(12) International applications disclosed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty
`(19) International Secretariat of the
`World Intellectual Property
`(43) International Publication date
`June 3, 2011 (03.06.2011)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO2011/065754 A2
`(51) International patent classification:
` A61K 9/72(2006.01)
` A61M 15/06(2006.01)
`(22) International application date:
`November 24, 2010 (24.11.2010)
`(25) Application Language:
`(26) Publication language:
`(30) Priority information:
` 10-2009-0114223
`(24.11.2009) KR
` 10-2010-0116571
`(23.11.2009) KR
`(71) Applicant (for all designated countries except
`US): EBACO CO., LTD. [KR/KR]: 404-5, 443-
`380 in Woncheon-dong, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-
`si, Gyeonggi-do (KR)
`(72) Inventor; Gum
`(75) Inventor/Applicant (US only): CHO, Yeo-chan
`[KR/KR]: 404-5, 443-380 in Woncheon-dong,
`Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do (KR)
`November 24, 2009
`November 23, 2009
`(74) Agent: LEE, Oh-sik; 103-2 Millennium Plaza No. 603,
`445-160, Bansong-dong, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do,
`Republic of Korea
`(81) Designated Countries (unless otherwise indicated, for
`the protection of all kinds of domestic rights possible):
`AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH,
`BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ,
`DE, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD,
`GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE,
`KG, KM, KN, KP, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU,
`LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ,
`NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO,
`RS, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH,
`TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN,
`ZA, ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designated Countries (unless otherwise indicated, for
`the protection of all kinds of domestic rights possible):
`SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasia(AM, AZ, BY, KG,
`KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), Europe(AL, AT, BE, BG, CH,
`CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU,
`IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT,
`CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD,
`NJOY Exhibit 1005.001


`- Disclosed without an international search report and separately disclosed after receiving
`the report (Rule 48.2(g))
`Disclosed are a device for vaporisation and inhalation, a composition for vaporisation and inhalation
`used therewith, and a method for vaporizing the composition for vaporisation and inhalation. The
`disclosed composition for vaporisation and inhalation comprises a 0.5 to 10 : 1 weight ratio mixture of
`one or more substance to be vaporized and inhaled into the human body, selected from the group
`consisting of mint, rosemary, basil, peppermint, juniper, geranium, clary sage, ylang ylang, lavandin,
`rosewood, lavender, lemon, chamomile, spearmint, petit grain, pine needle, myrrh, may chang,
`cinnamon, orange bitter, jasmine, rose, geranium, grapefruit, patchouli, phytoncide and ginseng extract,
`and a vaporisation-promoting substance of which at least one or more is selected from propylene glycol,
`glycerin or alcohol. The disclosed device for vaporisation and inhalation, the composition for
`vaporisation and inhalation used therewith and the method for vaporizing the composition for
`vaporisation and inhalation are advantageous in that they allow the vaporisation and easy inhalation of
`any substance as desired in accordance with the user's reason for use.
`NJOY Exhibit 1005.002


`[1] The present invention relates to a device for vaporisation and inhalation that vaporizes a
`substance beneficial to the human body so that it can be inhaled through the oral cavity
`and respiratory system of a user, a composition for vaporisation and inhalation applied
`thereto, and a method for vaporizing the composition for vaporisation and inhalation.
`[2] Utility Model Publication No. 20-2009-0003871, the applicant of which is Sonen Co.,
`Ltd. and which is entitled "liquid vaporisation and inhalation device," discloses a liquid
`vaporisation device having a structure for increasing a capacity for a liquid substance to
`be vaporized.
`[3] The liquid vaporizing device according to this utility model document includes a case, a
`liquid accommodating member that is interchangeably inserted into the case and
`accommodates a substance to be vaporized in a liquid state therein, and a heating
`member that generates heat so that the liquid in the liquid accommodating member is
`[4] Such a liquid vaporizing device may allow water to flow into the lungs of a user when
`the liquid substance in a vaporized state is converted back into a liquid substance before
`Technical Problem
`[5] Accordingly, an object of the present invention is to provide a target substance for
`vaporisation and inhalation having a high vaporisation rate and a high inhalation
`possibility, and a vaporisation and inhalation device necessary to use the same.
`[6] Another object of the present invention is to provide a vaporisation and inhalation device
`having a structure in which each of vaporisation and inhalation substances can be easily
`exchanged according to a user's choice.
`[7] Another object of the present invention is to provide a vaporisation and inhalation device
`having a structure in which there is little possibility that a substance in a liquid state
`permeates into the lungs in the body.
`[8] Another object of the present invention is to provide a device for vaporisation and
`inhalation capable of increasing vaporisation efficiency by shortening the installation
`path of an inductor so that highly viscous target substances for vaporisation and
`inhalation such as amino acids, vitamins, and minerals can be sufficiently induced.
`[9] Another object of the present invention is to provide a device for vaporisation and
`inhalation capable of presenting a replacement structure through which sanitary
`management of a cartridge containing a composition is possible.
`[10] Another object of the present invention is to provide a device for vaporisation and
`inhalation capable of increasing manufacturing efficiency and drastically reducing
`manufacturing costs by unifying the inductor and a heating member in order to facilitate
`the induction and supply of liquid for a highly viscous mixed composition.
`[11] Meanwhile, in using the device for vaporisation and inhalation applied in the present
`invention, by including minerals, vitamins, and amino acids as target substances for
`vaporisation and inhalation applied thereto, another object of the present invention is to
`NJOY Exhibit 1005.003


