`United States Department of Agriculture
`Natural Resources Conservation Service
`Part 651
`Agricultural Waste Management
`Field Handbook
`Chapter 13
`Operation, Maintenance, and
`Exhibit 1064
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`Chapter 13
`Operation, Maintenance, and Safety
`Part 651
`Agricultural Waste Management
`Field Handbook
`Issued October 2011
`The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all
`its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age,
`disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental
`status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs,
`reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual’s income is derived from
`any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all pro-
`grams.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for commu-
`nication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should
`contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a
`complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights,
`1400 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20250–9410, or call (800)
`795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity
`provider and employer.
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. 45, October 2011)
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`Chapter 13 was prepared by the Natural Resources Conservation Service
`(NRCS) under the direction of Noller Herbert, director, Conservation
`Engineering Division (CED), Washington, DC. Revisions to the chapter
`were provided by Bill Reck, environmental engineer, East National Techni-
`cal Support Center (ENTSC), Greensboro, North Carolina. It was reviewed
`by William Boyd, Manure Management Team Leader, and Jeffrey Porter,
`environmental engineer, Manure Management Team, ENTSC, Greensboro,
`North Carolina; Cherie Lafleur, environmental engineer, Central National
`Technology Support Center, Fort Worth, Texas; and Charles Zuller, envi-
`ronmental engineer, West National Technology Support Center, Portland,
`Oregon. It was finalized under the guidance of Darren Hickman, national
`environmental engineer, CED, Washington, DC.
`Editorial and illustrative assistance was provided by Lynn Owens, editor,
`Suzi Self, editorial assistant, and Wendy Pierce, illustrator, National Geo-
`spatial Management Center (NGMC), NRCS, Fort Worth, Texas.
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. 45, October 2011)
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`Chapter 13
`Operation, Maintenance, and Safety
`Part 651
`Agricultural Waste Management
`Field Handbook
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. 45, October 2011)
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`Page 4 of 57
`Chapter 13
`Operation, Maintenance, and Safety
`651.1301 Operation
`(a) Production function operation ...................................................................13–1
`(b) Collection function operation .....................................................................13–1
`(c) Transfer function operation ........................................................................13–2
`(d) Storage function operation .........................................................................13–2
`(e) Treatment function operation .....................................................................13–3
`(f) Utilization function operation ....................................................................13–5
`651.1302 Maintenance
`(a) Production function maintenance ..............................................................13–7
`(b) Collection function maintenance ...............................................................13–7
`(c) Transfer function maintenance ..................................................................13–7
`(d) Storage function maintenance ....................................................................13–7
`(e) Treatment function maintenance ...............................................................13–8
`(f) Utilization function maintenance ...............................................................13–9
`651.1303 Safety
`(a) Hazards from gases ....................................................................................13–10
`(b) Hazards with impoundments ....................................................................13–13
`(c) Hazards in equipment operation ..............................................................13–15
`651.1304 Agricultural waste management system plans
`651.1305 References
`Appendix 13A Calibrating Manure Spreading
`Appendix 13B Manure, Soil, and Plant Testing
`Appendix 13C Operation, Maintenance, and Safety Guidelines
`Appendix 13D Agricultural Waste Management System
`Troubleshooting Guidelines
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. 45, October 2011)
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`Chapter 13
`Operation, Maintenance, and Safety
`Part 651
`Agricultural Waste Management
`Field Handbook
`Figure 13–1 Stage-storage curve
`Figure 13–2 Maintenance of minimum treatment volume
`Figure 13–3 Manure spreader calibration
`Figure 13–4 Waste storage pond warning sign
`Figure 13–5 Confined space warning signs
`Figure 13–6 Waste storage pond safety features
`Figure 13–7 Personal safety equipment
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. 45, October 2011)
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`Chapter 13
`Operation, Maintenance, and Safety
`651.1301 Operation
`The purpose of an Agricultural Waste Management
`System (AWMS) is to control and use by-products
`of agricultural production in a manner that sustains
`or enhances the quality of air, water, soil, plant, and
`animal resources. Important to the success in achiev-
`ing this purpose is adequate design and construction
`of the AWMS. At least as important to a system’s suc-
`cess are its proper operation and maintenance (O&M).
`Safety is always coupled with proper O&M as an es-
`sential and integral part.
