`Customer No. 505708
`Attorney Docket No. 02198-00080
`In re application of: Giobbi
`ULS. Patent No.: 9,298,905
`Issued: March 29, 2016
`Appheation No.: 14/521,982
`Filed: October 23, 2014
`Examiner: To Be Assigned
`Art Unit: To Be Assigned
`37 CLPLR. § LAO
`Mail Stop £x Parte Reexam
`Attn: Central Reexamination Unit
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Dear Commissioner:
`Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 8 302 and 37 C.F.R. 88 1.510 et seq., Samsung
`Electronics America,
`(Samsung? or
`“Requestor”’} requests
`ex parte
`reexamination of claims 1-18 (the “Challenged Claims’) of U.S. Patent No.
`9,298,905 Cthe 905 patent,” Exhibit 1001), entitled “Biometric Personal Data Key
`(PDE) Authentication”
`The °905 patent
`issued on March 29, 2016,
`Application No. 14/521 ,982, which was filed on October 23, 2014.
`Page 1 of 92
`Page 1 of 92
`Request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 9,298,908
`Control No.
`Patent Owner has asserted the “905 patent against Samsung and Samsung’s
`parent, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., in Proxense, LLC v. Sanisung Electronics
`Co., Lid., et. al, Case No. 6:21-CV-00210-ADA (WD. Tex.). Because the °905
`patent is involved in concurrent litigation,
`the Patent Office should accord the
`requested reexamination “priority overall other cases.” MPEP § 2261.
`Page 2 of 92
`Page 2 of 92
`Request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 9,298,908
`Control No.
`INTRODUCTION ooo eccecc cece csc ete cease sesecesesnesnectecseenicsiseseeniees 19
`CER. SL SLO cece cece e sees cceeeecceesceessceesseseeseessecsesisessessescensees 20
`Payment of Fees ~ 37 CIPR. § 1LS10QQ)ccc eneen 20
`Statement Porting Out Each Substantial New Question of
`Patentability Based on Prior Art Patents and Printed
`Publications - 37 CER. § PSTOQDOD ccc secreteeetes 2]
`C.—Identification of every claim for which reexaminationis
`requested, and a detailed explanation of the pertmency and
`manner of applying the cited prior art — 37 CLFLR. § 1. 5100D)(2)....... Zi
`D.—Coptes of the Cited Prior Art Presented- 37 C_F_R. §
`L.SLOQDYS) ccc ccc cece ccnseeccseesaeeecseesseeesseeesseeessseeeiseseieeeeneeeniees 22
`Copy of the Patent for Which Reexamination Is Requested- 37
`CORLR. 8 ESTOCDAD cect cetceerteeeereeertieeereettiesentieeetiees 22
`Certification of Service on the Patent Owner- 37 CFR. §
`PST OCDYS cece ce cecsecenteceeseecuteesuseseseesteesssieesierettensagens 22
`Certification of Statutory Estoppel Provisions - 37 C.F.R. §
`ES TOCDYO) eee cece cee cere b cate cent decane eessteceatsessseeseteenies 23
`PROCEDURAL HISTORY ooo cece ccc c ee cnse ere tteeetetneeeneenees 23
`Prosecution History of the “905 Patent ooo ccceeceteeeeeees 24
`The IPR filed against the “905 Patent 2000 cece ccerteeeeetees 25
`DISCRETIONARYISSUES ooo ccc cececeee cee cetsesrseteeeetecenseeetteenas 25
`LEVEL OF SKILL IN THE ARToc cccce cee creceeseeeeenteeneeees 28
`CLAIM CONSTRUCTION ooo ccc cece cent eeeneeeeseeseesesereseeens 29
`“third party trusted authority” (claim Docc eee 30
`VIL PRIORITY DATE OF THE°905 PATENT ooo cece cece eeeeees 31
`VOI OVERVIEW OF THE TECHNOLOGYooo cece cee cette tenneteee 32
`xX. OVERVIEWOF THE PRIOR ART ooo ccc cee cee tttesenteeneeees 33
`Page 3 of 92
`Page 3 of 92
`Request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 9,298,908
`Control No.
