`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`11111lll111111111111111111111111111111111111 lllll lllll lllll lllll 1111111111111111111111111111
`(43) International Publication Date
`7 July 2005 (07.07.2005)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2005/062596 Al
`(SI) International Patent Classification 7 :
`H04Q 7/22
`H04M 11/00,
`(21) International Application Nwnber:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`21 December2004 (2l.12.2004)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`24 December 2003 (24.12.2003) GB
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): NOKIA
`CORPORATION [FI/FI]; Kei lalahdentie 4, FT-02150 Es(cid:173)
`poo (FI).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): HELKIO, Risto
`[FI/FI]; Koukkuniementie 23 A 4, FI-02230 Espoo (FI).
`BEATY, William, D., III [US/US); 4 16 Dumas Court,
`Lewisville, TX 75067 (US). KORPELA, Thomas [FI/FI];
`Kalevankatu 21 a 2, FI-00100 Helsinki (FI).
`(74) Agent: PAGE WHITE & FARRER; Runeberginkatu 5,
`10th Floor, FI-00100 Helsinki (FI).
`(81) Designated States (unless othenvise indicated, for every
`kind of national pro teer ion available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN,
`CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI,
`GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, TL, TN, IS, JP, KE,
`KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, M A, MD,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG,
`T N, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM,
`(84) DesJgnated St.ates (unless othenvise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protecrion available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
`ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM),
`European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI,
`FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO,
`[Conrinued on nexr page]
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`= (57) Abstract: A method for charging in a communication system, the method comprising: initiating a data communication session
`M between a user equipment and a network entity offering a digital content item; during the data communication session, generating
`0 by means of the user equipment a message for ordering the digital content item, sending the message to the network entity and, in
`> response to the message received in the network entity, downloading the content item lo the user equipment; and charging the digital
`~ content item using a predefined price of the message.


`WO 2005/062596 Al
`1111111111111111 IIIIII IIIII 11111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIII IIIII IIII IIIIIII IIII 11111111
`GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`with international search report
`before the expiration of the time limit for amending the
`claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid(cid:173)
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin(cid:173)
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.


`WO 2005/062596
`PCT /FI2004/000783
`Charging in a communication system
`Field of invention
`The invention relates to communication systems, and more particularly to
`charging in a communication system.
`5 Background of invention
`A communication system can be seen as a
`that enables
`communications between two or more entities s1,.1ch as user equipment and/or
`other nodes associated with the communication system. The communication
`session may comprise, for example, communication of voice, data, multimedia
`and so on. A user equipment may, for example, be provided with a two-way
`telephone call, multi-way conference call, electronic mail service or a data
`communication session. A user equipment may also be provided with a
`connection to an application server (AS), for example a service provider
`server, thus enabling use of services provided by the application server.
`15 Examples of communication systems may include fixed communication
`systems, such as a public switched telephone network (PSTN), wireless
`~ommunication systems, such as a public land mobile network (PLMN), and/or
`other communication networks such as an IP (Internet Protocol) and/or other
`packet switched data networks. Various communication systems may
`20. simultaneously be concerned in a connection.
`The PLMNs are typically based ori cellular technology. In cellular systems, a
`base transceiver station (BTS) or similar access entity serves wireless user
`equipment (UE), _such as mobile i:;tations (MS), via a wireless interface
`between these entities. Examples of mobile communication systems are the
`25 Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), General Packet Radio
`Service (GPRS) and Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). In
`addition to call functions, the mobile communication systems may support, for
`example, short message service (SMS), multimedia message service (MMS)
`and wireless applications protocol (WAP). For example, a user may access the
`30 mobile network by means of a ,personal computer (PC), personal digital
`assistant (PDA), mobile station (MS) and other user equipment (UE). The user
`equipment may be adapted for Internet Protocol (IP) communication to
`connect the network.


