`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 10&327&607 B2
`Jnn. 25, 2019
`(71) Applicant: Omachron Intellectual Property Inc.,
`IJanipton (( A)
`Invmitor Wayne Ernest Conrad, Hampton (CA)
`Field of ClassiTication Search
`USPC ............................... IS/3S3. 3SO. 3S2. 327.2
`S&se appl&canon file li&r complete search lustory.
`References Cited
`(73) Assignee: Omachron Intellectual Property Inc..
`Hampton, Ontario (CA)
`3,425.&02 A
`6.228,260 0 1
`2 1'l&w 1&av&s
`("onr nl
`A47L 9&1683
`133G154 A
`1875846 4
`Enghsh mach&ne tianslst&on of CN&336154A published as of Feh
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`Pr&matt E&amtner
`Joseph J ihsil
`Sliantese I McDonald
`Assistant /0&amincr
`(74) Attorney, .(gent, or Pirn&
`Plul&p C. Mande& ds
`I P&S 11NC R I,, s rl.
`('oats; l3ereskin ttr Parr I
`A hand carriahle surface cleaning apparatus can include a
`first cyclonic cieanin stage lmving an upper end. a bottom
`end spaced longitudinally beioiv the upper end and a side
`wall extmiduig therebetwcmn. A second cyclonic clca&ung
`stage may bc posit&oned ui thc tluid liow path doom&rerun
`from the first cyclonic cleaning sta e and may be positioned
`above and overlie the upper end of the first cyclonic cleaning,
`stage 11&e second cyclonic cleanmg stage may be longitu-
`dinally translatable reLative to the sidewall.
`14 Claims, 19 Drawing Sheets
`) Notice
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term of tlus
`patent is extended or adjusred under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 428 days.
`(21) Appl No
`Jun. 14, 2016
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2016/0287041 Al
`Och 6. 201G
`Related U.S. Application Data
`('onrinuation of apphcation No 14/875381. tiled on
`Ocr 5, 2015, now Pat No 9,545,181. which is a
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`A47L 5/34
`A 47L 5/22
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`(2013 Oi); A47L 9/1608 (2013.01),
`fo -6&i
`Dyson Ex1001
`Page 1
`US 10,327,607 B2
`Page 2
`Related U.S..Application Data
`continuation of application No. 13/782,217, filed on
`Mar. I. 2013. now Pat. No. 9,192.269. wltich is a
`coniuiuauon-in-part of application No. 13/720,754,
`Iiled on Dcc. 19, 2012, now Pa(. No. 8,752,239,
`ivhich is a division of application No 11/954,331,
`tiled on Dec. 12, 2007, noiv Pat No 8.359.705
`(60) Provisiooal application No. GO/884,767. Iilcd on Jan.
`12. 2007, prov&sional applicmion No. 60/870,175,
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`'" cited by examiner
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`1'his application claims the benefit under 35 l)S('20 as
`a continuation application of co-pendin. U.S. patent appli-
`cduon Ser. No. 14/875,381 wluch was tiled on Oct. S. 2015,
`winch Itself is a continuation of US. paIcnt apphcaIion Scr.
`No 131782,217, filed on Mar. I, 2013, which issued as U.S.
`Pat. No 9,192,269 on Nov 24, 2015, which itself is a
`contimiation in part of U 8 patent application Ser. No.
`13/720,764. filed on Dec. 19, 2012, which issued as U.S. Pat.
`No. 8,752„239 on Jun. 17, 2014. which itself is a divisional
`dpphcauon ol'.S. patent apphcauon Ser. No. 11/964,331,
`Iilcd on Dcc. 12, 2007, wluch issued as U.S. Pat. No.
`R359,705 on .Ian 2'). 2013, w:hich itself claims priority front
`U.S. Prmisional Patent application 60/870.175 (filed on
`l)ec. 15, 2(X)6), and 60/884.767 (filed on .Ian. 12, 2007), all
`of which are incorporated herein by reference in their
`IIII Il.l)
`This specification relates to a surface cleaning apparatus -"
`comprising a base with a removable portable surlimc clean-
`ing unit such as a pod or other hand carrmblc surface
`clcdnnlg dppdI'iuus vvhcIcnl thc ponablc sullBcc clmsnnlg
`apparatus is usable when mounted on the base or v hen
`removed therefrom
`1'he folloiving is not an admission that anything discussed
`below is part of the prior an or part of the conunon general
`knowledge of a person slolled in the art.
