`Civil Action No. 2:22-CV-00494-JRG-RSP
`Pursuant to Rule 3-3 of the Local Patent Rules (“P. R.”) of the Eastern District of Texas
`and to Standing Order Regarding Subject-Matter Eligibility Contentions (“Standing Order”),
`Defendants LG Electronics Inc. and LG Electronics USA, Inc. (collectively, “LG” or
`“Defendants”) hereby provide their Invalidity Contentions and Subject-Matter Eligibility
`Contentions with respect to the claims identified by Plaintiff Multimedia Technologies Pte. Ltd.
`(“MMT” or “Plaintiff”) in its Disclosure of Asserted Claims and Infringement Contentions under
`Patent Rule 3-1, served on June 5, 2023 (“Infringement Contentions”), in the above captioned
`case. Plaintiff asserts infringement of the following claims:
`U.S. Patent No.
`9,055,255 (“’255 Patent”)
`9,232,168 (“’168 Patent”)
`9,247,174 (“’174 Patent”)
`9,510,040 (“’040 Patent”)
`9,578,384 (“’384 Patent”)
`10,419,805 (“’805 Patent”)
`9,426,527 (“’527 Patent”)
`Asserted Claims
`1-4, 6-13, 15-20
`1-7, 10-15
`1-5, 7, 10-13
`1-4, 11-15, 21
`1, 3-4, 6-9
`1-4, 6-18
`LG v. Multimedia, IPR2024-00352


`U.S. Patent No.
`9,185,325 (“’325 Patent”)
`9,237,291 (“’291 Patent”)
`9,055,254 (“’254 Patent”)
`9,829,003 (“’003 Patent”)
`Asserted Claims
`1-4, 9-12
`1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14-16, 19
`1-5, 8-13, 16-19
`Pursuant to P. R. 3-3 and 3-4, Defendants hereby provide their invalidity contentions and
`related documents pertaining only to the asserted claims as identified by Plaintiff in its
`Infringement Contentions. With respect to each asserted claim and based on its investigation to
`date, Defendants hereby: (a) identify each currently known item of prior art that either
`anticipates or renders obvious each asserted claim; (b) specify whether such prior art anticipates
`each asserted claim or renders it obvious; (c) submit a chart identifying where each element in
`each asserted claim is disclosed, described, or taught in the prior art, including for each element
`that is governed by pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. § 112, ¶ 6 and/or 35 U.S.C. § 112(f), the identity of the
`structure(s), act(s), or material(s) in each item of prior art (if any) that performs the claimed
`function; and (d) identify the grounds for invalidating asserted claims based on indefiniteness
`under pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. § 112, ¶ 2 and/or 35 U.S.C. § 112 (b), or non-enablement or lack of
`written description under pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. § 112, ¶ 1 and/or 35 U.S.C. § 112 (a). Defendants
`further rely on and incorporates all prior art references cited in and/or on the cover of the
`Asserted Patents and their respective prosecution histories, including, for supporting the
`obviousness of any asserted claim, as well as any references or documents incorporated by
`reference into any of the below identified references.
`Also, pursuant to the Standing Order, Defendants hereby provide their Subject-Matter
`Eligibility Contentions and related documents pertaining only to the asserted claims as identified
`by Plaintiff in its Infringement Contentions. With respect to each asserted claim and based on its
`investigation to date, Defendants hereby provide a chart: (1) identifying each exception to


