`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/736r1
`IEEE P802.11
`Wireless LANs
`Approved Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group
`July 12 - 16, 2004
`Portland Hilton, Portland, Oregon, USA
`8th Joint 802 Wireless Opening Plenary: Monday, July 12, 2004
`1.1.1. Meeting called to order by Stuart J. Kerry at 1:30PM
`1.1.2. The agenda of the 86th session of 802.11 is in doc: IEEE 11-04-
`592r4. This session is including 802.11, 802.15, 802.18 RREG
`TAG, 802.19 Coexistence TAG, 802.20 MBWA, and 802.21.
`1.1.3. Stuart J. Kerry reminds the group regarding the rules against audio
`recording or photographs without permission.
`1.1.4. Count of new participants at this meeting: 63.
`There are 459 people in the room.
`1.1.5. Secretary – Tim Godfrey
`1.1.6. Officers and Chairs of 802.11:
`Work Phone
`IEEE 802.11 WG Chair
`+1 (408) 474-7356
`Philips Semiconductors, Inc.,
`1109 McKay Drive, M/S 48A SJ,
`San Jose, CA 95131-1706, USA
`Fax:+1 (408) 474-5343
`WG 1st Vice-Chair / Treasurer
`Policies & Treasury
`WG 2nd Vice-Chair / WNM SG Chair
`Attendance, Ballots, Documentation & Voting
`WG Secretary
`WG Technical Editor
`Standard & Amendment(s) Coordination
`WG Publicity SC Chair
`Communications & Reports
`WNG SC Chair
`TGe Chair
`TGj Chair
`TGk Chair
`TGm Chair
`TGn Chair
`TGr Chair
`TGs Chair
`WAVE SG Chair (TGp Chair Elect)
`WIEN SG Chair
`WPP SG Chair
`+1 (321) 235-3423
`+1 (973) 236-6915
`+1 (913) 664-2544
`+1 (512) 602-2454
`+1 (321) 259-0737
`+1 (408) 474-5193
`+1 (321) 327-6710
`+1 (408) 773-5295
`+1 (206) 854-8199
`+1 (408) 635-2025
`+1 (321) 327-6704
`+1 (408) 528-2766
`+1 (508) 786-7554
`+1 (617) 244-9203
`+44 (1794) 833341
`+1 (978) 268-9202
`Stuart J. Kerry
`Al Petrick
`Harry R. Worstell
`Tim Godfrey
`Terry Cole
`Brian Mathews
`Teik-Kheong "TK" Tan
`John Fakatselis
`Sheung Li
`Richard H. Paine
`Bob O'Hara
`Bruce P. Kraemer
`Clint Chaplin
`Donald E. Eastlake 3rd
`Lee Armstrong
`Stephen McCann
`Charles R. Wright
`page 1
`Tim Godfrey, Conexant
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/736r0
`IP Statements (Letters of Assurance)
`1.2.1. Stuart J Kerry calls for any letters of assurance related to IP for any
`Working Groups represented in this joint meeting.
`1.3. Announcements
`1.3.1. Members are cautioned to not leave personal items unattended in
`the meeting rooms.
`1.4. Policies and procedures
`1.4.1. Petrick reviews the documents containing the 802.11 policies and
`procedures. Current P&P document is 00/331r7. Updates in 421r1
`was posted in March. The latest red-line document is 04/510r0
`1.4.2. Al Petrick presents the overview of policies and procedures from
`the presentation in 04/424r2.
`Review of officer duties.
`Review of voting tokens – 802.15 through 802.20 will continue to use
`paper tokens. 802.11 is using printed voting status on their registration
`badges. We are continuing this from the March meeting. There were only
`16 discrepancies. If anyone else has a question about voting status, see
`Al Petrick or Harry Worstell.
`Hierarchy of policies and procedures.
`The use of Roberts Rules of Order latest edition.
`Review of registration and media recording rules.
`Review of attendance list and recording procedures, and rules for
`statements to the press.
`Review of attendance procedures, and rules for voting rights
`(earning and maintaining). More details in document 04/422r2
`Review of membership and anti-trust rules.
`Review of IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in
`Standards. This information was last updated in February 2004.
