`(») United States Patent
`Oh et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(4s) Date of Patent:
`US 7&294&159 $2
`Noy. 13, 2007
`6,238451 01
`fi,334.2&4 Bl '
`Inventors: dang-keun Oh. Owm&gju (KR),
`Ilynn-j u I.ec..leonju (KR)
`r.'onrad et al
`2002 6'omad et al.....
`tS 347
`(73) Assignee Samsung Gwangju Klectronim Co.,
`Ltd., Ciwanugu (KR)
`( '
`Subject to any disclaimer, the tenn of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 57 days.
`(21) Appl. Nos 10/840,230
`Mav 7, 2004
`1296801 A
`Prior Publication Data
`VS 2005/0050864 Al
`Mar. 10. 2005
`r.'h&nese Pa&en& t&if&ce, Otlir.e Achoa issued Jan 20. 2006 wuh
`respect to 6'luaese Apphca»on Vo 2004100493683 filed on Jun
`10. 2004
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Prnavr& Frvviiner Robert A Hopkins
`(74) drome&: iigen/, vr Firm Blank Rome LLP
`D&sclosed &s a cyclone separating apparatus aod a vncuum
`cleaner having the s"une The cyclone separating appnratus
`includes a first cyclone for separating dust-ladcned air, 0
`plurniin of second cyclones for separating fine dust particles
`via a second sepamtion of dust using centrtfugal force from
`air which was previriusly separated at thc lint cyclone, and
`an inlet-outlet cover installed on the upper part of the first
`cyclone and the second cyclones. The u&let-outlet cover
`allows fh&id-conumufication between the first cyclone and
`thc second cvcloncs. and discharge of dust-rcmovcd air from
`the second cyclone. Because the pluml&ty of cyclones sepa-
`rates dust ut&1&zinvg a compact strucn&re, suction force dete-
`riora&ion is prevcnu:d m&d dust-collecting cfficjcncy is
`8 Claim~, 5 Dra&sing Sheets
`Sep. 9. 2003
`...................... 10-2003-0063211
`(5 1)
`Int. CL
`/I//I/) 45i/2
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`(2006 01)
`55/343: 55/349: 55!459.1.
`55/DKi, 3; 15/350: 15&353
`(58) Field of Classification Search .................. 55/343,
`55/346. 348, 349, 42/i. 459 I, DICi
`'3, 15/350,
`See application file for complete search history
`References Cited
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`Spamsh Patent tjifice, State of the Art issue&I Apr
`19, 20(16 with
`respect to Spanish Patent Application No. 200402015 filisi Aug. 12.
`(ieunan Patent and 'fr ulemark Office. Oflice Action dated Jul 4,
`2006, rvrth respect to Clerman Application Vo 1020040286779
`liled on Jun 14. 2004.
`Canadian Patont Office, (ifficc Action issued Aug 17. 2006, with
`respect to Canadian Patent Application No 2,469.533 file on.lnn
`2. 2004
`Russian Paten& Oflice. Oflice Action issued rn Connection iwlh
`Russian Patent Application No. 2004118404
`1rcnch Patent Officc. Scmch Report issued Apr 12, 2006, with
`respect to French Apphcation No 0406487 filed on Jun i5. 2004
`But&ah Patent Oflice, ('ombmed Search and Ex umnalron Repon
`Issued Oct 29, 2004, wnh respect to But&ah Patent Application No
`0412903 7
`Russian Patent &jlfice, Oflice Action issued m connection with
`Russian Patent Applrcanon No 2004120073
`('hrnese Patent (jffice,
`(jffice Ar:tron issued Jan 20. 2006.
`conner.&&on wr&h C'hrnese Patent Application No 200410049219 7
`liled on Jun 2, 2004.
`Spanish Patent Oflice, State of the Art Repon issued Apr 17, 2006,
`with rcspcct to Spamsh Patent Application No 200401753, filed on
`I&i, 2004
`Japanese Patent (jffrce, Office Action rssuisf Jun. 20. 2006 wnh
`respect to Japanese Patent Application Vo 200446393 filed on I eh
`23. 2004.