`Ladtke CEx. 1008)ccc ccc ee cee te sees seeneeecsetevteersneeenes 33
`Okereke CEx. 1006) cece cece cece eect census cteeeeteeeeaes 35
`Robmson (Ex. LOOT) ccc cece cece ces e tees eteseeeteseteieeetseteteseneees 36
`Scott (Ex. 1008) cece cere tene ete cnee srt eentteneteteesieeiees 37
`A POSITA Would Have Been Motivated to Combine the
`Teachings of the Ludtke, Okereke, and Robinson....................38
`A POSITA Would Have Been Motivated to Combine the
`Teachings of Ludtke, Scott, and Robinson... 38
`SNQ1: Ludtke in combmation with Ckereke Renders Claims
`1, 3-10, and 12-18 Obvious ooo csccecccceevecterneveveeesevenenveees AQ
`The Proposed Combination... ccccccecscccesssseesesseeenenes 40
`The Pror Art Discloses the Claim Limitations ..000.0... AQ
`A POSITA Would be Motivated to Combine
`Ludtke and Okereke o.oo cccccceccececccsscecsseecntseeeetees A2
`2. Nag Docc ccc scenes ee ceteeeeeeeeeeseneseseeseessestesestteeseeeseeeens 46
`{lal “A method comprising: persistently storing
`biometric data of a legitimate user and an ID code
`on an integrated device” occ cece cecetseeeenenees A6
`[1b] “responsive to receiving a request for
`biometric verification of a user, receiving, from a
`biometric sensor, scan data from a biometric scan
`performed by the biometric sensory? ooo. A9
`[lc] “comparing the scan data to the biometric data
`to determine whether the scan data matches the
`biometric datay? ee cceeecccenecceseeeeesseensnnaviess $2
`[id] responsive to a determination that the sean
`data matches the biometric data, wirelessly
`sending the [D code for comparison bya third-
`party trusted authority against one or more
`previously registered [ID codes maintained bythe
`third-party trusted authority; and...4
`Page 4 of 92
`Page 4 of 92
`Request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 9,298,908
`Control No.
`[lel “responsive to receiving an access message
`from the third-party trusted authority-indicating
`that the third-party trusted authority successfully
`authenticated the ID cade, allowing the userto
`complete a financial transactionsoe 58
`Claim 3: “The method of claim 1, wherein an indication
`that the biometric verification was successful 1s sent with
`the TD code? cc ccccccccccccevececcucuuveceesccusevecsevsesevecetaveceesecrervess 60
`Claim 4: “The method of claim 1, wherein the biometric
`data mcludes data from one or more of a fingerprint,
`palm print, a retinal scan, an ims scan, a hand geometry, a
`facial recognition, a signature recognition and a voice
`TECORTAMOT occ ccc ec cccecceceeeeesesueesveseeesseeeeseesateecssaeentseees 60
`Claim 5: “The method of claim 1, wherein the integrated
`device comprises one or more of a mobile phone, tablet,
`laptop, mp3 player, mobile gaming device, watch and a
`Key fbccc cece ececne ce ceneceeeeseeesrseeestieeeceieeeenaees 60
`Claim 6: “The method of claim 1, wherein completing
`the financial transaction includes accessing an
`APPLCateOPocc cece cccecsssecesseccesseessnseeseessesesssesesseeeseees 61
`Claim 7: “The method of claim 1, wherein completing
`the financial transaction includes accessing one or more
`of a casino machine, a keyless lock, an ATMmachine, a
`web site, a file and a financial account?’ oes 6]
`Claim 8: “The method of claim 1, further comprising:
`responsive to determining the action does not require
`biometric verification, receiving a request for the ID code
`without a request for biometric verification, and
`responsive to receiving the request for the ID code
`without a request for biometric verification, sending the
`ID code for authentication without requesting the scan
`GAA cece cee cece cece eeneeee ce seesececaeesseesesesessesesseeeetseeensesensees 62
`CNR ooo cceceecccecccccecuaceeeececececeuseusneeeseveceeeueeauettevereceeeeeen 63
`Page 5 of 92
`Page 5 of 92
`Request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 9,298,908
`Control No.
