`A Single-Chip 900 MHz CMOS Receiver Front-End
`with a High Performance Low-IF Topology
`Jan Crols, Student Member, IEEE, and Michel S . J. Steyaert, Senior Member, IEEE
`Abstract- An analog receiver front-end chip realized in a
`0.7 pm CMOS technology is presented. It uses a new, high
`performance, downconverter topology, called double quadrature
`downconverter, that achieves a phase accuracy of less than
`0.3" in a large passband around 900 MHz, without requiring
`any external component or any tuning or trimming. A high
`performance low-IF receiver topology is developed with this
`double quadrature downconverter. The proposed low-IF receiver
`combines the advantages of both the classical IF receiver and
`the zero-IF receiver: an excellent performance and a very high
`degree of integration. In this way, it becomes possible to realize
`a true fully integrated receiver front-end that does not require a
`single external component and which is, different from the zero-
`IF receiver, nonetheless totally insensitive to parasitic baseband
`signals and self-mixing products.
`N THE LAST few years, the world of wireless communi-
`I cations has been changing very rapidly [l]. One aspect of
`this evolution is the ever increasing level of integration of the
`transceivers, driven by the need for both a better portability and
`a lower cost prize. The consequence of this evolution is that the
`zero-IF downconversion topology is used more and more in
`receivers for mobile wireless telecommunications applications
`[2], [3]. The zero-IF receiver can be implemented with a much
`higher degree of integration than the conventional IF (hetero-
`dyne) receiver. This has made the zero-IF downconverter the
`preferred topology in the research towards the fully integrated
`single-chip transceiver.
`However, the zero-IF topology has two, well known, major
`drawbacks that makes achieving an acceptable performance
`with it very hard [4], [5]. Firstly, its baseband configuration
`makes the zero-IF topology highly sensitive to parasitic base-
`band signals like dc offset voltages and self-mixing products
`caused by crosstalk between the RF and the LO signals.
`The second source of performance reduction is inherent to
`any analog integrated multipath topology. Excellent matching
`between the different downconversion paths is required but
`limited in analog implementations. The effects of mismatch,
`i.e., phase and amplitude errors, degrade the signal quality
`because they result in a reduced mirror signal suppression.
`The use of multipath topologies is nowadays in analog appli-
`cations still very limited. In digital and software applications,
`Manuscript received May 17, 1995; revised August 7, 1995.
`The authors are with the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, ESAT-MICAS.
`B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium.
`IEEE Log Number 9415821.
`matching is always perfect, and multipath topologies are used
`widely. In these applications, two parallel signals are regarded
`as one complex signal on which different complex signal
`processing steps are performed. In this paper, it is shown how
`the complex signal method can be extended to the world of
`analog systems with its inherent imperfect matching between
`parallel processing paths. It is demonstrated in this paper that
`many more analog multipath signal operations, other than the
`classical quadrature downconversion and low-pass filtering,
`are possible. The complex signal method is used to get a clear
`insight in both the wanted complex signal operation and the
`unwanted operations caused by mismatch. With these analog
`complex signal operators and the complex signal analysis
`method for analog systems, many new receiver topologies can
`be synthesized. This paper discusses the different possibilities
`and selects one topology, named the low-IF receiver topology,
`as the most preferable.
`The low-IF receiver is, like the zero-IF receiver, also a
`multipath topology that can be implemented in a highly
`integrated way. It uses an IF of a few hundred kHz and is
`therefore not sensitive to parasitic baseband signals like dc
`offset voltages and self-mixing products. In this way, the low-
`IF receiver combines the advantages of both the IF and the
`zero-IF receiver. It can have a high performance and a high
`degree of integration at the same time. The main drawback of
`the low-IF receivers is that they are more sensitive to a good
`mirror signal suppression, because, in opposition to the zero-IF
`receiver, here the mirror signal can be larger than the wanted
`signal. With the complex signal method, it is demonstrated
`that the phase error of the quadrature downconverter is the
`main limitation for the mirror signal suppression. A typical
`quadrature downconverter with a phase error of 3' [6], results
`in a maximal mirror signal suppression of 26 dB. Therefore,
`this paper presents a newly developed fully integrated CMOS
`quadrature downconverter with a phase accuracy of 0.3", a key
`building block for high quality low-IF receivers. Its topology
`is synthesized with the complex signal method and analog
`complex signal operators, and it is shown how this quadrature
`downconverter in combination with an LNA and a synthesizer
`can form the complete and fully integrated analog low-IF
`receiver front-end.
