` Disiitei
`4S fle5
`TANDARD Joan L. Mitchell,
`William B. Pennebaker.
`Chad E. Fogg. and
`Didier |. LeGall
`Copyrighted Material
`Distributors for North, Central and South America:
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication
`MPEGvideo : compression standard / Joan L. Mitchell...[et al.].
`Includesbibliographical references and index.
`ISBN G-412-08771-5
`1. Digital video, 2. Video compression—Standards. 3, Sound -
`- Recording and reproducing—Digital techniques—Standards.
`4. Coding theory. L Mitchell, Joan L.
`96-31 124
`British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data available
`Copyright © 1996 by Chapman & Hall
`Fifth printing 2000 by Kluwer Academic Publishers
`Cover design: Curtis Tow Graphics
`All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system
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`Drive, Assinippi Park, Norwell, Massachusetts 02061
`Printed on acid-free paper.
`Printed im the United States of America
`Copyrighted Material
`s+uo+Bd DEdHI
`.U11C .,tq palnqp]uoC
`Eur1a4re141 cr8alerlg
`'JrrI Jolcnpuocrruas
`VtTg6 y3
`(aso1 ueg
`cgdw aq,T, 'uorl€n1rs 1ua1ed oapl^ Dgdtr\l aql sa:o1dxa "raldeqc srq;
`a1€aJJ o? Uoga aql Jo ua.l,r8 sr ,,(.ro1srq Jerrq €
`'paqrrcsap sr uralqord 1ua1ed
`slualed oapr^ DgdN
`'1ood 1ua1ed alrl€Joqr?lloJ ts
`lnoq€ scrlsrl€?s eruos pu€
`'uorl€ruJoJur eJour JoJ popr^oJd sr lurod lo€luoc V 'pazrJ€ruurns aJe
`o lro,ga srs.,tl€uB luo+€d cgdl
`Jo lueurqsrlq€1sa eqJ
`louqco+ Jo sluarualo pel€rcoss€ eql
`IIe pu€ pr€pu€ls e
`sroluelur eql Jo (UaI) slq8r: dpadord I€nloallalur eq1 lduraa.rd 1ou saop .{3o
`Jo s.raluaureldrur '11nsa.r
`'slueruela esoql Jo
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`s€q ?roga srsdleue 1ua1ed CgdI I aq] Jo asod.rnd aqJ 'UdI3o acard qc€o roJ
`s:eluauraldur] JoJ rrrsru€qJarrr pect:d .r{lqeuosear 'aldurrs e aptrro.rd o} uaaq
`yo lood € Jo luaruqs{q€tsa eq} sl leo8 s11 '.{8o1ouqca1 CgdN asuac{ 01
`8ur.ra.r.oc asuecrl e18urs e luer8 ot elq€ aq IIIr\\ flleapr qclq,t\ sraploq 1ua1ed
`roJ sraporap CEdIAI luarualdrur ot popoau fpado"rd 1enlralla?ut alqecqdde 11e
`aql roJ .,t8o1ouqca1 sualsds pu€ oaprl sJoAoJ adocs aq;
`'lo r€ru ss€ru aql
`Ialal ur€ru 1e aigo"rd ur€ru pr€pu€ls
`Z-CgdIAI aq? roJ pue pr€puels
`'(TWOdr i)
`o uol+lsod ost z'9I
`Jo srou.Ar\o
`spr€pu€ls ur dpedo.rd I€nlrallalur uo.,{cr1od osl ar{J
`II€ l€qlsa}€}s
`luouraldur ol dressereu dSolouqcal o? slq8rr dpedo;d l€nlcallalur
`UdI aq? asn 01 sasuocll }€q} Suloolu€r€n8 OSI o? ?uelllelels € apl^ord
`will be available on an equal basis to everyone at fair and reasonable rates.
`Should an owner not provide such a statement, ISO requires the standard to
`be redrafted excluding the pertinent technoiogy, or failing that the standard
`is withdrawn.
`Beyond this, ISO has no jurisdiction over this issue, and IPR matters
`are not a part of the ISO agenda.
`16.3 MPEG patent problem C
`Traditionally, IPR for consumer products have been licensed by bilateral or
`perhaps trilaterai agreements between major industrial corporations, often
`characterized by cross-licensing arrangements. In the case of MPEG how-
`ever, the technology is too diverse. Many disciplines from different fields of
`engineering, different applications, different markets, and different segments
`of markets are involved. Owners of IPR include communication companies.