`[Sal “An integrated device comprising: a
`persistent storage mecha that persistently stores
`biometric data of a user and an ID codes? 6
`[9b] “a validation module, coupled to
`communicate with the persistent storage media,
`that receives scan data from a biometric scan for
`comparison against the biometric data, and that
`sends the ID code for comparison by a third-party
`irusted authority against one or more previously
`registered 1D codes maintained by the third-party
`trusted authority; an? occ cece cee ceenneeeeenes 63
`[9c] “a radio frequency communication module
`that receives an access message from the third-
`party trusted authority indicating that the third-
`party trusted authority successfully authenticated
`the ID code sent to the third-party trusted authority
`based on the comparison of the ID code and
`allowing the user to-——-complete a financial
`EPANSACTION LD ooo ccccccccccceccccuccceccecessveecerevsusteceuesseseceeaseases 6
`Claim 10: “The integrated device of claim 7, wherein the
`ID code is transmitted to the third-party trusted authority
`OVED &TOTWOTK occ ccceccccccceeccccecucueecececsenteteceuserseseueutteceenes 64
`Claim 12: “The integrated device of claim 7, wherein the
`imtegrated device comprises one or more of a mobile
`phone, tablet, laptop, mp3 player, mobile gaming device,
`watch, and a key fo ccc cece cc eceeeeeseeessteeneseeeeseeess 64
`Chain ES rio ccccccceccccccccsecccccceuseececeuserecceseustessaseussesecerevaneeesenaes 55
`[3a]. “A system, comprising: an integrated
`hardware device that persistently stores biometric
`data of a legitimate user and an ID code in the
`integrated hardware device, and that wirelessly
`sends the—[D code; an authentication circuit that
`receives the ED [sic- ID] code and sends the 1D
`code to a third-party trusted authority for
`authentication, and that receives an access message
`fromthe third-party trusted authority mdicating
`Page 6 of 92
`Page 6 of 92
`Request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 9,298,908
`Control No.
`that the third-party trusted authority successfully
`authenticated the ID code and allows the user to
`complete a financial transaction; and? oo. 65
` [13b]. “the third-party trusted authority operated
`bya third party, the third-partytrusted authority
`storing a list of legitimate codes and determining
`the authentication of the ID code received based on
`a comparison of the [D code received and the
`legitimate codes included imthe list of the
`legitimate COMES
`ccc ccc ccctecceteeeeeeteeeserssateentess 65
`Claim 14: “The system of claim 11 wherein the
`integrated hardware device receives an authentication
`request from the authentication circuit, and in response,
`requests a biometric scan from a user to generate scan
`data and, when the integrated hardware device cannot
`verify the scan data as being from the legitimate user, the
`integrated hardware device does not sendthe ID code.”.......... 66
`Claim 15: “The system of claim 11, wherein the
`mtegrated hardware device comprises one or more of a
`mobile phone, tablet, laptop, mp3 player, mobile gaming
`device, watch and a key fob)ccc ce cetcecneeeeeenes 68
`Claim 16: “The system of claim 11, wherem the
`biometric data includes data based on one or more ofa
`fingerprint, palm print, a retinal scan, an iris scan, a hand
`geometry, a facial recognition, a signature recogmition,
`ANd A VOICE FOCORDION ccc ccc cccceseceeeeceeneeeteeseseeenes 68
`Claim 17: “The system of claim I 1, wherein completing
`the financial transaction includes accessing one or more
`of a casino machine, keyless lock, an ATMmachine, a
`web site, a file and a financial account.”oe 68
`Claim 18: “The system of claim 11, wherein completing
`the financial transaction mcludes accessing an
`APPL CAtON ccc cece ceceeeeceeceseceeenseesrsassesteesenieeeeenes 68
`eh ~a}
`SNOQ 2: Ludtke in combination with Okereke and Robinson
`Renders Claims 2 and 11 OBVIOUS ooo ceeeeteeecceeveenteeeteees 68
`Page 7 of 92
`Page 7 of 92
`Request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 9,298,908
`Control No.
