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`go toencompassalmosteveryaspect ofmodernelectrical engineering and computing
`in barges
`Lessthan150years ago, shipping a newproduct, petroleum, downthe Mississippi
`wasviewedwithskepticismandfear of possible explosion.Fifty yearslater, electricity and
`electric lights were viewed as marvels of modern technology
`available only to a few
`Another 50years subsequent, someonesuggested that the world would needat most three
`to four computers. Our views continue to change.
`Today we shippetroleum(still with con-
`cern)all over the world. Electricity has become so commonthatweare surprised ifa switch
`is not available toturnon a light whenweentera room. Theneedforthree to four computers
`has grownto hundreds ofmillions, perhapsbillions,ofinstalled computers worldwide.
`This book presents a contemporary approachtothe design and developmentof a kind
`of computer systemthat most of us will never see—those that we call embedded systems.
`The approach brings together a solid theoretical hardware and software foundation with
`real-worldapplications. Why do weneedsuch athing? A goodquestion,let’s take a look
`Today weinteract with an embedded computer invirtually every aspect of our
`everyday life. Fromoperating our cartoriding anelevatortoour office to doing our laundry
`or cookingour dinner, a computeristhere, quietly,silently doing its job. Wefind the micro-
`processor—microcomputer—microcontroller—everywhere. Today these machines are
`ubiquitous. Like the electric light, without thought, we expect the antilock braking system
`in our car to work whenweuseit. We expectour mobile phone tooperatelikethe stationary
`one in our home. We carry a computerin our pocket that is more powerfulthan the onesthe
`original astronauts took intospace.
`Today wehave the ability to put anincreasingly larger number of hardware pieces
`into diminishingly smaller spaces. Softwareis nolongerrelegated to agiant machinein an
`air-conditioned room;our computerandits software go where we go.Thisability gives
`engineers a newfreedomtocreatively put together substantially more complex systems
`withtitillating functionality,
`systemsthat only sciencefiction writers thoughtofa few
`years ago, Suchanability alsogivesusthe opportunity to solve bigger and more complex
`problems thanwe have ever imaginedin the past—andtoput those designsinto smaller
`and smaller packages. Theseare definitely the most fun problems, the exciting kinds of
`things that wearechallengedto work on. Okay, where do we begin?
`The embeddedfieldstarted almostby accidentnot too manyyears ago.In the early 70s
`Federico Faggin and manyothersat Intel andMotorolaintroduced the 4004, 8008, and 6800
`microprocessors tothe engineering world. Originally intended for use in calculators andin
`calculator-like applications,today, driven by evangelists like Faggin, the microprocessor has
`becomeafundamental componentofvirtually everything we touch. With such widespread
`application, the ensured safety and reliability ofsuch systems are absolutely essential.
`The embedded systemsfield has grownvirtually overnight from nonexistent several
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`¥y designtool / James K. Peckol,
`mbeddedsystem: a contempora
`ISBN 978-0-471-72180-2 (cloth)
`TK7895.42P43 2008
`Toorder books or
`for customerservice
`Printed in the United Sates of AmericaALL WILEY (225.5945)
`oriented methods
`APPLE 1026
`APPLE 1026


