`Thank you for your proposals. The Court has adopted the plaintiff’s proposed schedule, and the
`scheduling order will enter on the docket shortly.
`Please note that the Court has set the Markman Hearing to occur on May 24th , 2024 at 11:00 AM via
`Zoom. The Zoom link is below. The parties should be aware that the Court is highly unlikely to adopt a
`construction that departs from how the Court has previously construed the same claim term. With that
`being said, please advise the Court if the parties would still like to hold a hearing on the disputed claim
`terms. The Court is happy to hold a hearing—especially if the arguments are made by less experienced
`lawyers. Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me.
`Will Atnipp
`Law Clerk to the
`Hon. Alan D Albright
`U.S. District Court
`Western District of Texas
`Office: 254-750-1522
`Join ZoomGov Meeting
`Meeting ID: 161 313 1172
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`Patent Owner Exhibit 2014, Page 1 of 3
`RE: Proxense, LLC v. Microsoft Corp. - 6 23-cv-00319-ADA - Proposed Scheduling
`William Atnipp <William_Atnipp@txwd.uscourts.gov>
`Fri 5/3/2024 12 44 PM
`To:Selina Kyle <admin@hechtpartners.com>
`Cc:Proxense <proxense@hechtpartners.com>;Proxense-SG <sg-proxense@hechtpartners.com>;Betty Chen
`<BChen@desmaraisllp.com>;Jason Wolff <wolff@fr.com>;Silverstein, Brianna L.
`<brianna.silverstein@faegredrinker.com>;melissa@gillamsmithlaw.com <melissa@gillamsmithlaw.com>;Benjamin C.
`Elacqua <elacqua@fr.com>
`• +1 415 449 4000 US (US Spanish Line)
`Meeting ID: 161 313 1172
`Passcode: 120804
`Find your local number: https://txwd-uscourts.zoomgov.com/u/ae3OuAb5i
`Join by SIP
`• 1613131172@sip.zoomgov.com
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`• (US East)
`Meeting ID: 161 313 1172
`Passcode: 120804
`From: Selina Kyle <admin@hechtpartners.com>
`Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2024 11:05 PM
`To: TXWDml_LawClerks_WA_JudgeAlbright
`Cc: Proxense <proxense@hechtpartners.com>; Proxense-SG <sg-proxense@hechtpartners.com>;
`Betty Chen <BChen@desmaraisllp.com>; Jason Wolff <wolff@fr.com>; Silverstein, Brianna L.
`<brianna.silverstein@faegredrinker.com>; melissa@gillamsmithlaw.com; Benjamin C. Elacqua
`Subject: Proxense, LLC v. Microsoft Corp. - 6:23-cv-00319-ADA - Proposed Scheduling Order
`Your Honor:
`Pursuant to Section X, Paragraph 10 of the Standing Order Governing Proceedings for Patent
`cases - Version 4.4, attached hereto are Word versions of the Proposed Scheduling Orders filed
`in the above referenced matter at ECF 62.
`Selina Kyle, CP
`Managing Paralegal
`125 Park Avenue, 25th Floor
`New York, NY 10017
`Patent Owner Exhibit 2014, Page 2 of 3
`E: admin@hechtpartners.com
`P: (212) 851-6821
`This message, including attachments, is confidential and may contain information protected by the attorney-client privilege or work product
`doctrine. If you are not the addressee, any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the contents of this message is prohibited. If you have
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`CAUTION - EXTERNAL EMAIL: This email originated outside the Judiciary. Exercise caution when opening
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`Patent Owner Exhibit 2014, Page 3 of 3