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`It's Your Right to Film the Police. These Apps Can Help | WIRED
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`ON APRIL 12 police in West Baltimore took 25-year-old Freddie Gray into custody,
`where hesustained a fatal spinal injury that led to his death. On Friday, the
`Maryland DA chargedthesix police officers involved with manslaughter, false
`imprisonment, andin the case of one officer, homicide. Since Gray’s death,the city
`of Baltimore has been at the center of renewed public outrage overthe role of racial
`discrimination and violencein the criminaljustice system, and specifically, fatal
`interactions betweenblackresidents and police officers.
`Andlike the shooting death of Michael Brownby a policeman beforethis, and the
`choking death of Eric Garner before this, and most recently the murderof Walter
`Scott in South Carolina, justice in the case of Freddie Gray seemsto hinge upon
`camera evidence from bystanders.
`With smartphones,wethecitizens have in our pockets the powerto hold our
`governmentresponsible. Apps are cropping up to makeit easier to videotape
`incidentslike this. And organizationslike the Electronic Frontier Foundation and
`National Lawyers Guild are working to makesure we,the people with camerasin
`our hands, knowourrights underthe law.
`First of all, it’s important to state up front thatit is completely within a UScitizen’s
`constitutional rights to record interactions with police officers, according to the
`ACLU.TheEFFhascreated a guide for knowingyourlegal rights to digital property.
`Unless you are on private property, you have the right to photograph,film, or record
`anything in plain sight. Officers are not allowed to confiscate this material---or even
`search yourcell phone---without a warrant. Yet, law enforcement frequently
`confiscates these recordings, while harassing, detaining, and arresting those who
`fail to comply.
`It is also true that if you film a crime, you may inadvertently become part of the
`investigation, and may becomesubject to attention from police yourself.
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`It's Your Right to Film the Police. These Apps Can Help | WIRED
`Take, for instance, the individual whofilmed the choking of Eric Garner, Ramsey
`Orta. Orta has been in andoutof Rikers since that tragic day. Speaking with VICE,
`Orta, who wasfriendly with Garner, decided to start documenting police
`misconduct in the summerof 2014 around his heavily-policed neighborhoodof
`Staten Island. But since Garner’s death, Orta andhis family allege that police have
`zeroed in on him,following close family membersas well as his girlfriend. Police
`charged Orta with gun and drug possession as well as armed robbery. On April 6, the
`Free Thought Project wrote about Orta's imprisonment. His case wentviral, and
`soon a GoFundMe campaign had collected over $54,000to free him. Orta was
`released on April 10.
`If an individual is already marginalized in society, or lacks resources, the
`implications are huge: On Thursday, for instance, Mashable reported that police had
`arrested a transgender woman whowasfilming the Baltimore protests, and then
`forced herto stay in a male holding cell, remove herbra, and wear men’sclothing.
`Herbail is currently set at $100,000.
`Appsfor Witnesses
`In 2012, the ACLU created an app that allowed anyonetofilm interactions between
`police andcitizens and upload footage to the ACLU’s website. Similar apps have
`cropped up since then, with new features allowing for quick and automatic upload
`to the Cloud or to YouTube,in case of confiscation or destruction of yourdevice.
`Duncan Kirkwood’s app, “Hands Up4Justice,” allows people to discreetly record
`interactions with police officers during traffic stops, etc. The app integrates
`emergency contacts and GPS, uploads to YouTube or a Dropbox account, andis
`available for download in the iTunesstore. Inspired by his own experience at a
`traffic stop, Kirkwood wanted to makeit easier for people of color (whoare
`disproportionately stopped by police on US highways) to record their interactions
`without fear of intimidation.
`Inspired by Occupy WallStreet, “I’m Getting Arrested,” is a free Android appthat
`instantly sends texts to emergency contacts that you’ve pre-programmedinto your
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`It's Your Right to Film the Police. These Apps Can Help | WIRED
`Other appslike “The Swat App,” “Five-O,” and “Stop and Frisk Watch”allow you to
`report police misconduct as well as educate yourself about your rights and connect
`with other users via community feeds. All of these were modeled after social justice
`movements like Occupy and Ferguson,but their founders developed them as a
`result of personal experience with police brutality.
`Reports and recordingsvia appslike these, or stand-alone camera footage, might be
`the only piece of evidence to stand against an officer’s accountof events.If it were
`not for that video of the fatal shooting of Walter Scott in South Carolina, the officer
`might never have been charged with murder.
`Alessandrais a former social media manager at WIRED. Before coming to WIRED,she workedat the
`Centerfor Investigative Reporting, The Atlantic (a year-long fellowship), and Foreign Policy. She studied
`journalism and French at UC Berkeley andis interested in media and culture reporting. She lives in San
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`It's Your Right to Film the Police. These Apps Can Help | WIRED
`A scandal unfolding in Argentina showsthe dangers of implementing facial recognition—even with laws
`andlimits in place.
`Apple's Encryption Is Under Attack by a Mysterious Group
`Plus: Sony confirms a breach ofits networks, US federal agents get caughtillegally using phone location
`data, and more.
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