(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2008/0235588 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Sep. 25, 2008
`Gonze et al.
`US 20080235588A1
`(75) Inventors:
`Lucas Gonze, Venice, CA (US);
`Carl Sobeski, Clarks Summit, PA
`Correspondence Address:
`NEW YORK, NY 10166 (US)
`(73) Assignee:
`Yahoo! Inc., Sunnyvale, CA (US)
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) Filed:
`May 8, 2007
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 1 1/688,657,
`filed on Mar. 20, 2007.
`Publication Classification
`(51) Int. Cl.
`G06F 3/00
`G06F 7700
`(52) U.S. Cl. ......................................... 715/719, 715/202
`A system and method through which a playlist can be edited
`in a browser, wherein the playlist comprises a plurality of
`playlist entries, and wherein the playlist is stored as a browser
`interpretable document. A method can comprise loading a
`browser interpretable media player playlist into a browser on
`a device, wherein the browser comprises a user interface area
`and a display window, and wherein the playlist comprises a
`plurality of content entries; rendering the playlist within the
`browser display window; receiving from a user instructions to
`edit the playlist; applying the instructions to the playlist; and,
`displaying the edited playlist within the browser display win
`dow. The edited playlist can be saved as a as a browser
`interpretable document.
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`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2008 Sheet 1 of 16
`US 2008/0235588A1
`Cause computing device to
`load media player capable of
`playing the mcdia filc.
`Hidc mcdia player controls
`from user.
`Monitor user interaction with
`the user interface element(s).
`Control the media player
`based on the user's
`interactions with the user
`interface element(s) so as to
`cause the media player to
`function in a manner
`corresponding to the function
`associated with the user
`interface element(s).
`Create a graphical user
`interface through which a
`plurality of mcdia playcrs
`are to be controlled.
`Dcfinc at lcast onc uscr
`interface element to be
`displayed as part of the
`graphical user interface.
`Associate at least one
`function with the defined
`uScrintcrfacc clemcnt.
`ASSociatic at lcast onc
`playlist with the graphical
`user interface, the playlist
`comprising a media file or
`a pointer to the media file.
`Is a media
`player capable of
`playing the media
`file accessible to the
`Obtain media player
`capable of playing the
`media file.
`Figure 1


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2008 Sheet 2 of 16
`US 2008/0235588A1
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`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2008 Sheet 3 of 16
`US 2008/0235588A1
`y S
`Š S Š S
`Š Š Š

`Š S
`Figure 3


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2008 Sheet 4 of 16
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`Figure 4


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`Sep. 25, 2008 Sheet 5 of 16
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`Figure 5


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`Sep. 25, 2008 Sheet 6 of 16
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`Figure 6


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2008 Sheet 7 of 16
`US 2008/0235588A1
`YMU Playlist Demo
`Figure 7


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`Sep. 25, 2008 Sheet 8 of 16
`US 2008/0235588A1
`&S Y
`Figure 8


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`Sep. 25, 2008 Sheet 9 of 16
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`Figure 9


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`Figure 10


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`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2008 Sheet 12 of 16
`US 2008/0235588A1
`Figure 12


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25,2008 Sheet 13 of 16
`US 2008/0235588 Al
`<IDOCTYPE html PUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD XHTML1.0 Strict//EN" "
`<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
`<html xmins="">
`YMUPlaylist Demo
`<bodyonselectstart="return false">
`<hl>YMU Playlist Demo</hl>
`<a href="mms://"class="htrack"
`title="10,000 Years" type="audio/ms-wma"
`<img alt="10,000 Years"
`sre=" 00/drg200/g223/g223 | 2crhvi.jpg"/>
`10,000 Years - Honeydogs
`<a href"" class="htrack" ttle="Got My Own Thing" tabindex="2">
`<img alt="Somebody's Miracle"
`Got My Own Thing- Liz, Phair
`<a href=" 1683488" class="htrack"title="And Your Bird Can Sing" tabindex="3">
`<img alt="Under The Covers, Val. 1"
`sre="http://us.ent] jpg"/>
`And Your Bird Can Sing - Matthew Sweet & Susanna Hoffs
`<a href="" class="htrack"title="Monkey to Man" tabindex="4">
`<img alt="The Delivery Man"
`sre="http://us.ent] 1 jpg"/>
`Monkey to Man- Elvis Costello
`<script type="textjavascript" src=""></script>
`Figure 13


