`Ebay Exhibit 1013, Page 1 of 1204
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC
`A research center for augmenting human intellect *
`Stanford Research Institute
`Menlo Park, California
`la This paper describes a multisponsor re(cid:173)
`search center at Stanford Research Institute in
`man-computer interaction.
`lal For its laboratory facility, the Center
`has a time-sharing computer
`(65K, 24-bit
`core) with a 4.5 megabyte swapping drum
`and a 96 megabyte file-storage disk. This
`serves twelve CRT work stations simultane(cid:173)
`lal a Special hardware completely removes
`from the CPU the burden of display re(cid:173)
`freshing and input sampling, even though
`these are done directly out of and into core.
`lalb The display in a user's office appears
`on a high-resolution (875-line) commercial
`television monitor, and provides both char(cid:173)
`acter and vector portrayals. A relatively
`standard typewriter keyboard is supple(cid:173)
`mented by a five-key handset used (option(cid:173)
`ally) for entry of control codes and brief
`literals. An SRI cursor device called the
`"mouse" is used for screen pointing and
`lalbl The "mouse" is a hand-held X-Y
`transducer usable on any flat surface; it
`is described in greater detail further on.
`Ia2 Special-purpose high-level languages and
`associated compilers provide rapid, flexible
`development and modification of the reper(cid:173)
`toire of service functions and of their control
`procedures (the latter being the detailed user
`•Principal sponsors are: Advanced Research Projects Agency
`and National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NAS1-7897), and
`Rome Air Development Center F30602-68-C-0286.
`actions and computer feedback involved in
`controlling the application of these service
`lb User files are organized as hierarchical
`structures of data entities, each composed of
`arbitrary combinations of text and figures. A
`repertoire of coordinated service features en(cid:173)
`ables a skilled user to compose, study, and mod(cid:173)
`ify these files with great speed and flexibility,
`and to have searches, analyses data manipula(cid:173)
`tion, etc. executed. In particular, special sets of
`conventions, functions, and working methods
`have been developed to air programming, logi(cid:173)
`cal design, documentation, retrieval, project
`management, team interaction, and hard-copy
`2a In the Augmented Human Intellect (AHI)
`Research Center at Stanford Research Institute
`a group of researchers is developing an experi(cid:173)
`mental laboratory around an interactive, multi-
`console computer-display system, and is work(cid:173)
`ing to learn the principles by which interactive
`computer aids can augment their intellectual
`2b The research objective is to develop prin(cid:173)
`ciples and techniques for designing an "aug(cid:173)
`mentation system."
`2bl This includes concern not only for the
`technology of providing interactive computer
`service, but also for changes both in ways of
`conceptualizing, visualizing, and organizing
`working material, and
`in procedures ancj
`methods for working individually and coop(cid:173)
`Ebay Exhibit 1013, Page 2 of 1204
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC
`Fall Joint Computer Conference, 1968
`2c The research approach is strongly empirical.
`At the workplace of each member of the subject
`group we aim to provide nearly full-time avail(cid:173)
`ability of a CRT wor^ station, and then to work
`continuously to improve both the service avail(cid:173)
`able at the stations and the aggregate value de(cid:173)
`rived therefrom by the group over the entire
`range of its roles and activities.
`2d Thus the research group is also the subject
`group in the experiment.
`2dl Among the special activities of the group
`are the evolutionary development of a com(cid:173)
`plex hardware-software system, the design of
`new task procedures for the system's users,
`and careful documentation of the evolving
`system designs and user procedures.
`2d2 The group also has the usual activities
`of managing its activities, keeping up with
`outside developments, publishing reports, etc.
`2d3 Hence, the particulars of the augmenta(cid:173)
`tion system evolving here will reflect the na(cid:173)
`ture of these tasks—i.e., the system is aimed
`at augmenting a system-development project
`team. Though the primary research goal is
`to develop principles of analysis and design
`so as to understand how to augment human
`capability, choosing the researchers
`selves as subjects yields as valuable secondary
`benefit a system tailored to help develop com(cid:173)
`plex computer-based systems.
`2e This "bootstrap" group has the interesting
`(recursive) assignment of developing tools and
`techniques to make it more effective at carrying
`out its assignment.