`provide a composition for vaporisation and inhalation in which a mixture of a
`vaporisation-promoting composition and a composition for vaporisation and inhalation
`in a weight ratio of 1:0.0005 to 1:0.5 can be used.
`Solution to Problem
`[12] A composition for vaporisation and inhalation according to one aspect of the present
`invention comprises a 0.5 to 10 : 1 weight ratio mixture of at least one target substance
`for vaporisation and inhalation into the human body, the substance being selected from
`the group consisting of mint, rosemary, basil, peppermint, juniper, geranium, clary sage,
`ylang ylang, lavandin, rosewood, lavender, lemon, chamomile, spearmint, petit grain,
`pine needle, myrrh, may chang, cinnamon, orange bitter, jasmine, rose, geranium,
`grapefruit, patchouli, phytoncide and ginseng extract, and at least one vaporisation-
`promoting substance selected from propylene glycol, glycerin or alcohol.
`[13] A device for vaporisation and inhalation according to an aspect of the present invention
`is provided with a switching means and a power supply means,
`[14] and is characterized by comprising a storage container in which a filling space for
`accommodating a mixed composition is secured and an air inhalation tube for inhaling
`the vaporized mixed composition through an inhalation nozzle is installed; an inductor
`module that communicates with the inside of the filling space and includes an inductor
`for inducing the mixed composition through capillarity; an atomization unit installed
`adjacent to the inductor module and composed of a heating module including a heating
`member controlled by the switching means and the power supply means.
`Advantageous Effects of the Invention
`[15] According to the present invention, it is possible to easily inhale a desired substance by
`vaporizing it according to the user's purpose of use. For example, in order to avoid
`drowsiness while driving, drowsiness can be easily avoided while driving by using a
`vaporisation inhaler in which a desired substance such as spearmint and a vaporisation-
`promoting substance are stored together.
`[16] In addition, the device for vaporisation and inhalation according to the present invention
`has a structure in which the possibility of permeation of liquid substances into the lungs
`in the body is low.
`[17] The device for vaporisation and inhalation according to the present invention and the
`composition for vaporisation and inhalation applied thereto can increase the vaporisation
`efficiency by shortening the installation path of the inductor so that the highly viscous
`target substances for vaporisation and inhalation can be sufficiently induced and also has
`the effects of increasing the efficiency of manufacturing production and drastically
`reducing the manufacturing costs by unifying the inductor and the heating member in
`order to facilitate the induction and supply of liquid for the highly viscous mixed
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`[18] FIG. 1 is an exploded perspective view of a vaporisation and inhalation device according
`to one preferred embodiment of the present invention.
`[19] FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view of a main part of the vaporisation and inhalation device
`in an exploded view shown in FIG. 1;
`[20] FIG. 3 is an enlarged view of part A of FIG. 2;
`[21] FIG. 4 is an enlarged view of part B of FIG. 2;
`NJOY Exhibit 1005.004


