WO 2012/073027
`} petise eet
`¥ eee hs:
`pac eeWeee nee
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`WO 2012/073027
`Each Metadata Originatoris a
`unique combination of Content
`Content Provider acting as
`Provider and Metadata
`its own Metadata Publisher
`Metadata] Originator’s transaction streams
`Provider A|Publisher Z
`Metadata Originator A-7
`Content Provider supplying
`metadata via two Metadata
`Metadata Originator B-Y-
` Provider B
`Metadata Originator B-x
`Metadata Originator C-X.
`Provider C
`Publisher X
`Metadata Originator D-x
`Provider D
`Publisher Y
`Metadata Publisher
`supplying metadata
`on behalf of multiple
`Content Providers
`Figure 81
`EX. 1002
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`WO 2012/073027
`Sequence: Asynchronous operation mode
`mpp : Metadata Publishing Party
`mas : Metadata Aggregation Service
`Figure 82
`EX. 1002
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`WO 2012/073027
`Sequence: Synchronous operation mode
` mpp : Metadata Publishing Party
`mas : Metadata Aggregation Service
`i Submit a new transaction with synchronous holding response
`POST/transaction 200 OK, <StatusReport>
`Figure 83
`EX. 1002
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`WO 2012/073027
`uolesuedL OLSP
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`WO 2012/073027
`Descriptive Metada
`| GroupInformation |
`Type= “programConcept”
`I GroupInformation |
`| Programinformation |
` Service transaction
`Schedule Transaction
`On-demandPublication transaction
`preveonemecnarcccsecnezenanscccasecnssennn7 Perens; rs;
`Program Description i
`; structural elememnt }
`TV-A Table
`Ce 7
`) Tv-Afragment
`toe l
`element of Tv-A
`1! Serviceinf
`erviceinrormation !
`He eee !
`Figure 85
`EX. 1002
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`WO 2012/073027
` eeCrieeannet
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`WO 2012/073027
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`EX. 1002
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`WO 2012/073027
` poo~-|Veeeeesecnedhanenesssessceccccsea[|geseesccccecscnsnceccdansssceneeceeceececeng||geceecaccasanataneselececccececsensoseeseny||geececcccecnccnserechcsceccnanscenctsteens|WOWSEYAL|leeeee|
` uolOINGNgaalAlag
` owenNuoneziuedug
`EX. 1002
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`WO 2012/073027
`aa1Aslas UOISIaA
` peoecee----|Ad30u0jwessoud,=adAL||uonewuojujdnody|L-_-~-~~4-—-—~—~—
`EX. 1002
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`WO 2012/073027
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`EX. 1002
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`WO 2012/073027
`Content Description
`On-demand 5
`—— Membership
`On-demand 1
`On-demand 2
`——— Membership
`On-demand 3
`——— Membership
` : 3
`Package A
`Package B
`Package C
`On-demand 4
`—— Membership
` : 4
`Figure 95
`EX. 1002
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`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(10) International Publication Number
`(43) International Publication Date
`WO 2012/094247 A2
`12 July 2012 (12.07.2012) WIPOIPCT
`International Patent Classification:
`HOA4N 21/482 (2011.01)
`International Application Number:
`PCT/US201 1/068109
`International Filing Date:
`30 December 2011 (30.12.2011)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`5 January 2011 (05.01.2011)
`Applicant (or all designated States except US): ROVI
`La Cruz Boulevard, Santa Clara, California 95050 (US).
`Inventors; and
`Inventors/Applicants (for US only): DODSON, Chad
`[US/US]; 2177 Watercress Place, San Ramon, California
`94582 (US). POZENEL, James [US/US]; 1950 Coronada
`Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103 (US). BROWN,Don-
`ald Scott
`[US/US]; 12036 Country River Drive, Rives
`Junction, Michigan 49277 (US). STROTH, Jennifer
`[US/US]; 2370 Cherrystone Drive, San Jose, California
`95128 (US). JORDAN, David [US/US]; 575 Pierce Street,
`Apt. 505, San Francisco, California 94117 (US). BARR,
`Jeffrey [US/US]; 297 Tradewinds Drive #101, San Jose,
`Califomia 95123 (US). TRENZ, Daniel Wright [US/US];
`1706 South Boulevard, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 (US).
`Agents: GUILIANO, Juseph M. el al.; Ropes & Gray
`LLP, 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York
`10036-8704 (US).