`Various types of surface cleaning apparatuses are known
`in Ihc drt. Such surl'acc cleaning apparatuses mcludc vacuum
`clcancrs, uicluduig upnght vacuum cleaners, hand carriablc
`vacumn cleaners, canister type vacuum cleaners. and Shop- 4O
`type v;icuunl clcancl's. )COIc Bitch vacllluu clc;OICI's
`I'or example„ typical upnght
`are pmvided with wheels
`vacuum cleaners are provided with a surface cleanin head
`that includes wheels mounted to a bottom surface thereof.
`Upnght iacuum clcancrs arc easy for a consumer Io use
`since the consumer docs not lrdve to carry flie vacuum
`cleaner but nierely push it over a surface I lov ever. depend-
`ing on Ihe size of the surface cleaning head. an upnght
`vacuum cleaner niay not be useable in smaller or crov ded
`areas. Canister vacuum cleaners have a flexibly hose extend-
`ing between a surface cleanin head and the canister body,
`thereby improvuig mobihty ol'hc cleaning head. However,
`consumers must scparatcly move a caiuster body, whwh can
`add an extra step during the cleaning, process.
`llus sunuuaiy ls hltcndcd Io nlnixhlcc thc rcBdcr to thc
`more detailed description that folloivs and not to linut or
`define any claimed or as yet unclaiined invention One or io
`more inventions may reside in any combination or sub-
`combination of the elements or process steps disclosed in
`any pnrt of this document includuig ns clanns and ligurcs.
`According to onc broad aspect of Ibis mvcntion, a surface
`clcaiung apparauis compnscs a portable clcmnng unit,
`which niay be cerned by hand or a shoulder strap such as a
`pod. which is reniovably mounted on a wheeled base The
`portable cleaning unit may bc provtdcxt with a suction motor
`and an energy storage member (such as battenes) Accord-
`Ingl'j, the suction motor of the portable cleanmg unit may be
`opemsble on I)('urrent I lowever, in accordance with this
`embodiment. the wheeled base may include a second suction
`motor (e.g. an AC powered suction motor). Accordin ly,
`when Ihc portable clc;ming unit is provided on thc whccicxi
`base and Ihc wheeled base is connimted to a smircc of
`the suction motor in Ihe wheeled base may be
`opemsted, e g on AU current. and used to draw air through
`an airfloiv path to the air treatment meniber in the portable
`clemiing unit. An advantage of tlus design is that the suction
`motor provided in the wheeled base may produce a higher
`airflovv and Ihcrcfore incrcdac cleanabihty when thc portable
`cleaning unit
`is pros idcd on the wheclcd base. However,
`is removed from the
`v hen the portable cleaning unit
`v heeled base, a smaller and lighter suction niotor is utilized
`While the velocity of the airflow fltrough the portable
`cleaning unit vvhen removed from the base may be
`decreased, the reduced vveight of the suction motor may be
`bcnclicial. In addiuon, a smaller airflow path may bc pro-
`vided when Ihc portable cleamng unit is rcmovcd Irom Ihc
`base, and, accordingly, a smaller DU power suction motor
`may provide substmitially similar airflow in the hand carri-
`able mode
`The portable cleaning unit may comprise at
`least one
`cyclonic separation sta e and a suction motor. Accordingly,
`Is uscablc, c.g., as a vacuiun
`thc portable clcanuig unit
`cleaner or the hkc, when rmnovcd I'rom thc whcelcd base.
`'I'he cyclonic separation stage comprises a cyclone chamber
`and a niaterial collection chamber 'the portable cleaning
`unit is configured such that Ihe material collection chamber
`is removable for emptying when the portable cleaning unit
`is mounted on the wheeled base. For example, the material
`collection chamber mdy be rcmovixl by itself when Ihc
`portable cleaning urn( Is mountcxl on thc whccl base. Alier-
`thc material collccnon chamber and Ihc cyclone
`chaniber may be removable as a unit (eg a cyclone bin
`assembly) It v, ill be appreciated that the niaterial collection
`chamber. either by itself or in conjunction with the cyclone
`chamber and possibly other elements. may be removable
`from thc portable clcaiung uiut whmi the portable clcaiung
`uiut has bccn rcmovcd from the w hccled base. An advanui c
`of Ihis design Is tint Ihc usabihty ol thc surface clcaiung
`apparatus is increased.