`Gcunan Patent (Mice. Ofiico Action issued Jul
`I l. 2006 with
`respect lo Gernmn Patent Application Yo 102004028678 7 filed on
`Jun 14, 2004
`Russian Patent (jfijce. Offiie Action issued rn connection wnh
`Russian Patent Application No 2004121431
`Chinese Patent Officu Ofhce Action issued Jan 6. 2006.
`rcspcct to C'hinese Patent Application No 200410049132 X
`Spanish Parent Cjfficc, Officc Action issued 3(mch 16. 200(i, with
`respect to Spanish Paient Applimilion Vo 200401i31
`Korean Patent Office, Office Act«m issued Jul 29, 2005, with
`respect to Korean Patent Application No 2003-63211 filed on Sep
`9, 2003
`Japanese Patent (jtficc, Office Action issued Dcc
`19, 2006 with
`respect to japanese Patent Applrcauon Vo 2004-S180&i, filed Feh
`26. 2004.
`hench Patent Office. Prelmunmy Search Report issued I eh 22,
`2007, with rcspcct to Ficnch Patent Application Vmnhcr 040625(j,
`filed Jun 9, 2004
`"'ited by exannner
`Dyson Ex1013
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 13,2007
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`US 7,294,159 B2
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`U.S. Patent
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`FIG. 3
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 13,2007
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`FIG. 6
`5 6
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`US 7,294,
`159 B2
`'lliis application claims priority under 35 U.S.(l I 119 to
`Korean Patent Applica&ion No 2003-63211, filed on Sep. 9.
`2003, the entire content of &ihich is incorporated herein by
`This application is related to copending applications
`entitled "Cyclone Dust Separating Apparatus and Vacuum
`Cleaner having the smue" (IJ.S application Ser. No 10/840,
`231. filed May 7, 2004), "Cyclone Sepanting Apparatus and
`Vacuum Cleaner Equipped with the smne'* (ll S application
`Ser. No. 10/840.229. filed May 7, 2004. now U.S. Pat. No.
`7.097.680, issued Aug. 29. 2006), and "('yclone Sepamting
`Appili'afils &&lid Vite&i&a&1 Clean«&'&acing the mime*'IJ S.
`appbcauon Ser. No. 10/840.248. Iiled May 7. 2004). whose
`disclomires aro owned by the sanm assignee as tlm present
`appbcatmn and are en&irely incorporated herein by refer-
`invention relates u& a cyclone scpi&mfing
`Tlm presvnt
`apparatus and vacuum cleaner having the same, and more 1«
`particularly to a cyclone separating appamtus. comprising a
`first cyclone. a plurality of scvond cyclones. and an inlct-
`outlet cover installed on the upper part of the first cyclone
`mid the second cyclones for communication between the
`first cyclone and the second cyclones. and, thmugh wluch air "»-
`from which dust has been sepamsted at the second cyclone,
`ls disci«&gad.
`st &
`Generally. a cyclone separating apparatus operates to
`svparaic dust mid dirt usmg. centrifngid liircc by generaung
`a rotational current uiside of the cyclone chamber. The
`cyclone separating appar,miscs are widely used in a vimiety
`ol'ields. IJ S Pab Nos. 3A25.192 and 4B73,228 disclose ss
`embodunents adoptuig the structure of the aforementioned
`cyclone separating apparatus to tlm vacuum clcancr Thc
`above-n&entionesl US Patents disclose the cyclone dusi-
`collecting apparatus for separating dust from dust-ladened
`air through a plurality of cyclones In the constmction, large
`dust particles are separated by the first cyclone, and cleaned
`air flows into the second cyclone or the auxiliary cyclone
`where it is filtered again to smpansie small &hist par«clos or
`dirt. I'uriTied air is disclnr ed to the outside. LJ.S. Pat. No.