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25,2008 Sheet 14 of 16
`US 2008/0235588 Al
`<!IDOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C/DTD XHTML1.0 Strict//EN" " 1 /DTD/xhtmll -
`<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internct -->
`<html! xmins="">
`<title>Playlist: savedplaylist</title>
`<body onselectstart="return false">
`<h1>Playlist: savedplaylist</h1>
`<a href=" 1683488" class="htrack"title="And Your Bird Can Sing"
`type="aucio/ms-wma" tabindex="1">
`<img alt="Under The Covers, Vol. 1"
`And Your Bird Can Sing - Matthew Swect<p>
`<a href=""class="htrack"title="Got My Own Thing"
`type="audio/ms-wma" tabindex="2">
`<img alt="Somebody's Miracle"
`Got My Own Thing - Liz Phair<p>
`<a href=""class="htrack"title="Monkey To Man" type="audio/ms-
`wina" tabindex="3">
`<img alt="The Delivery Man"
`src="http://us.entl jpg"/>
`Monkey To Man- Elvis Costello<p>
`<a href=""class="htrack"title="Breathe (2 AM) (Radio Version)"
`type="audio/ms-wma" tabindex="4">
`<img alt="Breathe (2 AM)"
`src="http://us.entl jpg"/>
`Breathe (2 AM) (Radio Version) - Anna Nalick<p>
`<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
`Figure 14


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2008 Sheet 15 of 16
`US 2008/0235588A1
`<! DOCTYPE html. PUBLIC "-? / W3C//DTD XHTML 1. O Strict //EN"
`" 1-strict.dtd.">
`<html xmlins="">
`My First Playlist
`<h1>My First Playlist</h1>
`<a href="" class="htrack" title="My Sharona"
`tablindex="2" type="audio/Impeg">
`<ing alt="The Knack album art"
`src=" knack.gif"/>
`don't deny you love this song
`<div Class="htrack">
`<ing alt="h Track logo" src=""/>
`<a href=" ogg" class="timed" tablindex="3">Hello, hTrack
`World (Ogg Vorbis)
`<a href="" class="timed" tablindex="4">Hello, hTrack
`World (Quicktime)
`<a href="">Lyrics to this song</a>
`<a href="" class="htrack" title="playlist intro"
`<imd alt="The Knack album art"
`src=" for my show. gif"/>
`this intro MP3 will always play first
`Figure 15


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2008 Sheet 16 of 16
`US 2008/0235588A1
`Obtain System
`Information from
`Obtain Content DRM
`License from Service
`Store DRM License on
`Play Content
`Obtain Login Token
`Obtain Cookies
`ASSociated with Login
`Crcatc Session with
`Content Provider and
`Obtain Session ID
`from Content Provider
`Obtain from Content
`Provider a Tokcn for
`Web Service Provider
`USc Scrvice Provider
`Token to Establish
`Session with Service
`Obtain Content
`Location URL from
`Service Provider for
`User have
`Appropriate Rights
`to Play Content
`On Devicc
`Play Content
`Figure 16