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated. for every
`kind of national protection available). AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
`CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO,
`DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN,
`KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, Mx, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NL, NO, NZ,
`SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR,
`TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`[Continued on next page]
`ON 301$ NN
` ALL TYPES J) [&]
`‘|T DaraFvine
`{|} HKE
`[Lanett orwns
`(ED ACHEVE:'3 2» J =D) 01?—— 030P= Ioe] [BIG ROCK CAND”MOUNTAIN [D|]TON 207 SIGH
`FIG. 19
`(57) Abstract: Systems and methods for mixed-mediacontent guidance are provided. One or more interactive tools are provided for
`searching and/orfiltering mediacontent (e.g., music content, movie content, etc.). In some embodiments, these interactive tools may
`include a two-dimensional selection region, where the two-dimensional selection region is divided into aplurality of sub-regions and
`defines an intersection betweenafirst criterion and a second criterion. In response to receiving auser selection of a sub-region from
`the two-dimensional selection region, a subset of a plurality of media identifiers may be determined. At least a portion of the subset
`of mediaidentifiers may be selected for presentation to the user.
`EX. 1002
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`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NF, SN, TD, TG).
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ,
`UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, Published:
`RU, TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, — without international search report and to be republished
`DE, DK, EE, ES, FL, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT,
`uponreceipt of that report (Rule 48.2(g))
`LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS,
`EX. 1002
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`WO 2012/094247
` GI
`Cross-Reterence to Related Application
`This application claims the benefit under
`35 U.S.C. § 119(e) of U.S. Provisional Patent
`5 Application No. 61/429,803, filed January 5, 201_,
`which is hereby incorporated by reference herein in its
` entirety.
`Background of the Invention
`With society awash in an ever-increasing
`quantity of media content, and as such media content
`becomes ever more widely available, advanced media
`guidance application support is becoming increasingly
`For example, with the overwhelming volume
`of media contenz available to the average user, it is
`often difficult
`for users to decide what media content
`a convergence of media
`types and systems is driving the need for media
`to consume. At
`the same time,
`guidance applications to manage and exploit the
`relationships between different kinds of media content.
`EX. 1002
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`EX. 1002
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`interactive tools may be
`such as
`WO 2012/094247
`Summary of the Invention
`In view of the foregoing, systems and methods
` for managing and providing content
`in a mixed-media
`environment using an interactive media guidance
`application are provided.
`For example,
`the media
`guidance application may be proviced as an on-line
`application (e€.g.,
`users with information associated with movies,
`provided on a website)
`that presents
`entertainment-related content, or a combination
`the interactive media guidance
`application may provide a user with guidance for
`In particular,
` television, music, compositions, actors, artists, other
` movies,
`selecting content of various content types,
`television programs, and music.
`In some embodiments,
`provided that allow the user to search and/or filter
`content based on different criteria. Content may be
`filtered by a category and/or a subcategory (e.g.,
`genre, a subgenre, or any other suitable category of
`a rating (e.g., PG-13, PG, R, ete.), a time
`period (e.g., 1980s, 1990s, etc.),
`a demographic (e.g.,
`a theme (e.g., activity), a mood (e.g.,
`tool may be provided that allows users to search and/or
`filter content based on the user's mood.
`In response
`positive, negative, chill, wild, etc.), and/or any
`other suitable criterion.
`For example, an interactive
` to receiving an indication of mooc from the user,
`control circuizry may search for a television show,
`music, or a movie with metadata describing one or more
`moods (e.g., sober, wild, melancholy, ecstatic, etc.)
`matching the indicated mood.
`One of the interactive tools may include a
`two-dimensional selection region, where the two-
`EX. 1002
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`EX. 1002
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`multiple two-dimensional selection regions may be
`For example, a first two-dimensional
`selection region that defines the intersection between
`two sets of moods
`a vertical axis with a
`WO 2012/094247
`dimensional selection region is divided into a
`plurality of sub-regions and defines an intersection
`between a first criterion and a second criterion.
`the two-dimensional selection region may
`define the intersection between two different moods.
`In another example,
`the two-dimensional selection
`region may define the intersection between a mood
`(e.g., having the bounds positive and negative) anda
`genre (e.g., having the bounds drama and comedy).