`3.425.192 discloses that the mixiliary cyclone is arranged on
`the upper part of the first cyclone so that lar e dust particles
`are separated at the main cyclone (tlie first cyclone) and
`partially purilied ur flows uito thc mixibary cycl&me, where
`small dust panicles are separated. U.S. Pat. No. 4.373,228
`discloses a plurality of cyclone units in which the auxiliary &o
`cyclones are installed inside of the first cyclone The con-
`ventional cyclone separatuig apparatuses, however, have the
`I'olkuving problems
`First, the stnicture where tlie first cyclone is connected to
`the auxiliary cyclone is complicated, and thc suctiim force &
`genemted from the maui body of the ~ac«urn cleaner is hard
`to deliver, tin&a em&sing the suction operation and cleaning
`efficiency to deteriorate Secondly. since tlm arrangemmit of
`the first cyclone and the auxiliary cyclone Is not compact,
`the cyclone separating apparatus indispensably requires to
`bc large enough to adequately perform tlm dust-collimting
`the vacuum cleaner with such a
`opemtion. Accordingly.
`cyclone separating apparatus is bulky. diff&cult to maintain
`and cmises an uiconvenience to a user to operate. Thirdly,
`the conventional cyclone separating apparatuses are prob-
`lematic in that suicc a connection path bc&&veen thc lirst
`cyclone and the auxiliary cyclone Is complicated, a produc-
`tion pmcess is complicated and. therefore. the number of
`parts and produciion costs are uicreasisl
`Thus. a heretolore unaddressed need exists in the industry
`to address tlm afiiremmitioned deficiencies mid inadequa-
`Tlm prcscnt invention has been developed in order to
`solve the above drawbacks and oiher problems associnted
`with the conventional arrangement. An object of the present
`invention is to pmvide a cyclone separating npparatus of a
`compact structure, and a vacuum cleaner having the same,
`which is capable of increasing dust-collecting cfliciency in
`a plurality of Ihe cyclone dust-collectin appamsiuses. and
`also preventing deterioration of a suction force.
`The fliregoing and other nb(&cuts mid advantage~ are
`substantially resized by pro~&ding a cyclone separating
`apparams for use In a vacuum cleaner, comprising a first
`cyclone for separating dust from dust-Inde«ed ur, a plurality
`of second cyclones for separating minute particles of dust
`from thc dust-ladencd air by secondly separating dust I'rom
`the dust-ladened air with a centwfugal fire«. and. an inlet-
`outlet cover &bsposed on an upper part of the hrst cyclone
`and tlm second cyclones Ilor a fluid-cmnmunication bet« ccn
`the lirst cyclone and the second cyclones. Purified air
`cleaned by tlm second cyclone is discharged tlm&ugh the
`inlci-outlet cover
`The inlet-outlet co~sr includes an air channel connected
`in a manner that air discharged I'rom the first cyclone Ikuvs
`imo the secoml cyckme. A plurality of outlet channels
`penetmte in the inlet-outlet cover so air can be dischaiged
`thercthrough from the second cyclone A prcdetcrmined
`portion of the outlet chmuiel is inserted uito the second outlet
`when the inlet-outlet cover is joined to the second cyclone
`allowing air to discharge through the outlet channel
`One end of the outlet clmnnel is connected to the second
`outlet formed on one side of the second cyclone. and the
`other end is open in an upward direction of the Inlet-outlet
`cover. The other end of the outlet channel is cut into a slope
`inc luiing to&sard a central direct«m o I'he uilet-outlet cover.
`The first cyclone includes a first chamber in which
`dust-Indene«I air is si7«rated by a centrifugal
`liirci, a firsi
`inlet formed in the first chamber through which dust-1«dened
`air flows, and a fimt outlet fonnixl in the first clnmber from
`uhich air is discharged. Each of the second cyclones
`includes a second clmmber for separating dust a second tune
`lorce using air which i&as previously
`via a centrifugal
`separated at the first cyclone, a second uilet formed in the
`second chamber through which air discharged from the first
`cyclone lloi&s. and. a second outlet formed in the seco&xl
`chamber, through which dust-separated air is &bscharged.
`The first chamber is formed substantially in a cylindncal
`sliap. and the second clmmber is formed wherein a prede-
`termined part of one cnd is substmitially in a fnistum-conical
`slmpe. 11&e cyclone separatuig apparatus fiuther includes a
`cyclone cover installed on an upper part of the inlet-outlet
`Dyson Ex1013
`Page 8
`US 7,294,159 B2
`covm The cyclmie cover is substantially in a conical slmpe
`with opmi upper and lower spaces. Thc second cyclo&ms are
`installed on an outer penphery of the first cyclone to enclose
`the first cyclmle mid the second
`the limt cyclone, and,
`cyclones are integrally fomicd. A s¶ting peru(ion is
`installed between tile second cyclones.
