`Patent Owner.
`PTAB Case No. IPR2024-00150
`Patent No. 7,292,835


`Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1
`Qualifications ................................................................................................... 2
`Summary of Opinions and Materials Considered ........................................... 7
`Level of Skill in the Art ................................................................................... 9
`Background Technology ................................................................................ 11
`A. Wireless Communications Signals ...................................................... 11
`B. Modulating Signals for Wireless Communications ............................ 12
`Amplitude Modulation .............................................................. 13
`Phase Modulation ...................................................................... 14
`Quadrature Amplitude Modulation ........................................... 15
`VI. Overview of U.S. Patent No. 7,292,835 ........................................................ 19
`Description of the Specification .......................................................... 19
`Prosecution History ............................................................................. 23
`VII. The Challenged Claims of the ’835 Patent .................................................... 24
`VIII. Claim Construction ........................................................................................ 26
`Cable modem (claim 1, preamble) ...................................................... 27
`Storage module (claim 1) .................................................................... 29
`Legal Principles ............................................................................................. 31
`Burden of Proof ................................................................................... 31
`Priority ................................................................................................. 31
`Prior Art ............................................................................................... 32
`Obviousness ......................................................................................... 33
`Overview of Cited Prior Art References ....................................................... 36
`U.S. Patent No. 4,682,117 to Gibson (Ex. 1004) ................................ 36
`U.S. Patent No. 5,339,459 to Schiltz (Ex. 1005) ................................ 38
`J. Crols & M. Steyaert, A Single-Chip 900 MHz CMOS Receiver
`Front-End with a High Performance Low-IF Topology, 30 IEEE
`JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS 1483 (Dec. 1995) (Ex. 1006) .... 41


`L. Goldberg, MCNS/DOCSIS MAC Clears a Path for the Cable-
`Modem Invasion (Ex. 1007) ................................................................ 46
`U.S. Patent No. 6,011,548 to Thacker (Ex. 1008) .............................. 48
`ITU-T J.83 Recommendation (April 1997) (Ex. 1009) ...................... 48
`Applicant Admitted Prior Art (“AAPA”) ........................................... 49
`XI. Comparison of the Cited Prior Art References to the Challenged Claims of
`the ’835 Patent ............................................................................................... 50
`Gibson In View Of Schiltz Renders Obvious Claims 1-5 .................. 50
`Motivation to Combine ............................................................. 52
`Independent Claim 1 ................................................................. 58
`Claim 2 ...................................................................................... 79
`Claim 3 ...................................................................................... 81
`Claim 4 ...................................................................................... 91
`Claim 5 ...................................................................................... 93
`Crols Renders Obvious Claim 1-5 ...................................................... 95
`Motivation to Combine – Cable Modem References ............... 95
`Independent Claim 1 ...............................................................100
`Claim 2 ....................................................................................124
`Claim 3 ....................................................................................126
`Claim 4 ....................................................................................136
`Claim 5 ....................................................................................137
`XII. Conclusion ...................................................................................................139


`U.S. Patent No. 7,292,835 (“’835 patent”)
`Excerpts of prosecution file history for U.S. Patent No.
`U.S. Patent No. 4,682,117 (“Gibson”)
`U.S. Patent No. 5,339,459 (“Schiltz”)
`J. Crols, A Single-Chip 900 MHz CMOS Receiver Front-
`End with a High Performance Low-IF Topology, 30
`(Dec. 1995) (“Crols”)
`L. Goldberg, “MCNS/DOCSIS MAC Clears a Path for
`the Cable-Modem Invasion,” Electronic Design; Dec. 1,
`1997; 45, 27; Materials Science & Engineering
`Collection pg. 69 (“Goldberg”)
`U.S. Patent No. 6,011,548 (“Thacker”)
`ITU-T J.83 Recommendation (April 1997) (“ITU-T
`Declaration of Brenda Ray
`Declaration of June Munford
`Claim Construction Order, ParkerVision, Inc. v. Intel
`Corp., No. 6:20-cv-00108 (W.D. Tex. Jan. 26, 2021)
`(ECF 75)
`J. Crols, A 1.5 GHz Highly Linear CMOS
`Downconversion Mixer, 30 IEEE JOURNAL OF