`462 Chapter 11
`Real-Time Kernels and Operating Systems

`11.20 Combinethe subsystems in Problem 11.16 and Problem
`11.21 Modify the design of the TCB in Problem 11.15 tosup.
`port a task priority numberin the range of {0-9}. Assume0is
`the highest and 9 the lowestpriority.
`Incorporate the modified TCB design into the task queue
`design in Problem 11.19. Modify the access method to always
`return the highestpriority task.
`11.22 Modify the design of the TCB in Problem 11.15 to sup-
`port the inclusion ofan estimate of execution time numberinthe
`range of {0-99}.
`Incorporate the modified TCB design into the task queue
`design in Problem 11.19. Modify the access method to always
`return the shortesttask.
`11.19 Implementthe task queue specified in Example 11.1jo
`11.7 Consider implementing an embedded system to control a
`use a doubly linked list as the underlying data type forthequene
`traffic light as a foreground/background system. Each direction
`supports a left turn (right turn if traffic normally drives on the
`left hand side) and pedestrian-activated crosswalk control.
`(a) Which tasks are foreground tasks?
`(b) Which tasks are background tasks?
`(c) Give a UMLstate diagram illustrating the behavior of the
`system during a change from north-south green to east-west
`green. Be certain to consider the operation with and without a
`left (right) turn and with and withouta pedestrian.
`(d) Give a UML sequence diagram for the events in part (c).
`11.8 Repeat Problem 11.7 for a microwave cooker.
`11.9 Repeat Problem 11.7 for a washing machine.
`11.10 Repeat Problem 11.7 for a video-on-demand entertain-
`ment system for a large hotel.
`11.11 Consider implementing an embedded system to control
`a traffic light as an RTOS-based system. Each direction sup-
`ports a left turn (right turn if traffic normally drives on the left-
`hand side) and pedestrian-activated crosswalk control.
`(a) Which tasks are the major tasks?
`(b) Give a UML state diagram illustrating the behavior of the
`system during a change from north-south green to east-west
`green. Be certain to consider the operation with and without a
`left (right) turn and with and without a pedestrian.
`(c) Give a UML sequencediagram for the events in part (c).
`11.12 Repeat Problem 11.11 for a microwave cooker.
`11.13 Repeat Problem 11.11 for a washing machine.
`11.14 Repeat Problem 11.11 fora video-on-demand entertain-
`mentsystem fora large hotel.
`11.15 Provide a UMLclass diagram for a task control block
`(TCB). Implement the design using a C struct data structure.
`11.16 Design a method that would enable the dynamic alloca-
`tion and deallocation of TCBsas tasks are created or terminated.
`11.23 Give a high-level description of howthe system in Fig-
`ure P11.22 works. You should not need more than 10 lines.
`Figure P11.22
`11.17 Modify the design in Example 11.1 to support a
`dynamic numberoftasksin the task queue withoutusing malloc
`and free (C) or new and delete (C++) while retaining the array
`as the queue container.
`11.18 Provide a UMLclass diagram for a task queue that sup-
`ports the dynamic insertion and deletion oftasks.
`11.24 Write aC program to implementthe design given in the
`data/control flow diagram in Problem 11.23.


`! Chapter 12
`Tasks and
`Task Management
`Therole of time in embedded designs.

`Thedefinitions of reactive and time-based systems.

`¢ The differences between preemptive and nonpreemptive systems.
`¢ The need foreffectively scheduling the use of the system CPU(s).

`Thecriteria for making scheduling decisions.
`¢ Common scheduling algorithms.
`¢ Real-time scheduling considerations.

`Howscheduling algorithms might be evaluated.
`¢ Methodsfor intertask communication.

`Thecritical section problem and several solutions.
`¢ Methods for task synchronization.
`In the previous chapter weintroduced some ofthe basic concepts and methods involved in
`| |
`controlling multitasking systems. Welearnedthat foreground / background systemscan be
`effective underreal-time constraints and that the basic responsibilities of the operating sys-
`tem comprise task scheduling, intertask communication,and task dispatch. In addition, we
`introduced some ofthe issues associated with the context switch in preemptable systems.
`In this chapter, we will examine the scheduling problem and intertask communication
`in greater detail. The resource managementaspects of task scheduling and dispatch will be
`covered in the following chapter. We will open by continuing the discussion oftime and the
`critical role it plays in the design of embedded applications by introducing the concepts of
`| reactive, time-based systems_reactive and time-based systems. Wewill present anddiscuss various metrics for specifying
`and assessing a task schedule. Wewill then investigate several different scheduling algo-
`rithms and analyze task synchronization and intertask communication in somedetail. The
`focus will be primarily from the perspectiveofeither a kernel-based or more complete oper-
`ating system-based controlstrategy.