`This chapter describes actions that would be taken
`by the operator of an AWMS or choices that would
`be made by the decisionmaker. It recognizes that the
`decisionmaker and the operator for an AWMS may
`not be the same person. For example, on an absentee
`owner’s farm, the decisionmaker and the operator are
`most likely different people. However, for the purpose
`of this chapter, reference to the decisionmaker implies
`the operator when appropriate to the context. The
`O&M described in this handbook is not all inclusive,
`but addresses the most common components.
`Two prerequisites are necessary for proper O&M.
`First, the decisionmaker must have been involved
`throughout the decisionmaking process in planning
`the AWMS. This is essential if the decisionmaker is to
`accept full ownership of what is planned. Second, the
`decisionmaker must have a complete understanding
`of the system’s O&M requirements. The AWMS plan is
`an essential tool for conveying these requirements to
`the decisionmaker. An AWMS plan is prepared as an
`integral part of and in concert with conservation plans.
`The purpose of this chapter is to describe general
`operation, maintenance, and safety requirements for
`an AWMS.
`Operation of an AWMS includes the administration,
`management, and performance of nonmaintenance ac-
`tions needed to keep the system safe and functioning
`as planned. The operation actions required depend on
`such factors as the type of enterprise, components of
`the system, and level of management. Because of this,
`the operational requirements for each AWMS must be
`system-specific. Following is a general description of
`the operational requirements for each function of an
`(a) Production function operation
`The majority of the operational actions required for
`the production function are managerial. Examples of
`operation actions could include management of the
`amount of bedding and washwater used. The AWMS
`plan should document the production rate assumed in
`the design of the system and give a method for deter-
`mining the actual rate. An important reason for doing
`this is to assure that the actual rate does not exceed
`that assumed in the design of the system. Repercus-
`sions can occur if the design rate is exceeded. For ex-
`ample, a storage facility of an AWMS could fill up more
`quickly than anticipated, requiring that the facility be
`emptied earlier than intended. A response is needed
`where a production rate exceeds design assumptions.
`For a dairy operation, the response might be reducing
`the amount of daily washwater used, excluding clean
`water entering the system, or enlarging the storage
`(b) Collection function operation
`The collection function involves the initial capture and
`gathering of waste from the point of origin or deposi-
`tion to a collection point. The managerial aspects of
`this function involve frequency and timing, which
`should be described in the AWMS plan. Frequency of
`collection is dependent on the type of operation. For a
`feedlot, the frequency of collection might be only once
`a year. On the other hand, a dairy with a flush system
`might collect waste several times a day.
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. 45, October 2011)
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`Chapter 13
`Operation, Maintenance, and Safety
`Part 651
`Agricultural Waste Management
`Field Handbook
`Timing of collection can be an important consider-
`ation. For a feedlot without a storage facility, the
`timing should coincide with when the waste can be
`utilized. Timing for a poultry broiler operation may be
`most appropriate between production cycles when the
`facility is empty of birds.
`(c) Transfer function operation
`Transfer function components include reception pits,
`pipelines, picket dams, pumps, and other equipment
`such as tank wagons, agitators, chopper-agitation
`pumps, and elevators. A surveillance type inspection
`should be recommended to assure that the compo-
`nents are functioning properly.
`A clean water flush following use of pipelines, tank
`wagons, and conveyors is helpful in minimizing the
`build up of sludge. Methods for unplugging pipelines
`should be described. Draining of pipelines or other
`protective freeze protection measures should be ad-
`Struvite, a phosphate mineral that can form a hard-
`scale deposit in pipelines and other similar waste
`transfer components, is a potential problem in an
`AWMS that utilizes recycled lagoon or waste storage
`pond effluent for flushing. Occasional clean water
`flushes of the transfer component or addition of stru-
`vite formation inhibitors to the wastewater may be
`effective in reducing struvite buildup. If a struvite
`buildup occurs, the system may need to be cleaned
`with an acid solution.
`Proper agitation prior to transfer needs to be de-
`scribed in the AWMS plan. Agitation should be con-
`tinued long enough so that the solids in the waste,
`including those in corners and recesses, are moved
`into suspension. The plan should address the spacing
`and duration of agitation. It should also list any pre-
`cautions needed during agitation to prevent damage
`to pond liners. The consequences of inadequate agita-
`tion can be solids buildup, which can lead to difficult
`(d) Storage function operation
`Storage function components include waste storage
`ponds and structures. Storage structures include tanks
`and stacking facilities. Monitoring storage levels in re-
`lationship to the storage period is of prime importance
`in the operation of storage components.