`WO 2005/062596
`PCT /FI2004/000783
`In communication systems, including mobile communication systems, selling
`various types of downloadable digital content directly to user equipment may
`be provided. Examples of such content items may include, but are not limited
`to logos, ring tones or wallpapers for the user equipment, games and
`applications and so on. The content may comprise data that can be interpreted
`and executed by the UE or presented (e.g. in an audio or visual manner) by
`the UE to a user thereof. The present scheme for providing selling of the
`content items is to use SMS pull codes for ordering. For example, an SMS
`order code "GET WPDEMO" may be sent to a particular number, such as an
`operator specific service number, e.g. 173222. This number could be a normal
`telephone number, but for convenience it is more normally a short-form
`number excluding an area code which has been set up by an operator of the
`network in which the UE is operating. The operator specific service number
`may belong to any service provider who has made an agreement with an
`operator. For instance in Finland, a service provider typically reserves exactly
`the same number from all the major operators. Therefore, it is easy for the
`end-user to order content, as the same number may always be used.
`Communications to that number are relayed to a server which may be run by
`the operator or by another service provider. The server may scan the received
`20 message including the order code and the identity of the ordering UE, and
`deliver the content item indicated by the order code to the ordering user
`equipment, for example, using SMS or WAP push methods. Such push
`methods may include, but are not limited to content object descriptor (COD),
`Java application descriptor (JAD) or the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA)
`download. The known SMS content item ordering uses a premium rate
`number. Thus, the ordering SMS may have a different price depending on the
`ordered content item. The charge for the content item may be included in the
`telephone bill issued by the operator of the home network of the ordering user
`or subscriber associated with the ordering UE. The content items and the order
`codes may be discovered in advertisements in web sites of service providers
`proposing the content items or in newspapers and magazines. In some
`applications, the proposed content items might be discovered using a WAP
`browser in a user equipment.
`A WAP browser may be an application in a user equipment resembling for its
`overall essence any other browser, such as a XHTML (extensible hypertext
`markup language) browser or a HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) browser.
`However, small size and data transfer technology in the mobile communication


`WO 2005/062596
`PCT /FI2004/000783
`systems may create problems and challenges in retrieving content from a
`service provider. The WAP protocol is tailored to providing browser content to
`devices with small displays.
`It might be desired to be able to search, preview and order content items within
`a WAP, XHTML, HTTP or other browser session in the user equipment. Some
`tools for content preview and ordering· are provided for example in the OMA
`digital rights management standards. However, no means exist for ordering
`and charging the content items in WAP and IP environments. In certain cases
`billing may be complicated, for example, if service provider is not an operator
`and wants to offer a service the clients of several operators. The arrangements
`IP billing need
`typically to ·be created and agreed by
`for WAP and
`service/content providers with each operator separately. This
`consuming and expensive, as often the service/content provider is a separate
`entity offering the content items to customers, who may subscribe to any
`US Patent Application US 2003/0163422 A 1, filed on 4 February 2003 in the
`name of Suutarinen, relates to gaining access rights to previously downloaded
`digital record in a terminal.
`There is therefore a need for providing a way of more readily charge for the
`content items sold through the data communication systems, such as the WAP
`and IP systems.
`Summary of invention
`Embodiments of the invention aim to address one or several of the above
`problems or issues.
`In accordance with an aspect of the invention, there is provided a method for
`charging in a communication system, the method comprising: initiating a data
`communication session between a user equipment and a network entity
`offering a digital content item; during the data communication session,
`generating by means of the user equipment a message for ordering the digital
`content item, sending the message to the network entity and, in response to
`the message received in the network entity, downloa~ing the content item to
`the user equipment; and charging the digital content item using a predefined
`price of the message.


`WO 2005/062596
`PCT /FI2004/000783
`The step of initiating a data communication session may comprise initiating a
`wireless application protocol session.
`The method may further comprise providing a template configured to assist in
`generating the message.
`the template
`5 The step of providing the template may comprise filling
`automatically with an order indication and a number of the network entity.
`Preferably, the sending step comprises sending the message automatically,
`and the sending step may comprise sending the message in response to an
`The method may further comprise including the predefined price of the
`invoice generated for charging the data communication
`message in an
`session. The message may be a short message service (SMS) or multimedia
`message service (MMS) message.
`In accordance with another aspect of the invention, there is provided a
`communication system comprising:
`initiating means for initiating a data
`communication session between a user equipment and a network entity
`offering a digital content item; generating means in the user equipment for
`generating a message for ordering the digital content item during the data
`communication session; sending means for sending the message to the
`network entity d'uring the data communication session; downloading means for
`downloading the digital content item in the user equipment during the data
`communication session; and charging means for charging the digital content
`item using a predefined price of the message.
`The data communication session may comprise a wireless application protocol
`The communication system may further comprise template providing means
`for providing a template configured to assist in generating the message, and
`the template may be configured to be filled automatically with an order
`indication and a humber of the service provider.
`The message is preferably configured to be sent automatically, and may be
`configured to be sent in response to an acknowledgment.