`The Proposed Combination... cece cece ceeeteceeneeeteenes 68
`The Prior Art Discloses the Claim Limitations ...000........ 68
`(b) A POSITA Would have been Motivated to
`Combine Robinson with Ludtke and Okereke .0000000.... 69
`Claim 2: “The method of claim 1, further comprising:
`registering an age verification for the user in association
`with the ID code ccc cccceccseesseseeseseesesetseesnseesneesetieeecies 70
`Claim It: “The integrated device of claim 7 [sic — 9],
`wherein an age verification is registered in association
`with the ID code... ccc cece cece cece sense eenseeeeseersseeenes 71
`SNQ 3: Ludtke in combination with Scott Renders Claims |, 3-
`10, and 13-18 OBVIOUS ooo.e ccc cececcescccececeeesevnnnteeeseveeeseeeenees 7A
`The Proposed Combination... ccccceceesseeesessseeeeeee 71
`The Prior Art Discloses the Claim Limitations ....0....0.... 71
`(b) A POSTTA Would be Motivated to Combine
`Ludtke and Scott 000i cccccccssescsscesseeesseeeneesssseenses 74
`CUALec cccccccsccesssecseesesssecssesecsesseeesessesseseseeesseeeseaeesseess 79
`[lal “A method comprising: persistently storing
`biometric data ofa legitimate user and an ID code
`on an integrated deviceocc cece cece eeeeneees 79
`[Tb] “responsive to receiving a request for
`biometric verification of a user, receiving, from a
`biometric sensor, scan data from a biometric scan
`performed by the biometric sensory?oe 8]
`[lc] “comparing the scan datato the biometric data
`to determine whether the scan data matches the
`biometric datacee cece cet eeetteeeneeenaee 82
`[Id] responsive to a determination that the scan
`data matches the biometric data, wirelessly
`sending the [D code for comparison by a third-
`partytrusted authority against one or more
`previously registered [D codes maintained bythe
`third-party trusted authority; and... 8&2
`Page 8 of 92
`Page 8 of 92
`Request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 9,298,908
`Control No.
`[lel “responsive to receiving an access message
`from the third-party trusted authority-mdicating
`that the third-party trusted authority successfully
`authenticated the ID code, allowing the user to
`complete a financial transactionsoe 82
`Claim 3: “The method of claim 1, wherein an indication
`that the biometric verification was successful 1s sent with
`the TD code? cc ccccccccccccevececcucuuveceesccusevecsevsesevecetaveceesecrervess 83
`Claim 4: “The method of claim 1, wherein the biometric
`data mcludes data from one or more of a fingerprint,
`palm print, a retinal scan, an ims scan, a hand geometry, a
`facial recognition, a signature recognition and a voice
`TECORTAMOT occ ccc ec cccecceceeeeesesueesveseeesseeeeseesateecssaeentseees 83
`Claim 5: “The method of claim 1, wherein the integrated
`device comprises one or more of a mobile phone, tablet,
`laptop, mp3 player, mobile gaming device, watch and a
`Key fbccc cece ececne ce ceneceeeeseeesrseeestieeeceieeeenaees 83
`Claim 6: “The method of claim 1, wherein completing
`the financial transaction includes accessing an
`APPLCateOPocc cece cccecsssecesseccesseessnseeseessesesssesesseeeseees 83
`Claim 7: “The method of claim 1, wherein completing
`the financial transaction includes accessing one or more
`of a casino machine, a keyless lock, an ATMmachine, a
`web site, a file and a financial account?’ oes 84
`Claim 8: “The method of claim 1, further comprising:
`responsive to determining the action does not require
`biometric verification, receiving a request for the ID code
`without a request for biometric verification, and
`responsive to receiving the request for the ID code
`without a request for biometric verification, sending the
`ID code for authentication without requesting the scan
`GAA cece cee cece cece eeneeee ce seesececaeesseesesesessesesseeeetseeensesensees 84
`CNR ooo cceceecccecccccecuaceeeececececeuseusneeeseveceeeueeauettevereceeeeeen 84
`Page 9 of 92
`Page 9 of 92
`Request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 9,298,908
`Control No.
