`Natural Resources Conservation Service
`Part 651
`Agricultural Waste Management
`Field Handbook
`Chapter 11 Waste Utilization
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. ___, September 2013)
`Exhibit 1061
`Bazooka v. Nuhn - IPR2024-00098
`Page 1 of 48
`Issued September 2013
`The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination
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`Rights. USDA prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on
`the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applica-
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`to all programs.)
`To file a complaint of discrimination, complete, sign, and mail a program
`discrimination complaint form, available at any USDA office location or
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`Chapter 11
`Waste Utilization
`Part 651
`Agricultural Waste Management
`Field Handbook
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. ___, September 2013)
`Exhibit 1061
`Bazooka v. Nuhn - IPR2024-00098
`Page 2 of 48
`Chapter 11 was originally prepared and printed in 1992 under the direction
`of by James N. Krider (retired), National Environmental Engineer; Soil
`Conservation Service (SCS), now Natural Resources Conservation Service
`(NRCS). James D. Rickman (retired), Environmental Engineer, NRCS,
`Fort Worth, Texas, provided day-to-day coordination in the development of
`the handbook. Authors who made major contributions to chapter 11 in-
`cluded David C. Moffitt (retired), Environmental Engineer, NRCS; David
`J. Jones (retired), Agronomist, NRCS; and Jerry Lemunyon (retired),
`Agronomist, NRCS.
`This version was prepared under the direction of Noller Herbert, Direc-
`tor, Conservation Engineering Division (CED), Washington, DC. Revisions
`to the chapter were provided by William Boyd, Leader, National Manure
`Management Team, East National Technology Support Center, Greensboro,
`North Carolina; with reviews from Sally Bredeweg, Environmental Engi-
`neer, West National Technology Support Center, NRCS, Portland Oregon,
`and Steve Boetger, Agronomist, East National Technology Support Center,
`NRCS, Greensboro, North Carolina. It was finalized under the guidance of
`Darren Hickman, National Environmental Engineer, CED, NRCS, Washing-
`ton, DC.
`Editorial and illustrative assistance was provided by Lynn Owens, Edi-
`tor; Wendy Pierce, Illustrator; and Suzi Self, Editorial Assistant, National
`Geospatial Center of Excellence, NRCS, Fort Worth, Texas.
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. ___, September 2013)
`Exhibit 1061
`Bazooka v. Nuhn - IPR2024-00098
`Page 3 of 48
`Chapter 11
`Waste Utilization
`Part 651
`Agricultural Waste Management
`Field Handbook
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. ___, September 2013)
`Exhibit 1061
`Bazooka v. Nuhn - IPR2024-00098
`Page 4 of 48
`Chapter 11
`Waste Utilization
`651.1101 Waste consistency
`(a) Solid ................................................................................................................11–3
`(b) Semisolid .......................................................................................................11–3
`(c) Slurry ...............................................................................................................11–4
`(d) Liquid .............................................................................................................11–5
`651.1102 Land application
`(a) Conservation plan ........................................................................................11–6
`(b) Benefits of recycling ....................................................................................11–6
`(c) Application methods ....................................................................................11–6
`(d) Application management ...........................................................................11–13
`651.1103 Salinity
`651.1104 Plant nutrients
`(a) Nitrogen ........................................................................................................11–17
`(b) Phosphorus ..................................................................................................11–17
`(c) Potassium ....................................................................................................11–18
`651.1105 Nutrient management
`(a) Nutrient losses ............................................................................................11–20
`(b) Nutrient mineralization ..............................................................................11–23
`(c) Nutrient requirements ...............................................................................11–24
`(d) Nutrient accounting ...................................................................................11–25
`(e) Accounting procedure ...............................................................................11–25
`(f) Adjustments for site characteristics ........................................................11–34
`(g) Rule-of-thumb estimates ...........................................................................11–35
`651.1106 References
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. ___, September 2013)
`Exhibit 1061
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`Page 5 of 48
`Table 11–1
`Friction loss ratio, slurries versus clean water
`Table 11–2 Maximum application rate
`Table 11–3
`Reduction coefficients by percent solids
`Table 11–4
`Total salts and electrical conductivity for various
`waste material
`Table 11–5
`Percentage of nitrogen of the applied manure