`| |
`Tasks and Task Management
`| Chapter 12
`absolute, relative
`Wehavealreadybriefly encountered time and the importantrole it plays in the design and
`execution of embedded applications. We will now explore that role in greater detail,
`Wedefine two different measures of time: absolute and relative, based on what the
`measurementis referenced to. Absolute time is based on real-world time;relativetimeis
`measured with respect to somereference. Timeis further qualified as either an intervalot
`a duration: these are distinct. An interval is marked by specific start and endtimes; a dura-
`tion is a relative time measure. Equal intervals must have the samestart times and the same
`stop times; nonequal intervals can have the same duration. This difference is captured in
`Figure 12.0.
`EqualIntervals << —Durations
`EqualIntervals ae ceDurations
`Figure12.0 EqualIntervals
`and Equal Durations
`time-based SYStems
`absolute, relative
`following an interyal
`Reactive and Time-Based Systems
`Embedded systemsare classified into two broad categories: reactive and time based. Reac-
`reactive, time based
`tive systems, as the name suggests, contain tasks that are initiated by some event that may
`be either internal or externalto the system. Aninternal event maybe an elapsed time ora
`temporal bound on data that has been exceeded. An external eventis the recognition of a
`sWitch that has been activated or an external responseto an internally generated command,
`for example.Typically, the initiating events are asynchronousto the normalactivity ofthe
`system, Foreground/background systemsare a good exampleofthoseclassed as reactive.
`Time-based systems are those systems whose behavioris controlled by time. Such a
`relationship can be absolute—an action must occurat a specific time; relative—an action
`must occurafter or before somereference;orfollowing an interval—anaction must occur
`at a specified time with respect to some reference. The behaviorin time-based systems is
`Senerally synchronouswith a timing elementof one form or another. Time-shared systems
`ae a good exampleofthose classed as time based.
`The relevanceoftime in embedded applications becomes clear whentryingto schedule
`tasks and threads, that is, deciding when and how often each is executed. Tasksor threads
`that are initiated with repeating duration betweeninvocationsare called periodic; otherwise
`they are designated as aperiodic. A repeating durationis called theperiod. Thetimetocom-
`Plete a task is called the execution time.
`Ina periodic system,variation in the evoking eventis called jitter. The time between
`the €Voking event and the intended action is called the delay. When designinga system,
`cach Context in whichit is anticipated that the system will be operating must be examined
`© determine the significanceofjitter and delay with respect to specified time constraints,
`Anaction that must occurbya specified time is defined as hard orissaid to have a hard
`€dline A missed deadline in such cases is considered to be a partial or total system fail.
`periodic, Periog;c
`€Xecution times
`hard, harddeadtine


`soft real-time
`Time, Time-Based Systems, and Reactive Systems
`ure. A system is defined as hard real-time if it contains one or more tasks containing such
`constraints. Such systems may have other tasks that do not have temporal deadlines. The
`major focus, however,is on the hard deadlines.
`Systems with relaxed time constraints are defined as soft real-time. Such systems may
`meettheir deadlines on average. Soft real-time systems maybe soft in several ways:
`* Relaxationofthe constraintthat missing the deadline constitutes system failure. Such
`a system maytolerate missing the specific deadline provided some other deadline or
`timeliness constraint is met—the average throughput, for example.
`¢ Evaluating the correctness of timeliness as a gradation of values rather than pass
`firm real-time
`when, how
`Systemswith tasks that have somerelaxed constraints as well as hard deadlines are defined
`as firm real-time.
`Real-time systems are those in which correctness demandstimeliness. Most such sys-
`temscarefully manage resources with respect to maintainingthe predictability of timeliness
`constraints. Such predictability gives us a measure of accuracy with which onecanstate in
`advance when and how an action will occur. We elaborate by annotating the durations,
`events,jitter, and actions. Figure 12.1 illustrates a periodic system typical of a time-based
`Figure 12.1 Task Activity in a Periodic Time-Based System
`In the figure, the period of the recurrenceofthe tasks is defined. The evoking event
`occurs with respectto the start of the period. The first rectangle expresses the variation in
`the actual invocation with respect to the intended. Suchjitter may arise from variations in
`the system’s ability to respondto a timer expiring, for example. Once the eventoccurs, the
`second rectangle capturesthe delay in getting the task started. Whenthe task beginsto exe-
`cute,the third rectangle accounts foranyinitialization or similar operations that must occur
`before the intendedaction takes place. Theintended action occurs during the time indicated
`by the fourth rectangle. After the action completes,the fifth rectangle mirrors the entry
`actions with any necessary cleanup before the task completes. The sixth rectangle accounts
`for variation in exiting the task.
`The diagram also marksthe latesttime at whichthe intended action could complete and
`still meet the time constraints onthe period. The duration between the completion deadline
`andthestart of the next cycle is equal to that between the endofthe action and the end of
`the exitjitter.


