`US 20090067377Al
`(19) United States
`c12) Patent Application Publication
`TALUKDAR et al.
`(10) Pub. No.: US 2009/0067377 Al
`Mar. 12, 2009
`(43) Pub. Date:
`(22) Filed:
`Aug. 13, 2008
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Lake Zurich, IL (US)
`Correspondence Address:
`600 NORTH US HIGHWAY 45, W4- 39Q
`LIBERTYVILLE, IL 60048-5343 (US)
`(73) Assignee:
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/956,031, filed on Aug.
`15, 2007.
`Publication Classification
`Int. Cl.
`(52) U.S. Cl. ........................................................ 370/329
`A wireless communication infrastructure entity configured to
`allocate radio resources, in a radio frame, to a wireless termi(cid:173)
`nal compliant with a first protocol and to a wireless terminal
`compliant with a second protocol. The radio frame including
`a first protocol resource region and a second protocol resource
`region. The radio frame including a first protocol allocation
`control message that allocates resources within the first pro(cid:173)
`tocol resource region to the wireless terminal compliant with
`the first protocol, and a second protocol allocation control
`message that allocates resources within the second protocol
`resource region to the wireless terminal compliant with the
`second protocol.
`/ /···/
`1107 I 1108 I
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`1107 I 1108 I
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`Patent Application Publication Mar. 12, 2009 Sheet 1 of 14
`US 2009/0067377 A1
`/ /···/
`1101 I 11oa I
`1107 I 1108 I
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`Patent Application Publication Mar. 12, 2009 Sheet 2 of 14
`US 2009/0067377 A1
`2.5 msec
`5 msec
`FIG. 2
`FIG. 3
`m~ ............ ~......__----~~~ .........
`5 msec
`FIG. 4
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`Patent Application Publication Mar. 12, 2009 Sheet 3 of 14
`US 2009/0067377 A1
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`Patent Application Publication Mar. 12, 2009 Sheet 4 of 14
`US 2009/0067377 A1
`5 msec
`FIG. 6
`- "
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`5 msec
`.. -
`706 708
`FIG. 7
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`Patent Application Publication Mar. 12, 2009 Sheet 5 of 14
`US 2009/0067377 A1
`FIG. 8
`20 msec
`FIG. 9
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`Patent Application Publication Mar. 12, 2009 Sheet 7 of 14
`US 2009/0067377 A1
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`Patent Application Publication Mar. 12, 2009 Sheet 9 of 14
`US 2009/0067377 A1
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`Patent Application Publication Mar. 12, 2009 Sheet 10 of 14
`US 2009/0067377 A1
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`Patent Application Publication Mar. 12, 2009 Sheet 11 of 14
`US 2009/0067377 A1
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`Patent Application Publication Mar. 12, 2009 Sheet 12 of 14
`US 2009/0067377 A1
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`Patent Application Publication Mar. 12, 2009 Sheet 13 of 14
`US 2009/0067377 A1
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`Patent Application Publication Mar. 12, 2009 Sheet 14 of 14
`US 2009/0067377 A1
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`US 2009/0067377 AI
`Mar. 12, 2009
`[0001] The present disclosure relates generally to wireless
`communications and more specifically to medium access
`control frame structures in wireless communication systems
`with improved latency support.
`[0002] An important consideration for advanced wireless
`communication systems is one-way air-interface latency. Air(cid:173)
`interface latency is primarily dependent on the Medium
`Access Control (MAC) frame duration. In the developing
`IEEE 802.16m protocol, for example, the proposed target
`latency is less than approximately 10 msec and some observ(cid:173)
`ers have suggested that a much lower latency may be required
`to compete with other developing protocols, for example,
`with 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE). The IEEE 802.16m
`protocol is an evolution of the WiMAX-OFDMA specifica(cid:173)
`tion for the IEEE 802.16e protocol. However, the legacy
`IEEE 802.16e TDD frame structure has a relatively long
`duration and is incapable of achieving the latency targets set
`for IEEE 802.16m.
`[0003] Evolutionary wireless communication systems
`should also support for legacy system equipment. For
`example, some IEEE 802.16e and IEEE 802.16m base sta(cid:173)
`tions and mobile stations are likely to coexist within the same
`network while upgrading to the newer system. Thus IEEE
`802.16e mobile stations should be compatible with IEEE
`802.16m base stations, and IEEE 802.16e base stations
`should support IEEE 802.16m mobile stations. Thus frame
`structures for air-interfaces are proposed with a view to
`achieving lower latency and in some embodiments to main(cid:173)
`taining backward compatibility.
