`Monolithic Power Systems Inc. v. Greenthread, LLC
`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
`Page 1
`) IPR 2024-00468
`) Patent No. 8,421,195
`Petitioner, ) IPR 2024-00469
`) Patent No. 9,190,502
` V. )
`) IPR 2024-00470
`) Patent No. 11,121,222
`Patent Owner. )
`October 17, 2024
`9:00 a.m. Central Daylight Time
`Reported by: Lori J. Goodin, RPR, CRR, RSA,
`California CSR #13959
`1730 M Street, NW, Suite 812
`Washington, D.C. 20036
`(202) 232-0646
`Digital Evidence Group C'rt 2024
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`Semiconductor v. Greenthread


`Monolithic Power Systems Inc. v. Greenthread, LLC
`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
`Page 2
`a Witness in the above-titled action, held on
`Thursday, October 17, 2024, commencing at
`approximately time 9:00 a.m. before Lori J.
`Goodin, RPR, CRR, RSA, California CSR #13959,
`Registered Professional Reporter, Certified
`Realtime Reporter, Realtime Systems
`Administrator, and Certified Shorthand Reporter,
`and Notary Public of the State of Florida, State
`of California, State of Maryland, District of
`Columbia, State of Delaware and Commonwealth of
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`Monolithic Power Systems Inc. v. Greenthread, LLC
`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
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` 1999 K Street Northwest, Suite 600
` Washington, D.C. 20006
` 202-370-8301
` 11452 El Camino Real #300
` San Diego, California 92130
` 858-720-5747
`Also Present:
` R. Justin Jiang, Perkins Coie
` Danny Ortega, Document Tech
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`Monolithic Power Systems Inc. v. Greenthread, LLC
`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
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`3 4
`6 7 8 9
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`Monolithic Power Systems Inc. v. Greenthread, LLC
`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
`Page 5
` Greenthread, LLC vs Monolithic Power Systems,
` Inc.
` Thursday, October 17, 2024
` Lori J. Goodin, RPR, CRR, RSA
` California CSR #13959
`Exhibit 1 Declaration of Stephen Campbell 11
`Exhibit 2 Figure 16 of US Patent 5,384,476 27
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`Monolithic Power Systems Inc. v. Greenthread, LLC
`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
`Page 6
` THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2024, 9:00 a.m. CDT
` * * *
` THE REPORTER: Unless an objection
` is heard at this time, all parties to this
` deposition are appearing remotely and have
` agreed to the witness being sworn in
` remotely.
`a witness called for examination, having been
`first duly sworn, was examined and testified as
` * * *
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Campbell.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. Could you please state and spell
`your full name for the record.
` A. My name is Stephen Alan Campbell,
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`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
`Page 7
`S-T-E-P-H-E-N, A-L-A-N, C-A-M-P-B-E-L-L.
` Q. And, you are currently --
` What is your current occupation?
` A. I am retired from the University of
`Minnesota. So, I retain a status of Emeritus
`Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
` Q. And where are you physically located
`right now?
` A. I am in Arden Hills, Minnesota, a
`suburb of the twin cities.
` Q. And what building are you located
` A. I am at my home which is 3248
`Sandeen Road, Arden Hills, Minnesota, 55112.
` Q. Is there anything that would prevent
`you from testifying completely and truthfully
` A. No.
` Q. You have no medical issues that
`would interfere with your ability to testify
` A. No.
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`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
`Page 8
` Q. You're not on any medications that
`would interfere with your ability to testify
` A. No.
` Q. You have no personal issues that are
`distracting you from your testimony today?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you ever been deposed before?
` A. No.
` Q. So, I assume that the Monolithic
`lawyers went over the rules of the deposition
`with you, but, I'll go over them now just so we
`have a record of it and to make sure you
`understand; is that okay?
` A. Yes, that's fine.
` Q. You understand that I'll ask you a
`series of questions and you are required to give
`truthful answers?
` A. Understood.