`Tasks and Task Management
` 5 Chapter12
`interarrival time
`Figure 12.2 Task Activity in an Aperiodic Foreground/Background Design
`Figure 12.2 illustrates an aperiodic system thatis typical of a foreground/background
`design. Notice how the minimum and maximum times are specified.
`The invocation of aperiodic tasks is not fixed in time—they are asynchronoustothe
`operation of the core system. Thus, there can be nojitter because there is no expected time
`for the initiating event. The duration between suchtasksis called interarrivaltime. Sucha
`timeis critical when one needs to determine how to schedule real-time tasks. Under such
`circumstances, the lower bound on interarrival time must be identified. Such things as the
`maximum numberof events occurring within a given time interval mayalso need to be
`Table 12.0 captures timeliness constraints with respect to whetherthe taskis soft or
`hard real-time.
`Table 12.0 Hard and Soft Real-Time Timeliness Constraints
`Soft Real-time
`Hard Real-time
`Degraded performance
`Consequencesof late computation
`Critical reliability
`Response dictated by external events
`Analytic, stochastic
`Analytic (sometimes)
`Timing analysis possible
`stochastic simulation simulation
`Atthis point, we should be sufficiently comfortable with some ofthe terminology that
`we can start to investigate the control of embedded systemsin greater detail. Wewill begin
`with the problem oftask scheduling.
`Howefficiently and effectively a task moves through the various queuesalongthe control
`path followingits arrival and howeffectively and efficiently the CPUisutilized during such
`a movementestablish the quality of the embedded design. An essential componentofthat
`control strategy is the algorithm used to schedule the allocation of the CPU.
`In a multitasking system, the main objective is to have some process using the CPU a
`all times. Such a scheme maximizes the usage of that resource. Which taskis running at any


