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` 1
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`-vs- Case No. 3:22-CV-00015-SMR-HCA
` 9
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`* * * * * *
`AT 9:07 A.M.
`* * * * * *
`Taken before Shannon Caflisch, RPR
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`Page 2
` SCOTT YACKEY, of the firm of HARNESS IP, 2801 Network
`Boulevard, Suite 600, Frisco, Texas 75034, appeared remotely
`via Zoom representing the Plaintiff.
` MICHAEL KELLA, of the firm of HARNESS IP, 7700 Bonhomme
`Street, Suite 400, Clayton, Missouri 63105, appeared remotely
`via Zoom representing the Plaintiff.
`P.C., 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 2200, Minneapolis,
`Minnesota 55402, appeared remotely via Zoom representing the
` ALSO PRESENT: Dave Young - videographer
`2 3
`6 7
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`Page 3
`Of Ansgar Lonnemann
`By Mr. Stemler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,204
`By Mr. Yackey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122,210
`By Mr. Yackey . . . 12,13,14,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,
`By Mr. Stemler . . . 122,123,124,125,126,128,129,130,
`188,189,190,191,192,193,195,196,197,198,200,201,202,203, 210
`Exhibit 33 Declaration of Ansgar Lonnemannn
`Exhibit 34 IPR brochure
`Exhibit 35 Product manual
`Exhibit 36 Parts list
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`2 3
`7 8
`Exhibit 1109
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`Page 4
`Exhibit 37 Hydraulic diagram
`Exhibit 38 2010-06-18 offer
`Exhibit 39 Amphi-King photos
`Exhibit 40 Video
`Exhibit 1 Defendant's Revised Notice of Deposition of
` Ansgar Lonnemannn
`Exhibit 2 Translation declaration of Beverly Santamaria
` * NOTE *
`(Original exhibits were attached to original transcript;
`copies to transcript copies.)
`5 6
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`Page 5
` VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. We're going on
` the record at 9:07 a.m. on September 6, 2024.
` Please note this deposition is being conducted
` virtually. Quality of recording depends on quality
` of camera and Internet connection of participants.
` What is seen from the witness and heard on the
` screen is what will be recorded. Audio and video
` recording will continue to take place, unless all
` parties agree to go off the record.
` This is Media Unit 1 of the video recorded
` deposition of Ansgar Lonnemann taken by counsel for
` the plaintiffs (sic) in the matter of Nuhn
` Industries, Limited versus Bazooka Farmstar, LLC
` filed in the United States District Court, Southern
` District of Iowa, Eastern Division, Case No.
` 3:22-CV-00015-SMR-HCA.
` My name is Dave Young and I'm the
` videographer. Our court reporter today is Shannon
` Caf -- Caflisch. We're both representing Veritext
` Legal Solutions. I am not related to any party in
` this action, nor am I financially interested in the
` outcome.
` If there are any objections to this
` proceeding, please state them at the time of your
` appearance. Will counsel now state their
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`Page 6
` appearances and affiliations for the record,
` beginning with the noticing attorney?
` MR. STEMLER: This is Taylor Stemler appearing
` on behalf of Bazooka Farmstar, LLC.
` MR. YACKEY: This is Scott Yackey from the law
` firm of Harness IP on behalf of Plaintiff Nuhn
` Industries, Limited.
` VIDEOGRAPHER: And will the court reporter
` please swear in the interpreter and then the
` witness and then we can proceed?
` (Ruth Boggs was sworn to interpret German into
` English and English into German.)
` after having been first duly sworn on oath by
` Shannon Caflisch, deposes and testifies as follows:
` MR. YACKEY: Hey, Taylor, real quick before
` you get started. I just want to note for the
` record that Bazooka has agreed to equitably to
` split the time today. So I expect us to be
` afforded the three-and-a-half hours to question the
` witness today. That's per our prior email
` exchanges.
` MR. STEMLER: Thanks, Scott. Those prior
` email exchanges were in reference to a different
` deposition that was noticed in Europe where we
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`Page 7
` agreed to use the deposition for the IPRs and the
` litigation, or at least we were seeking agreement
` on behalf to use the -- the deposition testimony in
` both proceedings.
` This is a different deposition that has been
` noticed in the United States. However, we do
` intend to afford plaintiff, you know, ample
` opportunity to question the witness. And, you
` know, the general intent to hope to split the time
` as equitably as possible.