`The quadrature downconverter that is presented here is in
`many ways different from the conventional realizations [6].
`The conventional realizations use an RC-CR network for
`the quadrature generation of the LO signal and two Gilbert
`multipliers for the downconversion. The generation of the
`0018-9200/95$04.00 0 1995 IEEE
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`Any frequency component of a signal can be written as a
`sum of a positive (ef3w) and a negative (e-j") signal
`A(w) . [cos(wt + cp(w)) + J . sin(wt + p(w))]
`. e 3 v ( w ) . e3w
`= ~ ( w )
`A ( w ) . [cos(wt + p(w)) - j . sin(& + cp(w))]
`. e - ~ v ( w ) . e-3".
`= ~ ( w )
`quadrature signal is based on the 90" phase-difference between
`a pole and zero with the same cutoff frequency. Due to its
`asymmetric structure is the phase accuracy of an RC-CR
`quadrature generator typically about 3". Only with tuning and
`trimming can its phase error be made lower than 1" 171. Here,
`sequence assymmetric polyphase filters are used for a high
`quality broad-band quadrature generation. Both the F E and the
`LO input signals are put in quadrature and mixed down with
`four CMOS downconversion multipliers of which the output
`signals are combined two by two. This new topology is called
`the double quadrature downconverter. In order to obtain an
`overall phase error of 0.3", each quadrature generator of the
`double quadrature downconverter requires only a phase-error
`of 4", resulting in no need for matching, tuning, or trimming.
`The presented quadrature downconverter is realized in a
`0.7 bm CMOS process, and it does not require any external
`component. The realization in CMOS has been chosen to
`prove the abilities of submicron CMOS for the integration
`of high performance 'RF circuitry. The trend to a full and
`low cost integration of the complete wireless system on a
`single chip, including both the analog and the digital part,
`will make CMOS a key technology for advanced RF circuitry
`In the second part of this paper, the complex signal method
`for the analysis of analog multipath signal processing archi-
`tectures is introduced. With this technique, the low-IF receiver
`is synthesized and analyzed, and the qualities of this receiver
`architecture towards a high degree of integration and a high
`performance are demonstrated in Section 111. Section IV deals
`with the design and implementation of the double quadrature
`downconverter. The results of the realized quadrature down-
`converter are given in Section V. The downconverter has
`single-ended RF and LO inputs, it delivers fully differential
`I - and &-signals at its output with an amplitude error smaller
`than 0.5 dB and a phase error smaller than 0.3" in a passband
`from 500-900 MHz. Its noise figure is 24 dB for a 12 dBm
`LO signal, and its third-order interception point (IP3) is more
`than 27 dBm. Its input bandwidth is as high as 900 MHz, and
`its output bandwidth is 3 MHz.
`The analysis of multipath systems is greatly simplified
`when at each point the set of parallel signals is treated as
`one signal vector. This is perfectly possible for any set of
`independent signals. By transforming these signal vectors to
`a new vectorspace, a new set of independent signals can be
`defined. These new signal sets give, when properly chosen,
`a clear insight in their frequency information, and special
`frequency operations can be defined on them.
`A two-dimensional signal vector (i.e., a set of two inde-
`pendent signals, e.g., an I, Q-signal) can be represented as a
`complex signal
`Equations (1) and (3) show that a signal vector can be made
`that has only a positive or a negative frequency component.