`The following text from document 04/424r2 was read in its entirety to
`the membership by Al Petrick:
`page 2
`Tim Godfrey, Conexant
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/736r0
`March 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/278r10
`IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents
`in Standards
`6. Patents
`IEEE standards may include the known use of essential patents, and patent applications, provided
`the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for
`compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard. This assurance shall be
`provided without coercion and prior to approval of the standard (or reaffirmation when a patent
`becomes known after initial approval of the standard). This assurance shall be a letter that is in the
`form of either
`a) A general disclaimer to the effect that the patentee will not enforce any of its present or future
`patent(s) whose use would be required to implement the proposed IEEE standard against any person
`or entity using the patent(s) to comply with the standard or
`b) A statement that a license will be made available without compensation or under reasonable rates,
`with reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination
`This assurance shall apply, at a minimum, from the date of the standard's approval to the date of the
`standard's withdrawal and is irrevocable during that period.
`Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board –, March 2003, Feb 2004
`General Agenda Information
`Slide 12
`Stuart J. Kerry - Philips Semiconductors, Inc.
`page 3
`Tim Godfrey, Conexant
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/736r0
`March 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/278r10
`Inappropriate Topics for
`IEEE WG Meetings
`• Don’t discuss licensing terms or conditions
`• Don’t discuss product pricing, territorial restrictions or market share
`• Don’t discuss ongoing litigation or threatened litigation
`• Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object.
`If you have questions,
`contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator
`at patcom@ieee.org
`Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – December 2002
`General Agenda Information
`Slide 13
`Stuart J. Kerry - Philips Semiconductors, Inc.
`The rules and status of copyright are reviewed.
` Meeting Etiquette
`Stuart J. Kerry reminds the membership that meetings
`are to be conducted in an orderly and professional manner.
`Roberts rules requires that conversations are through the chair.
`Members exhibiting inappropriate conduct will be removed.
`1.5. Review of the Agenda
`1.5.1. The joint meeting agenda is reviewed
`1.5.2. The agenda is approved with unanimous consent
`1.6. Matters arising from the Minutes
`1.6.1. No matters arising from the minutes
`1.6.2. The minutes from Garden Grove are approved with Unanimous
`Interim Meetings
`1.7.1. September 12-17, Berlin Germany.
`Registration for meeting and hotel are available on the web site.
`Members must provide credit card to guarantee the hotel and also to
`pay the meeting fee. We have a 300 room block at the Estrel Hotel.
`The Hilton will be an overflow hotel.
`There is a 3 tier registration fee, based on time of registration. We
`will have an early-bird for $700US until the end of the month. Regular is
`$900US, after August 27, the fee is $1100US.
`page 4
`Tim Godfrey, Conexant
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/736r0
`Cancellation – If you cancel before 25 August, there is $100AU fee.
`No refund after August 25th. In addition, 2 room nights must be paid to
`the hotel if canceling.
`Meetings will be managed by Tourhosts of Australia.
`Booking at the Estrel is only until the 18 but not beyond.
`The IEEE rate at the Estrel is 139 Euros.
`1.7.3. November 14-19, 2004: Plenary San Antonio TX
`1.7.4. January 16-21, 2005, Interim, Monterey, CA
`1.7.5. March 13-28, 2005, Plenary, Atlanta, GA
`1.7.6. May 15-20, Sydney Australia.
`At the Hilton in Sydney which has been recently renovated.
`1.7.7. July 17-22, 2005, Plenary, San Francisco, CA
`1.7.8. September 18-23, 2005 – Boston (tentative)
`1.7.9. November 13-18, 2005, Plenary, Vancouver BC
`January 2006 – Interim TBD
` Straw Poll on locations.
`Hawaii – (Maui or Kauai) 176
`California 26
`Florida 26
`Mexico 116
`March 12-17, 2006 – New Orleans
`May 15-19, 2006
` China
`Istanbul, Turkey
` Yokohama, Japan
` Seoul, Korea
`July 2006, San Diego
`September 18-22, 2006 (unknown, - but North America)
`November 2006 – Dallas downtown.
`1.8. Attendance and Network
`1.8.1. Al Petrick reviews document 04/422r4 and the instructions for
`accessing the meeting attendance and document server at
`1.8.2. Going forward there is no grace period for forgetting to log
`attendance during meeting sessions.