`I, Dr. Lawrence E. Larson, declare as follows:
`I have been retained by Petitioner MediaTek Inc. ( “MediaTek”) to
`serve as an independent expert consultant in Inter Partes review proceedings
`regarding U.S. Patent No. 7,292,835 (“the ’835 patent”) (EX-1001). I have been
`asked to consider the validity of claims 1-5 of the ’835 patent (the “Challenged
`Claims”). My opinions are set forth below.
`I am being compensated at my normal rate of $600/hour for all
`services rendered. My compensation is not dependent, in any way, on the nature of
`my findings, the content of my testimony, or the outcome of this proceeding or any
`other proceeding.
`I have no other interest in this proceeding.
`My analysis of the materials provided in this proceeding is ongoing
`and I will continue to review any new materials that are provided. This declaration
`is indicative of only those opinions that I have formed to date. I reserve the right
`to amend, revise, and/or supplement my opinions stated herein based on any new
`information that may become available to me or my continuing analysis of the
`materials already provided.


`5. My qualifications for forming the opinions in this report are
`summarized here and explained in more detail in my Curriculum Vitae (“CV”),
`which is attached as Appendix A to this declaration.
`I hold a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of
`California, Los Angeles (“UCLA”) (1986), as well as a M.B.A. degree from
`UCLA (1996), and Master of Engineering and Bachelor of Science degrees in
`Electrical Engineering from Cornell University (1980 and 1979, respectively).
`I am currently Professor of Engineering at the School of Engineering,
`Brown University. I have also held the positions of Interim Provost of Brown
`University, as well as Sorensen Family Dean and Founding Dean of the School of
`Engineering. I held the position of Dean beginning in 2011, during which time I
`oversaw a large expansion in the number of tenure-track engineering faculty,
`substantial increases in external research funding, the creation of new graduate
`programs, and the construction of a state-of-the-art research and teaching facility.
`I have over 40 years of experience in the design of high-performance
`circuits for RF communications and other applications, both in industry and
`academia. Those include but are not limited to the following work experience.
`From 1980 to 1988, I was a Member of Technical Staff at Hughes
`Aircraft and Hughes Research Laboratories, where I was responsible for the


`development of CMOS and III-V analog and digital integrated circuits, modeling
`and characterization of MESFETs and HEMTs and the development of improved
`III-V process techniques. During my tenure, among other things, I helped
`developed the first high-performance GaAs switched-capacitor circuits with clock
`rates in excess of 100 MHz, demonstrated the first use of low-temperature buffer
`GaAs MESFET technology with digital integrated circuits, setting a record for
`digital divider performance (22 GHz), and developed GaAs MESFET operational
`amplifier with record GBW (10 GHz).
`10. From 1988 to 1992, I was an Adjunct Associate Professor at UCLA,
`where I was responsible for senior level digital and analog integrated circuit design
`courses and a graduate analog MOS integrated circuit design course.
`11. From 1992 to 1994, I was an Assistant Manager for the DARPA /
`Hughes MIMIC Program, where I was responsible for Program Management of the
`Advanced Technology Portion of DARPA/Hughes MIMIC Program, with a budget
`of approximately $8M/yr. In that capacity, I was responsible for the technical and
`program direction of GaAs HBT and PHEMT efforts. I also directed insertion of
`advanced GaAs-based technology into next generation communication and radar
`12. From 1988 to 1996, I was also a Manager in the HEMT Technology
`Department, Microwave Devices and Circuits Laboratory, at Hughes Research


`Laboratories, where I directed research in high-speed III-V materials, devices, and
`circuits, and was responsible for approximately $4M/yr. in Corporate IR&D and
`Government Research Contracts. In that capacity, I helped develop the first space-
`qualified InP low-noise millimeter wave HEMT. This effort was awarded the 1996
`Lawrence Hyland Award – the highest technical achievement award at Hughes
`Electronics. I also helped develop the first micromachining (MEMS) switch and
`tuner applications for RF and microwave applications (1991). This technology has
`now become an extremely active area of worldwide research and development. I
`also helped demonstrate the first InP-based HEMT low-noise and high- power
`MMICs from 2– 60 GHz, with world record noise figures and power-added
`efficiencies. I further helped establish a state-of-the-art InP HEMT MMIC foundry
`at HRL, developed the first low-power/high-speed InP HEMT digital IC
`technology with ring oscillator delays of 4.2 pS, and directed the research program
`that demonstrated HEMTs with record fT’s and fMAX’s above 300 GHz (1993),
`which produced the highest frequency room temperature integrated circuit ever
`reported – a 210 GHz VCO (IEDM 1994).–
`13. From 1994 to 1996, I was a Manager in the Telecommunications
`Technology Department, Microwave Devices and Circuits Laboratory, at Hughes
`Research Laboratories, where I directed the research and development of


