`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`New Participant Orientation
`IEEE 802.11 Vice-Chair
`Al Petrick
`IEEE 802.15 Vice-Chair
`Jim Allen
`IEEE 802.18 Chair
`Carl Stevenson
`IEEE 802.19 Chair
`Steve Shellhammer
`IEEE 802.20 Chair
`Jerry Upton
`IEEE 802.21 Chair
`Ajay Rajkumar
`Slide 1
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`IEEE 802.11 Officers…Primary Roles
`Wireless LANs
`• Stuart J. Kerry, Chairman
`• Al Petrick, Vice-Chair…Attendance record
`and Treasury
`• Harry Worstell, Vice-Chair….Documentation,
`Voter Database
`• Tim Godfrey, Secretary ...Working Group Minutes
`and Wireless Network Lead.
`Slide 2
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`IEEE 802.15 Officers…Primary Roles
`Wireless PANs
`• Bob Heile, Chairman, Documentation
`• Jim Allen, Vice-Chair…
`• Pat Kinney, Secretary ...Working Group Minutes
`• Mike McInnis, Asst Secretary
`• James Gilb, Parliamentarian
`• Rick Alfvin, Webmaster/Docmaster/Attendance
`• John Barr, Treasury
`Slide 3
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`IEEE 802.18 Officers…Primary Roles
`Radio Regulatory TAG
`• Carl Stevenson, Chairman, Documentation
`• Denis Kuwahara,Vice-Chair/Secretary
`– WG minutes
`– Attendance
`Slide 4
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`IEEE 802.20 Officers…Primary Roles
`Mobile Broadband Wireless Access
`• Jerry Upton, Chairman, Documentation,
`Voting Rights
`• Gang Wu, Vice-Chair, Voting Tokens
`• Rao Yalla Pragada, Secretary ...Working
`Group Minutes, Attendance
`Slide 5
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`IEEE 802.21 Officers…Primary Roles
`Media Independent Handover Services
`• Ajay Rajkumar Chairman, Documentation,
`Voting Rights, Voting Tokens
`• Vice-Chair, OPEN
`• WG Secretary, OPEN
`Slide 6
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents
`in Standards
`6. Patents
`IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the
`IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for
`compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard. This assurance shall be
`provided without coercion and prior to approval of the standard (or reaffirmation when a patent
`becomes known after initial approval of the standard). This assurance shall be a letter that is in the
`form of either
`a) A general disclaimer to the effect that the patentee will not enforce any of its present or future
`patent(s) whose use would be required to implement the proposed IEEE standard against any person
`or entity using the patent(s) to comply with the standard or
`b) A statement that a license will be made available without compensation or under reasonable rates,
`with reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination
`This assurance shall apply, at a minimum, from the date of the standard's approval to the date of the
`standard's withdrawal and is irrevocable during that period.
`Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – March 2003, May 2004
`Slide 7
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG
`• Don’t discuss licensing terms or conditions
`• Don’t discuss product pricing, territorial restrictions or market share
`• Don’t discuss ongoing litigation or threatened litigation
`• Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object.
`If you have questions,
`contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator
`at patcom@ieee.org
`Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – December 2002
`Slide 8
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`General Information
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`• Meetings governed by Roberts Rules of Order. latest edition
`• Meetings operated under published IEEE 802 and IEEE 802.11/.20 Policies and Procedures
`IEEE 802.11 Policies and Procedures
`document: IEEE 802.11-00/331r7 (on the 802.11 Website)
`IEEE 802.15 Policies and Procedures
`document: 99001r6P802-15_Policies and Procedures
`IEEE 802.20 Policies and Procedures
`document: 802.20 – PD -05
`– Participation and Representation
`Individual representation and voting…. Not by company!!!!
`– Open participation with conference fee
`802.11 working group web page
`– www.IEEE802.org/11
`802.15 working group web page
`– www.IEEE802.org/15
`– www.IEEE802.org/18
`802.18 working group web page
`– www.IEEE802.org/19
`802.19 working group web page
`– www.IEEE802.org/20
`802.20 working group web page
`802.21 working group web page
`– www.IEEE802.org/21
`Photography not permitted unless approved by WG Chair
`• Audio taping of IEEE 802.11/.15 meetings is NOT allowed
`• Media – Press and Analyst briefings
`– Only the 802.11/.21 Chair and Vice-Chairs are allowed to give verbal statements/interviews to the
`media on behalf of IEEE 802.11/.21 WG
`Slide 9
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Old Document – Submissions for 802.11
`The file name starts with:
`File names and document format: gg-yy-sss[l]r(n)-G-HumanName.ext
`– “gg” is the 802 group
`– "yy" is the last digit of the year
`– "sss" is the sequence number of the document
`– "l" is an optional letter "A" added to the document number
`(for companion documents as a Power Point Presentation on
`a Word document submission
`– "r" is the letter r
`– "n" is the revision number
`– "G" is the group to which the document assigned to (see above
`in the document list)
`The human name should be as short as possible.
