`Top Juul-Compatible Pods on the Market — VaperCity
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`Top Juul-Compatible Pods on the Market
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`Ever since the Juul device Ourst onte the vape market, companies Have been churning out duuLinspired vape systems for nic salfs and Juul-compatble pods to keap up with
`ihe trend. With the ever-growing selection on the markel, ican gel easy lor vaoers and smokers io get overwhelmed wiih opions. This Sst of the top Ji
`aumipatible pods.
`will help you learn a Hithe bit more about each of the biggest brands se you can narrow down your selection and find the pods that are the best fil for your needs
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`wr Reviews
`. Vape Reviews:
`#1 ViV Pods
`The Juul-compatbie Viv pods are the latest creation from Vapor4Lite, a company that's been in ihe thick of ihe vaping world for
`more thana decade. Wi\/ pods stay true ic Vapor4Life’s mission to help smokers by offering a solid throat hi coupled with a strong
`Ee nic
`salt hil
`flavors —
`&e nic sall AR. Combine all that with pod's 6lied with same of the company’s best-selling ejuice flavors—peppermini, orange . Vane Tank Reviews
`mango, blueberry lemonade — and you've got a Juui-compatibie pod that will stand the test of time.
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`» Best Vapes & Od View
`to option for many smokers. #3 Eon Pods
`#2 Ziip Pods
`Ziip pods are another Juul-compatibie pod thal is easy to get behind. We rank hem among the best in ihe industry Decause they offer
`such a diverse variety of favors and sirengihs. Whether you're cravin:
`cappuccine or searching for strawberry milk, you'll find a Ziip
` 2
`yape pod that fis the bil. Zit pods come ina variety of nic strengths,
`from the milder 1.8% to the more intense
`%, which is the go-
` Eon Smoke’s Juurcompatible vaoe pocs are designed to couple intense nicotine salt fruit flavors wih a no-nonsense 6%nicotine
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`content. The flavor variety of Eon Pods is more limited than that of Viv or Zilo pads, but the heightened nic content adds an edge that
`many new vapers find preferable after they've shifted from smoking.
`These three Juul-compatible pod brands stand out in an industry that is quickly becoming inundated with variety. [f you're jooking for a
`reliable Juul-compativie pod for your needs, start with the ViV pods, Ziip pods, or Eon pods. Ve think you'll find them all just as
`satisfying as we do
`From the Web
`Vaporesso Polar Z20W Starter Kit
`orr $59.97 4
`— 2 2! ee
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`Top Juul-Compatible Pods on the Market — VaperCity
`ore $48.00 4
`Aspire Fuxes 1OGW Kit
`YiHE SX Mini SL Class 100W Mod
`10% 2
`ore $138.99 +
`Aspire Feedlink Revvo Squenk Kit
`26% S658
`orr $44.99
`iJay Diamond VPC 45W Fed Mod
`Starter Kit
`$36.16 vr
`Carbon Fiber-Chrome©Coffee
`Copper Cyan2Dazziing Gold
`Resin|Rose Gold©Silber
`Snake Skin©Stainless<Teal
`Turgucise=White~Weed Grair
`Shop By Color
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