`'11m fiiregoing and otlmr objects and advanmges are
`substantially realized by providing a vacuum cleaner com-
`prising a vacuum cleaner main body for sgenerating a suction
`I'orce lo draw-in dust-ladeued air, a bottom bnish I'or draw-
`ing-in dust from a bottom wliich is a surface to be cieansxt,
`wherein, the bottom brush is in flui-conunlulication with
`flie vacuum cleaner m un body. A cyclone separating appa-
`ratus is installed in the vacuum cleaner niain body The
`cyclone sepamting appamstus includes a first cyclone for
`separatulg dust-ladened air, a plurality of second cyclones
`for separating line dust particles by separaun air a second
`time using air which was previously sc7amtcd at thc first
`force, mid an inlet-outlet cover io
`cyclone via centrihigal
`uistalled on mi upper part of the tirst cyclone and the second
`cyclones. The inlet-outlet cover pmvldes tluld-communica-
`tion bcbvcmn thc first cyclone and thc second cyclones,
`through wlfich dust-removed air from the second cyclone is
`dischar ed
`The inlet-outlet cover includes mi air channel conncctcd
`ui a manner that afloi& s air discharged I'rom the tirst cyclone
`to tlow into the sex:ond cyclone, and, a plurality of outlet
`chminels tluit pcnctratc thr&mgh the inlet-outlet cover and ."o
`alloii ing air to dischaoge from the second cyclone.
`Other systems. methods, features, and advanta es of the
`present invention will be or become apparent to one with
`skill ui the art upon exmninauou. of the I'ollowlng drawings
`and detailed descnption. It is intended that all such addl-
`I'eatures. aml advantages be
`systems, metho&Ls,
`uicluded within this description. be wlthul the swipe of the
`present mvention. and be protected by the accompanying
`lite above aspects and features of the present invmition
`will bc more apprment by describing certnin embodiments of
`the present invention with reference to the accompanying s.
`drawings. The components in the dmwings are not neces-
`sanly to scale, emphasis instead being placed upon clearly
`illustrating the principle of the present mvention. Moreover.
`ul the drauiugs. bke relhren&9 numerals designate corre-
`sponding parts fluoughout the sevemsl vie&vs.
`FIG I is a drawing of ml exploded. perspecui e viei& of
`a main part of a cyclone separating apparatus according to
`an mnbodimont of the prcscnt invmition,
`FKI. 2 is a dmwing of a cross-sectional vieii of a cyclone
`separatuig apparatus accordulg to an embodiment of tile "
`present invention;
`FI(i. 3 Is a dmv lllg ot
`'I partially cllt, pet'spectlve,
`cross-sectional view of a cyclone sepamting apparatus
`accordulg io ml emboduuent of the present invention,
`FIG 4 is a drawing of a perspective view slxlwing an
`nflet-outlet cover ot'
`cyclone separaung appanitus con-
`nected according to an embodiment of tlm present invention;
`FIG. 5 is a drawing of a scliematlc. cross-sectional view
`of a canister-type vacuum cleaner adopting a cyclone sepa-
`ratin apparatus according to an embodiment of the present
`invention; and
`FI(i. 6 is a drawing ol'n sclmmatic, perspective view of mi
`upn ht-type vacuum cleaner adoptulg a cyclone sepamun
`apparatus according to an embodiment of the present invmi-
`inventlou util be
`Certain enlbodiments of the present
`described in yeater detail with reference to the accompa-
`nv&rlu di'au illgS.