`(please use either a dash or underscore for the coupling letter)
`Try to avoid adding the TG in the name.
`• Example:
`See Harry Worstell – Vice Chair for document – submission numbers
`Slide 10
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Document – Submissions for 802.15
`File names and document format: yysssrnP802-15_TGx-title.ext
`– "yy" is the last digit of the year
`– "sss" is the sequence number of the document provided by the
`– "r" is the letter r
`– "n" is the revision number
`– “x" is the group to which the document assigned to (see above
`in the document list, e.g.TG3,SG3a or WG)
`The title should be as short as possible with dashes between all
`Try to avoid adding the TG in the name.
`• Example:
`• Boiler Plate is available, copyright statement MUST
`be on all submissions.
`Slide 11
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Document – Submissions for 802.18
`The file name starts with:
`File names and document format: gg-yy-sss[l]r(n)-G-HumanName.ext
`– “gg” is the 802 group
`– "yy" is the last digit of the year
`– "sss" is the sequence number of the document
`– "l" is an optional letter "A" added to the document number
`(for companion documents as a Power Point Presentation on
`a Word document submission
`– "r" is the letter r
`– "n" is the revision number
`– "G" is the group to which the document assigned to (see above
`in the document list)
`The human name should be as short as possible.
`(please use either a dash or underscore for the coupling letter)
`Try to avoid adding the TG in the name.
`• Example:
`See Carl Stevenson – Chair for document – submission numbers
`Slide 12
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Voting Rights
`• Earned by attending and participating in meetings for each session in
`• Two (2) types of meeting sessions
`– Plenary:….3 sessions per calendar year (March, July, November)
`• Organized by IEEE 802
`– Interim: .. Currently 3 sessions per calendar year (January, May, September)
`• Organized by working group IEEE 802.11/.20 and sponsored by a host
`• Voting rights can be earned by participation in 2 plenary sessions within 4
`consecutive plenary sessions
`– One (1) Interim session may be substituted for a plenary
`– Definition of participation…..
`• Must be present in at least 75% of ALL meetings in a session
`• 802.11 and 802.15 voters attending 802.18 will receive voting credit for
`maintaining voting rights in 802.11 and 802.15
`Slide 13
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`IEEE 802: Standardization Process
`Passage Requires 75% or
`greater approval
`(Typically 95% Needed)
`PAR Approved
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Review Draft,
`Approve or reject
`Review Draft,
`Approve or reject
`Debate Technology,
`Write a Draft Standard
`Gain support, prepare
`and submit a PAR
`Slide 14
`Initial Idea for
`a standard or
`improvement to
`a standard
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`802.11: Standards Organization in IEEE
`IEEE Standards Association
`Standards Activities Board
`Local and Metropolitan Area Networks
`(LMSC, IEEE 802)
`Token Passing
`IEEE 802.11: ~600 Members,
`300+ supporting companies
`• www.ieee802.org/11
`Area Networks
`Broadband Access
`Slide 15
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`IEEE 802.11 Architecture
`Reaffirmed 802.11
`Active work in red
`Completed work in yellow
`July 2004
`5 GHz
`High Throughput
`Radio Resource
`5 GHz
`Spectrum Managed
`High Rate >20Mbps
`ESS Mesh
`Wireless Access
`Vehicular Environment
`Fast Roaming
`Wireless Performance
`Wireless Next
`Publicity SC
`Inter-Access Port
`2.4 GHz
`Frequency Hopped
`Spread Spectrum
`1 Mbps
`2 Mbps (optional)
`2.4 GHz
`Direct Sequence
`Spread Spectrum
`1 Mbps
`2 Mbps
`1 Mbps
`2 Mbps (opt)
`5 GHz
`6, 12, 24 Mbps
`9-54 Mbps (opt)
`Published as IEEE Standard
`IEEE Std. 802.11-1997
`Initial capabilities in White
`2.4 GHz
`5.5 Mbps
`11 Mbps
`International Standard
`ISO/IEC 8802-11: 1999
`Completed additions in green
`Slide 16
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Voting Rights (cont.)