`It should be noted that,
`in some embodiments,
`"positive" upper bound and a "negative" lower bound and
`a horizontal axis with a "wild" upper bound anda
`"chill" lower bound) and a second two-dimensional
`selection region that defines the intersection between
`two sets of genres (e€.g.,
`a vertical axis with a
`"light" upper bound and a "heavy" lower bound and a
`horizontal axis with a "romance" upper bound and a
`"comedy" lower28857355_ 1 bound).
`selecting a sub-region from each two-dimensional
`In response to
`selection region, control circuitry may determine one
`or more media identifiers and their corresponding
`content for presentation to the user for selection,
`retrieval, and/or playback.
`In some embodiments,
`the media guidance
`application may allow the user to select one or more
`criterion for placement
`in the two-dimensional
`selection region.
`For example,
`the control circuitry
`may transmit a query to a database or any other
`suitable source to determine criterion available for
`EX. 1002
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`EX. 1002
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`WO 2012/094247
`in the two-dimensional selection region.
`response to receiving the available criterion,
`that is
`control circuitry may populate a prompt
`provided to the user for selecting one or more
`control circuitry may provide a two-dimensional
`In response to selecting criteria,
`selection region that is divided into a plurality of
`sub-regions and that defines an intersection between
`the selected criteria.
`In some embodiments,
`the media guidance
`application may use metadata associated with media
`content to assist the user in making a selection.
`the interactive media guidance application may
`include techniques for managing and exploiting the
`relationships between different kinds of media content,
`such as between movies,
`television, and music.
`more particular example, metadata associated with the
`media content may be cross-referenced and linked in
`order to provide users with relevant information
`spanning the array of media content types.
`In a
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`The above and other objects and advantages of
`the invention will be apparent upon consideration of
`the following detailed description,
`taken in
`conjunction with the accompanying drawings,
`in which
`like reference characters refer to like parts
`throughout, and in which:
`1 and 2 show illustrative display
`screens that may be used to provice media guidance
`application listings in accordance with some
`embodiments of the invention;
`EX. 1002
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`EX. 1002
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`WO 2012/094247
`3 shows an illustrative user equipment
`device in accordance with some embodiments of
` an
`4 shows a simplified diagram of
`interactive media system
`embodiments of
`the invention;
`in accorcance wit
`5 is a diagram of
`an illusti
`th some
` trative cross-
`platform interactive media system in accordance with
`some embodiments of
`the invention;
`screens of
`6 and 7 show
`used to provide guidance
`a media guidance appl
` for
`lication that may be
`types of
`media in
`a media guidance application
` tha
`af the
`accordance with some embodiments
`8-13 show illust
`rative display screens
`t may be used to
` of
`provide criteria
`for search and/or
`filtering media
` that may be used
`14 shows illustrat
`embodiments of
`display screen
`music content)
`in accordance with some
`the invention;
`tive portions of
`to provide a preview
`audio clip in response
`to selecting a particular
`a media ident
`tifier in accordance with some
`portion of
`embodiments of
`the invention;
`screen or
`15 and 16 show
`an il
`llustrative display
`a media guidance app]
`on that may be used
`to access in
`formation and other media content
`associated with a particular al
`or other
` bum, song,
`audio content
`in accordance with some embodiments of
`the invention;
`containing in
`17 shows an illustrative display screen
` of a media guidance applica
`formation relat
`tion with an overlay
`ted to a currently queued or
`EX. 1002
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`EX. 1002
`LG Electronics, Inc. / Page 2025 of 3394


`WO 2012/094247
`playing song in
` of a media guida
`provide informat
`with a particula
`embodiments of t
`accordance with some embodiments of the
`nee application that may be used to
`8 shows an illustrative display screen
`ion and other media content associated
`r song in accordance with some
`he invention;
`19-21 show an illustrative display
`a guidance application that may be used
` filter music or cther audio content
`nsional selection region (for two sets
`ordance with some embodiments of the
`22-27 show illustrative display screens
`ovie content and/or video content)
`nee application that may be used to
` for search and/or filtering media
`some embodiments of the invention;
`28 and 29 show an illustrative display
`a guidance application that may be used
`ation and other media content
`screen of a medi
`to search and/or
`using a two-dime
` of moods)
`in acc
` of a media guida
`provide criteria
`accordance with
`screen of a medi
`to access inform
`associated with
`a particular movie or other video
`in accordance with some embodiments of the