`In a more general way, it can be said that the positive
`and negative frequency information content of a complex
`signal vector can be completely independent. It becomes thus
`important to always represent a complex signal vector with its
`positive and negative frequency information.
`The possibility of creating a signal, albeit a complex signal
`pair, which has only a positive frequency content gives many
`design opportunities because the main problem in receiver
`design is the fact that the multiplication in a downconverter
`with a sinus is a multiplication with both a positive and a
`negative frequency. This is the well known problem of the
`mirror frequency. This problem is nowadays solved by using
`either an external high IF and an external high frequency high-
`Q mirror signal suppression filter (IF receiver) or by using
`no IF (zero-IF receiver). If there would exist a multiplying
`operation defined on complex signal pairs that would preserve
`the convolution laws, there would be a third method: a
`downconversion to an IF frequency by multiplication with only
`a positive frequency, resulting in no downconversion of the
`unwanted mirror signal frequency, no need for a high IF, and
`no need for an external high Q HF filter. Such a multiplication
`€or complex signal pairs is given by the complex multiplication
`4 t > =?At) .4t) = ( y r ( t ) + j Y Z ( t ) )
`' ( Z T ( t ) + P Z (
`= (YT(t) . Z r ( t ) - Y Z ( t ) . G ( t ) )
`. G ( t ) + Y z ( 4 . X : T ( t ) )
`Z ( P ) = Y ( j w ) 8 X ( j w )
`= ( y r ( j w ) + jK(&J)) 8 ( X T ( j W ) + J X , ( J W ) )
`= ( Y , ( J W ) @ X r ( j w ) - y z ( j w ) 0 X % ( W ) )
`+J(Y,(PJ) 63 K ( P ) + y z ( j w ) 0 X r ( j w ) ) . (5)
`Fig. 1 gives the block diagram realization of (4) and (5).
`It reduces to the classical quadrature multiplier when only a
`single signal has to multiplied with a complex signal pair.
`The problem with an actual analog integrated implementation
`of this block diagram is that (4) and (5) only hold when the
`conversion gains of the four mixers are perfectly matched.
`Perfect matching does not exist in analog circuits, and the
`higher the operating frequencies, the more difficult the match-
`ing becomes. A mismatch between the four conversion gains
`can be split up as a mismatch between the gains in the different
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`G+AG, -4
`Fig. 1. Mixer topology for the multiplication of two complex signal pairs.
`Fig. 3. Equivalent scheme for gain mismatch between two parallel signal
`processing paths.
`situated at the positive IF
`eJwct = cos(w,t) + j . sin(w,t) 4 sin(w,t) + j . cos(w,t)
`- - j . e--3wct
`e-Jwct = cos(w,t) - j . sin(w,t) + sin(w,t) - j . cos(w,t)
`- - j .
`The result of a phase error between two parallel signal paths
`is also an unwanted mirroring of signals to their opposite
`frequencies. Equation (7) gives the effect of a phase error on
`a positive frequency component
`eJwct = cos(w,t) + j . sin(w,t) ---f cos(w,t + Acp)
`+ j . sin(w,t - Acp)
`= cos(Acp) . (eJwct - j . tan(Acp) . e--jwct).
`Apart from the wanted positive frequency, the total transfer
`function generates again also a negative and unwanted fre-
`quency component. The ratio between the unwanted and the
`wanted signal is tan(@), which can be taken equal to A p
`for small values of Ay. This means that a phase error of 1'
`results in a -35 dB crosstalk between positive and negative
`Phase errors are not so important as amplitude errors in
`the complex mixer structure of Fig. 2 as long as its operating
`frequency is lower than its bandwidth. Phase errors are more
`dominant in filter operations performed on complex signal
`pairs. There are basically three different filter operations that
`can be performed on complex signal pairs. The first one is
`given in Fig. 4. Putting the same filter in the two parallel paths
`gives the filter transfer function for both the positive and neg-
`ative frequencies. Amplitude and phase differences between
`the two transfer functions will cause frequency crosstalk.