`still potentially available to the soil
`Table 11–6
`Percent of original nutrient content of manure
`retained by various management systems
`Table 11–7
`Estimate of inorganic nitrogen losses to leaching
`related to the Soil Leaching Index
`Table 11–8
`Approximate N denitrification estimates for various
`Table 11–9 Manure nutrients available to the crop from repeated
`Table 11–10 Rule-of-thumb estimates of available nutrients in
`manure from dairy cows by management system
`Table 11–11 Rule-of-thumb estimates of available nutrients in
`manure from feeder swine by management system
`Table 11–12 Rule-of-thumb estimates of available nutrients in
`manure from broilers and layers by management system
`Table 11–13 Rule-of-thumb estimates of available nutrients in
`manure from feeder beef by management system
`Chapter 11
`Waste Utilization
`Part 651
`Agricultural Waste Management
`Field Handbook
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. ___, September 2013)
`Exhibit 1061
`Bazooka v. Nuhn - IPR2024-00098
`Page 6 of 48
`Figure 11–1 Relative handling characteristics of different types
`of manure and percent TS
`Figure 11–2 Gallons of water required per cubic foot of material
`for dilution to pumping consistency
`Figure 11–3 Acre inches pumped in given time at various pumping
`Figure 11–4 Removal time for various cycle times and spreader
`Figure 11–5 Waste storage pond dilution factors for resulting
`low salinity on coarse-textured soils
`Figure 11–6 Waste storage pond dilution factors for resulting
`low salinity on medium-textured soils
`Figure 11–7 Waste storage pond dilution factors for resulting
`low salinity on fine-textured soils
`Figure 11–8 Maximum annual amount of undiluted waste storage
`pond water that can be added to a coarse (C), medium
`(M), or fine-textured (F) soil
`Figure 11–9 Distribution of nutrients between feces and urine
`Figure 11–10 Example of a water budget for winter wheat
`Figure 11–11 Nitrogen transformation in the accounting procedure
`Chapter 11
`Waste Utilization
`Part 651
`Agricultural Waste Management
`Field Handbook
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. ___, September 2013)
`Exhibit 1061
`Bazooka v. Nuhn - IPR2024-00098
`Page 7 of 48
`Chapter 11
`Waste Utilization
`Part 651
`Agricultural Waste Management
`Field Handbook
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. ___, September 2013)
`Exhibit 1061
`Bazooka v. Nuhn - IPR2024-00098
`Page 8 of 48
`Chapter 11
`Waste Utilization
`Waste utilization is the recycling of the organic by-
`products of animal agriculture. The by-products
`are mostly manures, but may also include bedding,
`contaminated runoff, and animal remains. The by-
`products to be addressed may also include the by-
`products of supporting activities like wash water from
`a milking house or broken eggs from a layer operation.
`These by-products contain nutrients that can cause
`algae blooms in water bodies, organics that can have
`an excessive oxygen demand on aquatic ecosystems,
`and pathogens that can result in health problems for
`other farm animals or humans. However, they also
`have recoverable value as nutrients for plant growth,
`carbon for soil health, fiber for bedding or composites,
`and hydrogen for energy production. At a minimum,
`waste utilization returns these by-products to the en-
`vironment in a manner that does not cause harm, but
`preferably, the utilization activity should also result in
`the recovery of their residual values. It is unfortunate
`that these by-products are often called wastes because
`the by-products are not really wastes unless they are
`Most of the manures of agricultural animals are ap-
`plied to the land. Properly done, the residual nutrients
`in the manure are recycled through agricultural plants.
`This method of manure utilization is almost as old as
`agriculture itself and mimics the recycling of wild ani-
`mal feces in nature. The use of manure for crop pro-
`duction is the focus of this chapter, but there are other
`alternatives that will be briefly described. This chapter
`does not address the recycling of synthetic agricultural
`chemicals, containers, or other nonorganic by-prod-
`ucts. Also, agricultural land is often the recipient of
`many other wastes such as municipal wastewater and
`sludge, food processing waste, and waste classified
`as hazardous under the Resource Construction and
`Recovery Act. These other wastes have widely varying
`characteristics requiring special design considerations
`that are not addressed in this handbook.
`Fresh poultry manure has relatively low moisture con-
`tent, but freshly excreted manure from other livestock
`is 85 to 90 percent water. More water is often added
`from drinking water supplies and misters in an animal
`operation, wash water used in the transport and man-
`agement of the manure, and rainfall and runoff that
`passes through the animal production area. Depending
`on the level of dilution, this manure water may be used
`directly for land application and irrigation. Suspended
`solids limit the use of livestock manure water, but left
`untreated, it can be used to replace water evaporating
`from a compost operation. Simple solids settling may
`be sufficient treatment for recycled flush water used to
`remove the manure from housing facilities. Additional
`separation of fine solids may be necessary for this wa-
`ter to pass through some irrigation spray nozzles and
`filtering if it is to be used in drip irrigation. In addition
`to suspended solids, the use of livestock manure water
`may be limited by nutrients, pathogens, salts, or odors.
