio access networkside.
`The third-layer protocol is determined on the basis of the protocol used in the
`packet switched data network. When a packet switched data connection is estab-
`lished, terminals 201 and 205 may negotiate the protocols used for the end-to-end
`connection. These protocols usually are protocols on top of the third protocollayer,
`and they are identical (or at least compatible) in the protocol stack 206 of the wire-
`less terminal and protocol stack 210 of the second terminal. The upper protocol
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`layers do not know that the end-to-end connection between the terminals has
`crossed a radio interface at some point; as far as they are concerned, the connection
`could as well be an end-to-end fixed connection.
`Prior-art end-to-end connections capable ofutilizing dynamically negotiated proto-
`col stacks involve certain problems. For example, in situations where an application
`knows how to present data as either text, pictures or video, it could exclude the
`video if it knew that the capacity of the data connectionis insufficientto transfer a
`video image. Moreover, the lower protocol layers do not have knowledge of the
`capabilities of the upper protocollayers as regards reception of data packets that are
`in disarray and some of which are missing. If a lower protocol layer does not make
`sure that the data packets are in order and a higher protocol expects them to be,
`problemsarelikely to occur.
`A prior-art multimedia application may useeither one or more data connections for
`the transfer of data. For example, data in text format may be transferred via one
`connection, a video image via a second and soundvia a third one, and, in addition,
`the application may all the time have a connection open through which to transfer
`commands associated with the synchronization of the objects presented. Another
`alternative is that these data travel through a single data connection,i.e. the applica-
`tion multiplexes the data streamsinto a single data stream andan application at the
`other end of the connection demultiplexes them so that they become separate again.
`If an application uses multiple separate data connections, problemsarise if the lower
`protocol layers do not understand that these connections belongto one andthe same
`application. In a situation where only part of the data can be delivered because of
`scarce resources, this may result in that the most important packet switched data
`connection, in which the control commandsare transferred, is slowed down or even
`For prior-art packet switched data network interfaces it is often necessary to either
`prioritize the data to be transferred, because of scarcity of data transfer resources, or
`map the connection quality defined in a certain manner to a connection defined by
`means of other parameters. In these situations, decision-makingin the lower proto-
`col layers would benefit if those layers had knowledge of the information trans-
`ferred over the connection. For example, knowledgeofthe typical data transferrate
`for the connection would help decide how much resources should be reserved for
`the connection. In the case ofprioritization, more detailed knowledge about the in-
`formation transferred (whetherit is, say, control commandsassociated with the ap-
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`WO 00/48373
`plication software or presentable data) would help in deciding what is the most im-
`portant information.
`An object of the invention is to provide a method with which it is possible to char-
`acterize data for lower protocol layers and the characteristics of the data connection
`for upper protocol layers. It is advantageous that the methodis a hierarchical one,
`i.e. it is first given a rough description which can then beparticularized. It is also
`advantageousthat the description is short.
`The objects of the invention are achieved by a method with which it is possible to
`indicate the protocols or parts of protocols used in given protocol layers to other
`layers of a protocol stack.
`The method according to the invention for transferring information over a data con-
`nection in accordance with a protocol stack comprising first and second protocol
`is characterized in that
`- a protocolidentifier is created,
`- a value for said protocol identifier is determined by meansofthe first protocol
`layers in said protocol stack, and
`- said protocol identifier is delivered to the second protocol layers in said protocol
`The upper-layer protocols or their coding methods, for example, characterize the
`amount of data transferred over a connection as well as burstiness of data, for
`example. Thus they describe the requirements on the data transfer and, thereby, on
`the lower protocol layers. The protocols alsotell, at least partly, what kind of data
`flow through the packet switched data connection. A method according to the
`invention, which identifies the protocols of an upper layer or layers, thustells the
`lowerprotocol layers what kind of data they are transferring. Thus it becomes pos-
`sible to handle the data packets according to their contents. For example, if the
`upper-layer protocols are such that they operate better when the data packets are
`delivered reliably and in the correct order, the lower-layer protocols may make sure
`that this happens.
