`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2002/0002469 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Jan. 3, 2002
`US 2002.0002469A1
`(76) Inventor: Scott Hillstrom, Eagan, MO (US)
`Correspondence Address:
`Philip M. Weiss
`Suite 305
`500 Old Country Road
`Garden City, NY 11530 (US)
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) Filed:
`Jun. 19, 2001
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Non-provisional of provisional application No.
`60/213,100, filed on Jun. 21, 2000.
`Publication Classification
`(51) Int. Cl. ............................. G06F 17/60; G06F 7/00;
`G06F 17/00
`(52) U.S. Cl. ............................................. 705/1; 707/104.1
`The present invention is a System and method for hiring
`lawyers and managing the process entailed in the pursuit of
`clients legal claims.
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`US 2002/0002469 A1
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`0001. The present invention relates to a system and
`method for hiring lawyers and managing the proceSS
`entailed in the pursuit of clients legal claims.
`0002 The legal services industry is highly fragmented
`and lackS meaningful quality controls. Fragmentation leads
`clients to Select lawyers based on factors having little to do
`with the Suitability of the choice. Advertising, personal
`relationships, word of mouth and the like frequently do not
`result in a good match of lawyers to clients. Meanwhile, the
`industry lackS meaningful quality controls. In most indus
`tries, customers can judge the quality and value of Services
`for themselves. But, in the legal Services industry, clients are
`not qualified to judge the quality or price of the Services that
`they pay for because they lack the necessary expertise and
`experience. The mismatch of clients and lawyers, and the
`lack of quality controls, result in notoriously high levels of
`client dissatisfaction with lawyers generally.
`0003. Meanwhile, clients must make decisions that have
`profound effects on the outcome of their legal matters. They
`lack the expertise and experience necessary to understand
`issues and must depend on the advice of the lawyers that
`they hire. Often, they must make momentous decisions
`based on advice Supplied by lawyers who are themselves
`lacking expertise or experience or who would benefit from
`the addition of another legal expert. And Sometimes, law
`yers interests come into conflict with the clients: For
`example, when a lawyer recommends that a personal injury
`Settlement offer be accepted under circumstances where the
`additional work necessary to try a case will/may not be
`justified by the additional fee he or she stands to earn doing
`it. Or when a corporation must make a critical decision with
`potentially large consequences but lacks its own expertise to
`judge whether or what legal advice to follow. These prob
`lems result from the way the legal industry operates even
`where lawyers are following ethical rules. The integration
`and quality control features of the present invention are
`designed to ameliorate these problems.
`0004 U.S. Pat. No. 5,838,966 relates to a computer aided
`System for organizing and explaining data Stored by a legal
`professional and relating to a designated case where data is
`later required for action in a Sequence of Stages character
`istic of a litigation proceeding.
`0005 U.S. Pat. No. 5,903,646 relates to an access control
`System for litigation document production. Documents are
`produced as Stored images. Documents which are confiden
`tial or redacted are Stored in encrypted form.
`0006 U.S. Pat. No. 5,956,687 relates to a personal injury
`claim management System. The System established records,
`each reflective of a phase of a corresponding personal injury
`0007 U.S. Pat. No. 5,940,800 relates to attorney termi
`nals which operate using an outline for Storing, associating
`and managing case evidence, case law and work product for
`a given lawsuit at issue. The outline is Structured based on
`a hierarchical categorization of the lawsuit into the law and
`fact at issue.
`0008 U.S. Pat. No. 5,875.431 relates to a legal strategic
`analysis planning and evaluation control System and
`method. The System relates to a computer based, closed loop
`legal Strategic planning System having iterative convergence
`to an optimal Strategy and dynamic tracking of current
`prevailing legal climates. The System provides a Strategic
`planning template outlining the objectives and tasks, and
`their associated timing.
`0009 U.S. Pat. No. 5,991,733 relates to a method and
`computerized System for managing insurance receivable
`accounts. The method includes automation of collection
`Strategies and a restorable data warehouse for comparison to
`all other insurance receivable accounts.
`0010 U.S. Pat. No. 5,159,180 relates to a litigation
`Support System in which information regarding documents
`and other items of evidence are Stored in record fields of an
`electronic database using an optical Scanning mechanism
`with the ability to scan bar codes or other indicia.
