`Page 1
` ********************************************************
` NUHN INDUSTRIES LTD., Case No. 3:22-CV-00015-SMR-HCR
` Plaintiff,
` v.
` Defendant.
` ********************************************************
` Taken Tuesday, October 29, 2024
` Scheduled for 2:00 P.M. CENTRAL TIME
` JOB NO.: MW 6972640
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`Page 2
` Tuesday, October 29, 2024, commencing at 2:30 p.m. (CDT)
` before Lori Morrow, Certified Diplomate Reporter,
` Certified Realtime Reporter, Certified Realtime
` Captioner, and a Stenographic Shorthand Reporter and
` Notary Public of and for the State of Minnesota.
` **********
` A P P E A R A N C E S:
` On Behalf of the Plaintiff:
` Scott E. Yackey, Esquire
` 2600 Network Boulevard, Suite 230
` Frisco, Texas 75034
` (469) 777-5423
` On Behalf of the Defendant:
` Thomas J. Leach, Esquire
` 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 2200
` Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
` (612) 336-4665
` (APPEARANCES continued on the next page.)
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`Page 3
` ALSO PRESENT: Brian Ciccone, Videographer
` **********
` NOTE: The original transcript will be delivered to
` Thomas Leach, Esquire.
` I N D E X
` Mr. Leach.................. 7
` Mr. Yackey................. 99
` Mr. Leach.................. 121
` Mr. Yackey................. 124
` Mr. Leach.................. 126
`2 3
`5 6
`8 9
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` E X H I B I T S
`Page 4
` Exhibit 41 U.S. Patent No. 7,314,395,
` Amphibious Vehicle (Bates
` BAZ15_0001354 - 1380)................ 12
` Exhibit 42 Brochure of
` Sealegs products
` (Bates BAZ15_0193257)................ 18
` Exhibit 43 Brochure for Amphibious Rescue
` Craft (Bates SEA0000003 - 10)........ 24
` Exhibit 44 Screenshots of Sealegs Native
` Files' Properties (No Bates)......... 25
` Exhibit 45 Sealegs Tax Invoice 13459 to Ideal
` House Construction Co., Ltd.,
` dated 6/1/2013 (Bates
` SEA0000001 - 2)...................... 45
` Exhibit 46 Sealegs brochure of products,
` story and background, and
` customer applications (Bates
` SEA0000011 - 66)..................... 54
` Exhibit 47 Photos of Sealegs fire
` pump craft (in factory)
` (Bates SEA0000067)................... 71
` (EXHIBITS continued on the next page.)
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`Page 5
` Exhibit 48 Photo of Sealegs fire pump craft
` (inside shipping container)
` (Bates SEA0000068)................... 71
` Exhibit 49 Web page from Sealegs
` International's Facebook page
` (Bates BAZ15-0193258 - 193259)....... 76
` Exhibit 50 Excerpts from Sealegs' Facebook
` page (Bates BAZ15-019350 - 19353).... 81
` Exhibit 51 Screenshot of web page from
` Sealegs' web site (Bates
` BAZ15-0193254)....................... 84
` Exhibit 52 Video of Sealegs Fire Rescue
` Vehicles (Bates BAZ15-0193260)....... 87
` (REPORTER'S NOTE: Quotations from exhibits are
` reflected in the manner in which they were read into the
` record and do not necessarily indicate an exact quote
` from the document.)
` **********
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`Page 6
` (The following proceedings commenced at
` 2:30 p.m. (CDT).)
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good afternoon. We are
` going on the record at 2:30 p.m. Central
` Daylight Time on October 29, 2024.
` This is Media Unit Number One of the
` video-recorded deposition of Maurice Bryham
` taken by counsel for Defendant in the matter of
` Nuhn Industries Limited versus Bazooka
` Farmstar, LLC, filed in the United States
` District Court for the Southern District of
` Iowa, Davenport Division. Case Number
` 3:22-CV-00015-SMR-HCA.
` This deposition is being held via remote
` Zoom. My name is Brian Ciccone representing
` Veritext Legal Solutions, and I am the
` videographer. The court reporter is Lori
` Morrow, also from Veritext Legal Solutions.
` Will the attorneys please identify
` themselves for voice recognition.
` MR. LEACH: This is Tom Leach with
` Merchant & Gould on behalf of the Defendant,
` Bazooka Farmstar.
` MR. YACKEY: This is Scott Yackey from the
` law firm of Harness IP on behalf of Plaintiff,
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`Page 7
` Nuhn Industries Limited.