`QO shows an illustrative display screen
`of a media guidance application with an overlay
` with some embodiments of the invention;
`containing a tra
`particular movie
`iler or video clip related to a
`or other video content
`in accordance
`31-34 show an illustrative display
`screen of a medi
`to access inform
`media content as
`a guidance application that may be used
`ation and/or a mecia clips related to
`sociated with a particular movie (or
`EX. 1002
`LG Electronics, Inc. / Page 2026 of 3394
`EX. 1002
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`WO 2012/094247
`other video content)
`in accordance with some
`embodiments of
`the invention;
`35 shows an illus
` or
`access additional in
`that may be used to
`(e.g., synopsis and cast
`trative display screen
`a media guidance application
`information) associat
`ted with a particular movie or
` of
`other media content
`in accordance with some embodiments
`the invention;
`36-39 show an
`illustrative display
`screen of
`a media guidance application
`to access information and/or media content associated
`that may be used
`with a person
`an actor, an artist, ora
`including a
`the invention;
`filmography snapshot portion
`accordance with some embodiments of
`ustrative display screens
` of
`40-43 show ill
`persistent medi
`la queue and al
`music and/or vi
`or other information,
`that includes a
`a media guidance application lows a user to access
` ideo clips,
`advertorial in
`display screens
`a persistent
`to media content displayed in a cycling
`accordance with some embodiments of
`44-47 show illustrative
`of a media guidance applicat
`tion include
`48 shows an ill
`media queue that
`manages one
`content and/or
`embodiments of
`video content
` the invention;
` of
`a media guidance applicat
`or more lists of
`in accordance with some
`lustrative display screen
`tion depicting a
`feature in accordance with some
`embodiments of
` the invention;
` selected criteria from at
`49 illustrates
`a flow diagram for
`selecting media content
`in response to receiving user-
`least a two-dimensional
`EX. 1002
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`EX. 1002
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`FIG. 50 shows an illustrative example of a
`for retrieving
`file in Extensible Markup Language (XML)
`media identifiers used to generate selection displays
`in accordance with some embodiments of the invention.
`WO 2012/094247
`selection region in accordance with some embodiments of
`the invention; and
`Detailed Description of Embodiments
`This invention generally relates to systems
`and methods for managing and providing content ina
`mixed-media environment using an interactive media
`guidance application.
`In particular, systems and
`methods are provided for searching and/or filtering
`content of various content types,
`such as movies,
`television programs, and music, with a two-dimensional
`selection region, where the two-dimensional selection
`region is divided into a plurality of sub-regions and
`defines an intersection between a first criterion anda
`second criterion.
`any given content delivery system can be substantial.
`The amount of content available to users in
`Consequently, many users desire a form of media
`guidance through an interface that allows users to
` efficiently navigate content selections and easily
`identify content that they may desire.
`that provides such guidance is referred to herein as an
`interactive media guidance application or, sometimes,
`media guidance application or a guidance application.
`An application
`Interactive media guidance applications may
`take various forms depending on the content for which
`they provide guidance.
`One typical type of media
`guidance application is an interactive television
`program guide.
`Interactive television program guides
`EX. 1002
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`EX. 1002
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`WO 2012/094247
`(sometimes referred to as electronic program guides)
`are well-known guidance applications that, among other
`types of content.
`things, allow users to navigate among and locate many
`As referred to herein,
`the term
`"content" should be understood to mean an
`electronically consumable user asset, such as
`television programming, as well as pay-per-view
`programs, on-demand programs
`(VOD) systems), Internet content
`(as in video-on-demand
`content, downloadable content, Webcasts, etc.), video
`information, pictures, rotating
`clips, audio, content
`images, documents, playlists, websites, articles,
`books, electronic books, blogs, acvertisements, chat
`sessions, social media, applications, games, and/or any
`other media or multimedia and/or combination of
`navigate among and locate content.
`same. Guidance applications also allow users to
`As referred to
`the term "multimedia" should be understood to
`mean content that utilizes at least two different
`for example,
`images, video, or interactivity content forms.
`content forms described above,
`live performance.
`Content may be recorded, played, cisplayed or accessed
`equipment devices, but can also be part of a
`by user
`With the advent of
`the Internet, mobile
`computing, and high-speed wireless networks, users are
`accessing media on user equipment devices on

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