`0011. The present invention is a process and system for
`use by intra-State, multi-State, and international law firms
`and practices, including multi-disciplinary firms and prac
`tices (collectively herein “Practice (s)"), to select particu
`larly qualified lawyers to pursue, prosecute, defend and
`manage legal claims on behalf of clients. It is a further object
`of the present invention to enable lawyers and clients to
`collaborate closely and to enable clients to take a pro-active
`role in the pursuit and management of their cases, claims,
`and defenses. It is an object of the present invention to
`collect, maintain, and use information about lawyers in a
`manner that improves the match of lawyers to clients and
`their legal matters and that assures that quality Standards
`among lawyers are maintained. It is an object of the present
`invention for clients to pay lawyerS for the use of the process
`and System from contingency fees and flat fees among other
`0012. In an embodiment, the system of the present inven
`tion is used by a Practice or group of Practices consisting of
`“Managing Lawyers' dedicated to assisting clients to Select
`lawyers and manage legal matters being primarily handled
`by other “Primary Lawyers” who may or may not be
`associated with the same Practice(s) as the Managing Law
`yer. Primary Lawyers are lawyers who are primarily respon
`Sible for the execution of acts necessary to the proper
`handling of cases, claims, and defenses and who Secure a
`continuous stream of referrals from the Practice by compli
`ance with its policies, procedures, and Standards. The System
`of the present invention assists Managing LawyerS and
`Primary Lawyers to improve the quality of legal Services
`and results for their clients.
`0013. It is an object of the present invention to collect,
`maintain, and use information about lawyers in a manner
`that improves the match of lawyers to clients and their legal
`matters and that assures that quality Standards among law
`yers are maintained. It is an object of the present invention
`for clients to pay lawyers for the use of the process and
`System from contingency fees and flat fees among other
`TurnSignl - Exhibit 1015
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`US 2002/0002469 A1
`Jan. 3, 2002
`In an embodiment, the system of the present inven
`tion is used by a Practice or group of Practices consisting of
`“Managing Lawyers' dedicated to assisting clients to Select
`lawyers and manage legal matters being primarily handled
`by other “Primary Lawyers” who may or may not be
`associated with the same Practice(s) as the Managing Law
`yer. Primary Lawyers are lawyers who are primarily respon
`Sible for the execution of acts necessary to the proper
`handling of cases, claims, and defenses and who Secure a
`continuous stream of referrals from the Practice by compli
`ance with its policies, procedures, and Standards. Methods of
`the present invention includes using the Internet, broadcast,
`narrowcast, Spot-cast, audio, Video, electronic and print
`media for the generation of prospective client and lawyer
`inquiries and for processing and responding to Such inquir
`ies. Methods of the present invention include administrative
`processing and management of client inquiries, client
`accounts, client information and attorney client communi
`cations. This process is enabled by the use of an electronic
`and/or wireleSS network that makes its features and benefits
`available all the time, in real-time, Worldwide and automates
`the processes necessary to the Selection of lawyers and the
`management of legal matters.
`0.015 A Practice uses the system and method of the
`present invention for the purpose of managing the process of
`pursuing, prosecuting, and defending legal claims of clients.
`The Practice manages legal claims through Managing Law
`yers while Primary Lawyers, who may or may not be
`affiliated with the Practice, pursue, prosecute, and defend
`clients legal matters.
`0016 A Practice consists of any association among law
`yers and former judges (“Managing Lawyers”), active and
`retired, who possess unique skills, experience, and a license
`to practice law enabling them to provide management and
`advisory Services to clients concerning legal matters being
`primarily handled by other “Primary Lawyers”. Lawyers
`may be associated in a Practice in any combination of
`personal contracts, corporations, partnerships, multidisci
`plinary practices, or other form allowed by law with the
`commonality among them being the use of the System and
`method. Lawyers interested in associating with the Practice
`as Managing LawyerS or Primary LawyerS may apply by
`mail, telephone or by using an electronic or wireleSS network
`included in the method and System of the present invention.
`Applicant lawyers undergo a specific process of Selection
`and continuous qualification included in the method and
`System of the present invention.
`0.017. The system and method of the present invention
`may be operated directly by a Practice or outsourced to a
`busineSS management company.
