`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`29 December 2011 (29.12.2011)
`1111111111111111 IIIIII IIIII 111111111111111 II Ill lllll lllll 111111111111111 IIII IIIIIII IIII 11111111
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2011/160788 Al
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`A61M 11/04 (2006.01)
`A24F 47/00 (2006.01)
`A61M 15/06 (2006.01)
`(21) International Application Number:
`PCT/EP20l l/002952
`(22) International Filing Date:
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`15 June20ll (15.06.2011)
`(30) Priority Data:
`23 June 2010 (23.06.2010)
`(74) Agent: LOUSTALAN, Paul William; Reddie & Grosse
`LLP, 16 Theobalds Road, London, WCIX SPL (GB).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
`DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP,
`KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD,
`ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI,
`NO, NZ, OM, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD,
`SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR,
`TT, TZ, VA, VG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): PHILIP
`MORRIS PRODUCTS S.A. [CH/CH]; Quai Jeanrenaud
`3, CH-2000 Neuchatel (CH).
`Inventors; and
`Inventors/Applicants (for US only): THORENS, Michel
`[CH/CH]; Les Combremonts 24, CH-1510 Moudon (CH).
`FLICK, Jean-Marc [FR/CH]; Rue de Ia Paste 3,
`CH-1405 Pomy (CH). COCHAND, Olivier Yves
`[CH/CH]; Faubourg 30, CH-2056 Dombresson (CH).
`DUBIEF, Flavien [FR/CH]; Rue du Rocher 52, CH-2000
`Neuchatel (CH).
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG,
`ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ,
`TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
`EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU,
`LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK,
`GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`with international search report (Art. 21 (3))
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`Figure 1
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`(57) Abstract: A liquid storage portion (l 13) comprising an electrical component (504, 505, 804, 904, 905, 906, 907, 1301,
`1401) for distinguishing the storage portion (l 13) from other liquid storage portions is disclosed. The liquid storage portion (l 13)
`is configured for use in an aerosol generating system (lOO) having means for determining (309) an electrical characteristic of the
`electrical component and means for distinguishing (309) the liquid storage portion (l 13) from other liquid storage portions based
`on the determined electrical characteristic of the electrical component.
`NJOY Exhibit 1004.001


`WO 2011/160788
`PCT /EP2011/002952
`The present invention relates to an aerosol generator and to a smoking system. The aerosol
`generator or smoking system may have a liquid storage portion. More particularly, this invention
`relates to a liquid storage portion for use with an aerosol generator or a smoking system.
`WO-A-2007/078273 discloses a smoking utensil. A liquid is stored in a container which
`communicates with a heater vaporiser, powered by a supply, via a series of small apertures. The
`liquid can be fed into the container via a one-way valve. In use, the heater is activated by the mouth
`of the user to switch on the battery power supply. Suction on a mouthpiece by the user causes air
`to be drawn through the apertures in the container, over the heater vaporiser, into the mouthpiece
`and subsequently into the mouth of a user.
`One disadvantage of such a proposed smoking utensil is that there is no way to determine
`_thaUhe Jiquid-fed-into-the--CO!ltainer--is- suitable-for:--use with the smoking- utensil. -In- other- words,
`there is no way of determining whether the liquid fed into the container it is suitable for vaporization
`by the heater in an appropriate manner.
`It is therefore an object of the present invention to overcome this disadvantage and other
`disadvantages of the prior art.
`According to a first aspect of the present invention, there is provided a liquid storage portion
`comprising an electrical component for distinguishing the storage portion from other liquid storage
`portions, the liquid storage portion being configured for use in an aerosol generating system having
`means for determining an electrical characteristic of the electrical component and means for
`distinguishing the liquid storage portion from other liquid storage portions based on the determined
`electrical characteristic of the electrical component.
`The electrical component may be located on the exterior of the liquid storage portion or
`within the liquid storage portion.
`The liquid storage portion may further comprise one or more further electrical components
`the components preferably being connected in series or parallel with each other.
`The electrical component or components may comprise one or more resistors or one or
`30 more radio frequency identification microchips or one or more microchip memories.
`The liquid storage portion may further comprise a plurality of electrical contacts for electrical
`connection to one or more of the electrical component or components.
`The electrical contacts may be arranged in a substantially straight line or in a substantially
`triangular array or in a substantially square or in a substantially rectangular array.
`The liquid storage portion may further comprise a heating element. Preferably, the heating
`element is integral to the liquid storage portion.
`NJOY Exhibit 1004.002