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`WO 00/48373
`Correspondingly, certain lower-layer protocols are associated with data connections
`that have a limited transfer capacity. Thus, using the method according to the
`invention the upper-layer protocols may obtain information about the data connec-
`tion. For example, the transfer rate for a high-speed data connection in a GSM
`(Global System for Mobile Communications) network is a multiple of 9.6 or 14.4
`kbps and normally not more than 28.8 kbps. In a third-generation UMTS (Universal
`Mobile Telecommunications System) network the maximum data transfer capacity
`is 2 Mbps.If a terminal that can operate in both UMTS and GSM uses the method
`according to the invention to indicate to an application at the other end of the con-
`nection the protocol usedin the link layer, the application may use video to present
`the data, depending on the data transferrate.
`If the method according to the invention is used to communicate information from
`the upper protocols to the lower protocol layers, the information about the protocol
`may be added to the protocol frame. Advantageously a field is reserved in the frame
`for this purpose. Information in the protocol frame reachesall lower protocol layers
`in the same terminal, network element, network interface and/or terminal at the
`other end of the connection. If information is to be sent from the lower protocols to
`the higher ones, it has to be done indirectly. In a terminal, for example, the infor-
`mation about the lower protocols can be locally signaled to a higher protocol which
`places that information in its protocol frame or inserts it in the data to be trans-
`ferred. So the information travels over the connection and reaches the upper proto-
`col layers in the network element, network interface and/or terminal at the other end
`of the connection.
`In the method according to the invention the information about protocols, protocol
`versions or protocol elements may be transferred in protocol frames of a certain
`protocol layer, in a field reserved for that purpose. The advantage of using a special
`field is that the lower protocols need not go through and analyze the whole contents
`of the packets, but an identifier found at a certain location of a packet identifies the
`protocols. Another alternative is to communicate this information whensetting up
`the connection.In that case it may be transferred either in a data packet (say, proto-
`col field) associated with the handshake procedure or in a control connection sepa-
`rate from the packet switched data connection used for the data transfer if such a
`connectionis provided.
`Since the protocols used in data communications networks are widely known and
`ratified by standardizing bodies or corresponding organizations, information about
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`WO 00/48373
`them may be communicated using short identifiers. In addition, the identifier ac-
`cording to the invention for communicating protocol information is advantageously
`a hierarchical data structure, ie. a protocol or protocols is/are first
`roughly, whereafter a more detailed definition is given. Such a hierarchical data
`structure is flexible and fast to process as it quickly indicates whether the more de-
`tailed part contains relevant information.
`Information communicated by the method according to the invention may beutil-
`ized locally in the same terminal, in a network element at the network interface or in
`a terminal at the other end of the connection. The invention takes no position on
`how to decide in whichlayers the protocols are the most important as regards data
`transfer or data presentation formats, for instance, or where and how this informa-
`tion is utilized in the other protocollayers.
`The invention is below described in greater detail referring to the preferred em-
`bodiments of the invention and to the appended drawing, in which
`Fig. 1
`showsa prior-art packet switched data connection overa radio link with
`the protocolstacks,
`Fig. 2
`Fig. 3
`Fig. 4
`Fig. 5
`showsa prior-art packet switched data connection over the air interface
`of a wireless mobile network with the protocol stacks,
`shows a data communication method according to two preferred em-
`bodiments of the invention,
`showsin greater detail a protocol layer associated with a third preferred
`embodimentofthe invention,
`showsa data structure used for communicating protocol information ac-
`cording to a fourth preferred embodimentof the invention, and
`Fig. 6
`shows a schematic of an apparatus that employs the method accordingto
`a preferred embodimentofthe invention.
`Reference was already made to Figs. 1 and 2 in the description ofthe priorart.
`Fig. 3 schematically illustrates two methods according to a preferred embodiment of
`the invention for communicating information aboutthe protocols in use. The figure
`shows protocol frames associated with a certain packet switched data connection:
`the packet at the far right has been sentfirst. In each protocol frame, oblique lines
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`WO 00/48373
`indicate that portion of the protocol frame which communicates information about
`the protocols in use.