`[0004] A legacy system is defined as a system compliant
`with a subset of the WirelessMAN-OFDMA capabilities
`specified by IEEE 802.16-2004 (specification IEEE Std 802.
`16-2004: Part 16: IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan
`area networks: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless
`Access Systems, June 2004) and amended by IEEE 802.16e-
`2005 (IEEE Std. 802.16e-2005, IEEE Standard for Local and
`metropolitan area networks, Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed
`and Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Systems, Amend(cid:173)
`ment 2: Physical and Medium Access Control Layers for
`Combined Fixed and Mobile Operation in Licensed Bands,
`and IEEE Std. 802.16-2004/Cor1-2005, Corrigendum 1,
`December 2005) and IEEE 802.16Cor2/D3, where the subset
`is defined by WiMAX F arum Mobile System Profile, Release
`1.0 (Revision 1.4.0: 2007-05-02), excluding specific fre(cid:173)
`quency ranges specified in the section (Band Class
`[0005] The various aspects, features and advantages of the
`disclosure will become more fully apparent to those having
`ordinary skill in the art upon careful consideration of the
`following Detailed Description thereof with the accompany(cid:173)
`ing drawings described below. The drawings may have been
`simplified for clarity and are not necessarily drawn to scale.
`[0006] FIG. 1 is a wireless communication system.
`[0007] FIG. 2 is a legacy protocol frame mapped to a next
`generation 1:2 sub-frame.
`[0008] FIG. 3 is a frame structure configuration having a
`75% duty cycle.
`[0009] FIG. 4 is another frame structure configuration hav(cid:173)
`ing a 25% duty cycle.
`[0010] FIG. 5 is a super-frame structure configuration.
`[0011] FIG. 6 is a frame having multiple sub-blocks of
`equal duration.
`[0012] FIG. 7 is another frame having multiple sub-blocks
`of equal duration.
`[0013] FIG. 8 is a frame having multiple sub-blocks of
`equal duration.
`[0014] FIG. 9 is a super-frame comprising multiple frames
`of equal duration.
`[0015] FIG. 10 is an exemplary hybrid frame structure.
`[0016] FIG. 11 is a frame having first and second protocol
`resource regions.
`[0017] FIG. 12 is another frame having first and second
`protocol resource regions.
`[0018] FIG. 13 is a frame having first and second protocol
`resource regions.
`[0019] FIG. 14 is a frame having first and second protocol
`resource regions.
`[0020] FIG. 15 is a frame having first and second protocol
`resource regions.
`[0021] FIG. 16 is a sequence of radio frames having first
`and second resource regions.
`[0022] FIG. 17 is another sequence of radio frames having
`first and second resource regions.
`[0023] FIG. 18 is another sequence of radio frames having
`first and second resource regions.
`In FIG. 1, the wireless communication system 100
`includes one or more fixed base infrastructure units forming a
`network distributed over a geographical region. A base unit
`may also be referred to as an access point, access terminal,
`Node-B, eNode-B, or by other terminology used in the art.
`The one or more base units 101 and 102 serve a number of
`remote units 103 and 110 within a serving area, for example,
`a cell, or within a cell sector. The remote units may be fixed or
`terminal. The remote units may also be referred to as sub(cid:173)
`scriber units, mobile stations, users, terminals, subscriber
`stations, user equipment (UE), terminals, or by other termi(cid:173)
`nology used in the art.
`[0025] Generally, base units 101 and 102 transmit down(cid:173)
`link communication signals 104 and 105 to serving remote
`units on at least a portion of the same resources (time and/or
`frequency). Remote units 103 and 110 communicate with the
`one or more base units 101 and 102 via uplink communication
`signals 106 and 113. The one or more base units may com(cid:173)
`prise one or more transmitters and one or more receivers that
`serve the remote units. The remote units may also comprise
`one or more transmitters and one or more receivers.
`In one embodiment, the communication system uti(cid:173)
`lizes OFDMA or a next generation single-carrier (SC) based
`FDMA architecture for uplink transmissions, such as inter(cid:173)
`leaved FDMA (IFDMA), Localized FDMA (LFDMA), DFT(cid:173)
`spread OFDM (DFT-SOFDM) with IFDMA or LFDMA. In
`OFDM based systems, the radio resources include OFDM
`symbols, which may be divided into slots, which are group(cid:173)
`ings of sub-carriers. An exemplary OFDM based protocol is
`IEEE 802.16(e).