`US 2008/0235588 A1
`Sep. 25, 2008
`0001. This application is a continuation in part of and
`claims the benefit of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/688,
`657, filed Mar. 20, 2007, entitled BROWSER INTERPRET
`METHODS RELATED THERETO, which is incorporated
`herein by reference in its entirety.
`0002 This application includes material which is subject
`to copyright protection. The copyright owner has no objection
`to the facsimile reproduction by anyone of the patent disclo
`sure, as it appears in the Patent and Trademark Office files or
`records, but otherwise reserves all copyright rights.
`0003. The instant disclosure relates to the field of media
`player Software, and more particularly describes a system and
`methods through which a media player playlist can be edited
`within a browser interpretable document.
`0004. The advent of Motion Picture Entertainment Group
`Level 3 (“MP3') digital encoding for audio files has revolu
`tionized the distribution of music by reducing the distribution
`costs to near Zero. This, in turn, has encouraged artists to
`create new works and to make their works available in digital
`form. However, the MP3 media type has some disadvantages.
`For example, digital rights management capabilities are not
`built into the MP3 media type. As a result, some have sought
`to design new media types that facilitate digital rights man
`agement. Others have created new media types in an effort to
`improve the techniques used when converting analog sources,
`Such as Sound or light, into and/or from a digital format. Still
`others have created new media types that focus on reducing
`the amount of data that needs to be transmitted and/or stored
`to play the content with Sufficient accuracy to please at least a
`majority of users, or for other, specific purposes. This has lead
`to an explosion of different media types in common use.
`0005. The rapid growth in digitally-available content has
`also spurred the creation of a variety of media players, includ
`ing both dedicated, stand-alone devices Such as, without limi
`tation, the iPod line of personal music players distributed by
`Apple Computer, Inc. of Cupertino, Calif., the Zune distrib
`uted by Microsoft, Inc. of Redmond, Wash., and the Zen line
`of personal music players distributed by Creative Technol
`ogy, Ltd. of Singapore, and Software-based media players for
`use on portable computers. To facilitate the user's access to
`digital content, many media players can play content encoded
`using a variety of media types. By way of example, the Win
`dows Media Player software distributed by Microsoft, Inc. of
`Redmond, Wash., can play content encoded using a variety of
`media types, including Windows Media Audio (“WMA'),
`Windows Media Video (“WMV), Motion Picture Entertain
`ment Group (“MPEG'), MP3, WAVE, and Musical Instru
`ment Digital Interface (“MIDI). Windows MediaPlayer also
`allows users to add support for new and alternative media
`types by simply installing an appropriate Coder/Decoder
`0006 Although many media players can play content
`encoded in any of a variety of media types, certain media
`types are proprietary, and the right to display content encoded
`using that media type is frequently tightly controlled. By way
`of example, the encoding technique employed by Apple
`Computer Inc.'s Quicktime, and RealNetworks RealVideo
`and RealAudio media types are generally proprietary. As a
`result, users are forced to use a proprietary media player,
`rather than their preferred media player, if they wish to play
`content created using Such a proprietary media type. This can
`be a problem both for users attempting to access a variety of
`media files within their own personal library, and for users
`attempting to access media files from other libraries. By way
`of example, some users may share a playlist, or ordered list of
`content to be played, with other users, and the other users may
`not realize that their preferred media player will not be able to
`play all of the content in the playlist.
`0007 Some software-based media players permit users to
`create customized 'skins', or user interfaces, for that particu
`lar media player. Such skins allow users to more easily access
`the commands and controls they most frequently use or need.
`0008. In addition, each media player typically has its
`advantages and disadvantages when compared to the other
`media players available, and users tend to use the player with
`the features and user interface that is most convenient and/or
`comfortable for them. As a result, users tend to grow com
`fortable with a particular media player user interface, espe
`cially a customized user interface, and when they are forced to
`Switch from a media player containing Such a user interface to
`one that uses a different interface. Such as happens when
`content is encoded with a proprietary media type, they can
`become frustrated.
`0009 What is needed is a means for providing a standard
`ized interface through which a plurality of media players can
`be controlled, and through which users can create and edit
`playlists. Accordingly, the instant disclosure is directed to a
`system and methods that facilitate media player playlist cre
`ation and editing within a browser interpretable document
`that substantially obviates one or more of the problems due to
`limitations and disadvantages of the related art. The media
`players described in the instant disclosure may be capable of
`playing audio, video, and/or other types of content; however,
`for clarity, the instant disclosure will focus on playing audio
`content encoded in a variety of media types, some of which
`may require a specific media player. Such a focus is adopted
`to clarify the browser interpretable document and its opera
`tion with the media players, and should not be read as limiting
`the browser interpretable document or the user interfaces
`created thereby to media players for audio content.
`0010 Many devices, including, without limitation, per
`Sonal computers ("PCs'), laptops, personal digital assistants
`("PDAs), cellular telephones, gaming consoles, and por
`table media players (“PMPs') are now capable of playing
`content. These devices are also frequently capable of running
`at least one browser. Browsers are software applications that
`are capable of interpreting a document stored in Hypertext
`Markup Language (“HTML'), Extensible Markup Language
`(XML) or other such markup language and presenting the
`document's contents to a user. Browsers also frequently Sup
`port at least one Scripting language. Such as, without limita
`tion Visual Basic Script (“VBScript'), distributed by the
`Microsoft Corporation of Redmond, Wash.; and JavaS