`The upper part of Fig. 3 shows a method in which the protocol frames 301-306 used
`for the data transfer proper carry protocol information as well. By way of example,
`each protocol frame in the figure contains a protocol identifier 307 (say, a protocol
`field). Depending on thesituation, the identifier may be in every protocol frame or
`only in part of the frames, e.g. in every hundredth frame.
`The bottom part of Fig. 3 shows a method in which the information about the proto-
`cols used is communicatedat the beginning of the connection. The packets 308-313
`associated with the data transfer are in chronological order from rightto left. In this
`case the information about the protocols used is in identifier 314 whichis in the first
`protocol frame 308 of the packet switched data connection, but it is more common
`that the information is transferred in one or more handshaking messages at the be-
`ginning of the connection. Anotheralternative is that the information is communi-
`cated via a separate control connection at the beginning of the connection. For
`example, in mobile networks a terminal usually has a control connection overthe air
`interface and radio access network to a network node on the border of the radio
`access network,i.e. the contro! connection exists between the terminal 201 and net-
`work element 204 in Fig. 2. This connection may be one of the so-called call
`control, session management, mobility management or radio resource management
`(L3) connections andit relates e.g. to the mobility management of the terminal, to
`the session management and/or
`to the management of the frequencies and
`transmission power used in the radio transmission. It may also be established
`between the terminal and a switch (not shown in Fig. 2) or another apparatus per-
`forming control functions. The information about the protocols used in the packet
`switched data connection may also betransferred via this control connection when
`opening the packet switched data connection.
`Fig. 4 showsa situation whichutilizes a preferred embodimentof the invention. Fig.
`4 depicts in more detail the structure of the second protocol layer of a radio access
`network in the packet switched data connection of Fig. 2 in an UMTSnetwork. In
`an UMTSnetwork, the packet switched data connections associated with a certain
`terminal or application may be linked together by means of an identifier called a
`packet switched data protocol context.
`At the radio access network side the second protocol layer comprises two sublayers:
`a link access control (LAC) protocol and media access control (MAC) protocol. Fig.
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`4 illustrates the operation of the LAC protocol: the third protocol layer is above in-
`terface 401 and the MAClayer is below interface 423. The layer 3 compatibility
`entity (L3CE;essentially equal to PDCP or Packet Data Convergence Protocol) 407
`adjacent to the third protocol layer comprises an administrative unit 408 and the
`compatibility unit 409 proper. The L3CE is responsible for recognizing the data
`transfer needs of the packet switched data protocol contexts and for presenting said
`needsto radio bearer services. Network service access points 403-406 are specified
`for the upper interface of the L3CE such that each access point has a network
`service access point identifier (NSAPI) of its own. Fig. 4 shows four network
`service access points by way of example. The L3CE administrative unit 408 has a
`network service access point 402 ofits own.
`Each packet switched data protocol context has at its disposal at least one network
`service access point via which data are transferred to the compatibility unit. At the
`lower interface 410 of the L3CE there are service access points 412-415 via which
`data are transferred to radio access bearer services. Each service access point with
`its characteristics corresponds to a certain type of radio access bearer service and
`there are as manyofthem asthere are possible different radio access bearer services
`(Fig. 4 shows four service access points corresponding to four different radio access
`bearer services), Service access point 411 is associated with data communications
`between the administrative units of the variouslayers.
`Operation of the compatibility unit 409 is controlled through the administrative unit
`408 and it has knowledgeof the packet switched data protocol contexts’ data trans-
`fer quality and quantity requirements agreed during the connection setup stage.