`In particular. when it Is needed to
`empty the dirt collection chmnber, all that is needed is to
`remove the dirt collection chamber either by itself. or, for
`example. to ether with the cyclone chamber for emptying.
`Accordingly. a user did not carry the weight ol'hc motor
`when thc user is emptyuig the dirt collccnon chmnbcr.
`Preferably. In accordance with tlus cmbodimcnt, thc dirt
`the cyclone chamber
`collection chamber and, optionally.
`may be pmvided on an upper portion of the portable
`clemiing unit so as to be removable upwardly therefrom.
`It will be appreciated by a skilled person in the art that any
`ol the icaturcs ol Ihc coniiguration ol a portable clcaiung
`uiut Io pcmiit a dirt collection chamber to bc rcmovcd I'rom
`thc portable clcarung unit when thc portable clcamng unit is
`mounted on the ivheeled base as discussed herein may not bc
`utihzed with dual motor design disclosed herein, but may be
`used by itself or in cotnbination with any other feature
`disclosed herein.
`In accordance vnth another embodiment, Ihc portable
`cleaning unit may bc provided with a pod hose which is
`removable with thc pormblc clcamn uiut lbom thc whccicxi
`base 1he pod hose niay have a smaller diameter
`accordingly, inay be used only when the portable cleaning
`Dyson Ex1001
`Page 23
`US 10,327,607 B2
`urn( has been rcmovcxf from the wheeled base. Accordingly,
`when the portable cleaning unit is on a wheeled base, the pod
`hose does not form part of the fluid flow path Accordingly,
`the snialler diameter of the pod hose does not restnct the
`airflow path when the portable cleaning unit is placed on a
`wheeled base. An advanta e of this design is that
`portable cleamng uiut may carry a longer hose witlxiut
`increasing the volume tnkcn by the pod hose. In addition, the
`pod hose, being a smaller diameter, may be more flexible
`and enhance the usabihty of the portable cleaning unit in a Io
`hand carriable niode I'or example, the pod hose may have
`a greater stretch ratio. for example, of ail to 7:I or more
`In accordance with this embodiment, n valve may be
`provided on thc portable clciuung unit whcrcby thc pod hose
`is not ui airflow conumuucation with the suction motor
`when the portable cleaning unit is mounted on the wheeled
`base I loivever, when the portable cleaning unit is remnved
`fmm the ivheeled base, the valve may be actuated (e g.
`automatically upon removal of the portable cleaning unit
`front the wheeled base. manually by the user or Butomati-
`cally whmi the hose Is deployed for usc) such fliat pod hose
`lorm part ol the mr flow path.
`It ivi1l be appreciated by a person skilled in the art tlmt any
`of the features of the pod hose ivhich are discussed herein
`niay not be utilized with the dual motor design disclosed
`herein. but may be used by itself or in combinarion with any
`other feature disclosed herein.
`In accordance with another cmbodimcnt.
`thc portable
`clcanmg unit muy be opcrablc by AC power supplied to thc
`base ivhen the portable cleaning unit is inounted on the base Io
`and may be opemble on D('ower when the portable
`clemiina unit is removed from the base Accordingly. the
`portable cleaning unit may include an energy storage rnem-
`ber (e.g, one or more batteries) which may power the suction
`motor when Ihc portnble clearung uni1 Is removed from the 11
`base. Accordingly. thc suction motor may bc operable on DC
`current When the pod Is mounted on thc whcelcd base. and
`the ivheeled base is conilected to a source ot current by an
`electrical cord, then the suction motor may be in electrical
`coninnuiication with the base so as to be powered by AC do
`current supplied tltrough the electrical cord. For example,
`the sucnon motor could have dual wuiduig so as to bc
`operable on both AC nnd DC current. Alienmtcly. the base
`may mc1ude a pow er supply to convert thc AC current to DC
`current ivhich is then supplied to the suction motor v hen the
`portable cleaning unit is placed on the base lior example, the
`power supply may comprise Bn inverter.