`US 2008/0235588 A1
`Sep. 25, 2008
`criptTM, distributed by Sun Microsystems. Such scripting lan
`guages can add a measure of programmability to the browser,
`rather than limiting the browser to simply displaying marked
`up documents to users.
`0011. An embodiment comprises a method of editing a
`playlist, comprising loading a browser interpretable media
`player playlist into a browser on a device, wherein the
`browser comprises a user interface area and a display win
`dow, and wherein the playlist comprises a plurality of content
`entries; rendering the playlist within the browser display win
`dow; receiving from a user instructions to edit the playlist;
`applying the instructions to the playlist; displaying the edited
`playlist within the browser display window; and saving the
`edited playlist as a browser interpretable document. The
`received user instructions can comprise a reordering of the
`content entries in the playlist, wherein the reordering instruc
`tions comprise the dragging and dropping of at least one
`content entry within the browser display window; instruc
`tions to add a content entry to the playlist, wherein the content
`addition instructions comprise dragging and dropping at least
`one URL onto the browser display window; or the like. The
`method may further comprise generating a media player user
`interface within the browser window, wherein the media
`player user interface comprises a playlist display window,
`and wherein the playlist display window facilitates editing the
`0012. An embodiment may further comprise a browser
`interpretable document comprising a plurality of playlist
`entries, the browser interpretable document further compris
`ing instructions for displaying the playlist entries in a display
`area of a browser; instructions for receiving from a user
`instructions to edit the playlist; instructions for editing the
`playlist within the browser display window based on the
`received instructions; instructions for displaying the edited
`playlist within the browser display window; and instructions
`for saving the edited playlist as a browser interpretable docu
`ment. The received user instructions can comprise a reorder
`ing of the content entries in the playlist, wherein the reorder
`ing instructions comprise the dragging and dropping of at
`least one content entry within the browser display window;
`instructions to add a content entry to the playlist, wherein the
`content addition instructions comprise dragging and drop
`ping at least one URL onto the browser display window; or
`the like. The browser interpretable document may further
`comprise instructions for generating a media player user
`interface within the browser window, wherein the media
`player user interface comprises a playlist display window,
`and wherein the playlist display window facilitates editing the
`0013 An embodiment may comprise a method of editing
`a playlist, comprising accessing, via a communications link,
`Such as an Internet connection, a browser interpretable docu
`ment, wherein the browser interpretable document comprises
`a playlist, wherein the playlist comprises plurality of playlist
`entries, and wherein the browser interpretable document fur
`ther comprises instructions for rendering a user interface
`through which a plurality of media players can be controlled;
`causing the browser interpretable document to be rendered by
`the browser, rendering the user interface; receiving instruc
`tions to add a playlist entry to the playlist, wherein the instruc
`tions comprise a URL to content; determining from a remote
`Source Such as a content provider or service provider, based
`on the URL to the content, additional information about the
`content. In an embodiment, the URL need not point directly to
`the content; the service provider and/or content provider can
`provide a URL to the specific content if necessary. The
`method may further comprise creating a new playlist entry in
`the playlist, wherein the new playlist entry comprises the
`URL and the additional information about the content; and,
`storing the edited playlist as a browser interpretable docu
`ment. The edited playlist may be stored locally or on one or
`more remote servers. By way of example, without limitation,
`Such remote servers may be maintained by the content pro
`vider and/or the service provider.
`0014. It is to be understood that both the foregoing general
`description and the following detailed description are exem
`plary and explanatory and are intended to provide further
`explanation of the disclosed browser interpretable document.
`Additional features and advantages of the invention will be
`set forth in the description which follows, and in part will be
`apparent from this disclosure, or may be learned by practice
`of the invention. The objectives and other advantages of the
`invention will be realized and attained by the structure par
`ticularly pointed out in this written description, including any
`claims contained herein and the appended drawings.
`0015 The accompanying drawings, which are included to
`provide a further understanding of the disclosed browser
`interpretable document for controlling a plurality of media
`players, are incorporated in and constitute a part of this speci
`fication, illustrate various embodiments and, together with
`the description, serve to explain the principles of at least one
`embodiment of the disclosed browser interpretable docu
`0016. In the drawings:
`0017 FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating an exemplary
`method through which a browser interpretable document can
`be used to control a plurality of media players.
`0018 FIG. 2 is an exemplary browser interpretable docu
`ment providing a playlist.
`0019 FIG. 3 is an exemplary browser interpretable docu
`ment providing a user interface through which a plurality of
`media players can be controlled.
`0020 FIG. 4 is an alternative exemplary browser interpret
`able document providing a user interface through which a
`plurality of media players can be controlled.
`FIG. 5 is an alternative exemplary browser interpret
`able document which is being used to control a media player.
`0022 FIG. 6 is an alternative exemplary browser interpret
`able document which is being used to control a media player.
`0023 FIG. 7 is an alternative exemplary browser interpret
`able document, wherein the user interface provided by the
`browser interpretable document also provides access to a
`0024 FIG. 8 is an alternative exemplary browser interpret
`able document, wherein the user interface provided by the
`browser interpretable document also provides a user interface
`through which a playlist can be edited.
`0025 FIG.9 is an alternative exemplary browser interpret
`able document, wherein the user interface provided by the
`browser interpretable document permits drag-and-drop reor
`dering of playlist entries.
`0026 FIG. 10 is an alternative exemplary browser inter
`pretable document, wherein the user interface provided by the
`browser interpretable document after the playlist entries have
`been reordered.


