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`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2023-01161
`U.S. Patent No. 11,358,425
`Taken on Tuesday, June 25, 2024
`Scheduled for 9:00 a.m. EDT
`Job No.: MW 6753765
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Exhibit 1095
`Bazooka v. Nuhn - IPR2024-00098
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`on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, commencing at 9:02 a.m.
`Dana S. Anderson-Linnell, a Stenographic Shorthand
`Reporter and Notary Public of and for the State of
` ***************
`On Behalf of Petitioner Bazooka-Farmstar, LLC:
`Thomas J. Leach, Esquire
`150 South Fifth Street, Suite 2200
`Minneapolis MN 55402
`Email: TLeach@merchantgould.com
`(Appearances continued on next page.)
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`APPEARANCES (continued):
`On Behalf of Patent Owner Nuhn Industries Ltd. and
`the Witness:
`James B. Luchsinger, Esquire
`5445 Corporate Drive, Suite 200
`Troy, MI 48098
`Email: bluchsinger@harnessip.com
`ALSO PRESENT: Kyle Peterson, videographer
`NOTE: The original transcript will be filed with the
`Merchant and Gould Law Firm, pursuant to the
`applicable Rules of Civil Procedure.
`2 3
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`Mr. Leach 10
`Exhibit 1130 - New Oxford American
`Dictionary 3rd Edition excerpt 119
`Exhibit 1132 - Wayback Machine Definition
`of Slurry 120
`Exhibit 1001 - United States Patent
`No. 11,358,425 (Nuhn) 22
`2 3
`6 7
`8 9
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`Page 5
`Exhibit 1005 - United States Patent
`Application Publication No. US 2012/0185129 236
`Exhibit 1012 - Schröer Environment and Water
`Technology Light Amphibious Boat/Vehicle,
`Bazooka v. Nuhn - IPR2023-01161 255
`Exhibit 1014 - United States Patent
`Application Number U.S. 2014/0112093 89
`Exhibit 1019 - Western Producer article,
`Float your boat in a slurry moat, Bazooka v.
`Nuhn - IPR2023-01161 220
`Exhibit 1029 - United States Patent
`No. 8,944,758 (Nuhn) 148
`Exhibit 1040 - NRAES (1998) NRAES-89
`Liquid Manure Application Systems D 199
`3 4
`6 7
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`Page 6
`Exhibit 1040-2 - NRAES (1998) NRAES-89
`Liquid Manure Application Systems 199
`Exhibit 1066 - AWMFH - Chapter 12 (Waste
`Management Equipment) 187
`Exhibit 1074 - Lagoon Crawler Customer
`Article, NUHN15000007687 213
`Exhibit 1081 - Complete copy of the UD Umwelt
`Amphi-King marketing video 93
`Exhibit 1082 - Certified Translation of Video 113
`Exhibit 1088 - Manure-Manager
`January/February 2011 274
`Exhibit 2029 - Declaration of Douglas S.
`Prairie in Support of Patent Owner’s Response 15
`3 4
`6 7
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`Exhibit 2030 - Natural crusting of
`slurry storage as an abatement measure 132
`Exhibit 2031 - Wolverine Agitation Boat -
`Bazooka Farmstar, Bazooka v. Nuhn -
`IPR2023-01161 251
`(Original exhibits attached to original transcript;
`copies to counsel as requested. Previously marked
`exhibits referenced attached.)
`REPORTER'S NOTE: All quotations from exhibits are
`reflected in the manner in which they were read into
`the record and do not necessarily indicate an exact
`quote from the document.
`3 4
`6 7
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` THE COURT REPORTER: Do all counsel
` stipulate that I can swear in the witness
` remotely over the Zoom videoconference?
` MR. LEACH: Yes.
` MR. LUCHSINGER: Yes, we do.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. We
` are going on the record. The time is 9:02 a.m.
` Today's date is June 25th, 2024. Please note
` that this deposition is being conducted
` virtually. Quality of recording depends on the
` quality of camera and Internet connection of
` participants. What is seen from the witness
` and heard on screen is what will be recorded.
` Audio and video recording will continue to take
` place unless all parties agree to go off the
` record.