`The AWMS plan should give target storage levels by
`date throughout the storage period. To assure that the
`facilities do not fill prematurely, these levels should
`not be exceeded. An excellent way to present this in
`the AWMS plan is to equip an impoundment type stor-
`age facility with a staff gauge so that target gauge read-
`ings versus dates are given. A stage-storage curve (fig.
`13–1) can also assist the decisionmaker in monitoring
`the storage’s filling. The stage-storage curve relates
`Figure 13–1 Stage-storage curve
`Top of embankment - elev. 309.5
`- ---,.-
`Spillway crest - elev. 308.2
`Elevation 304
`Storage (ft3 × 1,000)
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. 45, October 2011)
`Elevation (ft)
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`Chapter 13
`Operation, Maintenance, and Safety
`Part 651
`Agricultural Waste Management
`Field Handbook
`the pond’s water surface at any elevation to the pond’s
`storage at that elevation. For example, if the waste
`storage pond for figure 13–1 was measured as having
`a water surface elevation of 304 feet, it can be deter-
`mined using the stage-storage curve that the pond
`contains 12,500 cubic feet of wastewater at that eleva-
`tion. This storage can then be compared to anticipated
`storage if the pond had filled at the design filling rate.
`To illustrate comparing actual versus design filling rate
`using the stage-storage curve, say the pond illustrated
`in figure 13–1 is in its 50th day of the storage period,
`and the design filling rate is 200 cubic feet per day.
`Therefore, the target storage level for that day would
`be: 200 cubic feet per day times 50 days, or 10,000
`cubic feet plus the depth of precipitation less evapora-
`tion assumed to occur during this 50-day period.
`Using the stage-storage curve, it can be determined
`that at a storage of 10,000 cubic feet the water surface
`elevation in the pond would be 303.4. Add the assumed
`depth of precipitation less evaporation assumed for
`this 50-day period to this elevation.
`For this example, if the precipitation less evaporation
`was assumed in design to be 0.6 feet, the target fill-
`ing elevation for day 50 would be 303.4 + 0.6 = 304.0,
`which would indicate actual filling is at the assumed
`design rate. However, actual precipitation amounts
`may vary from that assumed in design. For this reason,
`actual precipitation less evaporation should also be
`evaluated. For example, if the actual precipitation is
`less than that assumed, it would mean the pond above
`is filling at a rate in excess of the 200 cubic feet per
`day. On the other hand, if the actual precipitation less
`evaporation is more, the pond is filling at a rate less
`than the 200 cubic feet per day.
`Keeping a record of the waste accumulation through-
`out the storage period is recommended. A record of
`precipitation and evaporation amounts may also be
`important in determining the source of filling.
`Storage components are generally operated so they
`are empty at the beginning of the storage period and
`are filled to or below capacity at the end. The manage-
`ment of storage components may need to be coordi-
`nated with the management of the production function
`if the rate of filling exceeds that assumed in design.
`Uncovered impoundment storage components are
`subject to storm events that prematurely fill them. The
`AWMS plan should describe a procedure for emptying
`these facilities to the extent necessary in an environ-
`mentally safe manner to provide the capacity needed
`for future storms.
`The design of liquid storage components may require
`a storage volume reserve for residual solids after the
`liquids have been removed. The amount reserved for
`this purpose depends on such things as the agitation
`before pumping and the care taken in pumping.
`(e) Treatment function operation
`Treatment components include waste treatment la-
`goons, composting, oxidation ditches, solid/liquid sep-
`aration, anaerobic digestion, and drying/dewatering.
`The treatment function reduces the polluting potential
`of the waste and facilitates further management of the
`waste. Proper operation of this function is essential if
`the desired treatment is to be achieved.
`(1) Waste treatment lagoons
`Proper operation of waste treatment lagoons includes
`maintaining proper liquid levels and assuring that the
`maximum loading rates are not exceeded. Lagoons
`are designed for an assumed loading rate. The AWMS
`plan should document the maximum loading rate and
`suggest that it be monitored to assure that it is not
`exceeded. This can be done by comparing the sources
`and amounts of waste entering the lagoon to what was
`considered in design, such as number of animals.
`Laboratory testing may be required if loading rate
`becomes a serious question. If the design loading rate
`is exceeded, the lagoon may not treat the waste as
`needed, and undesirable and offensive odors may re-
`sult. The rate of filling is important as well. If the rate
`of filling exceeds the design rate, the storage period
`is reduced, and the lagoon must be pumped more
`frequently. See 651.1301(c). The AWMS plan should
`describe a procedure for emptying part of the lagoon
`contents following a storm event that fills the lagoon
`prematurely to near its capacity to provide storage for
`future storms.