`However its main function is to flexibly map the network service access points to
`the service access points accordingto the data transfer needs of each particular net-
`work service access point andto limit the data transfer if an attempt is made to use a
`transfer rate that exceeds the resources reserved for the packet switched data proto-
`col context in question. It distributes the data packets coming through the network
`service access points to several service accesspoints if they have different connec-
`tion quality requirements.It is possible to direct data packets from multiple network
`service access points to one and the sameservice access point, ie. a single radio
`access bearer service may carry information arriving through several network serv-
`ice access points. The compatibility unit may also perform data or protocol field
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`WO 00/48373
`Logical link entities 419-422 in the logical link control (LLC) layer 416 control the
`data transfer over individual radio access bearer services. There is one logical link
`entity per each service access point. These entities use their own protocol structures
`into the data fields of which they place the data coming from the compatibility unit
`409 via the service access point. A logical link management (LLM) entity 417
`which controls the logical link entities is responsible, among other things, for the
`establishment and termination of the logical link connections, setting of initial pa-
`rameters ofa logical link, handling of certain error conditions and for the communi-
`cation of logical link control parameters between terminals. It communicates with
`the LLM entities of other network elements in the radio access network through a
`Jogical control link unit 418. From the LLC layer the LLC protocol frames are
`transferred across the LAC-MACinterface 423 at point 424.
`In a preferred embodiment of the invention a network node 204 at the interface of
`the fixed network and radio access network analyzes what protocols are used in the
`packet switched data connections. Eachlogical link entity of this network node adds
`to its protocol frame (all or just part of them or only during the handshake) a proto-
`col identifier which indicates the higher protocols used. Information about these
`protocols arrives at the logical link entities via the LLM entity 417. A protocol
`identifier may be utilized both for selecting a radio access bearer service for a
`packet switched data connection and for managing radio access bearer services. The
`protocol identifier may be especially helpful when solving in the MAClayer prob-
`lems such as repeated retransmissions caused by traffic congestion or transmission
`deadlocks. For example, selection of retransmission mode, size of possible ac-
`knowledge window and adjustmentofthat size, management of LLC packets, and
`estimation of the quantity of data transferred are functions where the identification
`of higher protocols is useful. If, for example,it is known that an application requires
`real-time data transfer, the radio access bearerservice will not carry out retransmis-
`sions andtries to send the packets in correctorder.
`Fig. 5 showsa hierarchical data structure 500 according to a preferred embodiment
`of the invention which identifies protocols in a multiprotocol environment. It is used
`e.g. in a radio access network to communicate information between the LLC and
`MAClayers shown in Fig. 4. The protocol identifier may be placed either in a
`special field in the protocol frame or within the data proper. The protocol identifier
`shown in Fig. 5 is two bytes long: the bytes are represented as horizontal rows and
`bits as vertical columns, the least significant bit being farthestto the right.
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`The most significant bit 501 in the first byte is a so-called poll/final (PF) bit the
`meaning of which depends on the type of protocol frame in the protocol field of
`which the protocol identifier is placed. The next four bits 502 are used for rough
`protocol identification, so the field could be called a protocol contentidentifier, for
`example. Each of these four bits is a so-called flag, indicating whethera given pro-
`tocol is in use. The bottom part of Fig. 5 showsthe structure of the protocol content
`identifier 502 in more detail. The protocols chosen are data communication proto-
`cols typically used in packet switched networks. For example, the first IP (Internet
`Protocol) identifier in the protocol content identifier is associated with the network-
`layer protocol: 0 indicates that the network protocol used is not IP, and 1 indicates
`that the protocol is IP. The second PR (Packet Radio) identifier is associated with
`the wireless packet switched network used: 0 indicates that a GPRS (General Packet
`Radio Service) network is not used, and 1 indicates that a GPRS networkis used.
`The third TU (Transmission Control Protocol / User Datagram Protocol) identifier
`distinguishes between the TCP and UDPprotocols: 0 corresponds to the use of UDP
`and 1 corresponds to the use of TCP. The fourth AP (Application Protocol)
`identifier indicates whetheror not the data structure describes the application proto-
`col in more detail (0 means no, 1 meansyes).
`Thelast three bits in the first byte of the protocol identifier 500 constitute a protocol
`field 503 which defines the application protocol in use. Thefield could be called a
`protocol contentidentity group, for example. If the IP identifier is 1 in the protocol
`content identifier, value 000 in the protocol content identity group corresponds