`Nichia Exhibit 1018
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` The Electronic PackagingSeries
`Series Editor: Michael G. Pecht, University of Maryland
`Advanced Routing of Electronic Modules
`Michael Pecht and Yeun Tsun Wong
`Electronic Packaging Materials and Their Properties
`Michael Pecht, Rakesh Agarwal, Patrick McCluskey, Terrance Dishongh,
`Sirus Javadpour, and Rahul Mahajan
`Guidebook for Managing Silicon Chip Reliability
`Michael Pecht, Riko Radojcic, and Gopal Rao
`High Temperature Electronics
`Patrick McCluskey, Thomas Podlesak, and Richard Grzybowski
`Influence of Temperature on Microelectronics and System Reliability
`PradeepLall, Michael Pecht, and Edward Hakim
`Long-Term Non-Operating Reliability of Electronic Products
`Michael Pecht and Judy Pecht
`Materials and Their Properties
`Michael G.Pecht
`CALCEElectronics Packaging Research Center
`University of Maryland,College Park
`Rakesh Agarwal
`Delco Electronics, Kokoma,Indiana
`Patrick McCluskey
`Terrance Dishongh
`Sirus Javadpour
`Rahul Mahajan
`CALCEElectronics Packaging Research Center
`University of Maryland, College Park
`CRC Press
`Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C.
`Nichia Exhibit 1018
`Nichia Exhibit 1018
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`editors, Physical Architecture of VLSI Systems, 1994. Adapted by permi Ssion of John
`Wiley & Sons, Inc.
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Electronic packaging matcnals and their properties / Michael G. Pecht
`{et al.],
`cm.-- (Electronic packaging series)
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 0-8493-9625-5 (alk. paper)
`1. Electronic packaging-- Materials.
`Il. Series.
`TK7870.15.E4222 1998
`I. Pecht, Michael.
` Portionsof the text were adapted from R.J. Hanneman,A.D. Kraus, and Michael Pecht,
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`Nichia Exhibit 1018
`Nichia Exhibit 1018
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`varies with
`property that
`a bulk material
`resistivity is
`temperature, moisture content, applied voltage and the time duration ofthe
`applied voltage. Volumetric resistivity and resistance are related by the
`Py at
`where ry is the volumetric resistivity, R is the electrical resistance, A is the
`effective cross-section area, and/is the effective length of the test piece.
`Resistance is expressed in ohms and is dependent on the geometry of the
`In general, a material with higher resistivity is a better insulator.
`Specifications ASTM D 257 and ASTM D 1829describe the test methods
`for volumetric resistivity measurements.
`Insulation resistance is more a measure of the
`Insulation resistance, IR.
`quality of insulation provided by a packaging architecture than a real material
`property. Although expressedin terms of leakage current, with units of nano
`amperes (nA), IR measures the resistance offered by an insulating material
`to a direct impressed voltage across the lead and case of the componentpart.
`It is useful for comparative evaluations of materials for given test conditions.
`Both volumetric and surface resistances contribute to the leakage current.
`Low insulation resistance indicates inadequate insulation of the conductor
`paths. The tests are performed according to Test Method 1003 of MIL-STD
`Arc resistance, Dtar¢e-| The arc resistance of a material is defined as the
`elapsed time before the action ofan arc at the surface of the material forms a
`conducting path. Thearc resistance, expressed in seconds,is indicative of
`the ability of the material to resist the formation of an arc. Materials that
`form a permanent carbonized path due to the action of an arc are said to
`"track". Arc resistance is affected by surface conditions such as cleanliness
`and dryness. A high value of arc resistance is desirable to avoid electric
`breakdown alongthe insulation surface through arcing. The test method for
`arc resistance is described in ASTM D 495.
`Thermal and Thermomechanical Properties
`An electronic material
`range of
`temperature cycles, and thermal shocks through manufacturing, storage, and
`operation. Thermal properties of electronic materials that are significant in
`enduring such life cycle profiles include thermal conductivity, deflection
`temperature, glass transition temperature (typical for polymeric materials),
`and the coefficient of thermal expansion.
`Nichia Exhibit 1018
`Nichia Exhibit 1018
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`temperature, Tg- Deflection temperature is the 'emperature at
`‘fied deflection occurs in a specimen under a selected load and
`i Test method ASTM D 648 specifies the loading fox
`loading ea rate measurements. The temperature is indicative Of the
`deflection 1ioodiaaeei
`capability of
`a material.
`The deflection
`polymeric materials and composites may approximate their
`temperate° teipSeatare, especially for thermoplastics. For a thermoset
`glass trans degree of cure can lead to significant differences between
`heat temperature and glass transition temperature.
`In the Case of
`reinforced laminates, the relief of residual stresses can further complicate the
`Thermal conductivity, k. Heat conduction is described by Fourier's Law.
`For one-dimensional heat conduction through a plane wall with a temperature
`distribution T(x), the heat equation is expressed as
`= -k —
`where qx (W/m?) is the heat transfer rate per unit area perpendicularto the
`direction of the heat flow, and dT/dx (°C/m) is the temperature gradient in
`the x-direction. The proportionality constant k is a heat transport property
`known as thermal conductivity, expressed in Watts per meter per degree
`centigrade (W/m-°C). The minus sign in eq. (8) is required to assure Positive
`heat flow in the direction of a falling or negative temperature gradient.
`Table 4. Comparison of thermal conductivity and resistivity of various polymers,
`Thermal conductivity, k
`Volumetric resistivity,
`Epoxy glass
`Acrylic Coating
`ceramics and metals
`Nichia Exhibit 1018
`Nichia Exhibit 1018
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