`semiconductor companies, consumer electronics companies, hardware sys-
`tems companies, computer companies, and universities. It is very unlikell'
`that such a group of organizations could negotiate a multilateral agreement.
`and even if they did, the time involved likely would stretch into years.
`From an implementer's perspective, there are several problems. First.
`just bging able to identify the holders of IPR.1 Second, the time and expense
`of negotiating individual licenses with all the holders. Third, the aggregate
`cost of all the licenses.
`The danger foreseen was that the market for MPEG-based systems couid
`be stalled by uncertainty about the access to and cost of required IPR, and
`further that such a situation could be exploited by a provider of a proprietarl-
`L6.4 Sponsorship of the patent effort o
`Cablelabs has sponsored a patent effort as an interested user of MPEG
`technology lTan92l. Baryn Futa, COO Cablelabs, architected and led the
`program of work. A series of open-invitation meetings were initiated to con-
`film interest in both the licenser and licensee communities. These meetings
`were colocated with MPEG meetings for convenience, but were not part of
`the official MPEG meeting agenda. In parallel, Cablelabs established a re-
`search and analysis effort to determine the exact position of IPR both legalll-
`tThe MPEG standards do contain annexes listing companies who have provided state-
`ments to ISO stating they may have technology relevant to implementation of the stan-
`dard, and agreeing to the ISO terms and conditions. It should be understood however.
`that due to the Iimited jurisdiction of ISO, these statements have not been checked to
`validate relevance. The lists of these companies are provided near the end of this chapter.
`'uralsuaqng uex 'JC 3o past.rdruoc rutsa} e dn 1as sq€Talq€C
`'f11ectuqca1 pue
`'3'4 '.razeg ry IessIIqcS ';1or11 'utalsploo 'addr1 '.raz11atr'rtr
`rrrg 1t\€T aq13o 'bsg
`-ralur Jo uor?€urJguoc 8urmo11og '1u€llnsuoc a1e,l't"rd
`'roqlne aql pu€
`€ ueql
`uorleldruoc InJSSacJns pue 'satped Jo Joqunu alq€JaplsuoJ €
`ls€el 1€ .{q }sa
`JoJ sq€TalqeC fq panssl s€.^a uoIl€lIAuI ur? '941 1ue'taler Jo lsli I€IlIuI ue Jo
`slsrT rraql lruqns o:1 +u€Aelar pa^alieq .,(eq1 1eq1 g41 8uru,r,r'o suotleztueS:o
`'1ooo luaged € qs{q€1se ol q}l€J poo8 ur ssaco:d e urof pue slualed 3o
`palcadxa lood aq? Jo uoll€ruroJ aq? qll:rrr 'suot1e11o8au alllutslsqns o? pal s€tl
`'salnr OSI aql qll^r lualslsuor ralr€qc e 8ut'teq pu€ 966T II€d roJ
`o +xa+uoc IBcIro+srH q'gl
`eql uo acuangur lueagtu8ts ts p€q dSolouqcal leut8t:o 3o luaurdola^ap aqJ
`1.red lecrlpc eql
`'pr€pu€]s aq] Jo slred aarql aq1 Suoure palr€A pue 'ssacord
`'eJaq passncslp aq ilI.44 qJlq'll 'oaptn st
`aql Jo pua ,,{ra,l' aq} }€ pa}J€}s Surpoc ruJoJsu€r} >lcolq uI ryo'u' leur8tJo aqJ
`'9161 punore o1 dn auop s€'4r >iro'^& I€?ueuepunJ aqJ 's0967
`aql roJ ueql pu€
`suorleluauraldur lectlce.rd acnpord ol {Jo,4a aq} '}e{Jeu Sutcua:a;uoJoapll
`a:aq lurod luepodun eqJ '086I ralJe pu€ aroJaq s;eef .tra; oql ul auop s€1Y\
`'parrdxa al€q >Iro,4A. slql roJ panssl slualed aql }€ql sI
`pue '11eurs dlSurlurodd€slp s€,^a uorssa:druoc oaprl/a8eul JoJ la{r€rr eqJ
`luelrodurt ap€Iu sJaqDJ€esal de>1 ,rrra; y
`'qDJtsasal eql ul IIni € s€'&\ eJaql
`aq1 ul ua>lorq s€.&\ I1nI aq? pu€
`'s086T aql Jo JI€q ?sr5 eql ul sluaurdola'r'ap
`punor€ s:ea.{ .tra; ar{l ul sluarudola.tap Jo poog e o1 Sutpltnq 's086I plur