` And I want to note for the record that
` this deposition is being conducted remotely
` pursuant to the Court's order dated October 28,
` 2024, Docket Number 242.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Thank you. Will the
` court reporter please swear in the witness.
` (The witness was sworn.)
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: You may proceed.
` duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows:
` Q Thank you, Mr. Bryham, for your time today.
` I want to quickly start first just to get some
` formalities out of the way. If you could please state
` your full name for the record.
` A Maurice John Bryham.
` Q Can you spell that, please?
` A M-a-u-r-i-c-e, J-o-h-n, B-r-y-h-a-m.
` Q And how old are you, sir?
` A I am 58, born on 4th of August, 1965.
` Q And where do you live?
` A 42 Ocean View Road, Milford, Auckland,
` New Zealand.
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`Page 8
` Q Sir, have you ever been deposed before? Have
` you ever had a deposition taken before?
` A Not in the U.S.
` Q Okay. And are you here today voluntarily to
` provide facts about Sealegs' amphibious vehicle?
` A Yes.
` Q And you understand that the court reporter just
` administered the oath and that you are under oath today,
` and it has the same force and effect as if you were in a
` courtroom in front of a judge and jury?
` A Yes.
` Q And I will attempt to make my questions as
` clear as I can. But if you don't understand a question
` or want me to clarify, please ask, and I'll try to do so.
` But if you provide an answer, I'll assume you
` understood the question. Is that fair?
` A Yes.
` Q And because the court reporter is going to be
` taking down everything that's said today, it's important
` to give verbal responses like yes, no, or just verbal
` answers versus uh-huh or uh-uh or shaking your head.
` That's hard for the court reporter to get that down. So
` if you could, please provide verbal answers. Is that
` fair?
` A Yes.
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`Page 9
` Q And then also, because she's trying to take
` down what is said, I'll make a point not to speak over
` you, and if you could try to wait until I'm done and then
` provide your answer so the court reporter can get
` everything down that's said. Okay?
` A Okay.
` Q And then, is there any reason, for example, any
` medication you're on that would prevent you from
` understanding my questions and answering them truthfully?
` A No.
` Q And, Mr. Yackey, counsel for Nuhn, may make
` objections throughout the course of the proceeding, and I
` may when he's asking questions make some objections.
` Wait until those objections are done, and then you can
` provide your answer. Okay?
` A Okay.
` Q I want to go through just a little bit of your
` background quick, and I'm going to try to be as efficient
` as possible. Can you tell me generally, what is your
` education?
` A My education is just through to New Zealand
` high school, which I think would be the same as year 13,
` and then I went into business. I didn't go to
` university.
` Q Okay. And are you currently employed?
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`Page 10
` A Yes.
` Q And who are you employed by?
` A I have my own company, Sea4 Amphibious
` Technology.
` Q Okay.
` A And then I just do some consulting for Sealegs
` International now.
` Q Okay. Are you affiliated at all with Sealegs
` International?
` A I'm the founder and inventor, but I retired
` full-time at the end of last year, so now I just assist
` on a sort of casual basis.
` Q And so you're still a consultant for Sealegs
` International?
` A Yes. Yeah, as required.
` Q How long before you started -- before you
` retired and started consulting for Sealegs International,
` how long had you owned or worked for Sealegs?
` A Over 20 years, so from 2001 until 2023.
` Q And I assume you're familiar with Sealegs'
` products?
` A Yes.
` Q And can you just briefly explain how you became
` familiar with Sealegs' products?
` A I came up with the idea. I live on the beach
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`Page 11
` and wanted to make it easier to launch and retrieve a
` boat, so I thought about it and then came up with an idea
` of how to add motorized, retractible, steerable wheels
` and built the first one in my garage. And that prototype
` worked successfully. And from there, I formed a company
` and made it into a production product.
` Q And just briefly, from 2001 when you started
` Sealegs to 2023, have you been intimately involved with
` all aspects of Sealegs' business?
` A Fairly much. I've been mainly focused on the
` design and development of the product, so the technical
` side in charge of the R&D team with up to eight
` engineers, but also being fairly involved in sort of
` marketing and promotional activities as well.
` Q Okay. And so can you provide just a little bit
` of background? What were the challenges, or what
` problems were you looking to solve when you came up with
` the Sealegs idea and built a prototype?
` A Basically, to make an amphibious boat that
` could self-propel, drive in and out of the water just to
` make it much easier to launch and retrieve a boat without
` a trailer and a tow vehicle and multiple people, so it
` just became a one-person operation, very quick and easy
` just to drive in, push a button, retract the wheels, and
` then it basically became a normal -- a boat on the water.