`0.018. In a preferred embodiment, prospective client and
`lawyer inquires are generated by marketing, promotion and
`advertising using the Internet, broadcast, narrowcast, Spot
`cast, audio, Video, electronic and print media. A publicly
`accessible website offers content, Services and other attrac
`tions of interest to lawyers, clients, prospective clients and
`the people who serve them (e.g. doctors) and creates a
`Vertically integrated marketplace of lawyers and clients by
`facilitating interactions among them. Users may access the
`public content and functions of the website by opening an
`account. While using publicly accessible content, Services
`and functions, lawyer-users may apply on-line as Managing
`or Primary Lawyers. Prospective client-users may create and
`Submit a file on-line answering questions that will enable the
`system of the present invention to forward the file to an
`appropriate Managing Lawyer licensed in an appropriate
`0019. In a preferred embodiment, the present invention
`includes claim-type specific Sections with content and fea
`tures specific to specific types of claims (e.g. personal injury,
`insurance defense, environmental, class-action, etc.)
`0020 Lawyers interested in associating with a Practice
`as a Managing Lawyer, or in receiving referrals from it as a
`Primary Lawyer, are enabled by the present invention to
`indicate their interest and to Submit necessary information
`and records for consideration by the Practice. When a lawyer
`SeekS to Submit an application, they are electronically linked
`into a Secure, confidential and proprietary Internet web site
`to enable (a) lawyers to indicate their interest in associating
`with or receiving referrals from the Practice and (b) pro
`Spective clients to use the Services of the Law Firm.
`Prospective clients are enabled to request informa
`tion concerning a Practice's Services or may inquire of a
`Managing Lawyer concerning their legal matters by Sub
`mission of information over a Secure link which information
`is accessible only to a Managing Lawyer licensed to Practice
`in an appropriate State or States and Said lawyer is enabled
`to respond through a secure link directly back to the pro
`Spective client. The Secure link connects users to an elec
`tronic encrypted file or files Situated in a virtual private
`network accessible only by the lawyer and the prospective
`client using a password or other Security measure.
`0022 Prospective clients are enabled to request to be
`contacted by a Managing Lawyer licensed in an appropriate
`State or States for consultation concerning the particular
`prospective client and claims.
`0023. In one embodiment of the present invention elec
`tronic and print media are used. The present invention uses
`the Internet, billboards, television, radio, magazines and
`newspapers for advertising and promotion. Persons respond
`ing to marketing, promotion and advertising contact the
`Practice by means of the Internet, telephone, fax, mail, and
`other means known in the art.
`0024. The present invention provides a unique way for
`prospective clients to respond. When a person does NOT
`request to be contacted by a Managing Attorney, the System
`of the present invention will answer general questions about
`the Practice and its Services and will Supply information
`requested by electronic and printed media.
`0025. When a person DOES request to be contacted by a
`Managing Attorney, the System of the present invention
`creates a data file including the name, phone number,
`address, email address and general description of the type of
`matter involved (collecting only what information is neces
`Sary to match the person to an appropriately qualified
`Managing Lawyer) and electronically refers the file to an
`appropriate Managing Lawyer who is preferably (but not
`necessarily) geographically convenient to the prospective
`TurnSignl - Exhibit 1015
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`US 2002/0002469 A1
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`0026. Upon receipt of a referral, a Managing Lawyer
`initiates contact with the prospective client by all available
`means within a prescribed number of hours of the initial
`contact. A normal telephonic and/or in-person consultation
`is conducted with the prospective client including collection
`and recording of relevant information and legally advising
`the prospective client. If the prospective client wishes to
`retain the Managing Lawyer the Managing Lawyer negoti
`ates and executes a retainer agreement using the Practice
`prescribed standard retainer agreement (“SRA') under
`which the prospective client becomes a client (“Client”) of
`the Practice. In a preferred embodiment, the provisions of
`the retainer agreement include the Client's consent to asso
`ciate a Primary Lawyer approved by the Client; an attorney
`lien in favor of the Practice and Primary Lawyer; and the
`Client's consent to Sharing of legal fees among the Practice
`and Primary Lawyer. Alternatively, the Managing Lawyer
`may refer the prospective client to a Primary lawyer before
`the SRA is signed. In that case, the Primary Lawyer is first
`retained using the SRA.
`0.027 Lawyers interested in associating with the Practice,
`or receiving referrals from it, are invited to apply on-line and
`to Submit information required by the Practice and necessary
`to process the application.
`0028 Managing and Primary Lawyers use the process
`and System of the present invention to comply with uniform
`quality assurance polices and Standards established by the
`Practice to assure Superior representation and results for
`Clients. In a preferred embodiment the process and System
`includes the following:
`0029 Electronic Process Control System (“EPCS”).