`19a] “An integrated device comprising: a
`persistent storage mecha that persistently stores
`biometric data of a user and an ID codes? on. 84
`(9b] “a validation module, coupledto
`communicate with the persistent storage media,
`that recerves scan data from a biometric scan for
`comparison against the biometric data, and that
`sends the ID code for comparison by a third-party
`irusted authority against one or more previously
`registered 1D codes maintained by the third-party
`trusted authority; an? occ cece cee ceenneeeeenes 84
`(9c] “a radio frequency communication module
`that receives an access message from the third-
`party trusted authority indicating that the third-
`party trusted authority successfully authenticated
`the ID code sent to the third-party trusted authority
`based on the comparison of the ID code and
`allowing the user to-——-complete a financial
`EPATISACTION LD ccc ccccccteceeseeenseeeesseecseeessseesseeeesitenses 85
`Claim 10: “The integrated device of claim 7, wherein the
`ID code is transmitted to the third-party trusted authority
`OVED A MOTWOTK cece cee c cent eens teeteeteesttennsteeseey 85
`Claim 12: “The integrated device of claim 7, wherein the
`imtegrated device comprises one or more of a mobile
`phone, tablet, laptop, mp3 player, mobile gaming device,
`watch, and a key fo ccc cece cc eceeeeeseeessteeneseeeeseeess 85
`Chatin ES ro cccccccccecceeceteeenteenseseesesieeetseenssessesnieecneeeneenseen 86
`[3a]. “A system, comprising: an integrated
`hardware device that persistently stores biometric
`data of a legitimate user and an ID code in the
`integrated hardware device, and that wirelessly
`sends the—[D code; an authentication circuit that
`receives the ED [sic- ID] code and sends the 1D
`code to a third-party trusted authority for
`authentication, and that receives an access message
`fromthe third-party trusted authority mdicating
`Page 10 of 92
`Page 10 of 92
`Request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 9,298,908
`Control No.
`that the third-party trusted authority successfully
`authenticated the ID code and allows the user to
`complete a financial transaction; and? oe 86
`[3b]. “the third-party trusted authority operated
`bya third party, the third-partytrusted authority
`storing a list of legitimate codes and determining
`the authentication of the [D code received based on
`a comparison of the [D code received and the
`legitimate codes included imthe list of the
`legitimate COMES
`ccc ccc ccctecceteeeeeeteeeserssateentess 86
`Claim 14: “The system of claim 11 wherein the
`integrated hardware device receives an authentication
`request from the authentication circuit, and in response,
`requests a biometric scan from a user to generate scan
`data and, when the integrated hardware device cannot
`verify the scan data as being from the legitimate user, the
`integrated hardware device does not send the ID code.”’.......... 87
`Claim 15: “The system of claim 11, wherein the
`mtegrated hardware device comprises one or more of a
`mobile phone, tablet, laptop, mp3 player, mobile gaming
`device, watch and a key fob)ccc ce cetcecneeeeeenes 87
`Claim 16: “The system of claim 11, wherem the
`biometric data inchides data based on one or more ofa
`fingerprint, palm print, a retinal scan, an iris scan, a hand
`geometry, a facial recognition, a signature recogmition,
`ANd A VOICE FOCORDION ccc ccc cccceseceeeeceeneeeteeseseeenes 87
`Claim 17: “The system of claim I 1, wherein completing
`the financial transaction includes accessing one or more
`of a casino machine, keyless lock, an ATM machine, a
`website, a file and a financial account.”oe 88
`Claim 18: “The system of claim 11, wherein completing
`the financial transaction includes accessing an
`APPL CAtON ccc cece ceceeeeceeceseceeenseesrsassesteesenieeeeenes &&
`eh ~a}
`SNOQ4: Ludtke in combination with Scott and Robinson
`Renders Claims 2 and 11 OBVIOUS ooo ceceetecceceeeretteeteeeens &&
`Page 11 of 92
`Page 11 of 92
`Request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 9,298,908
`Control No.