`eligibility to which each asserted claim is directed and the factual and legal basis therefor; (2)
`identifying (A) a description of the industry, at the relevant time, in which each asserted claim is
`well understood, routine, and conventional, and the factual and legal basis therefor, and (B) a
`description of how each element of each asserted claim was well understood, routine, and
`conventional in the relevant industry at the relevant time, and the legal and factual basis therefor;
`(3) and identifying any other factual or legal basis for how each asserted claim is otherwise
`ineligible for patent protection.
`In addition, based on its investigation to date, Defendants hereby produce, or have
`produced, the documents currently in their possession, custody, or control required to accompany
`these Invalidity and Subject-Matter Eligibility Contentions pursuant to P. R. 3-4.
`As stated above, pursuant to P. R. 3-3 and 3-4 and the Standing Order, Defendants hereby
`provide disclosures and related documents pertaining only to the asserted claims identified by
`Plaintiff in its Infringement Contentions. Defendants reserve the right to modify, amend, or
`supplement these Invalidity Contentions to show the invalidity and/or subject-matter ineligibility
`of any additional claims that the Court may allow Plaintiff to later assert. The Local Patent Rules
`and the Court’s Docket Control Order contemplate that these Invalidity Contentions and Subject-
`Matter Eligibility Contentions be prepared and served in response to Plaintiff’s Infringement
`Contentions, but Plaintiff’s Infringement Contentions are insufficient in that they lack proper and
`complete disclosure as to how Defendants allegedly infringes each element of the asserted
`claims. As such, Defendants reserve the right to modify, amend, and/or supplement these
`Invalidity Contentions and Subject-Matter Eligibility Contentions should the Court permit
`Plaintiff to correct, clarify, amend, and/or supplement its Infringement Contentions.


`Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions and Subject-Matter Eligibility Contentions and
`selection of documents accompanying them are based on information currently available to
`Defendants and are subject to further revision. For example, Plaintiff (or its counsel) may be in
`possession of prior art that has not been disclosed to Defendant. As another example, because
`discovery has only recently begun, Defendants reserve the right to amend or supplement the
`information provided herein, including identifying and relying on additional references.
`To the extent that these Invalidity Contentions and Subject-Matter Eligibility Contentions
`reflect or otherwise embody particular constructions of terms or phrases in the asserted claims,
`Defendants are not proposing any such constructions as proper constructions of those terms or
`phrases. Various positions put forth in these Invalidity Contentions and Subject-Matter
`Eligibility Contentions are predicated on Plaintiff’s incorrect and/or overbroad interpretation of
`its claims in its Infringement Contentions provided to Defendants. These Invalidity Contentions
`and Subject-Matter Eligibility Contentions are not intended to, and do not necessarily, reflect
`Defendants’ interpretation of the true and proper scope of the asserted claims. Defendants
`reserve the right to adopt claim construction positions that differ from any position in this
`document. Defendants also object to any attempt by Plaintiff to infer any purported claim
`constructions from any identification of potential prior art.
`In those instances where Defendants assert that the asserted claims are invalid under 35
`U.S.C. § 112 (e.g., no written description, not enabled, and/or indefinite), Defendants have
`applied the prior art in accordance with its assumption that Plaintiff contends such asserted
`claims (1) are definite, (2) have written description support, and (3) are enabled, as evidenced by
`Plaintiff’s Infringement Contentions. As such, Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions do not


`represent an agreement or view as to the meaning, definiteness, written description support for,
`or enablement of any asserted claim.
`For the avoidance of doubt, these Invalidity Contentions and Subject-Matter Eligibility
`Contentions and accompanying documents are not intended to reflect Defendants’ claim
`construction contentions, which will be disclosed in accordance with the Court’s Docket Control
`Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions and Subject-Matter Eligibility Contentions may
`change depending on the Court’s construction of the asserted claims, any findings as to the
`priority date of the asserted claims, and/or positions that Plaintiff or its experts may take
`concerning claim construction, infringement, and/or invalidity issues. Prior art not included in
`this disclosure, whether known or unknown to Defendants, may become relevant. In particular,
`Defendants are currently unaware of the extent, if any, to which Plaintiff will contend that
`limitations of the asserted claims are not disclosed in the prior art identified by Defendants, or
`will contend that any of the identified references do not qualify as prior art. To the extent that
`such an issue arises, Defendants reserve the right to identify other references that, inter alia,
`would have made the addition of the allegedly missing limitation to the disclosed device or
`method obvious.
`The identification of any patent or patent publication shall be deemed to include any
`counterpart patent or application filed, published, or issued anywhere in the world. The citation
`to any specifications published by standard-setting organizations shall be deemed to include any
`product that implements such specifications and that would qualify as prior art under 35 U.S.C. §
`102, e.g., under Sections 102(a), 102(b), or 102(g)(2).