`Conversion gain mismatch in the complex signal multiplier and its
`Fig. 2.
`equivalent scheme.
`signal paths. These mismatches have been added in Fig. 1 as
`AG,. The equivalent scheme is shown in Fig. 2.
`A gain mismatch between two parallel signal paths is
`equivalent with a crosstalk between positive and negative
`frequencies. Fig. 3 shows this: the gain mismatch can be
`rewritten as the sum of two parallel signal operations, the
`wanted perfectly matched gain operation, and a gain operation
`as large as the mismatch combined with a frequency mirror
`operation (positive frequency components become negative
`frequencies and vice-versa, as proven in (6)). The crosstalk is
`thus equal to AA/A. An amplitude error of 1% gives a -40 dB
`crosstalk between the positive and negative frequencies. For
`the complex mixer of Fig. 2, this results in an imperfect mirror
`signal suppression. The equivalent gain mismatch in the LO
`signal path makes the multiplication with a pure single positive
`frequency impossible. There is always also the multiplication
`with a small negative frequency component. Gain mismatch
`in the LF path results also in a crosstalk of the unwanted
`mirror signal, situated at the negative IF, to the wanted signal,
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`1 in
`1 in
`I :Ut
`f Q out
`I out
`Q ,ut
`Fig. 6. A passive sequence asymmetric polyphase filter.
`The third class of filters for complex signals are the passive
`sequence asymmetric polyphase filters [IO]. Fig. 6 shows one
`stage of such a filter. It is a symmetric and repetitive version of
`the classical all-pass RC-CR filter structure that i s classically
`used for the generation of the quadrature LO signals. Where
`the amplitude and phase errors of classical RC-CR filters
`are highly sensitive to absolute variations of the R and C
`values, this is not the case for the symmetric structure. Due
`to its repetitive four-input four-output structure, it is possible
`to put several of these filter stages in cascade, allowing the
`synthesis of more complex and especially more broad-band
`transfer functions. The latter makes the filter less sensitive to
`absolute R and C variations.
`A. The High Frequency Pan
`The concept of the low-IF receiver starts from the observa-
`tion that, as illustrated with (4) and (5), a high frequency signal
`can be downconverted to a lower frequency (IF) without the
`problem of the mirror signal suppression when the multiplica-
`tion is done with a single positive frequency (which can only
`be represented by a signal pair). Fig. 7 is an illustration of
`these operations in the frequency domain for both the positive
`and negative frequencies. Fig. 7(a) shows the downconversion
`by multiplication with a sine (i.e., a positive and a negative
`frequency). This operation superimposes the wanted and the
`mirror signal by bringing them down to the same frequencies.
`Fig. 7(b) and (c) gives the downconversion by multiplication
`with a single positive frequency for, respectively, the zero-IF
`and the low-IF receiver. In the low-IF receiver are the mirror
`and the wanted signal not superimposed but downconverted
`to opposite IF frequencies.
`The downconversion to an IF by multiplication with a
`single positive frequency has large consequences. They are
`illustrated with Fig. 8. It is now not necessary anymore to do
`any mirror signal suppression at high frequencies before the
`downconversion and the IF may be situated at low frequencies
`(about one to two times the bandwidth of the wanted signal).
`Both aspects result in an integratability that is as good as the
`integratablity of the zero-IF receiver. The zero-IF receiver is
`Fig. 4. The classic two-port filtering for complex signals.
`The transfer function for positive and negative frequencies of an
`Fig. 5.
`active integrated fifth-order sequence asymmetric polyphase filter.
`A second class of filters for complex signal pairs are called
`active sequence asymmetric polyphase filters [SI. These filters
`are band-pass filters that have a passband for either only
`positive or negative frequencies. This makes them suitable
`for the suppression of the mirror signal after a quadrature
`downconversion (after quadrature downconversion the mirror
`signal is situated at frequencies opposite of the wanted signal).