`WO 2011/160788
`PCT /EP2011/002952
`In this way, when the liquid storage portion is removed from the aerosol generating system,
`both the liquid storage portion and the heating element are removed. Then both the liquid storage
`portion and the heating element which has been removed from the aerosol generating system may
`be replaced or substituted with another liquid storage portion and heating element.
`The material of the heating element may be chosen so that, in use, it heats up more than
`the electrical contacts or other electrically conductive portions of the liquid storage portion.
`The heating element may be electrically connected at a first end to a first end of a first
`electrically conductive portion. The heating element may be electrically connected at a second end
`to a first end of a further electrically conductive portion.
`The first electrically conductive portion may be electrically connected at a second end to an
`electrical contact. The second electrically conductive portion may be electrically connected at a
`second end to an electrical contact.
`Usually the means for determining an electrical characteristic of the electrical component is
`a -processor-or eontroller, Further, -the means-for distinguishing one-liquid-storage-portion-from-other -
`liquid storage portions based on a determined characteristic of an electrical component is also
`usually a processor or controller, but a combination of resistors, transistors and other switches may
`be used.
`Electrical components which may be used with embodiments of the invention are one or
`more resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, transistors, memory chips,
`The electrical characteristic which may be determined by the processor are for example, the
`resistance, capacitance, inductance, break down voltage, switching speed or amplification, or in the
`case of a memory chips, the values stored in the memory.
`According to a second aspect of the present invention, there is provided an aerosol
`generating system comprising the liquid storage portion according to the first aspect of the present
`According to a third aspect of the present invention, there is provided an aerosol generating
`system for receiving a liquid storage portion configured for use with the aerosol generating system,
`the system comprising: means for determining an electrical characteristic of an electrical
`component associated with the liquid storage portion; and means for distinguishing the liquid
`storage portion from other liquid storage portions for use with the aerosol generating system based
`on the determined electrical characteristic of the electrical component associated with the liquid
`storage portion.
`Preferably, the system further comprises transmission means arranged to transmit signals
`between the determining means and the electronic component.
`The transmission means may be electrical one or more electrical connectors or electrical
`conductive portions for transmitting electrical signals between the distinguishing means and the
`NJOY Exhibit 1004.003


`WO 2011/160788
`PCT /EP2011/002952
`electrical component. Alternatively, the transmission means may comprise a radio frequency
`identification antenna. The antenna may be electrically connected to a radio frequency identification
`reader or chip on the aerosol generating system. The transmission means may also comprise an
`antenna associated with a liquid storage portion. The liquid storage portion antenna may be
`electrically connected to a radio frequency identification chip also associated with the liquid storage
`Preferably, the system comprises a housing for at least partially receiving the liquid storage
`portion. Preferably, the system further comprises means for detecting the presence of the liquid
`storage portion in the housing.
`The means for determining an electrical characteristic of the electrical component may
`further comprise one or more further electrical components. The one or more further components
`may be arranged in series with the one or more components associated with the liquid storage
`portion. The further electrical components on the aerosol generating system may be electrical
`The aerosol generating system may further comprise one or more electrical contacts for
`electrical connection to the one or more of the further electrical component or components of the
`aerosol generating system. The aerosol generating system may further comprise one or more
`electrically conductive potions for electrically connecting the further electrical components or
`electrical contacts to the determining means and the distinguishing means.
`The aerosol generating system may further comprise a memory for storing a look-up table,
`the look-up table comprising data representing one or more electrical characteristics of one or more
`electrical components, each characteristic associated with data identifying a liquid storage portion.
`The aerosol generating system may further comprise a means for searching the look-up
`The aerosol generating system may further comprise a means for determining a type of
`liquid storage portion by searching the look-up table for data identifying the type of liquid storage
`portion associated with data representing an electrical characteristic of the electronic component
`which matches data representing the determined characteristic of the electrical component.
`The aerosol generating system may further comprise a heating element.
`The aerosol generating system may further comprise a means for controlling one or more
`operational parameters of the heating element. The control means may control one or more of the
`operational parameters of the heating element in dependence upon the determined electrical
`characteristic of the electrical component or components associated with the liquid storage portion.
`The control means may be arranged to supply electrical energy to the heating element in
`dependence upon the determined value of the electrical component or components associated with
`the liquid storage portion.
`NJOY Exhibit 1004.004


