`Filings ¹
`Percent Change in Total
`Filings Current Year
`Over Earlier Year
`Number of Judgeships
`Vacant Judgeship Months ²
`Pending Cases ²
`Weighted Filings ²
`Trials Completed
`Filing to
`Civil ²
`From Filing to Trial ²
`(Civil Only)
`Number (and %)
`of Civil Cases
`Over 3 Years Old ²
`Average Number
`of Felony Defendants
`Filed per Case
`Avg. Present for
`Jury Selection
`Percent Not Selected
`or Challenged
`2023 Civil Case and Criminal Felony Defendant Filings by Nature of Suit and Offense
`Total Criminal¹
`B-All Other Drugs
`D-Firearms and Explosives
`F-Violent Offenses
`G-Sex Offenses
`H-Forgery and Counterfeiting
`I-Larceny and Theft
`J-Justice System Offenses
`K-Regulatory Offenses
`L-All Other Criminal
`Total Civil
`A-Social Security
`B-Personal Injury/Product Liability
`C-Prisoner Petitions
`D-Forfeitures and Penalties
`E-Real Property
`F-Labor Suits
`H-Torts (other than Personal Injury/Product Liability)
`I-Intellectual Property Rights
`J-Civil Rights
`L-All Other Civil
`Sep 30
`12-Month Periods Ending
`Sep 30
`Sep 30
`Sep 30
`Sep 30
` 9.2
` 10.8
` 8.9
` 8.5
` 11.5
` 27.3
` 27.8
` 27.1
` 30.5
` 34.4
`Sep 30
` 8.7
` 35.7
`NOTE: Criminal data in this profile count defendants rather than cases and therefore will not match previously published numbers.
`¹ Filings in the "Overall Caseload Statistics" section include criminal transfers, whereas filings "by nature of offense" do not.
`² See "Explanation of Selected Terms."
`Exhibit 1020
`TEMPUR Page 1 of 2
`U.S. District Court — Judicial Caseload Profile
`12-Month Periods Ending
`Sep 30
`Sep 30
`Sep 30
`Sep 30
`Sep 30
`Sep 30
`Filings ¹
`Percent Change in Total
`Filings Current Year
`Over Earlier Year
`Number of Judgeships
`Vacant Judgeship Months ²
`per Judgeship
`Pending Cases ²
`Weighted Filings ²
`Trials Completed
`From Filing to
`Civil ²
`From Filing to Trial ²
`(Civil Only)
`Number (and %)
`of Civil Cases
`Over 3 Years Old ²
`Average Number
`of Felony Defendants
`Filed per Case
`Avg. Present for
`Jury Selection
`Time (Months)
` 9.7
` 11.4
` 9.0
` 10.6
` 10.6
` 9.8
` 42.7
`Percent Not
`Selected or
`2023 Civil Case and Criminal Felony Defendant Filings by Nature of Suit and Offense
`Type of
`Criminal ¹
`NOTE: Criminal data in this profile count defendants rather than cases and therefore will not match previously published numbers.
`¹ Filings in the "Overall Caseload Statistics" section include criminal transfers, while filings by "Nature of Offense" do not.
`² See "Explanation of Selected Terms."
`Exhibit 1020
`TEMPUR Page 2 of 2