`The transfer function of an active asymmetric polyphase is a
`linear frequency translated version of a low-pass filter. For a
`first-order low-pass filter is this
`Fig. 5 shows the transfer function of a frequency translated
`fifth-order low-pass Butterworth filter. The linear transforma-
`tion Hb,(jw) = Hl,(jw - j w c ) ensures that there is only a
`passband for positive frequencies. The aspects of synthesis
`and implementation of active asymmetric polyphase filters are
`described in [9].
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`Downconversion I--- R--
`t l Q M
`6 l Q d n n
`n n
`Fig. 7. The downconversion process in (a) an IF receiver. (b) a zero-IF
`receiver. (c) a low-IF receiver.
`' 1
`Fig. 8. A downconverter for a low-IF receiver topology.
`actually only a special case (IF = 0) of a receiver with a
`downconversion by means of multiplications with a positive
`frequency. The use of a zero-IF makes the topology however
`highly sensitive the parasitic baseband signals like dc offset
`voltages, second-order distortion products and self-mixing
`The finite matching between the mixers and, more impor-
`tant, the sensitivity of the RC-CR quadrature generator for the
`LO, make it impossible to generate a perfect single positive
`frequency. This is not so important for a zero-IF receiver.
`Here is the mirror signal equal to the wanted signal and a
`typical 3" phase accuracy (25 dB mirror signal suppression)
`will suffice for most applications. This is not the case when
`Fig. 9. Low-IF downconversion with (a) an extra external HF filter. (b) a
`sequence asymmetric polyphase filter.
`the downconversion with an imperfect positive frequency is
`done to an IF frequency. The mirror signal is now completely
`different from the wanted signal and it can, depending on the
`application and the exact position of the IF, be up to 20 dB
`higher than the wanted signal, resulting in a required phase
`accuracy of 0.3". This is an accuracy which, with today's
`typical quadrature downconverters, can only be achieved with
`the use of extensive tuning and trimming.
`It is thus still necessary to do some mirror signal suppression
`at high frequencies before the downconversion. Fig. 9 gives
`two possibilities to do this. A quadrature downconverter
`combined with the classical HF filter, shown in Fig. 9(a), gives
`only a limited improvement. A HF filter, which can not be
`integrated, is still necessary, albeit with reduced specifications,
`and these reduced specifications are only available when still a
`high IF (between 10 and several hundred MHz) is used. This
`requires for a further downconversion with a second mixer
`stage before the wanted signal can be sampled.
`A better alternative, which truly combines the advantages
`of both the IF and the zero-IF receiver, is given in Fig. 9(b).
`A more close observation of the downconversion process by
`multiplication with a single frequency component shows that
`it is only the mirror signal situated at negative frequencies that
`is superimposed on the wanted signal situated at the IF, while
`the wanted signal is downconverted from positive frequencies.
`This means that it is not necessary to suppress the mirror
`signal at both positive and negative frequencies, as is done
`with the classical high-Q HF filter. The suppression of only
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`- ?-
`L i r -
`‘ I
`Further downconversion h m IF to baseharid with Glleririg (a) alter
`Fig. 10.
`and (b) before the final downconversion.
`the negative frequency components does not require a high
`Q, even when the wanted and mirror frequency are situated
`very close to each other (a few hundred kHz). The filtering
`can be done with a sequence asymmetric polyphase filter. Its
`output signal will of course be an I , Q-signal pair, requiring
`for the downconversion mixer the full four-mixer structure of
`Fig. 1. This new topology is based on the multiplication of two
`high frequency signals that are both put in quadrature with a
`quadrature generator. It is therefore called “double quadrature
`B. The Low Frequency Signal Processing
`The structure of Fig. 9(b) allows for the downconversion
`in quadrature of the wanted signal to a low IF of a few
`hundred kHz. In this structure is the mirror signal also down-
`converted to this same low IF. It is the quadrature structure
`that ensures that both signals can still be separated after
`downconversion. The wanted signal is situated at the positive
`frequency components of the quadrature low IF signal, the
`mirror signal is situated at negative frequencies. In this section
`is discussed how the mirror signal can be suppressed after the
`high frequency downconversion and how the wanted signal
`can be downconverted to the baseband with a final, low
`frequency, downconversion. In this discussion, it is assumed
`that the high frequency quadrature downconversion is done
`with a perfect quadrature downconverter.