`[0027] Generally, the wireless communication system may
`implement more than one communication technology as is
`typical of systems upgraded with newer technology, for
`example, the evolution of GSM to UMTS and future UMTS
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`US 2009/0067377 AI
`Mar. 12, 2009
`releases thereof. In FIG. 1, for example, one or more of the
`base units 101 may be legacy technology base stations, for
`example, IEEE 802.16(e) protocol base stations, and other
`base station may be newer generation technologies, for
`example, IEEE 802.16(m) protocol base stations. In these
`cases, it is generally desirable for the new technologies to be
`backward compatible with the legacy technology. For the
`evolution of IEEE 802.16(e), the backward compatibility
`constraint implies that the legacy frame structure, for
`example, the 5 msec duration 802.16(e) frame, must be sup(cid:173)
`ported by 802.16(m) base stations. Additionally, in order to
`efficiently support delay sensitive applications, 802.16(m)
`base stations should be able to service both 802.16(m) and
`legacy terminals within the common frame structure.
`[0028] Regarding frame structure, it is generally necessary
`to design frames having a relatively short duration in order to
`reduce latency. Thus to deliver low latency in 802.16m sys(cid:173)
`tems with backward compatibility, it is necessary to develop
`a sub-frame structure based on the legacy 802.16( e) frame. In
`order to address the latency requirements, it is necessary to
`design frames with shorter than 5 msec duration. However, to
`efficiently serve legacy traffic, it is also necessary that 802.
`16(m) systems have 5 msec legacy frames. Thus two broad
`classes offrames would be required for an 802.16(m) system
`having reduced latency and support for legacy 802.16(e)
`devices. The first class includes a full-frame (having a 5 msec
`duration) with one D L interval and one UL interval similar to
`the 802.16( e) TDD legacy frames. The second class offrames
`includes a sub-frame. For example, a 5 msec frame having N
`DL intervals and NUL intervals. This frame may also contain
`N transmit/receive transition gap (TTG) and receive/transmit
`transition gap (RTG) intervals. N could be kept small, typi(cid:173)
`cally N=2, in order to limit TTG and RTG related overhead.
`According to this exemplary scheme, the legacy 802.16(e)
`TDD frames can only be a full-frame and the 802.16(m)
`frames are preferably sub-frame 1 :2, although they could also
`be full-frames. The h-frames can be either full-frame or sub(cid:173)
`frame 1:2. FIG. 2 illustrates an 802.16(m) sub-frame 1:2 that
`is backwards compatible with a legacy 802.16( e) TDD frame,
`wherein the first and third blocks are downlink blocks and the
`second and fourth blocks are uplink blocks. In general, the
`length of the intervals of the blocks can be different.
`[0029] The 802.16(m) 5 msec frame can be perceived to be
`composed of following types of basic regions: e-DL region
`used for transmission of downlink traffic to 802.16(e) termi(cid:173)
`nals; e-UL: region allocated for transmission of data and
`control messages by 802.16( e) terminals; m-DL: region allo(cid:173)
`cated for transmission to 802.16(m) terminals; and m-UL:
`region allocated for transmission by 802.16(m) terminals.
`The e-DL and e-UL regions can also be used for transmis(cid:173)
`sions to/from 802.16(m) terminals. In general, the structures
`of the 802.16(m) region (sub-channel and pilot structures)
`can be different from those of the 802.16(e) regions. Depend(cid:173)
`ing on the population oflegacy and newer generation termi(cid:173)
`nals, it may be necessary to allocate the entire 5 msec frame
`for 802.16(e) services or 802.16(m) services.
`[0030] Using these different types of regions, various types
`of 5 msec frame structures can be created to suit the traffic
`service requirements. These are: e-frames composed of only
`e-DL and e-UL regions used to serve legacy 802.16(e) TDD
`terminals (802.16(m) terminals can also be served in these
`frames in legacy mode); m-frames composed ofm-DL and
`m-UL regions only for serving only 802.16(m) terminals;
`h-frames containing both e-DL!e-UL and m-DL!m-UL
`regions for serving 802.16(e) and 802.16(m) terminals. The
`802.16(m) portion and the 802.16(e) portion should be time
`division multiplexed so that the 802.16(m) control channel,
`pilot, and sub-channelization can provide flexibility.
`[0031] Depending on the device type population and traffic
`pattern, it may be necessary to treat an m-frame or an h-frame
`as a legacy virtual frame in a cell/sector. Them-D L and m-UL
`regions in these frames may have different sub-channel/pilot
`structures than the legacy systems; those regions need to be
`treated as "dead zones", which the legacy terminals should
`not use. The full-frame, being similar in structure to the
`legacy 802.16(e) frame, can be easily mapped to a legacy
`virtual frame with full utilization of the frame resources.