`The proposed combination... 0000 ccc cece cece cecetceeeeseeeens &&
`The Prior Art Discloses the Claim Limitations ...000........ 88
`(b) A POSITA Would have been Motivated to
`Combine Robinson with Ludtke and Scott... 89
`Claim 2: “The method of claim |, further comprising:
`registering an age verification for the user in association
`with the device ID code. oo. ccccccccecseceesesetseeseseesnreetneeecies 90
`Claim IL: “The integrated device of claim 7 [sic — 9],
`wherein an age verification is registered in association
`with the device ED code. ooo cicceceececcccceccecaceteteveeteeeenevees 91
`REAL PARTIES OF INTEREST ooo coccccccccccccccececcuesecusresseeveeneeseuans 9]
`MUL CONCLUSION oooooccccccccccccccccccccccccccceccccevcecceceeceseecevensceceecescesecceteceetceneeteres 91
`Page 12 of 92
`Page 12 of 92
`Request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 9,298,908
`Control No.
`(1) Certificate of Service to Patent Owner
`(2) Ex, JOU] Form PTO/SB/08a (information Disclosure Statement)
`The ’905 patent, Declaration, and Prosecution History
`Ex. 1001
`Ex. 1002
`Ex, 1003
`Ex, 1004
`US. Patent No. 9,298,905 (7905 patent”)
`File History of the °905 patent
`Expert Declaration of Dr. Benjamin Goldberg
`CVof Dr. Benjamin Goldberg
`Prior Art
`Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1006
`Ex. 1007
`Ex. 1008
`U.S. Patent No. 7,188,110 CLudtke”)
`U.S. Patent Publication No. 2003/0196084 (Okereke”)
`U.S. Patent Publication No. 2003/0177102 CRobinson”)
`International Publication Number WO 99/56429 (“Scott”)
`Ex. 1009
`Ex. 1010
`Ex. 1011
`Ex. 1012
`Ex. 1013
`Ex. 1014
`Ex. LOS
`Decision Denying Institution of /nter Partes Review, Paper No.
`12, TPR2021-01447 (February 28, 2022)
`Claim Construction Order in Proxense, LEP v. Samsung
`Electronics Co., Lid, Case No. 6:21-CV-00210 (WD. Tex.)
`Dkt. 43.
`Form PTO/SB/08a Cinformation Disclosure Statement)
`Introduction to Public Rey Technology
`Security Issues for Contactless Smart Cards
`Smart Card Alhance Web Site
`Smart Card Alliance Contactless Payment and the Retail Potnt
`of Sale
`Page 13 of 92
`Page 13 of 92
`Request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 9,298,908
`Control No.
`A method comprising: persistently stormg biometric data of a
`legitimate user and an ID code on an integrated device;
`responsive to recetving a requestfor a biometric verification of
`a user, receiving, from a biometric sensor, scan data from a
`biometric scan performed by the biometric sensor;
`comparing the scan data to the biometric data to determine
`whether the scan data matches the biometric data;
`biometric verification was successful is sent with the [D code.
`responsive to a determination that the scan data matches the
`biometric data, wirelessly sending the [D code for comparison
`bya third-party trusted authority against one or more previously
`registered [D codes maintained bythe third-partytrusted
`authority; and
`responsive to recetving an access message from the third-party
`trusted authority-indicating that the third-party trusted authority
`successfully authenticated the [D code, allowing the user to
`complete a financial transaction.
`The method of claim |, further comprising:
`registering an age verification for the user in association with
`the ID code.
`3. The methodof claim 1, wherein an indication that the
`Page 14 of 92
`Page 14 of 92
`Request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 9,298,908
`Control No.