`1.8.3. Instructions for uploading and downloading documents are
`1.8.4. The wireless network overview is explained.
`1.8.5. Members are reminded to verify their virus and firewall protection is
`up to date.
`1.9. Joint Treasurer report
`1.9.1. John Barr gives the report for the joint 802.11/802.15 treasury.
`1.9.2. Document 802.15/04/333r1.
`page 5
`Tim Godfrey, Conexant
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/736r0
`1.9.3. Expenses at Anaheim were $209K, and income was $291K, giving
`a surplus of $83K.
`1.9.4. $60K was targeted to help reduce costs for Berlin meeting.
`1.9.5. Since we have our own treasury, we have to carry the reserve to
`cover cancellations or penalties.
`1.9.6. Discussion
` When do we expect to achieve the goal of $68K reserve? In January
`1.10. Report on ExCom activities
`Bob Heile presents document 15-04-332r0
`There is an a problem with the IEEE SA Ballot Tool.
`John Hawkins replaces Bill Quackenbush as 802 treasurer.
` An architecture group was established to look at 802 issues. WGs
`are to nominate 2 people to participate.
`1.11. 802 PARs
`New PARs for approval at this meeting
`802.3ar: Frame Expansion
`802.11p: Wireless Access for the Vehicular Environment
`802.11T: Wireless Performance Prediction
`802.16e modification
`802.16f: MIB
`802.16g: Management Plane Procedures and Services
`802.18 TV Band from 802.18 SG1 (Proposed as P802.22)
`Comments due by Tuesday at 5:00PM, responses due
`Wednesday by 5:00PM.
`1.12. 802.11 Agenda
`Voter Summary in 04/511r1
` We have 350 voters, 146 nearly voters.
` We have lost 147 voters due to failing to respond to LB69 and LB70.
`These individuals have been contacted by email. These members have
`the right to appeal. (Send to Harry Worstell and Stuart J. Kerry)
` Appeals are a one-time proposition. There will be no second
` We went from 548 to 350 voters.
`Review of 802.11 agenda
` Stuart J. Kerry reviews the 802.11 agenda for the week. 04/592r3.
`The agenda is adopted with Unanimous consent.
`Matters arising from the minutes of 802.11 Garden Grove –
`The minutes are approved with Unanimous consent.
`WG Policies and Procedures.
` Al Petrick reviews document 04/750r0 regarding the current state of
` Current document is 00/331r7. 421r1 was created in March, with
` Document 331r7 with changes was created as 04/510r0 and posted
`in March. There are no new comments on that document.
`page 6
`Tim Godfrey, Conexant
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/736r0
` At the May meeting, we announced that this document would be
`voted upon at this meeting.
` Motion: Move that document 04/510r0 becomes the policies and
`procedures for IEEE 802.11 WG and be posted on the IEEE 802.11 WG
`website after the close of the 802.11 July 2004 Plenary.
`Moved Al Petrick
`Second Colin Lanzl
`Vote: passes 137 : 0 : 0
`Documentation update
` Harry Worstell reminds members to continue using the old format for
`the document number in the upper right hand corner of the documents
`(not the filename).
`TGe – John Fakatselis
` Received results of first Sponsor Ballot. Will address comments. Will
`ask for extension of the PAR Wednesday or Friday.
`TGj – Sheung Li
`TGj completed first sponsor ballot. The results from the IEEE SA 66
`are read: There were 93 in the pool. 66 affirmative, 9 negative with
`comments, 0 negative without comments, 3 abstain, 78 votes received.
`Met 83% return, 88% affirmative.
`TGj expects to complete comment resolutions
`TGk – Richard Paine
` Details in 04/739r1
` Reviewing draft 0.14.
` Hoping to finish and have LB this week.
` Still issues with security of measurement frames.
`TGm – Bob O’Hara
` Will meet in Salon 3 across the street.
`TGn – Bruce Kraemer
` CFP was issued in May. Will discuss results, and prepare for
`presentations that begin in September.
` Joint sessions with 802.18, .19, and .21.
` Will have nominations for vice chair and editor.
` Stuart Kerry announces that candidates for editor and vice chair
`should see himself or Bruce Kraemer .
` 802.11n will have priority in the Berlin meeting, with 32 hours. There
`are currently 61 proposals.