`However, the sub-frame l:N, which can also be mapped to
`legacy 802.16(e) virtual frame, will contain "dead zone(s)"
`where no 802.16(e) (TDD) transmission can be allowed to
`ensure DL/UL synchronization.
`[0032] An 802.16(m) base unit can provide service to
`legacy 802.16(e) terminals in full-frames. To provide service
`in the sub-frame l:N, the 802.16(m) base unit can map a
`legacy virtual5 msec frame toN adjacent sub-frames and the
`train of sub-frames can be organized as a train of legacy 5
`msec virtual frames. There are N choices for the time division
`duplex frame (TDD) split position in a legacy virtual frame.
`The system wide synchronization requirement for the TDD
`system imposes additional constraints on the downlink and
`uplink transmission intervals, creating dead zones during
`which no transmission should be done to and from legacy
`802.16(e) TDD terminals. However, transmissions to and
`from 802.16(m) terminals are possible in these dead zones.
`FIG. 3 illustrates a first configuration wherein a legacy 802.
`16( e) TDD terminal encounters a 5 msec frame having a 75%
`duty cycle. The frame includes a legacy preamble 302, a DL
`map 304, and a dead zone 306 during which there is no legacy
`downlink allocation during the 802.16(m) uplink interval.
`FIG. 4 illustrates a second configuration wherein the frame
`includes a dead zone 406 during which there is no legacy
`uplink allocation during the 802.16(m) downlink interval.
`[0033] A generic message structure and its parameters to
`indicate a dead zone is shown in Table 1.
`Message parameter for dead zone indication
`dedicated pilot tag
`<symbol number>/ <time>
`0 or 1
`In the above message, the parameter "location" indi(cid:173)
`cates a position within the frame in time (which may be
`denoted by the symbol number within the frame or absolute
`time or time offset from the start of the frame or offset from
`some other specified time); the interpretation of the parameter
`"location" depends on the value of the parameter "dedicated
`pilot tag". If"dedicated pilot tag" is 1, the pilot symbols after
`"location" are dedicated; if it is 0, it indicates that the pilot
`symbols after the "location" are not dedicated pilots. Thus a
`zone with dedicated pilots can be described by two occur(cid:173)
`rences of this message: the first message with dedicated pilot
`tag=1 and location="T1", followed by a 2nd message with
`dedicated pilot tag=O and location="T2", where T2>=T1; a
`legacy terminal which has been allocated resources within
`this zone should use only pilots within its burst for channel
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`US 2009/0067377 AI
`Mar. 12, 2009
`estimation. A legacy terminal which has not been allocated
`resources within this zone will ignore the pilots in this zone
`and also it will not need to decode any of the data transmis(cid:173)
`sions within the dedicated pilot zone. This combined with the
`BS not making an allocation to any 16e mobile in the zone
`indirectly disables or isolates the 16e mobiles from this zone.
`Thus, 16e mobile effectively ignores whatever is in the zone.
`[0035] An example message which can be used for indicate
`dead zones is the STC_DL_ZONE_IE() of IEEE 802.16e
`specification; the parameters "OFDMA symbol offset" and
`"Dedicated pilots" in this message corresponds to the param(cid:173)
`eters "location" and "dedicated pilot tag" in the above generic
`message in Table 1.
`[0036] Another message structure and its parameters which
`can be used to implement dead zones are shown in Table 2.
`Dead zone message tvne 2
`<symbol number>i<time>
`Starting symbol
`Starting sub-channel <sub-carrier number>/ <sub-channel nwnber>
`Symbol count
`<Number ofsymbols>i<duration in time>
`Sub-channel cmmt
`<nwnber of sub-carriers>i<nwnber of sub(cid:173)
`[0037] The four parameters describe a rectangular dead
`zone of time-frequency resources. In this message, the
`parameter "starting symbol" indicates a position within the
`frame in time (which may be denoted by the symbol number
`within the frame or absolute time or time offset from the start
`of the frame or offset from some other specified time) where
`the dead zone begins; "symbol count" indicates the duration
`of the dead zone, starting from the "starting symbol". The
`parameter "starting sub-channel" indicates the location in the
`sub-carrier frequency where the dead zone begins; this is in
`units of sub-carrier or sub-channel, which is a group of sub(cid:173)
`carriers; "sub-channel count" indicates the length of the dead
`zone in the frequency dimension. An example of this generic
`message type is the PAPR_Reduction_and_Safety_Zone_
`Allocation_IE() of the IEEE 802.16e specification. In this
`message, the parameters "OFDMA_symbol_offset", "Sub(cid:173)
`channel offset", "No. OFDMA symbols" and "No. sub-chan(cid:173)
`nels" corresponds to the parameters "starting symbol", "start(cid:173)
`ing sub-channel", "symbol count" and "sub-channel count"
`of the generic dead zone message type 2, respectively; the
`PAPR_Reduction_Safety_Zone parameter in the PAPR_Re(cid:173)
`duction_and_Safety _Zone_Allocation_IE() should be set to
`"1" to indicate a reduced interference zone to the legacy
`terminal; this will effectively direct the terminal not to per(cid:173)
`form any uplink transmission in that zone.