`US 2008/0235588 A1
`Sep. 25, 2008
`0027 FIG. 11 is an alternative exemplary browser inter
`pretable document, wherein a playlist entry has been added
`by dragging and dropping a URL to content.
`0028 FIG. 12 is an alternative exemplary browser inter
`pretable document which facilitates storing the playlist.
`0029 FIG. 13 is an exemplary browser interpretable docu
`ment written in HTML.
`0030 FIG. 14 is an alternative exemplary browser inter
`pretable document written in HTML.
`FIG. 15 is an alternative exemplary browser inter
`pretable document written in HTML.
`0032 FIG.16 is a block diagram illustrating an exemplary
`method through which appropriate digital rights management
`licensing information can be obtained.
`0033 Reference will now be made in detail to embodi
`ments of the system and methods that facilitate media player
`playlist creation and editing within a browser interpretable
`document, examples of which are illustrated in the accompa
`nying drawings.
`0034. In an embodiment, a browser interpretable docu
`ment is provided comprising a plurality of content entries and
`a set of instructions for controlling a plurality of media play
`ers. In an embodiment, to ensure that the browser interpret
`able document can be read and interpreted by a wide variety
`of browsers, the browser interpretable document leverages
`existing browser interpretable languages such as, without
`limitation, Hypertext Markup Language (“HTML'), eXten
`sible Markup Language (XML), Cascading Style Sheets
`(“CSS), and the like, and deviates from the standardized
`definitions of such browser interpretable languages as little as
`possible. By way of example, without limitation, a browser
`interpretable document embodiment described herein intro
`duces only two new keywords into the traditional browser
`vocabulary, “hTrack’ and “timed”, which are both used as
`class names. Classes are defined in the HTML 4+specifica
`0035. In a traditional markup language, such as HTML, a
`link, or pointer to content, might be written as <a href="/
`media/example.mp3">Example Link</ad. When such a link
`is rendered by a browser, the Uniform Resource Locator
`(“URL) and related tags will be hidden from the user, and the
`user will simply see the words Example Link, but because of
`the browser's interpretation of the markup language, the user
`can click on or otherwise interact with the words to access the
`content referenced in the link. When the user interacts with
`the words, the browser attempts to load the file from the path
`specified in the URL, the process for which may include
`creating a local copy of the example.mp3. If the browser does
`not detect any browser interpretable instructions at or near the
`beginning of the file, the browser can attempt to determine
`whether the file is of a type that can be interpreted by any
`plug-ins or other enhancements to the browser. If the file can
`be interpreted by a plug-in, the plug-in is loaded by the
`browser and the file is loaded by the plug-in. If the file is not
`of a format interpretable by the browser or a plug-in, the
`browser can pass the file information to the operating system.
`The operating system then determines an appropriate appli
`cation, such as a media player, that should be loaded to handle
`the file based on information from the file. By way of
`example, without limitation, the operating system may look
`at the file's extension (i.e. the characters after the right-hand
`most period in the file name) to determine an appropriate
`application to be loaded. In the example provided above,
`since example.mp3 is a media file, the operating system can
`cause a locally-installed media player to load, and can send
`instructions to the locally-installed media player to play
`example.mp3. This behavior can be cumbersome and, as
`described above, can result in the loading of media players
`with interfaces with which the user is unfamiliar.
`0036 By modifying the link such that the browser recog
`nizes the file as being of a track (i.e. by employing the
`“hTrack' class), the browser can be instructed to take alter
`native actions when the user interacts with the link. By way of
`example, without limitation, by changing the link above to
`read <a href="/media/example.mp3' class="htrack'>mp3
`link-/ad, the browser can be instructed that example.mp3 is a
`track, and that it should therefore be handled according to
`alternative instructions contained in the browser interpretable
`document or referenced therein.
`0037. One or more such tracks can be combined together
`in a “playlist', or list of content to be played by an appropriate
`media player. In an embodiment, the order in which the tracks
`are played can be determined by the order in which the tracks
`appear within the playlist or other browser interpretable docu
`ment. By way of example, without limitation, a browser inter
`pretable document comprising the code listed below in Table
`1 would cause first.mp3 to play first, followed by second.
`<a href="media first.mp3' class="htrack's first song</as
`<a href="/media second.mp3' class="htrack's second song</as
`0038 Although the order in which the tracks are listed
`within the browser interpretable document can be used to
`determine the play order, in an embodiment this play order
`can be altered by taking advantage of the tablindex attribute
`defined in the well-known HTML 4+ and/or XHTML speci
`fications. Thus, by modifying the code listed in Table 1 to that
`listed below in Table 2, the browser can be instructed to play
`first.mp3 first, even though it is not the first content listed in
`the playlist.
`<a href="/media second.mp3' class="htrack tablindex=2'>second
`<a href="/media first.mp3 class="htrack tablindex="1">first song</as
`0039. Although described herein as employing HTML,
`alternative embodiments, including those employing XML
`Shareable Playlist Format (XSPF), MPEG Audio Layer3
`URL (“M3U”), or Advanced Stream Redirector (ASX'), are
`also envisioned. The instant disclosure's use of HTML-style
`URLs and markup language is intended for clarity, and
`should not be interpreted as limiting the browser interpretable
`document and/or the playlists to Such a markup language.
`0040. Additional attributes can also be utilized to further
`streamline identifying an appropriate media player for a given
`media type. By way of example, without limitation, a “type'
`attribute can be employed. The type attribute can give an
`advisory hint as to the media type available via the link. Such
`a hint can allow the browser interpretable document or
`instructions associated therewith to initiate alternative proce
`dures in the event the media type is not currently supported by
`the device on which the browser is running. In an embodi