` Are we otherwise all ready to start?
` MR. YACKEY: Yes.
` THE WITNESS: I'm ready to start, yes.
`Q Good morning.
` (The witness and interpreter are having a
` conversation in German.)
` THE WITNESS: Okay. Perfect. Thank you.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) Good morning, Ansgar.
` Could you please state your full name for the record?
`A Good morning. I'm -- my name is Ansgar Lonnemann.
`Q And, Ansgar, have you ever been deposed before? Have
` you ever done a deposition before?
`A Never. No. Never. It's the first time. No.
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`Page 8
`Q Well, thank you for coming and, you know, appearing for
` this deposition. I -- you know, I understand you just
` took an oath. Do you understand what that oath means?
`A Yes.
`Q Do you understand that that oath has the same force and
` effect as if you were in a courtroom in front of a judge
` or a jury?
`A Yes. I understand, yes.
`Q During today's deposition, I'll do my best to make my
` questions clear. If you do not understand me, please go
` ahead and ask me to rephrase the question or feel free
` to ask our interpreter that we have on the line here
` today to translate the question into Germany (sic).
` Does that make sense?
`A Yes, that makes sense. I understand, yes.
`Q Okay. You know, as we -- as I believe you know, it's
` important for our record that because everything is
` being written down here today, that you answer audibly
` with, you know, a yes or no as appropriate, rather than
` a head shake.
` Does that make sense?
`A Yes.
`Q Okay. Ansgar, is there any reason that you cannot give
` fair and accurate testimony today?
`A No. I -- I feel good. I'm -- I'm healthy. Everything
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`Page 9
` is fine.
`Q Good.
` Well, how about we get right into it? And the
` first document that I'd like to show you today is marked
` as Defendant's Exhibit 33 in Exhibit Share.
` I should be sharing it up on the screen right now.
` Do you see that?
`A Yes, I can see it, but maybe you can make it look
` bigger, because --
`Q Yeah.
`A Yes, now I can see it.
`Q Is that better now?
`A Yes. I can see it, yes.
`Q Okay. Have you seen this document before?
`A Yes.
`Q What is it?
`A It is my declaration -- declaration. So I made it some
` months before and I did it in German, and so then they
` translated it in English and I signed it and, yeah,
` that's it.
`Q Do you understand what this declaration says?
`A Yes. I made this document in German in my -- my main
` language and then it was translated in English. But I'm
` familiar -- I know what -- what this document -- what is
` in this document. I know that, yes.
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`Q Do you understand the English words that are written in
`Page 10
` this document?
`A I understand these English words, yes.
`Q As they're written in English?
`A Maybe there are some words -- some English words what's
` not clear, but I know what is -- what is inside this
` declaration, yes.
`Q Is this your signature --
`A Yes, that's my signature. Right.
`Q -- at the end of Page 7 of this declaration?
`A Yes.
`Q I'm going to ask you a few questions about the content
` of your declaration.
`A Okay.
`Q First, where is it that you are employed, Ansgar?
`A So at the moment I'm sales manager at Berky, and I've
` been employed by Berky from November the 1st, 2015 to
` now.
`Q Where were you employed before that?
`A Between February the 1st from 2011 to October 31, 2015,
` I was employed by Senwatec-Schröer Umwelt
` Gewassertechnologie, the short form is SenwaTec. And
` while at SenwaTec, I was personally involved in the
` design and development and production of SenwaTec's
` Amphi-King product and also was involved in marketing
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`Page 11
` efforts related to this product.
`Q What has been the purpose of SenwaTec's marketing
` materials and brochures?
`A So our proposal for SenwaTec marketing materials and
` brochures was to generate public interest in these
` products.
` Prior to August 19, 2013, it was SenwaTec's
` standard business practice to make its marketing
` materials and brochures publicly accessible, for
` example, by distributing them to potential customers,
` distributing them to potential customers, distributing
` them to trade shows, and to -- to invite customers for
` demonstrations near our factory.
`Q Have you heard of UD Umweltdienste?
`A Yes. It was the first customer from -- who bought our
` Amphi-King. And, yes, it was UD Umweltdienste was --
` his name was Mr. Funck, and he used Amphi-King for
` pumping manure and agitating in lagoons for -- yeah.
`Q Were SenwaTec's products ever part of any news
` publication?