`IEEE 802.11
`Working Group (WG)
`Plenary Meetings
`Task Groups (TG)
`Study Groups (SG)
`• Must be present at a session to VOTE
`• Participation in debates, Motion(s)
`moved, seconded is only permitted by
`VOTING members in ALL
`802.11,.15,18,19,20 meetings
`• However WG & TG Chairs may permit
`observers/attendees to participate in
`debates and discussions….
`•In Study Groups ALL attendees and
`have VOTING rights
`Slide 17
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Voting Tokens
`• Once you become a Voter, a Voting “token” will be printed for each session
`and can be obtained at the opening of a session, providing you have paid your
`attendance fee!
`• Display session Badge at ALL times
`If you loose your Voting token during a session please see Al Petrick, Harry
`Worstell or Stuart J. Kerry for a replacement in 802.11.
`– See Rick Alfvin for 802.15 voting tokens
`– See Carl Stevenson for 802.18 voting tokens
`– See Steve Shellhammer for 802.19 voting tokens
`– See Gang Wu for 802.20 voting tokens
`• Voters are required to use this “token” when a vote in progress on a Motion.
`Acrobat Document
`Hilton Portland Oregon
`Slide 18
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Voting Tokens
`• Once you become a Voter, a Voting “token”
`will be printed for each session and can be
`obtained at the opening of a session,
`providing you have paid your attendance
`• Display session Badge at ALL times
`If you loose your Voting token during a
`session please see Al Petrick, Harry Worstell
`or Stuart J. Kerry for a replacement in
`Acrobat Document
`– See Rick Alfvin for 802.15 voting tokens
`– See Carl Stevenson for 802.18 voting tokens
`– See Jerry Upton for 802.20 voting tokens
`• Voters are required to use this “token” when
`a vote in progress on a Motion.
`Registration badges are
`Voting Tokens for 802.11
`July 2004 Portland
`Slide 19
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Becoming a Voter
`Pay conference fee
`Provide contact/email information
`New Participant
`1st (Plenary) Meeting
`2nd Meeting
`Nearly Member
`3rd Meeting
`•“Participate” in 75% of ALL meetings of 1st
`• Get added to the IEEE 802.11 email
`• Must attend 75% of ALL meetings of a session
`• “Participate” in 2 out of 4 consecutive Plenary
`• However you can substitute (1) Interim for a
`Plenary session
`• Get access to “Members Only” IEEE
`802.11/.15 WG
`• If present, at this session, you become a
`Voting member
`• Participate in Working Group Letter Ballots
`• Open to Nomination for Officers, & Chair
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`Slide 20
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Access to the Website
`• When you become an “Aspirant”
`– Your email address is added to the technical
`• Stds-802-11
`• When you become a “Nearly Voter”
`– You get access to the “Members Only” private
`section of the website
`• Member ID and Password
`• Includes documents of draft standards for
`the “task groups
`Slide 21
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Achieving Voting Rights
`If you start on a “Interim”
`B- New Part.
`E- Aspirant
`E- Nearly Voter
`B- Nearly Voter B-
`E- Nearly Voter
`B = Beginning
`E = End
`Substitute an “Interim” for a Plenary
`Must participate in 2 out of 4 Plenary Sessions
`Note: 802.11/20 voter rights begin at the “start” of the plenary.
`Slide 22
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Achieving Voting Rights
`If you start on a “Plenary”
`B- New Part.
`E- Aspirant
`E- Nearly Voter
`B = Beginning
`E = End
`Substitute an “Interim” for a Plenary
`Must participate in 2 out of 4 Plenary Sessions
`Note: 802.11/20 voter rights begin at the “start” of the plenary.