`US 2008/0235588 A1
`Sep. 25, 2008
`ment, authors who use Such an attribute can take responsibil
`ity for managing the risk that the media type specified is
`inconsistent with the content available via the link.
`0041 Another attribute that can be employed is the “title'
`attribute. In an embodiment, the title attribute can be used in
`a manner similar to the way in which the //playlist/trackList/
`track/title attribute is used in an XSPF playlist. That is, the
`title attribute can provide a hint about the content's title.
`0042 Still another attribute that can be employed is the
`image or “img attribute. In an embodiment, the image
`attribute can be used in a manner similar to the //playlist/
`trackList/track/image attribute in an XSPF playlist. That is,
`the image attribute can provide a link to album art or other
`images associated with the content.
`0043. Yet another attribute that can be employed is the
`“free-text element. In an embodiment, the free-text element
`can be used in a manner similar to the //playlist/trackList/
`track/annotation attribute in an XSPF playlist. That is, the
`free-text element can provide a comment or other information
`about the content.
`0044) When used in combination to create a playlist entry
`in a browser interpretable document, an exemplary link might
`resemble that of Table 3, below.
`<a href="'
`title=“My Sharona
`<img alt="The Knack album art
`Src= the knack.gif>
`don't deny you love this song
`0045. In an effort to allow users to play content in their
`preferred media players, Some content providers will make
`the content available in multiple media types or employing
`different attributes within a media type (e.g., different bit
`rates), and Such content providers may prefer that playlist
`entries corresponding to content provided by them include
`pointers to at least a subset of the available forms of conten

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