`The cyclone separating apparatus accordulg to a preferred
`embodiment of the present invention uicludes a hrst cyclone
`IH, a plurahty ol'second cyclones 113, an ullet-outlet cover
`190 installed on the upper part of the first cyclone 111 and
`tlm second cyclones H3, a cyclone cover 191, and a dust-
`collecting uiut 165. A plurality of the second cyclones 113
`is installed on the outer periphery of the first cyclone 111
`lhe fimt cychme 111 The first cyclone Hl, and
`each ol'he second cyclones 113 are integrally I'onned. alai
`a sepamting partition 25U is installed betwseen the second
`cyclones 113 (refer to FI(i 3). The presence of thc separat-
`ing partition 25U increases the firnuiess of the cyclone
`separating apparatus 1UU becmise the separating partition
`250 partitions each of the second cyclones 113.
`A chamber wall 147 is formed ui a cylindrical shape
`around the second cyclones 113. Tlm chamber wall 147 cmi
`assume a variety of polygonal shapes depending on the
`sliape of the chamber wall 147 wluch is received in the
`vacuiun cleaner nuun body 10 (refer to I'IGS 5 mid 6)
`The first cyclone 111 uicludes a hrst chamber 115, a tirst
`inlet 121, a tirst outlet 123. Snd a grill incmbcr 130 The tirst
`chamber 115 is I'onned in a cyluidncal shape uld separates
`dust from air via the centnfugal force of the rotating air
`currcnk Tlm grill mmnber 130 is installed in thc upstreamol'hefirst outlet 123 to prevent dust separated from drawn-ln
`air from fiowing backward tluough the tirst outlet 123 The
`grill mmnbcr 130 includes a grill bodv 131 with a pluraliiy
`of channels. a ~vfll opening 133, and a shielding member
`135 Tile grill opening 133 is fornwd in one side of the grill
`body 131 tbr cleaned air to disclunyc, and is in fluid-
`conununication with the first outlet 123. The shielding
`niember 135 is fo oned on thc otlmr side of the grill body 131
`and prevents separated dust from flowing backward.
`The second cyclone 113 includes a second chamber 145,
`a second inlet 141. and a second outlet 143. The second
`clmmbcr 145 is fomied so that a predetermined part on onc
`end is of a conical shape and separates dust-ladened air using
`centrifugal force. Air discharged fmm the first cyclone 111
`flows into the second inlet 141. and air separated by the
`second chamber 145 ls disclmrged to the second outlet 143
`using centrifugal force
`The inlet-outlet cover 190 is installed on the upper pan of
`the first and second cyckmes HI and 113, slid includes mi
`air channel 197 for fluid-minimunication beti&een thc lirst
`outlet 123 of the first cyclone 111 and the second inlet 141
`of tlm second cyclone 113, and an outlet channel 199. Thc
`outlet ch umel 199 is in fluid-conunumcation with the sec-
`ond outlet 143 of thc second cyclone 113, and is inserted into
`th&. Second outlet 143 of thc second cyclone 113 When the
`inlet-outlet cover 19U ls )oined to the second cyclone 113, a
`prcdetelluinixt portion of the outlet channel 199 is inserted
`ulto the second outlet 143 so puntied air cmi be dlschar ed
`tluough the outlet channel 199. One end of tile outlet
`clranncl 199 is connected to tlw second outlet 143 of the
`second cyclone 113, and the other end is open ul an upward
`direction of the inlet-outlet cover 190. The other end of the
`Dyson Ex1013
`Page 9
`US 7,294,159 B2
`oudet channel 199 is cut in an angle m&d slopes towards the
`center of the inlet-outlet over 190, allov;&ng air d&scharged
`from the second cyclone 113 to easily accumulate at the
`cyclone cover 191 (refi:r to Flfi. 4)
`The cyclone cover 191 &s formed &n a conical shape u&th
`open upper and lov;er spaces. The cyclone cover 191 is
`lo thc upper pa&l of the
`detacfmbly disposed w&lh resp&el
`u&let-outlet cover 190. A&r d&scharged from the second outlet
`143 of the second cyclone 113 accumulates and is d&s-