`TGr – Clint Chaplin
` Will elect editor and secretary. Document 04/761 has the agenda.
`Will work on framework document in preparation for possible Call for
`TGs – Donald Eastlake
` First meeting – will elect secretary and editor. Agenda in 04/663r2.
`WNG – TK Tan
` Four sessions this week. Will have an update from Darpa XG project.
` Re-affirmation of motion from May to form AP study group, which
`passed with Unanimous consent.
` Move that the WNG SC recommends that the IEEE
`802.11 WG form a study group to determine how to formally
`describe the Access Point functions and behaviors (ref 11-
`page 7
`Tim Godfrey, Conexant
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/736r0
`04/604r0), with the intent to create a PAR and five criteria to form
`a new Task Group.
` Move to reaffirm the decision of the May 2004 interim 802.11 WG
`session that approved by unanimous consent the formation of an AP
`Functional Description Study Group and forward to 802 ExCom for
` Moved TK Tan
`Second Clint Chaplin
`Vote (802.11 members) Passes 122 : 1 : 1
`WAVE SG – Broady Cash
` Will discuss the draft submissions to the draft amendment, and
`respond to any comments on the PAR and 5C.
`WEIN SG – Steven McCann
` Agenda is in 04/689r1. Will refine scope and draft PAR and 5C. Will
`address specific issues with technical submissions. Looking for
`volunteers for liaisons to 3GPP. Joint meetings with TGr, and with
`802.21. WEIN will be in an ad-hoc session for the joint meeting with
`802.21 on Wednesday.
`WNM – Harry Worstell
` Working on PAR and 5C. Will vote to approve this week. Will
`consider proposals on direction. Looking for secretary for group.
`WPP – Charles Wright
` The LB to confirm forwarding PAR and 5C was approved. Will
`resolve comments on PAR and 5C, and hear presentations.
`5GHz chairs ad-hoc – Al Petrick
` First meetings were in May. Generated protection statement for
`802.11a in 5GHz band. Will work with 802.18 this week to complete the
`WG Technical Editor – Terry Cole
` Delayed until Wednesday
`1.13. 802.15 Agenda
`Voter status – 234 voters, 80 nearly voters – could have up
`to 314 at this meeting
`P&P documents will be combined and updated at the next
`TG1a – Tom Seip
` Will meet one time – in the process of instituting a Sponsor ballot.
`Will plan for future activities of BT sig.
`TG3a – Bob Heile
` Will continue downselection process. Special orders were postponed
`from Anaheim. Will vote on Wednesday.
`TG3b – John Barr
` MAC amendment for 802.15.3. Have issued a call for submissions,
`and have listed contributions received. Will have presentations tomorrow,
`and make decisions Thursday
`TG4a – Pat Kinney
` Alt Phy for 802.15.4. Will have tutorials on location awareness.
`Wednesday will work on selection document, and start on CFP.
`TG4b – Robert Poor
`page 8
`Tim Godfrey, Conexant
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/736r0
` Revision of the 802.15.4 spec to clean up holes. Main activity is
`tutorial, review contributions, and form draft.
`SG 3C – Reed Fisher
` MMwave PHY for 802.15.3. Issued call for applications, ending
`August 31st. Working on PAR and 5C documents.
`TG5 – John Booth
` Mesh Networking. There has been limited response to CFP. Will
`discuss whether to extend or proceed.
`1.14. Joint Publicity
`Greg Rasor, Brian Matthews.
`Will receive updates from industry groups, press releases,
`media coverage
`1.15. 802.18
`Carl Stephenson presents document 18-04-027.
`FCC extended comment deadline on 3GHZ NPRM will move
`from 802.18 document to 802 document..
`Prepared documents for industry Canada regarding 5470-
`Approved PAR and 5C for WG on WRAN using TV band.
`Will process comments on NPRM, and work on 5GHz
`protection criteria.
`1.16. 802.19
`Steve Shellhammer presents document 19-04-0023r1
`802.19 TAG produced proposed changes to 802. P&P for
`coexistence. A LB was unanimously approved. These proposed
`rule changes were discussed within ExCom, and will be presented
`to 802.11, 15, and 16.
`There will be a tutorial Tuesday at 6:30 on Coexistence.
`There will be a joint meeting with 802.11n Wednesday.