` Q. And you understand that you, the
`court reporter is going to be taking down
`everything that I say and everything that you
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`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
`Page 9
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you understand that you need to
`wait for me to ask you a question and finish
`asking the question before you speak, because the
`court reporter can't take down two things at
` A. Yes.
` Q. So, I'll try and avoid starting a
`new question until you have finished your answer.
` And if you could do the same; avoid
`starting your answer until I have finished asking
`the question.
` Does that work?
` A. Yes, that's fine.
` Q. And you understand that the
`statements and testimony you're giving today are
`under oath?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you understand that you're under
`the penalty of perjury?
` A. Yes.
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`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
`Page 10
` Q. And you understand that the
`testimony you are giving today is no different
`than if we were in a court of law or if there
`were officials at the Patent Office present
`before us?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What's your understanding of the
`nature of these proceedings?
` A. My understanding of the proceedings
`is that there are a series of patents that are
`owned by patent owner and these patents, the
`validity of these patents are being challenged.
` Q. And you understand that the patent
`owner is a company called Greenthread?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. So, if I refer to
`Greenthread or Greenthread's patents, you'll
`understand what I mean?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And, you understand that the patent
`challenger is a company called Monolithic?
` A. Yes.
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`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
`Page 11
` MR. MATICH: And, could we pull up
`Tab 1 and mark it as Exhibit 1.
` (Exhibit 1 marked for
` identification.)
` And, Dr. Campbell, during the course
`of this deposition, I'm going to show you some
` I will primarily be showing you your
`declaration in these proceedings.
` But if you need to see any of the
`documents referenced in your declaration, feel
`free to ask and we can make that happen.
` A. All right.
` Q. And if I ask you a question and you
`need to see other portions of the document, you
`are free to direct the tech, Danny, to scroll to
`other parts of the document.
` A. All right.
` Q. Dr. Campbell, is Exhibit 1 your
`declaration in these proceedings?
` A. From this first page, I would say
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`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
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` Q. If you need to look at the rest of
`the document to confirm that it's a complete and
`accurate copy of your declaration, please do
` A. All right. Are we going to go
`through 150 pages?
` Q. I am willing to represent to you
`that I believe this is the full and complete
` But if you want to verify for
`yourself, you're more than welcome to.
` A. I will take you at your word that it
`is a full copy.
` Q. Dr. Campbell, do you see about
`halfway up the first page of your declaration it
`says PTAB Case Numbers.
` And then it lists the IPR 2024-00468
`and then a patent number and then some other
`proceeding numbers?
` A. Yes. I can see that.
` Q. Is it your understanding that the
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`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
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`IPR 2024- numbers represent, identify different
`proceedings on different patents?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you understand that this
`declaration pertains to the proceedings and the
`patents listed here on the first page?
` A. Yes.
` Q. It is also -- is it your
`understanding that for Patent Number 11,121,222
`that today's deposition and these proceedings is
`only about Claim 44 in that patent?
` A. I don't, I did not know that. Okay.
` Q. And is it your understanding that
`there are other IPR proceedings in which you have
`submitted a declaration?
` A. This is the only declaration that I
`have submitted.
` Q. Okay. You didn't submit a
`declaration in IPR proceedings challenging other
`Greenthread patents?
` A. To the best of my knowledge, this is
`the only document that I produced.
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`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
`Page 14
` Q. Okay. And you understand that
`across all of the proceedings in which you have
`submitted a declaration, there are some common or
`similar issues?
` A. Yes. Pretty much so.
` Q. And you understand that the claims
`in each of the patents use the same or similar
`language in parts --
` A. Yes. Sorry.
` Q. And did you interpret and apply the
`claim language consistently across all the
` A. Yes.
` Q. Dr. Campbell, on your CV it says
`that you worked for several years as a consultant
`for a law firm called WilmerHale?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What was the nature of your work for
` A. It was challenging a patent that was
`related to a process technology that the patent
`owner claimed that the company was infringing on
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`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
`Page 15
`their patent.