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` Could go high speed, planing.
` Q And so you were intimately involved in the
` design and development? In fact, it was your creation of
`Page 12
` the Sealegs boat, correct?
` A Yes.
` Q And as the owner of the company for years or
` decades, you also were intimately involved in the
` marketing, promotion, and sales of the Sealegs products,
` correct?
` A Yes. And I -- yeah. I basically was a patent
` owner. There are other shareholders as well.
` Q Sure. And can you tell me when you came up
` with the idea for the Sealegs product, about what time
` frame, what year?
` A Yeah. It was in 2001. So I filed a
` provisional patent December 2001, and I wrote that
` myself.
` Q Okay. Let's actually just pull that up. I'm
` going to -- just give me a second here.
` (Deposition Exhibit Number 41 was marked.)
` Q Mr. Bryham, if you go into the marked exhibits,
` I have marked Defendant's Exhibit 41.
` A Yes.
` Q Can you see that?
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` A Just opening it now. Yes.
` Q And you filed a few patents on the Sealegs
`Page 13
` idea, correct?
` A Yes.
` Q And so Exhibit 41 is U.S. Patent Number
` 7,314,395, correct?
` A Just a moment. 7,314,395, yes.
` Q And this patent was filed on December 6, 2005,
` correct?
` A The application.
` Q It says "Filed."
` A Patent, yeah. Hang on. I have to move across.
` Q Yeah. You want to be in the left-hand column,
` sir.
` A All right. January the 1st, 2008.
` Q No. That's the date it issued. If you go to
` the left column.
` A Yes.
` Q Line 22, or it says 22, "Filed: December 6,
` 2005."
` A Oh, yes, December 6, 2005, yeah.
` Q Yeah. And this was a continuation of an
` application that you filed previously, I think
` December 17, 2002, and maybe there was an earlier one.
` A Yeah. The original --
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` Q But anyway --
` A Correct. The original provisional that I filed
` was in New Zealand in 2001. But these are all, yeah,
` from that original provisional.
` Q Okay. Perfect. And your patent was directed
` to an amphibious vehicle?
` A Yes.
` Q And can you describe generally what the patent
` is directed to? Is it directed to adding powered,
` steerable wheels to a boat to make it easier to get in
` and out of lakes and streams and the ocean?
` A Correct, yeah. Powered, so motorized,
` retractible, steerable wheels, yes.
` Q And your idea was borne out of the difficulties
` in getting in and out of lakes, the ocean, rivers, using
` a trailer, especially where there was no boat launch
` available, correct?
` A Correct.
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, form, leading.
` THE WITNESS: Yeah. So the -- yeah. The
` main objective was to make it easier to launch
` and retrieve a boat in and out of the water,
` yeah, water front, beach front, lakes, rivers,
` to make it a single-person operation where you
` didn't have to get in and out of the craft.
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`Page 15
` You could stay in the boat and just drive it
` into the water, retract the wheels. And then
` conversely, you could drive it out of the
` water, deploy the wheels in the water and then
` drive out, steer it, and drive out of the
` water.
` Q Okay. I want to break that up just a little
` bit. And so one of the points -- well, can you tell me,
` in terms of entering a body of water or a lagoon, what
` were some of the challenges that a user with a trailer
` would face and that your idea solved?
` A Yeah. So basically, it eliminated the need for
` a trailer. If the amphibious boat was near the water,
` you could just drive to the water and in and out without
` needing a trailer. You therefore didn't need a tow
` vehicle to tow the trailer. So basically, it eliminated
` the need for a tow vehicle and a trailer and didn't need
` to back the trailer into the water. Didn't need to find
` a ramp where you could do that operation. Didn't involve
` someone to hold the boat in the water while the tow
` vehicle driver went and parked the tow vehicle and the
` trailer. So it made it a lot easier. Also, instead of
` reversing the boat into the water on the trailer, you
` could drive in bow first. It was a lot safer. You
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`Page 16
` weren't stopping in the wave zone or a current or a tidal
` area. So someone wasn't standing in the water on a
` slippery ramp. So it became a lot simpler, a lot easier,
` and just one-person operation, and obviously much, much
` quicker as well. It turned what could be at least a half
` hour operation into, yeah, a minute or two.
` Q And in the patent you show some of your wheels
` in kind of maybe stick figure-ish figures. But can you
` describe what your prototype or what your product, what
` type of wheels it had in terms of its danger or its
` ability to climb out of maybe steeper banks or different
` areas that don't have a boat ramp?