`Defendants’ claim charts cite to particular teachings and disclosures of the prior art as
`applied to features of the asserted claims. Persons having ordinary skill in the art, however, may
`view an item of prior art in the context of other publications, literature, products, and
`understanding. As such, the cited portions are only exemplary, and Defendants reserve the right
`to rely on uncited portions of the prior art references and on other publications and expert
`testimony as aids in understanding and interpreting the cited portions, as providing context
`thereto, and as additional evidence that the prior art discloses a claim limitation. Defendants
`further reserve the right to rely on uncited portions of the prior art references, other publications,
`and testimony to establish bases for combinations of certain cited references that render the
`asserted claims obvious. Further, for any combination, Defendants reserve the right to rely
`additionally on information generally known to those skilled in the art or common sense.
`The references discussed in the claim charts may disclose the elements of the asserted
`claims explicitly or inherently, or they may be relied upon to show the state of the art in the
`relevant time frame. The suggested obviousness combinations are provided in the alternative to
`Defendants’ anticipation contentions and are not to be construed to suggest that any reference
`included in the combinations is not by itself anticipatory.
`Defendants reserve the right to challenge patentability of the asserted claims under pre-
`AIA 35 U.S.C. § 102(f) and/or 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) in the event Defendants obtain evidence that
`the named inventor of the Asserted Patents did not invent the subject matter claimed in the
`Asserted Patents or is not the sole inventor of the Asserted Patents. Should Defendants obtain
`such evidence, it will provide the name of the person(s) from whom and the circumstances under
`which the invention or any part of it was derived. Defendants further reserve the right to assert
`that the Asserted Patents are unenforceable due to inequitable conduct.


`Because discovery has just recently begun, Defendants anticipate that additional prior art
`and invalidity bases may be found. Defendants’ investigation and analysis of the prior art is
`continuing, and thus Defendants reserve the right to supplement, amend, and/or revise the
`information provided herein as Defendants conduct further investigation and/or analysis,
`including identifying, charting, and relying on additional references.
`Additionally, in view of likely third-party discovery that will be taken, Defendants
`reserve the right to present additional items of prior art under 35 U.S.C. §§ 102 (pre-AIA or post-
`AIA) and/or § 103 located during discovery or further investigation, and to assert contentions of
`invalidity under, for example, 35 U.S.C. §§ 102(c), (d), or (f). For example, Defendants may
`issue subpoenas to third parties believed to have knowledge, documents, and/or other evidence
`concerning invalidity of one or more of the Asserted Claims.
`In addition to the positions and prior art identified in these Invalidity Contentions and
`Subject-Matter Eligibility Contentions (including the accompanying invalidity claim charts),
`Defendants also incorporate by reference all invalidity contentions, prior art1, and invalidity
`claim charts (including, without limitation, all anticipation positions, obviousness positions
`(including all prior art combinations and motivations to combine), indefiniteness positions,
`written description positions, and nonenablement positions) concerning one or more of the
`Asserted Patents, as disclosed at any time. This includes without limitation disclosures in
`previous or related litigation, in United States Patent & Trademark Office (“USPTO”)
`proceedings, by the Plaintiff, by any other parties accused of patent infringement by the Plaintiff,
`1 Prior art appearing in the file histories of the Asserted Patents is not required to be separately
`produced by Defendants under P.R. 3-4(b).