`[22] FIG. 5 is a view illustrating a fluid flow in an inhalation nozzle of FIG. 2;
`[23] FIG. 6 is an exploded perspective view of a vaporisation and inhalation device according
`to another preferred embodiment of the present invention.
`[24] FIG. 7 is a perspective view showing a vaporisation unit of an inhalation nozzle side of
`the device for vaporisation and inhalation according to the present invention.
`[25] FIG. 8 is an exploded perspective view of FIG. 7;
`[26] FIG. 9 is a perspective view for explaining an atomization container of FIG. 7 and its
`[27] FIG. 10 is a cross-sectional view showing a storage container of FIG. 7; and
`[28] FIG. 11 is a cross-sectional view showing an assembled state of the vaporisation unit of
`the inhalation nozzle side according to the present invention.
`Best Mode for Carrying out the Invention
`[29] As used herein, the terms "front" and "rear" should be understood as front for a short
`distance and rear for a long distance from the user's point of view, unless otherwise
`[30] As used herein, the term "switching means" includes a switching means for operating a
`power supply device by a user with an arbitrary manipulation means such as a button,
`and a switching means that operates in response to the inhalation pressure of a user.
`Hereinafter, for the purpose of explanation, only the switching means that operates in
`response to the inhalation pressure of the user has been described as an example, and
`when reading this specification, it should be recognized that the power supply device can
`also be driven manually. A person skilled in the art who has thoroughly read this
`specification will be able to reconstruct by excluding the component operating in
`response to the inhalation pressure described below in the case where the switching
`means is manual.
`[31] Hereinafter, the present invention will be described in detail with reference to the
`accompanying exemplary drawings.
`[32] FIG. 1 schematically shows a vaporisation and inhalation device according to one
`preferred embodiment of the present invention, FIG. 2 shows a cross-sectional view of
`an assembled state of the device for vaporisation and inhalation shown in FIG. 1, FIG. 3
`shows an enlarged view of part A of FIG. 2, and FIG. 4 shows an enlarged view of part B
`of FIG. 2. In addition, FIG. 4 shows a part of an inhalation nozzle side of FIG. 2 and
`the flow of fluid such as vapor.
`[33] Referring to FIG. 1, the vaporisation and inhalation device according to a preferred
`embodiment of the present invention includes a vaporisation unit 100 of an inhalation
`nozzle side provided therein with a reservoir in which a target substance for vaporisation
`and inhalation is stored, a first connection body 200, a second connection body 300, and
`a power operation unit 400.
`[34] The power operation unit 400 has a curved portion on its side so that a user can easily
`grip it by hand.
`[35] The vaporisation unit 100 of the inhalation nozzle side is provided with an inhalation
`nozzle 102 communicating with the inside as shown in the figure, a first connection body
`200 is provided with a hole 210 leading to the inside of the screw thread portion
`connected to a second connection body 300. Meanwhile, the second connecting body
`300 has a groove at a portion connected to the first connection body 200, and the groove
`serves as an air passage 310 when coupled with the second connection body 300. In
`this embodiment, it is provided in the form of a groove, but those skilled in the art will
`recognize that it may be provided in the form of a hole as long as it communicates with
`the hole 210. The inner space between the air passage 310 and the hole 210 is formed
`NJOY Exhibit 1005.005


`to allow fluid movement.
`[36] Referring to FIGS. 2 and 3, the vaporisation and inhalation device according to a
`preferred embodiment of the present invention includes a reservoir 106 in which a
`substance to be vaporized is stored. As shown in the figure, the reservoir 106 has a
`closed structure except for the left portion. In the drawing, a liquid induction member
`108 including a capillary bundle through which a substance in a liquid state can move is
`provided in close contact with the open portion of the reservoir 106 on the left side of the
`reservoir 106. Non-limiting examples of the liquid induction member 108 may include
`multi-layered foamed nickel mesh, stainless fiber felt, polymer foam, and porous metal.
`[37] The liquid induction member 108 is supported on the rear side by a support member 122
`as shown in the figure.
`[38] In this embodiment, it is limited to the case where the substance to be vaporized stored in
`the reservoir 106 is maintained in a liquid state, but when the substance to be vaporized
`is a solid substance rather than a liquid, the liquid induction member 108 and its
`supporting member 122 may be omitted.
`[39] A heating element 110 is provided on the rear side of the support member 122. A
`heating wire may be preferably used as the heating element 110. The heating wire 110
`may be made of, for example, a composite material such as a nickel alloy or a rare earth
`element. In this embodiment, the heating element is used to vaporize the substance to
`be vaporized, but an ultrasonic generator may be used in addition to the heating element.
`When an ultrasonic generator is used, a thermal isolation member 120 described later
`may be omitted.
`[40] The thermal isolation member 120 capable of blocking heat generated from the heating
`element 110 is provided on the rear side of the heating element 110. The thermal
`isolation member 120 is made of ceramic, for example. In the thermal isolation
`member 120, provided is a jet orifice 118 through which the substance to be vaporized
`(liquid or solid substance) from the reservoir 106 is heated by the heating element 110,
`and the material in a vaporized state is inhaled through the inhalation nozzle 102. A
`backflow hole 116 is provided in the space between the reservoir 106 and the heating
`element 110 so that gaseous-state substances are converted into liquid-state substances,
`or liquid substances that have not reached the gaseous state are re-supplied to the
`[41] Meanwhile, a liquid storage chamber 112 is provided on the rear side of the heating
`element 110 as shown in the figure, and the liquid-state substances stored in the liquid
`storage chamber 112 are converted back to gaseous-state substances by heating by the
`heating element 110. This liquid storage chamber 112 is made of, for example, a multi-
`layered foamed nickel mesh.
`[42] A moisture suppressing member 114 is provided on the rear side of the liquid storage
`chamber 112 to prevent the liquid-state substances from entering the rear side. One end
`of the liquid induction member 108 is connected to the liquid storage chamber 112, and a
`liquid absorption body such as a cotton thread is provided in the middle thereof. The
`liquid substances are introduced into the liquid storage chamber 112 by the capillarity of
`the liquid inducing member 108, and small liquid droplets are sprayed through the jet
`orifice 118 of the thermal isolation member 120 by the action of the air flow. The
`NJOY Exhibit 1005.006