`There are two ways to separate the wanted signal from
`the mirror signal at low frequencies: the band-pass filtering
`of only the positive frequencies with a sequence asymmetric
`HF L a
`Fig 11. Drect sampling of the low-IF signal with filtering (a) after and (b)
`before the ADconversion
`polyphase filter followed by a quadrature downconversion, or
`a further downconversion to baseband by multiplication with
`a single positive frequency component followed by a low-
`pass filter operation. Fig. 10 shows both configurations. In both
`configurations, it is the filter operation that largely reduces the
`dynamic range of the received signal. A downconversion to
`baseband can, in the analog domain, only be done with a high
`accuracy for a low dynamic range signal. High dynamic range
`signals are too sensitive to parasitic baseband signals. The
`analog version of Fig. 10(b) is therefore not a good option. The
`circuit of Fig. 10(a) renders a signal that can be downconverted
`to baseband without any difficulty. The dynamic range and the
`center frequencies of the signal after the filter is even so fow
`(e.g., 40 dB and 250 Hz) that it is better sampled at its low
`IF frequency. This is shown in Fig. ll(a).
`The choice between the mirror signal suppression tech-
`niques of Fig. 10(a) and (b) is mainly determined on where
`the conversion from the analog to the digital domain will be
`performed. Sampling the low frequency signals before the mir-
`ror signal has been suppressed, will require an AD-converter
`with a larger dynamic range. As the level of integration and the
`power efficiency of A/D-converters is continuously improving,
`allowing for ever more digital signal processing and less low
`frequency analog signal processing, the low frequency mirror
`signal suppression in the digital domain is becoming ever
`more feasible. Fig. 1l(b) shows a topology in which this is
`the case. The final downconversion and baseband filtering
`are now done in the DSP with a high accuracy. The analog
`front-end implements only a very coarse and broad-band anti-
`aliasing filtering. The A/D-converters sample a combination
`of adjacent channels, resulting in a signal with a dynamic
`range and bandwidth higher than the wanted signal (e.g.,
`60 dB and 1 MHz). These are specifications that can be
`achieved at a reasonable area and power cost with today’s
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`embedded AID-converters. The power cost can even be further
`reduced by using bandpass CA-converters that only have
`to achieve the required dynamic range in the band of the
`wanted signal [ll]. This makes the topology of Fig. ll(b)
`the preferred topology for the realization of fully integrated
`high performance receivers. It must of coarse be used in
`combination with a highly accurate high frequency quadrature
`downconverter that does not require the use of a high IF. This
`can be done with the high frequency downconversion topology
`that has been presented in Fig. 9(b). The properties of this
`structure, the double quadrature downconverter, are further
`analyzed in the next section.
`A. The Double Quadrature Structure
`Fig. 12(a) shows the conventional quadrature downcon-
`verter. The LO signal is put into quadrature and the down-
`conversion is done twice. Signals situated at a frequency
`higher than the LO will be downconverted to positive low
`frequencies. Signals lower than the LO will be downconverted
`to negative frequencies. With a phase error on the LO signal,
`signals coming from one side of the LO will also have a signal
`component coming from the other side of the LO. This is
`mirror signal crosstalk. This parasitic crosstalk is, according to
`(7), equal to tan(Acp). For an RC-CR quadrature generator,
`this phase error is determined by the mismatch between the
`cutoff frequencies fc of the pole and the zero of the RC-CR
`structure. For a certain mismatch, Afc is tan(Acp) maximal
`at fc and equal to
`tan(Acp) = -.