`In tins particular embodiment. it will be appreciated tlmt
`thc battenes in thc portable clcamng umt may be charged
`wlnle thc portable cleaning uiut is mountcxl on the wheeled
`base and thc whcelcd base is plugged into an electrical
`instead of utilizing
`In a fiirther alternate embodiment,
`electricity from an electrical outlet, the wheeled base may
`include a fuel cell or an alcohol powered internal or external Ss
`combustion cn»nc. In such an embodiment, flie wheeled
`base may produce AC current or DC current. winch Is then
`supplied to thc sucuon motor when Ihc portable cleaning
`unit is mounted on the wheeled base and actuated
`It will be appreciated by a person skilled in the art that any Io
`of the features of a portable cleaning unit which is opemble
`on A('nd DC current as disclosed herein may not be
`un lizcd w ith the dual motor design disclosed herein. but may
`be used by itself or In combination with miy other feature
`disclosed herein
`In accordance with the further einbodiment, the portable
`cleanin unit may comprise both an energy storage nientber
`and a power supply. Accordnigly. whmi the portable clean-
`ing unit is connected to a poiver source (e.g a cord extends
`from the portable cleaning unit to an electrical outlet),A('owermay be supplied to the power supply (e g an inverter)
`to convert the A('urrent to DC which is then utilized to
`power the suction motor. When a user is unable to or does
`not want to plug Ihc portable clcaiung unit into a wall outlet,
`the portable cleaning unit may be powcrcxf by thc energy
`storage member (e g batteries). Ivhich provide DC current to
`a suction motor. Accordingly. the portable cleanuig unit may
`be powered by both A('urrent front a wall outlet and DC
`current supplied by batteries as may be desired In a fhrther
`alternate embodiment, the suction motor may be provided
`wiIh two windings. In such a case. thc power supply Is no1
`rcquircd and thc such on motor may be powered by both DC
`current from the batteries and A('urrent front a wall outlet
`It will be appreciated by a person skilled m the art that any
`of the features of a pod operable with both A(
`andD('urrentas discussed herein may not be utilized with dual
`motor design disclosed herein. but may be used by itself or
`in combination with any other fbdture disclosed herein.
`Ill OIIC CltlbodllllCIIL IhCO: IS providCd B SUIIBCC ClCBIllllg
`Bpp'Iratlls conlpnsilIg
`(a) a Ivheeled hase comprising an A('uction motor;
`(b) a poitable cleanina unit removably mounted on the
`wheeled base and comprising at least one cyclonic separa-
`tion stage. a first energy storage member and a portable
`cleaning unit sucnon motor that Is opcruble on DC power.
`(c) a tiuid tioiv path extending from a hrst dirty fluid inlet
`to a clean air outlet of the surface cleaning apparatus.
`wherein the AC suction motor pmvides nlotive power to
`move fluid tluough the fluid fioiv path when the surface
`cleaning unit is sv, itched on and ivhen the portable cleanin
`uiut Is mounted on the whcclcxf base, and
`whcrcui thc portable clcamng umt suction motor pmvidcs
`motive power to move fluid tluuugh the fluid flow path when
`is switched on and when the
`the portable cleaning unit
`portable cleaning unit is removed from the wheeled base
`the wheeled base may fhrther
`In some embodiments,
`comprise or is connectable to a poiver cord Bnd the portable
`cleaning unit is powered solely by thc lirst miergy stora c
`member when the portable clcamn unit is removed I'rom
`thc whccled base.
`the ivheeled base may further
`In sonic embodiments,
`comprise or is connectable to a power cord, the first energy
`storage member comprises batteries and the batteries are
`char ed when the portable cleaning unit is mounted on the
`wllcclcd bdsc.
`In some cmbodimcnts. ihe suction motor ui thc portable
`cleaning unit may not bc used to provide motive power to
`naive fluid through the fhiid tlow path when the surface
`cleaning unit is sivitched on and when the portable cleaning
`unit Is mounted on the wheeled base.
`In some embodiments, the fiuid flow path may comprise
`an upstream portion that extends from thc first dirty fluid
`inlet to thc portable cleamng unit and the AC sucnon motor
`is in thc tluid flow path.