`12.2 Task Scheduling
`specific time is based on a number ofcriteria.It is the scheduler’s responsibility to ensure
`that the CPUis efficiently utilized and that the various jobs are executed in such an order
`as to meet any required constraints.
`Whenworking with a scheduling algorithm, one mustalso consider the priority of the
`task. Priority is assigned by the designer and is based on a variety of differentcriteria. We
`will examinethese shortly. Suchcriteria are used to resolve which task to execute when
`more than one is waiting and ready to execute. Tasks with higherpriority execute prefer-
`entially over those with lowerpriority.
`In a real-time context, a task that can be determined to always meetits timeliness con-
`straints is said to be schedulable. A task that can be guaranteed to always meetall deadlines
`is said to be deterministically schedulable. Such a situation occurs when an event's worst
`case responsetimeis less than or equal to the task’s deadline. When all tasks can be sched-
`uled, the overall system can be scheduled.
`Scheduling decisions must be madeduring the design phase of the system development
`since such decisions involve trade-offs that affect and optimize the overall performance of
`the system. Whenthe system specification stipulates hard deadlines, one must ensure that
`the implementingtasks and their associated actions can meet every deadline. Soft deadlines
`naturally give more flexibility.
`deterministically schedulable
`12.2.1 CPU Utilization
`CPU Utilization
`In additionto satisfying time constraints, a goal in formulating a task scheduleis to keep the
`CPUasbusyaspossible, ideally close to 100%, but with some margin for additional tasks.
`Such a metric is referred to as CPUutilization. In a practical system, utilization should
`range between 40% for a lightly loaded system and 90% foronethatis heavily loaded.
`Fora single periodic task, CPU utilization is given as
`uy =e / pj
`for periodic task is the period
`u,_fraction of time task keeps CPU busy
`execution time
`Onecan express a similar relationship for aperiodic tasks.
`CPUutilization information can be used in conjunction with a sequence diagram to aid
`in assessing wheneachof the tasks can and needsto run.
`Scheduling Decisions
`Twokey elementsofreal-time design, repeatability and predictability, are absolutely essen-
`tial in the context of hard deadlines. To ensure predictability, one must completely under-
`stand and define the timing characteristics of each task and properly schedule those tasks
`using a predictable scheduling algorithm.The first step in developing a robust scheduleis
`knowing when a scheduling decision must be made.
`Scheduling decisions are made underthe following four conditions:
`1. A process switches from the running to the waiting state—initiated by an I/O request.
`2. A process switches from the running to the ready state—when aninterrupt occurs.
`3. A process switches from the waiting to the ready state—the completionof I/O activity.
`4. A process terminates.
`running, waiting
`running, ready
`waiting, ready


`Chapter 12
`Tasks and Task Management
`Asynchronous Interrupt Event Driven
`Oneofthe simplest scheduling schemes is asynchronousinterrupt eventdriven. Certainly,
`the asynchronous nature of the schemecalls into question the use of the word “schedule”
`Under such an approach,the system is constrained to operate in a basic one-lineinfinite
`loop until an interrupting eventoccurs, as is illustrated in the code fragment shown in Figure
`12.3. As such,the design is a special case of the foreground/background model.Inthis case,
`the design has no background tasks. The design can also be considered tobe reactive,
`Figure 12.3. An Event-Driven
`Schedule Algorithm
`global variable declarations
`isr set up
`function prototypes
`void main (void)
`local variable declarations
`if task loop
`function definitions
`Whenan interrupting event occurs, flow of control jumpsto the associated ISR where
`the designated task is executed; flow then resumesin the infinite loop. Generally,the event
`originates from some external source. We will look at an extension to the event-driven
`approach in which the event derives from a system timer.
`The overall behavior of such a system can be difficult to analyze because ofthe non-
`deterministic nature of asynchronous interrupts. However, it is rather straightforward to
`determine the postevent behavior for systems with a single interrupt or the behavior ofthe
`highest priority interrupt in systems with more than one interrupt.
`Polled and Polled with a Timing Element
`Thebasic polled algorithm is amongthe simplest and fastest algorithms. The system con-
`tinually loops, waiting for an eventto occur. The difference between thepolled algorithm
`andthe eventdrivenis that the polled algorithm is continually testing the valueofthe polled
`signal looking for a state change. Theinterrupt-driven design, on the other hand, does noth-
`ing until the event occurs. Only then does it respond. Schematically, the algorithmisgiven
`as shownin Figure 12.4.
`Such a scheme workswell fora single task. It is completely deterministic. The time to
`respondto the event is computable and bounded. In the worstcase, let’s assume the event
`occurs immediately after the test instruction. Under such a circumstance,the response time
`is the length of the loop. Polled with a timing eventis a simple extension. The scheme uses
`a timing element to ensure a delay action after a polled event is true. Such a technique
`deskewsthe incoming signals.
`The polled modelis also a special case of the foreground/background model.In con-
`trast to the event-driven schedule, the polled model has no foreground tasks. The design
`implementsa reactive system.