`WO 2005/062596
`PCT /FI2004/000783
`The predefined price of the message may be included in a bill generated for
`charging the data communication session.
`The message may be a short message service (SMS) or multimedia message
`service (MMS) message.
`5 Brief description of figures
`The invention will now be described in further detail, by way of example only,
`with reference to the following examples and accompanying drawings, in
`Figure 1 shows an example of a communication system architecture in which
`embodiments of the invention may be implemented;
`Figure 2 shows a flow chart illustrating an embodiment of the invention;
`Detailed description of preferred embodiments
`Embodiments of the present invention are described referring to the IP
`systems, but the same idea may be implemented with other packet switched
`communication systems as well.
`in whiQh
`Figure 1 shows an example of a network architecture
`embodiments of the invention may be implemented. A base station 13 is
`arranged to transmit signals to and receive signals from a user equipment 12
`of a mobile user via a wireless interface between the user equipment and a
`radio access network. Correspondingly, the user equipment is able to transmit
`signals to and receive signals from the radio access network via the wireless
`interface. In the arrangement of Figure 1, the user equipment 12 may access
`the IP network 10 via the radio access network associated with the base
`station 13.
`It shall be appreciated that, although for clarity reasons Figure 1 shows one
`base station of only one radio access network, a typical communication
`network system usually includes a number of radio access networks.
`The user equipment 12 may comprise any appropriate user equipment
`adapted for Internet Protocol (IP) communication to connect the network. For
`example, the mobile user may access the network by means of a Personal
`computer (PC), a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), a mobile station (MS), or in


`WO 2005/062596
`PCT /Fl2004/000783
`general, a user equipment (UE). The following examples are described i"n the
`context of user equipment.
`In an embodiment, the communication system may include a wireless local
`area network (WLAN). In such an embodiment, the browser may be connected
`to the server via the WLAN bypassing any mobile operators.
`Figure 1 shows an application server (AS) 11, or shortly a server, of a service
`provider. The user equipment 12 may connect, for example via a GPRS
`network, to the application server that is connected to one or more data
`networks such as, but not limited to, the exemplifying Internet Protocol (IP)
`network. It shall be appreciated that a great number of application servers may
`be connected to each data network.
`The embodiments of the invention are based on the realization that it might be
`advantageous to be able to provide an improved capability of discover and
`purchase content items during a data communication session, such as a WAP
`or IP session. It might be desirable to provide a means for charging for the
`content items such that the content items may be priced separately from the
`data communication session pricing. Furthermore, it might be advantageous to
`be able to include the price of the content item in an invoice generated for
`charging for the data communication session. Furthermore,
`it might be
`advantageous to initiate payment prior to downloading content.
`Figure 2 is a flowchart showing steps for an embodiment. In step 200, a data
`communication session is initiated between a user equipment and a network
`entity offering a digital content item. During the data communication session, in
`step 202, a message is generated by means of the user equipment for
`ordering the digital. content item. Further during the data communication
`session, in step 204, the message is sent to the network entity. In response to
`the message received
`the network entity and still during the data
`communication session, the content item is downloaded to the user equipment
`in step 206. In step 210, the digital content item is charged using a predefined
`price of the message. It is to be noted that at least the steps 202, 204 and 206
`take place during the data communication session.
`In an embodiment, a user may connect to a server of a service provider using
`a WAP browser, a XHTML browser or a HTTP browser. The user may search
`for interesting digital content items and preview them. The user may be
`presented with an option to buy a content item, for example the content item


`WO 2005/062596
`PCT /FI2004/000783
`the user is previewing. The "Buy" option may be presented for example by
`means of a highlighted text in browser or another appropriate function. When
`the user selects the "Buy" option, a message, such as a short message service
`(SMS) or multimedia service (MMS) message, may be generated for ordering
`the co~tent item. Preferably, the message is of a fixed length. The message is
`generated during the data communication session. The message may be
`generated using a short message service (SMS) in the user equipment by the
`· user, for example, by typing the short message using the user interface.
`However, in a preferred embodiment, the message generation is at least
`partially assisted. The generated short message is then sent "to a server
`operated by or on behalf of the service provider.
`In ordering the content items, the message to be sent may need to be in a
`predefined form. It may be essential that all the spaces and characters are
`exactly in the form required by the system. In an embodiment, the message
`15 may be generated during the data communication session by means of a
`template, which is configured to assist in generating the short message. The
`template may be displayed and filled automatically by the server with an order
`or buy indication, such as an order code, e.g. "GET WPDEMO", and an order
`number, such as an operator specific service number, e.g. "173222". The
`template may invoke a SMS sending subsystem in the user equipment. The·
`SMS generating and sending may be automatic so that the user does not
`necessarily even notice that a short message was generated and sent. In an
`alternative, the SMS sending may require an acknowledgement from the user,
`for example so that the template filled by the server is displayed to the user,
`25 who may select from at least one option, such as an accept option or a cancel
`option or another appropriate option, to initiate the sending of the short
`The document RFC 2368 "The mailto URL scheme" defines a mailto uniform
`resource locator (URL) scheme. The mailto URL scheme is used to designate
`the Internet mailing address of an individual or service. A mailto URL may be
`contain simply an Internet mail address or may be extended using mail header
`fields and message bodies.
`In an embodiment of the invention, the template assisting in generating the
`short message during the data communication session may be a WAP page
`provided with a "sms" keyword. The sms sending function may be modified
`from the mailto URL scheme. The IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force).