`or by the named inventors or any individuals associated with the prosecution and/or post-grant
`review of the Asserted Patents.
`Pursuant to P. R. 3-3(a), and subject to Defendants’ reservation of rights, Defendants
`identify each item of prior art that at least evidences the obviousness of one or more of the
`asserted claims. In its Infringement Contentions, Plaintiff provided the following priority dates
`for the Asserted Patents: August 17, 2012. Without admitting the validity of this priority date,
`Defendants use this priority date for the purposes of these Invalidity Contentions.
`In the following sections, Defendants identify each prior art patent by its number, country
`of origin, and date of issue, each non-patent prior art publication by, where possible, its title, date
`of publication, and author and/or publisher, and each prior art system currently known to
`Defendants by, where possible, its name and date of sale, use, or knowledge. Defendants reserve
`the right to identify additional non-patent and non-publication prior art systems that were sold,
`offered for sale, used, etc. prior to the priority date to the extent any such systems become known
`during discovery.
`Defendants further rely on and incorporates all prior art references cited in and/or on the
`cover of the Asserted Patents and their respective prosecution histories, including for supporting
`the obviousness of any asserted claim. Defendants further rely on and incorporates by reference,
`as if originally set forth herein, all invalidity positions, and all associated prior art and claim
`charts, disclosed to Plaintiff by present or former defendants in any lawsuits or other proceedings
`or by potential or actual licensees to any of the asserted claims. Defendants hereby disclose and
`identifies as if originally set forth herein, all prior art references listed and/or asserted in the
`above as invalidating prior art against each of the asserted claims.


`Identification of Prior Art to the Asserted Patents2
`’255 Patent
`Prior Art Patents, Applications, and Publications
`Song et al. 12/30/2004
`KR2006 /
`(filed) / claims
`priority to
`(filed) / claims
`priority to
`(filed) / claims
`priority to
`Korean Patent
`Appl’n to US
`2 To the extent a reference listed in Section II(A) is not referred to specifically in the charts
`accompanying this disclosure, such reference is included as at least being indicative of the state
`of the art as of the priority date of the patent for which it is listed.


`WO 01/82596
`WO 12/102568
`Non-Patent Prior Art Publications
`(filed) / claims
`priority to
`(PCT filed)
`(filed) / claims
`priority to
`(PCT filed)
`Author /
`aTV Flash
`Reference Title
`aTV Flash (black) 1.2 Now Available (Apple TV)
`Healing Digital HSS852 Owner’s Manual
`Digital -
`Lee - ACM Balancing the Power of Multimedia Information
`Retrieval and Usability in Designing Interactive TV
`The Future of Television
`Entertainment has Arrived –
`PRTC Digital TV: Your Guide to PRTC’s Digital TV
`& Whole Home DVR Service, Powered By
`Microsoft Mediaroom.
`SnapStream’s Beyond TV 3 0 The Must-have Home
`Multimedia Software - The TV in Beyond TV - Live
`TV & Timeshifting
`Plasma TV Service Manual, Model 50PZ550
`e Inc.


`Author /
`Reference Title
`Owner’s Manual, LED LCE TV / LCD TV Plasma
`LG PZ550 3D Plasma TV – Model 60PZ550 60”
`Class 3D 1080p Plasma TV
` - LG PZ550 3D Plasma TV W_DLNA
`Review_ Booredatwork-sTKzYCK3AG8-720p-
`0 60”
`Prior Art Systems
`System Name
`LG Smart TVs
`including LG PZ550
`3D Plasma TV
`LG TVs, e.g.,
`55LW5700.AAU, LG
`Smart TVs
`Date of Offer / Use /
`At least y December
`At least as early as
`Relevant Person /
`Short Name
`LG PZ550
`LG Product(s)
`’168 Patent
`Prior Art Patents, Applications, and Publications
`of Origin
`Caffary, Jr.
`Caffary, Jr.
`(filed) / claims
`priority to


`of Origin
`App’n to
`2007/0028183 US
`2008/0301734 US
`2009/0064020 US
`2009/0222771 US
`2010/0162319 US
`2010/0262995 US
`2011/0035707 US
`2012/0117601 US
`2012/0229374 US
`2012/0304066 US
`2012/0311504 US
`2013/0019263 US
`2013/0174035 US
`2013/0347033 US
`2014/0137157 US
`Van Os
`Van Os
`(filed) / claims
`priority to
`(filed) / claims
`priority to
`(filed) / claims
`priority to
`(filed) / claims
`priority to