`Manure water can be treated and purified for use as
`drinking water for livestock and even for humans, and
`this has been done in demonstrations, but the cost of
`such treatment is usually prohibitive for commercial
`agricultural operations.
`Use of manure water in constructed wetlands falls
`peripherally under the utilization topic in that a
`constructed wetlands provides a water and nutrient
`source for aquatic vegetation associated with the wet-
`land. The primary function of wetlands used in waste
`management systems is treatment. Influent quality of
`wastewater being supplied to the wetlands should be
`checked to assure that nutrient strength is not exces-
`sive for the aquatic vegetation involved. Effluent water
`from constructed wetlands is often of high quality and
`may be recycled for other uses, such as irrigation or
`even supplemental livestock water, but the direct dis-
`charge of this effluent usually requires a State-issued
`discharge permit.
`Separated solids may be used directly as bedding as
`long as the solids are being recycled back into the op-
`eration from which they originated, and this is a com-
`mon practice for dairies. Passing these solids through
`an anaerobic digester or a composting operation will
`help suppress pathogens in solids recycled as bedding,
`which may be required if this bedding material is to be
`used on a neighboring farm. Solids from an anaerobic
`digesters work well for bedding if they are used imme-
`diately after separation or if they are fully composted.
`Partially composted solids do not make good bedding
`due to the unstable and slick nature of the solids, and
`partial composting may actually increase pathogen
`counts. Separated solids can be treated and stabilized
`for use as a soil amendment or as a substitute for peat
`in a greenhouse. The solids can be used in the produc-
`tion of degradable pots for plants or fiberboard for
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. ___, September 2013)
`Exhibit 1061
`Bazooka v. Nuhn - IPR2024-00098
`Page 9 of 48
`permanent construction. Manure solids can be pel-
`letized to enhance their value as a nutrient source for
`plants, an amendment for the soil, or a supplemental
`fuel for energy production. Fibrous organic solids
`separated from the waste stream may be used directly
`as a bulking agent and substrate for micro-organisms
`in a composting operation, and the sale of composted
`materials as nursery rooting materials or on the retail
`market makes composting a viable waste utilization
`component. Separated solids have been processed to
`produce supplemental feed for livestock, and while
`this has worked well when the feed is supplied to a
`species other than that from which the solids have
`originated, due to biosecurity concerns, this practice is
`usually discouraged or prohibited without significant
`There is a long history of using manure as a fuel and
`energy resource. Dried manure has long been used
`in small open fires for cooking and heating, and this
`practice continues today in cultures where wood and
`other fuel for fire is not readily available. The energy
`value of manure can be recovered through various
`thermochemical processes. Pelletized and dried ma-
`nure may be mixed with coal and used in co-fire plants
`that generate electricity. Poultry litter is directly used
`as a fuel in some power plants. On smaller scales,
`poultry litter can be used in specially designed ma-
`nure burners to generate heat for chicken houses. The
`concern over emissions from aerobic combustion of
`poultry litter must be addressed through management
`of the burn and proper design of the burner. This often
`involves the use of a secondary burner to completely
`consume the particulates and gasses in the emissions
`and traps to catch emission ash particulates. A system
`that includes a manure burner must consider the man-
`agement of the ash that results from the burn.
`Other thermochemical processes include gasification,
`pyrolysis, and torrefaction. These processes apply heat
`to manure under conditions where the temperature
`and levels of oxygen are controlled. The heat releases
`volatile chemicals from the organic material in the ma-
`nure. Restriction oxygen prevents consumption of the
`volatile gasses and oils so they can be captured as fuel
`for later use. These synthetic gasses are called syngas.
`The oils are heavy tar-like oils that can be further re-
`fined for use as a fuel, or otherwise used as a replace-
`ment or supplement for oils used in the manufacture
`of asphalt or other products. Under these controlled
`conditions, the burn can be stopped before all the car-
`bon is consumed. The remaining manure solids are left
`as a charcoal dust called biochar, which has potential
`as a soil amendment. Manure nitrogen is usually not
`recoverable in thermochemical processes, but phos-
`phorus and potassium are captured and concentrated
`in the biochar and ash. The biochar and ash may be
`transported great distances and applied to the land for
`use by plants. The heat leaves the ash pathogen free,
`so the phosphorus in the ash may be safely recycled as
`a feed supplement.