`The AWMS plan must emphasize the need to maintain
`the liquid level in anaerobic lagoons at or above the
`minimum design volume (fig. 13–2). The proper pH
`must also be maintained if the desired treatment is
`to be achieved. As such, the pH should be measured
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. 45, October 2011)
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`Chapter 13
`Operation, Maintenance, and Safety
`Part 651
`Agricultural Waste Management
`Field Handbook
`periodically. The minimum acceptable pH is about 6.5.
`If pH falls below 6.5, a pound of hydrated lime or lye
`should be added per 1,000 square feet of lagoon sur-
`face daily until the pH reaches 7.0.
`Aerobic lagoons require a design surface area and
`a depth within the range of 2 to 5 feet to effectively
`treat waste. This information must be provided in the
`AWMS plan. Mechanically aerated lagoons require
`that a minimum design volume be maintained and the
`designed amount of aeration be provided for effective
`treatment and odor reduction. The plan should rec-
`ommend that these operational aspects be carefully
`(2) Composting facilities
`Composting requires careful management to effec-
`tively treat waste. It relies on a proper blend of in-
`gredients, called the recipe, to achieve the microbial
`activity necessary to stabilize reactive constituents
`and to attain the temperature necessary to destroy
`disease-causing organisms. For this reason, the AWMS
`plan should address careful monitoring of internal
`temperatures in the compost pile. The plan should give
`the recipe and recommendations for its adjustment if
`the temperature levels are either too low or too high.
`Caution should be given to the potential for spontane-
`ous combustion. The plan must also address mixing
`requirements. See AWMFH, Chapter 10, Agricultural
`Waste Management System Component Design for a
`complete description of the management responses
`necessary for effective composting.
`(3) Solid/liquid separation
`Solid/liquid separation facilities include settling basins
`and a variety of stationary and mechanical screen-
`ing devices. Maximum and minimum allowable flow
`rates are critical for these type facilities and need to
`be documented in the AWMS plan. If the flow rate
`exceeds the rate assumed in design, the residence time
`in settling basins may not be adequate for efficient
`settling. If it exceeds the design capacity of a screen-
`ing device, its efficiency will diminish. Generally, the
`screen manufacturer’s information provides data on
`minimum and maximum flow rates. However, the deci-
`sionmaker may need to fine tune the flow rate to fit the
`consistency of waste produced.
`The frequency of cleaning out settling basins needs to
`be established by the design and documented in the
`AWMS plan. Solids sometimes adhere to screening de-
`vices and, if allowed to dry, can clog the screen. Rins-
`ing the screen following use should be emphasized in
`the AWMS plan as a way to help avoid this problem.
`(4) Oxidation ditches
`Oxidation ditches require a high level of management
`to effectively treat the waste in a safe manner. Care-
`ful attention must be given to assure that pumps and
`other equipment are operating properly and that the
`ditch is not overloaded. Velocities must be maintained
`that do not permit solids to settle and accumulate.
`Input from the designer is essential in developing the
`operational requirements for oxidation ditches.
`(5) Anaerobic digester
`Utilization involving biogas/methane production and
`recovery requires a high level of management to be
`successful. Complicating the operation of a digester
`is coordinating use of gas once it is produced. Since
`compression and storage of biogas is not practical,
`its use must generally match the energy production.
`Figure 13–2 Maintenance of minimum treatment volume
`Do not
`Minimum treatment
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. 45, October 2011)
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`Chapter 13
`Operation, Maintenance, and Safety
`Part 651
`Agricultural Waste Management
`Field Handbook
`The designer of the biogas system must be involved
`in developing the specific operational requirements.
`Co-digesting manure with other materials, such as
`food processing waste, may also introduce additional
`operational processes.
`Methane production and recovery system options
`include the covered anaerobic lagoon, complete mix
`digester, and plug flow digester. Because each oper-
`ates at a constant level and does not provide for waste
`storage, they must be operated in conjunction with
`a storage facility of some type. Operation of biogas
`components is dependent upon proper loading rate of
`waste in terms of volatile solids, total solids, and waste
`volume. As such, their loading rate must be carefully
`monitored. Some manure requires treatment, such as
`solid/liquid separation and dilution, before it enters a
`lagoon or digester. The amount of gas produced is a
`good indication of proper loading rate. If gas produc-
`tion falls off, the loading rate should be checked. Anti-
`microbial chemicals that can be inadvertently added to
`the waste stream can also affect gas production.
