`American CancerSociety Position Statement on Electronic Cigarettes
`American Cancer Society
`Position Statement on
`Electronic Cigarettes
`The American Cancer Society Boardof Directors approvedthe following position
`statement on electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) in February 2018. The position statement
`will be used to guide ACS’s tobacco control and cessation efforts asit relates to these
`ACS Position Statementon
`Electronic Cigarettes
`Combustible tobacco products, primarily cigarettes, are the single greatest cause of
`cancer and kill about 7 million people worldwide each year.
`In the United States, 98%of
`all tobacco-related deaths are caused bycigarette smoking. The U.S. tobacco landscape
`has changedrapidly in recent years, with millions of consumers nowusing electronic
`nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), the most prominentof which are electronic cigarettes
`(e-cigarettes). E-cigarettes contain heated nicotine extracted from tobacco, as well as a
`variety of flavorings and other additives.
`Scientific Summary: Based on currently available evidence, using current generation e-
`cigarettes is less harmful than smoking cigarettes, but the health effects of long-term
`use are not known. The American Cancer Society (the ACS) recognizes our responsibility
`to closely monitor and synthesize scientific knowledge about the effects ofall tobacco
`products, including e-cigarettes and any new products derived from tobacco. As new
`evidence emerges, the ACS will promptly report these findings to policy makers, the
`public and clinicians.
`Clinical Recommendations: The ACS has always supported any smoker who is
`considering quitting, no matter what approachthey use;there is nothing more
`important that they can do for their health. To help smokers quit, the ACS recommends
`that clinicians advise their patients to use FDA-approved cessation aids that have been
`proven to support successful quit attempts. Many smokers chooseto quit smoking
`without the assistance of a clinician and some optto use e-cigarettes to accomplish this
`goal. The ACS recommends thatclinicians support all attempts to quit the use of
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`American CancerSociety Position Statement on Electronic Cigarettes
`combustible tobacco and work with smokers to eventually stop using any tobacco
`product, including e-cigarettes. Some smokers, despite firm clinician advice, will not
`attempt to quit smoking cigarettes and will not use FDA approvedcessation
`medications. These individuals should be encouraged to switch to the least harmful
`form of tobacco product possible; switching to the exclusive use of e-cigarettesis
`preferable to continuing to smoke combustible products. Of course, these individuals
`should be regularly advised to completely quit using all tobacco products. The ACS
`strongly discourages the concurrent(or “dual”) use of e-cigarettes and combustible
`cigarettes, a behavior that is far more detrimental to a person’s health compared to the
`substantial health benefit of quitting smoking.
`Policy Recommendations: The American Cancer Society recommends implementing
`polices and public health measures known to preventthe initiation and useofall
`tobacco products, including appropriate taxation, retail policies (e.g., raising the
`minimum age of purchaseto 21), tobacco and e-cigarette aerosol-free policies and
`funding of evidence-based prevention and cessation programs. The ACS strongly
`recommends that every effort be made to prevent the initiation of e-cigarettes by
`youth. The use of products containing nicotine in any form among youth is unsafe and
`can harm brain development. Furthermore, evidenceindicates that young e-cigarette
`users are at increased risk for both starting to smoke and becoming long-term users of
`combustible tobacco products.
`The ACS encouragesthe FDAto regulate all tobacco products,including e-cigarettes, to
`the full extent of its authority, and to determine the absolute and relative harms of each
`product. The FDA should assess whether e-cigarettes help to reduce tobacco-related
`morbidity and mortality, and the impact of marketing of e-cigarettes on consumer
`perceptions and behavior. Any related regulatory regime should include post-marketing
`surveillance to monitor the long-term effects of these products and ensure the FDA’s
`actions have the intended health outcome ofsignificantly reducing disease and death.
`Furthermore, the FDA should useits authorities to reduce the toxicity, addictiveness and
`appeal of tobacco products currently on the market. The ACS also applauds the FDAfor
`recognizing its significant role as a science-based agencyin helping to address the
`addictiveness of nicotine in cigarettes. Reducing nicotine in all combustible tobacco
`products to below addictive levels holds the potential to significantly accelerate
`reductionsin the use of combustible tobacco products, which remain byfar the leading
`preventable cause of cancer and preventable death in the United States.
`Statement issued February 15, 2018
`————| MORE IN STAY HEALTHY '————-
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`American CancerSociety Position Statement on Electronic Cigarettes
`Stay Away From Tobacco
`Be Safe in the Sun
`Eat Healthy and Get Active
`Cancer Screening Guidelines
`Exams and Tests
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