` A Uh-huh. Yeah. So through the development
` phase, I tried a number of different types of tires and
` different sized tires and wheels. But basically,
` finalized onto, effectively, a sort of an all-terrain,
` large flotation sort of terrain grip tire that's used
` often on -- similar to what's used on all-terrain
` vehicles, some of the Polaris all wheel drive vehicles,
` that type of, you know, all-terrain off-road tire.
` Q So the products that were sold prior to, say,
` 2013, the Sealegs products, could those navigate steep
` banks, muddy banks, rocky banks, and climb out of a body
` of water with the tires that were being used?
` A Yes, very much so. So it was very much a low
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`Page 17
` speed, typically around sort of six miles per hour on
` land but all-terrain, so very high torque. It was a
` thousand meters per wheel and, yeah, very capable of
` driving across rocky, difficult, muddy terrain up hills.
` It can effectively drive up steps, so plenty of torque.
` But the hydraulic motors are very similar to a Bobcat
` earth-moving equipment motor in the wheels. So it was
` hub motors at the wheel driving the wheel in very much
` your high torque, low speed, all-terrain operation.
` Q And were those hub motors, at least prior to
` 2013, did you have an all wheel version, or was the
` vehicle all wheel drive?
` A Initially, it was just the rear two wheels were
` driven, and the front wheel was non-driven but steerable.
` And then later, we added all wheel drive, so it made the
` front wheel also driven with a hub motor.
` Q And about when did you make the front wheel
` driven?
` A I would have to -- from memory, I think it was
` around the year two thousand and -- I think it was
` around -- it was about, I think, around 2010, early 2010,
` from memory. It was a few years after we saw the first
` ones here.
` (Court reporter clarification.)
` THE WITNESS: So I think it would be after
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`Page 18
` 2010.
` MR. LEACH: I'm going to just mark another
` exhibit quick.
` (Deposition Exhibit Number 42 was marked.)
` Q Mr. Bryham, I'm marking Defendant's Exhibit 42.
` And you may have to zoom in a little bit on this, but it
` is a capture from the Wayback Machine of an article that
` was on the web February 22, 2011. But more importantly,
` if you look at the, basically, first -- second paragraph,
` I should say, of the text, it's talking about the Sealegs
` adding the agility of all wheel drive. And then it says,
` "With the front and two rear wheels driving, Sealegs can
` scale steep river banks and beachheads to power
` seamlessly from sea to shore, without breaking a sweat.
` This new option is available on Sealegs amphibious boats
` built from May 2010 onwards and means that an additional
` wheel motor is added to the front wheel." Do you see
` that?
` A Yes. Yeah.
` Q Does that refresh your recollection that around
` May of 2010, Sealegs put all wheel drive on the Sealegs
` products?
` A Yes. Yes. And the photo is over -- that's of
` the all wheel drive Sealegs driving up a quite difficult
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`Page 19
` pebbly beach.
` Q And so going back to your knowledge about the
` Sealegs product, prior to 2013, as we established, you
` were the original developer and designer of the product.
` You are intimately familiar with the research, design --
` or strike that.
` Are you intimately familiar with the research,
` design, development of the Sealegs product?
` A Yes.
` Q And then back prior to 2013, I think you also
` mentioned you were involved in sales and marketing. So I
` want to ask, prior to 2013, were you also personally
` knowledgeable about the sales and marketing of the
` Sealegs product?
` A Yes.
` Q So going back to the design and development,
` through your personal experience, designing, developing
` and testing and probably supporting the Sealegs
` amphibious vehicle, is that how you became personally
` familiar with the products?
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, form.
` Q Let me ask a better question. That was a
` little long.
` Prior to 2013, you were involved with the
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`Page 20
` design and development of the product, correct?
` A Yes.
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, form.
` Q Well, were you involved in testing of the
` product?
` A Yes.
` MR. YACKEY: Objection to form.
` Q Were you involved in supporting the products
` that were sold?
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, form.
` Q Would it be fair to say that you're one of the
` persons most familiar with the design, structure, and
` capabilities of the Sealegs product?
` A Yes.
` Q Can you briefly tell me how you became
` personally familiar with the sales and marketing of the
` Sealegs amphibious vehicle?
` A Yeah. So previous companies that I've founded,
` I was also very involved in sales and marketing. And at
` Sealegs, yeah, basically, right from choosing the company
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`Page 21
` name to, you know, designing the logo, fonts, marketing
` material, had very much overview and a hand in the look
` and feel of Sealegs' marketing, was involved in signing
` off on brochures and marketing material.