`Anaerobic digesters produce a biogas that contains
`about 60 percent methane. Three common types of
`anaerobic digesters are covered lagoon, plug-flow, and
`complete mix. Covered lagoon digesters are not usu-
`ally heated, and the amount of biogas they produce
`varies as the ambient temperatures vary through the
`year, producing less gas when cool and most gas when
`warm. This is can be problematic when the gas is
`used for heating. Plug-flow and complete mix digest-
`ers are typically designed to be mesophilic, meaning
`that the temperatures are maintained around 100
`degrees Fahrenheit. Digesters can be thermophilic,
`with temperatures around 130 degrees Fahrenheit,
`but these are less common in agriculture. Manure is a
`low energy but reliable and stabilizing substrate for a
`digester. A manure digester is a good base for high-en-
`ergy and more unstable organic waste like food waste.
`The biogas produced by the digesters can be purified
`and used like natural gas, or it can be used to run an
`engine-generator set that produces electricity. Manure
`nutrients are conserved in the digestion process so
`that the nutrient content of the influent is much the
`same as the nutrient content of the effluent. An anaer-
`obic digester is a way to capture energy from manure
`and retain the nutrients, too. It is a common practice
`to pass the effluent from an anaerobic digester through
`a solids separator to facilitate the management and
`handling of the effluent.
`There is much innovation in the technologies for cap-
`turing and recycling the value of manure. The energy
`capturing processes are constantly being refined and
`improved. For example, one innovative farmer cap-
`tured the heat from composting to heat the floors of
`his calf barn. Another is working on a process to use
`the nutrient-rich wastewater to grow algae for feed
`and energy use. Processes that add value to the ma-
`nure products improve their marketability. Small farms
`can still compost the manure and sell the compost as
`a soil amendment. Processes that concentrate manure
`Chapter 11
`Waste Utilization
`Part 651
`Agricultural Waste Management
`Field Handbook
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. ___, September 2013)
`Exhibit 1061
`Bazooka v. Nuhn - IPR2024-00098
`Page 10 of 48
`nutrients and stabilize it for transport are growing in
`importance in watersheds with high concentrations of
`agricultural animals. Still, with all the innovations and
`alternatives, the most common use of manure is land
`application for plant nutrients, and that is the focus of
`this chapter.
`651.1101 Waste consistency
`Wastes are classified in four categories according to
`their consistency—solid, semisolid, slurry, and liquid.
`Ruminants tend to produce manure that is of semisolid
`consistency when excreted; swine excrete manure as
`slurry; and poultry excrete manure that is a more solid
`manure. This clearly points out the need to be knowl-
`edgeable of waste consistency in terms of total solids
`(TS) to properly select waste management system
`components. Chapter 9 of this handbook presents in-
`formation about how the consistency of the waste con-
`trols how the waste is handled and how the TS content
`in the waste controls consistency. The consistency of
`manure when it is applied to the land affects the type
`of equipment used and the amount applied. Chapter 4
`of this handbook gives the moisture content of manure
`(feces and urine) as excreted; however, changes in
`consistency as moisture is added or removed must be
`taken into account in planning a waste management
`(a) Solid
`Waste with high percent TS, called solid waste, is
`produced by a wide variety of agricultural, municipal,
`and industrial operations. Animal-feeding operations,
`particularly feedlots, yield large quantities of solid
`manure that can be applied to land. Various animal
`species produce solid particles in manure that vary in
`size, shape, and sorption characteristics. As a result,
`the manure from various species takes on the nature
`of solid, slurry, or liquid at different moisture levels
`(fig. 11–1); however, in general, manure with a solids
`content of 20 percent by volume or greater can usually
`be handled as a solid. A low-moisture mix of manure,
`bedding (straw or wood chips), and waste feed is
`generally managed as a solid waste stream and trans-
`ported by box/open spreaders or dump trucks to the
`land for application.
`(b) Semisolid
`Semisolid waste has a less firm consistency than solid
`waste, and it exhibits some flowable characteristics.