`chargcd &o the oumside of the cyclone svp using appara&us
`100 tluough an upper ope&ung 193 formed on the upper
`space ofthe cyclone cover 191
`The dust-collecting un&t 165 u&eludes a first dust-collect-
`ing bucket 161 and a second dust-collecting bucket 163. Il&e
`lirst dusl-collecting bucket 161 is formed mtegrally &vith thc
`second dust-collecting bucket 163. The second dust-collect-
`ing bucket 163 may be fortned tms a hoflow cylinder or
`substantially as a hollow cylinder. The samond dust-collec&-
`bucket 163 &s detachably )oined uith respect to the
`chmnber wall 147 which is formed on tlm outside of the "-"
`sccond cyclone 113. The first dust-collecting bucket 161
`may be formed as a hollow cylinder or substantially as a
`hollow cylinder The lirst dust-collecting bucket 161 is
`formed ins&de of the second dust-collect&ng bucket 163, and
`is detachably joined with respsect to the tirst chamber 115 of-"'helirst cyclone 111
`Hereinafter, a vacuum cleaner ivith the cyclone separating
`i&ppamtus according lo an crnbodimenl ol'he present in&ca-
`non u&ll be descrtbed
`As shown in FICI 5, a dusl-cofleeting rooni 12 is dcfincd
`by a partition 17 fom&ed in one s&de u& the interior of the
`vactnun cleaner main body 10 and a cyclone sepamting
`apparatus 100 which is positioned inside llm &hist-miflccling
`room 12 A first inlet 121 &s formed u& one side of the upper „
`part of the periphery of the cyclone separating appmatus 100
`I'or dust-ladened air to pass therethrough as air is drawn-mlo
`the cyclone separating apparatus 100 via a tlex&ble hose 15
`of the vacuum cleaner by the suction fiircc generated using
`a motor (not sluiwn)
`An upper opening 193 is fornwd in tlm central part of the
`upper mid of the cvclone separtitn& apparatus 100 to aflmv
`air to pass there&i&ough when air ascends after the dust-
`tiltefing by thc centrifugal force The cyclone scpartiting
`app us&us 100 can be en&pioyed m an uprighl-tipe vacuu&u ss
`cleaner as well as the canister-type vacuum cleaner. The
`upright-type vacuum cleaner adopting thc cyclone separat-
`ing apparanis 1W w&11 be descrtbed with reference to FIO.
`6 as described below.
`A vacuum generalin nppnralus(nol shoun), i e.. a motor su
`operating part. exists in the inside of a cleaner main body I U.
`A suction brush 60 is connected in a nu1vablc fashion with
`respect to the lower side of the cleaner ma&n body 10, and
`a cyclone mounting part 65 is prepared on the front center
`ol'he cleaner main body 10. An air suction channel 70 ss
`wluch connects to the suction brush 60. and an a&r d&sclmrg-
`ing channel 75 which connmts to the motor operating part.
`also exist &n the &ns&de of the cyclone mountin part 65.
`Thc first inlet 121 of the cyclone scpamting apparatus 100 ni
`is in tluid-communication w&th the air suction channel 70.
`m&d the upper opening 193 is in fluid-communication with
`the mr d&scharg&n channel 75. Accord&ugly, dust and dirt are
`separated, wlule air drawn-in through the suction brush 60,
`passes through the cycloim separating apparams IW puri-
`fied air &s discharged to the outs&de by way of the upper
`opm&ine& 193 and tl&e air discharging channel 75.
`st &
`The operations ol'he cyclone separating apparatus 100
`w&th the constrtiction descnbed above and the vacuum
`clem&er with the same. &vill be described with reference to
`I —6 hereinafter
`As the suction force &s generated at the vacuum cleaner
`main body 10, a bottom brt&sh 6U, wlfich is connected to the
`vacuum cleaner ma&n body 10, draws-in dust-ladened ur
`fyom a surface to be cleaned. A&r flows into the first chamber
`115 in a tangential dir&mtion along tlm first inlet 121 ol'he
`cyclone separat&ng apparatus 100 and is (iltered at the (irst
`cyclone 111 by the centrtfugal force. As a result,
`particles of &his& are separated I'rom air nnd collected at the
`first dust-collect&ng bucket 161.
