`oo Difficulty index for
`Most English speakers likely know this
`Word Value for appliance
`15 20
`Words With
`Related Words
`hot plate
`appliance garage
`Nearby words for appliance
`appleton layer
`appliance oar11ge
`definitions v ae,pllan
`appliance "n»
`[uh-plahy-uh ns]
`Examples Word Origin
`1. an instrument, apparatus, or device for a particular purpose or use.
`2. a piece of eqmpment, usually operated electncally, especially for use
`m the home or for performance of domestic chores, as a refrigerator,
`washing machine, or toaster.
`the act of applymg; appllcauon.
`4. Archaic. a measure; stratagem .
`5. Obsofete. compliance.
`verb (used with object), applianced, appliancing.
`to equip with appliances :
`a fully appl,anced kitchen.
`Origin of appliance
`1555-65; apply+ ance
`Related forms
`r eappliance, noun
`Oktion~ry.tom Unabridged
`ea~ on the ltmdom House >ktionary, c, Random House, Inc.. 2016
`Cite TI!ls Source
`Examples from the Web for appliance
`Contemporary Examples
`It kmd of looks like an appliance you would legitimately have in your
`J!:13 Easy•8a ke Oven Mans Up: Hasbro to Manufacture Boy-Ffiendlv Design
`l1LW] Abigall Pest.i
`Dec:embff 17, 2012
`The ammal rescue umt was stood down before ll reached Bucklebury and
`the appliance returned home.
`~ Orima As Kate's Other ~by Gets Its Head Stuck In Gates
`uw TomSykes
`July 18,201]
`So whac, exactly, had happened, how did Proofpomt figure 1t out, and what
`should appliance owners around the world do now?
`~ Your Refrigef".itor ls Vulnerable to a Cvberat~k
`WJI Kevin EPSteln
`January 22, 201 ◄
`Hlstorfcal Examples
`Every appliance of resusc1tauon known to science was brought mto use,
`but 1n vam.
`The ordeal
`Charles Egben O'addock
`So does every tool, apphance, and machine we use, and so do all the
`people with whom we interact.
`The ClvillUbon ol 111,teracy
`This part of the app/,ance he cames, knapsack fashion, upon his back.
`Marvels of ScllfltJflc Invention
`No horses, after this app/,ance, were afflicted with SOf'e backs.
`The Pralne Tr11veler
`Randolph Marcy
`Now that you know the wattage of the appliance, multiply this figure by
`number of hours the eqmpment operates m one day.
`EIKtntllV lot the 4-H SClet!b~t
`The appliance fDf' lifting the bucket was of the most pnm1t1ve type.
`Owellen In the H•h
`MltvilleOavislOfl Post
`The apphance 1s easily put together, and as easily taken apart.
`Dyson EX-2003
`Page 1 of 2
`J.C. F. Johnson
`British Dictionary definitions for appliance
`/;, pla1ans/
`l. a machme or devtee, esp an electncal one used domestically
`2. any piece of equipment having a spec1f1c function
`3. a device fitted to a machme or toot to adapt It for a spec1r1c purpose
`4. another name for a fire engme
`olinsfngft!.h C
`'" & un.abridQed 2012 Digit.al Edition
`rv c
`t 1419 1916 C H,u-perCollin1
`., ...u
`C WIiii.an Col1in
`Put,tlshan 1991 iooo 7003 2005 2006, 2007 2009 2012
`Cit• This Sourca
`Word Origin and History for appliance
`1560s, "action of putting into use/ from apply + -ance. Meaning
`"instrument, thing applied for a purpose" ,s from 1590s.
`I :,,on 1 .,iy C
`On ,
`Ute This Source
`ary, C 1010 [)(ugl.1 H p
`appliance in Medicine
`appliance ap·ph·ance (a- pli'ans)
`A dental or surgical device designed to perform a therapeutic or corrective
`, ffl HertbQe$ Stf'dm~ s Hadlc,.1 06r'ionary
`It, Ar'
`Sbytl ohtonHtfllnC1 Pl"'f' PublllhedbrHoughtonMlfflln
`2 2001
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`Dyson EX-2003
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