`(f) Utilization function operation
`and biogas generation. Land application is the most
`prevalently used method.
`The AWMS plan should establish the amount, method,
`placement, and timing of land application of agricul-
`tural wastes. The timing required should consider
`climate and stage of crop growth to maximize crop
`uptake and minimize environmental impact. Tim-
`ing should also consider the potential for premature
`germination of planted crops if the waste is applied
`too early. Testing the waste and the soil for nutrient
`content must be recommended as good practice for
`use in determining the actual rates of application. See
`appendix 13B for more information on manure testing.
`For liquid waste applied with an irrigation system, the
`plan should give sprinkler numbers, size and types of
`sprinklers, length of setting, and flow rates of waste
`and dilution water, if any. For slurry or solid wastes,
`the plan should indicate the necessity of calibrating
`spreading equipment to assure the desired rate of
`application is achieved (fig. 13–3). Appendix 13A also
`describes several methods of manure spreader calibra-
`Utilization is a function in an AWMS for the purpose
`of taking advantage of the beneficial properties of
`agricultural wastes, such as its nutrient content. Com-
`ponents of utilization are land application of nutrients
`(1) Covered anaerobic lagoon—biogas
`Operation of a covered lagoon for biogas production is
`much like that of a lagoon not associated with biogas
`production. The exceptions are that it is operated to
`Figure 13–3 Manure spreader calibration
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. 45, October 2011)
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`Chapter 13
`Operation, Maintenance, and Safety
`Part 651
`Agricultural Waste Management
`Field Handbook
`have a constant liquid level, loaded at a higher rate,
`and has a minimum hydraulic retention time.
`The inlet and outlet of the covered lagoon must remain
`free-flowing to maintain the required liquid level. The
`lagoon cover requires special attention to assure that
`methane produced is captured and directed to where it
`will be used. The cover should be periodically inspect-
`ed for accumulation of excessive rainwater, tearing,
`wear holes, and proper tensioning. Excessive rainwa-
`ter should be removed in the manner prescribed by
`the designer, usually by pumping or draining it into the
`lagoon or storage facility.
`(2) Complete mix and plug flow digesters—
`These digesters require a constant temperature within
`a narrow range of variation to produce an optimum
`amount of biogas. Temperature is maintained by a
`heating system. The digester operating temperature
`must be monitored and kept within the temperature
`range specified by the designer. If the heating system
`is not functioning properly, waste should be routed
`around the digester to the storage facility. Both digest-
`ers have a cover of some kind. Like the lagoon cover,
`they must be periodically inspected to assure they are
`in good condition and are directing the gas to the exit
`Effluent from anaerobic digesters has essentially the
`same amount of nutrients as the influent. As such, the
`O&M plan must address use of the effluent for land
`651.1302 Maintenance
`Maintenance of an AWMS includes actions that are
`taken to prevent deterioration of the system compo-
`nents, repair damage, or replace parts. Maintenance
`includes routine and recurring actions. The purpose
`of maintenance is to assure proper functioning and
`to extend the service life of AWMS components and
`The two types of maintenance required by an AWMS
`are preventive and reactive. Preventive maintenance
`involves performing regularly scheduled procedures
`such as lubricating equipment and mowing grass.
`Reactive maintenance involves performing repairs or
`rehabilitation of system components and equipment
`when they have deteriorated or cease to function prop-
`erly. Examples of reactive maintenance include repair
`of a leak in a waste storage structure and replacement
`of a badly corroded piece of pipeline.
`Essential to reactive maintenance is the discovery of
`items requiring attention before there is a serious con-
`sequence. Timely discovery can best be accomplished
`by regularly scheduled inspection of the AWMS com-
`ponents and equipment. The general maintenance and
`inspection requirements that should be considered for
`inclusion in the AWMS plan for each function of an
`AWMS are described in this section.
`Proper maintenance of equipment used in an AWMS
`is essential for continuous operation. A thorough
`inventory of each function and its related equipment
`is recommended as a way to organize what must be
`maintained. The AWMS plan should recommend ac-
`tions that will assist in the maintenance of equipment.
`An action to include would be collecting and filing
`information on equipment, such as name plate data,
`shop manuals, catalogs, drawings, and other manufac-
`turer information. Other actions to recommend:
`• Prepare checklists that give required mainte-
`nance and maintenance frequency.
`• Keep a log book of the hours each piece of
`equipment is used to assist in determining
`when maintenance should be performed.