`of Origin
`Non-Patent Prior Art Publications
`(PCT filed)
`Author /
`Apple TV
`Smart TV
`Reference Title
`Video apple-tv-3rd-generation-1080p-unboxing-
`Samsung SMART TV Review
` - Unboxing Samsung 55 UE55D7000
`3D LED TV 2011 D7000 D8000 Part 2-
`Short Name
`n Date
`03/15/2012 Apple TV
`04/26/2011 Samsung
`Smart TV
`06/01/2012 SHARP
`08/06/2011 Samsung
`Prior Art Systems
`System Name
`Samsung Smart TVs
`including Samsung
`D8000 Smart TV
`Microsoft Office
`LG TVs, e.g.,
`55LW5700.AAU, LG
`Smart TVs, PZ550
`3D Plasma TV
`Date of Offer / Use /
`at least by January
`at least as early as
`January 30, 2007
`At least as early as
`Relevant Person /
`Short Name
`Samsung D8000
`Office 2007
`LG Product(s)


`’174 Patent
`Prior Art Patents, Applications, and Publications
`of Origin
`2003/0162493 US
`2009/0089835 US
`2009/0094643 US
`2010/0281500 US
`2010/0319028 US
`2011/0004904 US
`2011/0055871 US
`2011/0219395 US
`2013/0290848 US
`WO 98/37695 PCT
`First Named
`Non-Patent Prior Art Publications
`Reference Title
`Author /
`VIZIO Inc. VIZIO Models E3D320VX, E3D420VX,
`E3D470VX User Guide
`[] - 3183. VIZIO E3D320VX 32-Inch
`Class Theater 3D LCD HDTV Review _ VIZIO
`E3D320VX 32-Inch Class...
`Lee/ACM Balancing the Power of Multimedia Information
`Retrieval and Usability in Designing Interactive TV
`Magic TV Owner’s Guide
`Magic TV /
`Garcia /
`Int’l J of
`CurioView: TV Recommendations Related to
`Content Being Viewed
`Panasonic Owner’s Manual for TC-L37E5X, TC-L42E5X,
`and TC-L47E5X
`ONTOTV: An Ontology-Based System for the
`Management of Information About Television
`05/05/2010 VIZIO
`10/22/2008 Lee
`Magic TV


`Author /
`Reference Title
`VIZIO M420NV User Manual
`WD TV Live; WD TV Live Plus HD Media
`Players, User Manual
`02/23/2010 VIZIO
`Prior Art Systems
`System Name
`VIZIO Smart TVs
`including VIZIO
`VIZIO Smart TVs
`including M420NV TV
`Panasonic TC-L37E5X.
`TC-L42E5X. TC-
`L47E5X TV
`WD TV Live/Live Plus
`HD Media Players
`Magic TV
`LG TVs, e.g.,
`55LW5700.AAU, LG
`Smart TVs, PZ550 3D
`Plasma TV
`Date of Offer /
`Use / Disclosure
`At least as early as
`March 2011
`Relevant Person /
`Short Name
`At least as early as
`At least as early as
`At least as early as
`At least as early as
`At least as early as
`Panasonic TV
`Western Digital
`Magic TV
`Magic TV
`LG Product(s)
`’040 Patent
`Prior Art Patents, Applications, and Publications
`of Origin
`2002/0059610 US
`First Named
`Chane I
`Chane I


`of Origin
`2008/0167127 US
`2009/0094197 US
`2009/0204929 US
`2010/0064318 US
`2011/0179139 US
`2011/0219395 US
`2012/0054794 US
`2012/0204201 US
`2013/0057764 US
`2013/0176415 US
`First Named
`Non-Patent Prior Art Publications
`Reference Title
`The Future of Television Entertainment has Arrived-
`PRTC Digital TV – Your Guide to PRTC’s Digital TC
`& Whole Home DVR Service
`n Date
`WD TV Live Hub Media Center – User Manual
`Author /
`e (PRTC)
`LG Smart
`LG Smart
`TV internet
` - LG Smart TV explained at CES 2011-
` - LG Smart TV internet connected TVs at
`CES 2011 Which first look review-hKlqJm6nj_8-
`Prior Art Systems
`System Name
`LG Smart TVs
`Date of Offer /
`Use / Disclosure
`at least as early as
`January 2011
`Relevant Person /
`WD TV Live/Live Plus
`HD Media Players
`At least as early as
`May 2012
`Western Digital
`01/07/2011 LG Smart
`01/06/2011 LG Smart
`d TV
`Short Name
`LG Smart TV and/or
`LG Consumer Product