` Q. Can you tell me who the accused
`infringer was?
` A. I don't think I'm allowed to
`disclose that. It's a major semiconductor
`fabrication company.
` Q. Can you tell me who the patent owner
` A. University of Arizona.
` Q. And is that the only case you worked
`on for WilmerHale?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Was your work on that case made
` A. Not to the best of my knowledge.
` Q. So, you did not submit an expert
`report in that litigation?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. Is that the only time you've been
`involved in patent litigation?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Your CV also mentions a patent that
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`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
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`you applied for?
` A. Yes, that is true.
` Q. Is that the only patent you've ever
`applied for?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did that patent issue?
` A. I was not the primary person on that
`patent. It was one of my colleagues.
` I don't know if it issued or not.
` Q. About how much work -- scratch that.
` About how many hours worth of work
`did you do for WilmerHale?
` A. This is, was several years ago.
` My guess would be somewhere between
`50 and 100 hours.
` Q. Over the course of three years?
` A. No, that took about a year. It
`could have been 18 months. Something like that.
` MR. MATICH: Could we scroll down to
`PDF Page 112.
` which page is that?
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`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
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` MR. MATICH: The PDF Page 112. It's
` Appendix A. Next page, please.
` Q. Dr. Campbell, it lists here
`consulting 2019 to 2021 WilmerHale.
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that's what you were referring
` A. Yes. It was late '19 -- again, late
`2019 and wound up early 2021.
` Q. Okay. So, it wasn't, it spanned
`three calendar years, but the work was
`approximately a little more than a year?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. What did do you to prepare
`for your deposition today?
` A. I re-read the patents that are
`subject to this process.
` And I re-read my declaration. And I
`looked at a few of the patents that we reference
`in the declaration.
` Q. Did you speak to anyone to prepare
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`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
`Page 18
`for today's deposition?
` A. I had a session with lawyers from
`Perkins Coie to, since this is my first time
`going through a deposition, to tell me what to
` Q. Which Perkins Coie lawyers did you
`talk to?
` A. Miguel Bombach, Justin Jiang, and
`Brianna, I'm sorry, I don't remember Brianna's
`last name off the top of my head.
` Q. And about how many hours did you
`spend talking to them?
` A. Six hours, I believe. Six hours,
` Q. Was that all in one day?
` A. No, it was spread across three days.
` Q. And which three days?
` A. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of
`this week.
` Q. Other than the prior art references,
`the Greenthread patents and your declaration, did
`you look at any documents in preparation for
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`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
`Page 19
`today's deposition?
` A. Briefly. There was a couple of
`calculations that I wanted to do.
` And so, I looked up some things from
` But that whole process was probably
`less than 20 minutes.
` Q. And what calculations did you do?
` A. One was electric field calculations
`and dopant gradient, yes. That was the primary
` Q. And, could you, what electric -- you
`were calculating the strength of an electric
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Which, what, where did you get the
`data for the electric field?
` A. Well, the proper question is where
`did I get the data for the doping profile,
`because once you have the doping profile, it's a
`straightforward calculation to get the electric
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`Page 20
` I just assumed that a reasonable
`doping profile -- yeah, I will just put a period
`at that point.
` It was a reasonable doping profile
`for the types of technology that are under
`discussion here.
` Q. Okay. So, you didn't calculate the
`electric field for any of the prior art cited in
`your declaration?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And, at any point in the past had
`you calculated the electric field for the doping
`profiles in the prior art cited in your
` A. Yes, I'm glad you asked that,
`because as you were phrasing your question, I
`realized that when I was writing the declaration,
`I did do the calculation of one of the profiles.
` And the reason that I was checking
`my numbers yesterday, was because I couldn't find
`my notes as to what the field was.
` So, I just wanted to get an order of
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`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
`Page 21
`magnitude estimate.
` Q. Okay. And you couldn't find your
`notes from that prior calculation?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Is there a reason you didn't look it
`up in your report?