`ssa)ons I€roJoruruoc aq1 snld 'p:epuels IgZ'H aql Jo acuoS:aura aql s€ '066I
`e.raq1 'aur1l lsrg ar{} roJ }eI{} pa}€clpul
`'NOU-CC ueq} pu€ cstp lceduoc ;o
`I€AIJJ€ aql (alou epIS € sV 'slcnpo.rd uotssa.rduoc JoJ 1e>lJ€Iu ss€ul € eq ppo'te
`eql Jo qcnru pal€cqdnp
`l€q1 1u€eru s086T aI{} uI srouror'l.reu '{ueur 3o
`'s0Z6I d1"rea aql uI euoP >iro.4t
`C ru€JEo"rd srs,,(1eu€ pu€ tIJJ€asaJ +uo+€d
`-uoc o? se.r,r 1eo3 lsrg oqJ 'ploJaarq+ aran srs,{1eue 1ua1ed aq} Jo s1eo3 aq;
`.{1a.tr1e1ar s€,la pr€pu€1s aril actlce-rd ol pepaau slualed Jo las aql }€q}
`l€ql urrguoo ol s"B,{a
`leo8 puocas aqa '(e1du€xo roJ 0Z u€ql
`:a1ea.rB) a3.re1
`lou plp oq.r,r saau8tss€ Jo las JSraAIp e '{q plaq a'ra'u slualed aqt
`-1eyq Surlsrxa-ord al€q
`lou plp oroJeraql pu€) dtqsuotlelar ssaulsnq e oleq
`saau8rsse oql l€ql
`rllrguoc ol s€,ta leo8 p.rrql eql
`'(sluauraal8e Sutsuacll I€re
`-Jolur aJa,4a aJoJaJaql pue 'p:epu€}s oql actlcerd o1 ''(1a>11 sa^lesureql eJa'44
`'1soc lse.trol aql ?€ a1€p alqlssod lsaqlea eql 1€ la{r€rrr aq} SuIIq€uo uI pa}sa
`uroq rrr€aJls enuelal Jo[€u e Futdola,t'ap uI po]saJalut Sutaq o1 pesoddo se
`'slualBd aql uo salll€foJ
`01 p,
`A definition was made for the purposes of organizing the search. \--
`that this definition was independent of any definition subsequently made '.
`the members of the patent pool, it merely served to direct the backgrou:-
`investigation. The basic definition was "those patents essential to pracr--
`the art". This was interpreted to mean several things in the context of i:-
`standard. It covers elements of technology that are:
`o Normative for implementing decociers
`o Normative for constructing bitstreams
`o Essential within encoders for making bitstreams
`In addition, other categories were defined for relevant, but not essel:-.--
`o Encoder technology, especially for smart encoders
`o Pre- and postprocessing technology
`o Specific hardware implementation techniques
`No attempt was made to evaluate the validity of the claimed patel :
`The patents were taken at face value.
`For the searches) the net was cast very wide. Technologies wele Searc'=-
`that were not a part of the standard, but which used common element= --
`technology and therefore potentially would contain relevant patents. i ,:
`example, TV standards converters started using motion compensation s'--''-.
`years before the MPEG effort was started.
`L6.7 Results of the video patent analysis o
`Table 16.1 summarizes the results of the video patent analysis. The nun--.:
`of abstracts reviewed was mole than 6,000 of which somewhat mole t:-:":
`10% were judged relevant to MPEG. These patents were reviewed in fui-.
`those, about 30 were judged essential, about 200 were related to MPEC. : ,
`not essential, and about 100 concerned hardware implementation of \IP:
`16.8 Patent holders in MPEG video standards -
`MPEG-1 Video (ISO/IEC 7L772-2) Annex F (List of Patent Holders) sia::':
`that information about patents can be obtained from the following cor'::-
`nies (and provides their addresses): AT&T (USA), Aware (USA). Be---...
`Jo sl
`JO i:l
`lnq :
`Jo reqrunN
`stualed Jo JaqurnN
`saauBtsse Jo raqurnNl
`I€rluessa requnN
`(teror) I€ttuass?ggg ragunN
`(1e1o1qns) rePocua lreurs
`razt luenb /.ragnq -a1€lI
`uol?€urllse uolloN
`(tetof) su8rsap ar€^tprel{ requnN
`sroporap cTA
`eJnlsellqlJe ura1s,{5
`'srs.{Teue 1ua1ed oapl^ Jo s}1nsalI :I'9I aiq€J
`oA9r' x
`oA9v x
`,AOE =,
`09I =
`00T !