`2el Its tangible product is a developing aug(cid:173)
`mentation system to provide increased capa(cid:173)
`bility for developing and studying augmenta(cid:173)
`tion systems.
`2e2 This system can hopefully be transferred,
`as a whole or by pieces of concept, principle
`and technique, to help others develop augmen(cid:173)
`tation systems for aiding many other dis(cid:173)
`ciplines and activities.
`2f In other words we are concentrating fully
`upon reaching the point where we can do all
`of our work on line—placing in computer store
`all of our specifications, plans, designs, pro(cid:173)
`grams, documentation, reports, memos, bibliog(cid:173)
`raphy and reference notes, etc., and doing all
`of our scratch work, planning, designing, de(cid:173)
`bugging, etc., and a good deal of our intercom(cid:173)
`munication, via the consoles.
`2fl We are trying to maximize the coverage
`of our documentation, using it as a dynamic
`and plastic structure that we continually de(cid:173)
`velop and alter to represent the current state
`of our evolving goals, plans, progress, knowl(cid:173)
`edge, designs, procedures, and data.
`2g The display-computer system to support this
`experiment is just (at this writing) becoming
`Its functional features serve a
`basic display-oriented user system that we have
`evolved over five years and through three other
`computers. Below are described the principal
`features of these systems.
`3a Basic Facility
`3al As "seen" by the user, the basic facility
`has the following characteristics:
`3ala 12 CRT consoles, of which 10 are
`normally located in offices of AHI research
`3alb The consoles are served by an SDS
`940 time-sharing computer dedicated to
`full-time service for this staff, and each
`console may operate entirely independently
`of the others.
`Sale Each individual has private file space,
`and the group has community space, on a
`high-speed disc with a capacity of 96 mil(cid:173)
`lion characters.
`3a2 The system is not intended to serve a
`general community of time-sharing users, but
`is being shaped in its entire design toward
`the special needs of the "bootstrapping" ex(cid:173)
`3b Work Stations
`3bl As noted above, each work station is
`equipped with a display, an alphanumeric
`keyboard, a mouse, and a five-key handset.
`3b2 The display at each of the work stations
`(see Figure 1) is provided on a high-resolu(cid:173)
`tion, closed-circuit television monitor.
`Ebay Exhibit 1013, Page 3 of 1204
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC
`Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect
`FIGURE 2—Underside of mouse
`relative speed and accuracy obtained with
`this and other selection devices showed the
`mouse to be better than a light pen or a joy(cid:173)
`stick (see Refs. English 1 and English 2).
`3bAcl Compared to a light pen, it is gen(cid:173)
`erally less awkward and fatiguing to use,
`and it has a decided advantage for use
`with raster-scan, write-through storage
`tube, projection, or multiviewer display
`3b5 The five-key handset has 31 chords or
`unique key-stroke
`3b5a The first four cases contain lower-
`and upper-case
`letters and punctuation,
`digits, and special characters. (The chords
`for the letters correspond to the binary
`numbers from 1 to 26.)
`3b5b The fifth case is "control case." A
`particular chord (the same chord in each
`case) will always transfer subsequent in(cid:173)
`put-chord interpretations to control case.
`3b5c In control case, one can "backspace"
`through recent input, specify underlining
`for subsequent input, transfer to another
`case, visit another case for one character
`or one word, etc.
`3b5d One-handed typing with the handset
`is slower than two-handed typing with the
`standard keyboard. However, when
`user works with one hand on the handset
`and one on the mouse, the coordinated in-
`FIGURE 1—Typical work station, with TV display, typewriter
`keyboard, mouse, and chord handset
`3b3 The alphanumeric keyboard is similar to
`a Teletype keyboard. It has 96 normal char(cid:173)
`acters in two cases. A third-case shift key
`provides for future expansion, and two spe(cid:173)
`cial keys are used for system control.
`3b4/TKe mouse produces two analog voltages
`ast het wo wheels (see Figure 2) rotate, each
`changing in proportion to the X or Y move(cid:173)
`ment over the table top.
`SbJ^a These voltages control—via an A/D
`converter, the computer's memory, and the
`display generator—the coordinates of a
`tracking spot with which the user may
`"point" to positions on the screen.
`3bUb Three buttons on top of the mouse
`are used for special control.