`4 The method of claim 1, wherein the biometric data includes
`data from one or more of a fingerprint, palm print, a retinal
`scan, an iris scan, a hand geometry, a facial recognition, a
`signature recognition and a voice recognition.
`The method of claim 1, wherein the integrated device comprises
`one or more of a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, mp3 player,
`mobile gaming device, watch and a keyfob.
`authentication without requesting the scan data.
`The method of claim 1, further comprising:
`responsive to determining the action does not require biometric
`verification, receiving a request for the ID code without a
`request for biometric verification, and
`The method of claim 1, wherein completing the financial
`transaction includes accessing an application.
`The method of claim 1, wherein completing the financial
`transaction includes accessing one or more ofa casino machine,
`a keyless lock, anATM machine, a web site, a file anda
`financial account.
`responsive to receiving the request for the [D code without a
`request for biometric verification, sending the [D code for
`Page 15 of 92
`Page 15 of 92
`Request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 9,298,908
`Control No.
`An mtegrated device comprising:
`a persistent storage media that persistently stores biometric data
`of a user and an ID code;
`a validation module, coupled to communicate with the
`persistent storage media, that receives scan data from a
`biometric scan for comparison against the biometric data, and
`that sends the ID code for comparison bya third-party trusted
`authority against one or more previously registered ID codes
`maintained by the third-party trusted authority; and
`player, mobile gaming device, watch and a keyfob.
`a radio frequency communication module that receives an
`access message from the third-party trusted authority indicating
`that the third-party trusted authority successfully authenticated
`the ID code sent to the third-partytrusted authority based on the
`comparison of the ID code and allowing the user to—complete
`a financial transaction.
`The integrated device of claim 7, wherein the ID codeis
`transmitted to the third-party trusted authority over a network.
`The integrated device of claim 7, wherein an age verification is
`registered in association with the ID code.
`The integrated device of claim 7, wherein the integrated device
`comprises one or more of a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, mp3
`Page 16 of 92
`Page 16 of 92
`Request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 9,298,908
`Control No.
`the third-party trusted authority operated by athird party, the
`third-party trusted authority storing a list of legitimate codes
`and determining the authentication of the [ID code received
`based on a comparison ofthe ID code receivedand the
`legitimate codes included tn the list of the legitimate codes.
`The system of claim 11 wherein the integrated hardware device
`receives an authentication request fromthe authentication
`circuit, and in response, requests a biometric scan from auser to
`generate scan data and, when the integrated hardware device
`cannot verify the scan data as bemeg from the legitimate user,
`the integrated hardware device does not send the ID code.
`The system of clam 11, wherein the integrated hardware device
`comprises one or more of a mobile phone,tablet, laptop, mp3
`player, mobile gaming device, watch and a key fob.
`A system, comprising:
`an integrated hardware device that persistently stores biometric
`data of a legitimate user and an [D codein the integrated
`hardware device, and that wirelessly sends the-—-ID code; an
`authentication circuit that recetves the ED code andsends the
`[ID code to a third-party trusted authority for authentication, and
`that receives an access message from the third-partytrusted
`authority indicating that the third-party trusted authority
`successfully authenticated the ID code and allows the userto
`complete a financial transaction; and
`data based on one or more of a fingerprint, palm print, a retinal
`The system of claim 11, whereimthe biometric data mcludes
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`Request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 9,298,908
`Control No.
`scan, anirts scan, a hand geometry, a facial recognition, a
`signature recognition and a voice recognition.
`transaction includes accessing an application.
`The system of claim 11, wherein completing the financial
`transaction inchides accessing one or more of a casino machine,
`a keyless lock, an ATM machine, a web site, a file anda
`financial account.
`The system of claim 11, wherein completing the financial
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`Request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 9,298,908
`Control No.
`The challenged claims are directed to conventional technology to prevent
`unauthorized use of a wireless device by verifying both biometric information and
`the device itself. None of the concepts in the “905 patent were new whenthe patent
`was filed; they are clearly disclosed in prior art references that together disclose each
`and every element of the challenged claims. Moreover, all of the concepts im the
`patents were used for various different applications for years before the °905 patent
`was filed. Nevertheless, Patent Owner has launched a lawsuit against Samsung,
`alleging infringement of technology far newer and more innovative than the
`technology described in the challenged claims.