`liquid is vaporized by the action of the heating wire 110 and moves to the absorption
`nozzle 102 through the fluid passage provided on the outer surface of the liquid storage
`chamber 112.
`[43] The moisture suppressing member 114 serves to prevent the liquid in the liquid storage
`chamber 112 from flowing backward.
`[44] Referring to FIG. 5 together with FIG. 3, the reservoir 106 is provided in a casing 104
`spaced apart from the inner side thereof, and a fluid passage 116 through which a fluid
`including gaseous-state substances can move is provided between the outer
`circumferential surface of the reservoir 106 and the inner circumferential surface of the
`casing 104. An inhalation nozzle 102 is provided with the fluid passage 116 between
`the inner circumferential surface of the casing 104 and the outer circumferential surface
`of the reservoir 106. As shown in the figure, the inner surface of the inhalation nozzle
`102 is provided with a moisture suppressing container 120 for blocking the entry of
`moisture into the oral cavity.
`[45] Referring to FIG. 2 together with FIG. 1, the power operation unit 400 includes a power
`supply device 410 such as a rechargeable battery and a switching means.
`[46] The switching means is provided with a spring shown with reference numeral 412, a
`movable contact 404 which operates by moving transversely to the longitudinal action of
`the spring 412, and a fixed contact 406 which is electrically interrupted in contact with
`the movable contact 404. The spring 412 and the movable contact 404 are
`interconnected by a plastic rod 402 containing rubber as shown in the figure. The fixed
`contact 406 is fixed to the plastic support 407 as shown in the figure.
`[47] In FIG. 4, a connection portion between the first connection body 200 and the second
`connection body 300 is shown enlarged.
`[48] Referring to FIG. 4 together with FIG. 2, a switch valve 214 is provided in the first
`connection body 200, and an air entry hole 210 is formed on a side thereof. When the
`user inhales, air is introduced through the air entry hole 210, the switch valve 214 is
`opened, and a negative pressure chamber 408 is formed between the right side of the
`spring 412 and a connection conductor 301 by the action of the air flow. Due to the
`action of the negative pressure, the spring 412 moves to the right in the drawing, and at
`the same time, the movable contact 404 connected to the plastic rod 402 moves in the
`lateral direction and electrically contacts the fixed contact 406. When the user's
`inhalation power decreases, the switch valve 214 is closed and the air flow from the air
`entry hole 210 is blocked. The negative pressure chamber 408 is maintained for a
`certain period of time, and when the user stops inhaling, the air flow quickly enters the
`negative pressure chamber 408 through an intermediate passage 302 of the connection
`conductor 301. Accordingly, the negative pressure immediately disappears and the
`spring 412 is restored to its original position. When the spring 412 moves to its original
`position, the plastic rod 402 moves to the left in the drawing, and the movable contact
`404 is electrically disconnected from the fixed contact 406.
`[49] As shown in the figure, the connection conductor 301 is provided with a female screw
`thread 304 and a male screw thread 212 and connected to each other, the connection
`NJOY Exhibit 1005.007