`3bUc A set of experiments, comparing
`(within our techniques of interaction) the
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`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC
`398 Fall Joint Computer Conference, 1968
`terspersion of control characters and short
`literal strings from one hand with mouse-
`control actions from the other yields con(cid:173)
`siderable advantage in speed and smooth(cid:173)
`ness of operation.
`literal strings
`3b5dl For
`about ten characters, one tends to trans(cid:173)
`fer from the handset to the normal key(cid:173)
`3b5d2 Both from general experience and
`from specific experiment, it seems that
`enough handset skill to make its use
`worthwhile can generally be achieved
`with about five hours of practice. Be(cid:173)
`yond this, skill grows with usage.
`3c Structure of Files
`is organized
`3d Our working information
`into files, with flexible means for users to set
`up indices and directories, and to hop from
`file to file by display-selection or by typed-in
`file-name designations. Each file is highly
`structured in its internal organization.
`3cla The specific structure of a given file
`is determined by the user, and is an im(cid:173)
`portant part of his conceptual and "study-
`manipulate" treatment of the file.
`3c2 The introduction of explicit "structur(cid:173)
`ing" to our working information stems from
`a very basic feature of our conceptual frame(cid:173)
`work (see Refs. Engelbartl and Engelbart2)
`regarding means for augmenting human in(cid:173)
`3c2a With the view that the symbols one
`works with are supposed to represent a
`mapping of one's associated concepts, and
`further that one's concepts exist in a "net(cid:173)
`work" of relationships as opposed to the
`essentially linear form of actual printed
`records, it was decided that the concept-
`manipulation aids derivable from real-time
`computer support could be appreciably en(cid:173)
`hanced by structuring conventions
`would make explicit (for both the user and
`the computer) the various types of network
`relationships among concepts.
`3c2b As an experiment with this concept,
`we adopted some years ago the convention
`of organizing all information into explicit
`hierarchical structures, with provisions for
`arbitrary cross-referencing among the ele(cid:173)
`ments of a hierarchy.
`3c2bl The principal manifestation of
`this hierarchical structure is the break(cid:173)
`ing up of text into arbitrary segments
`called "statements," each of which bears
`a number showing its serial location in
`the text and its "level" in an "outline" of
`the text. This paper is an example of
`hierarchical text structure.
`3c2c To set up a reference link from State(cid:173)
`ment A to Statement B, one may refer in
`Statement A either to the location number
`of B or to the "name" of B. The difference
`is that the number is vulnerable to subse(cid:173)
`quent structural change, whereas the name
`stays with the statement through changes
`in the structure around it.
`3c2cl By convention, the first word of
`a statement is treated as the name of the
`statement, if
`it is enclosed in paren(cid:173)
`theses. For instance, Statement 0 on the
`screen of Figure 1 is named "FJCC."
`3c2c2 References to these names may be
`embedded anywhere in other statements,
`for instance as "see(AFI)," where spe(cid:173)
`cial format informs the viewer explicitly
`that this refers to a statement named
`"AFI," or merely as a string of char(cid:173)
`acters in a context such that the viewer
`can infer the referencing.
`3c2c3 This naminga nd linking, when
`added to the basic hierarchical form,
`yields a highly flexible general structur(cid:173)
`ing capability. These structuring con(cid:173)
`ventions are expected to evolve relatively
`rapidly as our research progresses.
`the structured-
`3c3 For some material,
`statement form may be undesirable.
`these cases, there are means for suppress(cid:173)
`ing the special formatting in the final print(cid:173)
`out of the structured text.
`3cU The basic validity of the structured-
`text approach has been well established by
`our subsequent experience.
`Scba We have found that in both off-line
`and on-line computer aids, the concep-
`Ebay Exhibit 1013, Page 5 of 1204
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC
`Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect
`tion, stipulation, and execution of sig(cid:173)
`nificant manipulations are made much
`easier by the structuring conventions.
`BcUb Also, in working on line at a CRT
`console, not only is manipulation made
`much easier and more powerful by the
`structure, but a user's ability to get
`about very quickly within his data, and
`to have special "views" of it generated
`to suit his need, are significantly aided
`by the structure.