`The lawsutt against Samsung involves five patents, all relating to similar
`technology. After the lawsuit against Samsung was filed, Samsung filed [PRs
`againstall five asserted patents. Two of the [PRs were tnstituted (against US Patent
`Nos. 9,049,188 and 9,235,700) and are currently pending. The Board denied
`institution, however, on the “905 patent and two additional related family members:
`ULS. Patent Nos. 8,352,730 and 10,698,989.
`In the decisions not to institute the
`IPRs, the Board found merit im the Patent Qwner’s argument Qvhich Samsung did
`not foresee, as it contradicted Patent Owner's claim construction arguments in
`litigation) that the prior art did not disclose a “third party trusted authority.” The
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`Request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 9,298,908
`Control No.
`present petition addresses Patent Owner’s newargument with different priorart, and
`therefore presents substantial new questions of patentability.
`This Request presents several substantial new questions of patentability. All
`four SNQs rely primarily on a newreference (Ludtke) that was cited neither during
`prosecution of either the “905 patent or anyof its parents nor in the prior IPR petition
`regarding the “905 patent. Specifically, SNO | relies on a combination of Ludtke
`and Okereke, neither of which was presented in the IPR. SNO 2 relies on a third
`reference for a single limitation found in a handful of dependent claims. SNQs 3
`and 4 rely on a combination of Ludtke and Scott, and while the Scott reference was
`presented in the IPR, it 1s cited here only as a secondary reference. Like SNQ 2,
`SNOQ 4 relies on a third reference for a single limitation in a number of dependent
`claims. Respectfully,
`these combinations present substantial new questions of
`patentability that have not been considered by either the PTO or the PTAB.
`C.F.R. § S10
`This request for ex parte reexamimation of the “905 patent satisfies each
`requirement of 37 CER. § 1.510.
`Payment of Fees ~37 C.F.R. § 1.510(a)
`Requestor authorizes the Patent and Trademark Office to charge Deposit
`Account No. DA505708 forthe fees set in 37 C.P_R. § 1.20(c)(1) for reexamination.
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`Request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 9,298,908
`Control No.
`Statement Pointing Out Each Substantial New Question of
`Patentability Based on Prior Art Patents and Printed
`Publications ~ 37 C.FLR. § L310)
`A detailed discussion of pertinent new teachings in the prior art references
`that present substantial newquestions of patentability is provided mSection [X.
`Identification of every claim for which reexaminationis
`requested, and a detailed explanation of the perfinency and
`manner of applying the cited prior art ~ 37 CLELR. § 1.5100@)C)
`Samsung respectfully requests reexamination of claims 1-18 of the “905
`patent based on the following proposed rejections:
`SNOQ 1: Ludtke in combination with Okereke renders obvious claims 1, 3-10,
`and 12-18 under 35 U.S.C. 88 102 (a) and (e) and 35 US.C. 8 103;
`SNOQ 2: Ludtke m combination with Okereke and Robinson renders obvious
`claums 2 and fi under 35 U.S.C. $§ 102 (a) and (e) and 35 ULS.C. 8 103;
`SNQ 3: Ludtke in combination with Scott renders obvious claims 1, 3-10,
`and 12-18 under 35 U.S.C. §§ 102 (b) and (e) and 35 USC, § 103; and
`SNOQ 4: Ludtke in combination with Scott and Robinson renders obvious
`clauns 2 and Li under 35 U.S.C. §§ 102(a), (b), and (e) and 35 U.S.C. 8 103.
`A detailed explanation of the pertinence and manner of applying the cited
`prior art to claims [-18 of the °905 patent is provided in Section X.
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`Request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 9,298,908
`Control No.
`Copies of the Cited Prior Art Presented- 37 C.F_LR. § LS10(b)3)
`A copy of every patent or printed publication relied upon as a basis of