`WO 2011/160788
`PCT /EP2011/002952
`According to a fourth aspect of the present invention, there is provided a liquid storage
`portion comprising a 3-dimensional object for distinguishing the storage portion from other liquid
`storage portions, the liquid storage portion being configured for use in an aerosol generating
`system having means for determining a characteristic of the 3-dimensional object and means for
`distinguishing the liquid storage portion from other liquid storage portions based on the determined
`characteristic of the 3-dimensional object.
`According to a fifth aspect of the present invention, there is provided an aerosol generating
`system for receiving a liquid storage portion configured for use with the aerosol generating system,
`the system comprising: means for determining a characteristic of a 3-dimensional object associated
`with the liquid storage portion; and means for distinguishing the liquid storage portion from other
`liquid storage portions for use with the aerosol generating system based on the determined
`characteristic of the 3-dimensinoal object associated with the liquid storage portion.
`The three dimensional object may comprise one or more bump, protrusions or recesses and
`the like~ The characteristics of the 3-dimensional object-may a spatial characteristic of -the 3-
`dimensional object. The characteristic may be the position of the bump, protrusion or recess on the
`liquid storage portion, the height of a bump or protrusion from the surface of the liquid storage
`portion, the width of a bump or protrusion from the surface of the liquid storage portion, the depth of
`a trough or recess in the liquid storage portion. Further, if the 3-dimensional object comprises a
`plurality of protrusions or recesses, then the relative spacing of the protrusions or recesses may be
`determined as a characteristic of the 3-dimensional object.
`Alternatively, the 3-dimensional object may be engraved or etched into the liquid storage
`portion. The 3-dimensional object may also be attached to the liquid storage portion by adhesive or
`other suitable means.
`According to a sixth aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method for
`distinguishing between types of liquid storage portion used with an aerosol generating system, the
`method comprising the steps of: determining an electrical characteristic of an electrical component
`associated with the liquid storage portion; distinguishing the liquid storage portion from other liquid
`storage portions for use with the aerosol generating system based on the determined electrical
`characteristic of the electrical component associated with the liquid storage portion.
`Preferably, the method further comprises the step of comparing the determined electrical
`characteristic to a look-up table of electrical characteristics of one or more electrical components,
`each electrical characteristic associated with an identifier of a liquid storage portion. Preferably, the
`type of liquid storage portion inserted into the aerosol generating system is determined in
`dependence upon the result of the determination.
`NJOY Exhibit 1004.005


`WO 2011/160788
`PCT /EP2011/002952
`The step of determining the electrical characteristic may comprise the steps of: measuring a
`current flow through a resistor; measuring a voltage across the resistor; and determining the
`resistance value of the resistor from the determined voltage and current values.
`The type of liquid storage portion may be determined as a liquid storage portion identifier
`5 which is associated with the electrical characteristic stored in the database which corresponds to
`the determined characteristic value of the electrical component.
`The method may further comprise a step of searching the look-up table or a further look-up
`table for one or more operational parameters of a heating element which are associated with an
`electrical characteristic which correspond to the determined characteristic value of the electrical
`The method may further comprise the step of energizing the heating element according to
`one or more of the operational parameters which correspond to the determined characteristic value
`of the electrical component.
`The-method may further comprise the step-of energizing the heating element according-to
`one or more of the operational parameters which correspond to the determined characteristic value
`of the electrical component.
`The method may further comprise the step of energizing the heating element in proportion
`to the determined characteristic value of the electrical component.
`The step of determining an electrical characteristic of an electrical component may be
`repeated a plurality of times For example, if the liquid storage portion comprises 4 resistors, then
`the step of determining the electrical characteristic is repeated 4 times.
`Preferably, a heating element is energized according to one or more of the operational
`parameters, the value of each operation parameter applied to the heating element being
`proportional to the determined electrical characteristic of one or the components.
`Preferably, one the characteristic value of one electrical component determines the value of
`one operational parameter applied to the heating element.
`Preferably, the step of determining the electrical characteristic comprises the steps of:
`interrogating a chip; receiving a signal from the chip, the signal comprising electrical characteristic
`data of the chip; and determining the type of liquid storage portion from the received electrical
`characteristic data.
`The chip may be a radio frequency identification chip which is interrogated by energizing it
`with a radio-frequency signal. The signal received from the chip may be a radio frequency signal.
`Alternatively, the chip may be an electrically erasable programmable read only memory
`which is interrogated by wired electrical connection to a processor or controller. The signal may be
`received from the chip by a wired electrical connection.
`NJOY Exhibit 1004.006