` This is Media Unit 1 of the
` video-recorded deposition of Douglas Prairie,
` taken by counsel for the petitioner in the
` matter of Bazooka-Farmstar, LLC versus Nuhn
` Industries Ltd., filed in the United States
` Patent and Trademark Office, Case Number
` IPR2023-01161. This deposition is being
` conducted remotely using virtual technology.
` My name is Kyle Peterson,
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Exhibit 1095
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` representing Veritext Legal Solutions. I'm the
` videographer. The court reporter is
` Dana Anderson from the firm Veritext Legal
` Solutions. I am not authorized to administer
` an oath, I am not related to any party in this
` action, nor am I financially interested in the
` outcome.
` If there are any objections to
` proceeding, please state them at the time of
` your appearance.
` MR. LEACH: Tom Leach with Merchant
` and Gould for Petitioner Bazooka-Farmstar.
` MR. LUCHSINGER: James Bradley
` Luchsinger. I'm an attorney with the Harness
` IP law firm, who represent Patent Owner Nuhn
` Industries Limited.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: And would the
` reporter please swear in the witness.
` And, Counsel, you may proceed.
` called as a witness, being first duly sworn,
` was examined and testified as follows:
` MR. LEACH: Great.
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` Q. Thank you, Mr. Prairie. Can you please
` state your name, address and work address for
` the record, please?
` A. My full name is Douglas Samuel Prairie.
` I live in Brookings, South Dakota. Residential
` street address is 532 Copper Mountain Circle,
` Brookings, South Dakota 57006. My primary
` employer is South Dakota State University. It
` resides in Brookings, South Dakota as well.
` Q. And are you represented by counsel here
` today?
` A. Yes. Brad is representing and work with
` relative to Harness IP.
` Q. And so they're your lawyers in this
` proceeding?
` A. I am consulting with them on this case,
` so they represent me. I guess they are the
` legal firm that I'm working through on this
` case.
` Q. Is there any reason you can't give fair
` and accurate testimony today?
` A. No, there's not.
` Q. So I want to go over just a few
` deposition rules. First, have you ever been
` deposed before? I think I read in your report
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` or your CV that you have.
` A. Yes, I have.
` Q. How many times?
` A. It was one case. There was multiple
` depositions in that case. I don't remember the
` number of times. It was more than one.
` Q. Okay. Well, in this depo if I -- if you
` don't understand a question, please ask me to
` rephrase it or clarify, okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. And if you answer a question, I'll
` assume you understood the question, is that
` fair?
` A. Fair.
` Q. And for the court reporter we need to
` give verbal responses. So an uh-huh or a shake
` of the head, that doesn't help. We need to
` have, like, yes, no or a verbal answer so the
` court reporter can get it down, okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. And I won't talk over you, and I ask
` that you don't talk over me, and that way the
` court reporter can get down everything that's
` said, because it's hard for her to do that when
` we're talking over each other, okay?
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` A. Okay.
` Q. And you understand that your testimony
` here today is under oath, and it has the same
` force and effect as if you were in a courtroom
` in front of a judge or jury, correct?
` A. I do understand that.
` Q. And you understand that your counsel may
` object from time to time, but unless he
` instructs you not to answer, you have to answer
` the question asked, correct?
` A. I understand that.
` Q. I want to go through some vocabulary
` really quick just so we're straight here on the
` record. So the patent owner in this matter is
` Nuhn Industries Ltd., correct?
` A. Specifically which patent are you
` referring to?
` Q. The '425 patent.
` A. Yes. That's Nuhn's patent.
` Q. And that's the patent at issue in this
` IPR, correct?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. Okay. And so sometimes I'll refer to
` Nuhn Industries as Nuhn, patent owner or Nuhn
` Industries, and you'll understand that I'm
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` referring to the patent owner in this matter,
` correct?
` A. Yes. I will associate Nuhn with the
` patent owner.
` Q. Okay. And the petitioner in this matter
` is Bazooka-Farmstar, LLC, and I will refer to
` them here sometimes as petitioner, Bazooka or
` possibly defendant, and you understand if I use
` those terms, that we're talking about the
` petitioner in this IPR, Bazooka-Farmstar, LLC,
` correct?
` A. That's correct. If I need to, I will
` clarify.
` Q. And the patent at issue in this IPR is
` U.S. Patent number 11,358,425, correct?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. And sometimes I'll refer to that patent
` as the '425 patent. Do you understand that?