`Scheduling Algorithms
`Figure 12.4 A Polling-Based
`Schedule Algorithm
`global variable declarations
`function prototypes
`void main (void)
`local variable declarations
`II task loop
`/I test state of each signal in polled set
`if then construct
`switch statement
`} f
`unction definitions
`State Based
`The next approach implements the flow of control throughthetaskset as a finite automaton
`or state machine. The twobasic implementationsofthe finite-state machine (FSM), Mealy
`and Moore,are distinguished by the implementation of the output function: in Mealy the
`outputis a function ofthe currentstate and the input, and in Moore the outputis a function
`of the currentstate only. The basic machine can be expressed asillustrated in Figure 12.5.
`Input Queue
`Next State and
`Output Function
`Machine Model
`Figure 12.5 A Basic State
`The state machine caneasily be implemented aseithera set of case statements,as an if-then,
`orif-then-else construct.
`Someofthe limitations of such an approach begin with the theoreticallimit on the com-
`putational powerofthe finite-state machine. Usingstatesis notefficient, and the state space
`explosion for large problems makesthe approach impractical for systems with large num-
`bers of inputs. There is a rich set of variations on the basic FSM, however, some of which
`addressthe variouslimitationsof the basic implementation. A state-based designis reactive
`in nature.
`Synchronous Interrupt Event Driven
`The next level of sophistication entails constraining the asynchronous event used in the
`openingalgorithm to onethat is synchronous, based on a timer. Such a system continually
`loops until interrupted by a timing signal (whichis typicallyinternally generated). The tim-
`ing/interrupt eventtriggers a context switch to an ISR that managesit. A schedule based on


`472 Chapter 12
`Tasks and Task Management
`time-sharing systems
`a periodic eventis defined as fixed rate.In contrast, an aperiodic scheduleis defined as spo-
`radic. Such a synchronous interrupt-based scheme can work with multiple tasks and is the
`basis for time-sharing systems. The design is an example ofa time-based system, although
`it is reacting to a special interrupt.
`Combined Interrupt Event Driven
`A simplevariation on the two interrupt event-driven designs is to permit both synchronous
`and asynchronousinterrupts. In such a system,priority is used to select amongtasksthat are
`ready whenthe timinginterrupt occurs.If multiple tasks are permitted to have the same pri-
`ority, then selection from among ready tasks proceeds in a round robin fashion. Naturally,
`higherpriority tasks will be given preference at any time.
`foreground-background A system utilizing aforeground—background flow of control strategy implements a com-
`foreground bination of interrupt and noninterrupt-driven tasks. The former are designated the fore-
`background ground tasks and the latter the background tasks. The backgroundtasks can be interrupted
`at any time by anyof the foregroundtasks and are thus operating at the lowestpriority. The
`interrupt-driven processes implementthe real-time aspects of the application;the interrupt
`events may be either synchronousor asynchronous. All of the previous algorithms are spe-
`cial cases of foreground/background designs in which either the foreground(polled sys-
`tems) or the background (interrupt based) componentis missing.
`Time-Shared Systems
`In a time-shared system, tasks may or may notall be equally important. Whenall are given
`the same amountoftime, the schedule is periodic, and when theallocation is based on pri-
`ority, the scheduleis aperiodic. Several of the more commonalgorithmsare examined in the
`ensuing paragraphs.
` First-Come First-Served
`A very simple algorithmisfirst-comefirst-served andis easily managed with a FIFO queue.
`Whena process enters the ready queue, the task control block is linkedto the tailofthe
`queue. When the CPU becomes free,it is allocated to the processat the head ofthe queue,
`The currently running processis removed from the queue. Such an approachis nonpreemp-
`tive and can be troublesomein a system with real-time constraints.
` Shortest Job First
`Theshortestjob first schedule assumes that the CPU is used in bursts ofactivity. Each task
`has associated with it an estimate of how muchtime the job will need whennextgiven the
`CPU. Theestimate is based on measured lengths of previous CPU usage. Thealgorithm can
`be either preemptive or nonpreemptive. With a preemptive schedule, the currently running
`process can be interrupted by one with a shorter remaining time to completion.
` Round Robin
`The round robin algorithm is designed especially for time-shared systems.It is similar to
`first-comefirst-served, with preemption added to switch between processes. A small unit of