`WO 2005/062596
`PCT /FI2004/000783
`Network Working Group Internet-Draft "URI scheme for GSM Short Message
`Service draft-wilde-sms-uri-04" provides an uniform resource identifier (URI)
`scheme for the SMS. The sms URI scheme may be formulated as follows:
`"DisplayedTextHere" denote that the actual information is added in the
`indicated locations.
`The "TheOperatorNumberHere" is a number, which may be the same than the
`number where the user would normally send the short message for ordering
`the content item chosen from a newspaper advertisement or the like, such as
`an operator specific service number, e.g. "173222".
`The "OperatorlnfoHere" contains the information which needs to be sent to the
`operator or service provider for ordering the content item. The operator or
`service provider may define what the information is and may parse the needed
`information when the short message is received by the operator or the service
`provider. In the above example, said information may be the order code, e.g.
`"GET WPDEMO". Other examples may include, but are not limited to, "SEND
`WAP", "CHECK EMAIL" and so on.
`The "Disp/ayedTextHere" is the text that will be displayed to the user. The form
`of this text may be virtually anything, some examples including "Buy", "Britney
`Spears", "Get WAP now".·
`When the above example is written in the above sms URI scheme, the
`following form may be obtained:
`<a href="sms: 173222?body=GET WPDEMO>Buy</a>.
`The above embodiment enables an at least partly automated SMS sending to
`the service provider offering the content item. In this embodiment, the user
`may click on the "buy" option, thereby launching the SMS editor pre-filled with
`the body of the text, which in this example is GET WPDEMO 173222. Then the
`user may click in the SMS editor some appropriate functions, for example
`"OPTIONS" and "SEND". The SMS editor may then display a number field,
`which may also be pre-filled. The user may click an "OK" option to
`acknowledge the sending.


`WO 2005/062596
`PCT /FI2004/000783
`For creating a short message according to a predetermined structure, a menu(cid:173)
`controlled user-interface has been proposed in the patent application EP 0 801
`512 A1. In EP 0 801 512 A1, the user interface presents questions to which
`the user gives answers by selecting an option or by entering a string of
`characters on the keypad. The short message to be sent may contain the
`user's answers as such or the communication device may formulate the
`message on the basis of those answers. This method for generating the short
`message may be used in some embodiments of the invention.
`Although the invention has been described in the context of particular
`embodiments, there are several variations and modifications which may be
`made to the disclosed solution without departing from the scope of the present
`invention as defined in the appended claims. For example, the communication
`system used in the various embodiments may be another communication
`system. The network entities referred to may be called with different names in
`various communication systems. These entities may also carry out various
`additional tasks.


`WO 2005/062596
`PCT /FI2004/000783
`the method
`in a communication system,
`A method for charging
`initiating a data communication session between a user equipment and
`a network entity offering a digital content item;
`during the data communication session, generating by means of the
`user equipment a message for ordering the digital content item, sending the
`message to the network entity and, in response to the message received in the
`network entity, downloading the content item to the user equipment; and
`charging the digital content item using a predefined price of the
`The method according to claim 1, wherein the step of initiating a data
`communication session comprises initiating a wireless application protocol
`The method according to claim 1 or 2, further comprising providing a
`template configured to assist in generating the message.
`The method according to claim 3, wherein the step of providing the
`template comprises filling the template automatically with an order indication
`and a number of the network entity.
`The method according to any preceding claim, wherein the sending step
`comprises sending the message automatically.
`The method according to any of claims 1-4, wherein the sending step
`comprises sending the message in response to an acknowledgment.
`further comprising
`The method according to any preceding claim,
`including the predefined price of the message in an invoice generated for
`charging the data communication session.
`The method according to any preceding claim, wherein the message is a
`short message service (SMS) or multimedia message service (MMS)
`A communication system comprising:
`initiating means for initiating a data communication session between a
`user equipment and a network entity offering a digital content item;