` A. Yes. If you refer to the '425 patent,
` I'll correlate the two there.
` Q. And sometimes, as you saw in your report
` and in the papers, we talk about a person of
` ordinary skill in the art. And sometimes
` people refer to it as a POSITA, sometimes
` people refer to it as a POSA, or they generally
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` just say person of ordinary skill. Do you
` understand when I say in this proceeding a
` POSITA, a POSA, a person of ordinary skill in
` the art or a person of ordinary skill, I'm
` talking about a person of ordinary skill in the
` art at the time of the invention?
` A. Yes. I understand those words are --
` mean the same thing --
` Q. Okay.
` A. -- refer to the same topic.
` THE COURT REPORTER: Gentlemen, can
` we go off the record for a moment, please?
` MR. LEACH: Yes.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We are going off
` the record.
` The time now is 9:10 a.m.
` (Off the record 9:10 to 9:13.)
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We are back on
` the record.
` The time now is 9:13 a.m.
` Q. Mr. Prairie, we had a little bit of a
` discussion off the record. And you have some
` documents in front of you. Can you explain or
` tell me what documents you have in front of
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` you?
` A. Yes, I can do that. I've got one, the
` '425 Nuhn patent that we discussed. I have the
` first declaration of mine for this case
` dated -- this one is dated -- it's
` Exhibit 2004. I have the latest declaration in
` this case, Exhibit 2029. And I have
` Dr. Winkel's expert declaration, Exhibit 1004.
` Q. Thank you. If you can go on Exhibit
` Share, I've marked -- or introduced, I should
` say, Exhibit 2029. And that's your
` declaration. I think it was executed on
` April 2nd, 2024. Can you just briefly look
` through that and just confirm that that is, in
` fact, your declaration, and it's the same
` declaration, Exhibit 2029, that you have in
` front of you?
` A. (Views document.) Just doing a couple
` spot-checks. Mr. Leach, that document appears
` to be the same as the hard copy that I have
` here with me.
` Q. Okay. Mr. Prairie, from the perspective
` of a POSA around 2012, how was the structure of
` a fluid pump for pumping liquid manure
` different than a water pump?
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` A. Please state your question again.
` Q. Sure. From the perspective of a POSA
` around 2012, how was the structure of a fluid
` pump for pumping liquid manure different than a
` water pump?
` A. During that 2012 time period, a pump
` that would be able to pump liquid manure would
` have to have -- be able to handle a wide
` variety of solids, slurry, components that
` would be in existence in a -- from an animal
` waste facility in a liquid manure lagoon.
` During that time period, a water pump would be
` different in that, like, a water pump and a
` pump that is capable of handling liquid manure
` are not the same.
` Q. Okay. I understand what you just
` provided me was kind of what their capabilities
` are, but I'm asking you a little bit different
` question. From the perspective of a POSA
` around 2012, how was the structure of a fluid
` pump for pumping liquid manure different than a
` water pump? I want to focus on the difference
` in structure.
` MR. LUCHSINGER: Objection as to
` form, vague, asked and answered.
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` THE WITNESS: Yeah, you changed up
` your wording there, I believe, from your first
` question.
` Q. Well, I'll ask it again. From the
` perspective of a POSA around 2012, how was the
` structure of a fluid pump for pumping liquid
` manure different than a water pump?
` MR. LUCHSINGER: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: Yeah, specifically I'm
` not -- the structure, I was talking about the
` capabilities of the pump itself, and the
` capabilities would be different.
` Q. Sure. But can you tell me what the
` differences are in terms of structure of a pump
` for pumping liquid manure compared to a pump
` for pumping water?
` MR. LUCHSINGER: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: It has to do with
` capabilities.
` Q. I'm not asking about capabilities,
` though. I'm asking about what structural
` differences does a pump for pumping liquid
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` manure have versus a pump for pumping water.
` Can you name any?
` MR. LUCHSINGER: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: Like I said, sir, it
` has to do with the capabilities. When pumping
` liquid manure, liquid manure is that from an
` animal waste facility, an animal -- from an
` animal livestock farm. It can contain a wide
` variety of materials. And it has to do with
` its ability to be tested in that environment
` and its capabilities in terms of pumping liquid
` manure.