`integrated circuits for commercial RF and microwave communications
`applications, including DBS, cellular telephone, VSAT, and PCS.
`14. From 1996 to 2011, I held the CWC Industry Chair Professor in
`Wireless Communications, in the Department of Electrical and Computer
`Engineering at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). Among other
`things, I helped develop improved integrated circuit techniques and novel device
`structures for wireless communications applications. This required development of
`high-frequency integrated circuits, devices, and packaging techniques for ultra-
`wide bandwidth telecommunications applications, and development of novel data
`converter and analog-signal processing architectures that are matched to
`communications applications.
`15. From 2000 to 2001, while on academic leave from UCSD, I was a
`Director at IBM’s West Coast Design Center of Excellence in IBM Research
`Division, where I directed development of Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits for
`SiGe RFICs for 3rd Generation wireless cellular applications. I was also
`responsible for leading the team that developed a complete Wideband CDMA chip
`set for several “first tier” cellular telephone providers.
`16. From 2001 to 2006, I was the Director of the UCSD Center for
`Wireless Communications (, which is one of the largest
`industry-funded University Research Centers in the world. Involving over 20


`professors, and supporting roughly 50 PhD graduate students during my tenure,
`with an annual budget in excess of $3M, the CWC conducted research in all areas
`of wireless communications, from fundamental devices and materials to software
`applications. I was responsible for all aspects of the Center, from new member
`development to financial management and establishing the research direction.
`17. From 2007 to 2011, I was the Chair of the Department of Electrical
`and Computer Engineering at the University of California, San Diego. The ECE
`Department at UCSD is the largest graduate program on the UCSD campus. As
`Chair, I oversaw the faculty development (hiring, promotion, and tenure process),
`educational policy and teaching, successful accreditation review, department
`resource allocation, and external relations. I also led the development (with CS) of
`the Executive Masters of Advanced Study in Embedded Wireless Systems
`I have authored more than 125 refereed journal publications and more
`than 250 peer reviewed conference publications. I have also authored and/or
`edited 12 books or chapters, and am a named inventor on at least 43 issued patents.
`The works that I have authored include the following.
`COMMUNICATIONS (Artech House, Inc., 1996).
`ALGORITHMS, AND CIRCUITS (Artech House, Inc., 2000).


`COMMUNICATIONS, A. Tasic, W. Serdijn, L. Larson, G. Setti, G.
`(Eds.), 2009, VIII, Springer.
`I have been elected a Fellow of the IEEE. The Fellow is the highest
`grade of membership of the IEEE, a world professional body consisting of over
`300,000 electrical and electronics engineers, with only one‐tenth of one percent
`(0.1%) of the IEEE membership being elected to the Fellow grade each year.
`Election to Fellow is based upon votes cast by existing Fellows in IEEE. I have
`also served on a number of IEEE Committees and as a Paper Reviewer.
`20. All of the opinions contained in this declaration are based on the
`documents I have reviewed and my professional judgment, as well as my
`education, experience, and professional knowledge. I am not an attorney and I am
`not offering any legal opinions in this declaration.
`In forming my opinions expressed in this declaration, I have relied on
`the ’835 patent (Ex. 1001), the prosecution history of the ’835 patent, excerpts of
`which have been filed as Exhibit 1002, the prior art references cited herein, and
`other exhibits I have cited in this declaration. Each of these documents is a type of
`document that an expert in my field would have reasonably relied upon when
`forming their opinion.