`• Keep a replacement parts list indicating where
`the parts can be obtained.
`• Keep frequently needed replacement parts on
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. 45, October 2011)
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`Chapter 13
`Operation, Maintenance, and Safety
`Part 651
`Agricultural Waste Management
`Field Handbook
`(a) Production function maintenance
`(1) Roof gutters and downspouts
`Inspect roof gutters and downspouts during storm
`events when leaks and plugged outlets can easily be
`discovered. Maintenance items include cleaning debris
`from the gutters, unplugging outlets, repair of leaks,
`repair or replacement of damaged sections of gutters
`and downspouts, repair of gutter hangers and down-
`spout straps, and repair of protective coatings.
`(2) Diversions
`Maintenance of diversions includes, as appropriate to
`the type of construction, mowing vegetation, eliminat-
`ing weeds, repair of eroded sections, removal of debris
`and siltation deposits, and repair of concrete. Inspec-
`tions should be made on a regularly scheduled basis
`and after major storm events.
`(b) Collection function maintenance
`Maintenance requirements for the collection func-
`tion are primarily directed at mechanical equipment.
`Regularly scheduled lubrication and other preventive
`maintenance must be performed on electric motors,
`sprockets, and idle pulleys according to the manufac-
`turer’s recommendations.
`Flush systems employ pumps, valves, and mechanical
`equipment involving gear boxes, stems, and guides.
`This type equipment also needs regularly scheduled
`preventive maintenance. Broken sprockets, idle pul-
`leys, drive cables and rods, chains, and scraper blades
`must be repaired when they are seen to be damaged.
`Tractors used in collection must be regularly main-
`tained according to the manufacturer’s recommenda-
`tions. Equipment used in collection must be under
`constant surveillance to assure continuous and proper
`operation. Grates and covers on reception pits must be
`kept in place and in good condition.
`(c) Transfer function maintenance
`Components and equipment for the transfer function
`of an AWMS vary widely. Manufactured transfer equip-
`ment, such as pumps, conveyors, and tank wagons,
`should be maintained according to the manufacturer’s
`instructions. Pipelines should be inspected to assure
`that proper cover is maintained, vents are not plugged,
`valves are working properly, and inlet and outlet struc-
`tures are in good condition.
`(d) Storage function maintenance
`(1) Waste storage facilities—ponds
`Regularly scheduled inspections and timely mainte-
`nance are required for waste storage ponds because
`their failure can result in catastrophic consequences.
`The consequences of failure may affect public safety
`and environmental degradation. Inspections should fo-
`cus on and result in the repair of leaks, slope failures,
`excessive embankment settlement, eroded banks, and
`burrowing animals.
`Flow from toe and foundation drains should be in-
`spected for quantity of flow changes and for discolor-
`ation. If flows from these drains suddenly increase, it
`could mean a leak has developed. If the flow is normal-
`ly clear and suddenly becomes cloudy with silt, piping
`of the embankment could be suspected. Appurtenanc-
`es, such as liners, concrete structures, pipelines, and
`spillways, need to be inspected and repaired if found
`to be deficient. Vegetative cover should be routinely
`maintained by mowing, and weeds and woody growth
`should be eliminated. Safety features, such as fences,
`warning signs (fig. 13–4), tractor stop blocks, and res-
`cue equipment, need careful maintenance.
`Figure 13–4 Waste storage pond warning sign
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. 45, October 2011)
`Exhibit 1064
`Bazooka v. Nuhn - IPR2024-00098
`Page 13 of 57
`Chapter 13
`Operation, Maintenance, and Safety
`Part 651
`Agricultural Waste Management
`Field Handbook
`Earthen waste storage ponds should be inspected
`carefully during and after they are emptied. Generally,
`these ponds are completely emptied over a short time.
`A consequence of this drawdown may be inside bank
`failures, especially where the pond is constructed in
`heavier soils or has an imported soil liner constructed
`of heavier soils. Therefore, it is recommended that the
`pond be carefully inspected during and immediately
`after emptying. Some pond features are best inspected
`when the pond is filling or is full. For example, inspec-
`tion for toe drainage and foundation leaks is best done
`when the pond is filling or full.
`(2) Waste storage facilities—tanks
`Inspection and maintenance of waste storage tanks
`depend on the type of tank and the material used in
`construction. However, regardless of the construc-
`tion they should be inspected regularly for leaks and
`degradation. Concrete tanks should be inspected on
`a regularly scheduled basis for cracks and degrada-
`tion of the concrete. Any sudden or unexpected drop