` Q. Okay. I understand that it's your
` opinion that they have different capabilities.
` What I'm asking you, though, is a little bit
` different question. I'm asking: What are the
` differences in structure of a pump that can
` pump liquid manure versus a pump that pumps
` water?
` MR. LUCHSINGER: Same objections.
` Q. What structural differences are there?
` A. I've gaven [sic] you an -- I've given
` you the answer. It has to do with be able to
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`Page 19
` test its capabilities in that particular
` application.
` Q. Can you name one structural difference
` between a pump for pumping liquid manure and a
` water pump?
` A. Again, it has to do with its
` capabilities in that particular application.
` It needs to be tested in that particular
` environment.
` Q. Can you name a difference between a pump
` that pumps liquid manure and a pump that pumps
` water in terms of the pump's structure?
` A. The pump has to be capable of
` handling -- a liquid manure pump has to be
` capable of handling liquid, solids, a slurry
` mixture that comes from an animal livestock
` waste facility. That is what is from the
` capabilities of a liquid manure pump needs to
` be capable of doing.
` Q. I understand what you keep saying. I
` understand what you're answering. What I'm
` asking you: From a physical perspective, the
` physical structure of a pump, what are the
` differences in terms of physical structure
` between a pump for pumping liquid manure and a
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`Page 20
` pump that pumps water? What physical
` differences, what structural differences are
` there between those two types of pumps?
` MR. LUCHSINGER: Objection to the
` form, vague.
` THE WITNESS: I can keep giving you
` the answer, Mr. Leach, that I've been giving if
` you like.
` Q. Well, you haven't given me any
` structural differences. Can you provide one
` structural difference between a pump that pumps
` liquid manure and a pump that can pump water?
` A. Mr. Leach, I've told you its
` capabilities. It's the capabilities of the
` pump.
` Q. How do you know if it has those
` capabilities without looking at the structure?
` A. It has to be designed for -- designed
` and tested for the application of liquid
` manure.
` Q. So is your opinion that a liquid manure
` pump -- to determine whether it's a -- in fact,
` a liquid manure pump, you have to find out what
` its intended design was for?
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` A. Yes. In any pump there are -- when it
` comes to pumps, there's a wide variety of
` pumps. And just saying pump is not a specific
` statement, specific enough detail. You need to
` know the application, the product that it's
` going to be pumping, and then you must design
` for that particular application, design and
` test for that.
` Q. So can you look at a pump and determine
` whether it's a liquid manure pump or a pump
` capable of pumping liquid manure or simply a
` water pump?
` MR. LUCHSINGER: Objection as to
` form, vague.
` THE WITNESS: Like I said, the pump,
` would have to be known that it was designed for
` liquid manure applications or a particular
` application that was being -- and it'd have to
` be then tested and verified.
` Q. So the '425 patent, when it says a pump
` for pumping liquid manure, how is someone
` supposed to know whether they meet that
` limitation or not based on the pump?
` MR. LUCHSINGER: Objection as to
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` form, vague.
` THE WITNESS: If we reference the
` '425 patent, so Exhibit 1001, column 1, page 10
` of 16, more specifically in the application of
` the technical field of the '425 patent, it
` talks about basically it's pumping liquid
` manure such as animal manure contained in a
` farm lagoon. And so particular to the '425
` patent, you would have to know that that pump
` is capable, as I said, designed and
` particularly tested for an application of
` pumping liquid manure from an animal waste
` facility, animal -- an animal farm.
` Q. Okay. I want to go back, though. I'm
` trying to understand how someone skilled in the
` art would understand whether the pump they have
` is a pump for pumping liquid manure or a pump
` for pumping water. Tell me what you would look
` for to know the difference between those two
` pumps in terms of physical properties of the
` pump.
` MR. LUCHSINGER: Objection as to
` form, asked and answered.
` THE WITNESS: Within industry there
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`Page 23
` is a wide variety of pumps. The pumps are
` designed and marketed for -- design, marketed,
` tested for certain applications. And so if the
` pump is designed, tested and marketed as a
` manure -- a pump that is capable of handling
` liquid manure, then from -- based on that, you
` could know that it is indeed a pump that is
` capable of handling liquid manure.