`22. My opinions are additionally guided by my appreciation and
`understanding of how a person of ordinary skill in the art would have understood
`the Challenged Claims of the ’835 patent at the time of the alleged invention. I
`understand that while MediaTek does not concede that the Challenged Claims have
`an earlier priority than the filing date of the ’835 patent, MediaTek contends that
`the earliest possible priority date for the Challenged Claims is January 28, 2000.
`For purposes of this declaration only, I have assumed that January 28, 2000 is the
`priority date for the Challenged Claims (“Priority Date”). Outside of whether
`certain references qualify as prior art depending on the priority date that applies, I
`am not aware that my opinions herein are impacted in any other way by the issue
`of which priority date applies.
`23. Based on my experience and expertise, and for the reasons set forth
`herein, it is my opinion that:
`• Claims 1–5 of the ’835 patent are unpatentable in view of U.S. Patent No.
`4,682,117 (“Gibson”) (Ex. 1004) and U.S. Patent No. 5,339,459
`(“Schiltz”) (Ex. 1005);
`• Claims 1–5 of the ’835 patent are unpatentable in view of J. Crols, A
`Single-Chip 900 MHz CMOS Receiver Front-End with a High
`Performance Low-IF Topology, 30 IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE
`CIRCUITS 1483 (Dec. 1995) (“Crols”) (Ex. 1006); and


`• To the extent that the Board determines that “cable modem” as recited in
`claim 1 of the ’835 patent is limiting, then claims 1–5 of the ’835 patent
`are unpatentable in view of Gibson and Schlitz in further view of one or
`more of L. Goldberg, “MCNS/DOCSIS MAC Clears a Path for the
`Cable- Modem Invasion,” Electronic Design; Dec. 1, 1997; 45, 27;
`Materials Science & Engineering Collection pg. 69 (“Goldberg”)
`(Ex. 1007), U.S. Patent No. 6,011,548 (“Thacker”) (Ex. 1008), ITU-T
`J.83 Recommendation (April 1997) (“ITU-T J.83”) (Ex. 1009), and
`Applicant admitted prior art (“AAPA”) set forth in the ’835 Patent (Ex.
`1001) at column 40, lines 17-35.
`I understand that patent claims are interpreted from the perspective of
`a hypothetical person of ordinary skill in the art (“POSITA”) at the time of the
`alleged invention. As noted above, I have assumed for purposes of this declaration
`that the Priority Date of the Challenged Claims is January 28, 2000 (“Priority
`Date”). As of this date, I was at least a person of ordinary skill in the art of the
`technology relating to the ’835 Patent, and I had personal knowledge of the
`technologies involved in the ’835 Patent.
`I understand that various factors are considered in determining the
`level of ordinary skill in the art. I understand that the factors include the types of


`problems encountered in the art, prior solutions to those problems, rapidity with
`which innovations are made, sophistication of technology at the time of the
`invention, and educational levels and experience of persons working in the field
`and capable of understanding the applicable scientific and engineering principles.
`I understand that in determining the level of ordinary skill in the art, not all factors
`may be present or one or more factors may predominate.
`26. Taking these factors into account, a POSITA relating to the
`technology of the ’835 patent on or before the date of the alleged invention would
`have had at least a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering or a related subject
`and two or more years of experience in the field of RF circuit design, or would
`have had at least five years of work experience and training in the design and
`development of RF circuits and/or systems. Less work experience could be
`compensated by a higher level of education, such as a master’s degree.
`27. At least as of the date of the Priority Date of the alleged invention, my
`education, experience, and professional knowledge qualify me to be a POSITA for
`the ’835 patent. I am qualified to provide opinions on what a POSITA would have
`known and understood at the time of the alleged invention (e.g., at least as of the
`Priority Date).


`A. Wireless Communications Signals
`28. Wireless devices (e.g., cellular phones) exchange information by
`transmitting and receiving electromagnetic signals. These signals are
`communicated from one device’s transmitter to another device’s receiver. The
`Challenged Claims focus on devices for receiving signals transmitted from another
`29. As of the Priority Date (and well before it), a communication device
`such as a cellular telephone would generate a signal for transmission (e.g., the
`voice information of a telephone call). Prior to the process of transmitting the
`signal, the signal would have low-frequency content (like voice) capable of being
`manipulated by the circuitry of the communication device. Such a signal was
`called a “baseband signal” because it was the signal prior to modulation for
`transmission and because the range of frequencies prior to modulation were
`relatively low compared to the frequencies used in transmission (hence, the “base”
`30. The baseband signal could have been digital or analog, and to transmit
`a digital baseband signal wirelessly, the digital signal sometimes required being
`converted into an analog signal. As shown below, an analog signal is a
`continuously changing signal. For electrical signals (other than direct current