`ScUc We have come to write all of our
`documentation, notes, reports, and pro(cid:173)
`posals according to these conventions,
`because of the resulting increase in our
`ability to study and manipulate them
`during composition, modification, and
`usage. Our programming systems also
`incorporate the conventions. We have
`found it to be fairly universal that after
`an initial period of negative reaction in
`reading explicitly structured material,
`one comes to prefer it to material printed
`in the normal form.
`3d File Studying
`3dl The computer aids are used for two prin(cid:173)
`cipal "studying" operations, both concerned
`with construction of the user's "views," i.e.,
`the portion of his working text that he sees
`on the screen at a given moment.
`3dla Display Start
`3dial The first operation is finding a
`particular statement in the file (called
`the "display start") ; the view will then
`begin with that statement, This is equiva(cid:173)
`lent to finding the beginning of a par(cid:173)
`ticular passage in a hard-copy document.
`3dlb Form of View
`3dlbl The second operation is the speci(cid:173)
`fication of a "form" of view—it may
`simply consist of a screenful of
`which sequentially follows the point spec(cid:173)
`ified as the display start, or it may be
`constructed in other ways, frequently so
`as to give the effect of an outline.
`In normal, off-line document study(cid:173)
`ing, one often does the first type of opera(cid:173)
`tion, but the second is like a sissors-and-
`staple job and is rarely done just to aid
`one's studying.
`(A third type of service operation
`that will undoubtedly be of significant aid
`to studying is question answering. We do
`not have this type of service.)
`3d2 Specification of Display Start
`3d2a The display start may be specified in
`several ways:
`3d2al By direct selection of a statement
`which is on the display—the user simply
`points to any character in the statement,
`using the mouse.
`3d2a2 If the desired display start is not
`on the display, it may be selected in(cid:173)
`directly if it bears a "marker."
`3d2a2a Markers are normally invisi(cid:173)
`ble. A marker has a name of up to five
`characters, and is attached to a char(cid:173)
`acter of the text. Referring to the
`marker by name (while holding down
`a special button) is exactly equivalent
`to pointing to the character with the
`3d2a2b The control procedures make it
`extremely quick and easy to fix and
`call markers.
`3d2a3 By furnishing either the name or
`the location number of the statement,
`which can be done in either of two basic
`3d2a3a Typing from the keyboard
`3d2a3b Selecting an occurrence of the
`name or number in the text. This may
`be done either directly or via an in(cid:173)
`direct marker selection.
`3d2b After identifying a statement by one
`of the above means, the user may request
`to be taken directly there for his next view.
`Alternately, he may request instead that
`he be taken to some statement bearing a
`specified structure relationship to the one
`specifically identified. For instance, when
`the user identifies Statement 3E4 by one
`of the above means (assume it to be a
`member of the list 3E1 through 3E7), he
`may ask to be taken to
`Ebay Exhibit 1013, Page 6 of 1204
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC
`Fall Joint Computer Conference, 1968
`3d2bl Its successor, i.e., Statement 3E5
`3d2b2 Its predecessor, i.e., Statement
`3d2b3 Its list tail, i.e., Statement 3E7
`3d2bU Its list head, i.e., Statement 3E1
`3d2b5 Its list source, i.e., Statement 3E
`3d2b6 Its subhead, i.e., Statement 3E4A
`3d2c Besides being taken to an explicitly
`identified statement, a user may ask to go
`to the first statement in the file (or the
`next after the current location) that con(cid:173)
`tains a specified word or string of char(cid:173)
`3d2cl He may specify the search string
`by typing it in, by direct (mouse) selec(cid:173)
`tion, or by indirect (marker) selection.
`3d3 Specification of Form of View
`SdSa The "normal" view beginning at a
`given location is like a frame cut out from
`a long scroll upon which the hierarchical
`set of statements is printed in sequential
`order. Such a view is displayed in Figure 1.
`SdSb Otherwise, three independently vari(cid:173)
`able view-specification conditions may be
`applied to the construction of the displayed
`level clipping, line truncation, and
`content filtering. The view is simultaneous(cid:173)
`ly affected by all three of these.
`3d3bl Level: Given a specified
`parameter, L (L = 1, 2, . . . , ALL), the
`view generator will display only those
`statements whose "depth" is less than
`or equal to L. (For example, Statement
`3E4 is third level, 3E second, 4B2C1 fifth,
`etc.) Thus it is possible to see only first-
`level statements, or only first-, second-,
`and third level statements, for example.