`0030 The present invention includes the use of a virtual
`private electronic network (“Network”) accessible through a
`browser or similar interface to access an EPCS. In a pre
`ferred embodiment, the present invention is primarily
`enabled by the use of the EPCS by some or all participants
`in initiating, executing, monitoring, and providing controls
`and Statistical data for the workflow of the legal and admin
`istrative processes undertaken on behalf of clients. The
`EPCS may be used by the Managing Lawyer(s), Primary
`Lawyer(s), Client(s), Medical Personnel, Expert Witnesses
`or consultants, administrators, paralegal perSonnel, Defen
`dants, Court Personnel, etc. or any of their assigns, (“Par
`ticipants”). The Network uses standard Internet Protocol or
`other ubiquitous communications protocols. User participa
`tion is enabled by access to the EPCS via a standard web
`browser or equivalent, a custom application or its equiva
`lent, or other access technology as may exist for networking
`functionality, Such as wireleSS/mobile device access, acceSS
`via an “internet appliance', or telephone or “videophone”
`access, or any future equivalents, Singly or in combination.
`0.031) 1) In a preferred embodiment, the EPCS pro
`vides the present invention with optimum efficiency,
`functionality, performance, reliability, and data regard
`ing performance and client Satisfaction. This may be
`accomplished via:
`0032) a) Central or distributed EPCS servers or
`replacement Server technologies as appropriate to
`respond adequately to users’ needs and desires.
`0033 b) Potential outsourcing of server hosting or
`other network functions to independent or allied
`entities to obtain maximum efficiency and user Sat
`0034 c) Variants of the EPCS architecture, content,
`or functions to accommodate differing State or
`national laws as required to Serve clients or users in
`disparate geographical locations.
`0035) 2) The EPCS enables
`0036) a) Creation and storage of data files using
`pre-configured data fields Selected or designed to
`hold information necessary to the process of pursu
`ing, prosecuting and managing Clients legal claims.
`0037 b) Organization of data files into functional
`Structures consisting of data bases and rule based
`processes relating data files to one another and
`linking them or otherwise electronically associating
`them for ease of navigation and retrieval to relevant
`or related data files or documents as appropriate to
`the circumstances of each case. Among other things,
`the EPCS enables the creation, Submittal, and storage
`0038 i) clients’ applications or requests for infor
`mation, representation or evaluation.
`0039. Applications may include attachment or submittal
`of Supporting documents or records as applicable.
`0040 ii) applications or requests for participation
`from Managing Lawyers, Primary Lawyers, or
`other participants interested in joining the net
`work, Such as medical perSonnel, expert witnesses
`or consultants, administrators, paralegal perSon
`nel, defendants, court perSonnel, etc. or any of
`their assigns. Applications may include question
`naires for assessing or issuing credentials,
`attached files of Supporting documentation, refer
`ral information, and any additional data as may be
`required or appropriate to qualify applicants.
`0041) iii) necessary documents and forms includ
`ing, but not limited to, retainer agreements, fact
`finding questionnaires, preliminary investigation
`reports, discovery proceedings and related docu
`ment attachments, client authorizations for
`releases of information by medical record holders,
`employers, police or regulatory authorities, insur
`ance companies, or other lawyers.
`iv) notice letters and documents including,
`but not limited to service letters and notices of
`complaint, insurance company notifications,
`notices of power of attorney.
`0043 v) informational statements, statement of
`the case, deposition Statements, various court
`documents and forms, documents utilized for inte
`gration with the internal processing Systems of
`Various participating law firms
`0044 vi) documents to control case work time
`lines and important dates.
`(1) In a preferred embodiment, the EPCS
`includes automatic agents, macros, or other
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`programmatic devices or methods to pro-ac
`tively generate reminders, alarms, or other
`notices via any medium including email, fax, or
`telephone, among others, notifying all relevant
`participants that due dates for various case work
`milestones or activities are pending or expired,
`that certain case work documents or partici
`pants have been inactive for Specified amounts
`of time, that certain responses are lacking, that
`certain activities and/or communications have
`been initiated within the system. Documents
`and/or dates to be included are determined by
`the Practice and may additionally include, but
`are not limited to Statutes of limitation, court
`filing deadlines, discovery (e.g. interrogatories)
`deadlines, expiration of Settlement offers and
`response or comment documents or comments
`Solicited from any involved parties.
`0046 (2) In a preferred embodiment, those
`portions of the automatically or manually gen
`erated messages which are transmitted between
`or among Participants via electronic email con
`tain electronic linkages (via buttons, hotspots,
`"doclinks', or other proprietary or commer
`cially available features for electronic linkage)
`to the applicable documents or databases or
`System modules which caused the alarm or
`message. Additionally, the messages originat
`ing from this real-time date generator (e.g.