`signaling), an analog signal usually takes the form of varying voltage states over
`time. Those voltage states can be understood as a series of waveforms that
`oscillates at a particular frequency between maximum and minimum values, as
`shown below:
`B. Modulating Signals for Wireless Communications
`31. A wireless communications device ordinarily transmits a signal by
`propagating an electromagnetic wave using the frequency, phase, and magnitude of
`the underlying signal. Although all propagated electromagnetic signals travel at
`approximately the speed of light, “baseband” signals have relatively low
`frequencies and so cannot be effectively transmitted through the air between
`wireless devices. This is due to several reasons, including the size of the
`equipment needed to propagate and receive low-frequency signals, power
`requirements for such equipment, and signal interference at low frequencies.


`32. As a result, to effectively transmit the information content of a
`baseband signal through the air, the baseband signal must be “imprinted” on or
`“upconverted” to a higher frequency signal—called a “carrier” signal—that can be
`transmitted more effectively through the air, including due to reduced equipment
`size and power requirements, as well as less signal interference.
`33. This “imprinting” process is called “modulation,” and modulation is
`usually achieved by altering one or more of the frequency, the phase, or the
`amplitude of the carrier signal. The following sections describe amplitude
`modulation and phase modulation, pertinent here, in more detail.
`Amplitude Modulation
`34. As shown below, modifying the carrier signal’s amplitude based on
`the amplitude of the baseband signal is known as “amplitude modulation.” The
`modified carrier signal is called an “amplitude modulated signal.”


`35. Where such systems are (and were) used, the receiving device uses the
`frequency of the unmodulated carrier signal to recover the original baseband
`signal. In this way, the receiver extracts the amplitude modulations (or envelope of
`the carrier signal) and then uses that information to reconstruct the original
`baseband signal.
`Phase Modulation
`36. A baseband signal can also be transmitted wirelessly to another device
`by altering the “phase” of a carrier signal. This is called “phase” modulation, and
`an example of this is shown below.


`37. The modified carrier signal is called a “phase modulated signal,”
`where the phase shifting represents the information content of the underlying
`baseband signal. In a system using “phase modulation” to transmit signals
`wirelessly, as in a system using amplitude modulation, the receiving device uses
`the frequency of the unmodulated carrier signal to recover the original baseband
`signal. In this way, the receiver extracts the phase shifts and then uses that
`information to reconstruct the original baseband signal.
`Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
`38. Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) was and is a well-known
`technique for modulating a carrier signal, using both amplitude and phase
`variations. QAM involves two carrier waves of the same frequency that are out of


`phase with each other by 90 degrees, a condition known as “quadrature.” The
`amplitude of each of the two carrier waves are independently modified in
`amplitude to convey information. Often one signal is called the in-phase or “I”
`signal, and the other is called the quadrature-phase or “Q” signal. After
`modulation of these two carriers waves, the signals are combined and transmitted.
`See ’835 patent (Ex. 1001) at 40:35-51. The combined, transmitted wave thus has
`variations in amplitude and phase, depending on the information that it conveys.
`39. For example, information in a baseband signal may be represented by
`different combinations of amplitude and phase modulations, as shown below. In
`the example below, if the baseband signal contains the bit string or symbol “0011,”
`the QAM modulated wave may have a first amplitude and a first phase as shown
`on the top of the figure below. When the baseband signal contains the bit string or
`symbol “0101,” the QAM-modulated wave may have a second amplitude and a
`second phase as shown in the middle of the figure below. And when the baseband
`signal contains the bit string or symbol “1100,” the QAM-modulated wave may
`have a third amplitude and a third phase, as shown in the bottom of the figure


`40. As with amplitude modulation and phase modulation schemes, the
`receiver in a QAM system uses the frequency and phase of the unmodulated carrier
`signal to recover the original baseband signal from the combined, modulated I and
`Q carrier signals. In this process, the QAM receiver separates the in-phase
`modulated signal from the quadrature-phase modulated signal and then recovers
`the underlying information content using the “known” modulation scheme (e.g., by
`using the separate, recovered I and Q signals to determine the “combined”
`amplitude and phase for both signals, which corresponds to a particular symbol).
`41. Recovery of the transmitted data is further illustrated below using
`what is known as a “constellation” diagram, on which data symbols are represented