`WO 2011/160788
`PCT /EP2011/002952
`The data may comprise a liquid storage portion identifier and optionally one or more
`operational parameters of the heating element which the system may use to energize the heating
`Preferably, the electrical contacts may be made out of an electrically conductive material
`5 with low resistivity, such as copper, silver or gold.
`The electrically conductive means may be an electrically conductive material with low
`resistivity, such as copper, silver or gold. This minimises energy loss in this portion of the smoking
`According to a seventh aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method for
`distinguishing between types of liquid storage portion used with an aerosol generating system, the
`method comprising the steps of determining a characteristic of a 3-dimensional object associated
`with the liquid storage portion distinguishing the liquid storage portion from other liquid storage
`portions for use with the aerosol generating system based on the determined characteristic of the
`e3-dimensional object associated with the liquid storage portion (113).
`When the liquid storage portion is new, it is filled with a suitable liquid for producing an aerosol. In
`use, the aerosol generating system uses liquid contained or held within the liquid storage portion to
`produce the aerosol. The aerosol generating system uses the liquid contained in the liquid storage
`portion until the liquid storage portion is empty or substantially empty. Therefore, the liquid storage
`portion may contain some liquid or may be empty so that no liquid is contained within the liquid
`storage portion.
`In use, when the heater is activated, liquid provided by the liquid storage portion is
`vaporized by the heater to form a supersaturated vapour. The supersaturated vapour is mixed with
`and carried in the air flow from the at least one air inlet. During the flow, the vapour condenses to
`form an aerosol in the chamber, and the aerosol is carried towards the air outlet into the mouth of a
`user. In this specification, the upstream and downstream relative positions are described in relation
`to the direction of air flow as it is drawn from the air inlet to the air outlet.
`The liquid may be provided by at least one portion of a capillary wick.
`Alternatively or in addition to a heating element.the aerosol generating system may
`comprise an atomiser to create
`the aerosol. The atomiser may
`include one or more
`electromechanical elements such as piezoelectric elements. Additionally or alternatively, the
`atomiser may also include elements that use electrostatic, electromagnetic or pneumatic effects.
`The smoking system according to embodiments of the invention provides a number of
`The liquid has physical properties, for example a boiling point suitable for use in the
`smoking system: if the boiling point is too high, the at least one heater will not be able to vaporize
`NJOY Exhibit 1004.007