`In some einbodinients. the tluid flow path niay comprise
`a downstream tiuid floiv path extending thmugh the portable
`cleaning unit to the clean air outlet and the portable cleanin
`unit suction motor is in the downstream fluid flow path.
`thc portable cleanuig urut may
`In some embodiments.
`comprise a tlexiblc hose luiving a second dirty fluid uilet and
`the flcxiblc hose is part ol'he downstream fluid flow pafli
`is removed from the
`when the portable cleaning unit
`wheeled base
`Dyson Ex1001
`Page 24
`US 10,327,607 B2
`flm flexiblc hose may bc an
`In some cmbodunents,
`electrified flexible hose
`the wheeled base may further
`In some embodiments,
`comprise a second energy stomsge member
`In sonic embodiments, the second energy atom e member
`may clmrge the first energy storage member when the
`portable cleaning unit Is mounted on thc wheeled base.
`In some embodiments, flm poruiblc clcaiung urn( aim(ion
`nlotor nlay be a IX'otor
`In one embodiment, there is pnivided a surface cleaniag IB
`apparatus comprising
`(a) a wheeled based connectable to a source of current:
`(b) a portable cleaning unit removably mounted on the
`whcmled base and composing BI least one cyclonic scpara-
`uon stage. a first miergy storage mcmbcr and a portable
`cicanlllg lllut silclloll Iuotol'hat Is opci'able oil D( pov cl',
`(c) a fluid flow path extending fmin a first dirty fluid inlet
`to a clean air outlet of the surface cleaning apparatus,
`wherein the portable cleanin unit suction motor is oper-
`able on DC power w hcn rcmovcd from Ihe whcclcd base and
`is operable on power provided by thc wheeled base when
`nlounted on the wheeled base
`In some emlxldinients, the portable cleaning unit suction
`nlotor nlay be a IX'otor
`the wheeled base may further
`In some embodiments.
`conlprise or is connectable to a power cord and the portable
`clcanmg uiut is powered solely by Ihe lira( energy storage
`member vshml thc portable cleaiung unit Is removed from
`the lvheeled base.
`the wheeled base may further
`In some embodiments,
`comprise or is connectable to a poiver cord, the first energy
`stomsge member comprises batteries and the batteries are
`charged when the portable cleaning unit is mounted on the
`wheeled base.
`the wheeled base may further
`In some embodiments,
`comprise or is connectablc to a power corib tlm vshcclcd
`base further compnses a circuit that receives A(: current and
`outputs I X'urrent and the portable cleaning unit i ~ powered
`the D('urrent when the poitable cleaning unit is mounted do
`on the lvheeled base.
`In some embodiments thc pouable clcamng unit suction
`motor nuiy operate at a lirst power level when removed from
`the wheeled base aud at a second power lcvcl when is
`mounted on the wheeled base
`In some embodiments the first power level may be less
`than the second power.
`In accordance with another aspect. a surface cleaning
`apparatus. preferably a caiustcr or Shop-Vac 'tyle vacuum
`cleaner is provided which compuses d portable cle ming unit
`and a wlumled base. Prefi:rably, thc clcaiung uiut is rmuov-
`ably nlounted to the lvheeled base Alternately, or in addi-
`tion. the v heeled base has wheels mounted oumvard of the
`lvheeled base, and which are preferably of a larger diameter
`(e, 1-3 inches in diameter. preferably 1.5-2.5 inches in ss
`Accordlllg Io Ibis Bspccl, lllc suriacc clcBIllllg Bppaldnls
`may compnsc a member having a diuy fluid uilet. A fluid
`flolv path extends from the dirty fluid inlet to a clean air
`outlet of the surface cleaning appamstus. 'I'he surface clean-
`in appamstus further compuses a wheeled based. A portable
`cleaning unit is removably molulted on the wheeled base and
`least ouc cyclonic separation stage and a
`comprising at
`suction motor positioned in thc fluid flow path.
`Embodunents in accordance with tlus broad aspect may ss
`be advantaceous because the surface cleaning apparatus may
`have increased maneuverability That is, the surface cleaniag
`dppdl'linis Illilv bC OSixi dS il w llcel 11101111(Cd SarfBCC CICBlullg
`apparatus v;hen convenient tilr a user since the user need not
`carry the surface cleaning appamstus, or as a hand or strap
`carriable surface cleaning apparatus, such as when a stairs or
`a smaller or crowded area is to be cleaned. according to the
`user's preference.