`the lirst
`In particular,
`cyclone 111 operates to sepamtc large particles ol'dust from
`the drimn-in air using a sucnon force gm&crated al
`vacuum cleaner main body 10. The first chamber 115 of the
`tirst cyclone 111 gene&ates thc centrifugal force by rotating
`air flowu& through thefirst u&let 121alon the u&acr wall of
`the first chamber 115 in a tangential direction with respect to
`thc lirst chanibcr Air, bein relatively light in wcighn is less
`intluenced by the centrifugal force. and therefore, air con-
`verges on the centml portion of the first chamber 115 and is
`d&scharged u& a v,hirlmg nr current tov,ard the li&st outlet
`In contmst, dust or dirt is relatively hcavy compared to air,
`and when subjected to the centnfi&gal force tloiis along the
`inner wall ofthe first chamber 115 and is collected at the first
`dust-collecung bucket 161.
`Once-liftered air Ikiivs throu h the hrst outlet 123 of the
`lirst clxunbcr 115, passes by tlm air channel 197 and into lhc
`second cluunber 145 in a tangent&af d&recuon through the
`second inlet 141 of the second cyclone 113. Since the air
`channel 197 is divided into small channels in a radial pa&lcm
`from the center. one large a&r stream &s brm&chad into small
`air streams Accordingly, the large air stream is cff&cicntly
`div&ded in lhc second cyclone 113 Air tlmt has fl&& ued into
`the second chamber 145 is filtered aga&n by the centrifugal
`fiircc, so that small dust particles or dirt are scparatcd and
`col)en&el at the seco&id dusl-coflectu&g bucket 163. The linc
`the second dust-colhx:ting
`dust particles are collected at
`bucket 163 by a plurality of tlm second cyclones 113
`A separat&n partit&on 250 &s formed between the second
`cyclones 113 and prevents. dust from flowing backs& ard, and
`allows m& efficien dust-collecting process wlmn separated
`dust fails down to the second dust-collecting bucket 163.
`Afler the second dust-separation using centrifugal force, air
`floivs through the second outlet 143 of the second cyclone
`113, passes by the outlet channel 199 of the inlet-outlet
`cover 190. convergms on the cyclone cover 191, and is
`d&schar ed tluough the upper opening 193 formed &n the
`upper part of the cyclone cover 191 (refer to FIO. 2).
`The outlet channel 199 of the inlet-outlet cover 190
`pmlects from the inlet-outlet cover 190. and the end of the
`outlet channel 199 is cut into a slope across its cross section,
`afloiiu&g d&schargcxI air to converge on the cyclone cover
`191 more eff&ciently. An air discharging strticture using
`slope-cutting can prcvcnl suction liirce dcleriorati&n& ol'he
`vacuum cle mer main body 10, and increases dust-collectn&g
`Thc second cvclonc 113 scpamtes thc fins dust particles
`from mr that have been filtered once at the first cyclone 111.
`the cyclone ssupamting appmatus 100
`In other
`unproves dust-collect&ng eflic&ency by perfiirming the iniual
`dust-separation process at the first cyclone 111 and perform-
`ing tlm second scpamtion process at a plurality of the second
`cyclones 113. In the cyclone separat&ng apparatus IW as
`described above. the distance between the tirst outlet 123 of
`Dyson Ex1013
`Page 10
`US 7,294,159 B2
`apparatus for use in a vacuum
`the first cyckmc 111 and tlm scccond inlet 141 of the second
`cyclone 113 &s reduced compared to the related art as
`d&sclosed in I3.5. Pat. Nos. 3,425.192 and 4,373.220. Hence,
`suction force deterioration is prevented, and dust-collecting
`improved. After the processes as descr&bed 1
`efficiency &s
`above. air from the cyclone separating apparatus 100 is
`d&scharged to the outside throu J& the vacuum cleaner nuun
`body 10.
`from the foregoing,
`As is apparent
`the conventi&aml
`cyclone separat&ng apparatus used to have a problem oi lov, ui
`dust-collecting eflic&ency and was liniited to some extent
`niauily in lcrms of suction force efliciency. However,
`tlu ough the improvement of the shape of the outlet ch uuiel
`of the inlet-outlet cover of the cyclone separating apparatu~,
`a compact structure is reafixed, suction fi&rce detertoration is
`prevented, and dust-collecting efliciency is increased.