`A Yes. SenwaTec's amphibious vehicle produce -- product
` and their associated manure pumping cap -- capabilities
` were the subject of the new publication prior to
` August 19, 2013. You can see it in Exhibit A. There
` was -- SenwaTec appreciated its products being published
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`Page 12
` in new publications, because they helped to raise
` awareness from SenwaTec's products.
`Q Was the Amphi-King ever featured in its customers'
` advertisements?
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, lacks foundation.
`A Sorry. I didn't understand that.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) You can answer it, Ansgar.
`A Okay. The Amphi-King was also featured in its
` customers' advertisements, which showcased the
` amphibious -- amphibious and manure pumping and
` agitation capabilities of the Amphi-King. You can see
` it in Exhibit B -- B.
`Q What was SenwaTec's practice in terms of providing
` materials to members of the public?
`A So it was the standard business to -- practice to
` provide its marketing materials and brochures to -- to
` members of the public who were interested in buying or
` learning more about its -- yeah, you can see it in
` Exhibit C.
`Q And is this the Exhibit C that you're referring to --
`A Yes, right.
`Q -- which is on Page Bates numbered BAZ15_001325 of your
` attached to your declaration, right?
`A Yes, right.
`Q What company produces the Amphi-King currently?
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`Page 13
`A Okay. So SenwaTec, we produced the Amphi-King until
` 2015; and then Berky bought SenwaTec with all the -- the
` guys working for -- for SenwaTec and with all drawings,
` with all products. And at the moment Berky is producing
` the Amphi-King.
`Q Are you aware of any competing products to the
` Amphi-King?
`A Yes. One competing product from the Amphi-King is the
` Truxor. And, yeah, I know the Truxor -- I saw the
` Truxor and I know the Truxor, yes.
`Q How long has the Truxor vehicle been a competing product
` to the Amphi-King?
`A It was --
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, lacks foundation,
` calls for speculation.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) You may answer, Ansgar.
`A So the Truxor was competing with us from -- from the
` outset, from -- it was before August 2013. It was from
` 2011 I started at SenwaTec, so it was a competi --
` competitor.
`Q Are you aware of any products that the Amphi-King is
` similar to?
`A Yes, the Truxor. The Amphi-King is -- yes, the Truxor
` is near the same product.
`Q What are some of the similar things that the Amphi-King
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`Page 14
` and the Truxor product have in common?
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, lacks foundation,
` calls for speculation.
` THE INTERPRETER: So they're both amphibious
` vehicles.
` THE WITNESS: Right. So you can adopt --
` attach working tools in front of the -- the -- with
` the boats.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) Okay. Turning to Exhibit A
` that you mentioned before, can you tell me the date of
` that document and what it depicts?
`A The date was August 25 in 2011. And it was a newspaper
` article, and it shows the Amphi-King with some
` attachments in use.
`Q When -- when did that document publish?
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, lacks foundation,
` calls for speculation.
`A It was in 2011.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) Was it publicly available
` at that time?
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, calls for speculation,
` lacks foundation.
`A Yes. Yes, it was.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) Did you ever see that
` document back when it was published?
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`Page 15
`A Yes.
`Q Can you tell me about that?
`A Yeah, we make the demonstrations with -- we invite
` customers and we give them and we -- we --
` THE INTERPRETER: We disputed these documents
` to customers, we did presentations, and also at
` exhibitions we distributed them.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) Have you seen this document
` before, Ansgar?
`A Yes, I have seen this document before. Yes.
`Q Did you see this document back -- back when it
` published?
`A Yes.
`Q Before 2013?
`A Yes.
`Q Did anybody show that document to you?
` THE INTERPRETER: You mean the photograph that
` we just saw?
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) Yeah, the newspaper
` article.
`A Yes, yes, yes. My -- my boss, Mr. Rainer Schröer,
` showed me this picture, yes, yes.
`Q Was he excited about it?
`A No. He was very happy about it, of course.
` THE COURT REPORTER: Could I just get you to
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` spell your boss's name?
` THE WITNESS: My boss was Mr. Rainer Schröer.
` THE COURT REPORTER: Could you spell it?
`Page 16
` S-c-h-r-o-e-d-e-r (sic).
` THE WITNESS: Rainer, r-e, yeah.
` THE INTERPRETER: First name R-a-i-n-e-r.