`The new rules will require that each group create a
`coexistence assurance document, and 802.19 will develop an
`Coexistence assurance method document.
`The document will be updated and presented on
`1.17. 802.20
`Jerry Upton presents document 20-04-xxx
`802.20 can be signed for attendance at this session.
`Document server on Neptune/mbwa
`802.20 and 802.21 have reciprocal attendance
`Will work on requirements document this week on Tuesday
`and Wednesday.
`Will then work on evaluation criteria, channel models, traffic
`models, etc. Will look at work plan schedule.
`page 9
`Tim Godfrey, Conexant
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/736r0
`We have an agreement with all 802. groups (except 802.2,
`3, and 16) to grant member access to documents.
`1.18. 802.21
`Ajay Jajkumar presents document 21-04-xxx
`Review of officers. Attendance is still TBD – 802.21 has not
`been added to the 802wirelessworld system. Will use paper
`attendance recording.
`Working on requirements and comments on the
`requirements. Working on handover usage scenarios.
`There will be joint meetings with 802.11.
`Documents are on server handover (
`1.19. Announcements
`Stuart J. Kerry personally thanks Al Petrick and Harry
`Worstell for running 802.11 while he was attending to his brother’s
`1.20. Adjourn of the Joint Meeting
`2. Wednesday, July 14, 2004
`2.1. Opening
`2.1.1. The meeting is called to order by Stuart J. Kerry at 10:35AM
`2.1.2. Following the agenda in document 04/592r4
`Changes to agenda 802.18 PAR
`802.11e PAR extension
`802.19 coexistence rules proposal
`AP Methodology
`Chair nominations on AP Methodology SG
`SEC Architecture SC
`2.1.3. There are 378 people in the room
`2.2. Announcements
`2.2.1. Social is by bus at Crystal Ballroom. Shuttles from 6:00pm to
`2.2.2. There are still some CDs available of the 2004 standards if you
`didn’t get one in November.
`2.2.3. TGs announces an informal gathering to discuss submissions this
`afternoon at 1:30pm.
`2.2.4. TGn announced that nominations for vice chair and editor were
`open, but the elections are postponed indefinitely – at least until
`2.3. Agenda
`2.3.1. The agenda is affirmed.
`2.3.2. There is no WAVE meeting on Thursday. There is an informal
`WAVE meeting this afternoon.
`page 10
`Tim Godfrey, Conexant
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/736r0
`2.3.3. TGn a
`2.4. LOA letters
`2.4.1. The chair asks for any IP letters
`2.5. Attendance
`2.5.1. Harry Worstell reports that about 150 voters lost rights due to non-
`response on the last letter ballots. Some have been restored based
`on the use of the one-time appeal. Anyone who has appealed but
`not received voting tokens, see Harry.
`2.5.2. Some members have not sent in the voter status request. All
`members are required to send in a request to continue to be a voter
`in 802.11. The request period closed on June 30th. If you didn’t, you
`need to send a request to get your voting status back.
`The same appeal would be used for failing to request voting rights as
`for failing to respond to Letter Ballots.
`2.5.3. The chair notes that the attendance recording method is on the
`honor system. We are coordinating with WG and TAG chairs and
`performing snap audits of certain individuals.
`2.5.4. Discussion
`Sometimes specific groups are not available to sign in on the server?
`We will fix this.
`A member suggests that sign in time for sessions be extended into
`the break. The chair rules this is not possible – the 2 hour slot is
`2.5.5. The chair reminds members that discussions is by addressing the
`chair. This is part of our P&P.
`2.6. Approval of Agenda
`2.6.1. The agenda is approved by Unanimous consent
`2.7. Liaison Reports
`2.7.1. 802.11 to 802.15.3a – Atul Garg
`No Report
`2.7.2. 802.11 to 802.18 Denis Kuahara
`Report in document 18-04-0028
`RR TAG SG1 is working on TV Spectrum Re-use, developing PAR
`and 5 Criteria
`Next meeting will be in September
`2.7.3. 802.11 to WiFi Alliance – Bill Carney
`Report in document 04/808
`Nearly 1500 devices certified, new logo program in effect.