`System Name
`PRTC Digital TV
`LG TVs, e.g.,
`55LW5700.AAU, LG
`Smart TVs, PZ550 3D
`Plasma TV
`Date of Offer /
`Use / Disclosure
`At least as early as
`February 25, 2012
`At least as early as
`Relevant Person /
`Palmetto Rural
`Short Name
`PRTC Digital TV
`LG Product(s)
`’384 Patent
`Prior Art Patents, Applications, and Publications
`Hunt et
`Odryna et
`et al.
`Wiser et
`September 5,
`2008 (filed)
`priority to
`December 18,
`March 8,
`2012 (filed) /
`priority to
`November 15,
`April 17,
`2012 (filed);
`priority to
`filed April 27,
`April 17,
`2012 (filed);
`June 18, 2009
`(published) /
`January 29, 2013
`September 13,
`October 13, 2013 Billings
`January 10, 2013 Wiser


`priority to
`filed April 14,
`Ma et al. May 16, 2011
`(filed); claims
`priority to
`filed August
`31, 2010
`December 28,
`2010 (PCT
`December 22,
`June 11, 2012 December 12,
`November 24,
`Non-Patent Prior Art Publications
`et al.
`Benya et
`Naggar et
`Jordan et
`Green et
`September 3,
`2010; claims
`priority to
`filed May 18,
`December 7,
`Reference Title
`Author /
`Boxee Box The Boxee Box By D-link
`Metuki, et
`Infinite Content Within Reach_Using 3D Body-
`Based Interaction to Enhance Content Discovery
`LG 55LW9800 Nano Full LED THX 3D LCD
`NeoTV PRO ™ Streaming Player
`March 1, 2012
`October 18, 2012 Moshiri
`June 26, 2008
`December 8,
`Boxee Box
`05/05/2012 Metuki, et
`09/12/2011 Mitchell
`04/20/2012 Netgear


`Reference Title
`Netgear II
`10/26/2011 Cattaneo -
`04/20/2012 Netgear III
`06/16/2011 Panasonic
`Author /
`Netgear II Netgear NeoTV Streaming Player NTV200 User
`D6.4 NoTube Integrated System
`Cattaneo -
`3rd Prototype
`Netgear III NTV200S_DS_20Apr12
`Panasonic TH-L32C30K;
`TH-L32C30M; TH-L32C30T;
`TH-L32C30X; – Operating Instructions LCD TV
`05/24/2011 Rettinger -
`Samsung D8000 Smart TV SmartHub Demo -
`03/12/2011 TiVo
`UnoTelly_Guide: How to use Netflix outside the US 07/06/2011 Netflix
`WD_TV_Hub - User Manual
`12/30/2011 Netgear
`07/14/2012 Netgear
`Rettinger -
`Apple TV
`Video netgear-neotv-ntv200-streaming-player-first-
`Video netgear-neotv-pro-streaming-player-ntv200s-
`Video netgear-ntv200-neotv-streaming-player
` - Apple TV Netflix-a-5QP69VQQ8-720p-
`10/06/2011 Netgear
`09/30/2010 Apple TV
`Prior Art Systems
`System Name
` VIZIO TVs having applications
`such as Netflix and Vudu including
`VIZIO TVs identified in
`hdtv-line/ including VIZIO Internet
`Apps and
`72/ including VIZIO Internet Apps.
`Samsung TVs having applications
`such as Netflix and Vufu including
`Date of Offer /
`Use / Disclosure
`at least as early
`as January 20,
`Person / Entity
`Short Name
`At least as early
`as April 18, 2011

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