`handheld <1>»
`or hand-held
`Examples Word Origin
`1. held in the hand or hands:
`a handheld Corel
`Word of the Day
`small enough to be used or operated while bemg held m the hand or
`a handheld hdlf dn1=
`somethmg small enough to be used or operated while held m the
`hand or hands:
`She traded ,n her bulky old movie camera for a handhefd.
`oo Difficulty index for
`hand held
`Origin of handheld
`few English speakers hkelv know this
`Word Value for handheld
`Words With
`Related Words
`hand bell
`Nearby words for handheld
`hand held
`handheld computer
`handicap register
`Dictionary.com U1t.1hridQed
`6ned on the lbndom HOUH )ictiom,ry, C bndl)fn Hou,e
`Cit• This Sourct
`'IC- 2016
`Examples from the Web for handheld
`Contemporary Examples
`There, v IsItors got a handheld audio guide 1dent1eal to ones given out at
`~ Th1ArtdFrltndihio
`U!W Aluandr.11 Peer,
`November 18, 2009
`The Jomt venture entails Corgemx mIg111tmg the rapid d1agnost1c tests into
`a handheld device designed bv Nanom,x.
`ll:l:tli Thil Ntw Ebo', Ttst II A.I Easy A.I ii PJ19n111<Y Tnt, SO Why Ar1n't WI Usi11g IP
`1.1!.W Abby H1gl1g1
`Octobef 2, 201 ..
`More boos, and some emphatic waving of handheld American flags.
`~ Thi Craztflt Tow11 Hall Evw
`1.1!.W Maurun o·connor
`temblr 2S, 2009
`~I stopped and veiled on mv handheld radio for help," the affidavit reports.
`Jr:m Thi Muslim Convert Behind Amenu·s First WOl'~pliKI eene1<11 ,g
`WlJ r11uiu1 Daly
`~tember 26, 201"
`We shot 1t on a handheld consumer camera, the kmd that anyone can buy
`In the store.
`~ St.raighl to Video
`LW1J bchel Syme
`October 26, 2008
`Hlstorlcat Examples
`The spinning wheel came into existence to replace the handheld spindle.
`011r L1gll ~IIOI, Sth Ed.
`S. A, Rellly
`There were drapery rugs hung around beds, handheld mirrors of glass,
`and salt cellars.
`011r Ltgal HlrililOI, Sth Ed.
`S. A. Reilly
`The lavout or several tables was ad1usted to accommodate d1splav on
`ebook readers and handheld devices.
`Th1 wort,;-, of Fr,1nd, MilrflJnd 8.ilfoor. Vo111mt Ill (of 4)
`Fr1ncl1 Hi1\d,1111d Balfour
`In add1t100, for handheld devices, gesperrt w1th1n the text was replaced
`with bold font
`Thi worl<s d Fr,1nc~ Mo11t1and S.lloor. V01um1 II (of"
`Francis Haldo1nd Balfou,
`Subscnpted and superscripted characters do not alwavs d,splav correctlv
`on handheld devices
`The Propag1ndol for Reform 111 PrOl)ritUry Medicines, VOi. 2 of 2
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