` Q. I keep hearing your answer, but I just
` want to confirm. You can't name one physical
` structural property that a pump for pumping
` liquid manure has compared to a pump that pumps
` water, is that correct?
` MR. LUCHSINGER: Objection as to
` form, argumentative.
` THE WITNESS: I'm stating that
` within industry there are a wide variety of
` pumps. How I know that they would work for an
` application is that the designer or the company
` would design, test, and then ultimately market
` that pump for a particular application.
` Q. And when you say there's a wide variety
` of pumps, pumps aren't designed for any
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`Page 24
` specific fluid, right, they're designed for
` ranges of fluids, correct?
` A. Well, there's hydraulic pumps, there's
` air pumps, there's water pumps, there's liquid
` manure pumps. There are a wide variety of --
` within industry, as I stated, there is a wide
` variety of pumps, and they are designed for the
` particular product, products plural
` potentially, that they are being sold --
` designed, marketed and sold into.
` Q. I guess what I'm asking is: To your
` point, companies provide a range of pumps, and
` those pumps can handle a variety of different
` liquids or slurries, right?
` A. Sometimes. Not always.
` Q. And so --
` A. There's a wide variety of liquids, gases
` that pumps pump.
` Q. So I just want to get back and just be
` confident here. You don't have any opinion on
` what structure is needed to pump -- sorry.
` Strike that.
` I just want to confirm. You don't have
` any opinion as to the structure of a fluid pump
` for pumping liquid manure and what's
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` required -- strike that again.
` From the perspective of a POSA around
` 2012, you don't have any opinion as to what
` structure was required of a pump that can pump
` liquid manure?
` MR. LUCHSINGER: Objection as to
` form.
` THE WITNESS: I can give you a
` similar answer, Mr. Leach, again if you wish.
` Q. I'm asking, though, about structure, and
` you haven't given me anything on structure.
` MR. LUCHSINGER: Objection as to
` form, argumentative.
` THE WITNESS: I've given you
` information in regards to -- you've asked about
` a very specific application, and I've said is
` that for a pump that would pump liquid manure,
` I would seek out a component that was designed,
` tested and marketed for that particular
` application.
` Q. Sir, are you an expert in pump design?
` A. I have worked with pumps in my career.
` Q. That's not my question. Are you -- do
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`Page 26
` you consider yourself an expert in pump design?
` MR. LUCHSINGER: Objection as to
` form to the extent it calls for a legal
` conclusion.
` THE WITNESS: I have worked with
` pumps throughout my professional career, a wide
` variety of different style of pumps throughout
` my professional career.
` Q. Do you consider yourself an expert in
` pump design?
` A. I have worked with a wide variety of
` pumps in various applications throughout my
` professional career.
` Q. That's not my question. I'm asking if
` you consider yourself to be an expert in pump
` design?
` MR. LUCHSINGER: Objection as to
` form, asked and answered.
` THE WITNESS: I have worked with a
` wide variety of pumps throughout my
` professional career and their applications.
` Q. Are you refusing to answer my question?
` MR. LUCHSINGER: Objection to form.
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` He provided an answer, so obviously he's not
` refusing.
` MR. LEACH: Hey, Brad?
` MR. LUCHSINGER: Whether or not you
` think --
` MR. LEACH: I'm not going to go
` through this like we did with Mr. Nuhn.
` MR. LUCHSINGER: I don't --
` MR. LEACH: You're going to have to
` keep your objections to proper objections or
` we're going to call the Board.
` argumentative in your question. You're saying:
` This answer is not good enough for me, so I
` want you to change it. That's improper.
` Q. Okay. Mr. Prairie, yes or no, do you
` consider yourself to be an expert in pump
` design?
` A. I have worked with a wide variety of
` pumps in different applications. There is a
` wide variety of pumps, so your statement is
` very broad. And so there are a wide variety of
` pumps. There are different people that design
` different style of pumps.
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`Page 28
` Q. Again, from a structural standpoint, can
` you name any difference between a pump that can
` pump liquid manure from a pump that pumps
` water? Can you name one structural difference?
` MR. LUCHSINGER: Objection as to
` form, asked and answered.
` THE WITNESS: A water pump is
` designed, tested to pump -- and validated to
` pump water. A liquid manure pump is designed,
` tested and marketed in the application of
` liquid manure pumps. A hydraulic pump would be
` designed