`WO 2011/160788
`PCT /EP2011/002952
`liquid in the capillary wick, but, if the boiling point is too low, the liquid may vaporize even without
`the at least one heater being activated. The liquid preferably comprises a tobacco-containing
`material comprising volatile tobacco flavour compounds which are released from the liquid upon
`heating. Alternatively, or in addition, the liquid may comprise a non-tobacco material. The liquid
`5 may include water, solvents, ethanol, plant extracts and natural or artificial flavours. Preferably, the
`liquid further comprises an aerosol former. Examples of suitable aerosol formers are glycerine and
`propylene glycol.
`Further, as known to those skilled in the art, an aerosol is a suspension of solid particles or
`liquid droplets in a gas, such as air. The aerosol may be a suspension of solid particles and liquid
`droplets in a gas, such as air.
`In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the smoking system comprises a liquid storage
`portion. Preferably, the capillary wick is arranged to be in contact with liquid in the liquid storage
`portion. In that case, in use, liquid is transferred from the liquid storage portion towards the heater
`by capillary action in the capillary wick. In one embodiment, the capillary wick has a first end and a
`second end, the first end extending into the liquid storage portion for contact with liquid therein and
`the at least one heater being arranged to heat liquid in the second end. When the heater is
`activated, the liquid at the second end of the capillary wick is vaporized by the heater to form the
`supersaturated vapour.
`Using a capillary wick extending between the liquid and the heater, allows the structure of
`the system to be relatively simple. The liquid has physical properties, including viscosity, which
`allow the liquid to be transported through the capillary wick by capillary action caused by surface
`tension of the liquid.
`The liquid storage portion is preferably a container. Preferably, the liquid storage portion
`does not include any porous materials, so that there is only a single capillary mechanism, the
`capillary wick, in the smoking system. This keeps the structure of the smoking system simple and
`the entire system
`low-maintenance. Preferably,
`the container is opaque,
`thereby limiting
`degradation of the liquid by light. The liquid storage portion may not be refillable. Thus, when the
`liquid in the liquid storage portion has been used up, the liquid storage portion is replaced.
`Alternatively, the liquid storage portion may be refillable. In that case, the liquid storage portion may
`be replaced after a certain number of refills of the liquid storage portion. Preferably, the liquid
`storage portion is arranged to hold liquid for a pre-determined number of puffs.
`The capillary wick may have a fibrous or spongy structure. For example, the capillary wick
`may comprise a plurality of fibres or threads. The fibres or threads may be generally aligned in the
`longitudinal direction of the smoking system. Alternatively, the capillary wick may comprise sponge-
`like material formed into a rod shape. The rod shape may extend along the longitudinal direction of
`the smoking system. The structure of the wick forms a plurality of small bores or tubes, through
`NJOY Exhibit 1004.008


`WO 2011/160788
`PCT /EP2011/002952
`which the liquid can be transported to the heater, by capillary action. The capillary wick may
`comprise any suitable material or combination of materials. Examples of suitable materials are
`ceramic- or graphite-based materials in the form of fibres or sintered powders. The capillary wick
`may have any suitable capillarity and porosity so as to be used with liquids of different physical
`properties such as density, viscosity, surface tension and vapour pressure. The capillary properties
`of the wick, combined with the properties of the liquid, ensure that the wick is always wet in the
`heating area.
`Preferably, the smoking system comprises an elongate housing and the longitudinal axis of
`the capillary wick and the longitudinal axis of the housing are substantially parallel.
`The at least one heater may comprise a single heating element. Alternatively, the at least
`one heater may comprise more than one heating element, for example two, three, four, five, six or
`more heating elements. The heating element or heating elements may be arranged appropriately
`so as to most effectively vaporize liquid in the capillary wick.
`-The-at-least-one-heater-pref era bly-comprises-an-electrical-heati ng-element. +he at-least-one
`heater preferably comprises an electrically resistive material. Suitable electrically resistive
`materials include but are not limited to: semiconductors such as doped ceramics, electrically
`conductive ceramics such as molybdenum disilicide, carbon, graphite, metals, metal alloys and
`composite materials made of a ceramic material and a metallic material. Such composite materials
`may comprise doped or undoped ceramics. Examples of suitable doped ceramics include doped
`silicon carbides. Examples of suitable metals include titanium, zirconium, tantalum and metals from
`the platinum group. Examples of suitable metal alloys include stainless steel-, Constantan-, nickel-,
`cobalt-, chromium-, aluminium- titanium- zirconium-, hafnium-, niobium-, molybdenum-, tantalum-,
`tungsten-, tin-, gallium-, manganese- and iron-containing alloys, and super-alloys based on nickel,
`iron, cobalt, stainless steel, Timetal® and iron-manganese-aluminium based alloys. Timetal® is a
`registered trade mark of Titanium Metals Corporation, 1999 Broadway Suite 4300, Denver
`Colorado. In composite materials, the electrically resistive material may optionally be embedded in,
`encapsulated or coated with an insulating material or vice-versa, depending on the kinetics of
`energy transfer and the external physicochemical properties required.
`The at least one heater may take any suitable form. For example, the at least one heater
`30 may take the form of a coiled heating element. For example, the heater may take the form of a wire
`wound coiled heating element. The coil of wire at least partially surrounds the wick. Other
`alternatives include a heating wire or filament, for example a Ni-Cr, platinum, tungsten or alloy wire.
`In that embodiment, preferably the wire is a metal wire. Even more preferably, the wire is a
`metal alloy wire. The coil may extend fully or partially along the length of the capillary wick. The coil
`35 may extend fully or partially around the circumference of the capillary wick. In a preferred
`embodiment, the coil is in contact with the capillary wick.
`NJOY Exhibit 1004.009