`conductor 301 is connected to the negative electrode of the wire connected to the heating
`element 110 and the two central rod-shaped conductors 206 and 310 are connected to the
`positive electrode of the wire connected to the heating element 110. The connection
`conductor 301 and the central rod-shaped conductor 310 are electrically separated by an
`insulating material 306 located therebetween.
`[50] FIG. 6 shows a variant of the power operation unit. Except for the fact that the outer
`shape of the power operation unit is cylindrical, it is the same as the vaporisation and
`inhalation device of the present invention shown in FIG. 1 described above.
`[51] Although not shown, the vaporisation and inhalation device according to the present
`invention is provided with a remaining amount display unit for displaying the remaining
`amount of power, and this display unit may be a liquid crystal display. Through the
`remaining amount display unit, the user can know the remaining amount of power, so
`that the replacement time of the power can be easily recognized.
`[52] In addition, the present invention includes the substances to be vaporized stored in the
`reservoir 106. The substances to be vaporized include both liquid-state substances and
`solid-state substances. In the case of solid-state substances, as described above, the
`liquid induction member 108 and the support member 122 are omitted so that heating by
`the heating element 110 is directly performed with one end of the reservoir 106 open.
`[53] For the substances to be vaporized stored in the reservoir 106, vaporisation-promoting
`substances and desired substances are mixed in a specific ratio, and stored together.
`[54] As the vaporisation-promoting substances in the substances to be vaporized belonging to
`a part of the present invention, at least one selected from propylene glycol, glycerin, or
`alcohols including ethanol is used. In particular, propylene glycol and glycerin are used
`in the present invention.
`[55] In addition, the desired substances among the substances to be vaporized belonging to a
`part of the present invention are various and are exemplarily listed in Table 1 below.
`[57] Table 1
`NJOY Exhibit 1005.008


`aroma, functional nervous system/
`circulatory system
`stress, nervous tension
`headache, migraine
`concentration enhancement, Mint, Rosemary, Basil, Peppermint, etc.
`prevent drowsiness
`memory enhancement, senile Juniper, Fibroin, BF-7, Silkworm Extract, Stachys affinis, Pachira,
`Minocycline, Lecithin, Soybean Extract, Green Tea Extract, Black Tea
`Extract, Gardenia Extract, Leek Extract
`Geranium, Clary Sage
`Ylang ylang
`Lavandin, Rosewood
`Lavender, Peppermint, Lemon, Chamomile, German Chamomile,
`Eucalyptus, etc.
`Rosewood, Spearmint
`mental fatigue
`Orange Bitter, Petit Grain
`mental instability
`anemia, dizziness
`Spearmint, Black pepper, Lavandin, etc.
`Petit Grain, Pine Needle, Tea Tree, Myrrh, etc.
`bronchitis, asthma, etc.
`Basil, May chang, Melissa
`digestive cramps
`muscle pain
`Vertiver, Juniper
`Tea tree
`oily skin
`Patchuli, Carrot seed, etc.
`dry skin, anti-aging
`strengthen the intestines
`Pine needle
`Orange bitters
`enhancing sexual function, Jasmine, Rose
`regulating hormones
`Jasmine, Geranium
`dysmenorrhea, premenstrual
`good for gynecology
`appetite suppression, diet Grapefruit, Patchuli
`oral disinfection, bad breath Lemon, Lavender, Mint, Frankincense, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Peppermint,
`Spearmint, Citrus, Phytonkid (derived from cypress tree), etc.
`oral ulcers, oral infections Tea tree, Phytonkid (derived from cypress trees)
`hair loss
`Thyme, Cedarwood, Isoflavones
`cancer prevention
`diabetes prevention
`health vitamins, red ginseng, wild ginseng, other extracts, etc.
`respiratory system
`digestive system
`muscles, joints
`bowel, urinary system
`Improvement and
`strengthening of sexual
`[59] The various target substances for vaporisation and inhalation listed in Table 1 above may
`be used alone or in combination with vaporisation-promoting substances, and the mixing
`weight ratio of the vaporisation-promoting substances used to the target substances for
`vaporisation and inhalation is preferably 1:0.5 to 10.
`[60] In particular, for the purpose of preventing drowsiness, propylene glycol is used as the
`vaporisation-promoting substance, and mint or rosemary, or a combination of the two, is
`used as the target substance. The weight ratio of propylene glycol to mint or rosemary
`used is preferably 1:0.5 to 10. In the case of mint, vaporisation is possible without the
`use of vaporisation-promoting substances, and it is also used for oral cleaning purposes.
`In the case of rosemary, it can also be used for concentration-enhancing purposes.
`[61] In addition, in particular, in the case of the purpose of stabilizing the mind and body,
`propylene glycol is used as the vaporisation-promoting substance, and lavender is used
`as the target substance. Lavender is preferably used in an amount of 1:0.5 to 10 based on
`the weight of the vaporisation-promoting substance.
`[62] Hereinafter, the present invention will be described by the following non-limiting
`[63] Examples 1 to 36
`NJOY Exhibit 1005.009