`[0038] Striking a balance between efficient legacy support
`and low-latency 802.16(m) service is challenging with a
`homogeneous frame size. The full-frames discussed above
`provide efficient legacy support while sacrificing latency per(cid:173)
`formance for 802.16(m) terminals. The sub-frames provide
`low-latency support for 802.16(m) terminals while sacrific(cid:173)
`ing capacity for legacy terminals in the form of dead zones.
`In one embodiment, a heterogeneous configuration
`contains both full-frames and sub-frames, wherein the full(cid:173)
`frames and sub-frames are interleaved over time. Within a
`cell, the full-frames are primarily used for serving legacy
`terminals present in the cell, whereas the sub-frames are
`primarily used to serve the 802.16(m) terminals. However, for
`servicing packets with urgent delay constraints, either frame
`type can be used to service either type of terminal. The full(cid:173)
`frames and the sub-frames are organized in a repeating pat(cid:173)
`tern, called a super-frame.
`In the super-frame ofFIG. 5, the interleaving pattern
`consists of two sub-frames 1:2 followed by one full-frame.
`This pattern is generally the same over all sector/cells. The
`first super-frame contains an 802.16(e) TDD virtual frame
`configuration with 75% duty cycle and the 2nd super-frame
`contains a 802.16(e) TDD virtual frame configuration with
`25% duty cycle. Generally, for the same 802.16(e) TDD
`virtual frame, the configuration options can be different for
`different base stations. One base station may employ the
`802.16(e) virtual frame to communicate with a legacy termi(cid:173)
`nal while another neighboring base station may employ a 16m
`Sub-frame 1:2 structure to communicate with a 16m base
`station without any undesired interference between uplink
`and downlink transmissions. The proportion of the different
`types of frames and their interleaving pattern in a super-frame
`is generally determined by the proportion of 802.16(e) and
`802.16(m) terminals in the system. The configurations may
`be implemented on a system-wide basis to ensure that there is
`no conflict between base unit transmission and reception in
`adjacent cells (e.g., no conflict in TDD Tx/Rx boundaries
`among adjacent cells).
`[0041] Thus a next generation wireless communication
`infrastructure entity, for example, an 802.16(m) base unit in
`FIG. 1, would transmit a super-frame including a plurality of
`frames wherein each frame includes at least two regions. The
`regions are generally some sort of resource that may be allo(cid:173)
`cated to the terminals for uplink or downlink communications
`in the case of a TDD system. The super-frames are generally
`transmitted in a sequence. This superframe structure must be
`communicated to all base stations in a TDD system to main(cid:173)
`tain synchronization of all sectors and cell in order to ensure
`that there is no conflict between base unit transmission and
`reception in adjacent cells. This structure may be communi(cid:173)
`cated in a control message specifYing a configuration charac(cid:173)
`teristic of the regions within each frame of a super-frame. The
`control message may be transmitted to other base stations
`over the land line network or by other means such as radio
`communication links between the base stations. This control
`message may also be transmitted to terminals in at least one
`frame of the superframe. The message may specify the con(cid:173)
`figuration characteristic of regions within each frame of the
`same super-frame in which the message occurs, or in the
`frames of another super-frame, for example a subsequent
`super-frame. In one embodiment, the configuration charac(cid:173)
`teristic of the regions within each frame of the super-frame is
`specified in a control message map or by other means. In any
`case, in some embodiments, the control message may contain
`a reference number specifYing the map applicable for the
`super-frame, thereby enabling terminals to distinguish
`among versions of the control message containing the con(cid:173)
`figuration characteristic.
`In one embodiment, the configuration characteristic
`of the regions is selected from a group comprising: a number
`regions; region size; region type (e.g., uplink or downlink for
`a TDD system); and the ordering of the region

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