`3d3b2 Truncation: Given a
`truncation parameter, T (T = 1, 2, . . .,
`ALL), the view generator will show only
`the first T lines of each statement being
`3d3b3 Content: Given a specification for
`desired content
`in a special
`high-level content-analysis language) the
`view generator optionally can be directed
`to display only those statements
`have the specified content.
`3d3b3a One can specify simple strings,
`or logical combinations thereof, or such
`things as having the word "memory"
`within four words of the word "alloca(cid:173)
`3d3b3b Content specifications are writ(cid:173)
`ten as text, anywhere in the file. Thus
`the full power of the system may be
`used for composing and modifying them.
`3d3b3c Any one content specification can
`then be chosen for application (by select(cid:173)
`ing it directly or indirectly). It is com(cid:173)
`piled immediately to produce a machine-
`code content-analysis routine, which is
`then ready to "filter" statements for the
`view generator.
`3d3c In addition, the following format fea(cid:173)
`tures of the display may be independently
`indentation of statements accord(cid:173)
`ing to level, suppression of location num(cid:173)
`bers and/or names of statements, and sepa(cid:173)
`ration of statements by blank lines.
`3d3d. The user controls these view speci(cid:173)
`fications by means of brief, mnemonic char(cid:173)
`acter codes. A skilled user will readjust
`his view to suit
`immediate needs very
`quickly and frequently; for example, he
`may change level and truncation settings
`several times in as many seconds.
`3dU "Freezing" Statements
`3d4a One may also pre-empt an arbitrary
`amount of the upper portion of the screen
`for holding a collection of "frozen" state(cid:173)
`ments. The remaining lower portion
`treated as a reduced-size scanning frame,
`and the view generator follows the same
`rules for filling it as described above.
`SdJ+b The frozen statements may be inde(cid:173)
`pendently chosen or dismissed, each may
`have line truncation independent of the
`rest, and the order in which they are dis(cid:173)
`played is arbitrary and readily changed.
`Any screen-select operand for any com(cid:173)
`mand may be selected from any portion of
`the display
`(including the frozen state(cid:173)
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`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC
`Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect 401
`3d5 Examples
`3d5a Figures 3 and 4 show views generated
`from the same starting point with different
`level-clipping parameters. This example hap(cid:173)
`pens to be of a program written in our Ma(cid:173)
`chine-Oriented language (MOL, see below).
`3d5b Figure 5, demonstrates the freezing
`feature with a view of a program (the same
`one shown in Figure 8) written in our Con(cid:173)
`trol Metalanguage (CML, see below). State(cid:173)
`ments 3C, 3C2, 2B, 2B1, 2B2, 2B3, and 2B4
`are frozen, and statements from 2J on are
`shown normally with L = 3, T = 1.
`3d5bl The freezing here was used to hold
`for simultaneous view four different func(cid:173)
`(+BUG1SPEC) and
`Betid* nm&m, *«&.*«>»»»«, u»6t«I. i •
`4«wKi»twiiK.ii«*). itaeto, ifstjM, «•$«», a»*ee-c8
`nam SM:' n'.txmx'' i'.nmmi
`SP NtBttft B*N
`IP mum .« •tw*
`mm itmh
`- t
`F I G U RE 3—View of an MOL program, with level parameter
`set to 3 and truncation to 1
`fiSOWtl W . a « S:
`M U« « » » ; «. K « « I : «, «wc«.'*8, I . ; J . E ' « ;. : s
`iEtttft SHM*t US?.-1, sii«£-». tfOSM, CS-18W, SP«€-«i
`* • , « » . -•
`i ', cKKijiti
`If MEWtt MS
`» ! , * m U « t « M S ;i (Mil
`If KMR ,« WW
`K* I MM* « !« I 10 NfttB JO
`X «S *• KAKK:
`SfiTOHJj •
`!*!!> HOttR » It
`! «b $F USt IKES
`WWR - Oi
`t t% **P SWSs
`F I G U RE 4—Same program as Figure 3, but with level parameter
`changed to 6 (several levels still remain hidden from view)
`*» S-jHiilSI'tC) HA . i-.ASfc
`am (CD) wo Cs:
`ag* saws spictoti) at' >MU Rtrtmi
`»l EHbCASi WHO *C
`i - V A in W
`u% «SH tore t&;
`«i <CA} RErWttl
`*JJ EK&CASE MEPEAr 0 ! .}
`iK! rC Sf B) * SfiBI) H,IM SESBO » SELfrSiCt P i)
`Jl S*VCR5 tAt,A*<A},A4,AS) «p»«oao
`i ll >t> CIA!! >CH HO fAI«-Ai (St* US C(A15 <CM I Us
`at2 «f»> $AKPU *OSDS
`iAiiJSSB!,TRl>£} U f * =0
`IK i*tfM»rJ
`W>T© fS
`t M « - *f « M / 'W
`v - ^ v V ^v
`iS SW s» «A«»f»U«»l:s v;:;SS>
`F I G U RE 5—View of CML program, showing six frozen state(cid:173)
`ments and illustrating use of reference hopping
`located by use of the
`(+ WAIT were
`hop-to-name feature described above.