` A. I don't think I wrote it in my
`report. That was just something from I -- I was
` It wasn't something that I presented
`to the -- for the declaration.
` Q. Dr. Campbell, are you familiar with
`ways to measure the doping concentration?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are you familiar with a technique
`called SRP?
` A. Yes. I have used it quite a bit.
` Q. What does SRP stand for?
` A. Spreading Resistance Profiling.
` Q. Okay. And could you describe for me
`how SRP works?
` A. Yes. If you want to measure the
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`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
`Page 22
`concentration of a dopant as a function of depth,
`you take a sample of a semiconductor wafer, you
`grind it at a very shallow angle and then you
`apply two probes that move across the top of the
`wafer and then down the bevel. You measure the
`resistance between the two probes.
` The resistance -- well, is dominated
`by current crowding near the tips of the probes
`and it's very sensitive to the local carrier
` So, when you measure resistance as a
`function of position and you know the bevel
`angle, you can then extract the doping
`concentration -- well, the active carrier
`concentration, to put it more accurately, as a
`function of depth.
` Q. Are you familiar with a technique
`called SCM?
` A. SCM. If you tell me what it stands
`for, I'll let you know if I've heard of it.
` Q. Scanning Capacitance Microscopy?
` A. I -- yes, I have heard it. I
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`Page 23
`haven't used that technique.
` Q. What do you know about SCM?
` A. Very, very little. I will plead
`ignorance on that one.
` Q. Are you familiar with a technique
`called SMIN?
` A. No, I have not.
` Q. Are you familiar with a technique
`called Simms?
` A. Yes, of course.
` Q. What is Simms?
` A. Simms is secondary IMS spectroscopy.
`This involves taking, again, a silicon wafer that
`has dopant in it, using a beam of argon or cesium
`or, I don't remember the third one.
` It blasts into the surface of a
`semiconductor and you have a mass spectrometer
`inside the vacuum system with the beam and the
`wafer, and you collect some fragment of the
`materials that are coming off.
` And by knowing -- you are measuring
`the chemical composition as a function of depth
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`Page 24
`rather than the carrier concentration. Usually
`those two are about the same.
` But, in this case, it's a chemical
` MR. MATICH: Let's go to Page 27 of
`your report. Turn to Page 27, not 127.
` And actually, let's go up one page
`to Page 26.
` Q. Dr. Campbell, do you see in this
`section of your report, beginning on Page 26
`going to Page 27, you're discussing the
`background standard for determining whether or
`not something is obvious?
` A. Could we go out to the next page?
` Q. And you see the second bullet point
`there where you talk about any relevant factors,
`the secondary indicia indicating nonobviousness?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you see the fourth line from the
`bottom where it says, "the taking of licenses
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`Page 25
`under the patent by others and the nature of
`those licenses"?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What about the nature of other, of
`licenses to the patents is relevant to
`determining, determining obviousness?
` A. Your question is more of a legal
`question than a technical question.
` So, I'm sorry, I can't answer that.
` Q. Okay. So, if I told you that
`someone had taken a license to a patent, how
`would that bear on your analysis of whether or
`not it was obvious?
` A. My understanding -- again, I am not
`a lawyer, I don't pretend to be a lawyer.
` But when you take out the license
`that means that you are able to use information
`in the patent in exchange for a fee. That's my
` It is not clear to me how that would
`affect obviousness.
` Q. Do you know if Greenthread has
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`Page 26
`granted any licenses to the challenged patent?
` A. I was told that somebody, Intel, had
`a license.
` This is very early on. And so, I
`think that's what they told me.
` Q. And did you take that into
`consideration in your analysis?
` A. No.
` MR. MATICH: Could we go to Page 56
`of your report?
` Q. Dr. Campbell, do you see Page 56 of
`your report here?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you see it has got Figure 16 from
`the Nishizawa reference?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And the Nishizawa reference is one
`of the prior art references that you analyzed in
`your report?
` A. Yes.