`With reference to figure 11–1, TS content of semisolid
`animal manure can range from 10 to about 22 percent,
`depending on the animal species. Semisolid manure
`Chapter 11
`Waste Utilization
`Part 651
`Agricultural Waste Management
`Field Handbook
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. ___, September 2013)
`Exhibit 1061
`Bazooka v. Nuhn - IPR2024-00098
`Page 11 of 48
`generally can be transported and spread using the
`same box/open spreaders and dump trucks used for
`solid manure.
`(c) Slurry
`Slurry generally is associated with confined feeding
`operations for cattle and swine. The feces and urine
`are mixed and behave as a slurry rather than as a solid
`or a liquid. The solids content of slurry ranges from
`about 5 to 15 percent except as noted. In this range,
`manure has fluid-handling characteristics, but requires
`special pumping equipment. It can be transported by
`either tank wagon or pump and pipeline. Pump and
`pipeline are more economical for transporting large
`volumes of slurry because of the time and labor re-
`quirements for tank wagons. Slurry can be applied
`to the land by sprinklers that have large nozzles, by
`broadcasting from slurry tanks, or by injection under
`the ground surface. Because of the propensity to cause
`odors and pollute water, it is often recommended that
`slurry be incorporated immediately into the soil pro-
`Figure 11–1 Relative handling characteristics of different
`types of manure and percent TS (ASAE 1990)
`If slurry material from confined livestock facilities is
`properly agitated, it generally flows readily to a pump
`inlet. The more viscous materials are pumped into
`tank wagons by high-capacity, low-head pumps or are
`drawn in by vacuum pumps. On occasion, additional
`water is required for easier agitation and pumping.
`Swine and poultry manure with about 12 percent
`solids and cattle manure with about 7 percent solids
`can be handled by certain types of large bore irriga-
`tion equipment. Large gun-type sprinklers must be
`powered by relatively low-capacity, high-head pumps
`that have chopping blades. Swine or poultry manure
`diluted to less than 7 percent solids and cattle manure
`diluted to less than 4 percent solids can be applied
`by most irrigation equipment if the manure is free of
`fibrous material. Standard centrifugal pumps, regular
`sprinkler nozzles, or gated pipes can be used. If the
`material is distributed in graded furrows, all irrigation
`tail water should be recovered to prevent the runoff
`from polluting the surface water.
`Figure 11–2 can be used to determine the amount of
`water needed to dilute manure for a specific pumping
`consistency. For example, assume that the manure
`that is 20 percent solids must be diluted for use with a
`standard irrigation sprinkler. The desired solids con-
`tent is 4 percent. According to information in figure
`11–2, roughly 30 gallons of water are needed per cubic
`foot of manure.
`Figure 11–2 is based on the equation:
`7 48.
`eq. 11–1
`G = gallons of water required to be added to mix-
`ture per cubic foot of manure
`Po = original percent of solids in the mixture
`Pd = desired percent of solids in the mixture
`As excreted
`Important characteristics of different manure during
`storage in slurry form include:
`• Poultry manure is heavy and dense and gener-
`ally stratifies with a liquid layer forming on top.
`Beef (feeders)
`Dairy-beef cows
`Percent total solids (wet basis)
`CJ -
`Chapter 11
`Waste Utilization
`Part 651
`Agricultural Waste Management
`Field Handbook
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. ___, September 2013)
`Exhibit 1061
`Bazooka v. Nuhn - IPR2024-00098
`Page 12 of 48
`• Swine manure tends to remain in suspension;
`solids separation using short-term settling is
`often not effective.
`• Some of the solids in cattle manure settle to
`the bottom, but some of the more fibrous solids
`rise to the top and form a crust. This is particu-
`larly true if long hay or silage is fed to the cattle
`or if bedding is collected with the manure.
`(d) Liquid
`Liquid manure has solids content of 5 percent or less.
`This consistency generally is produced where manure
`is diluted by wash water, flushing water, rainfall or
`runoff, or snowmelt. A common example is the liquid
`in a waste storage pond used to store runoff from a
`feedlot or outside dairy housing. Liquids also result
`from many food processing operations and municipal
`wastewater treatment.
`Liquid manure application can be handled by any
`type of sprinkler or injection system (as long as large
`fibrous material is macerated or removed) or by flood
`irrigation methods such as furrows or borders. Waste-
`water application systems can often be combined with
`surface irrigation. Manure solids distribution, hence
`nutrients, may be uneven if flood irrigation methods
`are used because solids tend to settle out near the
`turnout. If adequate water is available for irrigation,
`the system can be designed to maximize the use of
`the manure for crop nutrients while meeting the con-
`sumptive use requirements. A screen or filter must be
`installed in the system for removal of long fibers, hair,
`and other debris before irrigation begins.