`WO 2005/062596
`PCT /FI2004/000783
`generating means in the user equipment for generating a message for
`ordering the digital content item during the data communication session;
`sending means for sending the message to the network entity during
`the data communication session;
`downloading means for downloading the digital content item in the user
`equipment during the data communication session; and
`charging means for charging the digital content item using a predefined
`price of the message.
`10. The communication system according to claim 9, wherein the data
`communication session comprises a wireless application protocol session.
`11. The communication system according to claim 9 or 10, further comprising
`template providing means for providing a template configured to assist in
`generating the message.
`12. The communication system according to claim 11, wherein the template
`is configured to be filled automatically with an order indication and a number of
`the service provider.
`13. The communication system according to any of claims 9-12, wherein the
`message is configured to be sent automatically.
`14. The communication system according to any of claims 9-12, wherein the
`20 message is configured to be sent in response to an acknowledgment.
`15. The communication system according to any of claims 9-14, wherein the
`predefined price of the message is included in a bill generated for charging the
`data communication session.
`16. The communication system according to any of claims 9-15, wherein the
`25 message is a short message service (SMS) or multimedia message service
`(MMS) message.


`WO 2005/062596
`- - - - - - i z
`1,/) 8
`~-----.-- I



`WO 2005/062596
`Initiating a data communication session between
`a user equipment and a networ~ entity offering
`for order a digital content item
`/ ~'--- __ 200
`------------------------------------------------------, ,,
`Generating by the user equipment a message for..--..-........
`ordering the digital content item
`Sending the message to the network entity
`----- 204
`Downloading the content item to the user
`------------------------- -----------------------------
`Charging the digital content item using a .
`predefined price of the message
`Fig. 2


`International application No.
`PCT/FI 2004/000783
`IPC7: H04M 11/00, H04Q 7/22
`According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC
`Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)
`IPC7: H04Q, H04M
`Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched
`SE, □K,FI,NO classes as above
`Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)
`Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`Relevant to claim No.
`US 20030050042 Al (GEZA OLAH), 13 March 2003
`(13.03.2003), see paragraph [0011]-[0013];
`[0037]-[0039];claims 1,2 and 5
`US 20030073425 Al (M.IMMONEN ET AL), 17 April 2003
`(17.04.2003), see paragraph[0005];[0009];
`15 October 1997 (15.10.1997), see column 1,line
`42-column 2,line 43
`3,4, 11, 12
`[xi Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C.
`Special categories of cited documents:
`'A• document defining the general state of the art which is not considered
`to be of particular relevance
`"E" earlier application or patent but published on or after the lntemalional
`filing date
`"L" document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or which is
`cited to establish the publication date of another citalion or other
`special reason (as specified)
`"O" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other
`"P'' document published prior to the international filing date but later than
`the priority date claimed
`lJa See pa~ent family annex.
`later document published after the international filing date or priority
`date and not in conflict with the application but cited to ,mderstand
`the principle or theory wtderlying the invention
`•x• document of particular relevaru:e: the claimed invention cannot be
`considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive
`step when the document is taken alone
`nyn document of particular relevance: the claimed invention cannot be
`considered to involve an inventive step when the document is
`combined with one or more other SDch documents, such combination
`being obvious to a person sJcilled in the art
`H&H document member of the same patent family
`Date of mailing of the international search report
`l1 6 -05- 2005
`Date of the actual completion of the international search
`12 May 2005
`Name and mailing address of the ISA/
`Swedish Patent Office
`Box 5055, S-102 42 STOCKHOLM
`Facsimile No. +46 8 666 02 86
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) (January 2004)
`Authorized officer
`Peter Hedman /itw
`Telephone No. +46 8 782 25 00


`International application No.
`PCT/FI 2004/000783
`Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`Relevant to claim No.
`17 April 2002 (17.04.2002), page 1,
`line 6 - page 2, line 16; page 3, line 4 - page 21,
`line 4; page 4, line 16 - page 10, line 5-ll;page
`12, line 1-4,abstract
`WO 0235869 Al (KAZAMIAS,CHRISTIAN), 2 May 2002
`(02.05.2002), page 8, line 5 - line 23; page 10,
`line 10 - line 26; page 11, line 21 - page 12,
`line 23, page 13,line 20-24;claims 1,3,4,5
`1,3-9, 11-16
`US 20030157946 Al (Y.CHONG), 21 August 2003
`(21.08.2003), see paragraph [0009];[0014]-[0015];
`1,3-9, 11-16
`30 August 2001 (30.08.2001), page 2,
`line 9 - line 14; page 3, line 17 - line 23;
`page 4, line 20 - line 27, page 6,line 19-24;page
`7, line 9-12;page 8,line 6-lO;page 9,line 5-14
`1 , 3-9, 11-16
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (continuation of second sheet) (January 2004)


`Information on patent family members
`International application No.
`PCT/FI 2004/000783
`20030050042 Al
`10134588 A
`1278359 A

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