`In some embodiments, thc at least ouc cycloiuc separation
`stage may compose a cyclone chamber having at least one
`material outlet, a divider plate associated with the material
`outlet and an associated material collection chamber in flolv
`cmnnlunication v, ith the nlaterial outlet
`In some embodiments. the material collection chamber
`may be positioned below the matenal outlet. In a ihrther
`mubodunent, Ihc divider plate may be positioned ui thc
`material outlet.
`In some embodiments. the material collection chamber
`may be moveable relative to the cyclone chmnber
`In a
`further embodinlent the material collection chamber may be
`removable from the at least one cyclone chamber.
`In some embodiments, the niaterial collection chmnber
`may have a portion that is openablc. In a fuithcr embodi-
`ment, thc portion that Is opcnablc may be a bottom wall.
`Such embodiments nlay be advantageous because the
`wheeled base may prevent accidental opening of the mate-
`rial collection chanlber.
`In some embodiments. the suction motor may be posi-
`tioned lateraily spaced from the at least one cyclonic sepa-
`ration stage. Accorduigly, Ihc surface cleaning apparatus
`lllily'ilvc d Iclativcly'; uh: stailcc alai low cclltcl ol lllasm
`and therefore may have increased stability
`In sonic embodiments. Ihe cleaning unit has a front end
`having the dirty fluid inlet and the front end of the cleaning,
`unit Is positioned at a front end of the v heeled base and the
`suction motor is positioned rearv,ard of the at least one
`C)'CIOIIIC SCpaiiitlilll SldgC.
`In some embodiments. Ihe vshcclcd base may have d
`lcnglh grcatcr Ihan im width. In lurthcr muboduuents. Ihe
`wheeled hase nlay be aenemslly polygonal, and preferably
`generally trimlgular in shape. Such embodiments may be
`advantageous because the surface cleanin appamtus may
`have both increased maneuvemsbility and increased stability.
`In some embodiments. Ihc win:cled base may have at Icdsl
`ouc front wheel mid at least two rear wlmcls, thc rear whccls
`may have a larger diamctcr then thc at least onc I'rout wheel
`and the at least one fmnt wheel may be steerable. Such
`embodiments may be advantaceous because the larger rear
`v heels may provide the wheeled base v ith increased sta-
`bility. and the steerable front wheel may provide the wheeled
`base with incrcascd nuincui crabihty. Altcnlatcly, thc front
`WIICCIS lllilv 11IIVC B IBrgCI dlillllCICI Or CSSclltldll)'IIC SBIIIC
`illillllCICI IIS Ilia ICBI wllcCIS.
`In some embodiments, the v heeled base nlay have at least
`one front v;heel and at least mvo rear wheels and the rear
`wheels may have a larger diameter then the at least one front
`In some embodiments. Ihc win:cled base may have at Icdsl
`ouc Iron( whee) and at least two rear wheels mid thc rear
`whimls may have a smaller diamctcr then thc at lcasl onc
`front wheel.
`In some einbodiments. the at least one front wheel may be
`In some embodiments. the wheeled base may have rear
`whimls flmt arc positioned outwardly of au arel occupied by
`the cleiuung unit when thc cleamng unit is mounted on Ihe
`whimlcd base. Altematcly, or ui addition, thc whcclcd base
`may have front v,heels that are positioned outwardly of an
`area occupied by the cleanina unit when the cleaning unit is
`Dyson Ex1001
`Page 25
`US 10,327,607 B2
`FICi 17 is a schcnuilic rcttresctttafion of another embodi-
`ment of a surface cleaning apparatus:
`FICi 18 is a perspcclivc vmw ol'iothcr cmbodimenl of
`a surface clcarung apparatus,
`lii(i 19 is another perspective view of the smface clean-
`ing apparatus of lil(i. 18 ivith a cyclone bin assembly
`FICi 20 is a perspective vieiv of the surface cleaning
`apparatus of FICI. 18 with a surface cleaning unit detached
`and a cyclone bin assmnbly rmuovcd Ibom the surface
`cleaning unit, and,
`lii(i 21 is a bottom perspective vieiv of the cyclone bin
`assembly of the sur