` Q Did you attend trade shows?
` A Yes.
` Q And were you involved in all of those
` activities prior to 2013?
` A Yes.
` Q So would it be fair to say prior to 2013 you
` were familiar with all aspects of the Sealegs company?
` A Yeah, from an executive level and on, yeah,
` sales, marketing, and product development from a hands-on
` level.
` Q Can you briefly describe the Sealegs product
` that was advertised, sold, and used prior to 2013?
` A Yeah. So it was a range of amphibious boats
` using the Sealegs system. Originally, they were rigid
` inflatable boats, so with inflatable tubes, aluminum
` hull, through to full aluminum hulls with what we call a
` D tube, which was aluminum air filled sides for
` additional flotation. And then the size grew from,
` originally it was six meters and then later on became
` seven meters in length.
` (Court reporter clarification.)
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`Page 22
` THE WITNESS: Aluminum hull.
` Q And can you briefly describe the retractible
` wheels? How did they operate?
` A Yeah. So they had -- each of the retractible
` wheels had a hydraulic cylinder that by pressing a button
` activates the hydraulic fluid from a hydraulic pump to
` raise or deploy the leg with a wheel on the end. A
` little bit like an aeroplane undercarriage, you could
` just press a button to raise or lower the wheels.
` Q I think you mentioned that the hull was a
` floatable or a buoyant hull; is that correct?
` A Yes. Yeah.
` Q So in some respects, or in some versions, it
` had more like a raft type hull; is that correct?
` A Yeah. In some versions, the rigid inflatable
` had an aluminum hull with Hypalon inflatable rubber tubes
` on the sides similar to what's used for Coast Guard or
` whitewater rafting type boats.
` Q And then later did it have a more traditional
` hull?
` A Yeah.
` MR. YACKEY: Objection to form.
` Q So let me rephrase the question. Did you also
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`Page 23
` employ a different type of hull at some point?
` A Yes. So subsequently we had full aluminum hull
` with no inflatable tubes, so the entire boat hull was
` made of aluminum.
` Q And can you describe what that bulk hull was in
` comparison to what people would think of as a traditional
` bulk hull?
` A Yeah. So there was a monohull, so a V-shaped
` hull with aluminum sides. So I think most people, you
` know, most laymen would just recognize it as a boat.
` Q Okay. Did that V-shaped hull have any chambers
` in it that you filled with foam for flotation in case it
` got swamped?
` A Not normally. Normally, they were not foam
` filled. But occasionally, we did do foam in the cavities
` for some commercial operators or Coast Guard
` requirements.
` Q And do you know whether the amphibious boats
` that you made that included foam filled chambers, were
` those built prior to 2013?
` A I wouldn't know absolutely. But I suspect
` there may have been some before 2013. But yeah, without
` going back to records, I couldn't be absolutely sure.
` Q Okay. And the Sealegs boat also had a number
` of, say, tools or attachments on it; is that correct?
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`Page 24
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, form.
` Q Strike that. Let me -- there were different
` versions of the boat -- strike that again.
` Were there different versions of the boat, like
` for fire and rescue or for military use or like that?
` A Yes. So we had our standard recreational
` craft, and then we had -- which we called the white
` boats, the recreational crafts. Then we had the red
` boats, which were for rescue departments, fire
` departments, flood rescue, which would have attachments
` like stretchers. Sometimes we would have power take-offs
` from the hydraulics to do an auxiliary propeller or pump,
` fire pump, water pump for fire department. And then we
` would have what we call black boats, which were for
` military or security forces, police departments.
` MR. LEACH: Okay. I'm going to mark
` another exhibit.
` (Deposition Exhibit Number 43 was marked.)
` Q Mr. Bryham, I've marked Defendant's Exhibit 43.
` If you could take a look at this document, please.
` A Okay.
` Q Can you tell me what this document is?
` A Yeah. This is a brochure specifically for the
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`Page 25
` red boat market, for the rescue craft market for fire
` departments, fire rescue. What you can see in some of
` the photos is a fire boat. There's civil defense and
` fire department craft in different countries, including
` New Zealand, Italy, India. And at the end you can see
` the aluminum craft listed first and then a six-meter and
` a seven-meter rigid inflatable craft after that. And a
` lot of the options and accessories are on the last page.
` Q Okay. Let's go through this document a little
` bit. Is this an advertisement or brochure for the
` Sealegs rescue craft products?
` A Yes.
` Q And was this publicly distributed prior to
` 2013?
` A I think there may be a date at the end. Yeah,
` I can't s

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