`WO 2011/160788
`PCT /EP2011/002952
`Alternatively, the at least one heater may take the form of a casing or substrate having
`different electro-conductive portions, or an electrically resistive metallic tube. Alternatively, the at
`least one heater may be a disk or end heater or a combination of a disk heater with heating needles
`or rods. Alternatively, the at least one heater may take the form of a metallic etched foil insulated
`between two layers of an inert material. In that case, the inert material may comprise Kapton®, all(cid:173)
`polyimide or mica foil. Kapton ® is a registered trade mark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and
`Company, 1007 Market Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19898, United States of America.
`Alternatively, the at least one heater may take the form of a sheet of material, which may be
`rolled around at least a portion of the capillary wick. Alternatively, the at least one heater may take
`the form of an etched foil folded around at least a portion of the capillary wick. The etched foil may
`comprise a metal sheet cut by a laser or by electro-chemical process. The sheet may be made from
`any suitable material, for example an iron-aluminium based alloy, an' iron-manganese-aluminium
`base alloy or Timetal®. The sheet may be rectangular in shape, or may have a patterned shape
`which may form a coil-like structure-when rolled around the capillary wick.
`The at least one heater may heat the liquid in the capillary wick by means of conduction or
`convection or conduction and convection. Alternatively, heat from the heater may be conducted to
`the liquid by means of a heat conductive element. Alternatively, the at least one heater may transfer
`heat to the incoming ambient air that is drawn through the smoking system during use, which in
`turn heats the liquid by convection. The ambient air may be heated before passing through the
`system. Alternatively, the ambient air may be first drawn through the wick and then heated.
`In one embodiment, the aerosol generating system is a smoking system. Preferably, the
`aerosol generating system or the smoking system is an electrically heated aerosol generating
`system or electrically heated smoking system. In that embodiment, the smoking system may further
`comprise an electric power supply. Preferably, the electric power supply comprises a cell contained
`in a housing. The electric power supply may be a Lithium-ion battery or one of its variants, for
`example a Lithium-ion polymer battery. Alternatively, the power supply may be a Nickel-metal
`hydride battery, a Nickel cadmium battery, a Lithium-maganese battery, a Lithium-cobalt battery or
`a fuel cell. In that case, preferably, the electrically heated smoking system is usable by a smoker
`until the energy in the power cell is used up. Alternatively, the electric power supply may comprise
`circuitry chargeable by an external charging portion. In that case, preferably the circuitry, when
`charged, provides power for a pre-determined number of puffs, after which the circuitry must be re(cid:173)
`connected to the external charging portion. An example of suitable circuitry is one or more
`capacitors or rechargeable batteries.
`If the smoking system is an electrically heated smoking system, the smoking system may
`further comprise electric circuitry. In one embodiment, the electric circuitry comprises a sensor to
`detect air flow indicative of a user taking a puff. The sensor may be an electro-mechanical device.
`NJOY Exhibit 1004.010


`WO 2011/160788
`PCT /EP2011/002952
`Alternatively, the sensor may be any of: a mechanical device, an optical device, an opto(cid:173)
`mechanical device, a micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) based sensor and an acoustic
`sensor. In that case, preferably, the electric circuitry is arranged to provide an electric current pulse
`to the at least one heater when the sensor senses

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