` THE WITNESS: He was the owner from SenwaTec.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) Ansgar, you mentioned
` Exhibit B earlier. I can scroll down and show you
` Exhibit B again. But can you describe to me what
` Exhibit B shows?
`A Yes. It is a screenshot of marketing video created by
` UD Umweltdienste, so -- that shows the Amphi-King
` pumping manure and agitating in a manure lagoon.
` THE INTERPRETER: Basically it's a slurry
` and -- that becomes hard and then they use the
` Amphi-King to loosen that and to pump it -- make it
` liquid and pump it.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) When was that document of
` Exhibit B created?
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, lacks foundation,
` calls for speculation.
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`Page 17
`A It was in 2012.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) Where was that document
` saved back in 2012?
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, calls for speculation,
` lacks foundation.
`A It was at SenwaTec, the company SenwaTec.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) Where -- where at SenwaTec?
`A It was on -- on the computer. On -- my boss did it,
` Mr. Rainer Schröer did it.
`Q What does the video of Exhibit B show?
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, calls for speculation,
` lacks foundation.
` THE INTERPRETER: Can you show the video?
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) Yeah.
`A So that one -- yeah. So that shows the Amphi-King
` with -- with six wheels and -- so it goes back in there
` the lagoon and for work in there for --
` THE INTERPRETER: In order to --
` THE WITNESS: Can you scroll to the second
` picture?
` MR. STEMLER: And for the record, I'm
` pointing --
` THE INTERPRETER: Let's break it up --
` THE INTERPRETER: Yep, let's break it up so I
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`Page 18
` can --
` THE INTERPRETER: -- say everything correctly.
` (The interpreter now interpreting the answer.)
` THE INTERPRETER: In the first picture you see
` the Amphi-King, how it drives into the lagoon and
` the sludge, the slurry is compact. And then in the
` second picture, you see how it loosens it and it is
` made fluid.
` MR. STEMLER: For the record, that first
` picture is on Page BAZ15_0001319. And that second
` picture is the top picture shown on Page
` BAZ15_0001320.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) Ansgar, does that video
` truthfully and accurately describe the characteristics
` and functionality of the Amphi-King video -- or of the
` Amphi-King product?
`A Yes.
`Q Do you know if that video was publicly accessible?
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, lacks foundation,
` calls for speculation.
`A Yes, it was. You could see it in the Internet.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) When?
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`Page 19
`A When? It was in 2012.
`Q Do you know if UD Umweltdienste distributed the video to
` the public?
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, lacks foundation,
` calls for speculation.
` THE INTERPRETER: Yes, the video was provided
` by UD Umweltdienste.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) When was that video shown
` by UD Umweltdienste?
`A It was --
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, vague.
`A It was in 2012.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) All right. Turning to
` Exhibit C that you mentioned earlier, Ansgar, can you
` describe what Exhibit C is?
` THE INTERPRETER: So that's the picture below.
` If you keep scrolling a little bit, then I can see
` it, too.
`A Oh, there. That -- that shows the Amphi-King. This
` is -- the Amphi-King is a track system. It is the
` second one we produced. This one we produce at
` SenwaTec.
` And there you can see it in the first picture, I'm
` the driver from -- from the Amphi-King. I drive it out
` of the pond. In the second picture, you can see I will
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`Page 20
` drive it on the trailer. And in the third picture, you
` can see I'm working with a dredge pump in front of the
` Amphi-King in a lagoon.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) Does Exhibit C truthfully
` and accurately describe the characteristics and
` capabilities of the Amphi-King?
`A Yes, yes. These pictures were made from -- from our
` company SenwaTec, and this is -- this describes exactly
` the Amphi-King, yes.
`Q Was it typical for SenwaTec to provide copies of the
` document of Exhibit C to the public?
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, lacks foundation,
` calls for speculation.
`A Yes, it was. So we had to make advertising, so we were
` new in the market and we do to -- yeah, to make --
` THE INTERPRETER: Yes, we had to get some
` attention and, you know, we had to, yeah, get
` attention to our product and had to advertise it.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) When did it do that?
`A We did it when it was finished, so it was in 2000 -- we
` started in 2012 and we do develop from -- from the
` beginning on it.
`Q Was it standard business practice to provide materials
` like this to the public?
`A Yes.