`as coordinates of the recovered I signal (x-axis) and the recovered Q signal (y-
`42. The example above is known as “16-QAM” because the combined
`modulated wave can represent one of 16 symbols (with 4 bits per symbol). For,
`example, when a receiver detects a wave having the “combined” amplitude and
`phase corresponding to the green circle on the top right of the diagram, it interprets
`this as the bit string or symbol “0011.” When the receiver detects a wave having
`the “combined” amplitude and phase corresponding to the green symbol in the
`upper left quadrant, it interprets it as the bit string or symbol “0101.” When the
`receiver detects a wave having a “combined” amplitude and phase corresponding
`to the green symbol in the lower left quadrant, it interprets this as the bit string or


`symbol “1100.” And so on. In this way, the receiver can demodulate the QAM-
`modulated signal and recover the transmitted information (e.g., a transmitted bit
`A. Description of the Specification
`43. The ’835 patent is titled “Wireless and Wired Cable Modem
`Applications of Universal Frequency Translation Technology.” ’835 patent (Ex.
`1001) at (54). The patent provides that it relates to “frequency translation and
`applications of same” and specifically “cable modem applications.” Id. at
`Abstract, 1:50–54 (“The present invention is generally related to frequency
`translation, and applications of same, and more particularly to wireless and wired
`applications of cable modems using universal frequency translation technology.”).
`44. As part of the patent’s disclosures, the patent discusses a “QAM
`modulation mode receiver” that is used to down-convert and demodulate an input
`signal that is modulated according to QAM. Id. at 42:43–43:57, Fig. 54B. While
`the patent discusses that the receivers of the invention “may be implemented in
`cable modems,” id. at 40:52–61, the patent also states that QAM “is a well known
`technique for modulating digital signals using both amplitude and phase coding,”
`id. at 40:37–51, and that “cable modem receivers . . . of the present invention may
`be implemented using a variety of well known devices,” id. at 40:17–35 (listing


`multiple “Broadcom Corporation” chips, modems, and digital cable tuners). In
`other words, the described QAM receiver is implemented according to well known
`modulation conventions in conventional equipment.
`45. Additionally, the specification and the Challenged Claims do not
`describe more than a basic, known structure for performing QAM down-
`conversion, and have nothing specific related to “cable modems” Particularly.
`Figure 54B (annotated below) depicts a modem (5402) receiving a signal (5416).
`The signal (5416) comprises “two information signals modulated with an RF
`carrier according to” the QAM modulation technique. ’835 patent at 42:43–43:57.


`46. The received RF signal (annotated purple) is processed by two
`modules: a first “UFD [or frequency down-conversion] Module” (5422) (annotated
`red) and a second “UFD Module” (5424) (annotated green). An oscillator (5426)
`(annotated pink) generates an in-phase oscillating signal (5434) (also annotated
`pink), and a phase shifter (5428) (annotated orange) receives the in-phase
`oscillating signal and outputs a quadrature-phase oscillating signal (5436) (also
`annotated orange).
`47. Figures 20A and 20A-1 (annotated below) depict exemplary
`frequency down-conversion modules having “UFT [or universal frequency
`translation] Module[s].” In each, the frequency down-conversion module is shown
`to comprise a “frequency translation module” (e.g., a switch (2008) (annotated
`blue)) and a storage module (e.g., a capacitor (2010) (annotated brown)).


`In Figure 54B of the patent, frequency translation module (5422)
`“samples” the RF signal (5416) at a rate that is a function of the in-phase
`oscillating signal (5434), creating a down-converted in-phase signal (5438)
`(annotated yellow). Frequency translation module (5424) samples RF signal
`(5416) at a rate that is a function of the quadrature-phase oscillating signal (5436),
`creating a down-converted quadrature-phase signal (5440) (annotated gray). The
`downconverted “I” and “Q” signals may be “information” signals with “more than
`two possible states or voltage levels” according to the QAM modulation technique.
`’835 patent at 43:17–20, 43:32–34.


`Prosecution History
`49. The application that resulted in the ’835 patent (Application No.
`09/770,665) was filed on January 29, 2001. ’835 patent (Ex. 1001) at (22). The
`patent issued six years later on November 6, 2007. Id. at (45) Outside of a
`November 30, 2004 restriction and/or election requirement, ’835 Prosecution
`History (Ex. 1002) at 31–36, the Patent Office never issued an office action
`rejecting the pending claims. Instead, th

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