`[64] At least one of propylene glycol, glycerin, or alcohol was selected and used as
`vaporisation-promoting substances and the substances listed in Table 2 below were used
`as the desired target substances for vaporisation and inhalation. In addition, the
`experiments were conducted both in the presence and absence of the target substances
`for vaporisation and inhalation and was performed while changing the vaporisation-
`promoting substances and the target substances for vaporisation and inhalation. As a
`result, except for some substances, vaporisation was carried out at a certain ratio of the
`vaporisation-promoting substances. According to the results, the experiment was
`conducted by setting the weight ratio of the vaporisation-promoting substance to the
`target substance for vaporisation and inhalation to be mixed in the range of 1:0.5 to 10.
`As a vaporisation and inhalation device, the device according to the present invention
`shown in FIG. 1 was used, and whether vaporisation was carried out or not was
`determined by visual identification and whether or not the distinctive fragrance of each
`was emitted. Vaporisation by visual identification is the basis for determining whether
`the target substances are vaporized or not, and fragrance emission is the basis for
`determining whether the target substances are vaporized alone or together with the
`vaporisation-promoting substances without changing its components.
`[66] Table 2
`Examples Purpose of use
`concentration enhancement
`target Blending weight
`ratio (A:B)
`substances (B)
`substances (A)
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol + glycerin mint
`(1:1 mixing)
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`stress, nervous tension
`headache, migraine
`mental fatigue
`mental instability
`anemia, dizziness
`bronchitis, asthma
`appetite suppression, diet
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`digestive cramps
`enhancement of sexual function, propylene glycol
`hormone regulation
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`oral disinfection, bad breath propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`propylene glycol
`mint + rosemary(1:1 mixing)
`geranium + clary sage
`ylang ylang
`lavender + Peppermint (1:1 mixing)
`orange bitters
`spearmint + lavandin (1:1 mixing)
`petit grain
`pine needle
`may chang
`jasmine + rose (1:1 mixing)
`lemon + lavender (1:1 mixing)
`mint + rosemary(1:1 mixing)
`NJOY Exhibit 1005.010


`nutrition, health supplements
`propylene glycol
`ginseng extract
`[68] Test result
`[69] The desired target substance for vaporisation and inhalation is vaporized while emitting a
`characteristic fragrance of the desired target substance for vaporisation and inhalation at
`a ratio of 1:1 to 5 based on the weight of propylene glycol, and this was found as a result
`of sensory tests such as smoke level, fragrance, and taste of the conventional panel
`according to the above embodiment.
`[70] Although the above has been described with reference to preferred embodiments of the
`present invention, those skilled in the art will understand that various modifications and
`changes can be made to the present invention without departing from the spirit and scope
`of the present invention described in the claims below.
`Mode for Carrying Out the Invention
`[71] Hereinafter, another embodiment of the present invention will be described with
`reference to the drawings. In carrying out this description, descriptions overlapping
`those already described in the best mode for carrying out the present invention are
`replaced therewith and will be omitted here.
`[72] First, FIG. 7 is a perspective view showing a vaporisation unit on an inhalation nozzle
`side according to an embodiment of the present invention. This corresponds to the
`vaporisation unit of the inhalation nozzle side already described in the best mode for
`carrying out the present invention described above, and the power operation unit,
`including the following first connection body and the second connection body, has the
`same structure as that of the present invention, and redundant description thereof will be
`[73] As shown in the figure, an inhalation contact 1213 for inhaling the mixed composition
`through body contact is provided in the vaporisation unit 1200 on the inhalation nozzle
`side having a cylindrical structure, and a fastening part 1207, which is fastened with a
`first connection body (not sh

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