`electronic calendar) may include the following
`types of information, among others,
`0047 a. when specific actions are or should
`be Scheduled to occur
`b. retrospectively informing partici
`pants when
`i. actions Scheduled to occur have
`occurred, and
`ii. actions Scheduled to occur did
`not OCCur
`0051 (3) In a preferred embodiment, the auto
`matic or manually generated alarms trigger a
`System of escalating alarms which Send or copy
`the notifications to perSonnel or Supervisory
`Systems with progressively higher levels of
`authority and responsibility to enforce timely
`completion of Scheduled or Sequential events to
`help assure maximum client and user Satisfac
`tion. These escalating alarms enable certain
`participants to execute appropriate Supervisory
`functions Such as advising lawyers and clients
`of useful information that may assist in the
`matter concerning which the message was
`vii.) protection of confidentiality of infor
`mation by limiting access to data bases and data
`files, and Sharing of data files, to those participants
`who are authorized to access the information.
`Certain participants are permitted control over the
`acceSS level Settings of other participants, while
`certain other participants have various access lev
`els Such as to read only, read and edit, etc. In
`a preferred embodiment, creations of, or alter
`ations to, certain documents by any participant
`force a description of the creation or revision and
`generate email or other notifications via appropri
`ate media to participants related to the applicable
`0053 c.) archiving data files and linking them to
`databases including, among others,
`a. Legal documents
`0055) b. Transcript
`0056 c. Pleadings
`0057 d. Medical and lab reports
`e. Expert witness reports
`0059) f. Contracts
`0060 g. Correspondence
`0061 h. Graphic data
`0062) i. Photographs
`0063 ii. Scans, X-rays, medical and lab testing
`0064 iii. Audio/video data
`0065) iv. Witness interviews
`v. Depositions
`0067 d.) recording and transmission of live video
`and audio data of proceedings, including deposi
`tions, court hearings, trials, conferences and the like
`to Managing Lawyers and Clients, which further
`enables Managing Lawyers to participate when not
`physically present. Recordings are key-word Search
`able based on words describing Subject matter
`imbedded for this purpose into recordings and also
`based on Voice conversion into text extracted from
`0068 An embodiment of the present invention provides
`access to professional resources including, among others,
`Standardized forms, retainer agreements, pleadings, Settle
`ment and other agreements identified to particular legal
`requirements in each State, expert witness roster, white
`papers, on-line legal research tools, legal research Support
`0069. An embodiment of the present invention provides
`on-line Submission of credentialing requirements and other
`information required by the Practice using the System to
`comply with policies, procedures and Standards.
`0070. In a preferred embodiment of the present invention
`the proceSS and System of the present invention includes a
`quality assurance process ("QAP) designed to assure the
`maintenance of Standards and compliance with policies
`calculated to ensure Superior representation and results for
`0071. In a preferred embodiment, these standards include
`that all Managing and Primary Attorneys contractually agree
`to abide by the Practice's standards as a condition of
`asSociation with the Practice, in the case of Managing
`Lawyers, or receiving referrals, in the case of Primary
`Attorneys. The Practice establishes and maintains a Stan
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`US 2002/0002469 A1
`Jan. 3, 2002
`dards Committee that Sets professional Standards for the
`Practice, Managing Lawyers and Primary Lawyers to whom
`they refer. The QAP includes:
`0072 i.) Credentialing Requirements (applicable to
`all lawyers). Only credentialed lawyers are permitted
`to Serve as Managing or Primary Lawyers. Once
`granted, credentials automatically expire periodi
`cally at intervals set by the Standards Committee
`unless the lawyer's credentials are maintained. Law
`yerS maintain compliance with Standards by Supply
`ing current credentialing information using the
`0073 a. professional background, standing, and
`0074 b. licensing status
`0075 c. disciplinary record
`d. formal education
`0077 e. case type, load and results history
`0078 f. pro-bono and professional contributions
`0079 g. continuing legal education
`0080 h. professional and client references
`0081) i. malpractice insurance
`0082) j. law practice operations (applicable only
`to Primary Lawyers)
`i. profitability and solvency
`0084 ii. access to financing resources for costs
`advanced against cases
`0085 iii. general management standards and
`0086) iv. tax compliance
`k. qualifications within declared specialt
`(e.g. auto accidents, medical malpractice , toxic
`torts, mass torts, etc.)
