`attachment ~>»
`[uh-tach-muh nt]
`Word of the Day
`oo Difficulty index for attach-
`Most English speakers l11 .. ely know this
`Word Value for attach-
`17 19
`Words With
`Related Words
`attachment disorder
`attachment parenting
`attachment theory
`Nearby words for
`au ache caSf!
`attached gmglva
`attachment disorder
`attachment ot earnings
`attachment partnting
`attachment theory
`attachment unit interface
`Examples Word Origin
`an act of attachmg or the state of bemg attached.
`a feelmg that bmds one to a person, thing, cause, ideal, or the like;
`devotion; regard:
`a fond attachinent to h
`of peace.
`:ousm, a profound attdchment ro th1 cause
`3. Psychology.
`a. an emotional bond between an mfant or toddler and primary
`caregiver, a strong bond bemg vital for the child's normal
`behav10ral and social development.
`b. an endunng emotional bond that develops between one adult and
`another m an mtImate relationship:
`ron1ant1c attacfim,•nt
`See also attachment disorder, attachment theory.
`something that attaches; a fastenmg or tie:
`t h""
`it• of a hame-c
`t ile attacfiments of a pair of skis.
`5. an add1t1ona! or supplementary dev1C@:
`attacfiment5 for a, electr,c dnll.
`I aw ~ inire of property or person by legal authonty, especmlly
`seizure of a defendant's property to prevent its d1ss1pat1on before tnal
`or to acqu1re Junsd1ct1on over It .
`7. somelhmg attached, as a document added to a letter.
`Origin of attachment
`• late Middle Enghsh
`1400- 50; late Middle English attachement seizure< Anglo-French . See
`attach, -ment
`Related forms
`nonattachment, noun
`overattachment, noun
`preanachment, noun
`r eattachment, noun
`self attachment, noun
`2. love, devotedness. 4. Junction, connection. S. See add1t1on.
`6ased on the IYndom House Oktionarv, C Random House
`Cit• This Sourc•
`Examples from the Web for attachment
`Contemporary Examples
`Open the attachment and express a w1lhngness to receive a second photo
`·and how many teenage guys wouldn't?
`p;:m LHvt '5t)(ttrs' Alon• 1
`L1!W conor Friedtrsdorl
`DKIIITlber 18, 2009
`Sears's followers call this progres51on ·attachment parenting• and It seems
`to have something to do with attacfiment.
`Dyson EX-2008
`Page 1 of 2
`11me Maoaz1ne ',.OVff: wnat ADOut t.nt '-.n11a~
`IJWI Of. Mona Ackmnan
`May 11, 2012
`When that attachment Is opened, the troJan Is unleashed, giving the
`adversary control of the unlucky computer, Raff said.
`lffiII IS-Year-Old E9yl)tlan Cyb.r Activist Takes on lsrHI
`Eli Lake
`November 20, 2012
`British Dictionary definitions for attachment
`/ a tiet/mant/
`a means of sccunng; a fastcmng
`( often foll by to) affection or regard (for); devotion (to): attachment
`to a person or co a cause
`3. an obJect to be attached, esp a supplementary part: an attachment
`for an el«:tr1c dflll
`COllnt t noll!.h DktiOnarv comllletu & UNbrl~ 2012 D6gllal I:
`Cl Wi111Jrt1 Cotllns Sons e. C
`td l9/9, 1986 C H,11per-COl1ins
`Put,61 hffl l9'M, 2000. 2003 2 5 2006, lOOl 2009 2012
`Cite This Source
`Word Origin and History for attachment
`c.1400, •arrest of a person on 1ud1c1al warrant~ (mid 13c. in Anglo-Latin),
`from r rench attachement, from attacher (see attach). Apphcat1on to
`property (including, later, wages) dates from 1590s; meantng ·sympathy,
`devotion· Is recorded from 1704 ; that of "something that ,s attached to
`someth,ng else· dates from 1797 and has become perhaps the most
`common use since the rise or e-mail.
`Onlln• r r.,.molog ~
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`Dyson EX-2008
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