`Figure 11–2 Gallons of water required per cubic foot of material for dilution to pumping consistency
`Percent solids in m
`7 8 9 10
`60 70 80
`Gallons of water to add per cubic foot of material
`Percent solids resulting
`Chapter 11
`Waste Utilization
`Part 651
`Agricultural Waste Management
`Field Handbook
`(210–VI–AWMFH, Amend. ___, September 2013)
`Exhibit 1061
`Bazooka v. Nuhn - IPR2024-00098
`Page 13 of 48
`651.1102 Land application
`This section describes how manure can be applied to
`land to use nutrients for crop production while mini-
`mizing negative water quality impacts.
`(a) Conservation plan
`Land application of agricultural waste for crop pro-
`duction requires careful planning. Conservation plans
`developed for animal-feeding operations should in-
`clude a plan for agricultural manure management and
`must address the overall nutrient management require-
`ments for the farm or ranch operation. The nutrients
`in the manure to be land applied must be accounted
`for in the nutrient management plan for the farming
`operation. Realistic crop yield goals that recognize
`soil limitations must be established. The conservation
`plan must provide a fertility program that balances the
`nutrient application among all sources—manure, crop
`residue, soil minerals, commercial fertilizer, irrigation
`water, and nitrogen fixing plants. The plan should also
`include the land treatment necessary to control ero-
`sion on lands where manure is to be applied. Chapter
`2 of this handbook gives details of the planning consid-
`erations. The goal of the manure management portion
`of the conservation plan should be to recycle nutrients
`in the manure as fertilizer in amounts that can be used
`by the crop without degrading the environment.
`(b) Benefits of recycling
`The most obvious benefit of recycling manure to the
`land is the fertilizer value. The return of the nutrients
`to agricultural land saves money that would otherwise
`be spent for commercial fertilizer. It also saves the
`energy required to produce and transport chemical fer-
`tilizers. It takes about 40,000 cubic feet of natural gas
`to produce a ton of commercial nitrogen fertilizer. Us-
`ing manure as a replacement for commercial fertilizer
`could be considered an energy conservation practice.
`Manure application for nutrient also saves the raw ma-
`terials mined to produce chemical fertilizers. Other on-
`farm benefits result from land application of manure.
`Manure can be used to add organic matter to the soil,
`which improves soil structure, infiltration, and tilth.
`This is enhanced by the use of conservation cover
`crops following manure applications. Soil erosion is
`controlled, and the moisture holding capacity is in-
`creased. Many farmers report that the fields on which
`manure has been applied always seem more loose
`and moist. Another benefit is that phosphorus and the
`organic part of the nitrogen are released slowly from
`the manure by the action of micro-organisms, mak-
`ing them available to crops throughout the growing
`season. A disadvantage common to other plant nutri-
`ent sources is that the nutrient release rate generally
`cannot be controlled.
`Off-farm benefits also accrue. Properly applying ma-
`nure reduces the potential of overenrichment of lakes
`and streams and also decreases the possibility of
`groundwater contamination.
`(c) Application methods
`The land application method should be based on the
`type and consistency of manure available, manage-
`ment of the confined animal operation (including
`manure management system), physical features of
`the farm, operator preferences and capabilities, and
`availability of labor. Generally, several management
`alternatives are available. Manure application methods
`can be broadly categorized into two groups—pumped
`and hauled. The travel distances and application rates
`achievable with the application equipment must be ad-
`dressed in preparing nutrient management plans and
`planning waste management systems.
`Incorporating manure into the soil as soon as possible
`will reduce the level of odors, slow the loss of nitrogen
`through volatilization, and remove the phosphorus
`from the surface where it may have been easily erod-
`ed. Without care, however, incorporation may cause
`more problems than it solves. Incorporation disturbs
`the soil surface, degrades soil structure, and reduces
`the biological activity in the soil ecosystem. A dis-
`turbed soil is more prone to erosion, and soil particles
`that are removed from the field take the nutrients
`attached to them. As soil structure is destroyed, the
`infiltration rate decreases, making it more difficult for
`nutrients on the surface to move into the soil profile.
`An active, viable functioning biological community in
`the soil has the ability to buffer and retain nutrients,
`holding them in place until they are used by the plant,
`increasing nutrient use efficiency. Earthworms, dung