`2 f c
`So, a phase error of less than 0.3" requires that the matching
`between the RC and CR network is better than 1%. This value
`is then still only achieved in a very small band around f c .
`Further away from f c will the amplitude mismatch of the RC-
`CR structure dominate, resulting in a very high sensitivity to
`absolute parameter variations. The limited amplitude matching
`is often corrected by clipping the quadrature LO signals. A
`good phase accuracy (better than 1") can with the RC-CR
`structure only be achieved by means of extensive tuning and
`Fig. 12(b) shows an alternative for the conventional quadra-
`ture downconverter. The RF signal is now put into quadrature
`and both the HF I- and Q-signals are downconverted with a
`sine. The effect of a phase error in the quadrature generator
`are the same: a mirror signal crosstalk equal to tan(&). The
`difference is that this structure can not be used with an RC-
`C R quadrature generator, as clipping of the RF signal is highly
`The topology in Fig. 13 is called the double quadrature
`structure. It is the combination of the structures of Fig. 12:
`both the RF and the LO signal are put into quadrature. The
`crosscoupling and combination of the four mixing products
`makes that the amplitude and phase errors are extra suppressed.
`The mirror signal crosstalk due to phase and amplitude errors
`I e
`(a) The conventional quadrature downconverter. (b) an alternative
`Fig. 12.
`for this structure is
`tan(Acp) = tan(Acpw) . tan(AcpL0) +
`tan( AyMixers)
`+ -.
`Hence, the double quadrature structure is highly insensitive
`to mismatches in the quadrature generators. Its mirror signal
`suppression is therefore determined by the matching between
`the downconversion mixers. The phase mismatch between the
`downconversion mixers is approximately ( f ~ w is the input
`(1 1)
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`z -20
`E -30
`4 0
`-60 1
`Freq [MHzl
`Fig. 14. The transfer function for positive and negative frequencies of a
`two-stage passive sequence asymmetric polyphase filter.
`Fig. 15. Block scheme of the realized CMOS receiver front-end chip.
`Fig. 15 shows the block scheme of the realized chip. It has
`been realized in a standard 0.7 pm CMOS technology and
`does not require any external components, nor does it require
`any tuning or trimming. First, a single-ended to differential
`conversion is performed on the RF and LO signal. The circuit
`schematic of this single ended to differential converter is given
`Fig. 16. The first stage, with transistor M l , performs the
`conversion. The low-ohmic poly resistors ensure the linearity
`of the conversion. The dummy transistor M2 balances the
`positive and negative output node. This limits the phase error
`of the 180" to about 3" at 1 GHz. Transistors M3p and M3n
`form resistor-loaded amplifiers. They compensate for the 6 dB
`signal loss of the single ended to differential stage. The resistor
`loaded single transistor amplifier structure is the only one that
`can still process 1 GHz signals in 0.7 pm CMOS. It does not
`have a good linearity, but its main distortion components are
`' LO
`Fig. 13. The double quadrature downconverter topology.
`bandwidth of the mixers)
`SLO &fsw
`tan(&) M - .
`f B W
`f B W
`This means that the phase error can be made low when
`the mixers have a large input bandwidth. The amplitude error
`between the mixers is determined by the mismatch in dc
`conversion gain. It gives a mirror signal crosstalk equal to
`AG/2G, and it is therefore the main remaining source of
`mirror signal crosstalk. This effect can however easily be
`eliminated by performing a closely matched digital AGC
`operation on the sampled low frequency I- and Q-signals in
`the DSP that does the further processing and demodulation of
`these signals.
`B. The Broad-Band Quadrature Generator
`The double quadrature structure requires the use of two
`quadrature generators that still have a relatively good am-
`plitude and phase matching in a broad passband. Making
`the quadrature generators broadband eliminates the need for
`any frequency tuning to compensate for absolute parameter
`One stage of a passive sequence asymmetric polyphase
`filter, as shown in Fig. 6, passes positive sequences and
`suppresses ne

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