` WPA is mandatory as of Sept 2003. WPA2 certification starts in
`September 2004. There will be an 18 month time before WPA2 becomes
`CE products are expected to be introduced this year. WFA is starting
`QoS certification based on WME subset. Additional features from
`802.11e will be added at a later date. WFA will announce a new name
`for consumer branding of QoS features.
`page 11
`Tim Godfrey, Conexant
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/736r0
`2.7.4. 802.11 to JEDEC JC61 – Tim Wakely
`No Report
`2.7.5. 802.11 to IETF – Dorothy Stanley
`Report in document 04/776
`802.11 EAP Method Requirements – input from 802.11 has been
`provided to IETF. Based on IETF comments, the document was updated
`in May. Now before the IESG. There will be a motion to revise
`incorporating latest changes in 04/160r6.
`CAPWAP WG – IETF requested 802.11 to review CAPWAP
`taxonomy document. Ad hoc group has completed this work and
`provided comments.
`2.7.6. 802.11 to MMAC – Inoue-san
`Report in document 04/809
`Committees (until March 2004): High Speed Wireless Access
`Committee (HiSWAN WG, CSMA WG). Wireless Home-Link Committee
`(Wireless 1394 WG, UWB WG).
`MMAC-802.11 WG was formerly called T71 Ad hoc WG.
`Standardizing in parallel with TGj
`Support of new frequency bands and new rules for the existing
`wireless LAN systems
`5.470 – 5.725 GHz band
`Information Council of MPHPT recently recommended to
`allocate this band for wireless LAN/wireless access systems.
`5.250 – 5.350 GHz band
`Center frequency shift for 5.150 – 5.250 GHz band
`What is the meaning of center frequency shift? To
`coordinate with USA allocation
`2.8. Reports
`2.8.1. Bonneville Tiger Team
`Al Petrick reports in place of Brian Mathews. There is no Report –
`Will present update in Berlin
`2.8.2. Secretaries Tiger Team
`Harry will issue report by Friday of this week.
`2.9. Old Business
`2.9.1. 802.18 PAR and 5C response from 802.11
`Al Petrick presents the 802.11 response to the 802.18 PAR,
`contained in document 04/798:
`Suggested changes to scope: a. Scope suggests that
`Cognitive functions are exclusive to point-to-multipoint systems.
`Comment on scope: “2. Are there other standards or
`projects with a similar scope? (Item 15 of the PAR): We believe a
`No answer is inadequate and requires an explanation. For
`example; why 802.16d and 802.16e, 802.11j, 802.11h are not
`discussed as having similar or different scope and application.”
`Distinct Identity (PAR 5 Criteria): The
`justification of distinct identity is insufficient. For example;
`With respect to point-to-multipoint
`systems the only distinction of the proposed project is
`the frequency of operation.
`page 12
`Tim Godfrey, Conexant
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/736r0
`With respect to Cognitive radio
`functions, we note that these apply equally to FCC Part
`15 systems such as; 802.11, 802.15 and 802.16.
`Technical Feasibility (PAR 5 Criteria):
`We believe the subsequent discussion does not
`support the elements above and we believe further study
`is needed. This is particularly true of the Cognitive radio
`General Recommendation: The 802.11WG
`recommends that the 802 ExCOM sponsor an executive study
`group to further develop the scope of the Cognitive radio
`functions and their application to the wireless IEEE 802 systems
`and propose one or more PARs as applicable.
`Stuart J. Kerry informs the group that a duly-constituted ad-hoc
`group created these comments on behalf of 802.11.
`Carl Stephenson, 802.18 chair, takes the floor and provides the
`802.18 response to these comments directly to the 802.11 members.
` Carl presents Document 18-04-031
`Developed by 802.18 and 802.18 SG1 as an official
`The 802.18 group presents a rebuttal to the 802.11
`They believe that a new 802 working group is needed to
`address the TV-band application and unique requirements.
`They believe that the 802 working group should be
`formed without further delay for additional study.
`Carl reads an email from Victor Talow, SR VP of MS TV
`organization of telecasters: Victor supports the effort to establish
`a new working group for standardizing unlicensed operation in
`the TV band.
`Carl reads a message he from Vina Newrock from the
`Canadian Research Center. Canada is also very interested in
`this TV band activity.
`Stuart notes that the ExCom makes the determination of whether a
`new WG is formed, or the PAR goes to an existing WG.