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`Page 21
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, lacks foundation,
` calls for speculation.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) Was Exhibit C ever
` distributed at any trade shows?
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, lacks foundation,
` calls for speculation.
`A Yes, we had some --
` THE INTERPRETER: No. Go ahead. Sorry.
`A So we had -- we had some trade shows, yes. One was in
` Eisenach and it was in Germany, it was in June 2013.
` And one we had in Austria. And we had also
` demonstrations -- a lot of demonstrations near our
` company, it was in 2012. It was in a small river near
` our company. And then we had a lot of demonstrations.
` We invited customers -- interested customers and show
` the Amphi-King, how it works. And, yeah, that was our
` advertising.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) You mentioned those trade
` shows. Did it -- did it -- did SenwaTec distribute that
` document of Exhibit C at those trade shows?
`A Yes.
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, lacks foundation,
` calls for speculation.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) One more time, Ansgar, your
` answer.
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`Page 22
`A Yes.
`Q And can you confirm -- you mentioned a trade show in
` Eisenach at Germany and in Austria. When did those
` trade shows take place?
`A I don't know the exact date, but it was before 2013. So
` we produce the first one -- they started in 2010, we
` finished this in 2000 -- 2011, the first one. The
` second one in 2012 -- 12 with a track system. So it was
` before 2013.
`Q Was -- was that Eisenach trade show in Germany, might
` that -- that one might have been in 2013 or -- you know,
` I think it -- you mentioned to me before that that maybe
` was in June 2013.
`A Yes, it is. This is -- yeah, yeah.
` THE INTERPRETER: Yes, it's possible. I don't
` have the exact dates in memory, but it's possible.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) Was it before August 19th,
` 2013?
`A Yes, it was.
`Q Was the document of Exhibit C ever distributed to
` potential clients?
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, calls for speculation,
` lacks foundation.
`A Yes.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) Can you tell me about when
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`Page 23
` and where it was given to potential clients?
`A So it was -- we invited customers and we made
` demonstration and we -- we gave it to the customers in
` Haren in at our factory -- near our factory. Five
` kilometers far from our factory, or in our factory.
`Q Was the document of Exhibit C ever distributed to
` members of the public?
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, lacks foundation,
` calls for speculation.
`A Yes, yes, of course.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) Was the document of
` Exhibit C kept in Berky's business records?
` MR. YACKEY: Objection, lacks foundation,
` calls for speculation.
`A Yep.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) When was the document of
` Exhibit C created?
`A It was in 2012.
` MR. STEMLER: Great. I think we can take a
` quick break here. Maybe we can come back in 10
` minutes and go off the record. Sound good?
` THE WITNESS: I understand. I understand,
` yeah. I understand.
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`Page 24
` VIDEOGRAPHER: We are going off the record.
` Time now is 9:39.
` (A recess was taken.)
` VIDEOGRAPHER: We are back on the record.
` Time now is 9:47.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) Again, Ansgar, I want to
` ask you a couple more questions about this declaration
` and then we'll move on.
` Can you see the declaration that I'm sharing?
`A Yeah.
`Q Ansgar, can you confirm that -- can you confirm that
` you've read this entire document?
`A Yep.
`Q And --
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) -- do you understand what's
` written in it?
`A Yep.
` THE WITNESS: Yes. Sorry.
` (Deposition Exhibit 34 was marked for
` identification.)
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) All right. Ansgar, I'd
` like to ask you a little more about the Amphi-King in
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`Page 25
` particular.
` Can you explain what versions of the Amphi-King
` were available for sale before 2013?
`A Yes. We had one version, it was with wheels -- with six
` wheels, three on both sides, left side and right side.
` And the other version was -- was a track system.
` You can see it in the picture.
` The one in water is with the wheel system. It was
` the first one. And the second one we produced was with
` a track system. So that was the main difference between
` these both boats.
` MR. STEMLER: And to clarify, I'm -- I'm
` marking Defendant's Exhibit 34 and showing that
` here.
`Q (By Mr. Stemler, continuing) Can you explain if there
` were any other differences between the track and the
` wheeled versions of the product?
`A So you can see the -- the wheel system, it was -- we --
` we adapted two pontoons, one on each side, the left side
` and -- and the right side, because it was not stable in
` the water because the wheels, they were not enough
` float, not enough --
` THE INTERPRETER: Not enough push-up or

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