`0088 ii.) Peer Review. In an embodiment, a Stan
`dards Committee establishes a procedure for the
`periodic peer review of Managing Lawyers by the
`Standards Committee and Primary Lawyers by Man
`aging Attorneys who refer to them. Peer review is
`automated through the EPCS using a procedure that
`enables clients and lawyers to make confidential
`entries into a Secure file accessible only by autho
`rized peer reviewers. An embodiment of the EPCS
`maintains on-line records of the quality performance
`of participants for purposes of assisting the Stan
`dards Committee in initiating and following up on
`appropriate corrective actions for deficiencies in
`client Satisfaction, deficiencies in overall System
`performance, or unsatisfactory performance by any
`participant other than the Client. Additionally, an
`embodiment of the present invention includes the
`means to make certain awards, accolades, champi
`onship Status, or other recognition of top performing
`participants as evidenced by the QAP data contained
`within the EPCS.
`0089. An embodiment of the EPCS includes hosting
`online games or contests wherein the general public can
`participate in any "participant' role in contests with or
`against certain champion participants in hypothetical cases.
`0090 An embodiment of the present invention includes
`integrating with a television, web cast, or other broadcast or
`narrow cast program, the content and plot of which coin
`cides with, precedes, or results from hypothetical or actual
`case work within the EPCS. Integration can include the
`production of television programs, Video, film, or other
`media presentations for education, commercial, or other
`0091 An embodiment of the present invention includes a
`Virtual Law School game that enables users to answer law
`School exam questions licensed from bar exam preparatory
`course. The exam database can be key word Searchable So
`that users can find fact situations resembling their own case
`to become familiarized with the concepts involved.
`0092 An embodiment of the present invention includes
`EPCS capabilities to initiate, publicize, manage, and com
`plete administrative and process flow work including all the
`above mentioned features pursuant to the organization,
`execution and Settlement of classaction lawsuits involving
`multiple claimants.
`0093. An embodiment of the present invention includes
`Primary Lawyers being enabled to bid for the types of clients
`and cases they prefer by entering relevant data into the EPCS
`for use by Managing Lawyers in making referrals. Terms of
`bids can include any terms permitted by the Practice.
`0094. An embodiment of the present invention includes
`the use of the present invention to market and operate a
`center for multi-national litigation where the EPCS is used
`to coordinate litigation acroSS multiple international juris
`dictions. The Service offers language translation Services.
`The System can also assist in document production in a
`multi-district case.
`0095. An embodiment of the present invention includes
`offering consumers who pay contingent legal fees all of the
`benefits of the invention in consideration of referral fees
`customarily paid by primary lawyers to referring lawyers.
`0096. An embodiment of the present invention includes
`the classification of expert witnesses according to their fields
`(e.g. doctors, toxicologists, etc.) and inviting clients and
`lawyers, actual and prospective, to Submit inquiries (e.g.
`“Ask the Expert”). Experts will be invited to log on and
`reply but the identities of each side will be known only to the
`Practice. Experts identities will be supplied to Primary
`Lawyers when they have replied in a matter which becomes
`a case. Experts are enabled to generate expert witness fees
`when their reply leads to an engagement.
`0097. In an embodiment of the present invention, the
`System of the present invention matches clients and their
`legal matters to the lawyers who serve them. Information
`about a client's case is inputted into the System of the present
`invention. Relevant information includes the jurisdiction
`where the legal matter occurred. For a personal injury
`matter, it would be where the accident occurred. Other
`information to be inputted the type of attorney a client needs,
`Such as litigator, patent attorney, personal injury attorney,
`etc., personal information about the client, Such as name
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`address how to be contacted, etc. Information concerning the
`potential defendant should also be inputted So that conflict
`checks can be done So that the attorneys that are trying to be
`matched do not have a conflict with the potential defendants.
`0098. The system of the present invention will have in
`it's database information about the attorneys, managing
`attorneys and practicing attorneys. Information should
`include personal information, name, address, how to be
`contacted. Other information concerning their legal back
`ground also should be inputted. The legal background
`should include in what States the attorney is licensed, and the
`type of law that they specialize in. In a preferred embodi
`ment, references from others who have had experience with
`the attorney is also inputted in the System of the present
`invention. In a preferred embodiment, the System of the
`present invention is linked to legal databases, Such as
`Westlaw, lexis and pacer, So that one can easily find any
`current information about how the attorney has done at trials
`or in opinions. In a preferred embodiment,