`3e File Modification
`3 el Here we use a standard set of editing
`operations, specifying with each operation a
`particular type of text entity.
`3 el a Operations: Delete, Insert, Replace,
`Move, Copy.
`3elb Entities (within text of statements):
`Character, Text (arbitrary strings), Word,
`Invisible (gap
`(for structure manipula(cid:173)
`3elc Entities
`tion) : Statement, Branch (statement plus
`all substructure), Group (sublist of branch(cid:173)
`es), Plex (complete list of branches).
`3e2 Structure may also be modified by join(cid:173)
`ing statements, or breaking a statement into
`two at a specified point.
`3e3 Generally, an operation and an entity
`make up a command, such as "Delete Word."
`To specify the command, the user types the
`first letter of each word in the command:
`thus "DW" specifies "Delete Word." There
`are occasional cases where a third word is
`used or where the first letter cannot be used
`because of ambiguities.
`3f File Output
`3fl Files may be sent to any of a number of
`different output devices to produce hard
`copy—an upper/lower-case line printer, an
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`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC
`Fall Joint Computer Conference, 1968
`on-line high-quality typewriter, or paper tape
`to drive various typewriters.
`3fla In future it will be possible to send
`files via magnetic tape to an off-line CRT-
`to-film system from which we can produce
`Xerox prints, Multilith masters, or micro(cid:173)
`form records.
`3f2 Flexible format control may be exercised
`in this process by means of specially coded
`directives embedded
`headers, page numbering, line lengths, line
`centering, suppression of location numbers,
`indenting, right justification
`etc., are controllable features.
`3g Compiling and Debugging
`3gl Source-code files written in any of our
`compiler languages (see below), or in the
`SDS 940 assembly language
`which our compiler output is produced) may
`be compiled under on-line control. For de(cid:173)
`bugging, we have made a trivial addition to
`the S.DS 940's DDT loader-debugger so as to
`operate it from the CRT displays. Though it
`was designed to operate from a Teletype
`terminal, this system gains a great deal in
`speed and power by merely showing with a
`display the last 26 lines of what would have
`been on the Teletype output.
`3h Calculating
`3hl The same small innovation as mentioned
`above for DDT enables us to use the CAL
`system from a display terminal.
`3i Conferencing
`3il We have set up a room specially equipped
`for on-line conferencing. Six displays are
`arranged in the center of a square table (see
`Figure 6) so that each of twenty participants
`has good visibility. One participant controls
`the system, and all displays show the same
`view. The other participants have mice that
`control a large arrow on the screen, for use
`as a pointer (with no control function).
`3i2 As a quick means of finding and display(cid:173)
`ing (with appropriate forms of view) any
`desired material from a very large collection,
`this system is a powerful aid to presentation
`and review conferences.
`FIGURE 6—On-line conference arrangement
`3x3 We are also experimenting with it in
`project meetings, using it not only to keep
`track of agenda items and changes but also
`to log progress notes, action notes, etc. The
`review aid is of course highly useful here
`3%U We are anxious to see what special con(cid:173)
`ventions and procedures will evolve to allow
`us to harness a number of independent con(cid:173)
`soles within a conference group. This obvi(cid:173)
`ously has considerable potential.