`The foregoing embodiment m&d advantages arc merely
`exemplary uid are not to bc constrtied ms hmituig the present
`invention. The present teaching can be readily applied to
`tho dcscriptklll of thc lo
`olher types of apparatuses Also,
`embodiments of the present
`invention is intended to be
`illustrative, and not to limit the scope of the claims, and
`many alternat&ves, mod&iieet&ons. and variations w&ll be
`apparent to those skilled in the art.
`What is claimed is.
`1. A cyclone sepamst&n
`cleaner, comprtsing:
`a lirsi cyclone for separating dust from dust-lade&&ed air.
`a plural&ty of second cyclones for sepamsting minute
`particles of dust frmn dust-ladhncd air by a svrond
`separat&on ol'ust fmm dust-ladened ur isith a cen-
`trifugal force: and
`mi inlet-outlet cover disposed on an upper part of thc lirst
`cyclone and the second cyclones. Ibr a fluid-commu-
`nication betwmen the Iirst cyclone and thc second "»
`cyclones, the inlet-&mtlet cover thr&mgh ivhich purtlicd
`a&r cleaned by the second cyclone. &s d&scharged.
`&he inl&:t-outlet cover conipriscs m& mr channel connected
`such that tile whole of air disclmrged fmm the first so
`cyclone floe s into at least one of the plurality of second
`wherein the inlet-outlet cover comprises a plumlity of
`ouilei channels penetrating into thc inlet-outlet cover so
`air can be discharged from at least one of the plurahty 4.
`of second cyclones,
`the first cyclone includes at least a Iirst outlet,
`at least one of the plurality of second cyclones includes at
`least a secmid outlet, and
`at least a port&on of the plural&ty of outlet clmnnels &s
`inserted into the second outlet so that cleaned air is
`discluiiged through the plurality ol outlet channels,
`where&n one end of the outlet channel &s connected to the
`second outlet formed on one siCk of the at lmlst imc
`second cyclone, and the other end is open in mi upward
`direction of the inlet-outlet cover. and
`tlm other cnd of tlm outlet clrannel
`is cut into a skipc
`mclimng toward a central d&rection of the inlet-outlet
`2. The apparatus according to clnim I, wherein the first
`cyclone compnses:
`a lirst chamber in which dust-ladened air is sc7&am&cd by
`a centrifugal force:
`a first udet formed in the lirst chamber, through i&luck
`dust-ladened air flows, and
`the first outlet. winch &s formed in the hrst chmnber from
`wliich air is discharged.
`3, Tile apparatus accord&ng to clium 2, wherein each ofthe
`second cyclones comprises:
`a scccond chamber liir separating dust a as~cond time using
`Iorce from mr ~hick was prevniusly
`a centrifugal
`separatcxI at the first cvclone;
`a second inlet formed in the second chamber, through
`wlurh a&r d&scharged from the first cyclone flov s: and
`the second outlet, wluch &s formed in the second chamber„
`tluough Cluck dust-separated mr &s discharged.
`'Hie apparatus according to clean 3, wherein tl&e first
`cluimber &s fornied substantially ui n cylindrical slrape and
`the second chamber is formed with a part of one end
`substantially in a fnistun&-conical slulpe
`5 Tlm apparnlu: according to claim I, wherein the
`cyclone separatnig apparatus further comprises a cyclone
`cover installed on an upper part of the inlet-outlet cover.
`llm apparel&Is accord&I'Ig to cia&&u 5,
`cyclone cover &s substmitially ui a conical shape w&th open
`upper and loller spaces.
`7. A vacuulu clca&lcl'olllpflsillg:
`a vncuum cleaner mnin body for gmicrating a suction
`force to drtnv-m dust-Iadened air,
`a bouom brush for dr nvmg-&n dust from a bottom„winch
`is a surface to be cleaned, using the suction force,
`wh&rcin the bottom brush is in fluid-cmnmummition
`ivlth thc vile&ill&&I clcallcr lllill&1 body: mid
`a cyclone separating apparatus installed in the vacuiun
`cleaner main body,
`wherein tlm cyclone sepamting apparatus comprisem
`a first cyclone for separating dust-ladened air,
`a plural&ty of second cyclones for sepa