`In support of the 802.18 chairs position, and believes a
`separate WG is needed.
`Stuart Kerry notes that the position of the Ad Hoc group
`was not yet approved by the full WG. Al Petrick will bring a
`motion on Friday for the entire 802.11 WG to vote on to confirm
`the official WG position.
`Stuart J. Kerry announces that there will be an ad-hoc
`meeting to resolve this issue. It will be posted on the message
`boards. Al Petrick will coordinate this activity.
`2.9.2. 802.11i
`Stuart J. Kerry thanks Dave Halasz for his work in leading the
`802.11i task group. Dave thanks the all the members of the TG that
`helped, including Editor Jesse Walker, and Secretary Frank Ciotti.
`2.9.3. 802.11e PAR Extension
`The 802.11e Task Group filled in the extension form in document
`04/791. It is purely a procedural form that changes nothing substantive in
`the PAR, but only extends the TG duration.
`Move to submit document 11-04-0791-00-000e as the PAR
`extension request for TGe.
`page 13
`Tim Godfrey, Conexant
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/736r0
`Moved John Fakatselis on behalf of TGe
`What is the new date of extension? The
`standard extension is for four years.
`The motion passed unanimously in TGe with 20-
`30 voters.
`Vote: Passes 137 : 0 : 0
`2.9.4. 802.19 proposed changes to 802 P&P for Coexistence
`Steve Shellhammer, 802.19 chair, presents document 19-04-0010r6.
`802.19 plans to move to conduct an 802 ExCom Letter Ballot.
`If passed the changes would take effect in November.
` Would require an addition to the PAR process to specify that WGs
`create Coexistence Assurance documents (if applicable).
`A new procedure to forward a draft wireless standard would require a
`Coexistence Assurance document that would address coexistence with
`all relevant 802 wireless standards.
`How may votes would 802.19 have in a sponsor ballot
`pools? It would be one vote. It is not a veto power.
`802.19 has a TAG vote. 802.19 members can still vote
`as an individual in addition.
`Is it the intention to preclude 802.19 from becoming a
`bottleneck that could impede progress due to lack of time.
`Correct – 802.19 could abstain due to lack of time like an
`individual voter.
`The wording of the procedure needs to be fixed. Agreed.
`Would it be possible to remove the reference to
`unlicensed bands? No, the ExCom specifically limited this to
`unlicensed bands.
`Stuart J. Kerry asks Al Petrick to form an Ad Hoc to develop an
`802.11 position on this topic by Friday. See Al Petrick for details.
`Steve Shellhammer states that 802.19 will hold a joint meeting with
`802.11 TGn today after lunch.
`2.9.5. EAP Methodology Requirements
`Move to request Stuart J. Kerry, Chair of IEEE 802.11 to send the
`letter in 04/160r6 to Harald Alvestrand IETF Chair, with copies to the IAB
`and the IESG, Requesting publication of the “EAP Method Requirements
`for Wireless LANs” as an IETF Informational RFC.
`Moved Dorothy Stanley
`Second Sandy Turner
`Correction to the spelling of Alvestrand. No
`objection to amendment.
`Vote: Passes 127 : 0 : 4
`2.9.6. Chairs Nominations for AP Functionality SG
`Dorothy Stanley was nominated by Darwin Engwer
`Is there any objection to affirm Dorothy Stanley?
`Dorothy is elected chair by acclamation.
`2.9.7. 802 Architecture Standing Committee
`page 14
`Tim Godfrey, Conexant
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/736r0
`Stuart J. Kerry reviews the presentation sent to the reflector
`regarding the 802 Architecture Standing Committee.
`This is not approved until a vote tomorrow. It would be chaired by
`802.1 chair Tony Jeffree. There would be a maximum of 2 participants
`from each WG. The WG chair plus one other.
` We may have to have two to have an alternate.
`Stuart J. Kerry is looking for volunteers among people who really
`understand the standard.
`We have been discussing architecture within 802.11 for
`a long time. The best way to couple in our concerns to ExCom
`would be to create an 802.11 Architectural TAG. We could have
`the chair of our TAG serve as the liaison to ExCom’s committee.
`This should be an ad-hoc to let people discuss both the
`top-down and bottom-up perspectives. An all-encompassing
`architecture would b