` MR. MATICH: And actually, just so
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`Page 27
`we're on the same page, could we pull up Tab 4
`and mark it as Exhibit 2?
` (Exhibit 2 marked for
` identification.)
` Q. Dr. Campbell, this Exhibit 2, which
`is Patent Number 5,384,476 is the Nishizawa
` A. Yes.
` MR. MATICH: Okay. We can go back
`to the -- your report, please. Page 56, please.
` Q. And Dr. Campbell, this -- is it
`correct that Figure 16 of Nishizawa is on page,
`is reproduced on Page 56 of your report?
` A. I know that we used that figure. I
`don't recall the page number.
` But, yes, we used this figure.
` Q. Okay. But --
` A. So, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, this is
`my declaration. Yes, I'm sorry. Yes, we used
`the Nishizawa figure.
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`Page 28
` Q. So, I'm going to ask the question
`again just to make sure we have a clear
` On page, Figure 16 from Nishizawa,
`is reproduced on Page 56 of your report?
` A. Again, it's not showing the page
`number, but you told the tech to put up 56.
` So, I will assume that is 56.
` Yes, copied from Nishizawa.
` Q. All right. The -- I'll direct you
`to the bottom right-hand corner of the, your
`report. And it says MPS EX1003-56/152?
` A. Unfortunately, that does not show up
`on my screen.
` Q. Oh, okay. We will -- is there a way
`you can adjust your screen to be able to see the
` A. Okay, yes. Somebody put it up for
`me. Yes, I can see that now.
` MR. MATICH: Thank you, Danny.
` Danny is the tech.
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`Page 29
` Q. If you need to see something else,
`you can ask him to scroll or move things around
`or zoom in on something.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Okay. So, having looked at the page
`numbers, do we agree that Figure 16 of Nishizawa
`is what's on the screen right now, on Page 56 of
`your report?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And Figure 16 depicts a transistor?
` A. It actually depicts a DRAM, of which
`there is a transistor inside this picture.
` But, this -- the total picture is a
` Q. Okay. But, the, you see what's
`marked as 12 and 13, the N plus regions, those
`are the source and drain of a transistor?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. Okay. Where is the active region of
`this transistor?
` A. The active region is the region
`depicted in blue, the source and drain and
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`Page 30
` Now, I have a little bit of a caveat
`here, is that I would normally include the active
`area only to the junction of the source and
` And this particular figure shows
`that it goes slightly below the source and drain
` Q. Okay.
` A. Otherwise, it's fine.
` Q. And by "slightly below," you mean
`that small blue sliver below the source and
` A. Correct.
` Q. Okay. And the P plus 33 structure,
`that's below the active region?
` A. That is correct.
` MR. MATICH: Thank you. We can --
`could we go to Page 56 -- oh, we are already on
`Page 56, okay.
` Q. You see in the text it says,
`Digital Evidence Group C'rt 2024
`Greenthread Ex. 2085, p. 30 of 68
`Semiconductor v. Greenthread


`Monolithic Power Systems Inc. v. Greenthread, LLC
`Stephen A. Campbell, Ph.D.
`Page 31
`"Nishizawa discloses that if the electrons were
`allowed to flow to the circuit rather than down
`to the substrate, the circuit would not function
` A. Yes.
` Q. What, could you expand on what you
`mean by that sentence?
` A. If you read that in the context that
`Nishizawa wrote it, it refers to the formation of
`excess minority carriers that might diffuse from
`the substrate and then be collected by the source
`and drain.
` Q. So, the electrons are coming,
`Nishizawa is concerned with electrons coming up
`from the substrate?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. Were there any other problems
`Nishizawa was trying to solve?
` A. So, this was causing error. I'm
`trying to remember if they also talked about
`latch up.
` Their primary focus in Nishizawa was
`Digital Evidence Group C'rt 2024
`Greenthread Ex. 2085, p. 31 of 68
`Semiconductor v. Greenthread


`Monolithic Power Systems Inc. v. G

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