`Scheduling Algorithms
`time quantum, slice
`time called time quantum or slice is defined, and the ready queueis treated as a circular
`queue. The scheduler walks the queue, allocating the CPU to each process for one time
`slice. If a process completes in less than its allocated time, it releases the CPU; otherwise,
`the processis interrupted when time expires andit’s put at the end ofqueue. New processes
`are addedto the tail of the queue. Observethatif the time slice is increased to infinity, round
`robin becomesa first-come first-served scheduler.
`Priority Schedule
`Shortest job first is a special case of the more general priority scheduling class of algo-
`rithms. A priority is associated with each process, and the CPUisallocated to the process
`with the highest priority. Equal priority jobs are scheduled first-come first-served or in
`round robin fashion. The major problem with a priority schedule is the potential for indef-
`inite blocking or starving—priority inversion. The algorithms can be either preemptive or
` Rate-Monotonic
`With a preemptive schedule,the currently running process can be interrupted by any other
`task with a higher priority. A special class of priority-driven algorithms called rate-
`monotonic was initially developed in 1973 and has been updated overthe years.In the basic
`algorithm,priority is assigned based on execution period; the shorter the period, the higher
`the priority.
`Priorities that are determined andassigned at design time and then remain fixed during
`executionare said to useastatic orfixed scheduling policy. Theability to schedule a set of
`static, fixed
`tasks is computed asa bound onutilization of the CPU as shown in Eq. 12.1.
`F Bsa")
`p = Period ofthe task
`e = Execution timeofthe task
`This approach makesthe following assumptions.
`¢ The deadline for each task is equalto its period.
`* Anytask can be preemptedat any time.
`The expression on the right-hand side gives a bound on CPUutilization; the boundis
`extreme,thatis, worst case.If it cannot be met, a more detailed analysis must be performed
`to prove whetherornot the task can be scheduled. The above equation sets a CPU utilization
`bound at 69%.Practically, the bound could be relaxed to around 88%,and the taskscanstill
`be scheduled.
`The basic algorithm given above simplifies system analysis. Schedulingis static, and
`the worst case occurs whenall the jobs mustbe started simultaneously. Formalanalysis that
`is beyondthe scope ofthis text leads us to the rate-monotonic schedule also knownasthe
`critical zone theorem critical zone theorem.


`Chapter 12
`Tasks and Task Management
`all task deadlines in all task orderings.
`Critical Zone Theorem
`If the computed utilizationis less than the utilization bound, then the system is guaranteed to meet
`It can be shown that rate-monotonic systems are the optimal fixed rate scheduling
`method.If a rate-monotonic schedule cannot be found, then no other fixed rate scheme will
`work. The algorithm is defined as stable, which meansthat as additional, lower priority
`tasks are added to the system,the higherpriority tasks can still meet their deadlines even if
`lowerpriority tasks fail to do so. The initial algorithm bases assurance uponthe assumption
`that there is no task blocking. The basic algorithm can be modified to include blockingas
`illustrated in Eq.12.2.
`= ft <a(2 3 }
`Pn- 1
`blocked by a lowerpriority task
`The terms b; give the maximum timetask i can be
`earliest deadline
`With a nonpreemptive schedule,a currently arriving higherpriority processis placed at the
`head of the ready queue.
` Earliest Deadline
`A dynamic variation on the rate-monotonic algorithm is called earliest deadline. The ear-
`liest deadline schedule uses a dynamic algorithm with priority assigned based onthe task
`with the closest deadline. The schedule must be established and modified during runtime,
`for only then can the deadline(s) be assessed.
`A setoftasks is considered schedulableif the sum of the task loadingis less than 100%.
`It is considered optimalin the sense thatif a task can be scheduled by otheralgorithms, then
`it can be scheduled bythe earliest deadline.
`The algorithm is not considered stable. If the runtime task load rises above 100%, some
`task may miss i

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