`0I 3
`-nuuroralal qslltrg (tnnl
`t'oqn:o&o3 Sutlsecpeorg tlslllrg oqJ '(VSO)
`uorsserduro3 '1"t"ntg; JSNC '(acue'rg) ;ISCC
`'(Xn) suolll3clu
`-ra') CV r,r"g r"i*rna'(VSnj
`'d:o3 sctuognduro3 '(dtnrt) ITSSC '(VSn)
`Sunrapraog rnz U€qcslassaC reJoqunerg '(dueurra3) HTuq ralurocl '(dueur
`-r1s.r1 '(ueaef) plf
`'i''tueruraS; 'n'a Sunqcsrod ualpu€'al'ra8uy rap
`-€trN ssaursng 1n,ro,1n.tra1u1 '(.,tueur.ra3) qqurp >lluqcal{unJpunE ranJ a?nl
`-sFun11e.nran-?uor€d nr1,r""t1 '(uede1)
`'dro3 6gy
`'d"ro3 saun{c
`-iq...1"111 '(VSn) .{8o1ouqce; Jo e}nll}sul s}lasnqc€sse141 '(dueuuao) qqiup
`;1"Lan1; 'd:o3 rrrlcalg lqslqsnslll I'(uede1) plT 'oC lt3lrlsnpul clrlcelg €1
`;(ueaeg) 1a1o1tx oso11 uoddrSl '(uede1') d:o3 3951
`.plT ,.oc qoclu ,(uedel)
`reauold '(spuu1'raqloN aqJ)
`-rudg '(ued*1; 'aroj,tro['(VSC)
`t'3tttq ry 3ut'raaut3ug zlre'4t€qcg '(uede1)
`Hqurp {unJpung un qesurad ua{unJelaJ'(yn)
`'pl.I ''oC 3ur1urr4 ueddoS '(ecuerg) sluorlcalg rotunsuoC uos
`,r",r"g :("*anf)
`.p11uede;5o .,{ueduro3 rolcl1 pue '(uede1) 'dro3 €qlqsoJ
`oepr^ T-CgdI I aq] uI po]uasaJdal e:e se8enBuel olll€u xIS q]I'&r solJ]unoc
`Fursr.rdrns lou sI sJeploq 1ua1ed Jo uollnqlJlslp opl'4d'plJo'44 aqJ
`oqe (s1uaual€ls 1ua1€4) g xauuy (Z-Stggt Cil/OSI) oepl1 Z-DgdN
`Jo lsll €
`ruo4 peuls+qo eq u€c sluel€d Sutpre8al uoll€rrrroJul lsq1 sol€+s
`01 uorlrpp€ uI 'sluaural€ls I€ruJoJuI ls€al le palllurqns a^€q oq11\ salu€dluoc
`man-u, of the tr,IPEG-1 listed companies, the iist adds Belgian ScierLc. ,
`icy Office, BOSCH, Columbia Universitl', Dayid Sarnoff Research C.
`Deutsche Thomson-Brandt GmbH. Fujitsu Ltd, GC Technologl'Corp
`eral lnstruments, Goldstar co. Ltd.. IRT. Nippon Telegraph and Teir:
`corp.. Nokia corp. Norrvegian Telecom, oKI Electric Industrl' co.. -
`Inc., Royal PTT Nederland N.V.. PTT Research NL. Samsti;'-
`Electronics Co. Ltd.. Scientific-Atlanta Inc., SHARP Corp'.Siemens ACI
`Texas Instruments Inc.. and TV/CONI International. At least trvo moie
`countries are no\\r represented in this patent holder list'
`16.9 For more information C
`For more information about joining the patent pool or obtaining an \IPEC.
`license contact:
`Baryn Futa, Esq., Chief Operating Officer,
`Cable Teler.ision Laboratories
`.100 Centennial Parklr'a,v
`Louisville. CO U.S.A' 80027
`16.10 AcknowledgmentsC
`Considerable work on the anal-v*sis has been performed
`of Nleltzer. Lippe, et al. His thoughtful, independent
`b-v Evan Kahn Esi
`thinking has pror-e