`4a The User's Control Language
`J^OLI Consider the service a user gets from
`the computer to be in the form of discrete
`operations—i. e., the execution of individual
`"service functions" from a repertoire com(cid:173)
`prising a "service system/'
`4ala Examples of service functions are
`deleting a word, replacing a character,
`hopping to a name, etc.
`Aa2 Associated with each function of this
`repertoire is a "control-dialogue procedure."
`This procedure involves selecting a service
`function from the repertoire, setting up the
`necessary parameter designations for a par(cid:173)
`ticular application,
`from user
`errors, and calling for the execution of the
`ba2a The procedure is made up of
`sequence, of keystrokes, select actions, etc.
`Ebay Exhibit 1013, Page 9 of 1204
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC
`Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect
`made by the user, together with the inter(cid:173)
`spersed feedback messages from the com(cid:173)
`UaS The repertoire of service functions, to(cid:173)
`gether with their control-dialogue procedures,
`the user's "control
`This is a language for a "master-slave" dia(cid:173)
`logue, enabling the user to control applica(cid:173)
`tion of the computer's capabilities to his own
`4.a3a It seems clear that significant aug(cid:173)
`mentation of one's intellectual effectiveness
`from the harnessing of computer services
`will require development of a broad and
`sophisticated control-language vocabulary.
`ba3b It follows that the evolution of such
`a control language is a very important part
`of augmentation-system research.
`UdU For the designer of user systems, it is
`important to have good means for specifying
`the nature of the functions and their respec(cid:173)
`tive control-dialogue procedures, so that a
`design specification will be
`4a4.a Concise, so that its essential features
`are easily seen
`UaUb Unambiguous, so that questions about
`the design may be answered clearly
`UdUc Canonical, so
`easily located
`UaUd Natural, so that the form of the de(cid:173)
`scription fits the conceptual frame of the
`babe Easy to compose, study, and modify,
`so that the process of evolutionary design
`can be facilitated.
`4a5 It is also important for the user to have
`a description of the service functions and
`their control-dialogue procedures.
`4a5a The description must again be con(cid:173)
`cise, unambiguous, canonical, and natural;
`furthermore, it must be accurate, in that
`everything relevant to the user about the
`service functions and their control-dialogue
`procedures is described, and everything de(cid:173)
`scribed actually works as indicated.
`. i _.
`| HUM • NUM "DI6ir-|Slffi
`FIGURE 7—State-chart portrayal of part of the text-manipula(cid:173)
`tion control language
`Ub State-Chart Representation of Control-Lan(cid:173)
`guage Design
`bbl Figure 7 shows a charting method that
`was used in earlier stages of our work for
`designing and specifying
`the control-pro(cid:173)
`cedure portions of
`the control
`Even though limited to describing only the
`control-dialogue procedures, this representa(cid:173)
`tion nonetheless served very well and led us
`to develop the successive techniques described
`Ub2 Figure 7 shows actual control procedures
`for four service functions from the repertoire
`of an interactive system: Delete Word, De(cid:173)
`lete Text, Place Up Statement, and Forward
`bb2a The boxes contain abbreviated de(cid:173)
`scriptions of
`conditions, representing the
`states between successive user actions.
`Both to illustrate how the charting con(cid:173)
`ventions are used and to give some feeling
`for the dynamics of our user-system con(cid:173)
`trol procedures, we describe briefly below
`both the chart symbols and the associated
`display-feedback conventions that we have
`bb2al The writing at the top of each
`box indicates what is to be shown a?
`"command feedback" at the top of the
`display (see Figures 3, 4 and 5).
`bb2ala An uparrow sometimes ap-
`Ebay Exhibit 1013, Page 10 of 1204
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC
`Fall Joint Computer Conference, 1968
`pears under the first character of one
`of the words of Command Feedback.
`Jfb2alal This indicates to the user
`that the next character he types will
`be interpreted as designating a new
`term to replace that being pointed
`to—no uparrow under Command
`Feedback signifies that keyboard ac(cid:173)
`tion will not affect
`the command
`Jfb2alb "Entity" represents the entity
`word (i.e., "character," "word, "state(cid:173)
`ment," etc.) that was last used as part
`of a fully specified command.
`Ub2albl The computer of
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