`Slide 23
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Maintaining Voting Rights
`• Every voter is responsible for keeping track of their voting status as
`recorded on the electronic attendance server www.802wirelessworld.com
`• In the Event of Discrepancies…bring it the attention of Al Petrick -
`802.11, Rick Alfvin for 802.15, Carl Stevenson – 802.18,
`Jerry Upton - 802.20
`• How to loose voting rights……
`• Fail to “Participate” at least 2 out of 4 consecutive
`Plenary sessions
`• Participation is to attend 75% of ALL meetings
`within a 802.11 session
`• May substitute (1) Interim session for Plenary
`• Fail to respond and vote on 2 out of 3 mandatory
`working group letter ballots
`• Fail to pay either Interim or Plenary conference fees
`Slide 24
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Every “NEW Participant must sign
`in as “become a member”
`Slide 25
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Existing Members Log in
`Slide 26
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Enter email address
`And Password
`Join as a New member
`Slide 27
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Enter Password
`Slide 28
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Enter “Required”
`Contact Information
`Slide 29
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Select “organization”
`Slide 30
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Select Working Group(s)
`Slide 31
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Select Meeting !
`Slide 32
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`•16 official meetings for the session
`1 credit per meeting
`•Evening meetings count for 1 credit
`•Must attend 12 meetings for 75%
`Slide 33
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`•G – Gain Credit
`• You will gain credit for each meeting you attend
`for the respective WG you are associated
`• M – Maintain Credit
`• If you attend 802.18 meetings you will maintain
`voting credit towards 802.11 or 802.15 (as long as you have voting rights
`Established in 802.11 or 802.15)
`Slide 34
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Doc Submissions Process
`Click this tab
`Slide 35
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Doc Submissions Process
`1 2
`Slide 36
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Doc Submissions Process
`To submite a revised
`Change revision
`Number in the
`File name
`Enter filename
`(as it is on your
`……or….. just browse to the file on your computer, finally
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`Slide 37
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Revised Doc Submission
`• Revisions to
`documents should be
`transferred by FTP to
`the working area(s) on
`Slide 38
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Wireless Network Information
`• Only 802.11b networks are available
`• SSID (case sensitive)
`• Enable DHCP in the Netcard’s TCP/IP properties
`– “Obtain IP Address Automatically”
`• No WEP is being used. Be sure your WEP is
`• Outgoing SMTP Server is
`Slide 39
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Attendance Server
`• Electronic Attendance and Document
`Number Server: 802WirelessWorld
`– Access in web browser as:
`• Static IP of local server is
`– This site will continue to be available on the
`Internet between meetings.
`Slide 40
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`File Server information (new)
`• Meeting File Server (802.11 and 802.15)
`– PLUTO (AKA 802wirelessworld)
`• Meeting Document Access (only via FTP)
`– FTP Login - user: IEEE password: wireless
`– ftp://pluto or ftp://www.802wirelessworld.com
`• Contains multiple Working Group directories
`• Document Submissions
`– Via web site at www.802wirelessworld.com
`• Documents link under your working group link
`• Note – some Working Groups may not use this for document
`submissions yet. Currently, 802.11, 802.15, and 802 Handoff
`SG are using this method. Other servers are still on-line for
`other Working Groups. Check with your WG for status.
`Slide 41
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Other WG server information
`• 802.15: MARS
`– Replaced by ftp.802wirelessworld.com
`• 802.18, 19, and 20: 802-18-19
`– 802.18 Radio Regulatory \\802-18-19\RadioReg
`– 802.19 Coexistence
`– 802.20 MBWA \\802-18-19\MBWA
`– 802.20 MBWA \\802-18-19\MBWA-Subm
`Slide 42
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`• Make sure your wireless association is to
`– There are several other wireless networks in the area
`• Make sure you have an IP address
`– Run IPCONFIG and be sure your IP address is 10.0.x.x
`• If you can’t access or find a particular server
`– Ping it – is the address being pinged in some other
`range than our local network 10.0.x.x? Is the name
`being pinged something like pluto.yourcompany.com?
`That means you have some other host with the same
`name on your home network.
`– To solve, run: IPCONFIG /flushdns from a command
`prompt to flush your DNS cache.
`Slide 43
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Network and Electronic Assistance
`• Help desk
`– Outside of the Ballroom
`• During regular IEEE 802 registration hours
`– 8AM til 5PM
`– See Doug Hock or Tony Awtrey
`• IDEAL Corporation
`Slide 44
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`IP and Virus Protect!
`• Enable DHCP and Do NOT configure your
`wireless card with a static IP address!
`• Do NOT enter the wireless network without
`having the most current
`– Virus Protection installed,
`– Firewall installed
`– Microsoft security updates
`and turned on !
`Slide 45
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent
`July 2004
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/422r4
`Enjoy IEEE 802
`at the
`Hilton Towers
`Portland, Oregon
`Slide 46
`Al Petrick, IceFyre, Jim Allen, Appairent